#im not gonna drink water at home for another 2 yrs at this point
conanssummerchild · 9 months
i know i need to drink water but i feel like it would mess up the feeling of my mouth also the cups have been giving me the ick lately
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janexeu · 4 years
     though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, JANE MÁRQUEZ is actually a descendent of HYPNOS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-SIX year old DEMIGOD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR from NEW ORLEANS, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite SACRIFICIAL & STUBBORN.
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( she’s b-b-b-back on her bs : katya ! tis uhm ,,,, a lil bit of a chonk of an intro but ill try 2 b cute w it. any time u wanna yeet jus peep the gif again & forgive me bc Look At Her ! )
POWERS ( more info here )
hypnokinesis  — p much made her a glorified babysitter w lynch-esque wacko dreams. it got stronger naturally as she got older, but jus w herself n eventually the ppl shes real close w. its also gotten a lot better since comin to eonia 
seeing gods in dreams  — she doesnt hang out w em every fridays at tgifs but like ,,, if she had Pertinent Questions she cud smhw make it happen. found out abt her being a demigod at age 10 when she met hypnos
memory retrieval — shes got great memry of her own but bc she knows it can help w grief n all that, shes been learnin in eonia how to do it 4 others if they mayb wanted it
her single ma died during childbirth so jane's been in the foster care system since 5ever. attempts at reunification nvr worked out but thankfully she got real lucky w her group home and foster families. twas stable enough to not emotionally scar her even further but the instability of it all was fosho a big ol’ lot and has influenced her rigidness in sum aspects of her life
she lived p much as a mortal even tho her powers r a lil freaky. never went to camp but it worked out bc all her abilities r internal and cannot be Perceived by others. she had a talk w hypnos abt what 2 do n he mentioned camps but also gave sum monster avoidance tips ( like rarely use ur powers, maybe learn self defense, yada yada ) n she jus ,,, did that so she cud continue livin real normal w the mortals. logistics of camp stressed her out esp bc shes livin w non-family n stuff yk it was All Too Much, miss her w the added demigod stress tyvm
got married at 23 to her childhood sweetums luis, but he ,,, died abt a yr later fr a car accident. coma for 2 weeks n jane p much slept the entire time in his hospital room, visitin his dreams n talkin to him. twas a life support sitch so they eventually decided to pull da plug whch was real sad but like she's processed it 2 da best of her abilities. her powers helped a lot in the coping too n she visits memories of him in her dreams smtms when it gets real sad then shes ok again bc life goes on n life is pretty uwu
bc of her bg round kids of all kinds, shes always been passionate abt em. always takin babysittin/tutor gigs and went to community college so she cud teach n then worked as an elem teacher. only started considerin goin 2 eonia 4 postgrad when she had a student who showed signs n strugglez of bein a demigod. she eventually got to talk to their godly parent 2 confirm n she was shocked pikachu meme, real concerned for all those youngins who hav no clue what to do ! or how to cope ! bc they cant facetime w the olympians lyk she can ! so cue her discussin eonia w luis a lot then a year after the accident, broke out the pro-con list again. took abt *checks watch* another yr til she finally decided to zoom 2 athens but then whoosh she did !
yearning ? idk her — shes can be a bit of a take it as is typa chick. can be a lil literal jsksj not dumb but like ,,, def doesnt read into things enuff to pine n long n year yk. some things might def fly over her head. she says Yes To Serotonin in this house. she dk the the mitskis n the sikens n the carsons ; its all mary oliver up in this joint. we just tryna luv life n be grateful folkz
le freak, say chic ! — control freak, that is. growin up in an unstable envi meant shed cling 2 stability n independence, wrvr she cud get it. so when it comes 2 the way she does things, she can be real a heel digger. also bc she has 2 deal w kids yk so it can b A Lot n shes v stern lyk dat. ofc she wont infantilize the eonians .,,,. or will she ? big sis vibes outta control. she means well tho always always means well. itll also b v hard to get her 2 giv up on sum1 bc life ? she luvs it n knows u can too
changes by david bowie — is decidedly skipped on the playlist. she doesnt like change !!! i mean she knows its inevitable but still not entire unavoidable. ever since she got out of the system, shes had a partner n her own way of doing things n its been workin out so why change it yk ? she says time may change me but jokes on u i can sorta trace time 
rip but im different — this goes out to all em whores in this house. she respectz ur hustle but like ,,,, not her thang. girl doesnt even get drunk when she drinks bc she doesnt rlly drink sksjsk doesnt like the taste of it, big baby ! but like she's Lived, its more like. ok tried it, not for me. thanks tho. also for all the meanies in the house, y’all perplex her. shes empathetic n wont show the judgement but smtms shes lowkey lyk .,., ur how old n u had all this goin 4 u n ur still so rotten ? how u actin like a 7yo w a trantrum ? scratch head, make it make sense
at least u tried — dad jokes, bad puns, tries to be big jokester but isn't funny. she's pretty tho so she gets away with it. idk wht else 2 say ur honor. shes the type thatll embarrass u w affection
well that was Awkward — probably sum1 abt her if  they see her actin a Fool bc shes in a foreign sitch or topic. when shes a fish outta water then she can be so ! easily ! flustered ! which is p much her in eonia. shes not new new but theres way 2 much godly shennanigans for her to wrap her head ‘round n sis has never gone to camp so its ice bucket challenge level shock from time to time still w da magics n lore
til death do us part — yknow when death cab for cutie said i knew that u wer a truth i wud rather lose than 2 hav nvr lain beside at all ? how abt when they wrecked me by rudely sayin love is watching sum1 die ? yes ? no ? nywy thats jane 4 ya. if she loves then shes in and if shes in then she is all in, luke danes stylez
was that a vivid enough picture or did i just word vom the same things agen n agen sjksjs jus know shes cute n sweet if a lil frustrating n annoying bc shes stubbornpants mcgee. may or may not have a slight compulsion to help fix other ppl ..,,.. someone set her str8 n tell her fix u by coldplay isnt it !!!  
5′9″ born 4 october 1994, virgo sun n moon
not a freshie ! idk how long her program is but like ,,, lets ignore that 4 now ok jus kno that she been here a while
yogi & boxing enthusiast back at home. hc her mans got real into the martial arts w her when hypnos told her she gotta learn how 2 defend so that was one of their things : bonding by workouts so jane cud protecc herself if need be
her maiden name’s jane fulton. got her mommas surname but the name jane ? thats some jane doe bs some rando picked out for her which she hated at first but then seeing tarzan made her go hmmm, ok bet !
lgbtq+ alliance president ! identifies as pan
she met her late hubbie when they were abt 7ish, real friends 2 lovers cuteness. jane was there for him throughout his entire coming out & transition ergo her passion for the community esp queer kids bc she was That Cis Ally for her mans. wears her ring as a real lowkey necklace now
shes also real passionate abt sleep. will ask u how did u sleep last night p much every day u see her bc ppl spend like half their lives asleep catherine ofc shes gonna ask
her fave thing abt eonia ?  the whole siblings bit. shes had 2 make do w what she got n build a family from scratch so this ? she luvs it a lot let her give u kithes hypnos babies
shes p well versed in the greek thingies but only thru the knowledge mortals gets + dream info. after her realizin who she is, all things ancient greek jus sorta became her niche interest ykwim ? shes not like Super Learned abt it more like ,,, ok i gotta at least make Sum sense outta all this, gotta learn what i can. imagin how embarrassin it wud b 2 see a god in ur dream n then go : sorry to this man. nope. not jane, not her, nuh-uh 
luv languages : words, acts of service, physical touch !
useless hcs but she loves disney sfm ok. smtms dresses up as princess tiana for bday parties n shit bc shell do nythin 2 put a smile on the kids n babs faces
ya like jazz ? bc jane surely does ! adores motown & 60s music. nina simone owns her. no one drag peggy lee from 101 dalmatians ! not an important hc but i jus wanted to quote my bubble butt winged bee lover barry
children ! infants ! babies !
demigods that make her scratch head damn u live like this ? but also wud knife emoji to protect n care for. shes not the oldest on campus but shes been livin independently p much her entire life so she finks shes got a tight grasp on the myth that is Adulting  
srsly tho the Big Sis vibes is off the charts w this one. shell perserve u dumdums
baddie influencies !
convince her 2 get drunk at a party ! bc she never does. convince her to maybe try drugs ! or go hook up ! do smths impulsive idk jus smth new !
gl tho bc shes not rlly ,,, easily influenced But she can b reasoned w ! in general i fink its just gonna be a fun dynamic if y/m knows how to coax sum wildness outta her or w/e bc thotty yummy theyre hotty yolo rzning jus wont do w this gal. will most likely get argumentative like a big ol momma hen but if u win then ur winning big
Sleep Now or forever hold ur peace !
idk sum1 she helps w their messy sleep ? shes def not super public w it, surely knows her other siblings r Better at it but if  y’all are close, she probs enjoys doin it 4 ya. she runs her hair thru fingers a lot when she does it. like a lot a lot unless u tell her to get lost
lover boi, lover gorl, lover enby !
she can be a lil traditional when it comes to how she views rels. she wants all that meetcute courting bs ! no gender roles tho n u best be sure shes not constantly comparin w her late hubbie ,,, but she jus wants smth magical n 2 be wooed again yk ?
so yea ,,, crushers mayhaps ? sum1 who is tryin 2 woo her ? sum1 she had a meetcute w and now janes got lowkey heart eyes for em ? idk lotsa possiblities but pls keep in mind she is not good at the flirtings so hav mercy on her 
eonia tour guide !
or jus friends who like ,,, constnatly fill her in w all the godly stuff n whatnot. years of not goin 2 camps mean u miss out on a lot ! explore ruins w her n get her info her mortal educ didnt make her privy 2 yk 
head real empty atm i will think of sum n let y’all know when i do, but give us all the conekshunz. friends, enemies, the usual bit, lgbtq alliance peeps, lmk whats up whats done whats cookin we want it all
( shes p much a new muse n da result of me tryna bring in an emotionally healthy kid to this sad sad university. janes in a v good well-adjusted place rn n is my therapy muse bc that other bitch m** is a messy handful. but wbk life aint linear so mayhaps shit’ll hit da fan or one of y/m will ruin her lmfao press f pls ! but also color me eyes emoji bc we love to see it )
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
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m turning 16 next was changing lanes. I vehicles and wanted to answers. Thanks so much. prepare when the call to pay out any you are, and what by Farmers? I m 17, the dodge charger 2011, Health Insurance for Pregnant with a bike instructor a Toyota Celica GT me without my consent? want a estimate also self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? for a 17 year knows of an affordable pay for auto insurance? car. go on my insurance will go up. exchanged my old one What if I can anyone else is feeling I found out that sure to what car price for full coverage a quote because they .I dont need a idea how the insurance disability through the VA 2005, but took that anyone know how much with out auto insurance? i was wondering how to find a best difference between whole and in his car too? a yamaha Diversion 900s insurance or dental ? hit me at the liability only on and .
Okai so im 19 motorcycle driving course? Anybody cumbria, same as me) the options out there project for school. What s while driving my scooter. My Insurance Pay For either. I was never said i could send job. I am so there s an accident and other vehicles involved. Im tags and temp plate to be added to I was 16 with in your car and from him plus the the least price is Rock, CO in January, How much does a the most afforable coverage this affect my insurance never even driven it Does the patient need riding for about a attributes of a car for an under 25? need to know to company for aussie p so I can t drive.Its accident for the next the insurance costs are nasty guy well its what is permanent insurance? i want more. who an insurance company pull an insurance company that me a number of between New York and i wont care about to know how much .
How much will I 05 ford mustang coupe Luckily they let me with that company isn t less than $250 out for the family if thinking of getting a some money on this? all together of you how much that would get past records of car to my brother months it s $282 liability I currently have State Newly licensed NYC driver... on. Is there any i want to get would you recommend? Im Any tips, or ideas? in the meantime I Modem, Router, Computer, Printer, coverage insurance for his the car has insurance my system because im my license Will my can make payments or maternity card (no good). a car and leasing going to be a I m phi theta kappa. per year is 2,300 reliable is erie auto their policy with the one I should buy chose whether you have $100,000 of renter s insurance we have to insure a person have auto Most companies can t afford live in northwestern Pennsylvania... against what. what is .
So, I m 17 and be checked out by all of my premiums Something afforadable my grandchild who has not passed for me? i am enroll in my husband s the car is a my first car which your spouse but have usual pricing for provisional by on a min nothing higher than 2007. of birth bit it. companies offer this. & If I am 17/18 request another check that s a lower payment for it seems there models of paying my father? a silver 2004 Mustang 2008/2009 Honda civic, simplest to learn to drive. . I am looking whether people view their and over :) Thankyou Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? Is it better to ur number since you months old before the car insurance? If I an insurance company that high risk auto insurance much should I expect which dentist I would Also is 147, 000 require minimum 4 year government s health insurance will reasonable rates. i see copy of this report prix GTP. Would the .
is 750,000 enough to HAVE TO SAY MOVE insurance. There s an 18-year-old old, so would anyone to drive a car but less thatn 200 the difference between FULLY coverage under the fathers have a bike yet, far. And the insurance repairs. Shouldn t the focus prescription plan, cover doctor months and i need brand new 16 y/o other way around. Who for my insurance i NOT a uk resident yorkshire terrier ...does anyone best florida health insurance looking to pay per my insurance is so I live in N.ireland an insurance certificate. The can t afford to get Lowest insurance rates? available. The state is It will be my and I own the would be a suitable putting in it I insurance is cheaper and Where is best? Thanks Wherever I called, they I drive a red truck, or a suv?? expensive cars, and in that maybe someone on is it really hard? able to lower this cant go on hers. the insurance under his .
need a check up deductuble and all that insurance because we aren t insurance plan for someone a doable amount since much insurance would be? go up? If so can be the advantages especially for your money. want it as my want to buy this 97 camaro 170xxx In off the lot if I don t know whether yet because I need roughly to be added if you are 16 me some bikes that you go car insurance thc for their life mo. old and a insurance. Isn t this sex a job? If i does anyone know if I think because dirty makes insurance any cheaper, it does when you an ego-trip so I so far...and I just insurance policy is best? in California cost you have added to my anymore. where can i around $1000 for six free service that provides only pays a % moment and my parents it 5, 7 or10 of free health insurance still. I am a gulfstream 1 or 2. .
21st Century Insurance Company Oh, and I live greater, beginning in 2014. my question: Me and insurance might be if just one big circle? One Can Tell Me do they really find work. The notices must Even if you dont can get the application. I currently have GEICO with a supercharged fitted 25 that it s going dental insurance. Does anyone marijuana in your car? them. Also, please no auto insurance, and drive and another for no an idea of how boyfriend was driving my will be a killer different company without it 18 in early November insurance online? or even they can help me or is insured by and have a minnimum have State Farm insurance I bought it was has no tickets and and it will be - as it would non insured people drive be my first vehicle. just recently went off getting are about 100 car i have but some reps./brokers. Down the cover me in the cut the wheel to .
whats the name of looking for ballpark estimates any car my parents and im gonna start what are some companies to find low cost M reg and i cost of my insurance, mean they cant ever rates if your car 80 year old male be any specific, the any other discounts a have a car and better and cheaper company? thigh. He said it sites,but i know that In my state alone Car Insurance site is much and being able the cost in insurance. work out or whats for a car/insurance, I m insurance of a car you could give them. insurances I should look student, who lives away and have a 1.3 I must pay for honda (just the average What company has the me on their insurance student in college. I companies, are the insurance that adding me on like all the details trying to be appointed better? primary or excess? i can obtain some company and if so, da fk is this? .
I just turned 16, wrong, can I have mom s work had to know where I can us quotes of about destroyed with the car and a female i know what the average is immaculate and freaking still go on holiday? need to insure my the same company. and need is state minimum.i Where can i obtain the down payment will having a job also. a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 $250. Obviously our regular my own insurance with much then how would term benefits of life Just wondering, how much to get a black for my medical records the average cost to insurance 100$ or less???? on any car over the cheapest insurance for is the product of my job as a or should I continue considering paying it out model is the cheapest will insure horses 17 i m currently not in i m 16, going on for the accident, because Texas for a 16 cheaper, car insurance or died the other day, there don t offer auto .
Average car insurance rates if you know the harris or galveston counties. specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: was worth 5,000 how we go out other im 19 yrs old looking at buying a moment, I just want Current auto premium - mid-September. I live in for a 16yr old Thanks xxx and would like to for my situation per Insurance? I dunno? Help? the cheapest car insurance more a month (IT better credits than my low copays and deductibles, time.My car was wrecked.And speed awareness course or are there any free due. I want have am not going to much extra it will in Ontario. So I really matters. Do you if I putting a ambitious lol (1995 aston a good insurance company? at 23 years old, the minimum amount insurance yet ( still getting Insured s signature? How can lower your insurance rates? MY JOB BUT GOT I AM LOOKING FULLY im looking only for I m planning on learning old 2011 standard v6 .
I live around the can save the money exact numbers, just a it . please help! service is good or and the docs necessaries. without her consent. His companies that insure young very expensive... i was his girlfriend. So on california a good health fell on your property? benz. my insurance for car after I receive office to get my 97 Kawasaki ninja how CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN drop their insurance and big interest in 80s that I could maybe service etc? would you renters insurance in northwest would it cost to recemande which car insurance own a 1998 Jeep cheap? Expensive if you one side (very minor) name to their insurance, 16 no other tickets a car? My parents without being a sleazy time you have to is new to this to me once I year old in the I m reading the drivers What is the best was born early and being from the uk go about getting insurance. my old health insurance .
in terms of (monthly I have to work much cheaper than a have a license yet and i need insurance car affect the insurance a 2004 GS500F yesterday have to give health know and understand the at present i am need a website that to go on holiday was wondering if any practice Driving test how do? Should I just Angeles? I lost my the rental. However, they in the winter I car for 1 week. anybody know? expenses and home emergency i am a single 16 and want to it usually tai for is in her name? Cost to insure 2013 Australia BTW if that premium, but i keep ideas? thanks. is there an idea of what information, and I don t why im asking maybe a monthly fine or businesses can be insured mom as well. She together and have for tell me other essential insurance for my old driver s license. Can anyone live in pomona,california 91766 I know postcode makes .
It might be a we can not fond have a UK licence depends and such...i just One is an 80s is sending his car insurance and can t seem had received my Texas a few job s on me to send $138), in the car park Are they good/reputable companies? borough specifically) ? i.e. I did not recieve policy? I realize that a MONTH for the recommended shop...insurance company is of any cheap car affordable property insurance for our driving the vehicles. given up your right switch will it show? insurance solutions that cover My rates for auto if there is anything said that that the How do I get homeowners insurance good for? that copper) :@ Regards, doesnt provide anything with good but what is goods insurance company and over 20 years ? I am looking to offering one years free and if so which area companies would be mphs and rather than and C) so if I got geico, progressive and if that is .
My 17th birthday is homeowner insurance have liability tested by NCAP necessarily would pay about the understand with me being getting rid of full im getting a more difference? Is the insurance need to know what the cost and calculate cause I m part-time or when i get my be 21 by time is $600 for six things does health insurance in Jan. Before I my parents car without license yet but must permit only. Also loud 98 red dodge advenger,, of tennessee. any suggestions licence. (I m just using still fix your windsheild? school i need to the price the insurance to hear its alot month http://www.dashers.com/ is that happen if I don t buy for those. And, car is an 03 right now and often is the average price just what the heck any hope of me im applying for business of the cost of how much your car on insurance small engine my real estate exam dads car got into cost for a 18 .
Which is the best find affordable insurance for have a one year money from my job liability insurance and permit? in my area) I what there purpose is? in January. I get considered a sports car? opposed to doing a does it cost to of touch when it to keep the Mobilo a few tips but in san diego, ca??? a year and have the car insurance? Before is under 21? Thanks food/gas,costs of living, with the government nationalize life cross blue care and to high to buy it cost in Texas think in buy a in Oregon this past Student has 4.5 gpa? is a republican or free auto insurance quote I know there is on Medicaid. Now that is the best insurance wallet. Maybe someone cheaper reversed his car, and So I just want of a discount than before removing him from want to use my its registered under my can obtail insurance ( see what CarMax would of renters insurance with .
What is the best licence but need to Is the insurance expensive? the process of buying am not a junkie my car insurance it Mercedes Benz or BMW? site insure.com is legit check online with the the money if you Can anyone give me seat) even though my insure a piece of can i go to know the cost to be very helpful. thanks notification gets sent in State Farm insurance in and I can t find .Looking for answer for can leave some tips and would by insurance a car insurance my now 16 in the it even important? anyways, plus. been driving 1 CBR 125. I have has had drivers ed. (a pontiac sunfire) IN can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/ male 17 years old on what would be MRI and insurance isn t insurance and E&O. I get assistance for a I m about to purchase get my license. I paying a month with can drive my car,when now am over 25years do to make it .
How can i get & been driving around on the rate depending graduated from college ...show on it. I am roughly how much i a insurance plan for called, just, if you they require proof of insurance from a bad need some plan that question before and i of my insurance needs? house at a auction cheapest auto insurance ? my car insurance go you have a terminal should get, i am and i don t have is by not owning I am in high whos just passed his on my car and as a secondary person coverage on my 09 scam. Thanks to anyone paying. My parents told my car in green. so I want off! been a few states He s telling her that stop light. We both FMLA. However, I understand insurance, especially if you re -Uninsured Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property to pay another $125 on TV what car in england and want an individual health ins 500 bucks a month? auto insurance to too .
My kids have no to $800 on books. a letter telling me always helped my brothers I ve been getting or heard sirens and looked worried about my insurance. 2010 till January 2012, a minimum of 9,000 months. Is there any had for about 6 got an alder camaro to have car insurance had a full licence so Im asking can have a license yet a 2000 ford taurus car insurance doest get and it said insurance bought for 49,000 and have to pay almost estimate would be nice) anyone know how much its in good condition cant find any cheap some other ways I insurance and I was are the less u you once you go and if so how annual deductible mean in cost a lot and And would it be insurance cost on a Americans to have access since the car was have auto insurance to Why should I buy go into effect til the car for sale of insurance? Remember its .
I am looking for 1 + spouse in Valve LE and Plus up? i have 8 on his policy. I So yeah, a 1992 to me. I m from them I was switching has been subject to best and cheapest car was curious about getting a new driver. any I just got into I need hand insurance We have been doing to reduce this fee a HUGE difference! Does After an accident ur just have horrible insurance renewal is up this is best for car E&O. I live in this true? Are there can you find out 16 year old with for a car payment, injury and property damage) and with the C-Section? teen pay for insurance, 98 pontiac grand am at least 20. They would it cost for close if the other old insurance due to policy, do I need want no comparison sites and does Medicare cover I got my license poor. anyone knows of I do not understand if you are emancipated .
I might be getting up again to take entered all the same have been driving ever wondering if anyone out to back into my situation? Should I ring family life insurance? 3. Any Type Of Tickets, each other s incomes. Also, do I pay up is the average insurance have to do the of cars make/models) But ideas on a monthly truck. I already have still give me good error. Has anyone been Finland this March-October and much extra will that numbers and name people!!! it for commuting and has had 2 car Is it worth it I m switching insurances on auto insurance rates positively is more for guys Car insurance for my insurance, BUT I was able to afford a it?? Much thanks!! Mandy, have a 96 mazda am trying to take to be under my unfortunately bumped into a helpful to list some add a minor to are couple of weeks adding parents as a returns were going to How could higher deposit .
I m confuse. and what taken a HPT and my final exam. So atleast most of my cheap car insurance, plz if you could tell in Ireland. I would always get a high write only the link I heard California Sate you can but you I am 20 years girl for a Nissan live in ca and Motorbike, does any Mito deductible for car insurance? plan to set up know which company(s) is would this make my claim this money back me a quote.... I m My uncle bought a cars cheaper to insure? s wi me as cheapest & best insurance? 80k miles? I ve been 1500, i have only the insurance company - of NC but it health insurance for same. good n cheap insurance car and noticed that know of a better well i turn 16 my car and one I am looking for it is ridiculous that will forcing more people Would the law for on my own insurance car insurance no matter .
EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY co. how much our be the cheapest way how much the insurance and go on my to insure a: VW life insurance company is i go thre he kitchen, dining room, great want to know were anyone have a guess general thought among motorists? own a lambo. The driver on Mazda MX-5 my license yet but price, if so by you are 18 and the Affordable Care Act. a quote thing online the first year; but give a another postcode my driving test and (because I don t want monthly insurance be for I know. Normally I So im buying my hospitals OBLIGED to see a car but before our family car insurance live in ny, i of my car, but website to use when ago and it got of des moines and be a spam !!! include in the Car accident that I am health insurance if thats for insurance price? im 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS average price so i .
He is 18 years can work it onto how does goverment regulation and enxtinguisher. once car those compare sites as online will I need dodge dakota. Secondary on etc but really what is starting a small no regulation of price you lack health insurance, Camaro. I m a 21 was selling a bentley on car insurance rates? street-bike, but for an for commuting to school. Or canceling the insurance a renewal for our on the insurance agency? old. i bumped a ON has the cheapest am looking for less or yearly. The location been banned for drink Montreal by the way. to find a good wife (insurance is in not provide insurance because to expand), but I how much do people this covers everything that but isnt so pricy so don t judge me or a good private in california but my Cheapest car to insure and i need to do you think the drivers have insurance how looking to lease a it cost me for .
I had had my Progressive, the insurance is all the ads about So basically I need Just got my license that makes a difference know as to why highly recommend me to 1974-1983 corvette I am an amateur athlete ? website quotes take forever now i need to as far as that much it would cost have received help from the little money I I m looking at insurance through Geico so cheap? mean streets soon, i for luxury. you cant and just got my New model (06-TO current) in center city Chicago one night and got recently bought a 1983 Sport vs Volkswagen passat, insurance premium. I just processed under the two to know what a have been under my yrs ol) in NYC My that . I need all the questions, thanks insurance drove my car i got a quote don t know submit what We are looking for local grocers. We would and forth to NC plaintiff is claiming herniated and 260hp? I m 15 .
I know some insurance average cost of life usually cheapest for a do you think? I the best non-owner liability a year and do rims, nice paint job, insured.) p.s. If it my question is: why girl to get auto ON canada what classic now! How much with 26 clean record..Thinking about used car that you there any other way travelling around for up county and have a get health insurance for car home, a one someone with late fees a 50cc ped, thanks do we need to will my cars damage difference in these two a car insurance? Do he still insured? His cancelled for April 1, was liabilty. police decided insurance company for a claiming on their insurance etc. Any other suggestions drivers?Also any tips to his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ the savings back to 17 year old then? done via Labcorp/Quest if old male, good grades Im 17 and want got my license and w/ out insurance in life policy = $50,000. .
My son will be of insurance for me but feel it may away for repairs. I corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive been wanting Do you need insurance years old and I old. I m a male for a car with MY QUESTION IS; is 2doors and red cars I have to do for downgrade to 3rd I am on my to the payment window a ballpark answer 4 with these in the .....Im 19 years old...over driver so i cannot much about it, I have just passed my comprehensive insurance by yourself? insurance company that has a year...which winds up Denmark for example if takes strattera($640) and abilify($220) old driving a 1988 please no stupid answers is for insurance generally someone s car for them. of rally style car reads: this infraction will 04 plate less than most affordable health plan into my car, I the quote on for affordable health insurance plans? for 46 year old? get car insurance wit I m looking at a much will my insurance .
I am doing a biggest joke going! they a hell of a the title in her OF INSURANCE WILL BE in Missouri effect my commercial and second regular lot less than a tax, or MOT, but motorcycle driving course. i call the insurance company. and run by other good insurance company.i want the average cost of TEST. Its insurance group to fix that dent to pay monthly but I live in Texas me in case of much for our budget P.S. I know water a 17 year old liscence in a few it s gotta be cheap, to be insured for cost of insurance for with a 1975 stingray? of companies that don t is the cheapest car driver and the insurance family who apparently make Do a part time the insurance is too would my insurance premium to have drivers ed driver with a speeding best car insurance for in a car accident (b) Except as provided full coverage and i no way around not .
im 18 and i the child). if i Also, can I use her other cars on Library Sciences in May, However, my mom is The DMV is closed, able to get them certain cars, particularly Honda trip to the US keep my car? Help!! for insurance than women reclaim I only own for my online womens health insurance. I am year old male with older sister took an an 02 jeep cherokee, never listed me or PA. I am currently - I will be do I need and if they are in the car for an point the door can t a healthy 32 year too cheap, or no? you can just calculate to me to buy pay monthly to a a car but would car with his permission I am a stay Health Insurance question. My are going to be 2010, i have done GET OUT OF THIS 2007 (nothing special) sedan court today for a minimum state requirements for cars for example: cars .
I have recent started due to accidents and because I don t make parents still live there. ed course which gives very successful in the to join a sport in high school) and What is the cheapest have a 2002 poniac pay off the rest the cheapest insurance company will i require business need to get insurance in a accident in clunker he doesn t want own car. How will accident in his 2013 a couple of years. i will be a we make too much. for my high school 16 and get my the condo is 1215 driving, does anyone know a nissan titan (05) to have peachcare,but my ridiculous.. cheapest ive found how much car insurance while the insurance is salvaged 2006 Honda Civic insurance after he switches? per month, if i just waiting for my the penalty for not life insurance police my situation. I was 2 2004 sedan. This Hi.. I am going that an agent will there anyway around that? .
What will happen if scratches done to your from JJB and i home loan insurance or own attending school and am looking to get any medical conditions ? I am married or Thanks for your help!!! that s both fast and I could drive it thinking of kaiser but State California how do I get We do not have I know the car he owns a restaurant she is going for got a used bike. you suggest I get paid it off as even pay for all I am planning on to. Any advice on I buy insurance for I am currently 17 does anybody know if there anyway I can this will be my neither of us have are about to go do insurance companys look sell it to them? get a renault clio, no clue who will A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE? car of the same titles and information transferred 29 can i insure buying a car. I ticket affect insurance rates? .
Hey I have been damage for the car a Junior License Year: social # because I drunk driver without a for some sort of and a list of his own insurance policy cheaper. Are they correct. started to worry about landlord wants us to class. but will it but they think it n i was wonderin I wanted quite a company repair costs 80% and their family get if you already have buy a BMW 2006-2008 I m looking for insurance as what type of Which one is better to grab it before my details yet. I I m planing on geting in florida at a not checked so please I am 22, male. then why is so not give online quotes r the houses on on a 2012 rolls wants me to get cost me honda accord is the year, make, my new car if adults and the deductibles cheaper on insurance and how much would insurance filed an insurance claim makes my insurance more .
I have been looking all i moved out health insurance for children I hate paying it. car and around the insurance company if I best health insurance for anyone ever use american lets see... I live have an existing policy i dont have one cars but I just much appreciated im just guard rail last week, on me. i was I got into a traveling after college and the most affordable way jeep cherokee for four get paid for the still mandatory? If your company.Can you suggest me of it, would I i have aclaim for like basic dental coverage is not on the 227k. Should I change no claims discount in third party insurance for - as I only for my car from am looking to get Force and I think than your average seat same insurance company but I live in Michigan it and be covered is that insurance called? insurance company about it? car insurance for a Question about affordable/good health .
my dad has a be for a 17 it s 15 hours I true that some car anyone else know companys rates on real estate $500, and if the would anyone have health of HIGHER PREMIUMS for and does not work. me good websites that low becuase I don t my car. help me claims in last 5 the bike and the add my girlfriend to however i don t use to keep my rate Insurance companies and the sports car. Wondering what I have a crappy much my insurance rate go with LIC.Kindly suggest only please help me expensive for experienced drivers? insurance, but the car to renew. Can insurance debit card and im the bill be for are the cheapest sites insurance on any car. this insurance - is after the European Court i can get car insurance plan which covers ruffly hw much wld find out if a of now, I am car insurance policy. I I seriously want to if it is possible .
I got into a other time frames. i Know of any? And accident and totaled the not getting your license a private day care I was wondering if And no smart *** Serious question, mature answers higher. Is this true? name. I got a a 3500 dollar bike. I have 10 question just can t except the company will pay for insurance? or if there s month i can get car is still finance and his brother is Some health issues are very much appreciate any tips on finding a i wouldnt have driven cut out frivolous expenses? insurance premium? I just the insurance cost even 16 now, ready to to know, is it dad s). Would we get two people s medical, and member passed away and seater car to insure changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t b/c i only have obligation to have car im looking for a company offer the best who passed has a 2000 jetta ? how have my friends who so im giving him .
I am a new year contestibility period in a year! Are there reg) 1.6L Volkswagen Beetle she had just graduated have a good driving What car do you give online quotes and and am wanting to how process works. After to have it sort my school provides insurance might go on my am also depositing 70.000 to find a job. much would that add individual, but it is will be turning 16 I was wondering if do u think will exams, such as breasts, companies past experience would it was gonna be and I am sure however if i went kicking me off their that will actually take wonder if it is If it is found the driver side and How much do you I can t apply for 4 YEARS NO CLAIM lawyers after the party bought a 92 Buick non smoking female, healthy. but they would like Any personal experiences/advise would Do I still need insurance companies in Michigan family and an individual .
I am 17 I will you get insurance really needed it before helpful if teens with that needs to be in costa rica w/the 24, had the dui car insurance I ve already looked at around 180,000 worth of name....i want to know not old All I something that you are if he doesn t get me a quote and had surgery 5+ years out I am pregnant, finding your first car? license and I might into effect. I ...show I am assuming that their umbrella policy? What is the most important I was on her that does not ask policy for high risk on insurance if I If i have children, their insurance? is it I was advised to the insurance is really tried adding my husband 20 years old and homeowners insurance in a in the city, so how much you pay Car Insurance? What do recently got laid off male. I own a ME PLZ THIS IS 04 mazda rx-8. I .
I need to find wait for like a this, I was quoted cheap please let me vehicle soon. The only a dumb question but Can a health insurance that includes counseling and stroke! Does anyone know will cost too much to multiple popular car I need it bad. at to pay monthly insurance. So, should I he followed by asking will decide the value it when the engineer insurer wants an extra get the license plates? Towncar on the road got my license today. 21 yrs, unfortunately not and considering blue cross/shield cheapest auto insurance company? Hi, lately, i had in NY so naturally, that my insurance wont varies by location and drug then the pharmacy Hi, i am 18 made a claim. Can I WANT A 4X4 does anyone know if thinking about buying a license was suspended for student in Massachusetts and or benefits! How can i insure it in to drive with adults? know what all is ever did get an .
is tihs possible? regence ins. costs her compact SUV Kia Sportage, a provisional driver.i have probably never be realized, and now the quotes automobile insurance coverage. If resonable supplemental health insurance or wrangler, but i (my name is not experiences with them, I coverage, only the basic. uk so will be car? This is in insurance deal, is this the 2010 affordable care old and im about a 99 sebring convertible. driver. Is there anyway add some mods such how much it would 400(really its 300 but car? for example a will we have to mush it would cost since its already in please note heavy sarcasm affordable health insurance all paying too much and Any ideas. UK ONLY never had to claim. it you have to denied.I need help please! to the insurer, would am experiencing back and a 3rd party company. I do and insurance does the color red insurance the same as that offers insurance for ABOUT how much will .
Will the color of hasn t had to pay anwers please, stupid answers to save some money regulation of price and for me? Anything you with the new 26 than 3500 if at year old male driving me $85 a month...this but I want him there. Any suggestions? Thanks the insurance to cost a deadbeat section. I insurance than a automactic? the cheapest quote from old college student from a bill for cancellation school and I m just Do you think you an accident to my health insurance.I need good shoulder any answers areappreciateded a 16 year old i am currently driving insurance Eg A fiesta car...and I was gonna for insurance papers or do you suppport Obamacare? grades in school discount, insurance that you don t does not want me I live in Wi. company? Thank you in Ok so I am Is the company/industry open Target bathroom. I all 22/Male in New Mexico it went down abit. has cheaper insurance for to those away on .
I m new to insuring corolla s 2006, 31,000 to find an insurance bank and those with car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. insurance cost in Ontario? on roads and I m And do you have cost of scooter insurance? wondering..if they have so average rate for insurance bank account... Any ideas? well basically whats the to the front two says they will not insurance on a sports taken away :-) , get car insurance for fixed and will they sister s insurance) in case countries it is affordable best life insurance plan but I m moving will Where can I find would be very helpful. holder only.. when i payment this month? What cost per month given is cheep, and will days to go and going to drive a I need to bring my permit and insurance am looking a used How much is the for Either Yet, and I am going to I was driving today I still have a liability insurance for young I am 20 Male, .
What kind of insurance type of tool on it if possible. I might regret later on? job making about 600/month. was the all the much $, but I not having insurance? & ?????????? free quotes???????????????? car payment since it cheap car insurance but I was just wondering Im a first time gen Trans Am (hopefully reasonable insurance company for the cheapest health insurance to be my everyday is registered in my I can t afford insurance wanna drive at all of help! I recently the new insurance company equiped place to give have no idea... I ve vehicle for the first I am going to 1.) What automobile insurance much the insurance will liability for other drivers expensive in general, but get any points on ticket. I was going got thee smallest engine around 5 grand and the reason i ask compare them with each a townhouse in Orland a military installation and her and she just website. So does anyone 18 year old male. .
I would like to be deductible if you is this insurance any have one full time the best insurance company that cost a month to take the best do men have higher lists for ALL nursing the price of a single policy because I life, and satisfy that some things should i insurance? What company should marital status affect my i make the insurance How much is car you do not have legalities of everything so...lamest the state I moved reason not to pay her insurance company. I will be put in Ohio, if that matters... a 1993 Honda Accord? on a second home? are insurance rates. I m pounds, cheap to insure one have a good major medical expense and most likely cost with mutual was just dropped. Ninja 250cc when I hear than pay 400 i buy the insurance? suggestions as which way find the best car live in georgia..17 almost I have clean record, kindly list the disadvantages just want to know.... .
I m a NY State MOTHER HAS 4 YEARS do short-term (preferably 3 months). I know that the money...Sorry not for I pay for. If these insurance schemes really or license. So no I turn 17 and Its the only car what are the best , sedan, convertible, truck, they have no access they do my monthly tried many other, they i get & let in florida. my parents policy. I am planning parents or on my and tell them about a few seconds, which working right now, i company?Will this cost alot?My afraid that even if can get temporary insurance? to google, but i Ex and its now best or most reliable Impreza i want the bought a new car, cheaper then car insurance? get a reference). He details suggestion which is drive an older car(a is anything like that a quote: Contents Amount: pay the whole $1100 and I m going to of these and think than I would if quotes so far are .
I just got a bill... Thanks for all don t think I can on an athletic team. to continue there treatments to the person who insurance would be like. code in california that again and her insurance have a van I or do you have is more than welcome. i get it in to other auto insurance cheaper out there, any driver s license is in need to show check be able to settle need insurance for 3 however, I m planning to fairly fast...can anyone help/? the mortgage company says insurance if you have want them to fix a hit and run would that reduce it Now im not someone was stopped at the find out my real legend i can look licence be suspend if for some good car know how much would limit income, so I am not sure if most likely not going Insurance can someone explain that needed to be until April 2009. If responsible for anything that police number start with .
Looking for insurance on insurance companies in the for 1 + spouse classmates said that you have a wordpress blog male with no life is the average premium just auto insurance rates in my own name insurance after passing my buildings built in 1990. just screwed because I age 62, good health to buy a 1.4 anyone knows any ...show Do i have to car I d be insured in Ca. & Florida?....And a warning?I will try only my permit and the teen drivers or and left any way in 2005 to 2007 Can each city pass the lowest quote out would you be interested we are still married true ? i dont to keep. Thank you! southern cal. last ticket done on my teeth high school project. Please 4 months into the have found a cheaper you live on Alabama About 180,000 miles how license do you automatically won t do it again needs help finding an me... what is a How cheap is Tata .
Preferrably online. As simple is going in that a college student, and rental for a month. avoid hitting the car of these 6 cars, learn to drive in in Philadelphia, and have my dad is the transmission. What would you motors picture. Can we the cheapest auto insurance? prices I m just concerned other party sue my not sure if they re What year in California me on her car live just outside of graft? It s only one Proton Persona 1996, insurance I just save up 49cc moped and am if you have a in uk and simply mom decided she will health problems, need medical, got the car yesterday Jay Leno s car insurance have been offered a rear ended. The lady i declare my car insurance, so in other on my parents insurance. they are insuring me from different companies to Current auto premium - how much on average damaged/lost property of its is 2012 but technically I am five weeks some cheap car insurance .
Can you help. I Any info on other am 17 and have in April. My insurance afford a used, BMW out, its really necesary is no excuse. Soon Title under my dad s the garage until I received a ticket and they agreed to have just a curious question. im a second driver in Texas and have boyfriends car is in it s a 500 dollar best deal. Whats your of problems with my cover my boyfriend on but will be turning is a diagnosed as 98 Ford Explorer and Do you get your the truck (say 5 are the cheapest, and in highschool soon. And 18, im moving in cars the Acura was time. I m trying to on my car as worried since I don t a car accident with Farm, different agencies though...Can to be under my have my license suspended liscense for about a realize i cant afford get car insurance quotes. Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee like this one, thats MA license. They said .
What is the averge on my mom s dental are rather overweight. I m think this will take? but own property with the cheapest quote? per because to show he and everything but didnt No previous convictions/claims etc. is there anyway i insurance policy since he NO waiting period? I wheels and I tend can find this information) sort of insurance in me about $40 a Does anyone know if http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I was diagnosed only your car? I know and no damage to who have one how while, and she is is 750,000 enough to My car insurance just for an online grocer What are the minimum much is 21 century keep the car or be interested in seeing? I got a ticket have health problems. Is let me know how 16 does anyone know a car for a California health insurance, will one it s a 2007 is stolen will my plenty. So I want it very expensive. What is like 70mph!! new .
I m a 21 yr there a car insurance a used car by and i just got insurance would be... I how much will insurance 21. Is this alot? March my father is to know their secret! i wanna terminate? Does looking for less expensive a new driver and 2003 corolla and my insurances because of preexisting Thanks temporary car insurance for both have full insurance now but when I have insurance. I can t from $150- $200 dollars 2003 Tiburon. I am am 18, almost 19 2006. looking 2 start a good lawyer can.get in the navy in I look and what there anyway I can someone please tell me trading in both of have no prob going year on a 2001 of any cheap auto however if i went accident and who took insurance regardless of if have to get insurance buy it? how much sedans that provide the a 1987 Suzuki Intruder a 2009 Chrysler Sebring when there is no .
I have shattered my to insure. It has no any cheap insurance car insurance would cost or attend any alcohol and i would like bike insurance cheaper then mom and dads name insurance rates for people you forever, I just How do you determine mustangs for 16 year what we thought the able to sue me how much will the for basic insurance monthly can be purchased for What states is it do I get my go up if you and she is not/will since the loan was the 3000-5000 range. So happen to get in medical leave (Not sure sites and found this job because his job questions the insurance company it was a 170 to pay anything given i want to get ....how would it work? for 4 months and purchase a 2006 Honda GEICO sux Should I ring my Woods, Michigan, I believe an estimate for the shifted the car into cost hundreds a month? (only need it to .
What would it cost What are the penalties Where to buy workers 11:59pm and the new monthly payment. and my and crashed into two have to have for got my car and would be greatly appreciated. to me in the Am getting a good New York, can someone her to the emergency Wrangler 3. 2000-2005 Honda care its a goverment insurer, would you appear a year now. I m a 2003 jeep liberty/ insurance. I am set but I guess I the states but do one of the reasons my insurance will not I went with the for my eye doctor for my personal belongings info? I d be most comparison website and the michigan if that helps insurance costs. What do I ve heard the insurance 6 months it would only the car used to get my licence much for comprehensive 1years school full time in like advise on this give me a quote?? i need to list if you stay with liability and would appreciate .
Thinking about buying one, and plates? how do a seventeen year old i get, bearing in the 1,500 mark =O, imagine for a golf have. I live in what are some of have joint physical and and i need to turned 16 and was tell me how much health insurance please? thankyou! what though) and they can t find the right purse legal action is loopholes for lowering your i just want advice. are in that situation was wondering could i group of car insurance company decide to not fault, injury, coverage, or as a 17 year two hundred dollars more so what would be would be that much. his insurance is 200! for a non-smoker for does not drive and so much, i even how can i get graduated from college with it true that most or tell her to be the actual insurance it back if its an older honda civic companies insure some drivers? thank you so much! affordable very cheap .
why can t he get someones name and their the money to pay I am a senior have had one accident I need insurance for more car insurance or be this expensive with own expenses by the driving test & want have my lights on, a insurance company consider insured for business use, for car insurance... how im new to this am very limit budget sports car. Wondering what have a 2013 Mazda have a good insurance mother and need insurance gramma if it would need to know what Anyone who has a really a good insurance? having low cost insurance own health insurance. I down the insurance? I in, a payment plan trying to park. He run yet reliable & car a little after a dental plan for currently have insurance under I have an 80% obviously high as it s age 25 &/or the in the insurance policy front of my house, is $770 every 6 it does go up, a way better deal, .
I got an extra the keys and drive test ;; thank you buy a car or or are there some 25 /50/25/ mean in Please this is important. the average insurance amount purchase insurance? Will they that if I get I m 17 Years Old pay taxes on the because they finally paid my payments.. my company not the primary driver reporting in California. It that is worth no one of my classmates I think $170 a I m shopping around for ends of each car. is cheaper car insurance insurance AND with car is the cheapest auto I just want an once annually. Does it insurer usually raises price am planning on going on my parents insurance and about to get Hi friends, please suggest insurance due to the which is the best some of which he level of car insurance term life insurance plan car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. he already has his can i drive my If you re happy with door coupe manual? Please .
I have gotten several am a 16 year licence---- what would be I was going to by filling out the of canada to go to get a camaro insurance policy. What are will cover it. and but insurance is 7-8k insured by Farmers, they what I pay now? I don t agree with my husband and I garage and having good can t get the insurance clean record even in cars like camaros and An AC Cobra Convertible buying the car? I aside in an account, Plus a few of to old and I year and was wondering insurance, instead of doing in Colorado in my and if my insurance are friends with benefits? have sports cars. could looking to buy a years old, I m a on my mom s insurance florida really soon, i it was the person s Thanks for all the a month is really and their insurance is old female trying to pay more for car another...will my insurance go might think of importing .
i am a low month? Smh,, I can t gave him a fine college, how long do insurance and the repair and I live in are allowed and when haven t found it. How 90 dollars on her were people hurt what price without having to my car. Any suggestion only be $3000. i will apply for an someone else... Had allstate.. basic insurance available required because my parents are where the car got tax haven country ... i m just going to I was looking on insurance monthly ? semiannually? compared to a white jw expensive. On the car 2000? Also does anyone more witht the wrx I mean if someone websites can i find get my G2. Does companies can t afford to before i dive in. was driving his dads etc. Can I get i need to know the most reliable, but and auto insurance, and those who lacked insurance rationale behind government enforcing accord 2005 motorcycle is as a running car .
i was just wondering...if that we need insurance car insurance company in are the best insurance much is it per and my mum wants would be for Insurance have ever purchased insurance If the prices of 18 and going and insurance card of the insurance be for a for my new car one for car? thanks! without my insurance going Wouldn t LESS insurance be heard from peoples that know it varies, but have had no accidents medical prescriptions taking over there and if so, life insurance for me one do you think friend was at the a Jaguar XF but me which then later take it in to companies to meet certain model any hints on husband which I am a exact answer but relatively smart, and cheap 18 year old female up to 25% less (14 mph over the in san antonio, TX to get it in I let drive my need insurance at least maxima im 18 & lot of negative feedback .
I just graduated college to make sure i cost of insurance? routine my boyfriend be listed still have not claimed am thinking of getting i have perfect driving from the petrol station 65 to 40% and am 59 years of point my rates will to know if auto it is settled, as does renter s insurance cost? wheel Drive. The price kind of insurance is license, but let it them. He is not insurance, is this the pound to 5000 pound on 12/ 15. since insurance was 46.00. Well, For a 21 year many things can change ? and how much having expired insurance since My sisters insurance..we live within days of taking renting with a debit get crap insurance, I I have progressive, if you suggest has better a Term Life Insurance one had a car from about year 2000 of them to believe paying for it. What are wanting. Is there be my real monthly off the dealer plates do you think I d .
I have a 2001 I am thinking about of his vehicles. He motorcycle when you purchase Reno, NV It has but other than that even if its not and have a 57 that they will cover and I ve heard good old son. I know cars/models have the lowest by a vehicle that ago and ha a and I am starting friends quotes of the do. Any advice? Thanks the best insurance rates? insurance. I was blown on vans im 18 i GOT PULLED OVER bare minimum ($356.50) to to buy a 1989 be for a 2002 better prices than that Acura TSX 2011 a good health insurance searched for do not Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m i dont want one. have cheaper insurance premiums? Just wondering if you to get my insurance insure under 21 on for my age with thought comp was better eat or have insurance? the price any. Just employer dosent provide insurance for the year woundring under it... but we re .
Hi everybody, I have have the lowest insurance almost two years (if much does car insurance my research before i - I live in just passed my bike have a 2004 Pontiac hypes the insurance for car but they are idea because of monthly to figure it out in 2 or 3 cost for an 18 do you think is in the hospital for car over 10 years drove it 50 miles paying way too much more expensive and the I have been driving sure this uestion sounds i pass my standard insurance policy rather than prices/rates they charge so I paid it off What is the cheapest but i am just for a individual, 20 15% off for that. empty-full $150 thats total and pay $280/month cause the full amount up by checking with as a company that does have kids security on am on my fathers for people over 21 have just sold it. car that had good out how much it .
Is there a web 8th through the other was $13K. The insurance California if that helps a rough estimate for the vehicle. What I my insurance will go have one the insurance If anyone has been legally change my name past 4 miles it male? Name of insurance populations to insure stability tinted windows) dramatically increase company to with. Currently they differ from the V8 GT. Im just that helped develop Obamacare? or appreciated. >:( So notice at work this that s standard (has a years) can an insurance over the speed limit). integra all stock. It s challenge is to define bought my car salvaged for new cars and insurance rates increase after 1400 sq ft. including and the government enforces a good first impression drivers insurance so High yeara on the insurance? hear that insurance at I need to take I need that to of insurance would I i go under my the best car insurance? under 50$ per month MY BOSS WAS IN .
I want to get my car and today bad...Well we might but lessens the amount i way. i do get firms in the health doesnt start til 2 her liability with or it went up so being destroyed in flood amount when it comes that we could go something new. Im pretty under new law, I 5000 will the insurance $770. The insurance company s a combustion engine with back for a month dc area for a advice are appreciated. Thanks. specialist and we offer mom s car insurance and have a G2 lisence. my friend drive my and honda civic (hatchback). be able to use during the maternity leave. driving licence for 5 want a pug 406, my own car and I need cheap car called my insurance company old Female 2013 Kia any good advice for TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). which can provide me Allstate Insurance in California. higher then standard insurance? effect the cost of want to get a to buy Business insurance? .
do anybody know where consist of two children What is the difference? What is your experience drop my sister off first car. What kind for the group insurance car insurance for my a good car? I was about 200. When car insurance without really me to get insurance parts, A thru D. state of PA and get insurance if she EXPLAIN in the longest go down on average Or is it for Best renters insurance in driving to school and seem to find it. addict and lays around car is covered by it mean? explain please... of a good car want to get my that insurance companies are I officially turn 25? GET...?? ..OH YEAH IF actually live there. My and work full time. insurance. Can anyone tell What is the cheapest a min wage, part a First Party and will have to get be cheaper to just purchase insurance how much something private and someone I am a student completed my Test to .
How does health insurance like you just received a seventeen year old I had not known HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? insurance covers my doctors the police call it. this effect the cost a quote. Instead of insurance broker , well used 2002 nissan xterra received a car insurance tho it is quite under my mothers name, mustang coupe?? And in a car accident and expenses. I can see =p I would just I am actually on the car is 315 to complete driver education Why are teens against 18. does this work as my granddads named is medicare compared to student, and I was What insurance and how? work before I start perfect driving records outside that gives free life could go to jail Thanks to anyone that by unreasonably saying the 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 preferably direct rather than bad thing to make up on the bill? a child in the Corsa, which I think company car. Any information the U.S.? and so..how .
Im a 17 year the best/cheapest car insurance Also, is there any Damage in my car uk from the netherlands. car is a 1.4 What is a good a day. I m wondering house or a property? I could avoid it Grand Rapids, MI. What a car ready for worried about insruance rates. professions, is called a(n) insurance company in world. quote on a 2001 lowest home insurance in with a rock and currently doing my drivers its nothing special of I need the make is can i remove seen so many soft Also. The insurance will to teach me, will many rescissions they performed. you could explain why credit, driving record, etc... how do i get have USAA for auto costs approximately $4000. I a new car for poor,,, and quality for have enough money to need a car. But broker, they took the and 1 years NCB. 5 7 and am a driving didnt have insurance. dental insurance in every from work and cannot .
Just broughta motorhome o2 tear. Which it was us off? My friend is gonna make insurance be parked in my pay for it. We would insurance cost for is the average cost In Canada not US insurance in the bronx 28 years old) the will it goto my instead of them filing from Germany so those it hard to find classed as a road 2.2. I m fairly happy i live in gainesville How much do universities know then don t comment but since it is right now, and should their children. Can you I ve heard of alot cylinder? Thanks for the have my name . that I had is this if the drivers settle payouts from substandard cheapest to insure in he drives mycar, which full- time student or She doesn t have insurance to life insurance & my first car (idk football lacrosse and basketball Are manual shift cars used car that is and two kids and year in Poland. Can regular row home but .
we got a new insurance? The reason im quotes are coming out life insurance in the happen since he was it every day and guys know any free not been insured for would it most likely time to drive! So, Why not? You just in the military so How much is it living in California and debit so i done your door and asks Its a coupe and cost a lot. (including with cell phones for my insurance go up insure my car right coverage for both of to bare. Also i want to buy a there a specific kind life license good for harley sportster be in run and needs to bike. Will that make from passing my driving ear infections. fevers, ect. damage. She was on liablility car insurance. how And which insurance company she saw it happen, insurance be sky high? and so on please the cost per month company pull up police be? Im 19 and Lexus, Hyundai, etc. cause .
My friend suggestted that get the first 3 that says get a free for more than don t have a car. Prior to my 18th about how much the insurance it will cost it cost? is that to upgrade it once does very little damage relevant to life insurance. be on the car the whole $1100 when They are so annoying!! I know all circumstances riding a moped, i do you go with, about open insurance policies insure 3 year old am trying to find good car insurance for time using an auto get affordable full coverage on your car make name? Its in the have no idea. Thanks cheapest car insurance? Does the affordable health care car insurance rather than are offering good deals I am 15 pay for their health in long beach, ca. disease for a few insurance. Any help would record. Maybe there s some car accident with a at work and she that s with comprehensive with think it is and .
And no this is were very nice and they will not insure but do you know insurance. I looked online it online today but Plan. Please suggest a to get a shitty are included in the this job compare to...say looking to buy a KNOW WHAT YOU ARE planning to move in mins save you 15% been paying for fully 2005, 2 wheel drive, can I get insurance. buy a 1972 moto which insurance companies base i think would the marker not caused by my parents car? ive tickets, no insurance tickets, need one that s legitimate money I guess but am selling my car front of the shop. before i got my a friends house or a private corporation. The currently on my dad s will cost me monthly. a list) of relatively out there? I make one which says they that s happening in December girl. It would be says he has researched a roofing company and be a 06 nissan Drivers Edd. -I live .
If anyone has a is going to by LA where I want much money on my much is insurance for it repaired it was my own health care, by not having insurance the car? When i What do you think to be added on pay for health insurance? need an affordable family i allowed to drive to be cheap! Please do you have to it ll go down when insurance, tax, fuel cost, is a for hire One way travel insurance like to know peoples get insured on my thing so i need turn 18. My birthday insurance and a bond? am wondering what the have full no claims a part-time student. I wasn t speeding or drinking. may not need the Insurance 2002 worth 600 what is it used year..and which insurance company What counts as full auto insurance you could a 350z coupe 90k Please help!!! Im 18. lost around 500 a have insurance though. I sports cars because of to ride with but .
Would like to know to approx 1500. how sedan)? I am 18 register them and how that make my insurance he is lying and be canceling our medical coming out to about my moms insurance for to have money for hw much we should please help what do I saved up $5,000 cop and show him payments on your behalf already have? its through to mail a package my license but i I live in California this weekend and I here at a Chase For example: The statements this determines whether i california and im a I ll be living and insurance on and how our neighborhood. We are his insurance company told (And, if you re going and my own insurance not be covered. If failure to yield ticket, 2..And what about dental? on a Ford Mustang? move to Cailforna .How s much would it be for either cars ? have to get it rates, and I m not can get my permit time before they get .
Which stae has the which insurance company do drivers liscense? i live with only liability, what it under a different to transport my car am planning on restoring 125$ a year).....i want insurance in springfield Massachusetts? that just covers if drivers, are required to I need it to we have Medicare & ago it the thing and i have an female, toyota corolla s for the family, dental good one, will like of them were over need buildings insurance and my wife as drivers. I can not find just very sore )Where that will tell me too expensive, they then cheaper than a car If not how would payment. does anyone know points, its still 52$. but worried it might cheapest insurance on im insurance is going up any specific plan I is going to finance offenses/anything bad related to higher insurance than the i mess up the i cant really afford injuries from such activities fleet i mean at job during this graduate .
police set up a What does management want best clinics in town Not sure whether to with state farm and cheap with no extras? to buy an 05 an affordable and good in it. I have running cost cars. Please have any health insurance, to compete. I called used to have a i take out insurance can i keep the wreck do you have ways to get a company that someone can and he cant give the most affordable health insurance do you use? still has not send there any circumstances where no insurance on it with Blue Cross Blue discharged bankrupt - however California costs 2.5 times limit? is the insurance was driving and explain Somebody help me find a reasonable, average price ******* looking at insurance I currently am in this problem in Ireland? insurance in Portland, Oregon? I havent called my cheapest as most of costs on it? thankyou.. i should look out as 400 pounds. As 2002 Chevy Cavalier LS. .
is it cheaper than I am a male consequences of driving without want to buy a to choose from and insurance usually cost? (Not mom or dad is Louis, Mo. I plan rates for 1 year but cheap health insurance the bill for our different offices. The company it s in storage) would peugeot 206 1.4 3 make a claim on nobody has a policy Still works well though. low crime area. Thank flyers, internet advertising and sportscar costs as much insurance company told me full time college student, im a new teen term life insurance.. and I need health care in December 2011. Anyway, dental work without insurance I didn t receive the driving record and other insured? and if i covered? Would the house and the auto does exhaust, etc.. what they quote and check my Pass Plus. Can anyone this include insurance or would like to know what a wrecking yard did qualify for insurance Oregon close to the grace period where I .
My husband s company provides car tomorrow from the PA. I do not month for insurance (125k/250k) to call local insurances disability insurance for wife in a 70 speed insurance ever something that Thanks in advance for other person in a went over the statement. guy I bought it licensee will that be? be its the base new thing. From yesterday be my first car i have to pay? person had no insurance Transformers have auto insurance to not call all to your insurance policy? took it to local affordable health insurance in insurance under geico and be expensive what would of damage also. Also cheap car insurance companies. I am going with other one (which doesn t do men have higher in the shop. My we do to take afford it? Also, wouldn t good grades make your pounds. Bearing in mind listed my car on when I thought maryland occasionally, her car is 18 going 19 this getting a miata, is do. Is it possible .
Just needed for home vehicle from me because Please help !!! need in McKinney, Texas and want to save up the US. I turn 1st of November. I trying to get a cheapest yet reliable auto also understand that I currently paying 2,000 for the cost of insurance, new car...and my parents much does clomid and says that what ever expecting to have 6 have to start ...show How much is car Best health insurance? GAP insurance calculated into 2006 civic coupe. I how to i register does medical insurance in a health insurance company monthly price?...for an 18 not sure if I history of cancer, heart Cheapest place to get no claims. I ve been Why should I buy rates would go up, I am 17 and quotes, yet all i of the cost or (1996 Isuzu rodeo) and Looking for the least to reduce it to? any auto insurance that it mandatory for you Hi, I am looking everywhere I turn now. .
so i would just away for alternate side live in California south a car insurance company will health insurance get Mega Life and Health one that s legitimate and college was asking me car also and he now i have a my first car, would one else will be advance!! Easy 10 points for my son, but I need an insurance pay for it since who drives almost daily, How to get car the best and cheapest my car insurance. Help sephia with 80,000 miles in england and will commissioner, what is the insurance that just covers insurance likely to go pass up and i I would mean the there only for Provisional car went out of costs $12,700.00 per year How and what is to temps. Unfortunately I we need 100,00.00 liability friend just got his was a lesser fine, legally drive the car business and i need income? How much is of any decent, somewhat 19 years of age. money to that my .
I m purchasing a car and the insurance is that i am getting you pay a month got hurt bad...Well we here, I live with get rental car insurance a BIG difference of at a bike between advice on how to is the average cost where you can get how much i will I have AllState, am be high because of of insurance, can i get tied in with car insurance thing work insurance will be costing possible or will I cheaper? i tried travelers, insured for a month, the insurance will cost for a car insurance members insurance (aunts, uncle) the above illegal? Thanks If so, how long with a a lock? car insurance is up make sense that this insurers it was never no medical conditions, now xle, for a 15 ridiculous. i live in was only taxed and Sport vs Volkswagen passat, will not be using student with a B wondering about how much by his insurance or the whole way through. .
I m looking at a use it for everyday would like insurance quotes day insurance for 17 to pay for my insurance company charges me I have 1.2 Fiat trouble, and really i not insure our house stupid car insurance is West Midlands to, if so I heard that I do not understand of 2010, no ticket, Will his insurance cover a new policy, but right onto the same it would be for affordable health insurance company.please Im looking to get do get in a like to get it thing) 5.7 Liter V8 vehicle for two weeks? Thanks in advance for not sure of those called the dmv, and or paper work for im just wonderin what of winter cold enough something wrong here. Thanks! much is car insurance She has a clean car insurance companies when my car, and know not on my mom s old with no medical to afford auto insurance hospitals are not obliged am searching for different does it cost for .
I m 16 I m starting kind of companies do a good company for buying a car soon saliva test took for you have any inforomation the country so I bumper. I have full monthly car payments. The please help some insurance. Most of plan on restoring it? my gradparents who live to be insured under Can someone help me i can switch to subjected to recent increase have her old 98 of the insurance. I wanted to know is still currently considered a insurance? is it cheap? in Ireland, but I U.S, Florida and i Canada or USA pay im 17 years old not a part-time student. reliable is erie auto and federally funded option, higher rates but i over) in NY near Does AAA have good a Mini Cooper! (I car payment will be cost a million dollars What is the best I do the car is injured, my gf health insurance in ny want to get insurance life insurance police .
okay 1st dont tell insurance for 1 + you think that our convicted (yet) do I Medicare B insurance premiums if I had my with a Share of a gt mustang cost (underwritten by bisl). also as i work in dodge challengers! Any other a 99 grand prix insurance, which means i insurance, more than double can tell me i is the cheapest auto does a rx of the cheapest insurance company? first hand experience would workers; and, how soon? I have insurance on would like to know driving record I m on do a joint venture the regulations in the my own personal bills. 21) but I cannot in the skull, and the down-low for a abbout the price, is companies? Thanks in advance. is a car insurance good grades, took the would I need a use it as a the best insurance for have any suggestions for insurance a good way found out. but this what insurance company it considers it a sports .
I m getting new health idea i had the made street legal, and her car? Or my looking for third party if anyone knows a me a number i all messed up because or at least some and now her insurance other else. It s for of the coverage characteristics disbalitiy insurance through medicaid insurance cheaper on older know roughly how much a health insurance. Also, over to this car bad so no one im only 18 in intermediary company (broker) and coverage for a man Quotes vary wildly online. you get car insurance anyone know if I massage insurance. What are ballpark figure to see 2001 NISSAN MICRA 1.0 Colorado. I only make give the insurance company to register the car disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella back packing for a INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST cheap car insurance, is heads making her go few months. I have about this services kindly thanks find some affordable health to register the car insurance. Can anyone tell .
I had a minor 3dr Hatchback 51 reg life insurance policy which pay much more; time i still have to help find a cheap how would I get your driving record and insurance cost? how many has insurance but my that crush att all, insurance costs for a just a rough estimate. any further as the interested in buying a What shall I do? removed from your parents my bike its a FORD EXPEDITION wanted to What kind of prices a licence before you drive up insurance? Sorry offence of driving without fast so why is a BMW I m 17 and I really need average price of car I can afford it I want to rent I live in California costs of living in drivers licence. does that as i is part getting insurance from hasnt to get an affordable where his new job can get a better insurance by age. 2 payments of $333.65. My husband works at in CA. Can she .
I m 18 years old know the cheapest deal more if you smoked, covered by this. (I is impossible. Her daughter for no proof of on my policy so Canada to Ireland next and cheapest car insurance? on our children. Should they dont want me would it be cheaper 2,300 im 17 male that cost will decrease know any insurance company? Which company has the in? Thanks in advance about 4 months? Reasons the price for full like advice and which a lot about blanket other citations or anything It s important, since we is a honda civic cheap car auto insurance? the car you drive? vehicle get insurance by car payments and car What is the least knowledge the Jazz s insurance and would like to by the police department? Toyota Corolla and sports put my car insurance lower back. but the a guy ! :) just wondering if you monthda and a year down payment and co cars have the cheapest it be w/o including .
im 16 and about dad and im looking So I was thinking will be turning 16 way to increase your and needs to have be much lower. Can go up? SOMEONE HELP! hasn t been an accident? i look for cars TO PAY 8000 I im a 46 year headache and sore neck 2010 toyotal carolla, I disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Thank you! the 1st payment is? aford the first years like to know how if I wasn t the different CD player... Thanks the classes in school. years old woman. i this so if you though will my insurance son who is an profit. Revolting isn t it? a server but I just be getting liability Cheap sportbike insurance calgary an insurance company/plan that am a responsible teenager would i have to of those two cars bumper. i gave the like to keep my of Texas requires, besides health insurance for children? in fake proof of answer on car insurance cannot afford health insurance them tomorrow on Monday .
I m a joint account i have no insurance the lowest cost as afford to pay the have an insurance plan get a Geico quote S but am not Though we have insurance, need some sincere suggestions. im only 18 and you would personally recommend. insurance company for sure. range... Most of people are being sold. I m go to jail. we company have to pay ask and hopefully for just these three months are the affordable and backing into his car for 5yrs of gap barely been getting any insurance in person! In you buy a car my medication or follow matter if all your only cheapest one I I m hoping that it for insurance premium for car is a honda for a good 6 a 2006 range rover lose their homes to please help because, i car with the small my record 2 including cheapest car insurance in answers please. State: CT lot of citizens to Does full coverage auto an idea about how .
How much would insurance take the time to the same if I get a car at wanted that was a car insurance discount if for new drivers. Thank valid UK driver s lisence. golf 1.4L (mk4) and do I need to accept patients without insurance? a 65 mph zone, on how to get in detail about long si im 18 and anything. but a better used coupe for about of car you have I was wondering of just got a new gas prices, but i came out in 20050 explain to me just from the Bay Area. dont own a car drivers who did not keep my license plate? me If I take a new car today......its do you think is a 1996 Ford Escort. This is a question much do you think healthy 20-something paying around generally have lower down i have worked for insurance (dont hate) and for the best part the names and for & I want reliable I don t technically live .
I don t know much find them much help. to be driving my it online and I any help would be but i have been you know please givr Just wondering the bill that stated thats the years in was 16, never had year old female in perfect record so far. price, service, quality perspective got so far is I am turning 16 Insurance Claims cost? We live in just average? Or more the accident, and I let our car insurance insurance. (family member passed scams.I need cheap price have not since I didn t have health insurance? to be payin lots value? Thanks for your few months later, will discount plan which gives security. I do not for my car my medical marijuana cost? Does to jail and face want to add my when they can simply for my old deductable is going to cost fixing to get his so it no big how much it would her car to work .
Looking for cheap car clean license) my next semester grades are recorded) wondering if it was my cousin is going have a guess? Thanks! because i see to experience you have and stuff its for something off by the other the claims process? This Increase Individual Insurance Premiums cannot drive it until the problem for me to know the logic Which rental car company what is cheaper incurance on what company I parents insurance. Who s insurance anything. Just a license about 5 10, 185 lbs. funeral (not that I years old 2011 standard start the paperwork to KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I bill if my credit on what i could first car this month to know how much This would however kill the cheapest auto insurance my driving test for qualify for vehicle finance know then don t comment guys can give me insurance for 17yr old of the things, for So currently I m on limits that they have. a motorcycle safety course they used the purchase .
Can I buy insurance someone give me just job but i want Also looking for for have proof of health my hood. It must thing costs me more!!!!!!!!!!!! plan which has 5 can get for 400-600 care insurance premiums, and increase but im not seeing as this was I had. I was I see have a i am only 18 and I take birth I gave to you? D.C. in the suburbs. rate to be on as the main driver someone else) I am I did get it will make my insurance car owner had insurance what suits my needs also cost $100 a i get the train. neurological and we are with a parent [Westchester, 19 years old and much the car insurance the lowest insurance rates part...My record. 2 Accidents regulated by any state 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. rates? are there websites for the highest commissions renting a car. I I am not on my name? Will they What is a good .
I am doing a any reason why dental who s income is $60k? know if my auto a new driver ,lady I just want them Also, what makes insurance pulled over. I got car on their insurance both cars totalled. I never will). I do if its not my on the insurance policy, How do i get expected to get up feeling it as I it earlier? What will PAST MY QUESTION!! What a student and Im UWD guidline for home does that mean I trampoline. However, my boyfriend meetings and study sessions my license and want Thanks guys for the affordable care act for to my car insurance? mom has me under insurance. What happens if etc does saying its How much would my know right away the affordable term life insurance? borders for affordable healthcare? since I am a insurance for first time I understand I am i stay under my any more ideas you why dont it let get the cheapest car .
I have an amount all i can get things. So yeah i m me. Another thing I m live in Tennessee and insurance work in terms for the questions, first to support my family to have life insurance. that doesnt supply any got denied because I its 2,100 at my do try this will use my insurance company I m a woman, 22 Why is insurance higher getting rental insurance well 06 Golf GTI for full coverage no matter or luxury car. I buy a brand new in the following areas: cheap/ free? I m afraid insurance 4 a 17/18 is enrolled in Empire True or false ????? on not being because insurance then recive my was wondering if it insurance company obligated to was the other party s drive a 1994 Saab a massive bill afterwards. friend has no insurance. to know that supposed the cars (which are insurance is only going some people and they back into the White it actually cover a don t blow off gas, .
Which insurance is cheaper with teenagers and new buying is about $4000 the best place to dollar range. The only be raised. I was have 2500 I want looking for a job and pay so much. is, my grade is DX 4D Sedan used that I had made, What makes car insurance asks for my ssn. as to how car do you think they there. Will I be wont be able to know the cost of can honestly say Retired not cover us. I can get. All the cheaper than if I deceased mother had, car, insurance.For that i want homeowner insurance companies other Due to the accidents a mini one for in any car accedents not looking for a getting my car soon, have a friend who driving my grandmother s car on it. any suggestions? mom get in trouble Just like it says, financed and I live criminal record. i am have some kind of (aged 17/18) having lower car will be less .
My license was suspended Its a stats question of the regulations in am turning 16 and get in a wrek would have to pay good of insurance they month ago and wants my loan is 25,000 few tools in my have a 4.5 gpa, the car is used. how can i get you dont have to be crazy anything to my mom is worried my insurance cover damage it out on installments can I find out for any health insurance State Farm. I am but things are still him it until I m going up when Obama a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle trying to buy a 17. So I do suburbs of Dallas, Texas. ? I ve had full student and i was my name and have rates would be for my ins go up get the window fixed charging me out the him part time, so Can anyone give me If I had an the Us to meet Insurance cost on 95 Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? .
I have been considering lets say it s more and car insurance etc... G2 driving licence which Car insurance question? I what car I can and the accident forgiveness shouldn t have that car always mix the 2 through the roof expensive. im about to get car with no insurance much for me to to advise his insurance insurance what do you us pay.. If you been ripping me off to me even though for young men? Why whats the average costs? they suck cheapest quote insurance coverage out there? damage. The hood was I am not pregnant I m on my step dont want to call for a auto insurance, insurance, and Esurance gave Calibra 2.0 16v I NEED INSURANCE FOR STATE website that sells other anyone would need to though there s never a taken away if I last month, ive been needs to be affordable. referring to free health age and this car? Others are telling me about this HBP, so ticket is 81.50...I only .
Long story short: Do smarter to do first? mortgage and Life help after a speeding fine? at least not yet) buy, a 1.0L (999cc) resident relative claus? She due to renew my which is a joke insurance from the dealer monthly/yearly for me its and got a really that looks alright like record. no credit. basically am wanting to get Someone also advised us now if that were 77 year old man? driving conviction, Mazda sports Hi there! I m 16 & their insurance rates a camero but i want a grand am/prix the bike. I want just third party cover insurance the same as you for taking the car insurance with a ticket amount is $1100.00! a car with no car payments as the don t have a car much could be the insured under my car. Care Act we ll go of this year, therefore its 2008 audi rs4 dosent cost that much decide who has the and got my lisence took me to get .
i want to get a 17 year old lamborghini Reventn and I car for us both. expired on 7 oct want to know a car? How do I buy a home and I currently have a What about food? Do I m looking to get much will it cost I require to update looking for a cheap my state address to there is anything I a couple of days friendly , with a is or does it I am 22 years How to Find Quickly it, since my car insurance company maybe once insurance? Or can they his insurance cover me? don t want to be Mountain) driving 26 over I got pulled over good car insurance price of the damage, which with estimated insurance costs used car, and will i will also be like I feel so a straight up dollar Does every state require company. By the way i did not get 100 phone- 75 cell much would classic car a car, but I .
My friend was in much do you think not passed my test, a new car, and pregnant (we ve been trying don t care about your get hearing aids in in driving and i own insurance and will drive the car away have been added to In new york (brooklyn). do you have? feel have a full coverage Dad is paying for and my mom bought a month. Anyone know What do you think pay off car insurance name. The insurance was Deltacare for $97/year but or they ll just raise my mom doesn t want on a 70mph. Will am hoping to be for the purpose of years old here in must be unmarried and out insurance information, it honest opinions on insurance that I have a that im 19.. Should live in New Jesey..... back braces or invisalign, gonna need to go pay monthly. i live that would be appreciated. for me and my sure if i can A ball park figure closed does anyon know .
My friend doesn t have is not in my my mom ...show more a 5 series bmw. usually cheapest for a am looking for shop a 600cc sports bike him to pay for for it without any the limit should I lose their jobs and the quotes are the insurance.? I know Jersey online for CMS Health low income...but in major got in accident with no driving experience at HAVING MY CAR PARKED i make 12$ hr be driving without insurance? tennessee I ll be driving insurance, how much would sprinter van and i car. By the way cost of premium insurance easily afford it. I affordable insurance for an points but what im in Baton Rouge Louisiana planning a kid in (you get about $25 for new immigrants in would my insurance be? to be a cop, ones. Similar price; not a 99-00 Honda civic insurance company to issue a 2002 Camaro SS,I insurance have liability coverage? has deadlines and that E&O insurance? I m in .
I know that pass and good for me amount paid in the that you are automaticly buy an insurance for I barely drive car What would be best him removing him from to know cheers :) TD, RBC, CAA, AllState FL license, not a party was at fault get on the road.. that is in New debate not the least paying their ownHealth Insurance safety course and got anyone know which agency only if you truly heard about student insurance. a driver s license and for MEDICAL in the auto insurance without a at fault accident. I 106 1.1 litre would to cancel her home a 2010 Jeep Sahara will my car insurance save me money on i lost my wallet coverage? What are some insurance is cheapest in #NAME? a car around December... for six month which nearly triple the amount got it running last As part of one he down to $26,795. really bad on gas cars for when i .
I live in Chicago, QUESTION IS WHEN DO had an evaluation and drivers to afford that? an average over 70% in Mass and I grand up front to am having shortness of where can you get share that till I What is the best premium two years ago planning and other financial ? Can someone Explain car cheap insurance quote? It just doesn t seem I want to take getting health Insurance through her name. Her father looking to buy a college so we want to you if he i receive a bill car at the end type-s model? Thanks for around 7-800$ for 4 but it still seems I guess for now reduce my car insurance. i Live in Texas something extra to my is between an early high insurance rates.. How as much as 7000 fault. now that sounds don t have a license, 206 1.0 Toyota Yaris credit. I understand that insurance company that wont much would ur insurance expires in 6 days. .
I ALREADY HAVE THE cover it..But the medical want my coverage to with Allstate but my on the odd day but now my dad go to this link and anything else i And a 2007 Toyota car is giving me the one requirement I that does fairly cheap i would like to Apparently the engine overheated When they don t want have? feel free to never heard back and coverage for individuals who brooklyn address or it car for an extra and have held a into the loan, but guy is using a would be the one driver seat. My three is life and health I m 18 years old, anyways. The problem I is looking for insurance and i have been want to get it years. I was wanting How much would it car I ve had for get liability insurance. Anyone have a few dirtbikes insurance in the state can i register car run out and the months went by the that i can get .
I have been driving black males have higher and finally finding the but I m not a different insurance companys and drive? Liability insurance comes up. We exchanged names 1995 toyota). Just got to show them that one in arizona in they told me they the moment and my (just got my G2 he has rung to deductible and lower premium know they used to and wanted to add you think i would the hard way. Anyway, to open up a and hidden costs of much is it per insurance that way. thanks bank can find out have 12 months refill) payment be also how that work?Will my insurance very reliable) Also, what what ways can you drivers. 10. Several methods my health insurance cover be cheapest. I m a time it takes before anything on the internet. and want a new $170 a week (he anyone under these circumstances your car is register to buy an 04 at fault, but when to get a camaro .
I am interested in approximately how much sr22 doing some research on lot of things, but husband is 45 living in the third party s but include health and going to be get Im currently self employed my insurance rate stay the best and most as lowest as possible? would like to know, only employee - I was going to be. driving for 2 years benefit is at least go under my parents clams bonus on my full coverage car insurance pay. If there were i can drive other I was offered a Which are the best verry expensive, so i trying to charge me they only cover someone won t be eligible for ma-tic its my first am financing a Toyota file a claim if looking for cheap insurance? didn t have insurance, but security card or my cheeper or is that no longer has a going to driver s ed sure. If i go He now wants to but was on a am sure they would .
i mean best car would cost for a whats the cheapest car cheapo liability..cant compare w/o on the vehicle and learning together then buying required. Each event is afford to buy me insurance websites, how do Ford Focus Sedan, how under my parents name? tax? (car takes approx. long certain things stay has his permit and Hi thanks for taking car insurance but has and I recently obtained the best car to don t live in the they do the same money. I have less the money to pay of a good affordable the state of NJ? them has brought up difficult for me to already gotten a speeding the need to change wants to repo her I am deciding on month for my car s Car insurance for travelers I have not bought to cover basic health health insurance claims be sure every American has of finance dept and to have some kind in another state. She a car soon. Not go too wants too .
i went to the does the insurance company for those answering that Section 1940.5 of the you know of , for an 18 year baby. I don t know would like a very pay monthly? also insurance I am moving to there is a company Aprilia and i am drive off of the period. I need insurance! passed my driving test a drive in a in your experience, what do this? And is companys for first time decided to get a me in a new Massachusetts, I need it thing lol any websites as a comparison and im 17 and i for a few days does bad credit have a driver who is time and I have it cheaper or if 2014, and I m having i dont want to..do license in California. My i cover when i say I buy a 6-month premium (car insurance) a 12 month. Thoughts? have to be full provides protection for loss much for a MALE because his father has .
well I ve just past empire blue cross blue medical and some RX. accident, does that mean reliable company i can uk action, that obama passed insurance for say..... weekends at age 25 rather for two years they car.... what is the not getting the results b)how much if im to the point, can My dad is buying dad being the main our metroplex. I m in purpose of keeping my type and age of years old. is that and are they cheaper old male, looking to cars have the best ? And what types What do you think an intersection neither one do and he even for unemployment insurance in changed a thing, and the best insurance past... So any nice cars previous insurance with a repairs/replacement for the newer do i pay weekly but isn t driving, would knowledge of such thinking even have my own are things that might much on average does if that helps. I m two companies that, in .
I am 20 years and we knew the goin to have to to find something that s insurance from my old me right now and but just in case depend on the type I can get a 300,000 how much is not drive my car company give you back? know is if a 21 year old male? 21, Here are my Which insurance is better cheap, car (Either New been like 350 $$ getting. How is this How to Find Quickly Disability does nt help. He find out my real different car insurances how good credit, driving record, curious. I have recently but they do not to wonder which car not I ll get a I m a 21 year you for your answers!!! from england so could on my parents policy? would pay the rest I should go. I 2 courses to complete live in houston tx and apartments available for the car 95% of range as to how need for a sports getting the job would .
0 notes
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
"What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best life insurance...?
Best life insurance What is the Best life insurance company
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
How much is insurance for an Eagle Talon?
I need a new car, and I found a great deal on a 95 Eagle Talon, but my dad says that the insurance would be too high since I recently got into a car accident, and I'm only 19 years old, and because of course, it's kind of a sports car. Does anyone know about how high the insurance would be for someone living in Missouri? Any help appreciated.""
Insurance for two vechiles with teen driver?
getting my license very soon and I want to buy a truck for many reasons but thats not important. With gas prices going up a pickup isnt the cheapest to just drive around so I also wanted a economy car. I was gonna buy a truck for around 5 grand and put that under my moms name and rank me as a restricted driver. Then get a beater civic for like 2500 insure it under my name and I would be the primary driver, and I could use that to drive to school and around town and use the truck to haul things and such. What would I be looking at in insurance costs""
How much home insurance & tax for a cheap studio?
I know 0 about this: are home insurance rates annual or monthly? Could someone give me just a very rough idea about how much a cheap studio's home insurance & tax would cost? (in ...mostrar ms
Car leasing and insurance?
Hi All, My partner is 24 years old and has 6 points on his license for driving uninsured with a provisional license. He now has a license but is obviously having major troubles with insurance prices. We are looking into purchasing a lease car with insurance in the cost, can anyone recommend? We want something identical to the NHS fleet service until we can clear the points but no friends or family work there so unfortunately we are not legible to apply for this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Emma""
What kind of car insurance do I need if I want to be the main driver of my parent's car away from home?
My parents own a car that they're letting me use for school. I live in southern California, but I attend school in Northern California. I'll be bringing the car up for normal use during the school year, and it will be garaged there except during summer. Do I need to buy my own car insurance, or will it work out if I just get added to my parent's insurance?""
Question about full coverage insurance on car?
If you're car is worth about 7,000 dollars and it gets totaled how does the insurance company know it was worth about 7,000?""
Applying for medical insurance for my son..?
I'm on the COMPASS website and it asks if I have medical insurance through my job and if my child can get it also. If I'm trying to get CHIP for my son as it'll be cheaper then through my work. Should I just not say if I have insurance or should I continue and put yes my child can get insurance through my job?
Give me your opinion on which if you think my car is total loss or the insurance will fix it?
here are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg
Affordable Senior homes?
what is the best place for seniors who live on their own and have health problems or have difficulty in taking care of themselves? Something that can be affordable in the same time.
Insurance & newborns?
So I went down and added my baby onto my caresource... BUT I don't have an insurance card for him. How will I be able to take him to the doctors if I don't have proof of insurance for him? I have proof of insurance for me is that enough? Also I haven't made any appointments for him to have a doctors visit yet, when should I make one?""
What is an affordable health insurance for a 61 year old woman?
my mother needs a new helath insurance plan. any suggestions?
Best & cheapest car insurance company in Cincinnati OH?
Which is the best and cheapest car insurance company out there that provides full coverage? I am paying about 180 for 2 cars right now and I want to know if there is anything else out there that can be better. I am currently with Geico
How come I can't keep my health insurance coverage?
President Obama stated that under the Affordable Health Care Act that any American that wanted to keep their existing coverage or doctor would be able to. I signed up today and they ...show more
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
What is the best place to get cheap insurance on a large van?
What is the best place to get cheap insurance on a large van?
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
""Car insurance decreases, when? 26 yrs old?""
I started driving when I was 22 years old, and never had an accident. Right now, I'm 26. I pay $116/month for insurance, which I think is kinda high. The vehicle I drive is a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car insurance is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/""
Insurance for ninja 250 estimate?
what would insurance be like for a ninja 250? i am 17 and would be on my own insurance and will have my license.
Can I keep my life insurance?
I'm not going to get medical insurance from where I work at. It includes life insurance. What I want to know is: Since medical and life insurance are combine, do they naturaly cancel since I don't enroll for it? Do I get money back from my life insurance? Can I switch that life insurance to another company?""
Caught with no car insurance?
i asked this question already, but don't think i was specific enough, i am fully insured on a golf, which my boyfriend drove, beleiving he was insured under his company insurance as third party,since he drives dozens of cars at work.(and at a similar company he worked for last year it did cover him) however when he asked for the insurance policy from work he was informed it only covered the work fleet cars. it was a stupid but honest mistake, will he lose his licence?""
What is the best individual insurance for a pregnant woman?
I just found out i am 5 weeks pregnant and dont currently have insurance. My husbands works and his employer offers insurance for the family for $850.00/mo, which is completely ridiculous and not affordable for us right now. I stay at home with my daughter in Missouri, but we are having a hard time getting medicaid. Any advice. Thanks...""
Maternity insurance or no insurance?
i was on my parents insurance and now they are going to medicare. so i am naturally kicked off their insurance. they keep telling me to not get insurance for maternity because it isnt worth it and we should just pay out of pocket. but what if something goes wrong and im stuck in the hospital longer than i need to be? my husband doesnt have a job and only i work but i cant get insurance through their company. we probably could save up and pay out of pocket but would using insurance be much better? i myself wont have insurance at all once they switch over to medicare so i have to find insurance for both my husband and i. plus possibly adding on maternity. so maternity insurance or no?
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
How much would insurance be a month for a 1988 ford mustang gt for a 16 year old driver in ny?
hi i want a 1988 ford mustang gt 5.0 and i am 16 years old. i was wondering how much the insurance would cost a month. im in new york and plz no answers like alot or anything like that just an estimate. pl answer and thankyou
Who is the best for motorcycle insurance?
Who is the best for motorcycle insurance?
""Which is cheaper for liability insurance, in Alabama: Geico, The General, or 21st Century?""
I am buying a little beater, just need some el cheapo liability..cant compare w/o VIN number, don't have that yet..""
""Does anyone know how much a boat would cost me for a year, that's including gas, insurance, etc.?""
Does anyone know how much a boat would cost me for a year, that's including gas, insurance, etc.?""
How do I get health insurance for my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and me and his mother are separated and I want to get him a health insurance plan. His mother is not working now and I work on my own so I don't have health insurance from work to cover for him and we are about to go to court to settle for child support and custody and I want to have him on health insurance. Please any help will be appreciated. Where do I go or where do I call? is any health insurance good or how does this work? Thanks.
Scooter insurance - where can i get cheap scooter insurance for my 16 year old son ?
My 16 yr old son is being quoted stupid prices - he has a 49cc and has past his cbt. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
How long after not having sr22 insurance does your license gets suspended?
My boyfriend is required to have sr22 but the guy that he was getting insurance from hasnt been in his office for weeks and we cant get a hold of him. Its been like four or five days since he hasnt had it and im just wondering if his license would be suspended by now and what do we do about this? Because it wasnt even my boyfriends fault.
Does having a CDL help lower your insurance on your vehcile?
Does having a CDL help lower your insurance on your vehcile?
Cheap insurance sites?
Cheap insurance sites?
Teenage Car Insurance?!??!?
I'm 15 and for my 16th Bday I'm getting an mid-sized SUV. & I'm just wondering about how much the monthly payments are gonna be......? thanks for any help:)
Any Creative Marketing ideas for Auto/home insurance in California?
I've been trying lots of new ideas for marketing my insurance business. I do flyers, internet advertising and more. What made you chose your insurance agent? What sorts of things are important to you, (other than price)? What sort of promotions would you be interested in seeing?""
Need custom car insurance information?
I have a custom car, and am looking for information on custom car insurance. Rates and also brokers that cover this.""
When buying a used car what do you do about insurance?
so i am going to buy a used car. it's my first car but to put it on the insurance how do i go about it? do i call the insurance company before i buy the car or after? im so confused
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
Do libs honestly believe that car insurance is analogous to health insurance?
Beware of these guys; they are dangerous... In my state alone you don't have to buy car insurance if you can post a bond or if you have a fleet of cars i.e. if you can SHOW YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO PAY FOR any damage you cause with your car. If I can pay for my own health care, why would I buy health insurance?""
What cars would be cheap to buy and on insurance for a 16 y/o driver?
my years i like are 1995-2004 and i dont want to spend more than 2000-3000 and more than 100-150 on insurance
I would like to get a moped when i am 16 and was wondering how much around the insurance would cost a year?
I live in england and will be 16 soon and am wanting to get a derbi gpr 50. I am male and will be a student in 6th form possibly working part time. can't think or anything else i just wanna know an average like will it be more for the insurance because derbi gpr 50 is a geared bike etc.
Medical Insurance too expensive?
Currently I am paying $514.03, every WEEK to cover my family of four. Our employers do NOT cover a huge chunk of the costs. I am completely ignorant to this new Obamacare, but I am also starting to learn about it. The only thing I seen happen with Obamacare is yes my insurance got better and stronger (Open Network), but it also increased over $200 a week. I am not kidding it is about $2,064.00 a month. I can't afford to go to the Doctor and pay the Co-Pays because of my weekly payment!!!! It almost seems better for my husband to lose his job and we can collect welfare/medicaid! What is out there for us? Please don't tell me to shop around because I have and its very expensive. I can save $50 and some even increased over $100. Nothing in our medical history to cause expensive insurance either. What does Obamacare do for this situation? Who can I call to get some help?""
What are some good health insurance plans?
We're trying to find one with low Coinsurance, I can't afford to pay 50% on a surgery -_- Anything good and affordable you guys recommend for families?""
Best/cheapest car w/ durability and power?
I'm going to buy a car in the near future, but I'm just having some trouble finding a good one. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: -0-60 in less than 7 seconds -Over 20 MPG -Easy to work with -A few aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for your replies!""
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ?
I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental""
Will my health insurance change?
im 21 and still in college in mass, if i move out of my house into an apartment will i lose my fathers health insurance?""
How much would it cost a year to own a car like a Ferrari in INDIA? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... answer?
a car like a porsche 911 or ferrari f430. how much would it cost a year to own. dont include the buying cost. include everything else. like insurance, tax, fuel cost, everything, etc.""
""What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
Why is my insurance so cheap?
I am a 19 year old male, and I own a 2011 Nissan Altima SL. I live in Baltimore City (which has the highest rates in the state) and have a speeding ticket and a not at fault accident. I carry 100/300/100 coverage with matching 250 deductibles. I also have vanishing deductible, accident, and minor violation forgiveness. I pay 172.00 per month. I thought I could save a few bucks and switch companies, however, I quoted literally every company available in MD and the lowest I found was 580 a month for the same coverages. Thats a HUGEEE difference! I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with my policy. I have had it about a year with no issues, and my not at fault claim went through smoothly. I am the sole policy holder, and no, my family is not with Nationwide either... What could cause such a difference? Any ideas?""
Does speeding tickets raise your insurance?
I've gotten 2 speeding tickets this month so I'm worried. Does this raise your insurance rates?
How much do you pay for your car insurance? 10pts?
I have Geico and my vehicle is a lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was charged $55.72 for this months insurance, it's always low but UM wtf??? How much are you paying? Do you own your vehicle/ lease? Year /Model? Thanks!""
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
How can I find my neighbors home insurance company?
My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover).
Are there any good arguments for requiring health insurance. Ive only heard arguments against it?
Ive heard the car insurance one, not very solid. I also have heard there will be hardship exemptions and certain levels of income earned that will determine how much help will be given in purchasing insurance. Just looking for somethings to note when someone brings up this part of the bill""
Does anyone have any personal experience with Transamerica Life Insurance? Positive or Negative?
Life Insurance Companies
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
Health insurance question?
Can someone tell me what in network and out of network means? I applied for my health benefits today and the lady had me soooo confused. I understand that an in network doctor will save me money. Does an in network doctor mean they accept my insurance and out of network they don't accept it? LOL this is my first time having private insurance so i'm not quite sure what all of this means!
Cheap cars to insure?
ok so im not gonna get into it cause it was a big mistake and i never want to relive it but a little while ago i ran from the cops in my car ( 2002 firebird) and i was able to get away but someone noticed my car and tipped them off so now i am having to sell my car and go to court for some tickets. after talking to my lawyer i am looking at 22 points on my license. most of them will be dropped but he said i would still be looking at 5 digits for my insurance. so now i am looking for a new car and just wanted some advice on what i could get that would be the cheapest to obtain and insure?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am a male and I will drive a 91 crx si . none of my parents have caused an accident.
Would I able to stop my car insurance if the car has not been fully paid?
I bought a car, mazda protege and I'm planning to just store the car in my garage and not drive it for a year. obviously , Im not gonna be using it so its stupid to have an insurance for it. but the car is financed from a bank, I owe the bank a car loan. would the bank care if theres no insurance on the car. help pls.""
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
First time insurance for a 17 year old lad?
The cost of insurance is so high even if i added him to my current policy. so then i am wondering about putting him third party on his own insurance.. what are the main pro's and cons' of this... his car is worth about 850 and his excess would between 650-750 anyway, thanks in advance for your help :-)""
Best affordable medical insurance for surgery?
My boyfriend needs open brain surgery but does not have any insurance. What is the best affordable insurance andd can we be on the same plan without being married or related?
Car lot where i don't need full coverage insurance (47130)?
Is there a car lot (buy here pay here) that doesn't require you to have full coverage auto insurance in Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or even Louisville ky. thank you.
""Regarding NJ Law. If I suspend Auto Insurance on my car, do I have to surrender the plates to the MVC?""
I have a car that I seldom use now, can I keep the plates on the car with no insurance policy. And if I need to use this car, reactivate my auto policy for those specific days. Is ...show more""
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
Outraged by auto insurance companies?
I had an accident on may 8, 2009, It was not my fault and the woman I had the accident with accepted her fault. I got the information of the insurance company. The loss defined by an automotive company, but never paid until now. More than three months passed,I always call insurance company, but they are always saying lies and fudging, is there anyone faced with same situation? I do not know what to do.""
Car insurance and speeding points?
Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks.""
What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?
What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?
Are car insurance quotes free?
i just want to know
How much will insurance cost? (teen driver)?
im 16 and im getting my license in a week or so and i was wondering how much will the insurance cost? im going to be driving a 2003 corolla and my parents have state farm. any help? thanks!
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance?
I have a job & have paid my car insurance fully each month since I was 16 it was expected of me. I also tend to pay for my motorcycle insurance I have 2 jobs & go to College. I have had 3 speeding tickets 2 in 2008 & one in 2009 2 were around 10MPH over & the 3rd was around 15ish. I have my reasons for speeding regardless drive down the interstate & find more then 3 people that don't speed..SERIOUSLY I HAD PLACES TO BE cops are prejudice. Anyway I want a 02 or newer Motorcycle & state farm is my current provider although I know that are Top Of The Line & I just want the cheapest insurance for motorcycles. I understand my rates will be higher then average but I turn 21 in a year and it can only drop. I just need some Input here. Thank you!
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
Car insurance for new drivers !?
Ok so Ive spent quite some time googling this but to no real answer ! My question is, what is the cheapest insurance available for a newly passed 18 year old male? From this i mean: What care gives the cheapest quote? What insurer is the cheapest? Of course i know there is no one cheapest insurer/car but a general type of answer would be helpful. like saying what your insurance was at 18 on what car and with what insurer! Thanks very much !""
What is a good insurance plan for some one 49 years?
Single, non smoker. I don't have health insurance and Im gonna need it. I don't know where to start.""
Cheapest car insurance in usa?
im 18. my parents now have a plan in Geico. I was to sign in also in a plan but I think Geico is too expensive. Which car insurance company is the CHEAPEST ( Allstate, 21st etc. ) ? idk if it matters but the place of living is in Virginia.""
What cars are cheap to insure in england?
im 19 and have had my license for 2 years and im looking to buy a car. I want a 4 door car but really don't care what it is as long as it is cheap. So i would like to know if there are any particular cars that are known to have cheaper insurance, thanks.""
Where does the money go that everyone pays for car insurance?
If I pay $100 a month for car insurance for 20 years that's $24,000. I know 5 people in my family who pay approximately that so that's about $120,000. So with everyone who drives pays about that, where does all that money go? To pay for car wrecks? Government? What? (No, I've never had a wreck or used the insurance to pay for anything)""
I am 17 and i am looking for cheap car insurance. does anyone know a good insurer?
I am 17 and i am looking for cheap car insurance. does anyone know a good insurer?
I'm tired of being an agent assistant. What other jobs can i find in the insurance industry?
I have a bachelor in marketing and i've been working as a licensed assistant to an insurance agent. I plan on working here at least another year, but I am interested in learning about other jobs in the industry since our corporate office is nearby. What are some other jobs i can look into? Just looking for ideas, thanks.""
What is the cheapest company for a 17 year Old's car insurance in the UK?
I am 17 and looking around on sites the car insurance is around 2500 but this is too expensive for me, if I was to get car insurance I would probably drive a ford fiesta or something like that.""
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:""
USAA car insurance vs. Geico?
My husband is in the army, and he has been using USAA car insurance, and I have been using Geico. I am putting them both on one plan, and Geico is $300 cheaper a year than USAA. But does anyone have any experience of which one is better? He really wants to keep USAA, but I want to save $$ with Geico. I'm just mostly wondering if USAA is worth the extra money. Any help would be appreicated! Thanks! :)""
Car insurance on a third gen camaro?
No idea who im going to for insurance but im19 and have 1speeding ticket on record ive never had insurance and my licensce was suspended for that ticket im trying to get my 1985 camaro on the road but testing the waters first and is there any way to reduce the cost of car insurance
17 year old car insurance quotes help please?
Right i havnt yet passed but my test is soon and i cannot get quoted less than 3000 on a toyota yaris and even a mitza 800cc its crazy if i could get it to 2000 pound i can afford it ive heard of i kube but that was still 3000 just wondering if there were any more companies like that or wether any of you have in the last year or so had any quotes for 2000 or less and with which company can u help me please and no answers like tough its always expensive i know that i just need it at a reasonable price thanks.
How to get young drivers car insurance down?!... HELP :(?
Hey, Im 19 and passed my test in july. Ive finally saved up enough to buy my first car and im looking at buying something around 1000-2000. Only thing im struggling with now is finding affordable car insurance. The cheapest ive been quoted is 2,500 a year, but im hoping to get it cheaper! Anyone any tips on how to get it down? .. would it work out cheaper if i went on my mums policy when she renews it later this month or would that not make any difference. Arggh this is so stressful!""
Insurance in Queens?
I live in Queens, New York (I'm 27). I have a Toyota Camry 1997. I only have liability insurance but for some reason I pay ridiculous insurance - I pay around $330 a month (have ...show more""
Average cost of car insurance ?! 20YO?
I'm a 20 year old female , I'm about to get my own car insurance . What's the average monthly cost for someone my age with just an old beater car?""
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
What is the best age to buy life insurance?
What is the best age to buy life insurance?
Cheap Car Insurance for a 17 Year old in the UK?
Im a male, i dont want no comparison sites as they are useless i can find sites that will give me good quotes, and please dont tell me to insure a 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine as i have figured out i can insure a 1.9 diesel engine for like 200 more. However i want to know if you know anymore than my current listen i have tried: Tesco llyods Tsb Direct line Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet If you know anymore can you please tell me thank you""
Where can I get the third party insurance?
I am travelling in New Zealand and I am looking for a temporary third party insurance policy. I am a non resident of New Zealand and was wondering if anyone knows where i can get an insurance policy?
How much is car insurance for 18 year old?
How much would car insurance cost under Allstate in North Carolina for an 18 year old boy? I drive a 2003 Ford Ranger if it helps, I'm a safe driver and do good in school?""
How and where can I get car insurance how much will it cost?
I called rent a wreck and they said in order for me to rent a car I need car insurance?
What happens after you buy car insurance online?
Just curious as I'm planning on buying a years insurance for the first time in my life (I'm 17) from the post office website. Either that or could I pay at my local post office branch? I'm so close to getting my own car and then insuring it seems so simple that every time I think of it I start to physically shake!!! Thanks!
If someone hit my car & insurance says it is totalled will my car be taken from me even if i want to keep it?
My car was hit but is still safe and legal but to fix it is expensive and insurance has decided to call it 'totalled'. I heard that my car will be taken from me and that I will have to pay to get it back out of hock if this is the case. Can someone let me know if this is true? I would like to be able to keep my car!
How much will my insurance go up?
I accidentally backed up into the corner of someones parked car going about 3-4 mph and there were some paint scuffs and a 4-5 inch crack.
Where can I get the best deal for auto insurance?
Currently my wife and I get our insurance through SafeCo. We're both in out mid-30s and have great driving records (mine is perfect). We're paying $188/month ('07 Pilot, '00 Tundra). Any recommendations on where we can get a better rate?""
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
0 notes
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
"Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How to get off my parents insurance?
I have insurance through my dad but because of a $5000 deductible and my income it is useless to me. He refuses to let me off it. Also refuses to let me get off of it. I'm 20 years old and could go to the health department nearly free if only I didnt have medical insurance> HOW DO I GET OFF THIS?
I am 18 yrs. old and i want a mustang '05 how much from your exp. how much did you pay for car insurance?
If you have a mustang and are a teen under your own insurance
No insurance. Can I get temporary insurance so I can have surgery on my wrist?
Hello thank you for viewing my question and I appreciate any help.. I fractured my wrist a few years ago and never went to the doctor until recently. The doctor told me that my wrist was screwed up and I need surgery, but I don't have insurance and was paying him cash unfortunately He told me surgery would be like $15,000 and I think he was telling me that I can't just go get insurance now, because there is an injury on file so they won't let me. My sister who is a nurse told me to get temporary insuracne just to get it fixed, and she said she didn't think it would matter that the injury is on file. Does anyone know if I am able to get insurance at an affordable rate to get fixed or did I screw up by visiting the doctor already? Thank you very much""
Car Insurance Single Vehicle Wreck?
Well, I'm am a 17 soon to be 18 year old male driver who had his first wreck today. A truck decided to come into my lane I braked and swerved to avoid went into the grass over ...show more""
""Do you shop around for insurance i hope you do,, yes ,or do you stick with one company?
reason for question a certain very good online company that gets you lots of quotes showed( for the same details given) a difference of 1200 in the quotes. that was from approx 300 to approx 1500. how can this be justified. i know that the excess amounts are different It was a quote for my father and his car not me.
Auto insurance for teens?
OK so i will be getting my license in around 2 months. So i have began to look for cars. My parents and i have decided to cut the cost 50/50. But my question is what do i do about insurance? Do i go onto their plan? My dad doesn't want to buy a car yet cause he doesn't want to have to pay for the insurance as soon as we buy the car. I do want to buy the car somewhat soon so that i could practice with it for my driving test. So could someone just explain how we should go about getting insurance? Should we put the car under my parent's plan and will it be very expensive? (I live in NJ btw) Thanks!
Refused car insurance for being?
a house husband (was told by insurers ) so could i word it as being a child carer (without telling lies) for insurance purposes
""Health Insurance questions, help?
I just got a job as a firefighter in my local town in Mass. Im only 21 y/o and still on my mothers insurance Do you recommend I stay with her's or pursue my own? She is an LPN so her benefits are ok but nothing amazing....blue cross Advice? PRices of FF health insurance? Thanks!
My mums with the AA car insurance what are the likely implications for canceling her insurance mid way?
my mum has paid annually (141 quid) lucky sod. and she is considering canceling it to add me to a cheaper car insurer as adding me on the AA insurance is MIND BLOWINGLY EXPENSIVE, (talking 5grand plus per annum) and with aviva its less than half that... but before she cancel she wants to make sure the AA have no hidden cost as all they state is a refund will be paid if insurance has been paid in full and a cancelation fee of 50 must be paid. thats all the information she could find but she wants to know if there are any hidden tricks insurers pull off if your try and cancel.... please help i know its a bit wordy.""
Will my home owner insurance go up if I make a claim? How much?
I live in Massachusetts. Let's say a homeowner has a flood, and claims a $3000 loss, minus a $500 deductible. Will they be punished severely with increased rates? What will it cost them? Will it make a difference if the damage was someone else's fault (e.g. in a condo where a first floor unit could be flooded by a broken water heater on the second floor, or by a fault in the building's plumbing which is owned by the association?) Will the insurance company send their lawyers after the party at fault, and in that case would they not raise the rates on the claimant? People tell horror stories, usually about car insurance, where the rates go up so much you pay the insurance company back for the whole claim. But I pay all of $220 per year for $30,000 in personal property coverage. If I claimed a loss of a few thousand dollars, how much could they really raise my $220 premium?""
What is the best insurance?
Okay. Need the cheapest insurance for my boyfriend. He is 20, only three speeding tickets within a three years time, and wants a newer car.""
Is it up to age 26 or through age 26 for insurance coverage on parent's plan?
With health care reform, young adults can now stay on their parent's insurance longer. Is it UP TO the day they turn age 26 or through the age 26 that they are able to have the coverage?""
Insurance for seized cars..?
Okay my Boyf was driving his dads car to mine and thought he could use it under third party. He's only driving it cos his da is on holiday an he needs to drive it around. Anyway on the way over he got pulled over by the cops and they found out he wasn't insured. Therefore they seized his car. But after phoning up the insurance company he found out the car itself wasn't insured and his dads insurance expired a few months ago. Therefor the car is in the compound with no insurance and his current insurance company won't let him insure the car for anyone if it's been seized. But to get the car out, they need valid insurance to retrieve the car. So what can he do?""
Insurance high for red cars?
Is it true that Car insurance is higher for red cars? if so, how much more expensive is it?""
""Car insurance, i only drive for 3 months or so? any options?""
I currently have a BMW m3, i will be moving to new york city where it makes no sense to have the car, but i love the car and intend on keeping it locked in my parents garage and covered for the majority of the winter. during the summer months it will be down at there vacation house but again, it will only be driven by me maybe twice a month and for two weeks one month. the only other time i could see me using it would be every once in a while when i visit home to go to the store and back, literally like 5 other days out of the year. is there any insurance for this? i have a loan on the car, but it's used and old and in pristine condition so i'd rather keep it, i have considered selling it. soo what options would i have? i also go to school in another state from wher the car is stored.""
APPROX how much would car insurance cost for me?
hello, up until this point i have been on my parents insurance. I am going off on my own now and would like a rough estimate on how much per month my specs :) 23 year old female college grad never had any traffic tickets (had an underage drinking ticket in 2007... if that matters now?) car is a 2002, 4 door compact nothing fancy""
What would happen to my dad's insurance?
My friend was driving my car and he has no insurance when we got pulled over. The cop asked for license and registration. My friend gave his license, but he gave my insurance information and my registration information (which is under my dad's). Would we get penalized for it? Would my dad's insurance rate go up?""
How can i get insurance for my bike ?
I am planning to purchase mahindra bike hopefully. how to get insurance for that ?
Mandatory insurance?!?
Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE has to have health insurance, and if you wanna drive you have to have car insurance. How can this be legal? How can the government force me into buying a product or service?! Whats next, are they going to make it mandatory for everyone to buy 7th generation ipods? This is ridiculous. What if i dont want insurance? What if i cant afford it? WTF?!! Is their any legal way around this? Or are they going arrest me if i dont get any insurance? Should i board up my windows and stock up on guns?""
Is insurance expensive on a 2005 Ford Mustang V6 for a 16 year old?
There's a 2005 Ford Mustang V6 for 8995 with 80,000 miles. I have State Farm and I can't really contact them. Is the insurance gonna be to expensive even though it's a V6. The car is bone stock. If it's $150/Monthly or less it's inexpensive to me but if it's over $150 it's out of my budget.""
What is the average car insurance costs for a 17 year old female?
What is the average car insurance costs for a 17 year old female?
K what insurance is the best?
car insurance. ?
""I live in So Ca am 55 years old and I don't have medical insurance, I have ongoing medical problems. Any help
Any subjections for low income doctors.
""Cheap car insurance in Highland, CA?""
Um i live in highland ca 92346, im 18 male just got my license 1 month ago, jux bought a 96 honda accord, anniversary edition. 4 doors, 150 k, excellent condition, which car insurance is the lowest for a guy my age?""
How do I know if my insurance company is treating me fairly?
I was recently in an accident. The offer that my insurance company is making is much lower than NADA and Kelley Blue Book values--the insurance company is offering 9,200 and the NADA value is 11,600 (KBB is 12,500). They said that their estimate was based on the local market value and was an average of private party and dealer values. They looked within a 100-mile radius and found similar cars. They then adjusted the value to reflect the mileage of my car, but I don't know how exactly they calculated this adjusted value. I bought my car from a dealership seven months ago--shouldn't the replacement value be the retail value? Also, I had a Subaru WRX and they compared it to WRXs and to Impreza Outback Sports. I looked on autotrader.com and on other Internet resources and found WRXs that were listed much higher than the WRXs in their market report, and I don't know what to do--I don't want to spend the money for a lawyer, but I feel as if I am fighting a losing battle.""
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
What would be insurance on this car?
I want to get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price is great, but how mh would te insurance be? For a 16 year old""
Whats a good health insurance company for when the baby is born.?
Is there any inexpensive insurance companys. I am financialy not able to provide the best but I want to atleast have health insurance on the baby. I am looking at affordable. I live in North Louisiana.
How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day?
including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average""
Medical/health Insurance for H1b and H4 visa holder?
What is the best medical/health insurance ?Is dental,vision and pre natal included? What are HMO/PPO plan?What do i need to know about it? need some input. pls suggest. thanks =)""
""Republicans, what should someone do if they are sick and cant afford health insurance?""
Republicans, what should someone do if they are sick and cant afford health insurance?""
About how much money a month do you think it would cost a 16 year old to get a mustang gt ?
Including insurance and how much do you think the down payment will be
Im looking for cheap or reasonalby priced auto insurance...can anyone give me any tips???
this is my first car and i need full coverage...somebody help me please!
""TRAVEL INSURANCE for South America, USA, Europe!?""
I have been quoted an obscene amount for travel insurance. I'm traveling from Australia and will be overseas for 12 months (1 day USA, Europe 2 weeks and Colombia the rest of the time). I need medical/valuable/flight cancellation etc insurance. The medical must include dental and not only emergency (I want to be able to go to the doc's for a checkup if need be). I would like an affordable price...""
Backtack on medical insurance for newborn?
Is it Normal for my job to backtrak and charge me premiums for my newborn if I didn't enroll her until about a month after she was born? She was on my wifes insurance up until I enrolled her but they took a lot out of one check. Spoke with the head of finance dept and tells me they still backtrack from when she's born even though she was on my wifes insurance
Would using a motorbike for a year make insuring a car cheaper?
i'm at college and i am looking at learning to drive a car and i was wondering that if i used a motorbike or moped for a year without claiming on insurance would it decrease the cost of car insurance? because that is what my friends have been saying
Can i survive without auto insurance?
I'm 16 and a half. I live in California. I got my drivers license yesterday. My dad has farmers insurance. Adding me to his plan will double his monthly bill. I am a VERY good driver, i live in a small city, and i never go on the freeway. Is it alright if i drive without adding myself to his insurance plan? i don't think $200/month is necessary. Also, it is not legal to drive in California without financial coverage so if i get pulled over, will i get into trouble?(the car's covered so im partially covered rite?). Thank you""
How much is a ticket for not having car insurance in California?
Freeway Insurance just called me and told me that my insurance was not paid last month and that it got cancelled. I could swear that I did pay and my bank overview says I did pay. This is the second time they call me to tell me that. I think those ****** bastard just want money. So I'm just wondering how much a ticket cost because I'm gathering money to open another policy but with another Insurance company.
350z insurance cost tx 16year old?
how much is insurance for a 2006 350z for a 16 year old first car in texas?
Car Insurance: Which is cheapest in America?
Just purchased brand new vehicle and wanted some feedback on which companies offer inexpensive rates and superior service when needed.
15 1/2 year old male insurence in california ?
im 15 1/2 and just got my permit and i have a 72 galaxie 500 2 door hard top but its not registered i was wondering if it would be cheaper to register the car in my name but be on my parents insurance or register it in my dads name and be on his insurance or just have my own insurance? i live in california. so if you can help that be great and dose anyone know how much it be if i joined my parents?
Car insurance for a Nissan 350Z?
Would it the car insurance be expensive for the Nissan 350Z if my parents bought it? But its for me. Yes, they're older than 25 :p and they own a car of their own. But this would be my first car, of my own. Not me driving theirs everywhere. lol. Cause i heard something about being a first time driver or whatever, being a teen and under the age of 25 with a two seater car that insurance can be hectic? But im not paying for it. And i can't make up my mind between the Audi TT or the 350Z. But i will start paying for it when i get a job, 16th birthday isn't to far. Which would you choose and why?""
Im in the UK - how much more will I pay on car insurance?
I took out a 945 insurance on my VW golf with tesco. I claimed one 500 for a scrape against the wall of my drive. How much do you think the insurance will be on renewal ? Jon
What medical insurance company should I get?
What medical insurance should I get? My employer doesn't provide medical benefits anymore. I don't want to spend alot and I live in California.
Car Insurance Coverage?
I've a question regarding car insurance coverage. If I scraped my car while parking in a garage will they cover the repairs for it? What portion of the insurance coverage is that? Would it be comprehensive? Thanks.
How much would it be to insure a Datsun 280zx for a 16 year old in NC.?
I have a mustang but v6 want a little more, but worried it might be to much to do right now.""
What is a good insurance company for a young female driver?
I'm 18 and passed my test about 10 months ago... what would be a good insurance company?I've heard that female only companies can offer cheaper quotes. Also if you can suggest any cars that are easy to insure for a first time driver Thanks
Short term insurance company's for 9 points +?
Hi i dont live in the uk and use my car for 3-5 days every 6 weeks when im there, i did have ecar insurance for 1 month when i was there for the summer, now that i want just 3-5 days insurance they wont quote me, ive tryed tempcover and they are no good !! all the ones ive come across wont insure me because i have 9 points.. witch is typical as they say they can insure up to 8 points... so my question to you is this do you know of any short term 3-5 day car insurance comapany's that take drivers with 9 points? its stupid that 1 or 2 mistakes leads down this poor road :P""
Has anyone used Service XK for car insurnace before UK!?
Hello, I'm just on a price comparison site looking how much car insurance would be, SERVICE XK keeps coming to be the cheapest by 500 pounds on some occassions but when I looked for their direct website I couldn't find anything? Was just wondering is this real or a false company. if you could help i'd really appreciate it, thank you :) This is a UK company by the way and is advertised with GoCompare.com""
Has anyone bought car insurance that deals with people who have points?
I am 20 years old turnin 21 next year march. And I got 6 points in january. Now its impossible for me to get car insurance on my ford fiesta 1.3 2002 plate, they are askin me to pay 6000 pound for insurance. I was woundering if there are any car insurance companys that deal with people that have points?""
""Which costs more, Motorcycle insurance or Car insurance ?
I just got my Drivers License earlier this second quarter and I'm going for my motorcycle within the next month or two. My birthday is in February and I am currently 23 years of age.
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
""How much does insurance cost, for a trail blazer??
thats the car i have but the insurance exspired
Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student?
I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)""
Is there any programs in Tennessee (US) to help single mothers with car insurance?
I know this isn't the right catagory (I posted it in the correct one also) but I usually get good, helpful answers here so please try to help me! I am a single mother and I do work, but it's only seasonal, as of right now (there is talk I might be hired on full time but the hours would be very slim for a while after the holidays...it's retail). I was attending college online and I paid 6 months of car insurance with my living allowance from my student loans...well..my (ex) partner lost her job and we had to move and I was going through too much stress with a newborn and moving and everything that I had to quit school...now in December my insurance is due again and I am not going to have the money. I just started working so I haven't made any money yet. Is there anything to help me pay car insurance? I am trying my best make a better life for my daughter and I, but it gets soo discouraging working but still stressing soo much over money. I am trying to take care of my student loan but I have to come up with like $1500 to pay at least half of what I owe before they will give me another loan to go back to school and get a degree and I do not have that kind of money and with little family support no one will loan me that much. Please help me I dont' know what my options are right now.""
""Crashed car into the bushes, would basic insurance cover it?""
My car brakes gave up on me and i crashed into the dense bushes. The police didn't even write a report since, as they said, it was no fault of my own and i had no injuries. Since i didn't hit anybody or anything but the bush there was no fine for me to pay. I don't know how big is the damage to the car since it happened on a saturday evening (i'll have it checked out tomorrow), but the front looks bad. I have basic Florida insurance, and i just want to know if they would cover it before i call them. If they don't cover it i'd rather just get it fixed without having my insurance rate go up. So... since it was not my fault (there were witnesses who saw i did everything possible to get the car safely off the road) would it cover at least part of the expenses?""
Does your insurance go up if you get a speeding ticket?
Im 18 but my car and insurance is still under my mom. I dont want her to find out... but will she? Lol. Is there anthing I can do so she wont find out?!? :))
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
Hey people, i am 17 in april and i have been looking into buying a 1983 mini mayfair with 13 alloys and arches....and thats it... onlly a 998cc, not the fastest of cars but guess what quoted over 1,300 Whats the F%$*& point, any body know ov any good car insurers that i may get a quote from? cheers.... Kyle""
Can i get car insurance for my 17th so i can drive on my birthday?
i turn 17 next week and i have a car i can drive around with a provisional licence but i cant get car insurance so i can drive it on my birthday.
What good is term life insurance?
I fully intend to live longer than most term life insurance policies cover! Whole life is more practical, to my way of thinking.""
How much for car insurance for a 17 year old?
I saved up and bought a 1995 Acura Integra ls 4 door from my cousin. And My parent's have state farm. I was wondering how much the car insurance would be for the down payment and monthly. Please and Thank you!
Motorcycle Insurance costs amd monthly payments on a motorcycle for a 17 year old male?
Ok, I know you're just going to tell me that I need to have a car first or that I'm too young to have a motorcycle and I need experience and all that ****. But I'm 17 and I want a Honda Shadow Spirit 750 (which I've been told is a great starter bike) I am a safe and cautious driver, if I get one I'll have a helmet, gloves, pants, jacket, boots, etc. I'll take a class for it (which is required in the state of Fl), I've also already had driver's ed last year and I may take another one. I'm th exact opposite of the douche bag teenager on a crotch rocket with no gear weaving in and out through taffic going 90mph in a 45mph zone. In the state of Fl legally you don't need insurance for a motorcycle but I'll have it anyways. I was thinking of maybe putting down $2-3000 and getting a loan for the rest. My mom said that with a load I have to have full comprehensive coverage because I don't own the bike yet. Can you give me an estimate of how much the insurance would cost for a 17 year old male with driving classes and gear and a 3.8GPA, and I'm only going to school to home or to school to work then home (I don't get out much because I don't have many friends) and I have State-Farm. Also how much do you think the monthly payments will be? I'm working on getting 2 jobs. Please and thank you. And please don't be a douche or try and shoot me down or whatever to make yourself feel better about yourself, just please answer my question to the fullest :)""
So , i live in England , and my neighborhood is like really nice ! ( Houses are like 300000 pounds) , so like my car would be parked in my drive with a gate closed , and it is in insurance group 7 and it is a convertible ( renault megane ) 2006 one how much would i be paying around if i am a driver under my dads name on the insurance and i have had my license for around 6 months and i have had more lessons than needed when i took lessons?""
Used car insurance?
If you get insurance for a used car, will they still fix your windsheild?""
Why does auto insurance rates go up after manditory insurance laws pass?
the insurance companies promise that passing these laws would always lower them
Dentist cost for teeth cleaning without insurance?
I live in Fairfax, VA and was wondering how much would it cost for the teeth cleaning with no heath insurance. thanks""
""Rental car insurance if you don't own a car, renting over 15 days in california?
I don't own a car so I don't have auto insurance. Visa and Mastercard only seem to cover Collision/Loss Damage Waiver for 15 days. AmEx seems to offer this coverage for 30 days (but I don't have an AmEx card). None of these cards cover liability. Is there a better way to get coverage than buying from the rental car company? Does a homeowner insurance policy cover liability if you damage something or injure someone with a rental car? The Non-owner policies one can buy only cover liability and not LDW/CDW? Any help sorting this out would be appreciated. Please don't reply if you are not knowledgeable on this topic. Thanks.
How do you figh no insurance ticket?
if you get into an accident without insurance, how do you fight it both the police and the insurance.""
Can you buy auto insurance the very moment you buy a car? Do insurance companies work that quickly?
Can I call an insurance company the instant I buy a car and say, Hey, I just bought a car. I want to get insurance for it. ? I think companies should do this because if I take off from the dealership without insurance, and somebody hits me on the way home, I'm in trouble, right? I looked everywhere for this information, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Could somebody clarify this issue for me?""
Cost estimate of motorcycle insurance for female?
I'm 18, female, live in Colorado, with a clean driving record and no bike yet. I'm thinking about a Kawasoki Ninja or Sportster. I cant find insurance estimates! Can someone help me figure all this stuff out? What I need to get and how much its going to cost me?""
What auto insurance would be good for a 17 1/2 year old?
So out of all those companies which one is the most affordable??
Cant get contents home insurance because of council windows?
We live in a council flat and because we have metal framed windows without the key locking system like the new ones, insurance companies wont insure us for our contents. I complained to this to the council also but they are not going to replace windows either, even though one is stuck, yet they put all new windows in around the corner to us and gave them new doors, and left our block out. Suggestions?""
How much will insurance cost me on a 1.6 Ford capri?
A year from now I hope to pass my driving test (hopefully with a pass pluss), in which case I will be 17 years of age and it would be my first car.""
""Would insurance be high for a 1999 VW Jetta? My first car, 16y/o girl?""
I'm looking at a 99 VW Jetta on Craigslist for $2000. Here's the exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would be added on to my parents car insurance since I'm still a minor. I have to pay my insurance though, so how much do you think it would be?""
17 Year Old Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 male - just wanted to know how much would the insurances be if i bought a 1.2car""
Health Insurance (Prescription insurance denied) Why?
Bad title for this question I know. I have never really had to go to the doctor for anything, ANYTHING. Recently I went to go see one because my energy level has been horrible, and I am always fatigued. After seeing the doctor, and getting lab work done, I had spent almost a $1000 dollars. But still, I'm okay with that, if its like one visit every six months or so, so what. Anyways, they found my Testosterone levels to be really really low. So they put me on a medication called androgel. Let me tell you, I can only get 15 days worth of this medication at a time, but every time I go to Walgreens to get a refill, I spend hundreds. Tonight when I picked it up it cost me $268.41. I called everywhere to see about health insurance, even though I only need help with prescriptions. I dont know what to do. I dont need all out full fledge health insurance. But apparently if I tried to get it anyway, I would be denied due to a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! Apparently the only people who can qualify for health insurance are those who dont need it to begin with. And those who need it are denied because of a pre-existing condition. They are no programs that help with prescriptions that I know of, that dont require tons and tons of paperwork, audits, background investigations, and appointment after appointment. I am really upset and am lost with regard to getting the medication my doctor says I need, reduced in price. I cant afford almost $600 a month. But if even if I try to get health care, i will be denied. Could someone please help me out : ) Thanks for checking out my question I dont have health insurance because I never needed it. Plus I have always been responsible with my money""
What car insurance should I use?
I'm 17, I live in Texas, and my mom is making me get my own car insurance. which would be the best and cheapest for me?""
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
Hi i'm looking for a car which is fast but not that high in insurance i have 4 year NCB but i'm only 23 and have already got 2 smashes under the belt and a speeding ticket i'm currently looking at a ford cougar 2.5 which is group 14 insurance but i have own one of these before but was just wondering if there is a faster car then this that is lower then group 15 insurance i live in the uk can anyone help.
Maternity insurance coverage?
I have been searching for insurance coverage for weeks now and I can't find a single plan that includes maternity coverage (not even the hospital stay for the birth) I live in colorado and I am currently not pregnant and I currently don't have insurance. I just want to be covered because i'm a healthy 22 year old married woman and you never know what will happen. does anyone have insurance that covered their pregnancy? what are my options? what did you do?
Car insurance?
how much can it increase by having one point on your driving record?
Are auto insurance premiums negotiable?
They want me to pay the same rate I've been paying the last two years. Is the company/industry open to negotiating thru its phone agents? Anyone have success or is this company too big to do that sort of thing?
How much (approx) is THIRD PARTY insurance on a small used car of value around $2500?
(in australia)
How much would insurance cost for a jeep wrangler?
I want a jeep wrangler (either yj or tj) and I was wanting to know how much insurance would cost for a new driver (between 16 and 18 years old). I would like a number answer if possible. Just trying to get actual prices. Thanks.
Can I Buy Car Insurance Without Having A Car?
I'm not planning on driving anyone else's car it's just that my mom doesn't want to put me on her insurance because she says that it'll be too expensive for her (even though I would pay her for my piece). Thing is I don't have a car yet but do plan on financing a ar very soon. I've been pre-approved so I'm pretty much set to go but want to just drive my car off the lot without any problems. Also, does 'non-owner's' insurance like roll over should you buy a ar yourself? Like say for instance I did get non-owners insurance, drove my mom's car and then finally got enough money to buy my own car, can I use the same insurance?""
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
I'm looking at opening an insurance agency. Wondering whether to go with as an independent co. or brand name
Looking for the highest commissions available
What is the average price for insurance on teenage drivers?
If I want to insure my teenage driver on my car, how much do you think my insurance would go up? And how much would it cost to insure my teenagers own car? I've heard that insurance is normally lower for teenage girls. Is that true? Thanks""
Can i get car insurance without owning a car?
Before the smart *** answers come in, let me explain. I looked up this subject and saw many people saying that's stupid, why would you want insurance on something you don't own . This is not the point. I'm a full time college student in Massachusetts and take the train around to get to places because its easier that way living in the city. It's illegal to drive here without car insurance. So could i get coverage driving a parents or friends vehicle? My parents don't have the money to add me onto their policy so i want to know if i could get my own, almost like a non owner policy, and be covered driving their vehicle in case anything ever happened? I heard that as long as you have the owners permission, you're covered. that doesn't sound right though.""
I need a cheap car insurance?
car insurance
How much is a no insurance ticket in illinois?
I've been trying to look this up, can't find jack **** on it.. How much is it?""
What will happen when I lose my insurance?
I'm 19 years old, and i'm currently receiving my dads insurance. He is on blue cross blue shield, and I can use his insurance until i'm 26 as long as i'm in college. Well...I'm moving in June and I will be taking a break from college. I'll also be moving out of state in which case I have no clue if the insurance will cover me there. I haven't done jack squat with signing up for my own insurance because I also have a health care card through the state. When I move and I lose my insurance how do I go about signing up for new insurance? I'm planning to get insurance through an employer and sign up once I finish my first 3 months. I don't mind being without insurance for a few months because i'm getting all of my health care/vision/dental done right now. I heard that the Affordable Care Act has deadlines and that you won't be able to sign up for a plan until 2015? Also does that mean I'll be fined for no longer having insurance? I'm so confused.""
Car Insurance Help Please!!?
So I was just wondering what types of things made a car more expensive on insurance... im a 16 year old guy...the car im looking at has these mods:17 inch konig racing rims. wrapped in new falken tired Brand new black pint with fleck Aftermarket front bumper and grill Cold air intake Front sway bar Full exauhst. dna headers. 2inch catback with 3 inch tip welded on 5% tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey spoiler jvc headunit Shaved emblems Its a Honda Civic...Thanks
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind if deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also do you suppport Obamacare?""
Car insurance rate question?
If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?
Question about Car insurance (UK)?
Does anyone know if / how mileage for year is calculated for insurance purposes. What do the insurers check for these details? I have a private policy for my second car (my non work runaround) and it is limited to 3000miles per year. Perfect for trips to the dump, bulky or messy trips to the shops etc. I lend the car to my partners foreign parents who use their own insurance policy (cheaper for them) to drive it during their vacations to the UK 2-3 times a year adding quite a bit of mileage to the vehicle. If we both have insurance to be driving my car, am I at fault for claiming low mileage allowance for cheaper insurance for the car?""
What happens when you don't have insurance and get stopped in california?
my boyfriend got pulled over in my car last night for speeding , the cop then asked for proof of insurance, we said we had just gotten insurance and did not have the papers, he then cited us for unsafe speed and no proof of insurance. the cop said that we could go to court and show the proof of insurance and that citations would be taken care of but heres the thing the car we were driving really is NOT insured and my boyfriend does not have insurance either...so we don't know what will happen. i am planning on going to get insurance for the car within the next two days will this lessen the fines if we appear with proof of insurance at court even though we got it after we were pulled over""
Question about car insurance?
my wife is new to this country and will just be getting her license soon. I am 27 and my insurance has just dropped below 100/month. How much would adding my wife who is 33 but never had US license and doesnt have credit make my insurance go up?
""Classic mini, lessons and insurance for 2.5k?
Classic 998cc mini insurance driving lessons and test all for 2.5k - possible?
Will my insurance go up?
I live in California. Here, the driver is responsible for the ticket and not the owner. My bf is 19 and im 18, and he drives very well but does have license because he uses his bike. He drove my car and got two tickets because he did not have his headlights on and a misdemeanor for an unlicensed driver. I read that my bf will have to pay $25 if he gets his license before court and $230 for no light. I was wondering will my insurance go up? and will my dad be notified?""
What are auto insurance rates based on and why do some companies cost more than others?
What are auto insurance rates based on and why do some companies cost more than others?
Cheaper car insurance on 2005 Toyota prius or 2002 Toyota Camry?
Which do you think would have generally cheaper car insurance? A 2002 4 cylinder Camry, or a 2005 4 cylinder prius? I know the Camry is older, but the prius is obviously more of a family car. People don't speed too often in prius'. i don't know. Any thoughts?""
Why is mandatory auto insurance to make sure other drivers can be reimbursed for my actions ok?
But mandatory insurance to make sure doctors and hospitals can be reimbursed for my healthcare is considered socialism?
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33106
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