#im just a sucker for feelings realization ™️ okay
zzzzzzzzzzoom · 2 years
Encanto Headcanons
Do you think that Pepa and Julieta ever asked Bruno to see their future partners? Like I feel Bruno would be too disinterested/anxious to talk abt anything romance but for his sisters, he probably would, he cant say no to them. anw heres some headcanons ✨
(this is focused on julieta and agustin! my headcanons for pepa and felix are here!)
(spoiler: it gets really sappy at the end)
Pepa's love life is pretty adventurous. She'd gone thru a few but they all fell through bc they couldnt handle her disastrous mood swings :') anw she wants to take her mind off all that by focusing on her sister's love life instead which is. nonexistent
I feel like Julieta's popular around town bc of her healing powers, but she's waiting for The One™️. But Pepa's bored and chaotic so she just pulls Bruno aside one afternoon
Pepa: wanna meddle with juli's love life? Bruno: aight bet
the two kidnap their older sister into Bruno's room one night and Julieta doesn't wanna deal with all this,,, but her curiousity gets the better of her and she decides it wouldnt hurt to see who she'd end up with
boom bruno activates his gift and WOAH julieta's man is handsome. like, too handsome. pepa's almost jealous.
luckily they dont recognize him bc that would make it awkward going around town,,, tho julieta's a little disappointed. she does keep the glass vision in her room under her bed, though.
pepa actively searches for the Mystery Man™️ for a few weeks before she gives up, while the other two keep a look out just in case
a few years pass by. pepa's most recent favorite activity is arguing with felix. bruno's more shut-in because of his growing bad reputation. julieta's more popular than ever.
and then it happens. it's just a glimpse but bruno knows INSTANTLY
it's julieta's Mystery Man
mf SPRINTS to the house and whisper shouts "julieta's future boyfriend is in town!!" (luckily alma's not at home atm)
pepa is thrilled bc she FINALLY has something to mess her responsible older sister with, and julieta's suddenly nervous bc. well. that Mystery Man is her future and she almost... doesnt want it to be set in stone
pepa almost runs out to find him but she doesn't have to bc he walks in... with a sheepish expression and a broken wrist
pepa is grinning smugly. bruno is watching with mild interest (taking mental notes for those telenovelas). julieta doesn't react and smiles politely, giving him one of her freshly baked pastries
"Thank you, Julieta. I can't believe I'm here just as I got back," he says kindly, and Julieta's heart jumps in her throat. "I guess I missed your cooking more than I thought," he continues, chuckling, and she recognizes that laugh, that soft voice.
She can't speak. She doesn't know how to. Because the man Bruno said would marry her... is Agustin? The same Agustin who saw her every other day when they were younger because he was so clumsy and she needed to heal him? The same Agustin who taste tested her food when her siblings and Mama were busy? Who made her laugh?
She heard he left town to go to college, but she wasn't expecting... this much of a glow up. He looks nice. She hopes she isn't staring (pepa says she totally was)
But... she isn't disappointed. To her surprise, she feels the opposite. Now, she realizes, she was dreading meeting the future Bruno had seen for her... because she had picked her own future, long ago.
She had picked Agustin. She had picked him long before the glowup, when he was still lanky and awkward and full of bee stings. She just didn't realize it until right this moment. Well, better late than never.
"Welcome back, Agustin," she says with a genuine smile, and watches in amusement and fondness as he stutters over her greeting, settling for a polite nod. Pepa and Bruno gasp in the background.
(They know Agustin; it's hard not to notice the same guy ask for their sister's snacks multiple times a week. It's happened before, men getting hurt on purpose just to see Julieta, and Pepa and Bruno would scare them away so they wouldn't take advantage of their sister anymore. But they didn't mind Agustin, because he was genuinely unintentionally getting hurt, so often that it was almost a gift in and of itself. Julieta was more upset that she herself didn't recognize him from the vision.)
She follows him out to catch up, and they talk easily, like those years between them didn't happen at all. It's dark when Julieta gets back, and she has to shove an arepa in Pepa's mouth to stop her from screaming in excitement when she confirms she's taking the day off tomorrow to welcome Agustin back into town... by having lunch together.
Two months after Julieta and Agustin officially start dating, Pepa asks Bruno to show them a vision of Agustin's proposal. Julieta would've left, because that was just too soon, if not for the fact that they apparently get engaged after she catches a bouquet. Which Pepa threw. At her wedding. With Felix.
Pepa doesn't look anyone in the eye for the next week, but the sky isn't storming. On the contrary, it's strangely sunny. (Bruno mumbles something about a plot twist and Julieta decides to be the bigger woman and not laugh at her despairing little sister.)
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