rexscanonwife · 5 months
URROOGGHH my partner and I have been trying to get through the final season of ppg and tbh I expected it to be a trash fire but it's actually not that bad!
And its been giving us BOTH some...au fodder >//>
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Interior design ref! Also, the poor household staff lol.
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What do you call this creature
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A tiny Barhai spotted!
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I am fond of Bahman, but he does admittedly harbor some uh, hm, Old-Fashioned™ sentiments and attitudes, see how he describes Team Arslan. Narsus did talk back to the king yes but like he was frustrated after his (good!) work was constantly being obstructed, Daryun can be stubborn yes but so can the older folk he ain't special in that regard, etc etc. Aside from the bond he shared with Hilmes, it is clear here that he does put stock in stuff like status and bloodlines (and obedience to the monarch) and that's why Arslan's lack of royal blood shook him to this extent.
I am sympathetic of him but it is interesting to examine his flaws like this.
Kinda interesting that he described Khuzestan as “the countryside”— the impression based on this discussion I got was kinda rural but not exactly remote or backwater so hmm.
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Narsus is watching over the training and I'm just fond of this because does he strictly need to? Back when Arslan was training with Vahriz it's not like his other tutors felt the need to supervise him like that— but Narsus is, and perhaps he wanted to tell Arslan something and decided to wait here until he finished his training or something, but that isn't the impression I got from this chapter, he didn't seem like he was in a particular hurry to tell Arslan something.
In conclusion: He Dad™.
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No comment, I just really like this part and I'm forcing y'all to appreciate it.
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Getting ready to journey again! Not much to say in this scene except Hilmes please calm down a little bit. It is kinda funny that he has faith in Daryun and Narsus, lol, though if anybody were to point it out to his face I'm sure he'd get mad.
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Oooookay. Mahendra. Another character I feel bad for, but also hm.
This moment kinda stood out to me during this reread— because my first thought upon reading this scene again was “ain't it your job to, uh, point this out to your charge/liege, my dude?” because that's what an advisor should be, isn't it? Try to steer your lord to a more appropriate conduct and path. Gadhevi acts so entitled and ignorant and arrogant, I assume his upbringing had to do with that and while we don't get much in terms of backstory or how the Sindhuran princes grew up and how much of a role Mahendra could've possibly played in it, we do get a small tidbit from the novels that apparently they used to play together, the half-brothers and Salima (Jaswant was present as well), so Mahendra could've had a part in Gadhevi's upbringing and he... didn't thought to interfere earlier? Just... went along with it passively? Dude?????
Maybe I'm being too harsh on him, maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I couldn't help but fixate on it this time around, he doesn't voice his concerns, he doesn't try to rein Gadhevi in, he's just going along with it and that doesn't bode very well. What if Gadhevi were to ascend the throne and makes for a horrible king with this sort of attitude? What then?? What kind of country does Mahendra want to see?
I suppose this is sort of a common attitude among royal retainers, be unquestionably loyal to your monarch and support them. That's it. That's what Andragoras probably demands of his subjects, that's kinda sorta also reflected in Team Hilmes a little bit (though Hilmes allows himself to be advised and actually values his men unlike fucking Gadhevi), even somewhat in Rajendra which we'll see in a future scene.
Narsus and Arslan's dynamic however, is different.
Arslan is smart and has a good heart, but he is inexperienced and Narsus recognizes this, and he takes every opportunity he can to teach Arslan better. Make better decisions, shut down potentially harmful assumptions, all around he's interested in shaping Arslan to be a good ruler in his own right. He's a dedicated mentor.
I feel for Mahendra, to be sure, he met such a tragic end, but I can't help but take note of his unwillingness to help make his liege less callous. I suppose he was planning to compensate for it with his mercy, but... It's not enough. It'll never be enough.
RIP in advance, Mahendra. No wonder you were doomed from the start.
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Barhai spotted!!!
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Hello! This is a funny yet cute thought that came to mind but can I request head cannons of the Brothers and Nowdateables reacting to an Mc that was actually pregnant throughout the program?
She wasn’t showing at first but as the months go by, her stomach is larger as well as her noticeably odd cravings and waddle. So when asked who the dad is or if it happened through the program, she’s like “I was already pregnant and there is no father, I’m inseminated. I’ve always wanted to be a Mom.”
As her stomach shows, she doesn’t mind letting the boys touch her stomach and feel the kicks, attend baby checkups with her, etc. Until God forbid being with her when her water breaks and she goes into labor during RAD or at one of Diavolo’s parties. It’s up to you if you want this to be romantic (For the Brothers + Datables w/o Luke to see the baby as their own child) or platonic for all of them and be protective uncles + Brother to the child.
I debated not doing this one. Not because I didn’t like it, but because I was nervous about all the Obey me baby requests I’m probably gonna get now. LOLOLOLOL XD
Obey me Boys + Pregnant!MC
Disappointed in himself for not knowing about this before hand. It should have been in your file, but he also should have done his due diligence in vetting you.
Once he’s made aware, he takes great care to make sure you’re taken care of.
No highly strenuous activities. No stress. Well balanced meals and soft surroundings.
Schedules and goes to all your doctor’s appointments with you. Takes notes.
Has a trust set up for you & the baby to make sure you’re taken care of for the rest of your lives
Nervous about holding the baby at first, after it’s born, but gets used to it.
Shocked when you first tell him, and scared
He’s “Baka-mon” after all. He doesn’t want to accidently hurt you or the baby.
Works really hard to be better for the both of you. No more yelling. No more gambling or late nights. He does all his work on time and some of yours too.
Loves to rest his head on your stomach and feel the baby move.
100% the one that gets the an expensive crib, designer clothes, and a Waterford crystal bear for the baby when it’s born.
Wants the baby to call him “Uncle Mammon” when they can talk. If not Dad
Nervous. What’s he gonna do with a baby?? Or a pregnant MC???
Tries to stay away from you as much as possible. Something he feels bad about, but he’s just scared of doing something wrong.
Also, not gonna lie, he’s a little jealous that you’re having someone else’s baby. Even if it is from a donor. (avatar of envy ladies and gentleman)
Reads a lot of Slice of Life family manga to be more prepared and in tune with this new ‘family friendly’ genre he’s found himself in
Puts his headphones on your stomach and plays music for the baby, because he read that they can hear it
Nicknames the baby ‘chibi-chan’ after they are born, because they are so small
Not sure why you were keeping it a secret, or agreed to come to the Devildom if you were pregnant, but handles the news rather well.
Immediately looks into every book on the subject. ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’, pregnancy health books, child rearing.
He wants to be informed so he can help you with this process
Makes all your favorites when he’s on kitchen duty. Takes over your days so you can rest more
Incredibly impressed with how well your managing being pregnant, school, and well.....them all at the same time.
Buys every children's book he comes across for the baby when he sees them. They’ll have a library as big as his by the time they can read.
Actually really loves babies. They are the product of love, which he is all for. And they’re so cuuuuute!
Immediately offers to take you maternity clothes shopping. Every time you need new clothes.
Decorates your room and the nursery for the baby so it’s a warm, inviting space for the both of you.
Always ready to pamper or give the expecting mother a spa day when she needs it
Desperately tries to have their first word be “Asmo”
He’s very happy for you. If this is what you want, and you’re following your dream, he’s happy for you and to help wherever he can
King of the weird food craving brigade. He’ll bring you whatever you want, any time you want. He’s probably hungry too anyway
Extremely protective of you. He was already, but now that he knows you have a defenseless life in your body he’ll do anything to keep you safe.
Often decides that walking is too strenuous for you, and carries you around school or House of Lamentation
Best baby sitter. I voted. No take backs.
Not the biggest fan of the news.
Babies are loud, and need a lot of attention. And he’s the baby of the family so there can’t be two of them
Tries to be supportive, but it is a struggle for him. I mean...there’s nothing he can do so might as well get on board.
Gives you one of his old blankets to have as the baby blanket. It’s very sentimental
When the baby is born, his attitude changes. He’ll murder anyone who gets too close to the baby or even look at them too long. He’s like one of those cats that curl up with newborns and swat at anyone that gets too close while they are sleeping.
Surprised to hear that you are pregnant, but wishes you well all the same
He’s not exactly thrilled you’re having another man’s baby. But you made the decision before you met, so what’s done is done.
Mixes you up a lot of morning sickness relief and joint pain potions to help with your pregnancy
Creates an ever lasting, floating mobile of stars for the baby’s room. Along with protection spells out the wazoo
Decides he will make the baby his new apprentice in magic. When they’re older.
Elated to hear the good news!
A new precious life in the world. What could be better than that?
Always ready to help with anything you need. Shopping, cooking, helping to relax, or even just to talk, he’s there
First to buy the baby there own Baby Book, to record all it’s precious first moments and photographs
Petitions on high to be the child’s official Guardian Angel
He obviously has no experience with this, so he’s interested in where babies come from
Also eager to help. He’s always been the youngest angel, so he’s never had the opportunity to help care for someone else. He really likes the idea of being a ‘big brother’ figure.
Asks a lot of questions. Like....a lot of questions.
Bakes a lot of sweets for you so you can be happy and make sure you’re eating properly
FINALLY! He’s not the smallest anymore!!
Thinks it’s wonderful!
Children are the future. Plus, he is fascinated by human breeding. (not in a creepy way just as a general interest in all things human)
Loves seeing your body grow and change throughout your pregnancy. Is always eager to touch your stomach
Anything you need is yours. Diavolo personally sees to it
Calls your child his little ‘prince or princess’. No matter if you’re romantically involved or not.
Given that he can see the future, he knew that you were pregnant before you told anyone
Puts you on a strict regiment of healthy foods & diet once, you’ve announced it, to make sure you’re getting proper nutrition
Also sneaks in some sweets now & then. He’s a demon, not a monster.
Handles everything from setting doctors appointments to getting the nursery organized for the baby’s arrival
His life’s mission is to make sure you and the baby are cared for. Next to his prince, you two are his top priority now.
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
Could you do 001 with School for Vampires, please?
Oh boy it's been long !
Favorite character: Dr Ironfang, if you guys remember my 2014 phase around him I was CRAZY about him, finding him hot and funny and drawing him all the time XD Love his design, love how strict and feared he is yet how humane and open minded he still can be at surprising times. Batoria is a very close second for how cute she is as well as her pure brattiness which in the end has no real malice but just troll rebellious energy
Least Favorite character: Polidori is so fucking stupid and annoying seeing vampires where there are none and humans when they actually are vampires omfg someone actually bite him
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): adult Batoria X Dr Ironfang (not only this must not be surprising in a society where the citizens are immortal, but holy shit they have so much contrast him being all about rules and order and closing schools and she being a hooligan who keep being expelled that it would be funny he does know her case and they hate each other but once they meet again as she is adult THINGS CHANGE AND THEY INITIALLY HATE IT), adult Stoker X adult Sunshine (I love to take the fact that as kids Stoker not wanting to bite her and them falling in love with each other 2 times for different plot reasons hinted at the fact it could happen in the future, it would be a hilarious irony for him who wants to be a bloodthirsty vampire who doesn't care about humans and she who is all over Oscar as kids but eh feelings change with age), Leechy X Ravena (THEY ARE SO CUUUUUTE NERD LOVE), adult Oscar X adult Gothetta (again, feelings can change with time and he could realize she always was there for him, especially with how bad I felt for Gothetta not to be reciprocated in her feelings in the show as kids but she says nothing because she wants him happy) and Sunshine X Oscar (ngl even if I HC their love will fade with age at the moment they are so cute and sweet
Character I find most attractive: DR IRONFANG HEEEEEH I HAVE SHIT TASTES
Character I would marry: DID I STUTTER ?!
Character I would be best friends with: Well I do know Oscar wouldn't bite me for sure and he is sweet so I would gladly lol plus maybe Gothetta and Ravena if I make sure that they get polite enough not to try to lol
a random thought: I never got to draw that show's style right wtf it's so simple why can't I get the faces right
An unpopular opinion: I am not a fan of Gothetta's haircut. Never was. Sorry lol
My Canon OTP: Leechy X Ravena of course
Most Badass Character: Count Von Horrificus. Red eyes, classy, powerful cold and strict yet understanding, looking like 1996 Dracula... He is the most badass vampire in the whole show
Most Epic Villain: Maxine Shriek not only is hot, she is a legit threat with her shadow control and her motive of getting her revenge by hurting her enemies' loved ones by befriending them first, and a revenge out of love at that making her at the same time sympathetic as evil as it is. Pure bitch I love it
Pairing I am not a fan of: I see a lot of people ship Count Von Horrificus and Lady Kryptina and... I never saw it. They more feel like colleagues and friends to me
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): none that I think of
Favourite Friendship: the friendship between all the kids is cute and great. But I also love Stoker becoming best friends with that skeleton kids in that one episode where he learns to open up and be less of a selfish jerk, and even if I made it up I love to imagine Batoria and Ravena best friends despite their opposite personalities because I think it'd be cute
Character I most identify with: none, to be fair
Character I wish I could be: I don't know if I want to be any of the characters I find cool since it would mean eating from humans on a daily basis lol they are cool to the audience because they are cool to the kids who are of the same species as them BUUUUT of course they are not to humans
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atosofficial · 5 years
@serenade-bleue​ replied to your post “ATOS Extra [2]”
congrats for the followers :3 nightmare is a good uncle! what his lovers would do without him UwU dream and cross needs some parental advices, and i'm laughing thinking about killer baby proofing the castle xD
THANK YOU!! 😊 And yeah, he isss ;o; I’ve been fawning over his relationship with Lux for like,,, weeks tbh jhdsfsjhd He loves her so much and she adores him right back and I cannot WAIT to get to their interactions in ATOS :”) 
AND YEAH AHAHAHA, Killer is going wild trying to make everything safe LMAOOO I’m picturing him going as far as climbing the castle parapets and like,, putting safety caps on sharp points in the design and Nightmare yelling at him like “A BABY CAN’T CLIMB UP THERE YOU IDIOT COME BACK DOWN” 😂😂😂
@kirango-rouge​ replied to your post “ATOS Extra [2]”
Congrats for your followers :D you're doing a great job! This ficlet was adorable as fuck! Nightmare has to constantly take care or a crew of boneskulls, of course he knows how to dad! XD But now i am worried about cross...i mean...if he knew his bro as a baby...does that mean that he actually fed him with chocolate?! "However, since Lux here has Cross' idiot genes as well, she'll need food to help replenish that energy." When your lover rekt you x,D
Thank you very much!! ;w; 💖 Hehehe, mhmm, Night’s got dadding down p well uwu My headcanon is p much that X!Gaster would’ve adopted both Cross and X!Papyrus while they were both very small and thus Cross wouldn’t have really had time to spoil his bro with chocolate or take care of him at all really hehehe
AND YEAH MAN NIGHT DOES NOT PULL HIS PUNCHES LMAOOO 😂👏 Cross is like, high on his list of favourite people to tease hehehe ;3
@neahchanart​ replied to your post “ATOS Extra [2]”
*incoherent noises of Love, Joy and utter need for more* hskshdvhhhhjsksgaaaahdkdhdbdjjkkssssssssshhghguuuuhhhiiiii!?!?!?!?! STAP MAKING EVERYTHING SO WONDERFUL ��❤️❤️❤️❤️
@bluedysania replied to your post “ATOS Extra [2]”
omfg help im dying. its so fuckinv cuuuuute~~~~~
HEHEHEHEHEHE 😊✨ Glad to be of service uwu
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utau-bowl · 5 years
Toka Aki (Shinka) Review
I recently got another request to review someone’s UTAU! I almost couldn’t bilieve that Toka Aki’s actual creator would message me but, here we are.
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Art by Yukito Yuki
Toka Aki (Shinka) Sample
Name: Toka Aki
Sex: Male
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: he/him or they/them
Age: 17
Height: 163cm (5'4")
Weight: thin but not underweight
Birthday: 16 October 2013
Likes: UTAU Aino Erufu (girlfriend), his white pet rabbit Moeykkyli, apple pie, cafe au lait, cute things.
Dislikes: Little sister Toka Kiia, black coffee, cooked fish.
Catchphrase: “EEEEK! So cuuuuute!”
Personality: He is generally a warm-hearted person who’s kind and helpful. He might be little shy at the first time but after few hours he’s very outgoing and chatty. His gender expression is something between androgynous and feminine.
He’s bad at lying and defending himself. New situations make him often nervous and can be coward and clumsy at times.
Creator: Yukito Yuki
Official Site
Aki has an official site. Click “Download” in the top bar and then the button “Toka Aki and Kiia.” This specific voicebank will be the first in the left column under CV.
Aki’s current design has a princely/boyish aesthetic, which matches his voice. The European influences in Aki’s design can’t be missed, and I think they add a lot to the overall look and character. The amount of brown and yellow makes the green really pop. A face full of freckles is decently uncommon for UTAUs as well. Aki’s design uses a familiar archetype, but provides enough twists so that it stands out.
First Impressions
Shinka is a simple monopitch CV. Aki has a low, boyish voice with a forceful tone. He’s naturally loud. 
This voicebank in particular has 10 breath samples, including end breaths. It also has a few extra sounds that you don’t often see in Japanese voicebanks, including some English consonants. There is little-to no background noise and only a few volume inconsistencies.
Ease of Use
His range is much more flexible than you would think. The program recommends him as an alto, but he can sing higher parts very easily. His lower ranges (anything below E3) have that unpleasant buzzing sound most higher ranges UTAUs have in lower singing parts.
His relative power mean he’s very genre-flexible. Adding alternate resamplers onto that can change his voicetype dramatically, allowing for a versatile voice.
Other Comments
My recommended flags: F0, Ms10Mg30e(moresampler), Y100D20
My recommended resamplers: moresampler, fresamp12
Final Thoughts
Aki is an above average voice for beginners to UTAU or those who want to use a less heavy-duty voicebank. As I said earlier about his design, Aki (Shinka) is a familiar type of voice, but with enough unique attributes to make him worthwhile to both new and experienced UTAU users.
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5hineefanaccounts · 6 years
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160130 – Japan Arena Tour Fukuoka Day 1
Concert just ended, my feels are killing me ㅠㅠㅠ
They ended the concert with Moon Drop
The boys were AMAZING they worked so hard for this concert you can feel and see it
The concert start with Password. That's the best intro ever
During keeping Love Again Jonghyun and Onew sang while looking intensly at each other
Jonghyun almost bite Taemin's neck and Taemin SMILED like proud of it OTL
One of the VCR is Onew crossdressing. He's the new student at the school and all the flower/popular boys are hitting on him = the other SHINee members. And they even fight for "her" until Key touched his boobs and realize there's nothing so Onew hit all the boys OTL
I screamed HOLY SHIT once because Jonghyun was wearing an amazingly sexy shirt and Onew was with a tee-shirt that show both of their amazing arms. They worked hard at the gym and damn it was sooooo sexy
During one talk, Jonghyun said something and Key was like "sooooo" Jonghyun looked like a kicked puppy ㅠㅠㅠㅠOnew and Taemin patted him ㅋㅋㅋ
Onew was talking and Jonghyun interrupted him saying he was sweating too much so him and Taemin took towel to wipe it
At the end the boys were playing with the big screen, waving at fans while always looking at it and acting cute if it was on them
Key thought that the camera was on him for too long so he blushed and became shy
The mics had a lot of problems all along the concert, for the last part they even got hand mic. Jonghyun was like "mic? Miiiiiic?"
Taemin's hair was a mess OTL They did a few hairstyle on him but none of them stayed
For Boys Will be Boys the boys were wearing some kind of school uniform, so cute ㅠㅠㅠthey also had so much fun on stage
There was a part where they all have black and red clothes, it reminds me of WSS era. That was soooo cool
Taemin got a lot of problem with one of his sweater and Key helped him to fix it and patted his butt when he finished ㅋㅋㅋ
Minho and Key kept playing during the talks, Minho pushing him before hugging him
Photograph was SOOOO fun! The boys played around with dancers taking pictures who appeared on the big screen
For the ballad part, all the boys are seating on some cube and Jonghyun got the smallest one ㅋㅋㅋI'm pretty sure I saw Minho laughing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Minho's joke today were soooo lame xD Even he was embarrassed xD
When Jonghyun first talked about the Tokyo Dome we all cheered loud and he bowed thanking us
They kept thanking us for being able to do Tokyo Dome and Kyocera Dome this time
When they did MTTM Shawols exploded in cheers that was absolutely crazy
They brought hula hoop on stage. I was dying laughing, such a mess xD None of them can do it!
Minho and Onew did hula hoop with their neck. Jonghyun used it like a kid, walking through it. Taemin was laughing hard at Jonghyun and Key was trying then laughing with dancers ㅋㅋㅋ
They said the VCR had been filmed in Hong Kong, Seoul and Tcheck republic. The VCR are absolutely amazing
In one VCR a little girl is telling a little boy how to be the perfect boyfriend in 5 points. Every SHINee member is one point. It's so cheesy cute I wanna cuddle all of them ㅠㅠㅠ And at the end the little boy give a flower to the little girl and they kiss. That's so cuuuuute
The very first VCR is SHINee as secret agent. They are so class
In one VCR Taemin is being all sexy in a bed STOP THAT YOU
When they talked about Key making all the costumes Taemin stopped Onew "that's why I'm wearing that!" and showed his jacket. There's the Comme des & Garçons design that Kibum used for the sweatshirts a while ago. Key also had it on his jacket ㅋㅋㅋ Jonghyun said excited "it's Comme Des & Garçons! So cute!" ㅋㅋㅋ
During one song (I forgot which one) they send colorful balloons in fans areas, that was so beautiful
They were using a air gun and when the song finished Jonghyun kept playing with it, Minho told him to stop then Onew was attacking Taemin with it ㅋㅋㅋ Jonghyun and Minho went to stop Onew while Taemin enjoyed it ㅋㅋㅋ
During a talk, Key cut Jonghyun who was talking so Jonghyun growled ㅋㅋㅋThen we were all "cuuuute" so he laughed xD
Jonghyun was trying so hard to explain the Sherlock/Clue/Note remix that when he finished the others looked at him proudly
When leaving the stage the camera showed Taemin's back then he suddenly turned around and gave a sexy glare to the camera. HOW DARE YOU
Jonghyun crazy long high note for Stranger and small mistake at the end : Just remember that Jonghyun keep the high note of Stranger really long and the screen was showing a red bar going through all the stages. Same as SWCIV for those who remember. That's absolutely amazing. After that he went down the stairs and the dancer take his arm to bring him up ㅋㅋㅋ
Taemin shamelessly putting Jonghyun's song in the talk and Jjong being embarassed : During one of the last talk Kibum told us it was the last song and we all went "eeeeeeeh" and Taemin kept repeating "sounds like a Déjà-vu/that's a Déjà-vu" so cutely, Jonghyun smiled and hit his shoulder lightly ㅋㅋㅋ
Onew giving up on bothering Key to hug Jonghyun : When Key talked about designing the costume for the tour, Minho and Taemin kept bothering him by poking him all over. Onew came behind Key to also bother him but gave up and went behind Jonghyun to hug him, putting his head on his shoulder ㅠㅠㅠ
cr: @_misnaa
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spoonfulofsexy · 7 years
Party Like A Stark
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Peter Parker x Stark Reader
Part (2/6)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
Summary: Today is your 19th birthday, and you also happen to be Tony Stark’s loved daughter.  What’s a better way to celebrate this special day than a party?!  All the Avengers and family friends will be there, even your secret crush Spider-Man.  You’ve always wanted to meet the famous spiderling, but little did you know you already know him.  Your party will definitely be one to remember.
Warnings: still lots of fluff!!
AN: Guys I’m literal trash ahahah this fic is going to be a bit longer than expected because there’s just so many things that pop in my head !! I mean I love writing this story so much, that’s why it’s so long!  I hope you guys don’t mind having to wait longer for the smut!!  I don’t know i think it’s worth it because peter is just so precious and I love the reader’s relationship with everyone! well anyway, enjoy!!
You and the crew left the cafe, and Wanda instantly came up to you and wrapped her arm around yours.
“That boy was cuuuuute”, she teased you about Peter.
You tried to hide the blush that crept on your face as you thought of him. “Wanda stooop”, you playfully rolled your eyes.
“What I was just saying what you were thinking”, she said shrugging her shoulders.
Then Pietro felt the need to pick on you, “You mean the boy she practically had heart eyes for.”
You elbowed him in the side, “Shut it, both of you!”  But only a few steps later you brought it up again. “Do you think I should’ve got his number?”
“Nah, he looked like a chump”, Nat winked at you as she took a sip of her coffee.
“Yeah, I guess”, you sighed as you guys went into a clothing store.
You guys left the city at 4 and got back to the HQ by 5.  Not going to lie you were pretty tired already, which sucked because you had all night to party.  When you got home you dropped your shopping bags and went to go look for your dad.
“DAAAAAAAAD”, you shouted for him, but not in an annoying way. “WE’RE BACK!”
“I’m coming pumpkin!”, you could here him down the hall.  You were greeted with a big smile and a warm hug. “How was shopping?”
“It was great, but I’m exhausted”, you yawned. “Do you know any energy smoothie recipes?”
“Of course, I do! Want me to make you one?”, he asked.
“Yes, please. Wanna see what I bought?”, you asked with excitement.
“Absolutely”, Tony followed you into your room.
“So I got a few blouses and dresses”, you held up the articles of clothing.  “I also got some more work out stuff”, you held up some leggings and tank tops.  “I may have bought this cute Spider-Man pillow”, you shamefully held up the 18” tsum tsum pillow.
“You like the Spiderling?”, your father gasped.
“Well, I mean, uh he’s a cool superhero”, you tried to laugh off.   “Anyway”, changing the subject, “I bought a cool new journal to put my ideas in and stuff.”
“Oh that’s nice!”, Tony held the vintage looking leather book in his hands. “Cap would like this”, he said to himself.
You got sad at the mention of Uncle Steve, “Is he coming?” You sat next to your dad and rested your head on his shoulder.
Tony sighed and ran a tired hand through his hair, “I don’t know. I left him a message, but it doesn’t look promising.”
The corner of your mouth tugged into a sad frown, and Tony felt bad that you were still upset about Steve leaving.  He wrapped a comforting hand around your shoulder and squeezed, “Hey c’mon kiddo, everyone else is coming, even Sam.  He’s actually djing!”
You laughed at the idea of Sam being the DJ, “Aw that’s nice of him!”
“Alright, I’ll leave you alone to get ready”, he kissed your head and left your room.
You sighed and fell back into your bed, “Why can’t I get that stupid boy out of my head?”
After laying down on your phone, you figured you should actually get dressed.  Your dad came by and dropped off your green smoothie. As you drank you did your hair by just re curling some of you hair and shaking out to look more like an effortless wave. Then you it was time to do makeup.  You wiped off your old make up and stared yourself in the mirror and sighed before re-applying foundation and re-doing your eyebrows.  Then you contoured your face, did a wing on your eyelids and put fake eyelashes on.  Lastly you put on an almost nude light pink lipstick. You gave yourself a pleased smile before getting up to change.
You slid on your woven tulle overlay dress by Selfie Leslie™ that featured a floral embroidered design, a plunging sweetheart neckline, and an A-line silhouette.  It was also a very subtle pink color.  Then you slid on your white two strap heels and put on a gold choker and necklace.  
Now you were officially ready for the party and it was only 6:30!  You walked down the hall to Wanda’s room to see how she was doing.
“Hey Wands you ready yet?”, you lightly knocked on her door.
“Yes, you may come in!”, she shouted from the other side of the door.
You opened the door and gasped at how beautiful she looked. “Wanda, you look beautiful!!”, you closed the door behind you.
Wanda wore a black woven maxi dress featuring a smocked off-the-shoulder neckline, tiered crochet short sleeves, drawstring waist, and open-knit crochet panels along the skirt and hem.
Wanda looked at herself again in the mirror, “Do you really think so?”
You came up to her, grabbed her hand and made her do a little spin. “Absolutely!”
“I mean look how gorgeous you look (Y/N)!”, she motioned towards you.  You both held each other’s hands and jumped up squealing, “We both look great!!”
“Hey what’s with the squealing?”, Pietro zoomed in wearing a buttoned up dress shirt and perfectly fitting pants.
“Aw Pietro look how handsome you look”, you giggled and pinched his cheeks.
“Enough”, he swatted your hands away. “I am hot”, he adjusted his tie with his head held high.
“Oh, you’re right. My bad Piet”, you winked at Wanda as you got ready to leave.  “I’ll see you guys at the party!”, you said before closing the door.
“Well would you look who it is?”, a deep, kind voice said from down the hallway.  You spun your head to see who it was.
“STEVE”, you shouted in pure joy.
“Happy birthday, kiddo”, he opened his arms knowing that he was going to be getting a hug.
You ran down the hallway with a huge smile on your face and jumped into his arms. “I can’t believe you came! I didn’t think you would come!” You voice cracked as you fought off the tears.
“I couldn’t miss my little Stark’s birthday party”, he squeezed you tighter before letting you down. “Wow look how pretty your dress is”, Steve complimented.
“Thanks”, you gave him a goofily huge smile and did a spin like a princess.
“Look at the two beautiful human beings”, Sam shouted walking towards you two.
“Hey Sam!!”, you greeted with a wave.  
Sam took you two into a hug, “It’s so nice to see you guys again.”
“I know, I really missed having you guys to bother”, you joked making the two laugh.
“Are you ready to dance your butt off tonight?”, Sam asked as the three of you walked to the living room where the party would be held.  
“Um, you know it!”, you gave a little sampler dance for the two.
The place looked amazing! The Dj stage and karaoke was set up in front of the large wall of windows.  The lights were set low while some colored lights flashed off to the sides.  There was a large table of food and a bar for the adults.  There were silver streamers that glistened and shined everywhere and some pieces of silver confetti already spread across the floor.  Your dad also added a little disco ball that hung from the balcony.
Some people have already arrived so you went around greeting and thanking your guests for coming.  Sam went up to start playing music.  The first song he played for you was Worth It by Fifth Harmony which was always a jam.  
It was 7:15 and your dad, Happy, and Peter were rolling up to the HQ.  Tony put an arm around Peter’s shoulder as Peter was in awe by how awesome it looked at night.
“Cool isn’t it?”, Tony asked.
“Yeah, definitely Mr.Stark”, he said completely starstruck.
“Alright before we get out of the car, I need to have a talk with you”, Tony went into dad mode.
“Oh o-okay, about what?”, Peter asked nervously.
“I know this will be the first time you meet my little pumpkin, and yes she is beautiful”, Tony looked Peter down.
“Well-”, Peter tried to stop where this was going.
“Hey, don’t interrupt me while I’m giving you the talk”, your dad put up a finger.  Peter instantly zipped his lips, accepting the position he was in. “(Y/N) is off limits.  She already has a crush on Spider-Man”, he muttered.
“She has a crush on me?!”, Peter said in shock.
“No, Spider-Man”, Tony corrected.
“But I’m-”, Peter tried to say but Tony interrupted him.
“I know! I know, you’re Spider-Man.  Just try to keep the flirting on the low”, Tony ran a hand over his face.  “Or at least don’t do it in front of me.”
“Yes, sir”, Peter said.
“I know she is an adult and can make whatever decisions she wants, but she’s still a kid in my eyes”, Tony stared at the building watching people dancing from the window.  “Anyway let’s go party, yeah?”, Tony patted Peter on the shoulder one last time before getting out of the car.
Peter didn’t even know what to think.  (Y/N) freaking Stark had a crush on Spider-Man.  But she’s also Tony’s daughter, which would make things awkward, right?  
Tony led him through the Avenger’s HQ, and the music playing echoed throughout the building.
Partition by Beyonce was playing, while you and Wanda jokingly danced against each other as you sang to the song.  
Then Sam announced over the mic, “HEY TONY STARK IN THE HOUSE!”, Everyone cheered and looked at your father and Peter…… WAIT PETER?
“Oh my gosh, is that the boy from today?”, Wanda shouted over the music at you.
“Did you tell my dad?!”, you looked at her suspiciously.  You looked back at your dad who was waving at you and motioning for you to come over.
“Hey daaaad”, you smiled and hugged him, but never breaking eye contact with Peter.
“Hey sweetie, you look beautiful”, he kissed your temple. “So I know how you’ve been bugging me to meet Spider-Man, so I invited him to your party”, your dad presented Peter to you.
“Peter is Spider-Man?!”, your eyebrows rose up in shock.
“Wai-wait how do you know his name is Peter, I didn’t even-”, you cut your dad off.
“I met him while shopping today, I liked his science pun shirt!”, you said in disbelief.
“Oh, uh well I guess I’ll go greet the guest then”, Tony awkwardly left, but you grabbed his arm before you lost him in the crowd.
“Oh wait, dad, Steve is here.  I think you should talk.”  You could see something in your dad’s eyes change.
“Alright, thank you”, with that your dad walked towards his old friend.
You turned around and awkwardly rubbed the back of your head as Tambourine by Eve played in the background. “So uh, thanks for coming to my party.”
Peter put his hands on his hips. “Yeah it’s no problem”, he let out a large sigh of relief.
There was an awkward silence that fell between the two of you. Trying to make things a little better you said, “So wanna go dance, Spidey?”
“I can’t really-”, Peter tried to decline but you dragged him out to where Wanda and Pietro were.
“Hey guys”, you greeted your two best friends.  “So this is Peter, aka Spider-Man.”
“You mean the guy you were crushing on is also the superhero you’re crushing on?!”, Pietro said shocked.
Wanda shoved him away, “Shut up, you big mouth.”  Then she put on a smile and an outstretched hand to Peter, “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Wanda, and that’s my awful twin Pietro.”
Peter laughed but was also blushing so hard at what Pietro said. He took Wanda’s hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”  
“They’re the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver”, you said loud enough for him to hear.
“Woooooooaaah”, Peter said in awe.
Suddenly, the song changed to Despacito.
“Oh my god this is my jam!”, both you and Peter said at the same time.  You both looked at each for a second, but then you grabbed his hands to dance.
¡Oh! Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan Sólo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (oh, yeah!) Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro
You both sang a long perfectly to the lyrics, while attempting the salsa.  You laughed as you tried to keep up with how well Peter could salsa.  
Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito Deja que te diga cosas al oído Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo Despacito Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (Sube, sube, sube Sube, sube)
“Peter how are you so good at dancing?!”, you shouted over the music.
“I don’t know, I guess it’s from all the dancing with my Aunt when I was younger!”, he laughed.  He led the two of you in the dance.  You tried so hard not to watch your feet, but before you even realized it there you were looking at your painted toe nails.  Suddenly you felt a hand under your chin, making you lift your head up.  “Here, just look at me.  It’s harder when you look down”, Peter said in the most innocent way.
Your face had to be cherry red, but you did what he said so you didn’t mess up.
The whole time you both were filled with laughter as you tried not to break eye contact with his dark chocolate colored eyes. By the end of the dance you were out of breath and all sweaty.
“Geez Peter, you really know how to show a girl a good time”, you winked as you both went over to get drinks.  This night was just getting started.
Tagged:  @elaacreditava​ @harleyquinnandscarletwitch​ @randisnotonfire @theperksofbeingyourmum @redstarstan @mamallama613 @peter-pan-hoe @alexiajmariani @avengersandchill @jriles124 @blueskaikru @wizardinthewrongplace @legendarydazekitten @farfromjustordinary @tomhollandisthicc @ur-average-princess @kingwolfey
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kaiyeti · 7 years
Kali embarrassing Blake by showing Yang her baby pictures
Oh poor Blake.Ghira: It is so nice to have you and girlfriend here to join us for this festival this year, sweetie. *Ghira said happily as he helped his daughter pick out a kimono to wear for the event, picking a very layered pink one out.* How about this one? It would look very nice on you. And keep you warm. Blake: *Blake took one glance at the kimono and laughed while shaking her head.* Hahaha, nice try dad. But not only have I haven’t wore pink since I was three, it going to be 76 tonight. So I think I’ll go with a simple and light. Beside, if it was going to be cold I would just stay close to Yang. *She informed him, giggling when seeing her father roll his eyes and put the pink kimono back in defeat while she pulled out purple kimono with a flower design on the lower half.* Hmm, this one looks nice.Ghira: If it’s going to be so warm tonight I don’t see why the both of you are sharing your room when we have a perfectly good guest room for Yang to stay in. *Ghira mumbled to himself.*Blake: Dad. We have been dating for nearly three years. Ghira: I know. I’m just saying me and your mother spent a lot of time making it all nice for her staying with us. Plus, it’s a bit soon for you two to be sharing a bed. *Ghira shrugged making Blake shake her head.*Blake: Oh dad. Do we need to have the talk?Ghira: What?Blake: You see dad. When a woman and a woman love each other very much-Ghira: Enough! You made your point! I don’t need the image of my bday girl doing…. That! In my head. *Ghira groan, holding up his hands in defeat before muttering.* Now I know how you must have felt when your mother gave you to talk.Blake: Hehe, believe me. I probably had it worse. *Blake laughed as she and her father proceed to cashier when Blake twitch her cat ear with a thought.* Speaking of mom, I’m surprise she wasn’t the one the to come with me. I would have thought she would want me to pick something more…Ghira: Revealing? *Ghira said narrowing his eyes.*Blake: I was going to go with Flashy.Ghira: Oh. Yes well. Kali wanted to spend time with Yang. To get to know her better.Blake: Sigh, I see. I just hope she doesn’t do anything that will embarrass me like show Yang any photo albums. Ghira: …Blake: She’s not doing that right, dad!Ghira: … *Sweating bullets.*Blake: Dad!?Ghira: It’s just one album, sweetie. *Ghira nervously smiled.*Blake: oh god no.~Meanwhile~Yang: Oh. My. God… *Yang whisper with wide eyes as she covered her mouth before squealing with delight.* ~She is SOOOO CUTE!~Kali: I know isn’t she! She would always play and tackle the ball of yawn whenever I was kitting. *Kali smiled with glee as she show Yang a picture of baby Blake playfully bouncing a ball of yarn in the air with her hand and feet as she laid on her back before turning the page.* Oh and here is Blake playing with you favorite stuff doll, Luna Tuna.Yang: Aaaaaaaaw.~Kali: Hehe, yes. There were quite a number of times we had to stitch Luna tuna back together.Yang: Hehe, I bet. *Yang chuckled, remembering every time Blake bit her during sex, deciding her lover’s mother didn’t need to know that detail. The brawler then looked at the picture below that warmed her heart as she awed again, the photo being of Blake falling asleep and napping on a rocking horse.* Aw. Look at her! She looks so cuuuuute in this one. Gasp! She is even in kitty pajamas!~Kali: Oh she would ride that for hours. Me and Ghira actually used it to know when it was nap time for our baby girl. *Kali smiled running her fingers over the photo.* We would just listen to the rocking slow down before speeding up again and slow down again.Yang: Did she ever fall off? Kali: Yes but always on the pillows we had around her and on her feet.Yang: Hehe, nice. Whoa, haha, what’s going on here? *Yang giggled a she pointed to the next page at a photo of a naked baby Blake hissing towards a sink as she clings onto a younger Ghira’s beard who is tiring to pry her off.*Kali: Ah. Hahahaha. *Kali laughed.* That was Blake first bath. Hahahaha. Back then she hated the water. We would chase her naked butt all of the house before getting into the sink or tub. It actually started her little phase of not wanting to wear clothes. See? *Kali smiled as she show Yang photos of Blake giggling as ran from Ghira or Kali trying to put clothes on her, some of which showed them catching a Blake clone.*Yang: Oooooh!Kali: *Kali looked at the photo and immediately covered her mouth while trying hold back her laughter, unfortunately telling miserably at it.* Ooooooooohehehehe. I nearly forget this one was in here. Hehehehe. *Kali said as she pointed to the sheet of the photo behind Blake.* You see this is the first time Blake wet the bed. Hahaha, and, hehe, and she was so scared that she would get in trouble she tried, ahhahahaha, she tried to blame it on our neighbor’s dog! Hahahahaha!Yang: Hahahahahaha! Oh my god that is hilarious! Hahahaha! *Yang and Kali laughed together wiping tears from their eyes.* Oh man. Hahahaha! Oh you have to send me copies of these.Kali: Sure thing Yang. Hahaha. *Kali nodded when suddenly the doors burst open revealing a out of breath Blake quickly scanning the room before spotting her mom an girlfriend.* Hello honey. I was just showing Yang some of your old baby photos. Would you li- *Kali began to greet her daughter before, the younger cat Faunus snatched the photo album from her and throw it to the ground while drawing her sword chopping it to confetti.* … To join us?Blake: *Blake continue to pant, sheathing he sword, before taking a deep breath and turning to Yang and Kali who are staring at her blushing face with raised surprised eyebrows.She then points to Yang and says with a slight threatening tone.* You saw nothing.Yang: Oh-ho.~ But I saw MAAAAAAANY things Blakey-poo. I just wish I had my own copy of how adorable you were as a baby and kid. *Yang could smirked as Kali reaches behind.*Kali: It’s okay, Yang. I had a feel Blake would pull something like this. Sooo, *Kali smiled as she pulled out multiple photo albums, Blake’s jaw dropping while she blushed even more as Yang grinned ear to ear.* I had a few copies made.Blake: MOM!! NO!! *Blake shouted diving towards the albums only for Kali to hold them out of reach as well as holding her daughter at bay.*Kali: But sweetie! You looked to cute when you were a baby!Blake: That’s not the point, Mom!! Now give them here!!Kali: No! Besides, it’s not look Yang hasn’t seen your butt already.Yang: She’s got a point.Blake: NOT HELPING!! * Blake shouted at her girlfriend only for her eyes to widen in horror upon seeing Yang looking through one of the copies of the photo album.* YANG NO!! *Blake screamed as Now Kali held back her daughter.*Kali: Now now. Blake. I’m should Yang’s father will show you embarrassing baby photos of her when you visit her father. *Kali told her daughter.*Yang: Yeah Blakey. You’ll have your chance to embarrass me. Beside, Looking through these I hope when we have our own daughter she is like you in these photo. *Yang smiled as she looked through the album, taking picture of certain photos, mutter.* Aw that is my knew background.Blake: *Meanwhile, after what Yang said, Blake stopped struggling and frozen as she whole face turned pink as Kali smile grow ten times it sized and let out a eep of joy.* … Aw Babe.~meanwhile~Ghira: I deeply apologize again for your window. Please send me the bill for the repairs and I will pay for them. *Ghira bowed to the shop owner in front of the broken window with the perfect outline of Blake’s silhouette.*Fun fact, that rocking horse one was of me when I was like three of four years old. Though it took a few falls before my parents thought of the pillows in case I fell off.
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