#im like needing to comb through my old sketchbooks because a lot of the stuff i made for it is in there
eveningapedrama · 1 year
remembering my old oc universe so i want to write some of what i had here just to have it somewhere
this universe dealt a lot with mutation and animal experimentation. There was a lot of stuff i came up with so like, not all of its good or something i'll keep if i revive this
My sona came from this universe- his name was Auric, which i still use tentatively but I initially called him that because of his golden fur which he doesnt really have anymore.... he is no longer a part of it but he used to be a chimera that was formed after him (as a normal rhesus macaque) and his human caretaker got in an accident involving an experimental technology the human's father made to extend life. After the incident the 'self' that was left was the monkey's, and while he attempted to adapt to his newfound life and self, Auric as he was now was clearly different from his human. His human's father kicked him out due to grief and Auric had to find some way to live on the outside.
old art alert but here is his ref from 2021!! i think the only thing i really kept was the heterochromia, the splotches of white and the different skin color were difficult to implement in a way i liked...
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anyways tho after he was kicked out, in an attempt to find somewhere to live, he tried to contact a childhood friend of his human's named Elliot, whos mother was in a similar scientific field to his human's father. Auric had trouble finding them because there was little trace of them for the last few years, and they were deemed a missing person.
anyways i might continue in another post with like seperate characters and whatnot so i can sort of hit every significant character i remember
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