#im just nervous about the temperature for the indoor plants
felgueirosa · 4 years
Here is what i am planting inside:
Anagallis arvensis
Androsace villosa
Erysimum hieraciifolium (dwarf cultivar)
Gentiana verna
Geranium himalayense (i think its the rozanne cultivar)
Potentilla porphyrantha
Veronica fruticans
They all grow in Vaqueiro territory except the geraniums and the potentilla bc the store wasnt selling any species that are in VT but the genuses (genae??) grow there. They all had to be little species bc im growing them in small pots. Hoping they grow okay inside bc they are all alpine plants. I don't really need them to last forever bc i want to collect their seeds. I can have exponential seeds but anagallis has at least six different color forms and the others have dif colors and i wanna see what i can get through selective breeding i love mendelian genetics
My parents have two big pots outside and im going to plant something local in them but germinate them inside. Idk what exactly yet except i am doing Monarda citriodora since its a native plant and i already have seeds i collected from the seed pods in the winter near my house.
Idk this is just my plant diary this is what ive been doing the past days
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