#im not sure if posing a 3d model saves time from actually drawing the character yourself and it has certainly some limitations sure
antirepurp · 9 months
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Your heart is a beating glass ornament
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plutosoda · 30 days
how i make character models* in paint3d
*they are not models. you cannot rig them. but for simplicity i will call them this. also this guy is the example ⬇️
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so. paint3d is very jank and not actually that good But it is fun to mess around with and for getting that early 2000s computer game effect for things. this program crashes and lags a lot especially when making more detailed stuff like this so. throughout this Please save your project periodically. I have lost so much to not doing this
if your computer isn't that great it's best to keep the quality setting at it's lowest. these models aren't really that detailed so it doesn't make a huge difference anyways LOL
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when you open p3d you start with a blank 2d canvas. if you've Never used the program before i recommend fucking around with 3d view + making 3d shapes for a bit. make a Thing. like just some random object. it does not have to be good it's just to get used to how the controls work (because it is different between my mouse and drawing tablet and im not going into that here LOL). the biggest positive about p3d is how user intuitive it is compared to.yknow. blender when you're done with the Thing and u want to start with your character go back to the 2d canvas/2d view for sketching time
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you could probably do this in another program but. i find it easier to just do it here. i keep these pretty simple and try to keep depth in mind
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then go to canvas and make the background transparent. and then switch to 3d view to start making the base for the model on top of the sketch
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at this point i don't use the 3d doodle shapes yet because they are finnicky as hell. the preset ones are a bit easier to control and move around so they're nicer for the planning part. what shapes you use depends on your character but my guy here is very circles and round so its just a sphere and some cylinders
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make sure you're in 3d view and checking the pose from every angle ! if ur guy looks like a roblox avatar without the assets loaded fully then that is ideal. once you're happy with the pose it's Sculpting Time
where you choose to start is up to you but i usually get the head out of the way bc it tends to be the most complicated thing.
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this is my best friend forever. the sharp edge is helpful for stuff like metal and whatnot though so i use them both.
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for stuff like hair and fur i find its easier to make a bunch of small shapes and then connect them instead of trying to do it all in one go
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^better examples with fluffier guys
this part is pretty much just personal preference for how you want your model to look though. just keep adding Stuff until it looks alright. also reminder to be saving your work bc this is when it gets really annoying if p3d crashes
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finished head. jus keep addin stuff. copy and paste is a godsend btw.
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puffier jacket. also connecting the limbs. just keep addin stuff.
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these take a few hours .finished limbs. pretend the backpack is there i forgot to get a progress shot of it
now it is time for the objectively best part which is painting the guy. switch back to the 2d brush but stay in 3d view and start Coloring . i only really use the watercolor brush for shading/gradients and the marker one for lines but this part is also personal preference.
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watercolor brush for the blue gradient and marker for the face .
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i would Not do this in 2d art but i like adding a white gradient to pastel colors like with the hair here. it compliments the soft shapes well i think. to quote a friend it Looks Gummy
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my silly highlights.
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almost done with the creature. also mentioning that there are different textures for objects that you can change when picking their base color. the zipper is metal so it gets to be shinier.
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theres also different lighting/filters to mess around with + you can doodle on the transparent canvas still.
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save ur guy as a image and/or a turnaround gif/video/whatevar u want . and thas it! you can also mess with the model more for different poses and expressions (although this is super laggy bc it has to render a bunch of shapes at this point)
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go make some CREACHURES !!
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crescentfool · 2 years
Hey crescent!!
I was so busy during new year that i only had the time to look at your art journey now, and I have to confess i actually saved a bit of yours on my phone uwu
I look forward to your art next year! (Pls feed my p3 demons), and if it isn’t too much to ask, is there any tips to getting gud at drawing? Id like to draw myself but im not sure where to start TwT
Anyways, happy belated new year! Hope to see you more this year! :3
hi bkza555! thank you so much for the kind words, and happy new year to you! i'm really happy that my p3 arts could keep you fed throughout 2022, ryomina and p3 brainrot is too strong! 💛💙
re: wanting to draw, i'd say go for it! 🙌💪 i think that it can be a fun skill to develop, and i'd recommend starting with things that YOU want to draw / see art of (because making yourself happy w/self-indulgent things is great!).
drawing advice under the read more, because this kinda got long oops 🥴
i would say that being resourceful and patient make for good qualities to have in your learning journey (among many other things)! art can be a rollercoaster with how we feel towards our own work ("WOAH I DREW THAT" vs "NOO WHY DO IT LOOK LIKE THAT").
so basically: striving to have a good mindset + drawing something that interests you will keep art as a sustainable practice!
if you're looking to get better at art- i highly recommend finding some kind of visual reference and trying to recreate them / understand them! i wouldn't be where i am without them 😭
i usually focus on photo references but i also look at drawn references + 3d models sometimes (mostly for likeness purposes).
for photo references, i like to look through pinterest + stock photo sites + google as a starting point! or you can set up a tripod with a camera and pose in front of it if searching the web doesn't exactly have what you want...
and if you want to draw persona characters, i think i've seen their 3d models for both miku miku dance (MMD) + xnalara which can be helpful if you want to see them from all sorts of angles (when official artwork doesn't suffice). hell i have to regularly look at manga panels of ryoji sometimes because i forget how to draw his hair every time LMFAO ITS SO DIFFICULT... 😭
honestly, trying to provide any concise art advice within an ask is difficult since the practice of breaking down references can be hard to convey over text. so i'll link to my art summary from 2021, which has a list of resources that you could check out!
it might be helpful to watch videos/streams of drawing too! or any tutorials that walk you through the basic shapes.
AND I SWEAR i am almost done talking BUT! the most important part is to have fun and focus on getting what you personally want of the art process. i hope that the list of resources can help if you want to find some guides on How To Do Things.... if u need any clarification feel free to leave a reply or come by the inbox again!
thank you again for your kind words! may 2023 be kind to you, and see you some other time! 👋
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