#im gonna be wearing this in mexico in april lol
In a crazy twist, I have purchased. a dress. For the wedding
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angel-nero · 6 years
tagged by @zaevran, thanks tamiiiii
i tag: @glaspaladin @sshiros @pureren @saltyshiro @flusteredkeith @stargazershiro @otasucc @phaltu @kerberosheith @z-ayauitl @shirogaenes @mongoose-bite @lionpilots @omgsheith @nayuhs @allura-hime @bathorized only if u want!
1. What is the favourite item of clothing you own?
it used to be a pair of black ankle boots but my bunny bit them :( then a bowie shirt that im wearing rn akdsd and one green bomber jacket, one black i bought in the depeche mode concert akjsdhjsd and crop top pink hoodie
2. Tell me about the first time you watched your favourite movie?
i was so deppresed and thats the reason i related to it lol! 
3. What was the last book you finished?
i can’t remember, i dont know how to read
4. What is the next book you want to read?
some art one or architecture one
5. When is your birthday, and what do you want for it this year? (If your birthday has already happened this year, did you get what you had your heart set on?)
eeeh, my birthday is april 11th and my mom is gonna come visit to make me chilaquiles and invite the family i have in this city kdhsfjskh i have uni so none of my friends will be available... i just .. wanna have a nice day aklsjhsd the weekend is probaby gonna be full so i hope to have fun. i wish i could get a lap top or ipad to draw but dont think i will lmfao
6. If you were given one month and $10,000, where would you travel to?
i dont know what can i do w that money but i wanna go to argentina and colombia and since cuba is close to mexico there too maybe?
7. Cake or pie?
8. Name 3 things you think you’re really good at.
im not REALLY good at anything ajkshjd
9. Name 3 things you’d like to be better at.
1. drawing 2. learning 3. being more friendly?
10. Name 3 far-fetched dreams you’d like to do someday.
1. doing something related to my career that is GOOD and something art related
2. learn to do tattoos for if i ever bail my life
3. learn german and if possible more languages 
11. If you had to dye your hair, what colour would you dye it?
ombre? gradient? w pale pink, lilac, silver or mint lmao
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