#im not sure jf this will make sense to anyonr eho isnt me but here it is anyways
kingsbride-moved ยท 10 months
Most of my s/is are in the "cursed princess" category of character, but I'd say Nerine fits more into the "sorceress / evil queen" category. Not that she is evil per say ๐Ÿ˜ญ but the role of princess requires a certain level of helplessness, and when a woman in a fairytale isn't helpless, she's usually either a witch (if shes using her magic for petty reasons) or a goddess (if shes using her magic for "good").
It's hard to see Nerine as someone notably helpless, but she's also not gentle and benevolent in the way that fits into the goddess archetype. She's stern and commands respect! She isn't necessarily unkind, but she's distant in a way that makes her hard to get close to.
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