#im kinda pissed bc i lost a whole thread of the chapter cutting out a plot line but this opening feels more
loverboydotcom · 5 months
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literally when i was in the grocery store an hour ago and i went to open my grocery list note but turns out the last note was my vague playing around w my lover boy new opening idea and i was like oh that’s not produce that’s beau gagging whilst two guys have sex next to him 👍 and then i was like wait let me preserve this roughest of the rough writing so i can capture the evolution of an opening and write an essay about openings one day. can you tell im thinking a lot abt novel openings right now…..
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yournewapartment · 5 years
Hello, I apologize in advance if this is excessively long, but something happened today that pissed me tf off. I am a very private person. I do not give out contact info to anyone I dont want to have it. A month ago, my sperm donor gave my phone number to his parents without permission. I was pissed, but my husband convinced me to let it go so i did. Today I get a phone call from a number I dont know so I let it go to voicemail. Apparently people who shouldnt have my number to begin with gave 1/
“2/ my phone number to a local chapter of a church I have never belonged to, even before I moved, in an attempt to recruit me (or something, idk). I am furious. Not only did these people disown me for not conforming to their religion and beliefs of how I should be, they only ever pretended to give a shit about me or my sibling to give the appearance of being good people. Theyve been attempting to convert me to their religion since I was born, and I dont believe in their god. My entire family was
3/ and is abusive and distant, and im so angry about the whole thing. They never cared about me. I cut them out for a reason. I intend to change my phone number soonish, and I'm also debating revenge bc I'm a petty bitch lol but I just dont know really what i should do. Asking for my information to be kept private gets me nowhere, as I have asked several times for it not to be given out and it still happens. I'm just kinda lost, and could use some advice. Thank you for your time. End thread.”
This is so infuriating, no wonder you’re upset! 
In terms of your sperm donor- is he someone who you intend on keeping in your life? If he is, I would recommend having a conversation with him about boundaries. He needed to ask your permission before sharing your number with his parents, that’s a complete violation of privacy! It sucks when you have to “parent a parent”, but in this case, it sounds like he needs to be set straight if he’s going to continue being in your life. I don’t think this is a conversation that you need to have in person to be perfectly honest, a long, well-thought out text will do the trick. I’m afraid if you talk to him about this in person he might get automatically defensive instead of sitting with what you’ve said. A text gives him an opportunity to think before responding.
Again- if you don’t want him in your life, I wouldn’t bother with it.
In terms of the church- I can relate. I ran into an ex-coworker when she and her church group were making rounds at my old apartment complex. I was nice to her (because we had just recently worked together) so she began to show up routinely at my home to try to talk to me about her religion. It made me incredibly uncomfortable. Like. She showed up six different times. After I moved, she ran into me again, and asked where I lived and I was evasive- but she FOUND me! Possibly because she had access to check addresses at our work. Anyways, she showed up five times and rang the doorbell, and I never answered. SUPER creepy and a violation of my privacy. I truly am a nice person, and it was 100% used against me. My telling her multiple times that I had no interest in her religion and did not like her stopping by did nothing. Cutting all contact was the only thing that worked.
I think the best thing to do is to just cut out all contact. I think changing your number is a good idea! Even if you have a serious conversation with these people at this church, they may stills see any contact (regardless of the content) as an opportunity to convert you. Ignore them, don’t respond, and don’t engage!
Good luck- keep us posted!
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