#and agustin and julieta are adorable i just had to
julietas-basil · 5 months
who is the “baby” in the relationship? Agustín or Julieta? Cause we know how soft Agustín is for Julieta soooo..
Hmm we all know Julieta dies for cuddles and loves it when Agustin caresses her hair and kisses her temple (worked many times in the beggining of their relationship)
But We also know that Julieta has a motherly character and since Agustin is going soft on her,he always manages to lay on her chest or belly and allow her caressing his hair
sometimes feed him during dinner and gifting him with a kiss in the end saying
"Good Boy" (makes him blush hard, probably something comes to mind) or "Bueno mijo"
*Same happens when he is given portions of Julieta's food to taste (that canon fact were it was said that Agustín helped her correcting her food by tasting it)*
Julieta makes sure to always kiss his forehead or his whole face at that point (she adores him!) Whenever he's had an accident
(lowkey makes the children laugh but Pepa finds it childish and often makes fun of Agustin 🤣)
Julieta likes to be caressed like a baby sometimes especially when everything is too much for her or for the day...sometimes the emotional weight of having this very gift is hard for her and she ends up in Agustín's arms very fast!
She always feels like the first times they were together how they refused to leave one another or sneak to each houses just for Julieta to be close to Agustín
(and for Agustin to make sure Julieta was going to be loved and supported all the way...)
Mostly Agustín is the baby but I think Julieta wouldn't hesitate be treated the same at times...she craves it and him (its impossible not to)
Julieta has been through so much and I'm pretty sure Agustín never hesitated to treat her with everything he would...
Any HCs below are appreciated!
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thenasoneshots · 1 year
Bruno Oneshot - You Can Always Find Help in Friends and Family
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff? (idk what to call this)
Reader's Relations: None/Best friends with Agustin (Cause he’s Bean)
Warnings: Mentions of death
Other notes: This randomly came to me after rereading the backstory for Gabriella (one of my Encanto OCs), just to say you own a flower shop… This takes place a few months after Isabela gets her gift (therefore all other character ages are adjusted accordingly)
I sighed looking down at the many bunches of flowers that were starting the shrivel up in the shop, feeling my stomach starting to rumble a bit as I hadn’t eaten anything apart from one slice of bread, and it now being around 3 in the afternoon. It had been difficult for me, my father had died before I was born and my mum had died when I was 18. Since then I’d run my mother’s flower shop, selling flowers to the townsfolk. This is what actually led me to meet the person who would become my best friend. Agustin would come to the shop at least once a week to buy flowers and I soon learned he was smitten with Julieta and was trying to impress her by constantly giving her flowers. To start with, I thought it was adorable that he was so in love that he’d buy flowers every week for her, but then it started to become more frequent and eventually, I just started giving them to him for free knowing they were going to a good cause.
It was a few months after Isabela got her gift that I noticed that the flower shop was losing business. I knew why, obviously, it was because of her gift as she could make flowers appear of out thin air, and she was doing it for free. Due to this, I started to not be able to make enough money to feed myself or take care of myself properly. I knew no one would miss me if I did end up dying from starvation or something.
I had been busy watering the flowers in the shop, just on the off chance that someone would come in when I slipped on a wet patch on the floor, “Mierda,” I muttered to myself standing up, only to fall back down again from the water in the floor. I growled and started to crawl over to where it was, soon wincing in pain at my ankle. I let out an exasperated sigh and pulled myself up by leaning on the counter, putting my weight on it as I grabbed an icepack I had just in case of emergency.
“(Y/n), hello!”
I quickly hid the ice pack under the counter and stood up, leaning my weight on the top so Agustin wouldn’t be able to tell anything was wrong, “Hey, friend! Let me guess the normal?” He nodded, a blush overtaking his cheeks, “Yeah.” I smiled and placed weight on my foot to see how it would hold up, and I was unable to hold back the wince and sharp intake of breath.
“You’re hurt. (Y/n) what happened?”
“I’m fine, just tweaked my ankle a bit when I had a fall. It’s nothing serious.”
“You’re wincing in pain. Trust me if anyone knows anything about pain, its me.”
“Yeah, I know, Mr Accident Prone. I’ll be f-PUT ME DOWN!” I interrupted myself when Agustin picked me up and put me over his shoulder, “No, you need help. I’m taking you back to Julieta so you can get your ankle healed, then I’ll come back with you for the flowers.”
I growled and continued to hit him in the back as he walked towards the Madrigal’s house, “You puta! I'm fine, I do not need medical attention! Put me down! I am fine! I told you it’s just a tweak, I can walk it off!”
Despite my protests, I ended up in the kitchen of the Madrigal’s house, my leg propped up on another chair as I sat down, Julieta making a batch of arepas.
“How did you manage to break your ankle, (Y/n)?” she asked, wiping her hands on her apron.
“I did not ‘break’ it. I just tweaked it. Could have just walked it off!” I grumbled, “I tripped over a patch of water I didn’t realise was on the floor in the shop.”
“Oh, well here you go, eat up and you’ll be back to yourself,” Julieta replied, shoving one of the now-cooked arepas into my hand. I reluctantly took a bite and felt the pain go away. I stood up and thanked her before walking to the kitchen door, but I felt her grab my wrist and gasp, “(Y/n), have you lost weight?”
I rolled my eyes, “I don’t see why that’s any of your concern. Now let me go, I have flowers that need watering.”
“Are you eating enough? You know you can talk to me about anything.”
I pulled my arm from her grasp and continued towards the door, when Castia trapped me in the kitchen, “Stupid house,” I muttered to myself, sitting back down, knowing there was no arguing with the magic house, “Fine! To be completely honest, no I’m not. I haven't had a decent meal in months, in fact, haven’t had a decent meal since Isabela got her gift! Since then hardly anyone ever comes to the shop to buy flowers as they can get them for free from her, no one wants to buy flowers.”
“Oh, dear. Eat up, come on you need food, (Y/n),” Julieta responded, placing the remaining arepas in front of me.
“You’re not mad at me for talking bad about Isabela? I mean, she’s your daughter and I’m basically blaming her, a 5-year-old, for my problems!”
“Of course not, it’s not your fault that is what Isabela’s gift is, (Y/n). Now, eat.”
I gave her a small smile and took another arepa, seeing Julieta mutter something to herself. A few minutes later, Bruno walked into the kitchen, “Julieta, Dolores told me you wanted me to come down?”
“Yes. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like you to look into (Y/n) future. I’m worried about her and the flower shop.”
My eyes widened, “It’s fine, honestly! I’ll be fine, you don’t need to trouble yourself with my personal issues. I mean, they’re called personal issues for a reason.” Before I could say anything else, Bruno had grasped my hands, his eyes glowing green. A few minutes later, he let go and I noticed a slight pink tint to his normally dark skin.
“Bruno? Are you alright?” I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He seemed to snap out of a daze and looked me in the eye. I’d got to know him at Julieta and Agustin’s wedding, and since then I’d grown a crush on the youngest triplet.
“Bye,” he spoke, turning around and leaving, but I grabbed him before he could, “If it’s something bad, tell me so I know to prepare myself. Please.” I took a shaky breath and bit my lip as he turned around again, “I-I… Fine, whatIsawwasustogetherandeventuallymarried!” I saw the pink in his cheeks grow and I let out a small giggle, “Wow. That’s not what I was expecting you to say. I was expecting something along the lines of that ‘You’re going to wither away to nothing because your flower shop is going to go out of business’.” I spoke, giving my best impression of Bruno for the last statement, “Not that what you saw isn’t welcome to me,” I continued tucking a hair behind my ear, not noticing that Julieta had left the kitchen, leaving the two of us alone. Bruno’s head shot up, his black curls bouncing, “Really?” I giggled again and nodded, “To be truthful, I’ve had a crush on you for a while.” His eyes widened and his smile increased, “T-that’s like the best news I’ve ever-” he was cut off when he fell over, bumping into me, causing the two of us to end up on the floor of the kitchen.
“(Y/n), c-can I kiss you?” I felt my face heat up and nodded, “You don’t need to ask.” With that said, I leaned down, as I’d landed on top of him, and kissed him.
“Does this mean you’re going to be our Tía now?”
I broke off immediately and stood up looking to the door to see Isabela and Dolores standing there, the latter with a smile on her face, causing me to guess that she was the one that had asked the question. My face went bright red, “We’ll have to see about that, Dolores. Maybe in a few years.” Isabela then walked over and I bent down to her level so she didn’t have to crane her neck to look up at me, “I’m sorry.”
“What for? Isa, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
“It’s m fault you haven’t eaten well. I don’t deserve this gift, your flowers are so pretty! I see the ones Papí brings home for Mamí. They’re so pretty!”
I gave her a smile, deciding to sit down on the floor, “It’s not your fault, Isabela. Listen. You were given your gift because it would help the Encanto. You do so much by giving out flowers and making them grow. The village looks so amazing with the flowers you grow.”
“But it’s made you lose busy-ness!” she squeaked out as a reply, “I have an idea! I can grow flowers and then give them to you to sell!”
I smiled, feeling my heart melt at how much she was willing to do for me, someone who she barely knew, probably only heard of my name, and wasn’t part of her family.” I just gave her a small pat on the head, “Isa, you don’t need to do that. I’ll be fine.”
“Can you tell us the confession story again? PLEASE?!”
I smiled and gave Glacia and Estrella a kiss on the forehead each, “I’ve told you that story before,” I responded to the two 3-year-olds, “I could always tell you the story of when Camilo managed to get stu-”
“Tía! Please don’t!” I stood up carefully, and turned to the door, to see Camilo there, his face slightly pink, “You said you wouldn’t ever tell that story!”
“Did I? I don’t remember tha-” I cut myself off when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, “Camilo, help, my water broke.” His eyes widened, knowing what I meant after both Antonio and the twins, and ran over supporting me so I wouldn’t fall over, muttering, presumingly talking to his sister. A few minutes later, Bruno came rushing into the nursery, the rest of the family behind him. 
Several hours later, I was holding Alieta in my arms, lying on Bruno’s bed, and the rest of the family was allowed back in, the only ones in the room before were Bruno and Julieta. The twins came running in and up to the bed, still arguing about who was going to be a better sister, causing me to giggle, “You two want to meet her?” They immediately stopped squabbling and nodded and Bruno lifted them onto the bed. I smiled as they crawled over and I showed them their now sister, “Say hello to Alieta.”
They both said their hellos and I felt my heart melt. I soon let out a yawn, it now being very late at night and Bruno took Alieta from me, placing her in the small crib that had been set in the room ready. Julieta walked over and offered to put the twins back to bed, something I was very thankful for as the minute I laid back down, I fell asleep.
----------------------END OF ONESHOT
Yeah… not too happy with th ending of this one… For info on my ocs, go to my toyhouse: HamiltonAttorney2277 https://toyhou.se/HamiltonAttorney2277/characters/folder:4585111 
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magicalmadrigals · 2 years
Innocence of Intimacy, Ch 9 - A Proposal
I thought I would post this on here to see if it reaches more people because AO3 is being a pain for that recently for some reason.
Syn: Agustin finally asks Julieta to be his wife
“Oh my…”
“I, uh, I looked at other ones, but it was that one I kept going back to. Do you think she’ll like it?”
Looking up from the diamond ring in the little red box in her palm, Pepa just blinked at Agustín for a second. “Do I think she’ll like it?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “I think she’ll love it, honestamente, but then again you could have gone with that blade of grass idea from when we were small and she still would have said yes.”
He chuckled under his breath at her comment.
“Have you decided where you’re going to ask her yet?” She asked before giving him a look. “Not la cocina.”
“No, not la cocina, she spends enough time in there as it is,” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head in response. “I’m taking her out to dinner tomorrow night, we planned the date a couple weeks ago, and that part is going to be normal. When I walk her home, I’m going to ask her to come to the treehouse with me for a while and that’s where I’ll ask her. An old amigo of mine has agreed to set things up for us, so there…there’ll be candles and a basket of tortas waiting for us when we get there. I want it to be perfect for her. She means more to me than she could ever imagine, truly, and making her the happiest I can is the only thing I care about anymore.”
Pepa laid a hand over her heart and blinked back the tears in her eyes. “Can you marry me instead?”
“Hola, Pepí, I’m standing right here.” Félix reminded her, causing her to turn to look at him for a moment.
“Sí, lo siento.” She smiled at him, reaching out to take his hand in her own.
Holding his hand out to accept the ring box back from his – all being well – soon to be cuñada, Gus closed it and returned it to his pocket before straightening his jacket and taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves. He wasn’t even proposing until tomorrow and he was already sweating through his shirt, so he dreaded to think what sort of state he was going to be in when the time actually came for him to do so. It was already a given that he was going to make a complete fool out of himself since that was all he ever did around Julieta, but that was luckily something she had grown to love about him over the years and he was relieved about that.
All he had to do was keep from setting himself alight on the candles and it should all go to plan.
“Could the two of you do me a favour? Could you just act normal around her until tomorrow? Only, I know what Juli is like and if anything is out of the ordinary then she’ll know something’s happening.” He told them.
“Of course.” Pepa and Félix nodded.
“Gracias, I appreciate it. I should speak to her before I go, do you know where she is?” He asked.
“You have known the girl un década and you still have to ask that question?” Pepa narrowed her eyes at him.
He rolled his eyes, mentally kicking himself. “Of course. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
“Adiós, Gus.”
He turned away from then then, walking out of the sitting room and through the courtyard to la cocina where he knew his girlfriend would be, and when he got there he smiled at seeing her at the kitchen island. She was making arepas again, her specialty and a constant hit with those in town, and as usual she had a little flour on her face and in her hair. Her days were long and hard and there was no doubt in his mind that she was dead on her feet when she climbed into bed at night, but there was also no doubt in his mind that she adored what she did. Her gift meant such a great deal to her and she found such happiness in getting to help those in need.
He tried his hardest to be quiet and discreet as he walked into the kitchen, wanting to surprise her, but he was never much good at being either of those things and so it came as very little surprise when she looked his way. “Oh, you’re still here? I thought you left a while ago now.” She said, following him with her eyes as he walked towards her before he moved to stand behind her and slipped his arms around her with a soft kiss to her neck.
“Félix wanted to speak with me about something, so we had a drink. I thought I’d say goodbye before I left.”
“You’re sweet.”
He smiled and let his chin rest on her shoulder as he tightened his hold of her. “Excited for tomorrow night?”
“Muy emocionada,” She beamed, glancing back at him. “I miss these little dates of ours.”
“Me too, but I promise that I am going to make tomorrow night perfect for you, mi amor.” He said gently.
“As long as I have you there with me, it will be,” She smiled. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you,” He leaned in to brush his lips against her own. “More than you will ever know.”
Opening her mouth so Gus could feed her the last small piece of torta de manzana, sitting across from him at their little table outside the restaurant, she gave him a smile as she ate it slowly before leaning back in her seat and reaching for her wine again. “Oh, all of that was deliciosa, but I honestly don’t think I could eat anything else,” She chuckled as she set her glass back down after taking a sip, the love she had for him deepening when he laid his hand palm up on the table and gestured for her to take it which she did. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble for me, mi amor, though I love you for doing so. I would have been pleased with just a picnic.”
He shook his head in response, bringing her hand to his lips so he could leave a kiss to the back of her palm. “I know you would have, but I have taken you on hundreds of picnics and I felt like doing something special for you for once,” He explained. “I wouldn’t have gotten to see you in that dress if we went for a picnic either, so I count myself afortunado for more reasons than one tonight. You look muy preciosa, have I told you that?”
“Once or twice…” Her cheeks burned madly as she dropped his gaze for a second. “Or maybe four times.”
“Well, you do.”
“Gracias. Pepa spent three hours doing my hair and makeup for me, so I’m glad it was worth it.”
Dropping her hand, he reached over the table and gave her cheek the softest stroke with the back of his palm. “It probably isn’t appropriate for me to say, but…but if we were alone here then I’d be kissing you right now.”
“If you think I’m the sort of girl to let being kissed in front of people embarrass me, you really don’t know me as well as I thought you did,” She smirked, leaning over the table slightly and bringing her chin to rest in her palm. “So, Rojas, are you going to kiss me? Or did you really get my hopes up only to go and disappoint me?”
“Oh, the last thing I want to do is disappoint you.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
Rolling his eyes at her in a teasing manner that made her chuckle again, he brushed a lone curl behind her ear before taking her by the chin and leaning in to capture her lips with his. He made sure to keep it chaste, what with there being a number of other couples at the tables around them, but at the same time he poured all that he wanted to say to her into it. It was long and soft and tender and when he pulled back eventually, sucking at her bottom lip, her eyes delayed opening and her breathing was a little uneven and it delighted him to no end. “Is that what you wanted?” He asked gently before leaning back in his seat again when her eyes fluttered open.
She only managed a small nod, still trying to gain control over her breathing.
“I think I might go and see to the bill,” He told her. “I was thinking we might take the long way home?”
“Sounds perfecta to me.” She smiled.
Looking at her for a moment longer, he leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She replied before watching him get up from the table and head inside the restaurant.
It had been a wonderful night and she had loved spending some quality time with him, but she couldn’t shake the feeling there was something going on. It all started when Pepa insisted she let her do her hair and makeup. She did ask if she wanted her to whenever she and Gus had a date planned, that much was true, but normally she would back down when she politely declined. Not tonight though. She never even gave her that much of a choice, choosing instead to just grab her by the arm and drag her upstairs so she could start getting her sorted.
What truly convinced her that something was going on though was the way Agustín had been acting all night. He was always a bit of a nervous wreck around her, even now, and it was just one of the things she loved and found endearing about him, but it had seemed to be on another level this evening though. He’d stumbled over words, he’d played with and loosened his tie many times – a tell tale sign he was anxious – and she could tell by his eyes that something was going on with him. It was no secret that everybody knew something she didn’t.
Deep down, she felt she had quite a good feeling what it was.
Each time she thought about it she felt a surge of excitement, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
If it happened then it happened, she would just have to wait and see.
She was pulled from her thoughts by Gus resting his hands on her shoulders from behind a short while later, the two of them sharing a smile when she turned to look at him after he kissed the crown of her head. “Well, that’s dinner sorted,” He said as he pulled her chair out for her so that she could stand, his hand reaching for her own before she took it and the two of them began to walk away from the little restaurant. “Señor Alvarez said our meal was on him because you helped little Francesca when she got hurt the other day. He appreciated it and he wanted to do something to thank you. I like that. It’s about time someone acknowledged your work.”
“I don’t need any acknowledgement though,” She shook her head. “I don’t do it for that reason.”
“No, I know that corazón,” He gave her hand a squeeze. “I also know that there are some people in this town who like to take advantage though and don’t appreciate what you do for them enough. I know how much you have to do in order to care for people. I see you working in la cocina for hours on end and I see you worn out at the end of the day, but the people in town don’t see either of those things and so they don’t see how lucky they are. I like it when someone does something like this for you because it proves they appreciate all you do.”
She hummed in response. “Señor Alvarez is so kind. Remind me to thank him for this, would you?”
“Of course,” He nodded before dropping her hand so he could put an arm around her and pull her close while they walked. He felt her cuddle up to him after a couple of seconds and tightened his hold of her, running his hand along her spine through her cardigan when her head dropped against his chest. “Are you warm enough?”
“It has gone a little chilly now you mention it.” Her eyes sparkled when she looked up at him.
Knowing exactly what she was up to, he stopped walking for a second and shook his head at her as he started to unbutton his jacket. He then removed it and draped it around her shoulders, untucking her curls and seeing to it that she was covered before putting his arm around her again and continuing to walk. “Better?” He asked.
“Better…” She buried her nose in the fabric and breathed in his scent. “You are such a caballero.”
“Only for you.” He murmured in her ear.
“So I should hope.” She laughed.
A comfortable silence fell over them as they went on walking for a couple minutes, neither of them feeling the need to say much, but when they were only a short distance from the treehouse he looked her way once again. “I was thinking we might head to the treehouse for a little while,” He told her while playing with the ends of her curls. “I just don’t want to say goodnight to you yet and it isn’t that late, really. I’m sure your mamá won’t mind too much and Pepa can cover for you if we get there slightly later than we agreed on. What do you say?”
Pulling his jacket further around herself, she smiled sleepily at him. “I want to.”
He couldn’t keep himself from lowering his head to brush his lips against her own. “Mi querida…”
It was clear she was getting tired and it wasn’t surprising to him in the slightest given the long afternoon she’d had. He didn’t have to worry about that though. Once they were at the treehouse, he would ask her to marry him and then they could just sit and talk and relax together for a little while before he took her back to Casita.
It was all in hand.
When they eventually made it to the treehouse the two of them had spent many a peaceful afternoon in, he let her take his jacket from around her shoulders and hand it to him before he watched her start to make her way up the ladder. It was then that his heart began to pound. Once she made it to the top she would see the treats and the candles and it would become clear to her – if she hadn’t already managed to work it out – that there was something going on. He would have little time to prepare when he reached her and so he would just have to make something up on the spot. He would just say what he felt. It would probably make things a lot easier.
He began to climb the ladder once she was up there and, as he suspected, when he made it to the platform she was standing there with wide eyes. She was completely blown away, he could tell, but there was a smile on her face and he took that as a very good sign. “Gus…” The word came out as a whisper. “Wh…what is all of this?”
Rubbing his hands on his trousers to keep them from sweating too much, he was mindful of the candles as he walked towards her before taking her hands in his. A silent moment went by as they looked at each other, but soon he realised there was only one thing left to do and so he reached into his jacket pocket for the little ring box. He heard her breath hitch in her throat at the sight and chuckled gently, opening the lid with a trembling hand to reveal the beautiful ring he chose for her while making his way down onto one knee at the same time. “Oh my…” Her voice wavered as she fought back tears, lifting a hand to her mouth as she let out a quiet gasp.
“Funny,” He laughed nervously, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Your hermana said the exact same thing.”
She chuckled tearfully as he took her by the hand again and smoothed his thumb tenderly across her knuckles. “Gus, I…I’m not sure what to…” She shook her head in slight disbelief, quietening when he gently hushed her.
“I have been thinking about this moment for the past fourteen years and I have loved you for even longer than that,” He told her while attempting to keep his hand from trembling as he held hers in it. “You were the only friend I had for the longest time. You were the only person who didn’t think I was weird or estúpido and you always defended me as though your life depended on it. I can’t remember the exact moment I fell in love with you, but that means that being in love with you is all I’ve ever truly known and I think that’s a life well spent. You mean everything to me, you always have, and all I want to do is spend the rest of my life reminding you.”
Try as she might, she just couldn’t keep the tears in her eyes from falling at his words.
“I planned on writing out what I was going to say to you tonight and I sat down to do that a hundred times, but I kept throwing what I wrote away because it just didn’t sound right,” He admitted. “For the longest time, I couldn’t work out where I was going wrong and why it wasn’t working out, but then it came to me one day. I couldn’t do it because there is no one way to describe you. No one way to tell you just how much I love and want you. You are truly the most loving, unique, wonderful person I have ever known and why you chose me when you could have had any hombre in town will never make sense to me, but I’m so thankful that you did.”
“I chose you because you were – are – the only hombre for me,” She said through her tears. “I love you.”
“I love you too and that’s why I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” It was becoming something of a challenge to keep his own emotions under control at this point. “I want to go on adventures with you, I want to have children with you and – even though we haven’t a need to worry about that yet – I want to grow old with you. I can’t imagine my life without you a part of it and, honestly, I don’t want to because it would be so boring and pointless. I want to spend my life bringing as much happiness to yours as I can, mi amor, but you need to give me the answer I’m looking for before I can start to do that and I truly hope that you’re going to.”
Her heart was pounding hard against her ribs now and she could feel her impatience increasing.
“Julieta Madrigal,” He took the ring from the box. “Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“Yes…” She squeaked, smiling like a complete idiot with tears streaming down her face as he slid the ring onto her finger before standing and taking her waist in his hands, drawing her close to him. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.”
Reaching up to bury her hands in his hair, she pulled him down into the deepest kiss and felt him tighten his hold of her while they sank into it. It was long and soft and warm and completely full of passion, that simple action saying more in the moment than either of them could ever hope to. For so many years, they had to be so restrained and so careful and now all of that was slowly coming to an end and it was such a relief to them. Before long, they would be married and no longer have to worry about someone seeing them together like this.
She could have remained wrapped up in his embrace like this for the rest of time, truly, but the need to come up for air was growing stronger by the second and the last thing she wanted to do was faint. Deciding to bring the kiss to an end, she let her hands come to rest on his neck and brushed a number of soft kisses against his lips before pulling back a little and touching her forehead to his. “You certainly took your time,” She breathed, smirking and letting her nose brush against his. “I was beginning to worry you were never going to get around to asking me. I seriously thought Bruno was going to end up married before us, you kept me waiting so long!”
“Bruno isn’t even courting anyone.” He chuckled.
“Exactly, mi vida,” She tutted with a playful roll of her eyes. “I don’t have to worry about that now though.”
He hummed in response. “No, not now you’re my prometida.”
“Oh, I love the way that sounds,” She beamed. “Are you certain though? I mean, certain, certain?”
“I am certain, certain,” He promised her. “And you? After the boda, you’re going to be stuck with me forever.”
“You know,” She rose up to kiss him tenderly once more. “That is a life sentence I’m pleased to accept…”
He brushed a curl from her face and tucked it behind her ear, sighing to himself as he pulled the blanket they were sharing a little further over her while she slept in his arms. She hadn’t been asleep long in all honesty, an hour at most, but he would have to wake her soon so he could take her home and he didn’t want to. What he wanted to do was spend the night here with her like they had done in the past, but he knew that wouldn’t be an option this time. Her mamá would be waiting up to make sure he brought her home safe and he’d worked long enough to get on her good side, so the last thing he wanted to do was wreck all that tonight of all nights.
No, he had to take her home at some point, but he felt he would be safe a little while longer.
Holding her a little tighter, he let her cuddle up to him in her sleep before feathering a kiss against her temple when she laid her head on his chest. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, holding her this way and just making sure she got the sleep she required. Should she have been home right now, there was no doubt in his mind that she would have been in la cocina making all manner of things ready for her busy day tomorrow. He knew she never went to bed until well past midnight. She saw the end of one day and the beginning of the next, but that was going to change when he went to live with her and the rest of the familia after the wedding.
He understood she was busy and had a lot to do and he would respect that, but he would also make sure she refrained from working herself to death. If she wasn’t in bed by a certain time, he would go to her and tell her to go and get some sleep. He would make her if the need to do so arose because he cared about those in town, yes, but just as her duty was to them his was to her and he was going to make sure he looked after her needs. It would no doubt be one of the things they bickered about on occasion, her ridiculous schedule, but there was also no doubt in his mind that they would end up reaching some mutual agreement regarding it at some point.
Her moving in his arms with an incoherent mumble pulled him from his thoughts after a time and he glanced her way, smiling and running the back of his palm down her cheek when her eyes blinked open and she tilted her head back on his chest. “Hola…” He whispered, feeling her tangle her leg with his underneath the blanket.
“Hola,” She echoed before giving him a guilty look. “Lo siento, you planned all this for us and I fell asleep.”
“You had a long day, cariño, no wonder you’re feeling so tired tonight,” He soothed with a shake of his head, running a hand over her untameable curls which caused her to smile. “I ought to start taking you home soon.”
She made a sound of displeasure at that before sitting up slightly and turning onto her front against his chest, the two of them sharing a smile as she played with his tie and he ran a hand up and down her back. “Maybe we could spend the night up here instead. Eat those treats and make the most of the start of our engagement?”
“Oh, I want to,” He sighed, stretching up to place a kiss on her lips. “You have no idea how much, but your mamá knows where you are and you know what she’s like. She won’t go to bed until you’re home safe and if I don’t get you home soon then she’ll not be pleased with me. It took me a long time to get her on my side and I…I just don’t want to do anything to ruin that. I want her to like me. I want her to think of me as a suitable esposo for you, but I need to prove myself to her in order for that to happen and so I have to take you home.”
“Is it wrong for me to wish you weren’t such a decent hombre all the time?” She pouted.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at that, winding his arms tight around her when she laid down again and tucked her head beneath his chin. “You and I can spend the night up here whenever we like once we’re married,” He pointed out. “No one is going to ask questions, we won’t have to sneak around anymore and Pepa and Bruno won’t have to come up with some stupid story to give your mamá. Everything is going to be so different then.”
“Can we get married tomorrow?” She mumbled into his chest.
“I would take you down to that church and marry you right this second if it were doable.” He smirked.
“Imagine what mamá would say if we went back there already married.”
“Honestly, I’m more concerned about what she would do to me if that happened.”
Looking up at him again, she curled a hand into his shirt. “You really do care about her opinion, don’t you?”
“I think your mother is a remarkable woman, even more so since I learned what she had to go through before all this came about,” He replied. “I have a lot of respect for her and I have a lot to be thankful to her for, you being the main thing. I want her to feel as though she can trust me to take care of you. She doesn’t think I’m worthy and I agree with her, but I also love you madly and I am going to prove to her that I can be worthy of you. It might take years and it might even be something I never achieve, but I need to try. Your familia is the most important thing in the world to you, I know, so I need to make sure all of them are as important to me.”
“Mi familia is important to me, Gus, but you are more important to me than anything.” She told him gently.
He frowned. “I am?”
“Considering I once told mamá I would leave Encanto just to be with you if it came to it, I would say so.”
“You really would have given all this up just to be with me?”
“I would give up everything to be with you should that be necessary,” Moving closer to him under the blanket, she draped an arm across his stomach to anchor herself to him and hummed contentedly when he brushed his nose against her own. “I am never going to stop being grateful to Papí for saving our lives and letting us have this, but…but none of it – my special gift, the miracle, Casita – means a thing to me if you’re not here for me to share it with. I hope it never comes down to it, of course, but should I ever have to choose between keeping all of this or staying with you then I know which choice I would make. It has and always will be you. Always.”
Resting a hand on her cheek beneath her curls, he looked into her eyes and sighed. “I feel the exact same.”
“You do?” She raised an eyebrow at him.
“I do,” He hummed. “I feel the exact same way…”
It was throwing it down with rain and the two of them were soaked to the bone, but neither of them cared in the slightest as they stood there caught up in their embrace. He wanted her to head inside the second they got back to the house, to go and get changed and make herself something warming to drink before she caught her death, but she had other ideas. Getting caught in the heavy downpour made her realise she’d never been kissed in the rain before and, oddly, it was something that had always sounded rather wonderful and romantic to her. In her mind, there was no time like the present to see what it was like and so she just grabbed and kissed him.
He was stunned for a time, something she was expecting since he had very little warning before she moved in, but he eventually sank into it and it was every bit as wonderful as she imagined it would be. His hands on her along with the gentle sound of the rain falling around them just brought her a happiness she couldn’t describe.
Letting a hand venture up his chest and come to rest on the side of his neck, she couldn’t help but smile into the kiss when he pulled her closer to him by the waist. She could feel his warmth through the layers they both had on and it made her shiver, but that only led him to think she was cold and so he pulled away only to give her a concerned look. “You’re cold,” He said while attempting to catch his breath. “Perhaps you should go in.”
“Gus, I’m not cold,” She laughed as a raindrop landed on her nose. “I am anything but right now, honestly.”
He chuckled at that before reaching up to brush her wet curls from her face. “I still think you should head in.”
“Oh, bored of me already? I thought you would have lasted longer than two hours.” She feigned hurt.
“Ay, Agustín, I’m only teasing.”
He seemed genuinely relieved that he hadn’t upset her. “I just don’t want to be the reason you end up sick.”
“I know,” She soothed. “You’re right, I should be going in. Could…could you kiss me before I do?”
“I suppose I could manage that.” He tutted, drawing her close again and swallowing her chuckle with a kiss.
Unlike the time before, the two of them barely had any time at all to sink into this kiss because Casita’s front door swung open and they broke apart at the sound to see Pepa standing there in the doorway, arms crossed. “So, you both decided to start this long awaited engagement of yours off with the flu! Fabulous idea.” She said.
“Pepa…” Julieta whined, turning away from Agustín to look at her hermana. “You can’t give us un momento?”
“As your hermana, it is my job to make sure everything runs smoothly from now until the wedding and seeing to it that you stay healthy is part of that,” Pepa shook her head, reaching for the orange umbrella next to her and opening it before making her way outside and taking her sister by the wrist. “Now, say goodnight to Gus.”
Julieta glared at her for a second before turning back to Agustín and giving him a smile. “Buenos noches.”
“Gus, say goodnight to Juli.” Pepa instructed, causing him to chuckle under his breath as he looked her way.
“Buenos noches, mi vida.” He said gently when he looked at Julieta a second time.
Before either of them had time to fully process what was going on, Pepa started pulling her in the direction of the house and the two of them shared a knowing look when she glanced over her shoulder at him. Just before Casita closed its doors behind her and her hermana, Gus gave her a small wave which she returned before she turned to her hermana with a huff. “You would kill me if I interrupted you and Félix like that.” She grumbled.
“Oh, I would hit you with lightning for sure,” Pepa nodded. “But that’s not important. Hand.”
Julieta brought her hand up at her instruction, her initial irritation starting to die down little by little, and she smiled when she brought a hand to rest over her heart. “You should have heard his speech. He made me cry.”
“Bruno made you cry when he ate the last polvorosa last month. It doesn’t take much.” Pepa reminded her.
“Hey! In my defence, I had my cycle and I still say he knew what he was doing when he took it,” She argued. “Honestly though, Agustín said the most wonderful things to me tonight and it only made me love him more.”
Pepa smiled. “He really, really loves you. I just don’t know why it took him so long to ask!”
“I said the same thing!” She laughed. “It doesn’t matter now though. He asked me and that’s all I care about.”
Reaching out to rest a hand on her arm through her dress, Pepa gave it a light stroke before gesturing upstairs. “Mamá went up with a cup of tea not long ago and said I was to send you to her when you got home. If you want mi consejo, I would take a bath and change before you go and see her because we both know she won’t be pleased with Gus for failing to get you home before it rained. He doesn’t need her ruining all this for him.”
She nodded in agreement. “Gracias, Pep.”
“De nada, just remember this when I ask to be your dama de honor.” Pepa smirked.
Standing there for a moment longer, she gave her a smile and a playful roll of her eyes before moving around her and making her way over to the stairs so she could go up to the bathroom. She was silent as she crept past her mother’s room, not yet ready for her to know she was back, and when she made it to the bathroom at last she let out a sigh of relief and made her way inside before shutting the door behind her and leaning against it.
She brought her hand up again then to admire the stunning diamond ring Gus gave her, the love she had for him deepening when she thought about all it symbolised. It was more than just a representation of his love for her. It was a sign of dedication and a promise to stand by her through thick and thin, something he’d always done but something that was far more crucial now they were to be married. It was such a small thing, this tiny piece of metal, but it meant more to her than words could say and she really would treasure it all her life long.
It was beginning at long last, her life.
She had no idea what the future had in store for her and Agustín, but it would be an adventure for sure.
One she simply couldn’t wait to embark on.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
DA. Wanted to write some fluff, so here you go
Dolores could hardly contain her excitement as her Mami and Tia helped her into her dress, it was the day most girls dreamed of their entire lives, her wedding day, after years of pinning for a man she thought she could never have, only to find her dreams come true in the midst of a tragedy, she was finally getting the one thing she always wanted, to marry Mariano Guzman.
The weather was not what you would expect for a wedding, grey clouds filled the sky and Dolores could clearly hear the sound of rainfall with her enhanced hearing, the rain was not unexpected however, as her mama tried desperately to wipe the tears from her eyes, "oh hija, I'm so sorry" Pepa said, trying desperately to calm herself down, "you're just so beautiful, all grown up and marrying a man who adores you, you remind me so much of myself, and look at me, I'm raining on your wedding too" her Tia Julieta held Pepa's hand to comfort her and Dolores put a hand on her mother's shoulder, "it's okay Mami, I know, I don't mind the rain, as long as you're okay" Pepa looked up at her daughter with worry "are you sure Mija?" She asked, Dolores nodded, "I've always loved the sound of your rain mama, it helps me relax, and as long as you're alright, I don't care what the weather is" Pepa smiled through her tears and squeezed her sister's hand, "gracias Mija, I just want your special day to be as perfect as it can be" Dolores looked out the window and saw the rain come down, a rainbow could clearly be seen through the clouds, and she let the gentle sounds wash away her own nerves "it already is mama, more perfect then I could've imagined"
Three barks sounded from the door, and Julieta opened it to find Beau, Cocoa, and Inigo, all dressed in cute outfits Mirabel had been kind enough to sew for all the dogs, Beau had a box of tissues in her mouth, which Pepa took graciously, Cocoa had a note from Agustin saying the buffet was all set up, and Inigo held a big beautiful bouquet courtesy of Isabella. Dolores took the bouquet and admired it, red roses, white chrysanthemums, red carnations, and chamomile flowers were wrapped tightly in a ribbon and accented with ferns and coriander, each plant was picked out with the help of Isabella, with each one having a special meaning that made the bouquet all the more perfect, "gracias" Dolores said, giving her pup-of-honor a thankful head scratch.
"Dolores, may I come in?" The voice of her Abuela echoed from behind the door accompanied by a quiet knock, "si, come in Abuela" Dolores replied, so the door once again opened and Abuela was met with the beautiful sight of her second eldest grandchild all dolled up in white, the dress had a big and poofy skirt with puffed sleeves and a neckline similar to her normal attire, her hair was done in her usual bun but had a silver tiara and long veil in place of her bow, overall, she looked stunning, "oh mi hermosa chica" Abuela gasped, becoming chocked up at the sight, "you have grown into such a beautiful woman, you look like a princess" Dolores smiled in pride as her Abuela offered to adjust her veil, Pepa's tears becoming even more apparent as Dolores showed off her completed bridal look "Pepa, are you alright?" Abuela asked, Dolores saw how Abuela's eyes flickered momentarily to the rain outside, but tried to stay focused on Pepa, Dolores could tell her Abuela still struggled with letting go of her perfectionism, but she was clearly trying to put Pepa's needs first, "I'm okay mama" Pepa reassured, "I'm just really happy, and sad, and nervous, and just really emotional" Abuela held her daughter's arm and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe her tears, "it's okay Pepita, I felt the same way when you and your sister married" Pepa took a deep breath and smiled gratefully at her mother, and Dolores smiled wide as she heard the church bells ring, it was time.
The church was filled with residents of the Encanto, with the Madrigals and Guzmans at the front, everyone was dressed in shades of yellow or red, including the dogs, who sat at the feet of their owners, Mariano stood at the alter with the priest, dressed in simple white formal wear as he waited for his bride. Pepa, Julieta, and Abuela silently took their seats before the wedding march began to play, and the doors opened to allow Dolores and Inigo to enter, everyone turned to face the beautiful bride as she slowly made her way down the aisle, with her loyal pup scattering flower petals as she went. Once she reached the altar, her pup stepped aside and she took Mariano's hands in her own, the priest beginning his speech, "dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Dolores Madrigal and Mariano Guzman in holy matrimony" Dolores took a deep, shaky breath before saying the vows she had been practicing for weeks.
"Mariano, I truly never thought this day would come, where I could stand at the altar beside you and promise to love you for the rest of my days, but now that I'm here, there are so many things I want to say, that I've wanted to say for so long, you are an incredible man, I've heard you sing your songs and recite your poetry, pouring your heart out into each word and melody, I feel like I've known you all my life, you are kind, devoted, loyal, giving, compassionate, I know that when you're there, you'll listen, you'll care, you'll understand, when I'm with you, I feel seen, like nothing else in the world matters except the two of us, and when I think about my future, all I can think about is our lives together, I don't know what the future holds, but I know I want you in it, whatever comes next, I want to face it with you, I still can't believe that after all this time, I finally get to have you as my husband, it's all so surreal, but I couldn't be happier, I promise, as your wife, to love you and cherish you, to listen we you need someone to hear you, and to be by your side to support you for as long as I live"
tears pricked at Dolores' eyes as she looked at Mariano with pure adoration, he smiled warmly at her, his eyes showing that same love and devotion.
"Dolores, I have always dreamed of finding the woman I would spend the rest of my life with, to love and care for with all my heart as any proper man should, I will admit, I did not fully understand what it meant to love, to be willing to share your deepest insecurities with someone you trust fully will accept you even at your worst, I always had such high expectations for myself to always be my best and never falter, but you were the first person I ever felt I could let my guard down with, who I didn't need to impress with perfection, you took me as I was, a helpless romantic searching desperately for love, we found each other at a hard time in your life, a hard time for your whole family, but I knew I wanted to be there for you, to help you, and you helped me, you showed me love is so much more than big romantic gestures and perfectly planned dates, it's acceptance and vulnerability, trust and compassion, being comfortable being yourself, and I can say with confidence that you are the only woman I have ever truly loved, I promise, as your husband, to always love and honor you, to be your shoulder to cry on and lift you up, and to always see you when you feel invisible for as long as I live"
Inigo stepped forward, now holding up a pair of wedding bands to the couple, Dolores and Mariano took the rings and exchanged them, promising to love each other in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, better or worth, as long as they both lived. Abuela choked up as the couple turned to the three candles on the altar, Dolores and Mariano each picked up one candle and lit them individually, before each holding their candles up to the third until a flame blossomed, they then blew out their individual candles and both held the remaining candle, "I now pronounce you man and wife" the priest declared, and the crowd erupted into cheers as Dolores and Mariano kissed passionately, Pepa once again cried knowing that her only daughter was now married, but was happy she was married to such a loving man, as showed by the bright rainbow alongside the rain clouds.
The reception was one of the liveliest celebrations in Encanto, at first Abuela, Pepa, and Mariano were worried about the noise, but Dolores assured them the noise wasn't too much for her ears, the venue was decorated in a wide array of colorful Colombian flora thanks to Isabella and Camilo had shown a surprising amount of restraint when it came to the buffet table, that or he was getting better at his impersonations, Antonio had even requested some of his bird friends to fly around throwing flower petals in the air, creating a dazzling rain of orange petals that seemed particularly dense around Dolores and Mariano, "the cake is delicious Senora Julieta" Mariano said, a plate of said cake I'm hand, "thank you, but you don't need to call me Senora" Julieta replied, "you're part of the family now, you can just call me Tia" Mariano nodded graciously, "well gracias Tia".
Finally, it was time for the bouquet toss, Mirabel, Luisa, and some other young women gathered in a group at the center of the room near Dolores, but Isabella stayed at the buffet table at the far side of the room, "don't you want to join them Mija?" Julieta asked, Isabella shook her head, "no, after everything that happened I'm not really interested in marrying anyone at the moment, maybe I will someday, but right now I'd rather focus on me and mi familia" Julieta nodded in understanding and watched as Dolores prepared to throw her bouquet, "are you ready girls?" She called, earning a chorus of cheers in response. Dolores threw her bouquet high into the air, but she underestimated her own strength as her bouquet flew right over the crowd of excited girls...... And straight towards Isabella. When Isabella saw the bouquet coming towards her, in a moment of pure panic she grew a large vine and instinctively swatted the bouquet away with it, fortunately sending the bouquet towards the crowd of awaiting women, who jumped up to grab it, ultimately causing all the girls to fall on top of each other into a large pile, the bouquet landing in the hands of Mirabel, who landed on top of the pile thanks to Luisa. Mirabel held up the bouquet in triumph as the crowd cheered and moved to help the rest of the girls out of the pile, Isabella laughing hysterically and Dolores muttering words of apology for accidentally throwing the bouquet towards her when she clearly didn't want it, Isabella held no hard feelings, finding the situation hilarious.
The party continued well into the night, but eventually the party did die down and the Madrigal residents headed home, after a tearful goodbye with his mother, Mariano joined Dolores and the Madrigals in Casita, where he was greeted with a flurry of excited tiles, "that's Casita's way of welcoming you to the family" Dolores said, Mariano nodded, "gracias Casita" Casita led them both up the stairs and towards Dolores' door, which was glowing even brighter then the others, Dolores gave a nod to Mariano and he reached out and touched the doorknob. The door shimmered at his touch, and when he opened the door, a fluffy German Shepherd stepped out to greet him. "Hello there pup!" Mariano said, getting on his knees to pet the dog as it licked his face happily, Inigo barked happily and made his way to the new dog to greet him, "have you decided on a name?" Dolores asked, Mariano nodded, "I'll name him Alonzo" he said, and the dog barked happily at his new name before running inside the room to play with Inigo, followed by Mariano and Dolores as they stepped into the now expanded room.
This was so much fun to write, I hope you like it
Nah but. This is so rad 🫡 everyone having so much fun and the main couple being happy, I’m gonna cry. Mariano being so…💥💥💥💥💥💥❤️AND THE VENUE…gotta give the family credit where credit is due, the really went all out huh <33 you also.
Gotta give Mirabel credit for catching that bouquet, Isabela was NOT having it 💀 can’t blame her tho…ALSO? Alonzo, my beloved. The dogs. Ingo and Alonzo…what will they do…world domination that’s what they will do
Me when. When.
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Me when the dogs and doors fluff. sobbing screaming crying giggling
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Mi pequeño soldado - Pamamilo au chapter 1
( Yes I know I've written this two times already but I'll keep rewriting it until I get it right )
Camilo and Mirabel were the youngest Madrigals everybody knew that but when Antonio was born all that changed. Camilo remembers looking at him in his cradle sleeping soundly as a baby should.
For the past 9 months, Camilo was afraid that he wouldn't be the baby anymore but after he held Antonio his opinions were demolished into dust.
Camilo had a new feeling in his heart this feeling wanted to protect and love Antonio as if he were his own son. It took a lot of bargaining and bribing for Camilo to fully let go of his son hermano. It got so bad that Alma had to threaten him
"if you don't stop being possessive of him I won't even let you near him again" She threatened
It worked but that doesn't mean he wasn't hovering around him when other people were around. The cool couple and Mirabel thought it was adorable. The yellow couple and Dolores thought it was cute but annoying. He would fret over every little thing
"your not holding him right"
"no tilt the bottle 60 degrees not whatever that is"
"I don't want Isabela holding him she's mean and I don't want that to rub off on him"
"Careful with his legs"
"watch his head"
Pepa's(and Felix's) duties started coming up so she needed to find someone to care for Antonio. It couldn't be Dolores, not Luisa, or Julieta and Agustin, Isabela can't watch him either. So the only person who could do it was-
"ME ME I can watch him," The boy jumped up and down with joy and excitement. "It won't be a problem I promise most of my job is babysitting pleeeeease" he gave them the puppy dog eyes
Pepa and Alma were reluctant but with his constant pleading they gave in. Mirabel decided to join him with the babysitting since she had nothing else to do. And because she knows Camilo is an idiot and wants to make sure he doesn't do anything dumb.
She was surprised at how caring he was towards Antonio and any baby for that matter. She noticed how the kids call him mama, papa, or pamamilo and no one even notices it or cares.
Mirabel has been bestowed the nickname hermanabel by Camilo and she couldn't be happier. The kids caught on and started calling her that as well. Mira takes pride in being the big sister of the kids and she holds that role with honor and tries to be as sisterly as she can.
As time went on Camilo's love for Antonio got bigger and bigger. Instead of Antonio's cradle being Mirabel's room it was moved to his by him. He moved the cradle to his room so he could be closer to him and let Mirabel get some sleep.
If Antonio wanted milk Camilo would be the one to go downstairs and warm it up for him. he and Julieta would usually cross paths at those times in the night and would sometimes have conversations about their day and such.
Over the years Camilo had become the son Julieta and Agustin never had and they became the parents Camilo always wanted. He always came to them when he had problems, when he needed (parental) advice, or just needed someone to talk to. They both know that Camilo is Antonio's true father and despises Pepa and Felix for stepping up and being his or Antonio's parents.
There was never a time tonito wasn't attached to Camilo's small frame. Mirabel made a pouch on the front of camilo's rauna so you always see Antonio front and center like you should.
Camilo had spent a year trying to get Antonio to say his name a whole year. He said his sister's name right away but for some reason, Antonio didn't say his. So for the past three hours, Camilo had been trying to get Antonio to say his name.
right now Camilo was laying down on the floor in his room with Antonio sitting in front of him.
"maybe try to shorten your name" Mirabel supposed
"milo?" he questioned while looking at the boy...that didn't work either.
"Maybe he's no-" he was ready to give up but something spectacular happened
"PAMA" the little boy beamed reaching for him
It took a moment for Camilo to understand what just happened but when it hit him he became a crying mess.
"y-you he...I...yeah, I'm your pama" he smiled with tears streaming down his face he couldn't have been more proud of his son. He picked him up and twirled around and danced and giggled like he just won the lottery
"OH let's take a picture CASITA" she called out excitedly. The house quickly got the camera while the two siblings posed for the photo.
This picture was marked the "greatest day of our life" and it's held in Mirabel's decorated picture book. It was placed right next to the picture of the day when Antonio called her Hermamabel. The picture was labeled "that's my boy"
After dinner, the twins told their parents what happened and they couldn't be happier they are officially grandparents. Julieta showered Antonio with kisses and Agustin congratulated Camilo saying he's an "old man" now.
Mirabel and Camilo decided to tell Luisa and Dolores the news too. before Mirabel could even say it-
"I'm a tia now" Luisa beamed
Dolores wasn't quite sure what to do but she saw that Camilo was too happy so decided to congratulate him and not speak of it to her parents or Alma.
Later that night Camilo began to have the sin such as doubts. He started questioning if he would be a good father to Antonio and worse if alma found out if Antonio saw him as his father.
The thoughts overwhelmed he had to talk to Julieta or Agustin or both. He quietly crept to their rooms and knocked on their door.
Julieta answered but she groggily asked why he was up so late. He shoved himself in mumbling about some nonsense
"I'm scared I might not be a good parent mama" He trembled and fidgeted
"what? Camilo everybody has this problem when they become a parent it'll pass" she comforted
"but-" he was going to protest but Julieta put her finger on his mouth.
"If you are worried about Alma I will handle her if she ever finds out, I won't let her ruin your little family" Juli reassured
"Nobody said parenting was easy mijo you just have to push through and you've been doing great so far" Agustin consoled
They continued to comfort him until he was positively sure the parent jitters were gone. He hugged them goodnight and went back to his room and slept until Antonio had woken up
It was late in the night and Antonio had woken up from a stomach ache. Camilo checked if he used the bathroom he did not so he laid Antonio's head on his shoulder and padded his back.
After a few minutes, Antonio stopped crying and silently fell back to sleep. Before fully drifting he let out a small sigh and slightly gripped camilo's shirt as if he was saying "thank you". Well, Camilo thought that was his way of saying it.
Camilo sat in a chair nearby and continued to hold Antonio. As he looked down at his son he touched his cheek with his thumb feeling the soft skin under it. He's never loved anything in his life as much as he does now.
He leaned his head down and kissed his head
"as long as I am alive I will always protect you and look after you sweet dreams Mi pequeño soldado" He softly whispered with a small smile
He's not lying, for the past year all he has been doing was taking care of Antonio. He fed him, changed him, bathed him, and played with him he was a father after all it was his job to do those things.
He will protect him no matter what he has to do...even if it means he and his makeshift family has to leave
if you have any questions, feedback, ideas, or snippet ideas my asks are open!
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wikluk · 2 years
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#to fall apart to reunite - 195 posts
#writing - 162 posts
#julieta x agustin - 142 posts
#julieta and mirabel - 125 posts
#fanfiction - 124 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#his hair always looked greasy and i love it cuuuuuz they were at war it makes perfect sense to not have ideal hair
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188 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Okay so I know Julieta’s not having triplets in your ‘something unexpected’ fic. Buuuut! Just for funsies, what would’ve been the reaction if she was?
Like Bruno’s says “congrats Juli, they’re adorable”
There’s a pause and then suddenly the whole table shouts some variation of “they! As in more than one!!?
The chaos would be epic!
Actually, gonna be honest, the thought of her having triplets did cross my mind when I was writing that chapter, though mostly to just tease Julieta and make her frozen on the spot lmao, but let's do an alteration of that chapter!
“I hear a new heartbeat,” Dolores muttered weakly.
And after no longer than a second, Pepa stood up so suddenly her chair fell to the floor. “You’re pregnant?!” she roared, glaring daggers at Mariano as if she was ready to kill him with a bolt of lightning that barely missed his chair.
Julieta only blinked. So Antonio would get a baby – who cared if it was a cousin or a nephew – sooner than she anticipated–
–but Dolores suddenly shook her head, gaping at her mother in shock. “I’m not?! We never–”
“Then who?” Alma demanded sharply, her gaze stopping at Isabela and Luisa who looked equally surprised by the revelation. “Girls?”
Luisa started coughing and Isabela just stared back at her, her eyes wide, her head shaking the tiniest bit.
“Mirabel…?” Alma started hesitantly.
Julieta felt her heart racing. Surely, it couldn't be her baby girl, right– 
Mirabel choked on her sip of juice and Camilo patted her on her back so hard it sounded like all her organs did a flip inside. “What?!”
Alma wanted to repeat the question, it was clear, but at the same time Dolores slammed her both hands on the table, yelling “It’s tía!” and Bruno’s eyes went shining green at the same second.
Julieta was fairly certain her heart stopped. The wine glass dropped from Agustín’s hand and broke into three pieces on the table, spilling the remaining wine onto the surface.
But otherwise, there was silence. 
The only sound anyone emitted was heavy breathing coming from Bruno as he grasped the edges of the table and leaned over it to blink quickly a few times just a few seconds later, getting rid of the shiny glimmer that had just lit up his eyes.
Then he looked around, a little confused, smacking himself on the head lightly, and a small smile appeared on his lips. “Congratulations Juli, they're adorable.”
Camilo was the first to recover. “They? As in more than one?”
Bruno opened his mouth to answer but Dolores beat him to it. “There are three new heartbeats.”
Pepa thundered. “Three–”
“Santa Maria–”
“Bruno, Brunito, hermanito, what did you see?!” Pepa asked loudly.
All people at the table looked at him. He chuckled nervously. “Ah-uh, three babies?”
“Three babies!”
“Well, no babies, more like toddlers but yeah–”
See the full post
219 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
Thinking about the fact Julieta's basically keeping Mirabel locked in this bone-crushing hug. I need soft things.
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450 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
HEADCANON: Little Mirabel spent so much time with Julieta that she started copying her in many things. One of those things was repeating words/phrases she used the most, and often she was just in-sync with Julieta. So just imagine Julieta and this 3-4yo Mirabel sighing and saying at the same time “Ay Agustín” whenever he got hurt.
904 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
source: @angelo.sta.catalina
Man– Man. I can’t– Can an animation test make you feel?
It’s so good. Wish they kept some dancing scenes with family members others than Pepa and Félix 😭 We deserve this Agustín and Julieta’s dance!
Head empty, only melting heart. shsejkdxhsdx
1,565 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
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zzzzzzzzzzoom · 3 years
Encanto Headcanons
Do you think that Pepa and Julieta ever asked Bruno to see their future partners? Like I feel Bruno would be too disinterested/anxious to talk abt anything romance but for his sisters, he probably would, he cant say no to them. anw heres some headcanons ✨
(this is focused on julieta and agustin! my headcanons for pepa and felix are here!)
(spoiler: it gets really sappy at the end)
Pepa's love life is pretty adventurous. She'd gone thru a few but they all fell through bc they couldnt handle her disastrous mood swings :') anw she wants to take her mind off all that by focusing on her sister's love life instead which is. nonexistent
I feel like Julieta's popular around town bc of her healing powers, but she's waiting for The One™️. But Pepa's bored and chaotic so she just pulls Bruno aside one afternoon
Pepa: wanna meddle with juli's love life? Bruno: aight bet
the two kidnap their older sister into Bruno's room one night and Julieta doesn't wanna deal with all this,,, but her curiousity gets the better of her and she decides it wouldnt hurt to see who she'd end up with
boom bruno activates his gift and WOAH julieta's man is handsome. like, too handsome. pepa's almost jealous.
luckily they dont recognize him bc that would make it awkward going around town,,, tho julieta's a little disappointed. she does keep the glass vision in her room under her bed, though.
pepa actively searches for the Mystery Man™️ for a few weeks before she gives up, while the other two keep a look out just in case
a few years pass by. pepa's most recent favorite activity is arguing with felix. bruno's more shut-in because of his growing bad reputation. julieta's more popular than ever.
and then it happens. it's just a glimpse but bruno knows INSTANTLY
it's julieta's Mystery Man
mf SPRINTS to the house and whisper shouts "julieta's future boyfriend is in town!!" (luckily alma's not at home atm)
pepa is thrilled bc she FINALLY has something to mess her responsible older sister with, and julieta's suddenly nervous bc. well. that Mystery Man is her future and she almost... doesnt want it to be set in stone
pepa almost runs out to find him but she doesn't have to bc he walks in... with a sheepish expression and a broken wrist
pepa is grinning smugly. bruno is watching with mild interest (taking mental notes for those telenovelas). julieta doesn't react and smiles politely, giving him one of her freshly baked pastries
"Thank you, Julieta. I can't believe I'm here just as I got back," he says kindly, and Julieta's heart jumps in her throat. "I guess I missed your cooking more than I thought," he continues, chuckling, and she recognizes that laugh, that soft voice.
She can't speak. She doesn't know how to. Because the man Bruno said would marry her... is Agustin? The same Agustin who saw her every other day when they were younger because he was so clumsy and she needed to heal him? The same Agustin who taste tested her food when her siblings and Mama were busy? Who made her laugh?
She heard he left town to go to college, but she wasn't expecting... this much of a glow up. He looks nice. She hopes she isn't staring (pepa says she totally was)
But... she isn't disappointed. To her surprise, she feels the opposite. Now, she realizes, she was dreading meeting the future Bruno had seen for her... because she had picked her own future, long ago.
She had picked Agustin. She had picked him long before the glowup, when he was still lanky and awkward and full of bee stings. She just didn't realize it until right this moment. Well, better late than never.
"Welcome back, Agustin," she says with a genuine smile, and watches in amusement and fondness as he stutters over her greeting, settling for a polite nod. Pepa and Bruno gasp in the background.
(They know Agustin; it's hard not to notice the same guy ask for their sister's snacks multiple times a week. It's happened before, men getting hurt on purpose just to see Julieta, and Pepa and Bruno would scare them away so they wouldn't take advantage of their sister anymore. But they didn't mind Agustin, because he was genuinely unintentionally getting hurt, so often that it was almost a gift in and of itself. Julieta was more upset that she herself didn't recognize him from the vision.)
She follows him out to catch up, and they talk easily, like those years between them didn't happen at all. It's dark when Julieta gets back, and she has to shove an arepa in Pepa's mouth to stop her from screaming in excitement when she confirms she's taking the day off tomorrow to welcome Agustin back into town... by having lunch together.
Two months after Julieta and Agustin officially start dating, Pepa asks Bruno to show them a vision of Agustin's proposal. Julieta would've left, because that was just too soon, if not for the fact that they apparently get engaged after she catches a bouquet. Which Pepa threw. At her wedding. With Felix.
Pepa doesn't look anyone in the eye for the next week, but the sky isn't storming. On the contrary, it's strangely sunny. (Bruno mumbles something about a plot twist and Julieta decides to be the bigger woman and not laugh at her despairing little sister.)
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Madrigal Triplets Headcannons
Everyone else was doing it and I wanted in on it too. The chokehold these babies have on me is strong.
One time Julieta helped Pepa cause a flood because she had a pimple and didn’t wanna go to school. Bruno liked having the day… or week off but he didn’t want Julieta to be insecure so he tried to cheer her up afterwards.
When Pepa is sick she has even less control over her powers. When she sneezes or coughs the weather around her changes.
Even before getting their powers, Pepa was the most emotional out of the three. When she was little, big feelings felt way too big and that continued as she got older even when she attempted to control them.
Julieta makes arepas most of the time because Bruno loves them. After he disappeared she kept making them just to have them on hand in case he came back.
Pepa sits in the kitchen with Julieta while she cooks and they gossip about everything Dolores has told Pepa about the town.
Sometimes a really good hug or snuggle fest with her siblings makes Pepa’s clouds go away.
Julieta has been zapped by Pepa’s lightning more than anyone just by getting too close while helping her calm down.
When Bruno has visions that scare him he tends to shy away and try to deal with it on his own. His sisters can usually feel that something’s up. He won’t tell Pepa at first but if Julieta asks first he’ll open up.
When Julieta was pregnant with Isabela, Bruno didn’t know how to help out so he often picked flowers and gave them to her to make her smile.
Bruno never complains about being in the middle of his sisters. He likes that they want to protect him. Even if they’re just sitting at the table he doesn’t mind. He thinks it’s adorable that they still talk to each other as if he’s not blocking their view of each other.
Julieta gets tired from standing and cooking all day. She’ll never admit it but it’s written all over her face and in her body language. When Pepa sees her exhaustion she gets a little cloud that doesn’t pass until Julieta goes to bed.
Bruno used to make Pepa tea to help her calm down. Even if they were mad at each other he still did it. After he left, Felix took over and eventually Camilo started doing it.
The triplets had a lot of tea parties growing up simply because Pepa loved them and it always caused a rainbow.
Bruno, Felix, and Agustin are homies. They’ve loved each other since they met. Bruno loving them is what really sealed them into the Madrigal family.
Pepa is not a morning person. She’s all clouds until her morning coffee. It takes her forever to wake up. Julieta wakes up super early everyday and usually gets tired an hour after dinner and is ready for bed. Bruno simply doesn’t sleep.
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
We want that one (Julieta x Reader x Agustín)
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Part 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Julieta! My dear”
The dark-haired woman turned to see an old woman with a warm smile slowly approach her.
"Good morning, Mrs. Olivas, how are you?" Julieta smiled
"I’m fine, dear, thank you" replied the other "I'm glad to see that you are not very busy"
"It has been a surprisingly calm morning" agreed the younger woman "can I help you?"
"Oh yes. You see my dear, my niece Y/N will be moving here in a few days"
"Really?" Julieta blinked. Her mother hadn't said anything "that's great! I hope she'll like it here"
"I'm sure she will" the lady chuckled "anyway I wanted to see if you could give me a few arepas to have in case of emergency. You see, I love that girl as if she was my own, but god knows she is a magnet for misfortunes "
"I know the type" Julieta laughed, thinking of her adored husband "I will gladly give you a few"
"Oh dear" Mrs. Olivas laughed with her "I assure you that my Y/N is even worse than dear Agustín"
"I give her about two hours after her arrival before we have to visit you."
The two women laughed as Julieta gave her a few arepas. She was intrigued, it was obvious that the woman adored you, and it was not common to have new settlers, so she was already looking forward to meeting you.
Two hours turned into two days and then a week. Mrs. Olivas had said that you were worse than Agustín, but her husband had already had at least 5 accidents and neither you nor your aunt had shown up yet. Julieta supposed that the woman had simply been exaggerating.
Either way, that a newcomer to the Encanto didn't introduce themselves to the Madrigal family, was rare. Casita was usually the first stop on the tour that people gave to their newly arrived relatives and the lack of introduction was starting to raise everyone's suspicions, especially when Dolores said she could hear you have all kinds of accidents, but you'd never come to ask for her, and Julieta was sure that the arepas she gave to Mrs. Olivas had already been used. 
"Do you think they're hiding something?" she asked her husband as the two walked through town. The brunette didn't want to sound paranoid like her mother, but she couldn't help it.
"Maybe she's just a shy girl." Agustin shrugged.
"Maybe you're right," she smiled.
The two just kept walking, trying to forget the situation for a while. But fate likes to joke, and only a few minutes later they bumped into someone. As always, Agustín got the worst of it, with you falling on him.
Julieta watched in surprise as you and her husband seemed lost in each other's eyes for a few moments. Surprisingly, that didn't bother her, on the contrary, it seemed to arouse her interest in you more.
"Sorry!" you said, standing up quickly and helping him "did I hurt you, sir?"
"No, no, don't worry" he smiled at you, but you could see a blush on his cheeks.
"Are you ok?" the woman asked, moving a little closer to you.
Woah, you were so much prettier up close. It was Agustín's turn to witness how his wife was lost in those impressive eyes e/c that had captivated him a few minutes before. You seemed to have the whole life in them.
"Yes, yes" you smiled at her "I'm used to bumping into…well, everything" you laughed
“ah, you must be Y/N” the woman smiled “your aunt mentioned your tendency to have accidents. A pleasure to finally meet you, I am Julieta and this is my husband Agustín”
“The pleasure is mine” you shook her hand “of course that would be the first thing Aunt Atha mentioned about me” you rolled your eyes affectionately
"She seemed a little…worried." Julieta smiled. She seemed unable to stop doing it while she was facing you.
“Well, these days she has realized that she doesn't have to be” she joked, although they didn't get the meaning “well. Nice to meet you, but I should go, it's supposed to be my turn to cook. Again, I’m sorry, Agustín”
"D-don't worry," he said, still blushing.
You said goodbye to them with a smile and a small wave. The spouses looked at each other, silently sharing everything they needed to know. Both of them had felt something for you, for a little girl who could easily be their daughter, but with just one meeting you had already been etched in their minds. Both knew what the other was thinking: we want that one.
Then, a loud crash sounded behind them, causing them to turn quickly to see you lying on the ground, face down. You grunted as you stood up and Julieta gasped when she saw your bloody nose, you had definitely broken it. Unfortunately, she no longer had any arepas or anything you could eat.
However, just as Agustín was going to run off to get more of the kitchen at Casita, you rolled your eyes in annoyance and simply rearranged your nose, which immediately healed. The only trace left of the accident was the blood on your face, although you quickly took a handkerchief out of your pocket to wipe yourself.
Neither Julieta nor Agustín knew how to react. You had healed yourself. That's why Dolores had heard you have so many accidents, but you had never gone to ask for help. Because you didn't need it. Well, this…this was a twist neither of them expected.
Paying no attention to the thousand questions that formed in their heads and totally oblivious to the way their eyes followed you, you jumped up and continued on your way. Agustín turned to look at his wife.
"You saw the same thing as me, right?" he asked
"she healed herself"
“…are we sure we want that one?”
Before Julieta could reply, another knock was heard, followed by some dogs barking and your exasperated yell of “Me lleva la madre!!!” The two adults blinked before chuckling softly.
“Yup. We want that one”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Julieta tag: @emril-osvigne​
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dos-oroguitas · 3 years
AH I just read your Camilo x short reader one and it was adorable your writing is my favorite thing but it gave me the idea to request a Camilo x a tall reader :))
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You were six feet tall and super strong. You always got along. Alright, Alright, Oh, you’d pick him up at 8 and and not a minute late. Cause he don’t like to wait. You were kind and ain’t afraid to cry, or treat his mama right.
masterlist !!
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Camilo Madrigal was smooth. Camilo Madrigal was confident. Camilo Madrigal was a charmer. Those were the words he was used to hearing from everyone. And he would usually agree. He was smooth. He was confident. He was a charmer.
Until you snatched that title up and held it above him. Literally above him.
He was a bit taken aback by your height but he had found it absolutely stunning. He was a short king just like his father. He wasn’t at all threatened by people taller than him, your boy was secure about himself. You were almost a foot taller, just like how his mamí was with his papí. They were his role models and having him mirror his parents’ relationship with you and him? He loved it. You were caring, so passionate with what you loved, and plus you got him snacks that Tio Agustin would hide away up the cupboards of his Tia Julieta’s kitchen.
And his parents loved you too. You were always so respectful and polite, always happy to help out and calm his mamá down by making her some coffee or fetching her favorite book.
The first time he had met you, he was so sure he would get you to fall first. Yeah he lost that bet he himself had made since he fell for you at first sight. He came out strong, you would say, using every pickup line in the book.
And you laughed. Laughed! At him! At his usually smooth pick up lines!
You had honestly found his flirting endearing rather than flustering. And he swore he would make it his life mission to make you blush. He was sure today was the day.
He reviewed and rehearsed the pick up line he would use so that he wouldn’t fumble.
“Hey,” He clears his throat as he settles by your side, your nose stuck in a book as he moves close. “I heard the air is pretty thin up there, why don’t you lean down and give me a kiss so you can catch your breath?” He would smirk.
Yeah. That was the best he could do. And he was looking pretty confident about it too. He’s gonna write that one down for sure. He expected you to be flustered, act bashful or even shy but what he didn’t expect was you to look up and chuckle, placing your book down and humming softly.
“Y’know the best part about being this tall is that it is easy to see cute boys like you in a crowd.” You had cooed down at him and he swore he felt his heart stop before starting right back again. He sat back in his seat, stammering with his cheeks warm.
And you would chuckle, your laugh making his heart beat faster as you leaned down to press a kiss on his lips.
“Nice try, mí camarón.” You would tease while he huffs up at you. “You gotta try harder than that to reach.. my level.”
You had stifled a laugh at your own joke. Damn you and your charming laugh, your lovable smile, and the eyes that he could get lost in.
“I’ll best you one day, mi amor. I will make you blush.” He declares, the warmth on his cheeks not leaving as you reached down to ruffle his curls.
“I’ll be waiting for a longggg time then, bello.” You taunt him once again, eyes twinkling in amusement as the boy stood up, cheeks burning at the pet name. “I will, you’ll see! You’re cocky now but I’ll get you!”
Camilo had huffed, throwing his hands up in the air like a child did whilst you threw your head back in laughter, continuing to tease him.
Pepa and Felix had watched on with amusement, hugging each other close and smiling softly, remembering themselves in the two of you.
“They’ll make a wonderful addition to the family, wouldn’t they?” Pepa asked, rainbows on the top of her had as Felix had nodded in agreement.
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For our tall kings and queens, it was highly requested after the short! reader one so I came to deliver! I hope you guys like it!
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
Hii! I was wondering if requests are open, if I could request some headcannons or a one shot (whichever you prefer) of young Bruno x fem!reader (or gn, again whichever you prefer) where they meet at a party at Casa Madrigal, reader is new to town and bruno sees her for the first time from across the room while she's dancing?
Bruno sees you for the first time
He didn’t dislike parties but sometimes he just felt overwhelmed
He stood on the side, occasionally dancing with his sisters of the kids
His plan was to leave after the food was there but then he saw something beautiful
Or rather someone
You were a new face, a very friendly and pretty face
You were dancing with julieta and Mirabel, he didn’t remember seeing you before
He didn’t realize he was staring until Felix smacked his back
"I see you eyeing the new comer, she just moved to the town two weeks ago"
You danced so nicely and your laugh was delightful, it made his stomach feel warm and a stupid little smile formed on his lips
Though it took both Camilo and Agustin to convince him to speak up to you
"H-Hi…I’m bruno" you thought he was adorable, you’ve heard about him from his sister
You danced a little before just sitting down and chatting on the side
He was goofy and had so many random thoughts, so endearing and gentle
It was almost impossible to dislike him and it genuinely shocked you knowing he used to be hated by the entire town
"That’s so unfair, it’s their future!"
"I’m aware…"
One thing leads to another and by the end of the party you kiss his cheek goodbye promising to meet again
Bruno keeps his hand over his cheeks and lays in bed thinking about you all night
He eventually falls asleep with a grin on his face and his heart bounding loud in his chest
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mynameishazard · 3 years
Things I like about Encanto that I can remember/will add on to as I watch it again
-Mirabel's skirt has the name Madrigal embroidered onto it. It's around hip level and you can only see it, like, three times but I love it.
-How when Abuela asks Mirabel what she sees, when she looks in the doorknob, you can still juuuust see the Madrigal M through her reflection. Implying that "The Family Madrigal" is still there but now she's not overshadowed by everyone she loves.
-The butterflies in the stones that Julieta and Augustin are replacing during All of You.
-The fact that Mariano is the epitome of Disney Princess(ridiculously pretty, really good hair, wants to get married immediately, etc.) and Dolores is just like "Slow down."
-When Isabela is singing What Else Can I Do, she asks "How far do these roots go down?" The absolute power of the fact that she doesn't know that limit and then Casita just OPENS THE FREAKING ROOF to accomodate Isabela's growth, slays me.
-The fact that if Mirabel hadn't been deprived of a power in the start-as cruel as it seems-Casita/the Miracle crumbling slowly and eventually collapsing/going out, wouldn't have been visible. When things happen, Mirabel is the only one who can see the actual cracks until Bruno comes along. The Miracle not giving Mirabel a tangible gift was the gift itself.
-The fact that Pepa and Julieta are just like "I NEED TO HUG YOU A PIECE OF ME HAS BEEN MISSING FOR SO LONG." when Bruno returns just kills me. Also, Agustin's "The triplets all reunite!" is adorable.
-THE FACT THAT IT'S NOT EVEN BEEN AN HOUR SINCE CASITA CRUMBLED AND THE ENTIRE FUCKING TOWN JUST SHOWS UP LIKE "WE LOVE YOU! YOU'VE HELPED US SO MUCH FOR SO LONG, LET US HELP YOU IN YOUR TIME OF NEED!" Like, Abuela is just....so confused about the SOUND of a group of people that she's been mothering and grandmothering and greatgrandmothering for YEARS wanting to help her. Which is sad, because that surely means that she hadn't've needed to go it alone for so long.
-The absolute power and resolution in Mirabel's voice during the bridge of Waiting on a Miracle shortly followed by her uncertainty about if she's too late to do anything.
-I love that they translated Dos Oruguitas into english as well, because I get so much more emotion from the whole scene since I can recall the meaning of the words, instead of my usual "Oh, pretty words."
Edit 1:
-Luisa and Surface Pressure
-Luisa's line "I'm pretty sure I'm worthless, if I can't be of service." Gets me every time. Every time. There is an entire generation of people out in the world that will relate to Luisa simply because of that line: you're worthless unless I can use you. And lots of them will work their way out of that 6 feet deep hole...and lots of them won't because they are simply so tired.
-Luisa's delicacy with Mirabel in SP-how she tenderly replaces her glasses, how she spends most of the song protecting her from fictional instances, how she holds her hands during the bridge as they're floating, etc. Luisa got her super strength as a child and she had to learn how to be gentle with everyone and then Mirabel came along and there was suddenly this BABY that was so DELICATE and BREAKABLE and Luisa had to relearn how to be gentle again.
-Luisa is posturing during the entirety of SP. Absolutely posturing. Everyone else's songs take place in the real world for the most part-I am considering WDTAB to take place in the real world-but Luisa's is completely a Disney montage song. I mean, dancing donkeys? Sudden twisters, bouncing on clouds? Luisa is posturing because she's had to hide her pain her entire life, she makes jokes to make everyone else more comfortable regardless of her of feelings.
-The way Mirabel's reactions to Luisa change during the song from fear at all the situations despite knowing Luisa would save her to absolute horror during the last chorus where most of the music cuts out. Mirabel has finally realized EXACTLY how much pressure has been put on Luisa since her fifth birthday and she is horrified.
-Back to Luisa's feelings of worth. Her clothes are a lot simpler than everyone else in her family and that makes me think she thinks that everyone only wants her for her gift, so why make the effort to make herself feel pretty every once in a while. She has her hair pulled back so it's out of the way, she has a mostly plain outfit with few embellishments. Plus, I'm pretty sure someone in her life has brought up her height and her muscles. As much as those things can be seen as beautiful and wonderful, even in today's society there are people who are absolutely disgusted by a woman who is muscled or tall and that's a shame.
-At the end of SP, I just realized that it's not just Casita she's holding-it's the ENTIRE TOWN. Luisa feels responsible for the entire town and that's too much pressure for anyone alone. Think of leaders in power-how they started versus how they ended. Most go in as fresh faced, bright, young people and come out weary, greying, and worn.
-There is a moment in SP, right before Luisa sings "I don't ask how hard the work is." where she does this THING with her eyes-she looks away hesitantly before realizing that someone's watching and snaps back to being in the song.
-The few situations that we see the whole part of that leads to the next one...all of them end badly. Luisa defeats Cerberus but the ground still breaks in two. Luisa is holding to the edge of the mountain but the mountain crumbles. Luisa is holding the door up but the twister still scatters everything. Luisa is doing everything right but it's still going badly.
This is all I can think of right now but feel free to add things that caught your eye in the movie and reblog, etc. I just ask you to please try to avoid headcanons and such-just add stuff you noticed and/or enjoyed about the movie and the music.
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ilovekazuhaa · 2 years
Could I request pepa and julieta with child!readers who are basically their “mini-me’s”? They look identical to how they did at that age. Imagining it is so cute :))
How it would be like being Julieta and Pepa’s “mini-me”
ahh yes this is so cute🥺 when i read this request i just went ✨❤️💕💓💖💞
Julieta Madrigal
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When you were born, Julieta thought you looked like your father, Agustin.
But as you grew, you began to resemble your mother more and more.
She noticed that you looked a lot like her, having tan skin, curly hair, and a petite frame.
Your mother always taught you about herbs and cooking, since you happened to be so interested in it.
Not only this, but you also possessed a gentle energy to you as well, like your mother always had.
She’d always say you were her “little twin” or “mi parecido” (my lookalike).
Speaking of hands, yours were soft, just like hers. It was a normal thing to have soft hands as a child but as you got older, you never got a callus of any kind.
When you were younger, you took the role of the “caretaker” out of all your siblings since you were the oldest just like your mother was.
Also when you were younger, she dressed you in the clothes she used to wear when she was young. You looked exactly like her. It was both cool and terrifying at the same time.
Julieta LOVED doing your hair. It was short just like hers was when she was a child. She always helped you brush it and put different products in it so it would stay healthy. It was quite fun and relaxing for her, really.
Whenever you’d ask her to put your hair in a bun to match her never failed to make her heart melt with love.
Sometimes, when she’d give you hugs and kisses, she would tell you things like “you have my nose” as she booped it or “your hair is just like mine” as she tucked it behind your ear.
Or when you really wanted something, she saw the gleam in your eyes and it reminded her of herself. It was as if you could tell a story with a simple glance.
Every year for halloween, you’d dress up as your mother and you would imitate her by feeding your siblings imaginary food to heal them. She thought it was the cutest thing in the world.
When you were younger she’d often find you rummaging through her clothes, her room a huge mess due to the tornado of your curiosity.
“Mi amor! What happened?”
You stood there with a messy bun, oversized heels, and red lipstick all over your face, looking at her in confusion.
“Well mami” you told her, matter of a factly “I’m just trying to find an outfit like yours so we can match!”
How could she ever be upset with you when your intentions were just so heartfelt and pure? She cleaned her room up that day and that adorable smile never left her face.
Since you resembled your mother so much, people always assumed you two were exactly the same and it made you upset sometimes because you felt people only saw you as the shadow of the town’s healer.
When confiding in your mother about this, she reassured you that you were indeed your own person and that you were created carefully and perfectly.
“And if they don’t see you for who you are even after you show your true self, you don’t need to be around them anyway. You are perfect and you are your own person entirely. Just because you look like someone doesn’t mean that you are them.”
This made you feel a lot better. Putting on the signature blue apron you used, you smiled and gave a reassuring nod as you helped her cook.
“Thank you mami” you told her “But I’m glad to look like you because I can look at myself in the mirror everyday and know who I aspire to be like.”
Pepa Madrigal
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Even before you were born, Pepa knew that you were going to look like her.
“This is going to be my mini me” she’d always say.
When you were finally born, you had that signature red hair on your head and those green orbs that stared back at everyone with curiosity.
As you grew, you were also tall just like she was and the little swirl of red hair at the top of your head became long locks of red curly hair that never failed to make people take a second glance.
Whenever your mother was with you, she was always so proud, holding her head up high. It was nice for her to have someone that looked like her and that the two of you had struggles that the both of you could relate to. She felt as if it made you guys closer.
Pepa always put your hair in a loose braid just like hers. It was adorable.
Whenever she’d talk about your resemblance to each other, your mother would always end up telling you the funniest stories of what happened to her/what she did when she was young.
It was so funny to you when she told you she washed bird poop off her once when she rained on herself because she was mad. Or when she struck a tree once when Bruno scared her and it fell on the donkey guy’s fence.
When Mirabel gifted a dress to you that was identical to Pepa’s, the woman squealed in excitement.
She put the dress on you and her eyes lit up. Putting a mini yellow headband in your hair, she walked around town with you the whole day and the sun beamed so brightly from all the compliments you both received.
Sometimes, she’d set aside the whole day to do mini photo shoots with you and put you in tons of outfits.
“Pepa… you’ve been taking pictures of Y/N all day. You’re obsessed!”
“Just five more minutes I swear! I didn’t even get to take pictures of them in my Christmas outfit!”
By the time you were a teen, people often had mistaken you for your mother and you tried to lot let it make you upset. You had the gene of your mother’s strong emotions after all.
She always told you that it was okay to feel really mad, sad, and even happy sometimes. She wanted to emphasize how important it was to express yourself.
She’d always call you “mi gemelito” (my twinsie or twin) and “mini me”
Even after you grew up, you still looked so much like your mother. It felt as if she was looking at herself, she had feelings of deja vu.
When people would poke fun at you for your pale skin and freckles, it used to make you really upset and you used to be sensitive to talking about it.
At least once a week you’d come home crying, badmouthing yourself and repeating the insults the children used to say to you.
This made your mother very angry, and she was about to go tell those kids off when you stopped her. She realized that you needed her comfort most, not just her scolding the kids and boom, problem solved.
The woman took you in her arms, saying that you are one of a kind and that she’s happy you don’t look plain and boring.
She then counted all of the freckles on your arm as she dragged her long finger across your pale skin. It was warm.
Looking at your mother made you feel that you were most certainly not alone, and as long as she was here, she promised that you would never feel that way.
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More Encanto Hcs
Because I'm procrastinating
Madricest bitches know that I'm mentally punching you in the throat
-Antonio is a little shit to Camilo every day. Little Shit behavior started as soon as he could walk. Camilo took it as a challenge though so they have mini prank wars that no one knows about
-The more negative Bruno feels when performing a prophecy, the more negative the prophecy is. If he really doesn't want to do it, he's more likely to show you a vision of your dog dying than meeting the love of your life. The reason the vision worked for Mirabel was bc he started to get excited once he saw the butterfly
-Both Pepa and Dolores are extremely blunt, sometimes to the point of offense. They'll look you in the eye, tell you your face looks like crap and walk away. Dolores does this because she Does Not Care and never will. Pepa does this because she cannot read a room for shit
-Luisa has very soft and fluffy hair
-Agustin can actually be incredibly smooth on a good day. When they first met, Julieta thought he was just a cute, clumsy nerd until one day he rolled up to her table, pulled out the cleanest one-liner ever and left her a flustered mess. The illusion was immediately broken when he tripped on air while walking away but she had already fallen hard by then
-Isabela, Dolores, and Pepa have days where they'll meet up in one of their rooms (usually Dolores') and gossip for hours.
-At some point in their lives every grandkid has accidentally called their tia 'Mami'. Pepa and Julieta absolutely adore it when this happens and it usually leads to a lot of cooing and smothering kisses as the grandkid in question tries to escape with their dignity
-Felix is a chess grandmaster
-Pepa and Bruno used to beat the shit out of each other on a daily basis for literally no reason. They would be walking down the same corridor, share a Look and immediately start squaring up. It baffles everyone to this day
-Luisa loved being held but she grew very quickly and soon no one was able to pick her up or give her good hugs anymore. The solution Julieta was to lay Luisa's head in her lap and gently stroke her face and hair. It works every time and different members of the family will do this if they notice she's feeling stressed out
-Mirabel got away with absolutely everything as a kid bc she was so damn cute. Her puppy dog eyes were especially lethal since the glasses amplified them.
-Luisa has a love of reading that she got from Alma who read to her nearly every day at one point.
-No adult in the Madrigal household has ever laid hands on their children and no adult ever will.
-Every Madrigal has an extremely deep-set sense of loyalty, Alma and Luisa especially. If you can worm your way into their hearts they're pretty much ride or die for you unless you mess with their family.
-Dolores is the type of girl to step away and call the cops if anyone even thinks about trying to touch her. But that doesn't mean she can't fight
-Isabela on the other hand will throw down all day and every day. As soon as anyone gives her a reason she pops tf off. She doesn't even use her powers, just 16 years of pent up aggression and a slowly building tolerance for pain
-Julieta has said "when I was your age..." to her triplet siblings at least once
-Isabela can create sentient potato people because fuck Disney for cutting that out
-Pepa looks a lot like her Abuela. Alma wasn't able to save any pictures of her when they fled but she often talks about her.
-Luisa and Agustin have daddy-daughter book clubs
-Pepa doesn't actually need to feel any particular emotion to summon weather. She can just want it to rain and boom, rain. However, she can't control it at all when her emotions get the best of her.
-Bruno is quite the fan gossip himself. He doesn't usually speak much but he'll listen in on the Pepa and the girls' sessions and they do his hair
-Julieta can just touch anything edible and it will become magical. Her logic is why wait for someone to make the food and go around putting her hands in everybody's plates afterward when she can just make the meals herself
-Pepa is one of those people that will say she can do something she absolutely cannot do and practice it everyday until she gets good at it out of spite. Because of this she is surprisingly versatile. It's one trait Isa and Mirabel picked up from her
-When they were teenagers, the triplets promised each other that they would not outlive one another. When Bruno vanished without warning, everyone initially assumed the worst. For the next few weeks, Felix and Agustin glued themselves to their wives' sides to make sure they didn't do anything...drastic.
-Alma had to do things...she isn't proud of in order to ensure her family's saftey when the Encanto was risen, especially after the triplets got their gifts. Most people were more than happy to follow her lead but there were many who saw a naive young woman with three magic piggy banks. And they were more than willing to hurt to get what they wanted
-Julieta can't heal herself. Everyone found this out the hard way when she tripped on Bruno's stairs and cracked her head on the steps.
-Pepa accidentally killed a man with lightning once. Alma stroked her hair as her daughter sobbed into her chest and said she would take care of it. Anyone who asks about the man is told he left to visit family. Anyone who pries further gets a visit from the town leader. No one asks about the man
-Isabela had an identity crisis a few years before canon where she constantly questioned whether her family actually loved her or if they just loved the front she put up. This caused her to be snappish and cold towards them for a few months, especially Mirabel. She eventually made up with almost everyone. Mira though? Not so much.
Part one
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onlybeeewrites · 3 years
"Why are you staring at me?" "Because I think you're beautiful."
Prompt with Bruno, please?? I love your writing!
Sure, love!
A/N: hope you like this! I trying to come off a writer's block so I'm sorry if this is shorter than others<3
requested by: Anonymous
prompt: "Why are you staring at me?" "Because I think you're beautiful."
pairing: bruno x fem!reader
warning: none
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It was your idea in the first place. It was and you were okay to admit that. Bruno wasn't too pleased but seeing you so excited, he couldn't help but agree to it.
You had agreed to babysit your nieces and nephews, all of them. At once. To give Julieta, Agustin, Pepa, and Felix some time to themselves. But the kids were more of a handful than you remembered.
Mirabel and Camilo were only about 2 years old, where Dolores and Isabela were 8, and Luisa was six. And dealing with such adorable kids was all fun! It was as if they were normal.
With their Gifts, it definitely made things incredibly interesting. Isabela would grow all sorts of flowers everywhere, as Dolores would hear every teasing word, her cousins would say. God forbid you to mention something about dealing with the kids.
Dolores would repeat it right back to Pepa, and then neither you nor Bruno would hear the end of it.
And then there was Luisa. Though it had been a year since she got her gift, she was getting stronger every day. Which meant it was getting to a point where she would start to carry or lift things that were heavy for you!
Luckily with Casita's help, and Bruno's, you both managed to deal with all the Madrigal kids. You loved them with all of your heart, and you knew that you would do anything for them.
Which meant after putting Mirabela and Camilo down, you had to play tea parties with the girls. And with the pleading look in their eyes, you couldn't say no. Maybe it was your karma for volunteering yourself and Bruno to watch all the kids.
You spent what felt like hours playing with them to tire them out. It was getting later and later you put each kid to bed. But Isabela insisted on making a flower crown of orchid Cattleya trianae.
It seemed to be the only thing to get her to sleep after, so you hesitantly agreed. After placing it on your head, Isabela hummed, clearly pleased with herself, finally went to sleep.
You left her room and closed the door behind you. Glancing up, you saw Bruno waiting for you. But he seemed to be staring at you with those big green eyes. "Mi vida, why are you staring at me like that?' you asked with a chuckle.
Bruno flushed and gave a small shrug, "Just..."Because I think you're beautiful..." he said as he looked at the flowers on your head, "And those are definitely your flower. You look beautiful with them" he said.
His words made you flush. Of course, he complimented you from time to time, but never so boldly. "Thank you, Isabela insisted," you said before placing the orchid flower crown on his head, "and you are muy bonito, as well," you teased.
Taking his arm, the two of you made your way to his room, "Now let's get to bed. Those kids are exhausting," you teased as Bruno nodded.
"I know. I love those kids, but they're going to be trouble one day," he teased as you both made your way to get some well-deserved rest.
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Do you have any personal headcanons about the triplets as kids, or just them being goofy siblings? I love all three of them so much 🥺
Yes! I do! I'll try think of some and get writing!
- Most likely has tried to feed her siblings rat poison arepas to see if it still worked (It does but... tastes weird)
- Yeah yeah, group parent, self proclaimed "leader" of the triplets
- Always was a hopeless romantic. Loves romance. Loves everything to do with romance.
- She actually enjoys going for long walks outside to clear her head
- Somehow was scared of rats, still is, but she adores bugs. Like, she can hold a tarantula without any issues.
- She was childhood friends with Felix and Agustin as a kid. The three of them were fucking chaotic and one time ACCIDENTALLY threw a beehive at Alma. Didn't end well.
- (Since I hc her as trans) Always knew she was a girl at a young age. Constantly stole Julieta's dresses and would ask Bruno and Julieta to buy her some in private. They did.
- She claims to not like rats but she has a taxidermied rat in her room from when she was nine years old. Bruno let her have a rat which she named "Stormy Rainbow Sunshine Moon Starbeam Madrigal" and when it died, Pepa didn't want to bury it so she had it taxidermied. She only claims to not like rats bc she doesn't want to hurt them.
- Really into brightly coloured sunshine-y stuff but she also enjoys gothic stuff. Has a REAL sword in her room that she won from when she was 7.
- Sleeps with plushies.
- Bully Bruno and his sisters will beat you to death and make you plan your own funeral right before the beating.
- Has owned rats ever since he was 6. He loves and names every. single. one. (Although he lets his sisters name some too occasionally. Like Pepa and her rat)
- Adores writing. He's very creative and likes to write scripts for telenovelas and come up with his own game shows' for the rats.
- A LOT more "voice of reason-y" as a kid, but eventually it changed into his more anxious self.
- Tends to have a lot of nightmares so he usually stays with his sisters when scared
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