#im having math problems if you cohldnt tell
figurativefriend · 4 months
I don't hear dyscalculia talked about much but it's life ruining.
Every time I ever tried counting to 100 I'd always end up skipping a bunch of numbers.
Counting, addition, subtraction are all difficult.
I can't use multiplication or division or any complex math. God forbid you add letters in there.
I was always way too early for everything or incredibly late. Sometimes comically late.
Numbers time amounts, it all means nothing to me. Less then nothing, I can't imagine it at all.
It's embarrassing to say the least that it takes me, an adult, on average about 5 mins to likely incorrectly answer 6x8.
If I ever thought I got the answer right first try my previous failures at even the most basic math causes me to second guess myself and then get it wrong anyway.
I tried so hard to get anything other then an F and detention for being so incapable of doing math in school. I eventually just stopped trying. I resented math because I didn't get it.
I dropped out in 8th-9th grade because I was being let off easy the past years and "made up" my failing grades in summer school every year I attended school, until they decided to just hold me back in class, attempted to put me in special education, and made me to drop out of band class because I kept failing math so incredibly bad. I just couldn't do it anymore. I dropped out. I tried to get my G.E.D. 3 times before I gave up.
It still haunts me to this day how some math teachers were so unwilling to find a diffrent way to teach me instead of just punishing me for my incompetence. It was unfair how many times I got left in class alone while everyone played or even went to lunch without me because I was stupider then everyone else.
I'm irrationally afraid of even trying to interact with the subject. The mental blockade my anxiety about it makes everything worse too.
Though a love for worldbuilding has me pulling up the calculator some days. And nothing a good old timer can't fix time blindness and some time related anxieties. It still sucks man. We have got to be nicer to dumb people. I'm being so genuine. If someone's bad at something maybe find out why and help them instead of being a dick about it.
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