#im not even big on akitoya
becomingpotatoes · 1 year
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finally read walk on and on and uhhhhhhhhhhhhh heterosexuality who???
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anzynai · 6 months
New Discoveries
Akito x Toya (Project Sekai)
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD @thatonetickleblog im so glad to be spending your birthday with u another year and ofc i had to do the traditional birthday fic.. chose akitoya cuz that was at the top of ur list when i asked so i hope u enjoy it! worked very hard on it.. i sweat, i cried, i bled, but i mean. u dont have to like it if u dont want to. i mean. irs not a big deal…. ANYWAYS, enough talking. happy birthday and hope u enjoy this sickeningly romantic akitoya tickle fic LOVE YOUUU 🫶
summary: today was the day that akito was going to confess to akito. things turn out much better than he expected.
word count: 1.3k
Today was the day.
Today was the day that Akito was going to confess to Toya. After lots and lots of nudging and encouragement from Kohane, An, and even Ena, he decided to gather his courage and tell Toya about his feelings for him. He honestly had no idea if Toya returned his feelings, but he would just rather be honest than hide it from him. Even if Toya didn’t like him back, he was sure the other wouldn’t stop being friends with him over it.. at least, he hoped.
At the moment, he was at the park, idly sitting on some swings waiting for his other groupmate to arrive. It was getting late, so there was no one there, which he was grateful for. He always felt a bit awkward singing in front of a crowd if it wasn’t at a show. The nervousness he felt in his stomach did not compare to how he felt when he finally saw Toya walking towards him, his heart settling deep into his stomach. He took a deep breath, then attempted to smile weakly.
“Toya.” He said, watching as the other let an easy smile slip into his face that completely melted Akito’s heart (as much as he would hate to admit it).
Forcing himself to act somewhat normal, he swallowed and watched the other join the swing beside him. “Ready?”
“Of course.” And the two spent the next hour running their duet together. Akito never really felt that he could admire Toya’s singing voice enough. Where his was powerful and loud, Toya’s was gentle and soft in a way that made you feel like you could fall asleep to it. It was truly his favorite sound. His normal voice was not much different, calm and controlled. Akito liked to listen to his voice.
“Sounds pretty good, huh?” Akito said after they finally ran through their duet without any mistakes and Toya nodded, agreeing. The pair fell into silence. By now, the sun had nearly set, causing a red glow in the sky and Akito allowed himself to think that Toya looked beautiful like this, and that’s when he realized it. It was time.
Taking a deep breath, because confessing is hard, he starts before he can talk himself out of it.
“Toya.” He says, but the other has decided to speak up too.
“Ah— sorry. You.. first.” Akito mumbled, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden. Toya looked down and paused, before making eye contact with Akito. A faint blush was planted on his features.
“Akito, I like you.”
For a moment, Akito couldn’t respond. He couldn’t think at all, in complete disbelief, because not only did Toya like him of all people, he beat him to the punch. He cleared his throat as it started to feel dry and he brought a hand to his face.
“Y-you… wait, you like me?” Akito asked.
The blush on Toya’s face was more noticeable now and Akito would have teased him about it if he wasn’t sure that his face was just as flushed.
“I do.” Toya nodded. “Do you like me back?”
Yes. Is that even a question? Akito thought.
Then, he remembered Toya can’t read his mind and looked up at the other, awaiting his response. Akito averted his eyes.
“Of course I do.. wasn’t it obvious?” Akito muttered, quietly, but Toya heard it and when Akito looked back at him, the smile on Toya’s lips was one he would have spent all of his savings to see just for a second longer.
“Not at all.” Toya said. It shocked Akito, but Toya had always been.. sort of oblivious about these kinds of things. Afterall, everyone else seemed to know.
“Are we.. dating then?” Akito mumbled, fidgeting with his fingers. He wasn’t sure if it was a stupid question, but he had to know and he needed a clear answer.
“Do you want to?” Toya responded, looking a bit nervous. As if he had anything to worry about, Akito thought to himself.
“Obviously.. you idiot.” Akito groaned, trying to ignore the fact his heart was racing a mile a minute and he was resisting the urge to die of happiness.
“So then.. what now?” Toya asked, when they both fell silent. Feeling bold, Akito allowed a smirk to slip onto his face. He took Toya’s face, pulling it closer to his.
“This.” He replied, when their lips finally met. He felt Toya smile against his mouth as the other deepened the kiss.
They each allowed their hands to roam, touching the other with fervor and desire they had always been afraid to act on. It was perfect. Akito had never felt happier and part of him wished that moments like this would never have to end.
And well, maybe it didn’t.
Because Toya liked him back. He liked him back.
He continued kissing Toya, biting his lip and relishing in the gasp Toya let out. That is, until Akito let out a gasp of his own.. for a completely different reason.
Toya’s hands had ended up caressing his backs and sides, two spots that made Akito feel ticklish. Toya didn’t seem to notice, but as he kept doing it, it was harder for Akito to keep his reactions at bay.
When he gasps again, Toya pulls away, concern written in his expression. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, don’t worry.” Akito responded, unable to come up with a believable excuse. Toya looked at him with doubt.
“Are you sure? You were moving around a lot..” Toya examined his body before he seemed to come up with some conclusion. “Are you hurt?” He gently grazed his sides, as if trying to feel for an injury. Akito, not expecting his touch, giggled.
And then, it seems to click what was going on.
“Oh.” Toya realized, eyes widening and Akito blushes. Then, Toya sent him an amused smile and begins to tickle him… and Akito let him.
“T-tohohohoya!” Akito laughed, his voice raising an embarrassing octave.
“How have I never known you were ticklish?” Toya wondered, seemingly amazed by his discovery.
“I-I dohohon’t knohohow! Stahahap!” Akito gasped, squirming in the swing. It makes tickling Akito harder for Toya, but he doesn’t look like he minds.
“Do you really want me to?” Toya asked with a raised brow. The dying protests are all he needs as an answer.
“Hahahahaha!” Akito laughed, his hands trying to get Toya away from him.
“You’re beautiful.” He heard the other mutter, flustering him. The tickling was bad enough, but this was too much!
“Dohohon’t sahahahay thahat!” Akito chuckled, hiding his face with his hands. That idea backfired, because it gave Toya a lot more options to tickle him at.
“Say what?” Toya looked genuinely confused, making Akito feel like such a loser. He should not get so flustered by one measly compliment! “That you’re beautiful?”
Akito nodded, a squeal passing through his lips when Toya found a particularly sensitive spot on his ribs.
“But you are. You’re gorgeous. I’ve always known that.” And if Akito thought his face was burning before, he is sure he is one second away from spontaneously combusting right there. He tried groaning, but it sounded strangled.
“Nohoho! Tohohoya!”
“Yes?” The worst thing about the situation was that Toya was absolutely amazing at tickling, his fingers precise and evilly gentle. It didn’t hurt at all and the touches were so light, Akito was shocked that he could feel it.. and feel it this much.
“Nohoho mohohore!” Akito shrieked, at last, when his cheeks began to hurt from smiling. Toya stopped, peppering his face with kisses. It flustered Akito to no end, but he didn’t stop the other, taking a few moments to catch his breath.
“Are you alright?” Toya asked, looking him in the eyes.
Akito smiled, looking back at him. “Yeah. I am.” Then he forced himself to frown. “But..”
“But?” Toya looked worried and he almost felt bad.
“Isn’t it your turn now?” Akito smiled, mischievous and devilishly. Toya unconsciously began moving back.
“W-whahahahaat?!” Toya laughed, now finding himself to be the victim as Akito pounced.
Akito looked at his partner—his boyfriend— laughing beside him and he couldn’t help but laugh as well. Yeah, he could get used to this.
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sharkyloidz · 7 months
akito shinonome headcanons
openly listens to street-style music of course, but also listens to softer prettier music but doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want to get teased
use to be one of those fortnite gamer kids but fell off the hobby of gaming and now only games with his friends when they want him to
feels like he can never open up fully to anyone, not even toya, but he can open up to toya more than anyone else
transmasc and has been on T for a few years, his parents are mostly supportive but his dad argues with him about it sometimes
^in stealth, only ena, an, and airi know and he's scared of anyone else finding out and it makes him paranoid sometimes
dry texter unless he's really interested in the conversation
actually looks up to tsukasa bc of his passion of being a star but just thinks hes so annoying
can draw pretty well but doesn't practice or have a passion of it, which makes ena jealous since he draws well and doesn't care he can
ive seen a lot of people say that he'd be homophobic or something (i think most were joking but some werent) and i think he'd be aggressively supportive like if anyone was being homophobic to his friends he'd threaten to beat them up
has a big crush on toya but doesn't want to say anything to toya because he's scared of rejection and mess up the relationship with his bestest friend (toya thinks theyre already dating)
easily amused but also easily bored
used to go to live houses where shiho would play sometimes and they became friends, both admiring each other's determination
ships: akitoya so much my favorite one, akishiho, akimizu, akirui, akikoha (ya im a multishipper ermmmmmm)
the end
i have a lot of headcanons for all the other characters too if anyone wants to see them
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