#im not including valax bc i feel like we dont know enough about her and she doesnt have enough of a relationship with the mc yet to be sure
dist4nt-shores ยท 6 months
ok i was just remembering back when a bunch of interactive fiction accounts were answering those orpheus/eurydice asks and i kind of want to write something related about blades characters SO for my fellow blades enjoyers: who do you think would turn & who wouldn't?
i'm going with all the og love interests for this (mal, nia, tyril, imtura, aerin). i'm pretty confident about certain ones, but less sure about mal & aerin, so lemme know what you think!
this might not impact what i write at all, and i might not end up writing anything, BUT i'm curious to know & this might help me confirm my thoughts as well :)
ALSO feel free to reblog with your reasoning/why if u want!!!
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