#im kind of scared now. they're gonna put them through SO MUCH HELL i can feel it
karamell-sweetz · 11 months
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hey fragamem fans can i make a bad joke
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sailsinstorms · 2 years
Legacy of the Girls - Part 5
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Let's continue reading, shall we?
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So Power Conservation Day finally ended, not long before HarvestFest ended. So I quickly had Molly toss together a grand meal. She still seems to dislike Radley even though they're literally having a conversation right now. And yes, you'd be right to notice that she's making something salmon based. And Radley is a vegetarian.
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Molly: Time for dinner losers! Get the hell down here!
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Radley: *notices Molly staring at her* Did you... is there fish in this? Molly: *nods slowly and stares* Radley was definitely sick after eating that. Poor kiddo. To be fair that's my fault. I forgot she was vegetarian. 
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So… in this scene we have a household bonding session watching some good old-fashioned Brokeback Mountain. And Radley and Molly bonding over their desire to either A) Beat each other up — or B) Beat up the lecherous perv staring through the window. I should really invest in some curtains…
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I don't know what Loren was doing "at work" today. It must have been some kind of commercial. But she came home in this cute af space get-up. I love it. She looks so cool! She passed out not long after this photo, but it was worth it.
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Since Winter is in the doctor career that requires me to go to work with her every now and again. So today, we're going to accompany Winter to the hospital. Let's go!
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Winter: I'm so excited to be here! I love helping people! Nurse: Go vacuum the supply closet.
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Winter: Flat foot Syndrome is very common in Sims. I'm sure we can fix you. Child: Really Miss? Winter: There's a mod for everything. <3
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I don't know about you guys but the constant stream of patients lining up in the waiting room is a constant source of stress for me. It's literally impossible to get to them all, let alone treat them all, and I always feel bad for them.
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Caught this kid taking selfies of his mad gunz while some perv checks him out. It's nice to know the drama continues at the hospital as well.
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Meanwhile, back at the lot, Radley and Solar are on the same work schedules.
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So they leave at the same time and finish at the same time and often get promoted at the same time. Whenever they get home together they're often miserable.
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Molly is up to her usual mischief shenanigans. I always assume that whenever she's pranking the toilet she's just putting glad wrap across the bowl. At least the girls are constantly improving their handiness skills whenever a toilet malfunctions.
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SOLAR! Seriously, who is this man!?
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Oh my God! The Peeping Tom guy is watching Solar and her man through the window and beating one out at the same time! I should have invested in those curtains I always said I was going to get but never did!
I really need to do something about this guy!
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Here's a little more of Loren practicing her acting skills. I love watching her do this. It's so cute.
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Winter: Mya! Please baby, come down from up there? I'll give you treats and cuddles?!
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These two adore each other. Winter loves no man more than she loves her feline friend <3
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Since Winter is always studying medical related things and she's very ambitious she's often wanting to get focused or skill up. I love her thumbnail whenever she's focused. Almost as much as I love Loren's "scared" thumbnail.
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There he is, loitering at my back door.
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Molly: Hey shithead! You're disgusting! Get off my lawn! Tom: It's a free neighborhood. I'll stand where I want! You don't have fences or curtains! Who's fault is that!?
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Get 'im, Molly! Give him an uppercut! I don't know what wrestling moves are, but knock him out!
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YEAH SHE WON! Atta girl! (I made her beat him up a few more times after this just to reaffirm their status as enemies)
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Elsewhere, Loren is fighting random's in the street.
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Loren: I can see that you're pregnant. So even though it's Neighourhood Brawl Day, I'm gonna let you walk away Miss Landgraab. Nancy: Thank you?
The next chapter is the Festival of Snow! *hearteyes*
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koishua · 3 years
this is hella random, but I was listening to Spark by Taeyeon just now and I wanted to ask you - what is your favorite song from her discography?? ik it's a hard question cuz ik you love king taeyeon😔
THIS IS A TRICK QUESTION im dividing it into her albums.... or sections based off of moods nvm bc there are like actually a 100 songs ffs how tf am i supposed to choose a single one???
to hype myself up, my go-to songs are stress and i'm ok!! stress is livelier and more energetic than i'm ok and i live for her concert performances of it!! it's just so argh??? if i was allowed to be loud in this apartment, i would scream out the lyrics and blast it through speakers. as for i'm ok?? well nice that you asked. i chose it bc it's so sassy and is so feel good in a "fuck you i'm gonna continue to live my own life" kind of way it's just so so good!!
to just put it in the background while i'm in my room doing some small stuff to distract myself, i usually choose when i was young and i'm all ears!! both of them are so so soothing and i feel the calmest listening to them!! also the melodies are simply beautiful ;-;
for feel good songs to listen to while doing chores, my favourites would be baram x3 and good thing!! both have different vibes but they're just so good to listen to while doing something i hate (i.e vacuuming). good thing is so funky!! always gets me moving haha and baram x3 is such a chill groovy song!!
when im angry or frustrated about a particular thing, listening to cold as hell and i do is such a wild experience haha both aren't really hardcore angst i wanna scream kinda songs, but they're so passive aggressive sounding and i get so in my feels ugh
when it's 2 am and i need fuel to stay awake bc im scared of going to sleep in fear of school arriving way too soon, i like listening to to the moon bc the rnb beats just hit so diff and the fact that it's for her dog too 😭😭 and also what do i call you!! both of these have this bouncy beat that isn't too hype or slow and have the perfect vibe to listen to while im alone and no one is awake!! they also take my mind off of that dread haha
other favourites of mine include all night long, let it snow, i blame on you, love in color, cover up, starlight, rain, circus, and ur!! they're all connected with some of my most vivid memories and i just really adore them :(( from her most recent album, my favourites would be some nights, set myself on fire and invu!!
sorry for coming up with this long rant but filtering out even just these 20 songs hurt my soul istfg i can go on a rant on each one of her tracks from 2015 till today ugh genuinely i don't love any other as much as her oml bye this actually getting too long anyways yes stan my kpop momma or else—
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Too Close To Home - Chapter 16
Camila Cabello Had A One-Night-Stand With A Girl
A very surprising photo of singer Camila Cabello surfaced the internet today. This morning, a girl named Alycia Debnam posted a rather explicit photo (picture below) of the not-so-innocent Cuban-Mexican singer.
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The girls were seen with a random girl whom we recognized as Alycia going out of a club late last night. There were also snaps of them in the club in Dinah's snapchat.
The photo was trending through every social medias and luckily, we managed to contact the woman who took the picture just a few hours ago.
“Yesterday, I was out at this club that just opened. That was the time I saw Camila [Cabello]. She was drunk and dancing in the middle of the dance floor. At first, I didn't remember how I knew her but something pulled me to her." She said.
"She looked at me invitingly and we danced through the night. She eventually brought me to her friends (current members of Fifth Harmony and Lauren's fiancé). That was when I realized who she was. But I didn't really fangirled then. We all played games and drank. It was fine and everything but at one point, Lauren [Jauregui] and Camila got quite moody.”
“It wasn't because of anything. I don't think they're not in bad terms. Actually, they seem quite close. Lauren seem to look at her [Camila] a lot." She said when we asked if the girls hated each other.
"For the short time I've been with Camila, she never once mentioned Lauren or anything that says that she was or is romantically involved with her. But what the hell do I know?”
So there you have it, Camilizers and Harmonizers.
We all know that the girls have been close this past year. With Camila birthday celebration and the outing they had last month. But how do you guys feel about the cute reunion? How about Camren, do you think they happened at one point? And more importantly, how's your reaction about Camila's picture? Was it surprising? Do you think she's gay, bi or just having fun? Comment your opinions below.
I scowl as I finish reading the article. Drama just keeps on coming to me. I don’t get it. What’s so interesting about a girl having fun? Everyone has sex once in a while.
The management would be so pissed. For years since I was in Fifth Harmony, they seem to push me towards the straight, pure and innocent girl but the photo just killed two birds with one stone.
The management knows about my sexuality. I actually told them right after I left Fifth Harmony, hoping that I was free enough to open up to the public. Unfortunately, they thought that I would get a wider audience if I stay in the closet for a few more years. I didn’t know anything then so I thought that they know better so I just complied.
But after more than a year staying in that claustrophobic closet, I felt the need to come out. So even if I’m quite sad that I got outed like that, deep inside, Im sort of happy that it’s out there. People know now.
But again, that wasn’t ideal. Who wants their naked picture on the internet for everyone to see? I’m just glad that she had the decency to at least not take a picture of my private parts.
How would my management react? They’re gonna be so mad. Would they fire me? Is that possible?
I start panicking at that thought. I’ve come so far, only to be demolished by a meaningless one-night stand. Oh My God. Are people going to label me as a slut now? Haters are pretty simple minded and I’m sure they would think that. I’m sure they would think that I do that often, only to be caught now. But I’ve never done that before.
Alycia is honestly the second person I’ve ever had sex with. The first being Lauren. I was just so frustrated and so dry from 2 years that I thought that it was a good idea. Basically, I was driven by desire and lust. Is that why people say that you can’t make decisions according to desire? Is this my backlash for not listening to Lauren? Is this my karma? Is karma even a thing?
I start panicking more now. My eyes are blurry from the tears that seems to pour out when I was thinking. My breathing is hectic and shaky. I grab my phone and luckily, I know where the contact app are and clicked at the first option I could find.
Of course, the universe being a usual bitch, Lauren came through the line.
“Hello?” She asks. She is seriously the last person I wanna call. I’m kind of embarrassed because I didn’t listen to her. I thought that she was only thinking about her own feelings, that’s another factor that pushed me to sleep with Alycia. But now that what she warned me is actually happening, I can’t help but feel ashamed.
“Camz?” She repeats since I haven’t answered her, “Are you okay? You’re breathing really loudly.”
“I-I’m fi-ne,” I croak out, even if it wasn’t as convincing as I hoped it would be.
“What happened?” She asks.
Again, I didn’t reply. I was too busy thinking about how to end the call before it becomes obvious that I’m panicking.
“Camz?? What’s happening? You’re scaring me.”
I take a deep breathe, trying to compose myself but failing miserably since she asks, “Are you having a panic attack? I’m coming to your room.”
“Do-ont, I’m oka-y.”
“Too late.”
A knock comes a few moments later, indicating that she’s here already so I can’t really do anything but open it.
After a minute attempting to open the door with my shaky hand, I succeeded and Lauren immediately barge into the room.
“Camz.. are you okay?”
I just look at her with my blurry eyes and she knows what’s happening. She wraps her arms around my, releasing endorphins into my body, immediately making me calmer. She then led me to the couch, still wrapping her arms around me while we sit.
After what took about 15 minutes, my breathing finally becomes normal, she releases her hold and lean back.
She takes her phone out and punch a few numbers. She brings her phone to her ear while still holding me with her other arm.
“Hey Dinah… Yeah I know… I can’t come today… I’ll go tomorrow… I’m sorry… It’s just that this is more important… I’ll record it tomorrow… Can you tell the producers I’m sorry… Yeah, thanks.”
And with that, she puts her phone back to her back pocket and continues putting her energy on trying to calm me.
“I’m sorry,” I mutter.
“What? Why?”
“I’m sorry I called you. I’m sure you would’ve preferred doing anything else than this. I’m also sorry that I didn’t listen to you when you warned me about her. If I listened, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“What happened?”
“You haven’t checked your social media?” I ask.
“Well, long story short, the girl I hooked up with took a picture of me whilst I was asleep and posted them so now, everyone knows I hooked with a girl.”
“Damn… Was that why you had a panic attack? The fact that you got outed?”
“I mean, honestly, I don’t mind that part.. It wasn’t how I pictured it but it was long overdue. I just don’t know how the management will react. I have a feeling that they’re gonna call me for a meeting or something soon.”
“Well, you know what?” She asks rhetorically, reaching out to take my phone from the coffee table, shutting it off before putting it back, “today’s your last day before you have to go back on the road, they can’t take that away from you. So what do you wanna do today?”
“I was planning on having a lazy day before performing tomorrow.”
“Then we’ll do just that,” she responds, leaning against the couch, turning on the TV in front of us with the remote.
“Wait.. You’re staying?”
“Yeah? Why not?”
“I-” I start, “nevermind.”
She lets it go and just watches the TV. We fell into a comfortable silence. I don’t know what happened but at one point, our shoulders touch, causing warmth to spread through my body. The simplest touch could do this to me, imagine if we were kissing.
We spent about an hour staring at the TV, barely talking. But I wasn’t even watching the show, I was busy side-eyeing Lauren’s profile subtly.
“You know, staring is deemed rude in some culture..” she says at one point, still watching whatever’s in front of her.
“Don’t be sorry. I was just joking. Actually, please stare some more, it’s actually boosting my self-esteem,” she jokingly says as she turns her head to me.
“Jerk..” I say, causing her to laugh loudly.
Her laugh dies down after a minute. We just sat there, looking at each other. The mood shifts suddenly when she asks, “did you remember what happened yesterday?”
“Barely.. I drank a tad bit much.”
“Uhh, well.. Do you remember when we played Truth or Dare?”
I crack my head open, trying to recall everything that happened. Luckily, I begin to remember chronologically instead of those typical flashes of scattered memory that just makes people’s head spin some more. I smile as I remember Normani and Dinah kissing like there was no tomorrow.
But then.. Lauren. My heart constricts as I recall what Lucy said. The memory seemed vivid enough and I can’t help but feel hurt again. I know it happened a long time ago, but it still didn’t help. It felt like Lauren is now deliberately scratching my almost dried bruise, making the bruise raw again.
“I’m sorry,” she releases. She probably knows what I’m thinking about from my facial expression, “I wanted to tell you. But-”
“What?” She cocks her head, narrowing her eyes as a sign of confusion.
“You said you planned on telling me. When did you plan it?” I raise one of my leg up to the couch so I could fully turn towards her.
She looks dumbfounded, she didn’t anticipate that I was going to ask that. I knew she just wanted to say what I want to hear. If it wasn’t for Lucy, I probably wouldn’t have known.
She said we were best friends, even before we happened. But why was Lucy never a subject? Were we even friends in the first place? If so, why didn’t I know jackshit about this?
“I thought so,” I sigh, defeated. “You weren’t really sorry for not telling me, you were sorry that you got caught. It’s different.”
She looks down at her knotted fingers, a few tears seem to flow down her cheeks to her jaw, collecting tears at her chin.
“But it’s okay,” I began, making her snap her head in my direction, “it doesn’t really matter now anymore.” Her hopeful expression faded at my last statement.
It’s true though. As much as I’m mad about it, what good would it do to dwell on it further? Yes, I feel betrayed and deceived, but at the end of the day, Lucy is still her endgame. So why the hell would it matter if they had history before?
“Yeah..” she sighs.
“On a more pleasant note, Im glad you found your The One,” I smile, a sad one but a smile nevertheless, “Remember when we were 15 and 16? We dreamed about being famous. We talked about boys and how you want to marry the person who you know before we were well-known. You also wanted the person to be so similar to you, having the same thoughts and knowledge. I’m glad that Lucy reaches all your expectations, eventhough she’s a girl.”
She laughs softly now, tears still streaming down her face, “Indirectly, I think I was talking about you. We-”
“Stop,” I interrupt, “just stop.” I was hurt already, I don’t think I need another trip down memory lane. I’m emotionally tired. I’m already in pain. I feel so drained already and it’s still a little after 2pm. My brain is pounding, my heart is aching painfully, I’m looking at the girl that got away. What good would it do to talk about the days where everything was fine - great even - and simple?
“Sorry..” she mutters.
And at that, we continue watching the movie. But the stupid elephant was back and just stared at us. The tension was thick and I felt the need to lighten the situation.
“You wanna try writing on a song together?” Just yesterday, we made a deal to write a song together so why not do it now?
“You wanna do it now?” she asks.
“Now is as good as any.” I walk to my room, only to come back with a pen and my journal. The journal has a few deep entries but most of them were just ramblings and scattered song lyrics I don’t really use. The journal is leathery and white, with my name imprinted in front of the book.
I place the journal down at the coffee table and slide down to sit on the carpeted floor. She followed suit, causing our knees to brush each other. I move my knees up so it doesn’t touch, to somewhat create a barrier between her and me. She frowned when she realized what I’m doing but said nothing.
“So what song do you want it to be about?” I ask as I open to a fresh page, free from any type of ink.
“Love,” she says without a beat,.
“What about love?”
“A dead relationship,” she says with such simplicity. I squint my eyes, confused as to why she wants to write that since there’s nothing wrong with their relationship. Just as I want to ask she beats me to it by interpolating, “it’s not based on Lucy, it’s based on any relationship in general. An internal battle between whether they should break up or not.”
“Right,” I say, still unconvinced but decidedly lets it go.
We spend at about 30 minutes discussing about the base of the song.
Lauren’s phone rang from her back pocket. She takes it out, Lucy’s name temporarily imprinted on the phone.
“Hey baby… Oh, I’m at Camila’s.. Oh, okay.. Yeah, I don’t mind, take your time. We’re just chilling here so it’s okay.. Yeah, alright… You too,” she says through the phone. I can’t really hear the other side of that conversation so I don’t really know what’s happening. She ends the call after that, putting her phone on top of the coffee table.
“Lucy?” I say in the least noisiest way possible.
“Yeah, she said a friend is in LA and they’re going out.” This was another thing I see in Lauren. The amount of trust she has on Lucy is huge.
Back when we were together, it was hard. Lauren was a very possessive person and she was jealous at the littlest thing I do. We fought about it a lot; whether it’s about a guy I clearly have no interest in like Shawn or a girl I only see as a friend like Ariana or Taylor. No matter what I do to try to reassure her, she was too hard-headed to trust me.
Hell, even now… Just two days ago, she was jealous of Ariana. It kind of hurts, knowing that Lauren has never trusted me the way she trusts Lucy.
We spent the next few hours conveying our thoughts and feelings to the song. It was easy writing with her, probably because we have some kind of bond that I don’t seem to have with the other songwriters I’ve worked with. Lauren understands me to a personal level and vice versa.
At the end of the day, we seem to be pretty proud of our creation - or our baby if you must.
The only obstacle now is how to convince the label to include Lauren for the song. I want her on it because she deserves it just as much, if not more.
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