noomhq · 10 years
Noom Habit Overhaul 2015
Every year, the most popular New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight. This is a great goal — caring about our health can allow us to lead happier, healthier lives. But in order to lose weight, most of us need to create positive habits while breaking those that are detrimental to us. Anyone who has tried to break a bad habit (late night snacking, snoozing one too many times, or biting fingernails) knows that breaking habits can be extremely hard, but Noom Coach is here to help.   That’s why we’ve created the Noom Habit Overhaul. Starting January 4th, we will be posting a small, simple challenge every day that is meant to create habits that will favorably affect your health and mood. Want to join the Noom Habit Overhaul? Click here to sign up for daily emails. Completed a challenge? Go to our Facebook page and check in by liking each challenge’s post starting Sunday. Good luck!
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noomhq · 10 years
Hel-lo, Three-Oh!
Noom's inspiring weight loss coaching is now available for iPhone.
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Our latest version is a complete overhaul -- a redesign including a new weight graph, updated food logging tools, articles and challenges, and an all new Noom Groups experience. Most importantly, the new Noom Coach helps you make better daily choices that add up to lasting change.
  Dedicated Noomers will immediately notice the new look (and new icon and updated name) of Noom Coach: Weight Loss. We talked a bit about our company-wide rebranding when it rolled out back in July, and we're so excited to finally update our iPhone version to match the look and feel of the rest of Noom's products.
  The next major update is that the new Noom Coach: Weight Loss gives you a few things to focus on each morning on the Coach screen. This daily roadmap of tips and inspiration provides the extra umph you need to push forward day-in and day-out. As you go through the day, complete your tasks and log your meals to get instant feedback and encouragement.
  The new Weight Graph helps you understand where you are on your weight loss journey every time you weigh in. It shows your previous history and projects into the future, showing you week-by-week when you're likely to hit your goal.
  Exclusively for Pro Members, Noom Groups also got a major makeover. Now, your Group's conversations are front and center, and posting is enriched by new comment and liking functionality. Mealtime is still around, so your Group can continue to encourage you to check in and log meals. Above all, in response to Pro feedback on Groups, we're implementing facilitator training and improvements to Noom Group formation.
All around, we think this update will have a profound impact on how our Noomers experience Noom on iPhone. This is positively inspiring weight loss that sticks.
  It's time to unlock your incredible potential. Get Noom Coach 3.0 here.
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noomhq · 10 years
Success Story: Sudhi
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Q: What inspired you to start losing weight?
A: I wanted to be healthy and fit. I did it before and decided that I could do it again. This time, the difference was Noom.
Q: What has been the most difficult part of the process?
A: Starting and being consistent. Noom, with its education material, helps you be on track to achieving your goals. The literature is almost too good. It helped me to be on track for almost a year now. The clinicians and analysts behind the app have done a great job. The app knows how to get the member back on board. 
Q: What has been the most rewarding part of the process?
 A: Compliments from friends and colleagues! They ask, “how did you do this?,” “what are you doing?” or say “you look fit and much better now!” and I refer them to Noom. Also, when I recently went shopping for t-shirts, the sales guy suggested that the size I was looking for would be too big for me and guided me to a different section :)
Q: What's your #1 piece of advice for losing weight?
A: Our health and happiness is very important and weight can be such a problem is you can't do usual things normally. If you are foodie like me, don't worry! Noom doesn't ask you to stop eating. It just asks you to eat the right food.
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noomhq · 10 years
Ingredient Focus: Grapefruit
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Grapefruit is a citrus food in the same family as oranges and lemons. Whether white, pink or ruby, this fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C, aids in digestion, and helps to produce collagen (the protein that keeps skin firm and smooth).  Grapefruit is also a source of Vitamin A, Fiber, Potassium, and pectin. In it’s pink and red varieties, grapefruit contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant shown to benefit the blood vessels around the heart and support prostate health.
Try tossing a few tasty slices into your next salad, or squeezing the juice into a refreshing drink. If you cover it in the fridge, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice will retain 98% of its vitamin C for up to a week!
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noomhq · 10 years
Success Story: Talmadge Morning Jr.
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Q: What inspired you to start losing weight?
Over time, I had become quite sedentary and started to develop some health-related issues due to that lifestyle. During a doctor's visit I was prescribed a blood medication. At that point, I decided I needed to make some lifestyle changes because I didn't want to be on pills the rest of my life.
Q: What has been the most difficult part of the process?
The most difficult part of my journey has been overcoming self-doubt. Fortunately, I've had a great support system along the way.
Q: What has been the most rewarding part of the process?
Feeling renewed and weighing in at the weight I was when I was 16!
Q: What’s your #1 piece of advice for losing weight?
Persistence and patience. Acknowledge that it took some time to get to the state you are in and allow that it will take some time to change your circumstances. Stick with it and it will happen. If I can do it you can, too.
I've lost more than 50 pounds and here's the new me! Or should I say, the reclaimed me at 52. I am currently studying for Personal Training Certification and contemplating competing. Thank you again, Noom!
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noomhq · 10 years
Ingredient Focus: Cauliflower
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Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that stems from the same family as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and collard greens. It was first introduced to France in the early 16th century, but is now a common household food.
Cauliflower packs a serious nutritional punch. It is low-calorie (but nutrient-dense) at just 30 calories per cup. It is rich in Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system, as well as folate,  which is particularly vital to pregnant women. It’s good for your brain, too - cauliflower contains lots of choline, which boosts brain activity and memory. Because of its high fiber content, it also helps maintain healthy digestion.
Cauliflower is a great carb substitute in a multitude of ways. You can use it as a rice substitute by throwing chopped cauliflower in a food processor and sautéing or baking it. Many people use it as a healthier pizza crust. Or, you can simply chop it up, toss it with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast it for 20 minutes. Healthy and delicious!
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noomhq · 10 years
Ingredient Focus: Pomegranate Seeds
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Originating from Iran, pomegranates are now cultivated globally. It has become more common in North American markets in the last decade due to its delicious, crispy seeds. They are in-season September to January, and can be sold whole or with seeds scooped out separately.
These little seeds are great for your heart. They aid in lowering cholesterol and can help melt away heart blockage. Additionally, they are chock-full of Vitamin C and fiber, keeping you healthy and sustaining fullness for longer, which can prevent overeating.
Pomegranate seeds are generally consumed raw. Sprinkle them atop a salad or bowl of yogurt, or toss them in a smoothie. They’ll add a pop of sweet, citrus-y flavor with a satisfying crunch!
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noomhq · 10 years
Success Story: Richard Blackburn
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August 4 2013, a group of co-workers & I decided to start a "Biggest Loser" competition. At initial weigh-in, I weighed 332 lbs. My wife & I had been saying we needed to get into better shape as our 50th birthdays were in 2014 and we planned to go on an around the world 3 month trip. I decided to join in and chipped in my $10 (15 people joined). The prize was for the largest percentage lost in 3 months. I lost 68 lbs (20%), weighing 264, and I won $150!
Later, the group and some additional co-workers decided to do it again; same rules starting 01 Jan 2014. Once again, I chipped in $10 thinking I would pay it forward and someone else would win. In this 3-month period, I lost 37 for a total of 16%, was down to 227 and won again! While this happened, I had changed from a 46" waist pants to a 34" waist pants—and spent way more than the prize money on clothes—BUT it was worth it!
Since then I have dropped down to a low of 211, gone backpacking in New Mexico with my nephew (90 miles in 10 days) and have started section hiking the Appalachian Trail. What changes did I make in my life to bring this about? I started using Noom Coach Pro to track my food intake, daily exercise, eating 6 small meals a day. The biggest food changes I made were to start eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat (stopped ordering the 18oz ribeye and started splitting the 8oz ribeye with my wife). We refer to it as "meat on the side" eating. I also reduced my alcohol consumption, used healthier cooking oils, and lowered starch and fat content. I also began walking the dog everyday between and 2 to 4 miles, and parking my car on the 5th floor of our work garage so I could the stairs up and down to the office each day. I still use Noom Coach daily to track my food/exercise while in maintenance mode and have stayed steady between 211 and 217 for 3 months now. My wife is also using Noom Coach and has lost 50 lbs herself!
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noomhq · 10 years
Success Story: Lindsey McAdams
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Q: What inspired you to start losing weight?
A: What inspired me to lose weight was my 29th birthday. 9years ago I made a promise to myself that I would not be overweight and unhealthy in my 30's. On my 29th birthday I weighed my highest, 278lbs. I felt unhealthy, out of shape and depressed.  I realized I had 12 months before I would turn 30. Since March 2014 I have lost 90lbs and currently weigh 188lbs. 38lbs shy of reaching my goal!! 
Q: What has been the most difficult part of the process?
A: The difficult part of the process was exercising in the beginning. My dogs helped get me out my negative phase quite quickly.  Once I started walking them, there was no way I could say "no" to those excited eyes every night.  I now run them, so they also say thanks to Noom!
Q: What has been the most rewarding part of the process?
A: The most rewarding part of the process so far, I will have to selfishly say, is when I went clothes shopping for the first time after having lost 85lbs. I went from squeezing into a size 18 to having room in a size 12.  It was a very positive and emotional experience for me. Can't wait to shop again soon!
Q: What’s your #1 piece of advice for losing weight?
A: My #1 piece of advise for losing weight is to set goals and stay motivated. It's all mind over matter - Anyone can do it!!! 
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noomhq · 10 years
Ingredient Focus: Salmon
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Salmon includes a variety of species, most of which originate from the North Atlantic tributaries and Pacific Ocean. Some species live only in fresh water, while others migrate between salt and fresh water for reproduction.
Salmon is renowned for its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Don’t let the word “fatty” scare you off - these fats may reduce the risk of heart disease and help with a multitude of normal body functions, such as the control of blood clotting. Salmon is also a rich source of protein.
Salmon is sold in a variety of forms: smoked, fresh, frozen. We suggest salmon fillets or steaks. They can be grilled, seared, or broiled, and pair well with any green veggie. A word of advice on the source: many health experts steer clear of farm-raised salmon, as the potentially harmful farming practices are thought to reduce the quality of the fish and even add calories. Though more expensive, the safest bet is Alaskan Wild Salmon.
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noomhq · 10 years
Guest Post: Ginger Lychee Smoothie (Urban Fitopia)
Lychee is a really fun fruit that hails from china. Because of its high water content, the Lychee Ginger Smoothie feels more like a juice than a smoothie. The fresh ginger in the blend makes it revitalizing and spicy. If you can't find lychee near you, try substituting them with grapes. 
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2 handfuls spinach
6 lychees - peeled, pitted
1/2 lime - juiced
1/2 inch ginger - peeled
1 tbsp hemp seed
1 cup water
1/2 cup ice cubes
This smoothie turns out more like a juice than a thick smoothie. It is perfectly refreshing for a warm summer day. Lychee fruit hails from China and grows naturally in the rainforests in Guangdong. The fruit tastes like a sweet, skinless grape. But remember, after peeling, lychees have a pit in the middle that must be removed before blending.
Post by Jenna Tanenbaum. Jenna is a smoothie queen and fitness nomad. When she isn't thinking up the next smoothie recipe for her company, Green Blender, she is running around the streets of New York City trying out the next fitness trend.
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noomhq · 10 years
Guest Post: Tortilla Soup (from The Picky Eater)
Vegetarian Tortilla Soup with Creative Toppings
Total Time: 60 minutes
Yield: 6 servings
1/2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 large red onion, chopped
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 14-ounce can crushed tomatoes
2.5 cups vegetable broth
6 corn tortillas, cut into matchstick chips
Olive oil spray
Salt (to taste)
1/4 cup of goat cheese, crumbled
30 small yellow or red grape tomatoes
Mexican shredded cheese blend
1 avocado, diced
Diced yellow onion
Cilantro (chopped)
Lime juice
Tortilla Strips: Spray the tortilla strips/quarters with olive oil spray and salt. Turn them out onto a baking sheet, arrange them across the pan and bake in a 350F degree oven for 10 minutes or until golden and crispy. (Mine might have taken a little longer than 10 minutes to get fully crispy). Set aside when done. (You can also just leave them in the turned-off oven to keep them warm and crispy!)
Roasted Tomatoes: Halve the tomatoes lengthwise and put them in a small roasting pan, oven proof dish, or rimmed baking sheet. Spray lightly with olive oil and season with salt. Bake in a 350F degree oven for 40-45 minutes (less time if you use smaller tomatoes), or until the tomatoes are shrunken and golden around the edges. Set aside.
The Soup: In a big pot over medium-high heat cook the garlic and onions using 1/2 Tbsp olive oil along with a couple pinches of salt for just a minute or so. Stir in the spices and then the tomatoes. Cook down for about five minutes or so, it should thicken a bit.
The Soup Continued: Remove from heat, add two cups of the broth and puree with a hand blender (or puree in a traditional blender). Add the remaining 0.5 cups of broth (you can add more if you want a thinner soup) and puree until smooth. Bring the soup back up to a simmer and cook for another 10 minutes. Season with salt to taste.
Avocado Salsa: Create the “avocado salsa” by mixing the avocado, red onion, cilantro and lime juice in a bowl. Super easy and takes 2 minutes.
Ideas for Serving
Option 1: With Mexican Shredded Cheese and Avocado Salsa. Take some soup in a bowl, top with 1 Tbsp shredded mexican cheese blend, and 1-2 Tbsp of the Avocado Salsa. This combination is great because the cheese melts into the soup, and the avocado salsa has a creaminess and a crunch that gives the soup amazing texture.
Option 2: With Goat Cheese, Roasted Tomatoes, and Tortilla Strips. Top soup with 1-2 Tbsp goat cheese, a handful of roasted tomatoes, and a handful of tortilla strips
See more from Anjali on her blog, The Picky Eater!
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noomhq · 10 years
Ingredient Focus: Quinoa
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Pronounced KEEN-wah, quinoa is a grain crop grown mainly for its edible seeds. It was domesticated thousands of years ago in South America. It contains many essential amino acids such as lysine, calcium, and iron.
Quinoa is best known for its protein content, lack of gluten, and relatively low caloric density. It provides riboflavin, which can reduce the frequency of migraines. It also contains high quantities of fiber, which promotes healthy digestion.
Quinoa is a great substitute for any grain from rice to pasta. In fact, some pastas are made out of quinoa. It can be prepared in fewer than 25 minutes; just be sure to rinse the grain before boiling, for it is covered in saponins, which can be toxic in large quantities. It can be included in granola or hot oatmeal, served up in burger form or sprinkled over any salad for a delicious, highly nutritious treat!
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noomhq · 10 years
Guest Post: Healthy Snacking from Brie Peers
Healthy Snacking On-the-Go
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  We all have busy lives filled with jobs, appointments, social events, and meetings. Just because our planners may be filled every day, it does not mean that we should let our health fall to the side. We can still keep up with our busy lives and maintain a healthy lifestyle if we can plan ahead and always be prepared. As a college student, I am often gone from my room for most of the day between classes, studying, meetings, working out, and meeting up with friends, but there is one thing I always keep on hand with me wherever I go—healthy snacks. My backpack always has at least one healthy snack on hand (if not more than one!) to keep me going and so I don’t have to rely on eating from the vending machine. I go through a rotation of snacks so I always have something with me when I end up taking longer at a meeting or my stomach starts grumbling during class.
My go-to healthy snack is a bar. I always have a steady stock of bars on hand in my kitchen and it is the easiest thing to grab on the go. Of course, not all bars are created equal and it is important to read the ingredients and nutrition facts before buying bars and look at the sugar content. Some bars have as much sugar as a candy bar! I also check to see if there is a good amount of fiber, protein, and healthy fats.  And it is definitely a winner if it has some chocolate in there too ;).
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Trail mixes are another great snack for on-the-go. Nuts, dried fruits, and seeds are a perfect combination that can keep me satisfied for hours. I always go for a small serving of trail mix when my sweet tooth is calling! Look for trail mixes that are low in sodium and low in sugar since nuts and seeds can sometimes be loaded with sodium (salt) and dried fruit can be filled with sugar. This is another snack that is perfect with the right amount of chocolate too.
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Fruit is a great on-the-go snack because it can give you an instant energy boost and help you get in important nutrients. It is easy to grab an apple or a banana and throw it in your bag so whenever hunger hits, you have something on hand. Bananas are perfect post-workout!
The one snack that I recommend everyone prepares is vegetables and hummus. This one isn’t one you can always have on hand if you will be gone all day, but if you have access to a fridge or will only be gone for a little while, this snack is perfect. I absolutely love vegetables with hummus and they are the perfect afternoon snack. If I take some time the night before to chop celery, bell peppers, carrots, and sugar snap peas and put some hummus in a sealed container, I can easily grab the snack and go. The crunch from the vegetables satisfies my craving for anything crunchy like potato chips and I am also getting in a healthy dose of nutrients too.
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  Leading a busy life doesn’t have to compromise our healthy eating if we take the time to have snacks on hand and easily ready in our bags. I try to eat every three hours to avoid any negative side effects of feeling too hungry. When I know I have a busy day ahead, I can pack snacks to have on hand throughout the day and be prepared to take on whatever comes up during the day, with a snack in hand.
  Follow my blog and social media to see how I snack healthy on-the-go and for recipes, workouts, and tips!
Blog: http://leancleanandbrie.com
Twitter: @leancleanbrie
Instagram: @leancleanbrie
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noomhq · 10 years
Guest Post: Peach Coconut Smoothie
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Electrolytes are important for proper hydration and muscle function. This smoothie will help replenish you! Coconut water is an natural source of electrolytes that won't spike your blood sugar and will quench your thirst. 
2 handfuls baby kale
1 banana
1 peach - pitted
2 tbsp coconut flakes
1 cup coconut water
1/2 cup ice cubes
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noomhq · 10 years
Success Story: Maria Gonzalez
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My name is Maria Gonzalez. I am a food addict. I will always be a food addict. In April 2013, at 232 pounds, my weight loss journey began. While I was walking my daughters to school, my shoestring became untied and I attempted to bend down to tie my shoe, but I couldn't. Embarrased, I asked my eldest daughter if she could tie my shoe. The vision of her on her knees tying my shoes moved me to do something about my health. 
At the same time, my 22 year old nephew was diagnosed with Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, meaning he was in renal failure. He was on dialysis twice a week and would need a transplant. I decided  to get tested. My weight was down to 200 pounds; I was having success with Noom! And I was a match! In August 2013 I weighed in at 170. I received a call from my nephew's transplant coordinator asking if I were interested in being his donor. Interested!  To be able to save his life...yes! My answer was yes. Our surgery was on November 19th, 2013 and I weighed in at 154. The surgery was a success in more ways than one. He's doing great and I am now 150 lbs. Without Noom I would have never qualified to be his donor.My kidney may have saved his life, but he has saved mine in return. 
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noomhq · 10 years
Guest Post: Tangy Dough Boy Smoothie (Kath Eats)
For TWO Dough Boy Smoothies
2/3 cup rolled oats (I had to mix in a little Scottish because we were out of rolled and that seemed to work fine)
2/3 cup milk
2/3 cup plain yogurt ( <—the tang!)
2 smallish ripe bananas
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tsp vanilla
1tsp cinnamon
Pinch salt
Plus 1/2 cup milk for AM
Mix together in blender (just with a spoon). Put in fridge overnight. In AM, add 1/2 cup milk and blend away!
Topped with the amazing Lynda’s Granola and Flying Squirrel PB – Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed!
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