#im not sure if im just reading too deep into the wiki entry. its likely. but i do love a character who stayed kind and gentle
elvesofnoldor · 4 years
#humm i clowned myself again....i said mdzs is living in my head rent free...well....so is tcgf#i was gonna continue watching the untamed right after finish watching tcgf s1 but i keep thinking abt tgcf jfc!!!#i might have contracted some form of brain rot this is highly unusual for me. at least it should be highly unusual#also im vibing so hard to the theme songs of mdzs (not untamed tho) and tgcf lol....and these dairy product ads are working#yes hello i would like a 可爱多 ice cream cone. yes i would like that drinkable yogurt with peach pulp. u got me. im fucking sold#mdzs literally has product placement in the episode and i dont even give a fuck! these customized ads where the characters from the show#are waving around the sponsor products are strangely effective....u bet i didn't skip those....damn corporations#yes i said tcgf isn't as good of a story as mdzs. turns out i was kind of wrong and also i decide that i really like xie lian's character#i always like him because he's just a Very Nice and Polite Person. but i gave the character some thoughts and i think he might have depth#im not sure if im just reading too deep into the wiki entry. its likely. but i do love a character who stayed kind and gentle#because they have healed from grief of the past and achieved inner peace#and despite all the trauma and pain. they were strong enough to stay soft. i do actually love that kind of character#in terms of my judgement abt the quality of the story#in my defence. the two arcs in the first season were both kinda terrible? and i also didnt know there would be a second season#and i'd say i was a bit disturbed by some of fucked-up dark lore. well to be fair it wasn't that terrible i just wasn't emotionally prepared#tcgf just came off as...somewhat lighthearted. the general tone in the first couple of episodes was very deceiving#like. someone gave a list of content warnings like what people did with revolutionary girl utena. i would have been fine#tbh tgcf probably doesnt even need content warning it doesnt seem nearly as dark as revolutionary girl utena#i just WASN'T EMOTIONALLY PREPARED OK#mae overshares#bro im gonna have both mdzs AND tcgf tag. how many followers am i gonna lose when i spam tcgf posts this time#i posted. like. three (3) mdzs posts last time i didnt finish reblogging the ones from my likes#and people already started booing me. damn#gonna (finally) start watching revolutionary girl utena and legend of korra. im abt to drown myself in asian (related or produced) media#that are also kinda gay at the same time. im just in the right mindset tbh#and also bc i still am not ready to play hades due to fear of the game fucking up my aging laptop somehow#literally the only reason that i appear im not into hades. listen. that is Not my choice. it's less risky to be watching videos#than running a Whole Entire Game on your laptop#sidenote: i always read tgcf aka 天官赐福 as 天宫赐福 lmao. heaven's blessing just sounds less goofy than heaven official's blessing lol#good thing i use abbreviation as tags or im gonna expose myself
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Notes and conversations with low vibrating entities and enlightenment of higher forms
Edgar Cayce - On Reincarnation Chapter 3 - Man’s subconscious mind is immortal. Thought can be compared to molten lava- malleable, perpetually moving, changing, capable of resuming any form. Solid mater is its inanimate aftermath, responsive only to the chisel and the hammer.
Im-Pro-Vision Thought is a builder A series of chain reaction that survival of the soul molds its destiny Thought was the original motivating force positive thought can eventually release the soul from solid matter and return it to freedom of its fluid state at the astral level.
E. Cayce was able to contact his superconscious by means of his own quite unique form of self-hypnosis, it must be born in mind by the reader that he is the expectation, a glimpse of ourselves as we will be Tomorrow. (Tomorrow is now.)
*******The still small voice of consciousness~~~~ Reflection (personal thought which resides in me) Thought: -Waiting for re-entry- ********Quiet~~~~
Souls are like installments of a serialized novel in a magazine. To be continued is our next issue.
so, your soul dies at the end of life and appears again in a new body, you do not start from scratch, you pick up exactly where you left off.
(intuitive question: If you pick up where you left off…. whats the point of waiting for re-entry? You’ll be in the same predicament) =Answer. The idea of being younger and picking up where I left off could potentially have better results then making any attempt to fix where I am at right Currently there is a lack naivety=
The next “para”-graph. *clarity level: Moderate Quick synopsis Failed to curb a passion for through rocks through greenhouses Next life you can resign yourself to owning a greenhouse where you you’ll have to enjoy being at the receiving end. Grin and bear every clash of a rock as it glides through the window. Every bash makes the score as even or karmic value. If you dip into self pity, insisting you’ve done nothing to deserve such a fate, simply put you lose.
So… (smart ass remark) reincarnation……. Grin and bare it.
_developing understand_ The Im-pro-vision at the top, cryptically and figuratively describes this as well
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sub-chapter: Free Will is stronger then Destiny %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Karma is memory, thus the laws of cause and effect were elastic. However sore the traits may be in which you find yourself there by your own previous indifference. You broke your own free will. Knowing this allows you dignity and self-respect that you made your own mistakes.
Chapter 4 Physical and Emotional Karma %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sub-chapter 4 Arrogance and Self-righteousness %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Condemning of others is already a condemning of self
Reflection Meets Smartass***** *based on a conversation I just have, i apparently find myself to be a lazy sack of shit, being I stated others perceive me that way.
*observations* I may have been active in another life, so this one, I’ve slowed down. I may have been wealthy in another life and lived beyond my means, ad this one I am average and live only within my means, I may have been extremely social in another life, now i like a life of isolation (Focus on above during mediation/trance)
Done onto others shall be Done onto you, Done onto others we do onto self.
*observation/breakdown of Sub-chapter* I may have chosen this chapter also to help my own soul growth/understanding. The sub chapter is about one woman’s readings of her emotional karma which i seem to be relating too, or at least there is internal resonation which is creating reactions within the tension of muscles in my face and body heat. It also seems to map out this particulars woman’s soul journey through 3 lives and how they may possibly be intersecting and where she may have missed or gained opportunities for soul growth.
Chapter 5 - The element of fear in emotional karma Sub-Chapter - The Root Cellar A woman asked Cayce why she has so much fear in the present. His response: She had be subjected to many fears in a physical sense in her pervious lives, and these have come through to her in the present through her subconscious memories.
*Im-Pro_Vision* (in the form of a rhyme) Harvest energy, expending fear. Create some kind of positive ideal. Profit rather the Lose, the Karmic Dues.
Another reading, of a girl, chosen intuitively to read which again resonates with persona inflictions seen within myself.
*quote is speaking of girl mention above* “Once she understood the source of her social timidity, it had the effect of exonerating the innocent people she had needlessly been fearing and enabling her to see them in an objective, congenial light.”
Being: Why don’t we remember our past lives? E.C: We do not have to remember. We are the sum total of all our memories.
Slight improvisation, “time catch up” *Im-Pro_Vision* We are the manifestations of our habits, idiosyncrasies, likes and dislikes, or talent and blind-spots, our physical and emotional strengths and vulnerabilities.
Strange… odd… I’ll have to make a photocopy when i return the book but Page 522 unto 523… all have key points of thinks PFJ have said to me during our time in union with one another. Im pretty sure he side them before his discovery of E, Cayce. His voice kept transmitting at the parts he once said to me. (He was in my dream once again, Only long enough to look one another in the eyes while in a convenient store.) (Remove para-graph before final print out, insert photocopy. Make side notes)
Final Note on Chapter….
“you will know the reasons deep within self”
Chapter 8 - Man__ The stranger in the earth.
There is a scenario given about E. Cayce being evicted from his physical body by the self-hypnotic process. (This is now considered an OBE/Astral projection) He makes reference to levitating above about a foot above his physical body. A gentleman in the room was handing a note across E. Cayces body to another person in the room and Cayce could feel the impact of the mans fist going through his astral equivalent body, as though he was being punched.
The body has the ability to separate itself into at least three separate levels of electric vibration. (this is much like dividing atoms into separate energies, all different but coexistence.) Its liking moving from plane to plane of consciousness with the ease of a man switching from AM to FM and then to TV on the same console. (now thats something to think about)
(Not in book, from Wiki) AM Frequency ~~~~~~~~ (250 - 50000 Watts) FM Frequency ^V^v^V (Uses VHF frequencies, see below) TV Frequency (54-216mzh) VHF (470-890mhz) UHF (Also TV also adds in projections)
*Sub-Chapter - The Same Law Governs all Planets* “Each individual must lead this own life, whether in this sphere or in the other planes”
-A quote similar to above hangs on my wall-
**Observation** Its not stated here, but each of the planets represent part of the souls path. Earth is know to be bound with knowledge. We learn here, while on other planets our soul energies grow differently. https://youtu.be/b6Zt37aMROM What I believe E. Cayce means by “All insufficient matter is cast to saturn” is its kind of like in incubator, its helps parts of souls which have fallen to far behind. Now I prose a question, if we are all interconnected, our soul origins must be as well. SO the question is, What if within this human shell, a part of our soul reaches a level of growth. I am beginning to believe we are not designated one soul as a whole through out our time here on earth. Parts of the developed soul leave the shell and is replaced by another soul/energy. Considering how often people change through out their time here on earth its quite possible this could contribute to the reasoning.
**Sub-Chapter** The Planetary Influences
Few things on this sub-chapter, its rather short.
1. The planet influencing earth minds was mars And by 1924 mars would be 35million miles away from earth. Currently in 2016 Mars 33.9 million miles away…. I made a video based on mars influence in Nov. 2015… while mars was at its farthest position from the sun. (Not sure what the significance of the last part is, but i feel it coincides)
Okay. Now this is were it gets interesting….
Next Cayce says The influences (of mars) will be felt as it recedes from the earth and those who have sojourned on mars will be express, in their lives upon the earth, the troublesome times that will arise.
This will only be tempter from those of jupiter, venus, and uranus by means of love and strength.
Now…. how to we know who is from where? Do we use our astrological birth charts which reads what stars where in what place at the time of our birth? Is it purely intuitive?
*Sub-Chapter* The Astrological Influences,
The planets of man are ruled by the planet under which is born. The strongest force affecting the destiny of man is the Sun, then the closer planets to the earth, those coming to accession a the time of the birth of the individual.
Mans own will power is stronger then any action of a planet or of sun and moon phases. (Yet becomes extremely helpful when one loses their on will power. This could possibly be why intuition steps in. Its a quick glimpse of the magic of energy, energy has “power” properties, just as energy is needed to put will into motion.)
**Sub-Chapter - The Soul;s immunity to Death**
A soul freed by death could be compared to anything which is capable of floating free from restriction A soul encased in a living body can be compare to anything being held in place yet has movement.
Thought-Forms: Concentrated thought yet lacking solidity of mundane matter. Souls could be considered a thought-from when they are free from a body,
*Observation,Refection,Rant,Connecting the Dots* Regardless that there is truth to “thoughts are things” I still strongly believe it should be worded “Things are thoughts” A lot of thoughts never become things, yet things normally originated as thought. A few years ago a massive brainwashing went through mainstream media, which is still known to this day as “The secret” The company apparently coined the term “thoughts are things” then added the threat “pick good ones” Well quiet frankly ever since my eyes have open up to this horrible nature of this world of massive mind control I’ve been trying extremely had to kill myself through thought froms and manifestations which clearly hasn’t happen yet. So why would that be!?
What Cayce says is this: On all mental levels other than the conscious mind, “Thoughts are things” and thus a thought-form, once its created, is as real and tangible as the mind which created.,,, Now this is what the Secret doesn’t tell you….. It (as in thought-forms, got to keep you with me here) can only manifest itself to the conscious mind as a vision or a hallucination (which yes, makes you delusional) Now Cayce makes reference to LSD being able to break down a “protecting barrier and submit the “user of lsd” to a direct contact with thought-forms not only of his own, but of others.
&&&Inner Thoughts Woven&&& Now myself personally, i have never done LSD, Mushrooms, DMT, Peyote or Acid, I have been effected by thought-froms not only of my own, but of others.
Cayce died in 1945 something must have change.
I will allow your imagination to build up a conclusion. I have about 5 of my own ideas, so being Its a thought now, does that make it a thing? No. ONLY a manifestation with a possibility of truth, yet unproven, I can develop the thought form enough that it projects as real, yet it is still only a hallucination or a delusion, DMT is a powerful psychedelic compound which was synthesized in 1931, 1946 it was discovered in plants, 1960 it was detected in mammalian organisms, in 2011 DMT was found present in primates, located in the pineal gland, retinal ganglion neurons, and spinal cord, and in 2013 DMT was located in the pineal gland of rodents. There is record is DMY also naturally occurring in the human brain.
The Pineal gland is also known as the third eye…. the minds eye. Allow you imagination to digest that. &&&&End&&&
#####When Laura occupies Cayce##### The creator never intended for souls to manifest on earth. in human bodies; there was no division of the souls into males and female, therefor the animal reproduction wasn’t available to them. So the souls would occupy animal bodies, (think of a hermit crab trying to occupy a koch shell, the “shell’ was already occupied.) Two entirely alien forms of life were sharing a common physical heritage. This may very well be the start of evolution. Hence why we are linked not only to primates but reptiles as well. (all hypothetically “thinking”) #########
Cayce Quote “We find these sons of the Creative Forces looking upon those changed forms, the Daughters of Men. And there crept in thsoe pollution’s; or rather, they polluted themselves with those mixtures, This brought contempt, hatred, bloodshed, and those impulses which build for self-desire, without respect for another’s freedom.”
What the quote is making reference too:
Bolder souls employed their free will to intrude into a denser vibration of animal matter, the wiser hesitated, and it was well that they did.
The souls who found themselves entrapped into their flesh prisons where unable to extricate themselves….
&&&inner thought&&& (oh the many times in the last year my soul seems to be realizing its entrapment. The time the inner voice has screams “GET ME OUT OF HERE” as if begging for death, but knowing it can’t be self inflicted. &&&&
The alien matter of the material world now acted like a gears of a machine. It engorged the souls and swept them souls along with it, unable to conform to or escape the laws of animal evolution, it was a planet of half man and half beast.
The souls who had remained free were unable to come to the rescue. They could only look on, helpless and bewildered.
This when Cayce says the Creator made man. These are what he calls the “Sons of God” The souls who inhibited animal bodies are the “Sons of Man”
The Sons of Gods consisted of 5 race catagories. Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, Whtie
Cayce focused most of his attention on the Atlantis which cradled the “red race” yet he does make mention to the Lumiera which cradled the black race.
Atlantean Influences apply particularly to those soul-groups who chose NOT to reincarnate at a steady rate of progress. Atlantean’s commanded the powers of ESP and telepathy, harnessed electricity, mastered the mechanical propulsions of air and sea vessels, established short wave communications, induced longevity and performed advance surgery using their “source energy” and the misuse of the same energy destroyed them. (sound familiar? or is someone excreting a lot of DMT, the perspective is yours… lets continue)
Atlantean’s strived to alter and improve the laws of Nature, to attain a fantastic height of power and then proceeded to abuse it. The rejected the creator to worship their own vices. The remained perfectly aware of the laws of Karma, but made error of assuming there accumulated debt could easily be paid off at any given time in the future. When mans senses were reduced to a minimal of 5 they found themselves as impotent as a hermit crab without a shell.
The karmic debt was extended to infinity (incarnations), instead of two lives (incarnations) for their offensives against the creator, he now demanded thousands (incarnations).
Possible recognition of someone carrying the karmic debt of an Atlantan soul: Extremists Know no middle grounds Worship Lust, violence, and death
the living and the dead, is a metamorphous. The souls involved in the final armageddon will be the same souls he always were in the beginning. Nothing will have changed except the plane of consciousness they occupy. They will move from the confines of matter to the eternal plane of their origin.
Chapter 17 - The present attitude toward reincarnation. *Sub-chapter - The Public*
Basically the public sees reincarnation through the eyes of the masses. The more people who are “about something” makes it closer to truth, regardless if thats the actual case. Sure horrors are inevitaby assimilated by what Carl Jung calls the collective unconscious of an entire nation. When people contract an infection of the psyche, taboos retard its intellectual reason for generations to come.
We all have so much doubt, not only in ourself and each other, but our beliefs. We confine ourself to restraints of what the majority of people are doing, and we base our thoughts and actions on that alone. We stop thinking for ourself and conform to whatever one else is doing, and if you are one who steps away from the crowd, your quickly trampled by current of others. If your not trampled your ridiculed. You’re singled out. Not because you dared to be different but because the mass of those whom you refuse to be like all became one united judge, bang the mallet and declared you insane, or retarded, something in which they certainly are not.
When in the end, the difference should have been accepted,
Yet we all rather, and notice I said we, rather point fingers and cast blame.
Chapter 18 Reincarnation in the Future.
If reincarnation lies inherent in these deeper truths, it will be automatically recognized and accepted by the human race as they attain to that plateau of deeper perception. He could read minds and see auras. He would think of people in connection with their auras, the aura was the weathervane of the soul, it shows which way the winds of destiny are blowing. He felt the lost of eye sight may very well be a result of a constant straining on our eyes to see more, and to bring us to the next step of evolution. E. Cayce felt a possible from of our next evolution would be seeing auras, I second that, but I also think it involves projecting auras as well.
An aura is an effect, not a cause. Its caused by atoms and molecules how ever simple or complex to tell a story of itself, its patterns, its purpose through vibrations. As the soul travels through realms of beings creating the story, changing the patterns, as it may use or abuse the opportunities presented to it. The human eye sees all this through vibrations through color. Now I’d like to take a second to allow the imagination to accept, even if its pretending that auras can be seen by the human mind. If its vibrations there is movement and movement creates patterns, (think of a cup of water sitting on a table, then you slam your fist down the water in the cup begins to move) the ripples are projecting, so the auras could project with moods and thoughts to the point its visible to the eye which can already see an aura. Now, lets say a person is aware that yes, then can see auras, yes there is movement within the aura, what if you could control the movement of the aura to the point, its not surrounding you but is standing in front of you while you look in a mirror. Its interesting to humor to say the least if your a creative person who like to think different.
Now of course, everything one can get excited about, naturally has to have some kind of negative weight to create a balance. E. Cayce came up with an “imagine” scenario on the opposite side of the spectrum…. A soul could radiate history through aura vibrations. If another being is conscious enough to apprehend those vibrations in his self, that being would know the plight he us in the progress he’s made. Also imagine everyone who sees auras would know if your lying, you will have to be direct and there will be no more deceit.
Danger, Death, Catastrophe, will not come unannounced, no more surprises. All the information behind these examples as well as wealth, virtues, weaknesses will instantly be known by all those around you base on your vibration in the atmosphere. It is difficult to project ourselves in such world, a world where we see each other faults but then again how many vices would persist when they are known to everyone?
Every phase of phenomena may be explained by the activities of the subconscious mind. There are Do’s and Dont’s to telepathy. Through telepathy anyone who wants to control another person, can do it— but beware. The very thing you wish to control in the other person will be the thing that destroys you. Anyone who would force another to submit to his will is a tyrant, Do not ask another person to do anything would not do yourself.
At times we are able to sense what people are thinking and we learn the trend that their thoughts take. Going back to the history of Atlantis, such forces of mental telepathy where highly developed. There were numbers of people able to think with such concentration that the power of their will could bring material things into existence
Such forces for selfish purposes can result only in self destruction.
Back to the now… Few people allow other individuals to ive their own lives. Most people want to tell others how to life, wanting to force them to live their way and see things as they see.
If first a person seeks to know themselves then the ability to know another’s mind will come.
We have the right to tell people of our personal experiences and let them decide for themselves.
The answers come to each one of us, as to whether these abilities are worth developing or not. (In reference to abilities beyond our 5 sense)
“When we use the forces within to serve the Creative Force then we are using them correctly. If we are using them for our own selfish interest they are being abused.”
End of Notes on “Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation”
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