#im gonna throw up im glad its not like TOTAL show rot!!
rexscanonwife ยท 5 months
URROOGGHH my partner and I have been trying to get through the final season of ppg and tbh I expected it to be a trash fire but it's actually not that bad!
And its been giving us BOTH some...au fodder >//>
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Alex Laughlin: ah man! She bought a dump!!
"let me tell you something, I didn't buy anything" I whisper in his ear, "he did, he bought me one"
"Oh he bought you a dump! It sounds way less romantic when I say you bought it!"
"He bought me 5"
"What are you gonna do with 5 houses!?!?! Oh wait remember, I must, they're Dumps"
"He's also gonna buy me a multi-million dollar mansion"
"WHY? you have 5 row houses in Detroit!!"
"Because there's no elevator how am I going live in those dumps? I need a ground level dump and one dump purchase per customer, sir"
"That ain't the rule"
"Is it really?"
"Do I look like I know? No I don't fucking know. Google."
He laughs, "sometimes I don't know why I don't hate you"
You know a man loves you when he says "baby don't look at prices, okay baby? Promise? $2M isn't too much for a house So look for more higher prices okay baby?"
Then the next day buys you a graffiti on $10k dump
I did promise and I did look at all kinds but he is cheap... He don't like to spend more than $4M in a house. His brother however will plop $10M on any random ole thing.
But the houses we both really like are only $2M... I found one for $1.2M so I'm all babe we gotta cover the pool in a glass house with stained glass pictures like the Cistine Chapel so when we are floating around we get all kinds of wow and it's so beautiful! I really don't like outdoor pools because I don't like sunburns. And I don't sunscreen
Jesse: babe you didn't tell me the Cistine Chapel
Me: well what are we gonna have? Your brother on a motorcycle?!?
Jesse other: you know his name is really Brian ... I'm Really getting a good idea. You know my pool is uncovered and Sabrina said it (his $11M mansion) is gonna be like Elvis' for Motocyles if I okay my cards right... So you know what I'm thinking
Me: you know all your names are Jesse... That'd be bad ass.
Brian: really you didn't tell me the Cistine Chapel
Me: you did the birth of Venus... That's so Beautiful. I have that in the hall bathroom
Brian: you said we can swim nude on schedule
Rock of Kidd Rock: hold on Sabrina said you all can swim nude as long as you're not together? Does it have a hot tub? If so I'm not going
Me: he lies. So no. Not in the pool house but there's supposed to be one outside the master bedroom in one house we're looking at... But Idk. We haven't decided yet fully... Why Because there is one with PALM trees.., then there was one Idk if it had a hot tub but it had this sitting section with a circular table. Babe were gonna have to get him over of those portable hot tubs that like Denise bought so we can take it apart and bleach it when he comes over
Declan: hey!!! Get I get my own hot tub in my room?
Me: put down tile.
Declan: wait.. What?
Me: you'll have to put down a tile. Like a Spanish tile.
Declan: I thought she was gonna say no
Me: you gotta do all the work yourself
Declan: drat I knew that's what she meant
Me: but there is so much room in the gardens you can find a private place and put up some pretty hippie panels
Declan: I don't like hippie I like death
Me: then you can paint them black with pagan signs with glitter and Rocky horror picture show lips and scare off the neighbors
Declan: I don't like glitter blech
Me: babe do you like glitter? They always out number me Declan and Annabelle
Brian: I love glitter especially on pagan symbols in the multi-million dollar yard I paid for.
Declan: now Who is paying for this hot tub in the yard with my personal privacy??
Me: dude Idk I'm on food stamps
Brian: we will look at them later.
Me: how big do you want it? How many people?
Declan: i just want jets for Annie's back cause she has scoliosis and i know it hurt her.
Jesse: how she get you to agree to glitter? She bat her eye lashes at you or something?
Brian: i like glitter, ass hole.
Me: you want a hippie mandela like sheet covering for the top?
Declan: no it will shred
Brian: what the Hell do you plan on doing over there?!
Declan: no i Mean get one made for outdoor and yeah i want a roof top covering
Me: okay i see ya kid. What color?
Declan: any. Red. I want red.
Brian: Idk what Declan has planned it sounds bad
Me: just be glad I kept it off the goat heads
Declan: hey!
Me: nothing. I mean yes? What?
Declan: do i need 3? Panels?
Me: i was thinking two So it blocks your kitchen view
Declan: can i get palm trees? Like 4 foot?
Me: yeah.
Declan: and how am I supposed to get in? I don't want a gate..
Me: a weighted curtain... I know you don't want it to blow
Declan: so can i get a glass door? Or i know an archway and a door. Then. Out of medieval wood. Probably some wood we get from the dump
Me: you can have it all medieval. Wood with leather straps or black metal..sounds easy then you want each panel to arch?
Declan: what about the roof? Can i get a solid one?
Me: what if we made it So you had to climb from your window to get into it?
Declan: what?! That would be so bad ass!!
Me: he wants a solid roof
Brian: yeah that's fine...
Me: I'm thinking medieval doesn't have perfect seams and leaves gaps for uneven cuts
Declan: yeah that's fine for the Sun!
Me: we will see because the sun is harsh you'll need a uv screen or sunscreen
Declan: sun screen for the outside.
Me: I wonder if you have more than one door... Because there is another door that could open to it on a different part of the house which would then only need two more walls and a roof...
Declan: but then I'll be a space invader
Me: kid's hot tub and adult hot tub
Declan: im old already
Me: not if we're paying for Yoir food and rent -- i mean he
Declan: gotcha loop hole! Are yoh sure ? Tho?
Me: uh huh. Shy one its fine.
Brian: but we will look. She will put a medieval gate that requests a key.
Declan: busted! Over protective mother!
Me: it was one of the few things that bugged me and I know would bug her then the cats csn go out that way which she likes... So it would be perfect actually.
Declan: busted! Moms too smart!
Brian: she is smart!
Me: we just have to check about the humidity about locking it in for mold and rot
Jesse: she even beats me.
Me: or we will need a little spacing then a uv covering probably on the inside so it doesn't shred but something yall pick. Bit I totally get the anti weather.
Brian: were gonna do that to ours?
Me: sure if you want
Brian: fuck yeah!!
Kid rock: what about mine?
Me: well just line the pick up truck with plastic and fill it with water and throw a horses water heater in there. Drive ya around town.
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