#im gonna put her in my pocket
sprinedankle · 5 months
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i am done with julien baker
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wndaswife · 1 year
baby !! :”) 💖💖
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
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bedtime stories :)
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vongulli · 1 year
I'm not sure if I've ever sent this to you before, but I drew Silvie (Or Sylvie? IM SORRY I LOVE HER SO MUCH BUT I FORGET SO OFTEN,,,)
I also drew Bouquet but the paper she was on got crumpled up :|
I love Sylvie!! Shes very pretty and her color scheme goes so well with her design!!! Dont mind the rant im sorry-
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WHAAA THIS IS SO CUTE OMG THANK YOU!!??!?!? ITS SYLVIEE AWWWWW.. 😭😭😭!!!!! I LOVE IT AHHH!!! thank you for making new years eve even better!!! thank you for enjoying her!! She's one of my ocs i hold very near and dear to my heart haha!!
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morgeysplace · 1 year
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Mako I love yooouuuuu
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Yall know what does mean cuz there's no way the creator just putted the shoes there for nothing THEY GOTTA MEAN SOMETHING
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th3crvftz · 3 months
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“no one will ever love me like you again.”
I am in love with her.
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endious · 1 year
WOW my day gets worse when i thought it was better !!
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steinfellds · 1 year
i was speaking to my friend about how i think i have rib cage flare (one of my ribs are very obviously bigger than normal) and she responds “maybe it’s because you barely fucking eat and you’re just too skinny.”
im sorry??? where did the audacity come from
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So I've been ruminating on my canon protagonist for DA4 and decided to answer the same oc asks as my other canon protags, so here we go! As always, link is below;
Leya (Dwarf Warrior)
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1. Leya really likes her name! She also loves it when people make cute nicknames with it, especially if they're creative since it's such a short name.
2. The first thing a person would notice about Leya would be her vitiligo. She has generalised segmental vitiligo, that covers both eyes and parts of her face in an asymmetrical way, and then moves down her neck and disappears under the left side of her collar.
3. Her social and private personality rarely differ actually! She's cheerful, sunny and optimistic, and friendly to a fault, and in private she's just as positive. She doesn't really like being alone though, and when she is for long durations of time, she can get melancholy.
4. Ooh gosh, Leya falls in love very easily, but has never had a relationship that worked out long term. But when she is around her crush? She's giggly, attentive and doesn't hesitate to express her feelings towards that person (if she feels they would be comfortable with it of course).
5. Someone break the news to her that she should never play card games with money on the line! She has a very obvious tell when she lies- she fiddles with a piece of jewellery, usually her nose ring.
6. Other than her natural one (soaps and flour, she does plenty of cooking/baking), she usually smells of her moisturising balm- hibiscus and coconut! I imagine her liking soothing smells most of the time, switching up with something more citrus-y now and then.
7. Leya has hair somewhere between 3c and 4a hair texture- she usually has her hair in many long and thick braids that is usually half pulled up to keep her hair out of her face.
8. She likes to wear a lot of jewellery, but her most distinguishing piece is her gold nose ring. She often wears multiple earrings, large and small and often has a couple of necklaces on her- but she doesn't wear any rings if she can help it!
9. I feel like Leya is the kind of person to overuse the word 'amazing' or 'fantastic' to be honest! Just everything is amazing or fantastic like c'mon girl use another descriptor.
10. I absolutely adore the idea of her snorting when she laughs properly. She's shy about it and usually tames her laughs to giggles, but if you get her laughing for real she can't stop snorting and it only makes everything funnier.
11. Leya looks absolutely gorgeous in turquoise!! Anything on the blue-green scale just looks stunning on her.
12. Platonically? She shows her affection to her friends by being very encouraging, complimentary, and will offer them hugs for days! She's the heart-on-her-sleeve kind of person. With her lover? My god she's a damn cuddle bug. On top of all her compliments, she shows her affection very physically- hand holding, holding each other, playing with their hair, face stroking, the works.
13. She is certainly very capable of making strong, consistent eye contact, but she doesn't like the idea of making someone uncomfortable with it so she wants to check if someone doesn't mind it first.
14. Leya has inherited her mother's dark grey eyes, but little else haha! She is the spitting image of her father, from her nose to her smile, and seems to have inherited his (ex)sunny disposition too. She is the eldest of six, and out of all of the children she takes after her father the most, with her youngest sister looking like she'll take after their mother the most.
15. Leya's greatest strength is for sure their optimisim- they have been able to get through all the tribulations in her life with it, and it was a strength she needed when she had to look after her younger siblings after their mother passed away in an accident. But I'd say it is also connected to her greatest weakness, in which she trusts far too easily and it has burned her over and over.
16. The death of her mother and the subsequent absence of her father when she was young (around 17) has definitely shaped her outlook on life- she needed to be a strong, positive force in her sibling's lives and essentially fill the roll of both parents for them. This has meant that while she understands that life is not fair to the kind, she needs to be kind nonetheless and be a good role model for others.
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p2ii · 11 months
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I lost my Nya Lego fig
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gommyworm · 1 year
#nothing like talking to my mom to make me completely unravel and reconsider every one of my life choices 🫠#casual cry at work bc i dont know what to do with my life and i have no goals and i will never be well enough off to satisfy my mom looool#like i know shes scared bc we grew up super poor n she struggled to get where we are now massively but like#why do i need to make 200k to make her happy lol#like im making a decent salary at my full time job and i want to pursue more school so i can expand my horizons and look into diff careers#bc i find my job boring ! altho im very thankful for it !#but i dont wanna do this for the rest of my life !!!! id literally rather be dead than sit at a desk writing emails for 40 years !!!!!#i was talking to her about going back to my uni and making my minor into a major so i can get a secdon degree#since i already took the majority of the courses i can finish the second degree in 1 year ! i already planned out all the courses n stuff!#but shes like what do u want to do with that why are u wasting ur time doing things that wont put more money in ur pocket#im gonna be applying for my masters this year anyway so i was like might as well do something entertaining with the next year#get a degree out of it n all and then hopefully attend my masters program the next year ? like isnt that cool and impressive or whatever ?#its for my ego ! it makes me feel like im progressing rather than staying stagnant at my job i dont like !#but she just wants me to make more money lmao like i know moneys tight and its hard n everything#eugh#and shes like increasing the mortgage payments bc she qants to pay the house off asap but making our monthly bills cost more#so it always feels like were one step away from being in a hole we cant get ourselves out of#like why is my entire life focused on making money and supporting a famkly rn lmao im 25 and ive barely been able to live#i judt want to do soem things for myself ! make myself feel good about myself !!!#im sureounded by stem people with nice jobs and good degrees !! all these 22 year olds with masters under their belts and im stuck !!!!#boring and useless and havent lived up to any potential lol im so tired of my stupid inferiority complex i just want to feel like#an interesting and accomplished person like everyone expected me to be !!! especially myself !!!!#this fucking sucks#looking at law school applications again#might try to do an lsat in september or something ig#gommywords
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adrienneleclerc · 1 month
hi! i loved Drive Thru Test and i was wondering if you'd actually write charles calling y/n his girlfriend and then her not wearing the ring. i think that would just be really funny and he'd be so cute whining. im not trying to rush you and I'd be happy to wait for the fic!
Hi! Yes, it would be very funny because i don’t think Charles realizes that he proposed to a Drama Queen. I don’t know if it turned out like you wanted it to but I really hope you like it!
Fiancé Girlfriend
Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: After a month of being engaged, Charles isn’t used to calling Y/N his fiancé, and accidentally calls her his girlfriend AGAIN. Y/N being true to her words, decides to stop wearing her ring.
Warning: the usual spelling and grammatical errors, VERY bad photoshop.
A/N: I am on my period and it SUCKS, i haven’t been able to get much sleep sadly and i really want chocolate and there’s no chocolate in my house 😩 also, if I were to ever give Charles and Y/N a dog in my fanfics, it will not be Leo since he is a Saint Mleux as well, not just a Leclerc
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(His face when he realized he messed up)
Y/N was in the paddock at the Monaco Grand Prix, she had to be there for Charles’s home race. She was happy she did, Charles got P1, Max P2, and Lando P3. Charles kissed her when he got out of the car, she saw his podium ceremony, literally the best GP she’s been to, nothing could mess up her mood. She was in the hospitality snacking on whatever they were offering her while watching the post race interview on the TV and something happened.
“So Charles, we saw you kissing Y/N after your big Home Race win, how long have you guys been together?” The interviewer asked.
“Yes, my girlfriend and I have been together for 5 years.” Charles said and his eyes widened. Max and Lando were also looking at him like ‘ooh, she’s gonna kill you’ “Wait, no, that’s not what I meant..” Charles started but the interviewer ignored him and started asking Max and Lando questions.
Y/N was in shock, how dare Charles call we his girlfriend on live television. So Y/N did what any normal person would do, she took off her ring and placed it securely in the inside pocket of her purse.
Charles in the other hand was panicking after the interview.
“Okay, try not to panic.” Lando said.
“That ship has sailed, Lando. I’m panicking, I’m fucking panicking!” Charles was paving around the room.
“There’s probably a good chance she didn’t see the post race interview.” Lando said.
“And if she did? I already called her my girlfriend once, you know what she said she would do if I do it again? Take off her ring.” Charles said.
“Maybe she was bluffing, she wouldn’t actually go through with that, she loves you too much. I have never seen a couple love each other so much.” Max said and Charles smiled.
“You’re right, Max, she loves me, she’d never take off the ring.” Charles said. He left the room to go to the hospitality and saw Y/N eating fries. “Mon ange! Did you see the interview?”
“Muñeco! Yes I did.” Y/N said.
“I am so sorry, I really am.” Charles takes Y/N’s hand in his and noticed something was missing. “Mon ange, where’s your ring?”
“What ring, muñeco?” Y/N asked, feigning innocence.
“Your ring, your engagement ring, where is it?” Charles asked.
“Charles, I don’t know what you are talking about, why would I have a ring? It’s not like I’m your fiancé or anything, I’m just your girlfriend.” Y/N said and Charles pouted.
“I’m sorry! I swear I am so very sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Charles begged for forgiveness.
“Let’s go home, muñeco, can we order in?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah sure, anything you want, mon coeur.” Charles said. They were walked to the car and as soon as they got in, Charles expected Y/N to put her ring back on since they are not ‘in public’ anymore but she didn’t, the ring was still off. “So mon ange, have you been thinking about when would you want the wedding?”
“Wedding? What wedding? We’re not even engaged, Charles.” Y/N said. You know the saying ‘if they go low, I go lower’? Y/N is going as low as the depths of hell for a slip of the tongue.
“Mon ange, is not funny anymore.” Charles whined.
“Did you order food?” Y/N asked.
“Yes I did, we’re picking it up.” Charles said.
“Cool.” Y/N said.
The drive to the restaurant and back home was silent.
“Okay, we’re back home now.” Charles said as they entered the apartment.
“Yes muñeco, Im aware.” Y/N said but she still didn’t put her ring back on.
“Mon ange please wear your ring.” Charles begged, wrapping his arms around her waist, her back to his chest. “Please, I promise to announce our engagement on Instagram.” Charles kisses her neck. “Please just wear the ring, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you are the best fiancé a man could ever have.” Charles whispered in her ear as he places little neck kisses.
Y/N turned around and saw Charles pouring with teary eyes and she felt her heart melt.
“Aw muñeco, okay, I’ll wear my ring. But promise the whole world will know we are engaged. I love that you want your friends and family to know first, but it hurts me when you still call me your girlfriend.” Y/N said and Charles kisses her forehead.
“I know, mon ange. We’re going to let the whole world know that you’re my fiancé.” Charles kissed her passionately.
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Liked by pierregasly and 830,659 others
charles_leclerc after years of dating, I proposed to the love of my life on our 5th anniversary. I love her so much, I am thankful for having her in my life. We have been engaged for a month and I am so happy that I get to call her my fiancé, the future Mrs. Leclerc, I love you 😘.
View all 9,235 comments
landonorris happy for you mate, so glad she didn’t kill you
charles_leclerc you and be both 😳
maxverstappen1 happy for you mate!
carlossainz55 congratulations, cabrón! I expect invite to the wedding
yourusername aww, muñeco, I love you too, I can’t wait to be Mrs. Leclerc 🥹
francisca.cgomes let me be a bridesmaid!
yourusername you’re maid of honor!
user45 no wonder Charles looked nervous after his pst race interview
yourusername posted a story
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charles_leclerc replied
Can’t wait to be your husband 😘
The End
Hope y’all liked it! It was a little short but fun to write!
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blkwag · 1 year
excuse me
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
wisdom teeth
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words: 1.1k
warnings: dentist, blood
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
“ma’am?” the voice rings through the waiting area. your head shoots up, realizing that she must be talking to you.
“hi, how is he?” you question, slinging your purse over your shoulder and pocketing your phone.
“the procedure went completely fine. we are trying to place the gauze in his mouth now but he keeps insisting on seeing you.” the receptionist says, a slight blush to her cheeks.
“oh!” you say, eyebrows raising. 
“follow me, please.” she says, leading you back further into the building.
“he’s being quite rowdy, isn’t he?” you ask, able to hear through the shut door the incessant questions, asking where you are, asking why you aren’t with him.
“some patient react differently to the anesthesia. it’s nothing we haven’t seen before, so don’t be embarrassed, doll.” the receptionist assures you, opening the door and letting you into the post op room.
“baby! there’s my baby!” rafe says, his hair a mess over his forehead, blood dry and crusted on his chin.
“hey, rafey.” you say calmly, hoping your relaxed attitude will influence him to calm down. “i’m right here, honey.”
you cross to his bed, glancing briefly at the dental assistants, one who looks annoyed that their clean up is taking so long, but the other gives you a sweet smile.
“you’re so pretty.” rafe slurs. “i love you.”
“i love you too, honey.” you coo, taking his hand, still slightly limp, in yours. “you have to let the nice women help you though. they’re here to clean you up for me.”
“you gonna kiss me when im all clean?” rafe asks, his lower lip pouting out.
you nod. “gently though, baby.”
“what did they do to me?” rafe questions, now sitting still as the nurses wipe away the blood on his chin.
“they just took your wisdom teeth out. they were hurting you but you’ll feel all better now.” you explain softly, petting his hand and arm to calm him as the nurses continue to rub at the dried mess.
“open your mouth.” the mean looking nurse says, her voice too stern for your liking, but before you can speak up, rafe turns to her, a look of fury in his eyes.
“i will not open my mouth for you. i only do what my baby tells me to do, so fuck off.” “rafe, oh my god!” you shout as the sweet nurse cracks up. “watch your language.” “i’m sorry, but this girl was trying to flirt with me! she wanted me to open my mouth for her, can you believe that?” rafe asks, his eyes flickering between looking softly at you and glaring at the assistant.
“they just want to put some gauze in your mouth. open up and let them, sweetie.” “fine.” rafe hums, his brow scrunched together as he turns back to the nurse. “i will because my baby asked me to, not for you.”
you shake your head but smile when rafe opens his mouth, allowing them to finish cleaning up. you stay next to his bed, holding his hand firmly in yours.
“can i be alone with my baby now?” he asks them as the nice assistant tells rafe he can close his mouth now.
“we recommend waiting at least a half hour until the anesthesia wears off a bit more before trying to get him out to the car. we can leave you two in here, but try not to let him talk too much, it’s only going to cause his mouth to bleed more.” “that’ll be hard, but i’ll try. thank you.” you nod to them as they leave the room.
“rafey, be quiet for me, okay baby?” you tell him, sitting down on the side of the bed, stroking your hand through his hair to smooth it out over his forehead, back in its proper place on either side of his part.
“but i want to tell you how beautiful you are and how much i love you and how much i wanna marry you one day and how much i lov-” “thank you, rafe.” you cut him off. “you can tell me all that real soon, but for now you have to be quiet so your mouth can heal, mmkay?”
“fine, i’ll stop talking. but you did promise me a kiss.” rafe says, and then dramatically shuts his mouth before puckering his lips.
“a gentle one.” you remind him, leaning forward and pressing your lips as softly as you can against his, putting your hands on his chest to stop rafe from leaning forward and deepening the kiss.
you pull away, but before rafe can open his mouth to complain, you kiss along his cheeks, then forehead, covering his face in soft presses of your lips to keep him happy and calm.
you tuck your chin into the crook between his shoulder and neck, stroking your hand over his chest as you cuddle up to him. “i’ll talk to you to keep you entertained, yeah?” rafe nods, nuzzling into your hair. you begin to whisper stories into his ear, anything you can remember to pass the time. tales your mother told you when you were little, or recapping movies that you’ve watched enough times to remember the plot clearly.
theres a knock on the door as you straighten up, calling out for the assistant to come in. she enters the room with a wheelchair. “time to go!” “yes.” rafe says, pumping his fist in excitement. “did you here that baby? its time to go.”
“i did, rafey. remember we are supposed to be quiet though.”
“thats right.” rafe nods. “im letting my mouth heal.”
the nurse laughs gently, wheeling the chair towards the bed. rafe is able to get into it pretty much without your help, but sends the assistant a glare when she tries to push the wheelchair.
“you’re gonna take me someplace without my baby again?”
“no, honey, she’s just helping us get to the car. and then i’m gonna take you home.” you explain softly, moving to walk ahead of the wheelchair so rafe can keep you in his sight.
“we live together?” rafe asks as you help him into the passenger side seat of the car.
“we do.” you remind him, taking the buckle and strapping it across his chest. you thank the assistant, who tells you again what rafe can and can’t do over the next 24 hours, before bidding you both farewell. 
you carefully shut rafes door before rounding the other side of the car. you lean over to press a kiss to his cheek before putting the car into drive, thankful that its a short way home so you can get rafe laying and relaxing again soon.
you click the radio on, but rafe frowns and shuts it off. 
“whats wrong baby?” you question. “don’t want to listen to music?” “no.” rafe shakes his head, an adorable pout on his lips. “i want to hear more of your stories.”
you let out a soft laugh before conceding. “of course baby.”
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brunetttebaby · 4 months
okay but pervy abby with a sweet, naive reader who doesn’t know what she does to her :(
im horny asf right now; this may be slightly self indulgent.
you walk around in pretty little frilly skirts, fully unaware that abby stands behind you, admiring how pretty your ass looks:((
she always sneaks into your room when you’re in the bathroom, digging in your dirty clothes to find a pair of used panties, putting them in her pocket for safe keeping !!
later that night, she watches you fill your sweet cunny with your small fingers; bringing your panties to her nose, her fingers teasing her clit through her boxers. god, was she thankful your window faced hers 𝜗𝜚
she did this for months, and you never seemed to notice how slowly but surely, all your panties would go missing! >:( you’d complain to her about the problem, and she’d pretend she didn’t know what she was doing !!
during hot summer days, she’d sit outside with you, filling your tight hole(s) with her thick fingers. you’d whimper and whine, squirming n sayin’ “it’s too much, abs! can’t take it!!”
“aw, yes you can, my pretty little slut. i’ve seen you take your own; baby.”
you, too fucked to ask what she meant by that, arched your back as she played with your nipples. her goal was to be the first to make you squirt, fucking you sooooo deep !!
you gush around her fingers, yelping and squealing. oh god, you squeezed her so tight. “fuck, baby. gonna take my fingers off clean, hm?”
she brought her fingers to her mouth after guiding you through your high, cooing and rubbing your clit sweetly. you tasted so good, she couldn’t help it !!
after all, you’d be her pretty slut forever. 𝜗𝜚
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