#im literally so close to the end of this thing i have the sketches for the ending DRAWN
lyrakanefanatic · 4 months
Another tig characters kids hc post
again, nash has two daughters
jameson has two boys and a girl
grayson has one girl
and xander has a boy and girl
ive decided im gonna give them names so it doesn’t get confusing, so just bare with me here 😭😔
- jamesons eldest sons name is lucas, and he’s the most similar to avery
- averys middle child’s (the other son) name is michael (yes I stole it from the naturals shut up 😔) and he’s the most similar to jameson
-averys daughters name is hannah, and is a good mix of both her parents but still more similar to jameson
- graysons daughters’ name is calla and she’s a good mix of both her parents
- nash’s daughters are twins but are also two completely different people. the eldest one, (by like a minute) kylie, is more similar to nash, meanwhile mara is more like libby
- and last but not least, xanders eldest sons’ name is xavier, (something similar to xander LOL) and he’s very similiar to his mom, meanwhile his younger sister, whose name is nia, is more like her dad
- nia is 11 while xavier, calla, lucas, michael, and hannah are all 16-17-18-19 but they still make sure to include her!
- callas extremely close with averys children, but fights with michael ALL. THE. TIME.
- lucas is the most mature and makes sure the rest of them don’t get in trouble
- kylie and mara are both older than the rest of them but still always manage to be involved in their drama (partially for advice and so they don’t do something stupid)
- michael is the most wild person on april fools and literally goes CRAZY with his pranks
- in fact, every april fools teams are set up
- on one team there’s hannah, lucas, (who eventually agreed to set up teams) michael, kylie, and nia
- on the other team is calla, mara, and nia, whose their spy. she pretends that she’s on the other team, while giving her team information on their pranks
- parents eventually end up getting involved every year as the pranks get more and more diabolical
- all the kids have a sport that they enjoy doing, apart from xavier and calla, who really don’t like them. xaviers fine with playing a small match of soccer or football with his cousins sometimes if they force him, but calla will under no circumstances play anything involving a ball. she does do track though, and is a very fast runner (yes ik tracks a sport but pretend it’s not for like 2 mins pls 😔)
- there is always drama when they get together and do a big family dinner, and it’s usually michael or kylie starting the drama 💀
- hannah and calla both don’t have sisters but they see each other as their sisters and are practically inseparable 💗
- everybody favourites nia because she’s the youngest and she’s usually the one putting the star up on the christmas tree 😭😭 (but everyone loves her so it’s okay 🫶)
- calla is an academic weapon and is on the debate team
-michael and calla are often beefing and whenever they do, avery ALWAYS takes callas side and tells michael, “you’re older, you should know better” (he’s older by like 11 months 💀)
- lucas is the best chess player in the family next to avery and they regularly spend hours on a single match
- although calla takes more after her mother, one thing her and grayson have in common is their love for fashion. they both love making a good impression on people and often go on long shopping trips while callas mother (lyra 🤭) stays home because although she loves shopping, there is no way she could shop for as long as they do
- hannah loves drawing and has taken many different art classes before. she’s extremely talented now and loves sketching things/people around the house. it happens so much that it’s now just become normal to look up and see her drawing you 😭💀
- but she never really keeps her drawings and always wants to throw them out, but every time she tries to jameson takes the sketch from her and put it with his other folder of her art 💗
- hannah regularly takes her brothers’ sweatshirts and sweaters and whenever they see clothing missing from their closet they immediately know she took them 💀
- nia always loves having sleepovers with calla and hannah because then they can talk about anything and everything with each other (and binge watch movies till 4 am)
- they have a curse jar and jameson and michael are usually the ones putting most of the money in it
- lucas pretends to be so mature but in reality he’s an og gossip girl and often asks hannah and calla if they heard anything about anyone 💀 (the three of them stay up talking about people in their classes for HOURS)
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zombiefishmonster · 1 year
My Personal Kickin' It Headcanons
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- yes another kickin' it post. i'm making as many as my heart desires. enjoy.
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- Rudy Gillespie
+ big anime phase in highschool, specifically dragon ball z and naruto
+ had a HUUGE crush on bobby wasabi in grade school. his dad showed him his first movie, and he was obsessed. he doesn't feel romantically towards him now at all but he still holds him in a higher regard.
+ trans rudy bisexual rudy.
+ ty, lonnie and him have "guys nights", they sometimes invite bobby and phil but only sometimes.
+ the reason why he became a sensei and cares so deeply for his students is because his parents were neglectful, so he's determined to be there for any other kids who need it.
+ he definitely goes to all their weddings/events
+ i'd like to think he and ms. applebottom stay together.
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- Jack Brewer
+ definitely had a crush on jerry at a point
+ he really likes percy jackson (this is me projecting)
+ the only social media he has is instagram, and it's just because everyone made him get it.
+ we know about his haircare, but i think he'd also take incredible care of his skin. he's also very naturally tidy, despite having his less than classy moments
+ divorced parents, but they really try despite having busy jobs
+ his grandpa mostly took care of him growing up
+ he got his first tattoo at 18, he got it for his grandpa
+ bisexual jack.
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- Kim Crawford
+ the most Normal home life
+ i can't decide if she's pansexual or straight.
+ has mostly guy cousins
+ she's such a lowkey nerd. but like in the way she doesn't realize she's nerdy. she's really interested in the history of martial arts
+ she stayed in contact with sloane, and they moved in together, with jack, after high school
+ her room is a clothes MESS.
+ even though her parents are normal, most of her cousins and extended family are batshit
+ i also think she draws, mostly just sketches of things around seaford
+ even though she can't dance for shit, she can sing (this is kinda canon)
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- Eddie Jones
+ repressed queer
+ he left seaford because his mom got a better job offer
+ unfortunately, this made him fall out of karate but he got way more into dancing
+ he has REALLY nice handwriting
+ he has an older sister, like 10 years older, but they're still really close
+ literally LOVES tv dramas. he really likes greys anatomy
+ his mom has a cat that she got a few years after he was born
+ he tries to keep house plants alive, but it always ends up dying
+ he keeps in contact with milton and jerry a little
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- Jerry Martinez
+ he's a big frequenter of the hospital
+ he had a crush on jack at a separate time
+ he and milton move in together after highschool, that's when they start dating
+ takes milton to dancing lessons/teaches him himself
+ started dancing wayyy before karate, only started karate in middle school
+ he has dyslexia
+ like eddie, he's close with his sisters (wiki says he has 7 unnamed sisters; i think 3 younger, 4 older, making him pretty much middle)
+ he's not "good" at painting, but he enjoys it
+ he has a strong appreciation for country music
+ eddie got him in to greys anatomy, they text each other on episode release days
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- milton krupnik
+ the MOST online of them all, he definitely had a tumblr
+ surprisingly, he made the first move on jerry
+ despite the fiasco in "the commercial," he continued baking and actually got wayyy better
+ he's got a single dad, who does really try but he struggles a lot
+ probably the most mentally unstable. i can't explain it but it's his vibes. (im projecting)
+ he got more into hair and makeup as he got older
+ after julie, he realized he was gay and likes jerry
+ he had a warrior cats phase
+ he helped the rest of them study for all their finals, and he doesn't like to brag, but it's DEFINITELY the only reason why they passed
+ he spends the most time at the dojo, his dad works a lot, so it's just easier for him to stay at the dojo and help out with different classes / help around the mall
+ huge huge HUUUGE HUGE. enjoyer of the ocean. i can't explain it but it's true.
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skulla-rxcks · 1 year
🧸CHAPTER TWO} I like you more than a roommate
Previous chapter
Paring: roommate!Hyuniin X fem reader
Rating: mature (eventually explicit)
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, eventual smut
Chapter Warnings/things: none
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Your roommate Hyunjin is slowly catching feelings for you. You get more clingy to him as he helps you through your needs and issues, he loves you but doesn't know how to show it.
A/n: this one’s kinda boring but it’s relevant. Its also quickly written so
It’s been 3 days since the storm, Hyunjin’s been trying to get my attention for the past few days, I’ve been shoving him off though.. I overreacted more than usual that night. Yes, im afraid of storms and he knows that, I feel like an idiot, crying into his arms and being all cuddley like. I appreciate his comfort but the problem is I like him more than a roommate, more than a friend; I have feelings for him.
But now i don’t even know how to start up a normal conversation with him, I’ve been ignoring him for days! Getting over him would be helpful but i can’t when I practicality live with this guy!
“Hey, I’m sorry. I’ve been avoiding you since-“ I sigh opening the door to find him sketching away some flowers, the scribbling noises stop as I finish my words, I can’t say anything else it’s like my vocal chords froze and I couldn’t talk anymore, like something was squeezing them tight from the inside of my throat.
“Oh Hey! It’s fine don’t worry about it, we all need our own time sometimes. I totally get it.” He chuckles, my eyes stare at his perfect pink lips watching them part as he slips words out of his mouth, they’re so plump! I catch myself not paying attention.
“Uh- y-yeah, thanks..” I tilt my head down in embarrassment
I end up deciding to sit down next to him I open up my phone, beginning to do my own thing and check if anyones texted me or called me about something.
Which no one has, so I just stare at my screen and try to hide my embarrassment of what the fuck was going through my head. It’s just lips, everyone has lips, why are his so intriguing to me? I hate this so much.
“Whatchu looking at?” He leans toward me, causing me to jump slightly as he rests his chin on my shoulder.
What the hell do I say? I’m literally just straight up STARING at my Lock Screen like an idiot would.
“Uh, I just changed my Lock Screen and I’m deciding if I like it or not.”
Perfect, hopefully that’ll cover up whatever the fuck I’m doing. I’m pretty sure he’s only seen my Home Screen which is outstandingly lucky for a situation for this.
“Well I think it’s awesome, Hello Kitty right?”
He grabs my phone and points at it, smiling since he knows he’s right and loves being correct with whatever the heck he’s doing.
“Yeah! Hang on, got an email from our art professor, bloody hell.” I sigh, opening my phone holding it close to my chest scanning the email with my eyes.
“What is it?” Hyunjin questions, being the curious guy he is. “Art assignment, it’s due tomorrow. Must have missed it when I was checking my emails, it was sent last week..” I lie my head back against the wall groaning in disappointment.
“Well we should start now.. it’s tomorrow after all.”
He snatches my phone reading the assignment out loud. “team up with someone in your class on a collaborative acrylic painting, the canvas can be any size it’s your choice.” Hyunjin gives my phone back, his face scrunching up as he thinks of ideas.
“Oh I know! We could do a painting of a fairy resting in a flower, I could do most of the fairy and you do most of the flower!” I smile, hopping onto his lap in excitement, pushing down on his shoulders and looking into his eyes with a twinkle in my own.
“Oohhhh.. that’s a great idea, we should start now though, we don’t have much time.”
“Yeah. Good idea”
© 2023 skulla_rxcks
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thee-morrigan · 2 months
:D for your twc girlies, ♡♥∇?
tysm, Bunny! <33333 ngl, it was an effort not to turn some of these into full-on essays lmao.
♡ - romantic headcanons
Petra loves naps. To the extent that she semi-regularly blocks time on her calendar for a power nap if she knows she’s in for a particularly long day. Once Ava realizes this, blankets start appearing on the backs and arms of every chair or couch Ava has ever seen Petra fall asleep on at the warehouse. (Did Ava enlist Nat’s help for picking good blankets? Signs point to yes.) Holland has what is, at this point, a frankly embarrassing number of never-to-be-sent love letters in various states of completion hidden in a shoebox in her closet. These notes (obviously) contain all of her Sappiest Nate Feelings ™️ and would fully expose all the dreamiest romantic parts of herself that she likes to pretend don’t exist (v delusional of her to think they aren’t obvious 😌) on the topic of not-so-secret sappiness, Leila has SO many doodles and sketches of Morgan in her notebooks, the margins of meeting minutes, etc. I know this is probably going to be obliterated by actual canon, but to me, the first time Del says “I love you” to Felix is totally accidental. he does something that makes her laugh so hard her sides ache, and when she catches her breath, she says, “oh, I love you,” out loud without meaning to.
♥ - family headcanons
canon be damned, Leila has a great relationship with her grandparents and has always spent a fair amount of time with them. This has continued into adulthood. She’s especially close with her grandfather, who inspired her love of cooking (and taught her how to make perfect tahdig). Petra doesn’t want a family in the traditional, married-with-kids sense—never has, really, but certainly not in her current line of work! she’s much more flexible on the marriage part than the idea of having kids, though (so, if that were something that were important to Ava or if she proposed, Petra would be fine with it; she just wouldn’t care if they didn’t, either). Despite her stated lack of interest in children, Holland is the one who broaches the idea of adopting the supernatural orphan who ends up at the facility one day after falling through a portal. (this hc is based solely on vibes/a random thought I had literally years ago; my brain latched onto it and now it’s her canon, I cannot explain myself further.) Del snoops for more info on Rook in the Agency’s databases pretty much as soon as she learns he was also a human liaison for Wayhaven. Rebecca won’t talk about him, and she wants to know everything she can (few things frustrate her more than feeling left in the dark).
∇ - old age/aging headcanons I meannnn this is just (im)mortality/Turning vs Not hcs, yes? Because that’s how I’m taking it :D
Delaney thinks eventually becoming a vampire is more or less a no-brainer decision. I’m not sure when she’ll start making any kind of serious plans, but she might be the only one for whom it’s a very clear and definite “yes, this will happen at some point.” A rare instance in which Petra doesn’t make a purely impulsive decision haha. She absolutely wants to see All The Data on success rates, procedural notes, etc. Of all my twc girlies, she’s probably the one with the most practical concerns/considerations re: not staying human. I think she ends up deciding to go for it(?) Leila is another relatively easy “yes, why wouldn’t I?” with the caveat that she has a bit of an identity crisis afterwards — and especially as the ramifications of her decision start to sink in (friends/loved ones aging, etc.). She won’t ultimately regret her decision, per se, but there will definitely be Some Feelings about it! aaaand I genuinely have no idea where Holland will land. She has the most anxiety about it by FAR. She really struggles with wrapping her head around what the realities of living forever would be like, day to day. (Also, she has a deep-seated fear of choosing immortality and having it force her to learn the definitive point at which people (…okay, Nate) stop(s) wanting her around.) She ends up having a number of conversations with Adam, weirdly enough (she’s definitely least close with him, out of all of UB), about most of her concerns, which is a cool bonding opportunity for them.
headcanon asks
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newwavesylviaplath · 2 months
what are your top five favourite movies of all time (and why?) 💘
again this is so hard cuz i don't watch movies but ill try my best to answer.
5. sleep away camp; literally the definition of 80s campy horror it's what ahs 1984 wishes it could be
4. scott pilgrim vs the world; ultimate comfort movie!! ive read all the comics and have a scott pilgrim action figure also besides this fact its a good movie i like how i can recognize a bunch of the places DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE SOUNDTRACK i love all the bands so much and because the majority of them are canadian i have like some weird connection to them (my fave thing to brag abt is how my mom went to highschool with the drummer of broken social scene and they were like CLOSE friends like not just acquaintances)
3. brigsby bear; another comfort movie- i used to be a diehard snl fan but i was like SPECIFICALLY obsessed with kyle mooney (still love him) and also this movie is so like sweet and like perfect example of the offbeat humour + heartwarming ending combo im convinced that kyle's just ahead of his time and that this will totally be a cult classic one day.
2. kill me now; another movie with kyle mooney- im a giant nerd when it comes to improv and sketch comedy (don't get me started on the podcasts omfg) so when i found out that all of good neighbor was in this movie i had to watch. another example of campy horror although it's very 2012 type humour so i think a lot of ppl think it's like stupid but whatever ill defend it till the day i die its free on youtube go watch
1. excision (2008); literally another film from youtube that i've seen too many times to count. this is a short film (which is great considering i have horrible adhd) but it was turned into a full length feature in like 2013 i think. the full length one is also very good; it features traci lords AND john waters as a minister 💀 so again it has kind of a kitschy vibe to it but not as much as the others. the original is a lot more on the serious side. it's totally perfect if u have mommy issues the last scene always makes me cry (you'll also like it if ur mentally ill or maybe just have a blood kink)
sorry idk why i wrote a whole essay. also honourable mention is the movie 'slaxx' that was absolutely wild.
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raisinchallah · 3 months
hmm mixed feelings on the ripley show its nice to see such a distinctive take on the books im a bit of a hater about the movie it almost consciously veers away from every change i disliked in the movie but im also not really sure why its going for such a close adaptation when with the age change of the characters it really begins to strain credulity like the plot and the cinematography have the same sorta thing going on where its like certain places it just clicks into place so effortlessly and works so nicely and other times its like ur sitting there awkwardly dealing with the choices of shooting it in black and white and casting 40somethings where like the outdoor daylight scenes look sooo washed out and shitty ive been watching a lot of film noir recently and so i think im feeling extra critical of it cuz sometimes it really does manage to nail the beautiful depths of shadow film does so effortlessly but unfortunately it also feels like the choice is almost entirely at odds with you know the italian sunshine and they have not really managed to shoot outdoors and not end up with just muddy grey which again weird problem when they knew that would be a main setting all the night shots all the indoor shots are stunning but the jarring effect from indoors to outdoors is baffling... feels very similar to like ok they know and love this story and are doing an interesting job sketching it out so meticulously but u keep getting hit with like toms sketchy background becomes so much more sketchy if hes in his 40s still living like that who would trust him with this to begin with why would dickies parents still have hope hes gonna come back and run the family business if hes 40 and has never held a job few changes have been made to like square the age change with again a striking fidelity to the source material it honestly sometimes seems like theyre simply hoping u dont notice??? like dickies mom pulling out photos of him and it ends with him in college like are they pretending hes in his 20s we both know this is not true and otherwise its like not really given the gravity of like having barely seen her son in 15+ years you know its just mystifying the lifestyle and concerns of a wealthy loafer in his 40s would be different than a traveling 20something with no cares in the world idk like u can sort of ignore it for a bit but it just keeps like creating this odd level of separation for me where i simply cannot fully believe what im seeing on screen also dakota fanning literally looks like she knows what instagram is shes not giving us 1960s in the least
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-about me-
• im alex, im 20 years old
• i first learned about shifting in 2021, through youtube
• i just had my first minishift about a month ago
• the first dr i ever scripted for and wanted to go to was steven universe
• i started this blog because i dont have anyone to talk to about shifting with irl, im dying to share my drs lmao
• i shift for too many men im sorry i cant help it
• the main theme in most of my drs is friendship. i have a lot of drs focused around having a close friend group
• im a subliminal creator and ive been listening to subliminals for over 7 years
• i draw from time to time, mostly just pencil sketch portraits
• i do tarot
• im a northwestern wolf and crested honey buzzard therian, and im otherhearted with barn owls
• endogenic system
• im bisexual and a non-binary woman/demi-girl (im still figuring out the gender thing)
• dyslexia haver
• im learning danish (poorly)
• social anxiety im not very good at talking to people but im down to have shifting friends
• favorite bands/music people: the beatles, will wood, idk how but they found me, the smiths, james and the shame, the mountain goats, chappell roan, bo burnham, tim minchin
• favorite movies: crimson peak, another round, a ghost story, nope, httyd, thor ragnarok, into/across the spiderverse, titanic
• favorite shows: hannibal, barry, bbc’s ghosts, supernatural, good omens, ofmd, bridgerton, the great, all of us are dead, atla, hazbin hotel, love death and robots, the end of the fucking world, sex education, breaking bad, Rita
• favorite video games: shelter 2, the sims, animal crossing, rdr and rdr2, bg3, detroit become human, resident evil 7 and 8, the isle, minecraft
-my main drs-
• hogwarts uni (modern, golden trio era, its a university, theres no war and does not follow the plot)
• the beatles (modern, i like the friend group dynamic so much. its sort of a fame dr)
• baldurs gate 3 (im not following the main plot. i literally decided to go to this dr for one trauma filled man)
• rdr2 (this does not follow the plot because the game broke me i cant go through it irl. i scripted that the gang breaks apart before anything goes to shit and sean and i get to live a lovely life together. i haven't scripted this one too much, im shifting to chapter 2 where we are at horseshoe overlook)
• ghosts uk
• marvel
-drs im group shifting with my partner to-
• bridgerton
• adventure time
• percy jackson
-my other drs that arent really planned out much-
• hannibal (this is the second dr i ever made a script for/tried to shift to. im very fond of it. its based on the nbc show and it doesnt follow the plot. i scripted out basically all of the trauma stuff, and i made some murderous characters good people. this is basically a dr to hang out with will graham and learn some skills. when i shift here again im going to rework the whole script probably)
• sims 4 (i have a vampire sim and I WANT TO BE HER)
• changeling (this is a magical school dr, where im a shapeshifter and everyone that goes there is some type of mythological creature/monster. just a place to learn magic and hang out with people)
• hawthorne school (this dr is loosely based on the apocalypse season of american horror story, but it doesnt have anything to do with the plot of the show because thats scary and i dont want that. im a warlock attending the school)
• wings of fire
• botw
• marauders era, fantastic beasts era, hogwarts legacy era (gods i have too many wizard drs)
-my waiting room-
my main waiting room is a cozy beach house, with no people except me and my boyfriend (group shifting here with him). its pretty neat, i have a tv with a streaming service that has every show and movie on it, and through the streaming service i can choose what art style/medium i want to view the show or movie in. so i could watch like the office in the style of into the spiderverse or something lmao. but yeah its mostly just a big house with a library and an indoor pool and other cool stuff on the beach where i get to hang out and play baldurs gate 3 all day. i can also shift to any dr from there.
anti shifters do not interact.
feel free to ask me any questions about my drs/about me, im happy to share. you can ask about literally anything in this introduction, doesnt have to be about shifting. ill make posts about my drs all separately. I’ll mostly be posting about my shifting journey, my drs and just venting about shifting stuff.
happy shifting everyone!
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pansyfemme · 10 months
your art inspires me so much, i adore your use of color and texture and composition. i love love making art, getting drawn into a piece and layering and highlights and shadows and and and. but, i struggle quite deeply with subject matter, i feel, donno, like i don't think about the world in that way? everytime i see your art it evokes this visceral need to create but i just end up staring at a blank page. I admire so much art from afar but when I try I feel so overwhelmed with how to just, make the inspiration i get into art? i struggle with this in writing too, ideas are so few and far between and generally tend to be very vauge, like a smell or a color combination, or a collection of words. i dont know how to devolp it or explore it really. I did art in high school, and a year of architecture, and im struggling so much without having a brief to launch off of. feel free to ignore this if its too personal or familiar, but do you have any suggestions for me?
first of all, thank you so much!! and you sound like someone who has a deep interest in the process itself, which is super adrimable! i run into a lot of people who are more concerned with the output than the process and so they lack experimentation, so being process focused can lead to a lot of great possiblity!
As for ideas, it sounds silly when the idea is to generate insporation organically, but drawing from life and photos more was one of the steps to me being able to generate organically. i was for years, one of those ppl who draw a detailed character standing hands by side on a blank background. Learning more about how the figure moves from studying it was the 1# way to be able to organically draw poses the way i do. It’s hard to be like ‘use references!’ when finding refs is a whole other thing but sites like line of action have helped a lot bc i dont even have much choice in the ref lol!! My subject matter is based a lot on personal experience, i’m someone who has struggled with personal connection my whole life, i’m both autistic and have a case of social anxiety so severe i ended up permentantly stunting my development as a child bc i refused to interact with kids my age (oops) so a lot of my work about personal connection between trans and disabled people comes from a desire for close relationships with people who possess the same traits that made me feel undesirable for so long. I can’t also, tell you to generate a list of things about you and put those into your work because not everyone’s work is that personal and it’s not really something that can be forced, everytime a teacher told me to play into my other traumas i ended up hating the peice. i will say though, having a philosophy towards your work can do a lot. Journaling and writing down ideas, problems and aspirations as well as your attitude behind your work can sometimes help roadblocks. I also reccomend building up the process of making thumbnails and doodles and trying to generate ideas in very rough concept sketches rather than expecting to immediatly know what to do with a blank page. It adds more time and can also be frustrating, but it helps break down the blank page anxiety if you have a scrap sheet to try things out on before you go onto your final paper. another thing that helped my process is just always having a sketchbook and pencil on me. I don’t have to use it, but having my supplies with me often helps me be able to do quick sketches when im at coffee shops, doctors waiting rooms.. etc. It helps me be able to get any momentary inspiration down to work with later. the reality with rough Sketches is they do not need to be readable by anyone but yourself. it’s not just that they don’t have to look good, they could be three lines and a few notes if that’s what you need to be able to translate the vision to your head. A lot of my peices come from just wanting to draw certain perspectives or settings, and my sketches can be quite literally a grid sometimes. Again, this probably seems quite overwhelming. if your problem is generating ideas its tough to here ‘just draw!’ but it does help to build up a habit of sketching (even just circles and lines) and notetaking because it can help get the ideas flowing.
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t00nyah · 11 months
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decided to redesign my librarians a little bit and think what they would do if they get out of the library...they're so fun (the last guy isn't a librarian but he was so ugly i had to fully redesign him) i don't remember if those librarians were custom made or not (except i certainly remember that the first one wasn't) but uyhhuhuh yeah
in-game and pre-L corp sketches i made...2 years...ago...
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each one separately with some lore under cut,..,.,.,.,.,,,
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galina(she/her) before L corp had a funny case of being an urban legend just bc she killed people with her poems as an experiment a lot. yep. she can kill people by mentioning them in her poems and that's how she ended up parentless and went emo. but then not long after trying to stop being emo she got into L corp. where she kinda managed to try and be normal. doesn't write stuff much after her legend-retirement, but she's okay. (her lore is goofy but i like it and im leaving it that way)
after the library she became a fixer with narae, another librarian she got really close to.
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narae(she/her) used to be a 6 grade fixer with her brother, mckenna, and sullivan, their good pal, who had a little brother that he also brought to office quite a lot. the siblings got tired and retired from being fixers and then boom they got invited to work at L corp. and they decided why not. mckenna died, but narae managed to restore from this in the library times.
as someone who actually knows how offices work, she started an office with galina, going back to business. sullivan's brother, tim, also ended up as a librarian after narae asked really nicely to unbook that random index proselyte. no-one knows where sullivan is, he just went missing one day and tim got into some bad influence. but tim probably also joined their new office, he wanted to become a fixer like his brother before.
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'rittany(she/her) used to be a member of a funky syndicate. wasn't really enjoying her life there. she was almost killed in her childhood and saved by the green daze, who knew people who really wanted a child so kinda gave them her and they went along with it happily. she was trying to repay them all those years of care out of her own desire but ended up working for a shitty syndicate and got a little lost on what she's doing. then got a job offer from L corp and gladly changed her job.
she never was that good at violence, and didn't enjoy seeing such... i think after the library she ended up working at the flower shop and slowly getting some cash to go back to the district, the street, the house she used to live in, to see if her family is still there, see if they're okay.
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orion, or the green daze(he/him) is just. a guy. literally. just a colour fixer bc i really wanted to have fun designing a colour fixer and that's it. he's a silly gooper with a kind heart but no actual sense of responsibility. saved a child and gave it away and disappeared. that's him. the guy. i just like roasting him for no actual reason i need to give him lore... but at least new design is cool!! the old one was so random lol.
(im very happy about giving him this new eye colour for betelgeuse, orion's alpha, being a red supergiant, and a silver(bluish) clip on his scarf-bandana-idk-thing with a dog for sirius(bc canis major is considered orion's dog), and changing skin tone was a great decision because making most characters white is very boring as it turns out and also his slight outfit style change makes me RAWARRHGRHG really cool one)
i wonder if he's alive...and what he's up to if he is...
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tigertofu · 10 months
ooh!! I love Kacie! For the OC ask thingy would you wanna do these?
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
YES I WOULD LOVE TO TY SM FOR ASKING..... im gonna ramble now :))
✨: sooo i actually didnt come up with her name lol. i was actually 🤏this close to naming her Danny/Dani when i first created her but then i showed my partner a sketch of her and asked them what name would suit her. they said "she looks like a Casey" and i was like "!!! u know what she totally does" and went with that but changed it to a spelling that i liked more
🍀: when i first got into gtav and started looking up fics on ao3 (forever ago.... b4 i even had this account) i discovered the bountiful wealth of trevor/oc fics.... i ended up devouring all the ones that interested me and was like "ugh now what am i gonna stare at until 3 in the morning??? i need more" and eventually figured "wait....... I could MAKE more 🫨" so that was the main inspiration for making her in the first place. i'll admit that in her Fetal Stage Kacie was WAY more of a self insert than she ended up being..... my very first draft of my first fic (which is COMPLETELY different from what i ended up posting) was literally just Me In GTA-World. i quickly found out that was boring af tho cuz im not exactly an exciting person so i stopped making my oc only do things i would do and act the way i would act and started over. remnants of that Self-Insert Kacie still exist in the Current Kacie tho.... mainly just in her being a bisexual filipino-american who has an anxiety disorder and a fondness for middle-aged white men
🧠: not to like suck my own dick or anything but,, def her characterization. making her feel real and flawed has always been my MO. like from the get-go i wanted this bitch to have Layers and Complicated Psychology and a Character Arc etc etc. have i succeeded?? objectively, idk ! but i sure do feel rlly content with what i've done so far
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
probably a weird question but any height hcs for the mekakushi dan?
not weird at ALL. not only does the mekakushi dan have CANON heights but i have my thoughts about them
from shortest to tallest, these are their CANON heights:
hiyori 138 cm (4'5'')
hibiya 140 cm (4'6")
mary 154cm (5'0")
ayano 155 cm (5'1")
takane 157 cm (5'1") as ene, 640 pixels
momo 162 cm (5'3")
kano 165cm (5'4")
kido 168 cm (5'6")
shintaro 172 cm (5'8")
seto 178 cm (5'10")
haruka 182 cm (6'0")
i dont think these heights are bad but i think they're a little silly, especially hibiya and hiyori. girl they're 12. they wouldn't be THAT tiny!!! ive been the same height since i was 12 tbh, ive been 154cm (5'0'') for ten years 😐😐😐 anyways. yeah. they wouldn't be that short, in my sick twisted mind hibiya and hiyori are around the height of mary ayano & takane.
which brings me to. ayano and takane's heights are a little weird, especially takane. they're mostly drawn with a big height difference with ayano being the tallest when they're actually listed with takane being 3 cm taller so they're rly the same height lol. i usually draw ayano as taller for the lols bc i love shortest of the quartet takane, so id probably either make ayano a little taller (maybe 160cm, which would put her as shorter than momo, or maybe just as tall as momo to have a more clear height difference with takane) or takane a little shorter, but i think her height is fine as is. im a little attached to the 157cm bc of how big of a revelation it was JEJDKEKD and idk mary is always described as super short when there's literally 2 other grown characters just as tall as her lol. take ur "kiddy" mary and shove it up ur ass jin ur weird 💗 mary is my height i get her the view is FINE from here.
the thing with takane is that he's got the whole Secret Identity thing like as is takane is KINDA a spoiler character? and enes whole thing is that no one knows where they came from so for a long time we only knew how big ene was in pixels ajdkwjdk and unlike everyone else she does NOT have the funny fun facts like a canon birthday or height or weight. we only know the height bc in a takane sketch from sidu they wrote next to it the 157cm and the fandom took it and ran with it. at least that's how i remember it, i was so damn excited. idk if it has ever been super confirmed (tho its been listed in the wiki for years), so i can see why its so inconsistent to ayano(and mary, who is also close to their height but we see takane with ayano more often) and his weight is listed as 2MB. thats soooo funny. mysterious weight takane sometimes it can be so #girl but also im kinda glad bc the weights are so fucking BULLSHIT.
anime when making a girl heavier than 45kg: 😱 girl are u fucking crazy. ayano and momo have the same weight? mary is listed as 130 apples heavy? its such a mess. the weights are SHIT and NOT REAL. anyways u didnt ask abt that but yeah their weights 👎👎👎👎👎 not real.
anyways. id make these characters around the same height (in the range of 154cm to 159 cm) from shorter to tallest: hiyori, hibiya, mary, takane, ayano. maybe even ayano as tall as momo. and hibiya and hiyori would probably grow taller than those 3 as they grow up lol. i think hiyori would end up in a height like momo's and hibiya would be just slightly taller than shintaro which would probably anger shintaro a lot. tho short king hibiya is also funny tbh
WHICH BRINGS ME TO THE TALLEST'S HEIGHTS. ok. seto and haruka. sits DOWN. i think haruka should be taller and seto should be what haruka is listed as. cuz like haruka is always described as like super weirdly tall and he's like omg i hate being so tall when 182cm is like. sure its really tall but i wouldn't call that a weird height??? thats like. idk to me its kinda average tall height. and AGAIN im 154cm so id know a tall person lol my little brother is 180cm (😐) and while he is tall i wouldn't say he's crazy tall!!!and seto just being below 180cm is soooooo wrong SO, to me seto has haruka's height which is 182cm and haruka is probably more around 188cm, maybe getting to 190cm just for shit and giggles. like now THATS what id call weirdly tall. maybe haruka is just called that all the time bc he hangs out with ayano takane and shintaro (shortest adult mekadan members & shintaros painfully below average for a guy height). but whatevers i do love haruka is the tallest character though lol
and the rest are ok. kido being almost as tall as shintaro is awesome. kano being short is also awesome. if im changing shit id make him as short as momo just for shit and giggles which if we go by all my other changes then he'd be as tall as ayano LOLLLL
ANYWAYS. im normal💗
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ok so, ik i havent been on here in literal ages but i got really busy with classes this semester, but im hoping i'll be able to talk a lil more often cuz im on break now! and i have good news about my finals and my swim class earlier in the summer! i passed my art history and my illustration classes with B's (no clue what i got for my animation class but we move on) and for my swim class i can mostly do front strokes (still cant figure out how to take a breath yet but im sure i'll figure that out next summer!) i also found out that, while i hat floating on my back, i seem to not mind it as much if im moving! i think one of the things that helped me was imagining sal there with me, staying close by and making sure i was ok, sometimes putting her hand under me to help gently push me up a little more or gently pushing the top of my head a little more under the water so i can float better. i think she'd be super proud of the progress i made!
also, i finally got around to drawing a spicy sketch of alcina (and me and a couple of my oc's djjd). its not exactly a pinup but its def something spicy. i used different colors for everyone so i can see which parts belonged to who. the blue harpy girl is andromeda, the octopus mermaid is ruby, and then theres me in between the lady's legs! still have to finish it, but so far so good! (still need to do a pinup of just alcina tho... but i did see a couple really pretty rennaisence paintings that i could try to put her in too, i just need to pick which one i like more.... leaning a little bit to the "venus of urbino" painting cuz it vibes with her a lot shdb
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Hello, there, dear! I hope this break treats you well and congratulations on the grades 😊♥️ And that is really fucking cute, honestly. Sal would love to know the thought of her being by your side was able to help you with that 🥺 And she'd absolutely be proud, dear 😁 Also, Sal would be a really hot great swimming coach (Sal swim coach AU when? 👀🤣)
And ooooooooh 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 Very nice, indeed 👀 A blue harpy, you say? 👀 Also, a renaissance style pin up of Lady D sounds fucking incredible, ngl! Like, please do share if end up doing anymore, yeah? 👀 For science, of course.. extremely gay science 👀
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beppuccino · 1 year
Tell us about your blorbos!
IM TELLING YOU ABOUT MY BLORBOS!!! This is the one I've been thinking the most on recently her name is Piyomi. She literally came to me in a dream one night and I just holds her close So the little world she's from (i haven't written anything its mostly just me thinking on it) is full of these borb like guys who just have wings, some have multiple and some have only one but none of them are in the right place, only the royal:tm: borbs have them in the right place Piyomi (and her sister) were actually born without wings, their father being a rich guy was approached by a scientist who was like "yknow I could give them wings" and he was like yeah sure why the hell not Piyomi wanted to protect her sister from that but couldn't (Context of this sketch i made at like 2 am eskjgnksgn) So yes she did end up getting wings from the study, she barely remembers who did it but it happened and then she became a guard and gorl is stronk but she's now on the run for treason because she met this guy who was like robin hood and they were like huh,,,, let's get the fuck outta here together and they did until they crashed on another planet Another running thing in their species is that they each have a lil flaw that they have to basically get over in order for it to vanish, some are big and some are minor.................. Piyomi's eyebrows are stuck so she looks like she's angry, she's quite literally a cat which is fitting because the main thing she also uses her magic for is shapeshifting,,,,,,, (into a cat)
She's also very very very mmmmmmmmmmm so she's very in love with this other blorbo whom i also love dearly named Valkyre, she is also one of them but they meet her on the planet they end up crashing on and girl had no idea there were even more of them but Piyomi is very much in love with her and Valkyre knows this and loves her too. And now here are some doodles of the blorbo (first one was actually when i first thought of her)
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solarsnapp · 2 years
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I posted 163 times in 2022
That's 73 more posts than 2021!
106 posts created (65%)
57 posts reblogged (35%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 163 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 40 posts
#not art - 37 posts
#kny - 34 posts
#demon slayer - 33 posts
#kimetsu no yaiba - 32 posts
#kny plot rewrite - 32 posts
#zines - 26 posts
#sketches - 21 posts
#witch hat atelier - 17 posts
#self rb - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#also habibi i hope you do not mind me tagging you in literally anything jjk related im just hyperfocusing big time
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
126 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
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[ID: A black and white drawing of Kamado Nezuko from Demon Slayer. Nezuko is a young Japanese girl with dark leaf patterns on her limbs and long messy tangled hair. She is wearing a hemp-leaf patterned kimono, a dark haori jacket, a bamboo muzzle, and thick black cloth pieces around her legs segmented in three bunches by ribbons. She is sitting on a hill, looking towards the top. Her hair is billowing with the wind. End ID.]
raffle prize for @weeweeboy
136 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
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[ID: Two black and white traditional sketches of Yuuji Itadori from Jujutsu Kaisen. Yuuji is a tall, fat teenage boy with short curly hair that has an undercut. He is wearing a plain jacket with a thick collar, pants that are cuffed at the ends, and running shoes. The first sketch is a fullbody where he is casually leaning against a rail with a hand in his hair. He’s smiling. The second is a redraw of the “Oh, Ariana, we’re really in it now” meme with Yuuji leaning his head against a poster of Megan Thee Stallion and looking up at it wistfully. End ID.]
give it up for my guy yuuji itadori (if you dont clap for him im gonna blow this place up)
(@keniaku you asked my body hcs for some of the jjk cast a while back so heres yuuji tee hee)
143 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. Satoru is a young guy with short white hair and a high-collared jacket. He has six eyes clustered on his face like a hexagon, all with black irises. There are floating black eyes surrounding his head in a halo shape. His hands are raised, one pointing two fingers to the front. The second image is an inverted colored version of the first piece, where the eyes are white with significant chromatic abberation around the edges. End ID.]
obsessed with the idea of gojo having void black eyes
204 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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[ID: A primarily pink and blue colored manga page from Witch Hat Atelier featuring the characters Tetia and Agott. Tetia is a brown girl with pinky curly hair, some of her hair in two short pigtails. Agott is a light brown kid with short, fluffy black hair. The first panel is a halfbody of Tetia with her cupping her face. She looks deep in thought.
Tetia: I think that being able to become anything you want to, just by changing your outfit, is a kind of “transformation magic.”
The next panel is a fullbody of her clasping her hands under her chin with her eyes closed. She is surrounded by blue and pink clouds.
Tetia: With just a button and a ribbon, you can change the way others see you. And the way you see yourself.
The last panel is a detailed one with Tetia in a princess-like blue dress. She is looking up at Agott, who is wearing a primarily purple and black prince-like outfit with prominent gold accents. Gold flowers crawl around the panel, near the edges of the pink, white, and blue border.
Tetia: An ordinary child can become a princess. Or even a gallant knight.
End ID.]
(mangacap coloring) this is the most trans thing i have ever heard
214 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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zhongrin · 2 years
sjsjdh i feel like barbara and jean dont get enough sister screentime in general :')) and im just hoping cyno gets to reunite with collei as well since he did take care of her on the way to sumeru! ahshw understandable. do you have any favorite moments of him in particular? (self ship and in-game wise),,ehhehe pictures u shall recieve. i was very close to immortalizing that moment in sketch. i'd catch onto cyno's jokes but,,idk i'll always end up laughing at them,,hes so cute ~Lycoris
yeah very true!! oooh good point, that would be a lovely reunion to see <3
favorite in-game moments? literally everything hskdjsldkls whenever he appears in the scene i just go 😍🫠
self-ship wise, i love tranquil moments where we could just cuddle up against each other and me listening to him talk <3 hbu?
hsjdjsjdks us being soft whenever our man just does their thing 🤝
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signedeclipse · 2 years
Hello! Can I please get a romantic match-up? I just finished season 2 so im so fixated on demon slayer now 🤣
i have pale skin, hazel eyes, blue hair/silver hair (I dye it every few months), im 5"4, a bit chubby, I got big cheeks that give me baby face 🤣 its such a blow to my already non existent ego
- my pronouns are she/her/they/them , I'm demi and pan, im nonbinary, my preferred nickname is M. Im pretty open so I wouldn't say no to a polyamorous relationship as long as its all mutual.
- I'm both a scorpio and libra (born right on the cusp) and im an INFP. I border being an ambivert but i lean a tad bit more on the introvert side. Im a pretty intense person especially when it comes to close relationships. I'm obsessive and overprotective as well but in more subtle ways. Im quite the gremlin as well, I can be a bit wild. Im sarcastic but I mean well. I use humor to cope with depression. I have a small history with suicidal thoughts and tendencies but for the time being im doing quite well.
Im an artist and a writer. I love sketching and coming up with story lines. I also love music my go too music is usually 70s rock. Im a fan of alternative music to as well as indie. I love cryptids and otherworldly things ( I love mothman).I have daddy issues (just gonna sprinkle that in here). Im a navy brat so im used to moving a lot and due to that staying in one place to long gets me agitated. Im a very neutral person when it comes to good vs evil because i can see and feel for both sides. Usually I won't get involved in the fight but more so with the people in the fight.
Thank you~
You got…Susamaru!
You think you are overprotective? Susamaru is about to defend you with not only her life but anyone else’s. 
Because of her job she travels a lot, having to follow Muzan. She brings you with her, all across japan. Some places for a few days others for a month or two. You rarely revisit the same place but when you do it is always a new experience. 
The places you stay are usually lavish hotels or gorgeous cabins all for you and her. Sometimes in more rural missions you might do some camping in a tent and explore the beauties of the world. 
When on her missions she will bring back all sorts of colourful materials for you to turn into dyes and then into paint. Its her way of contributing to your creativity. She might ask you to dye some string for her to make more temari balls.
Susamaru isn't very emotionally available, but when you are going through your tougher emotions she just sits right by you or makes you follow her on missions. Her love language is quality time, but her definition of ‘quality’ is anything. Even a hostage situation. 
Might ask you to play bait with her a few times, but you will always remain safe so long as she is there to protect you. 
Your sass mixed with her quick replies always made for great play-fighting. Its practically impossible for people to intrude on your conversations because of how lost you get in them. 
Authors Note - She was literally so cool and I remember vividly when watching the anime how horrified I was of her. And her end was so sad ahhh I felt so bad... I hope you enjoy <3
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