#im more upset about burning 50 bucks on uber for a scenic drive to my doctor's office
curryalley · 9 months
Reason #968 why I hate the American healthcare system:
Doctor's office two hours before my appointment: texts a reminder how to check in
Me: arrives on time for appointment via Uber
Office: We're sorry, your appointment has been canceled. Your test administrator went home sick. We tried to call. We can reschedule you.
Me: has no texts and no voicemails
Scheduling assistant who took me into her office: Sorry, we tried to call. They're out of glue to attach the electrodes to you for your test.
Me: 0.0
Scheduler: When would you like to come back?
Me: I have a different test next week, can we just do them both that day? I already have it off from work.
Scheduler: Insurance does not allow you to have two appointments on the same day. So no.
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