#im kinda vibing w shadow inej more at this point of discussion but still into shadow kaz
nothewraith · 4 years
Shadow summoner kaz would be rlly cool! It would also make the plot of soc very different imo since if he had powers he’d probably more easily destroy pekka and ketterdam and then just peace out to some old abandoned farm in Kerch and live in solitude after losing jordie, since to me at least he doesn’t seem to care abt money and power so much as vengeance and once he gets that he won’t know what else to do. Sorry if this got long and went in a different direction I just had a lot of thoughts
yea honestly shadow summoner kaz could scare the fuck out of Pekka without pretending to bury his kid alive. i would want to think kaz is subtler and more strategic but if he had the powers from the start he wouldnt have to get scheme-y.
on the other hand, canon plot kaz with darkness powers would be able to use the “dont have to bother doing monstrous things” bluffing a lot more because people would connect his powers to evil immediately. i dont see kaz going to any of the extents the d*rkling did with the power- the Cut and shadow monster things (i forget how to spell it oops) dont seem like Kaz’s style. he would consider the power another tool in his arsenal, not his whole identity.
also i love how we decided on the term shadow summoning instead of d*rkling powers. invalidate him!
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