#im not tagging any reblogs but if u wanna blacklist my original posts thats the tag
felicitywilds · 1 year
fathers day is just. so rough because nine really shouldn't bring rose back to the day her father died, but he does, twice. he knows how tempting time travel is to fix mistakes but he wants to indulge her in ways he can't indulge himself. because hes been there-- to the titanic, to krakatoa, trying to save people's lives, probably failing every time if him being at JFKs assassination is anything to go by. hes furious when she interferes, calls her names, walks out on her, but only because hes reminded of his own foolish attempts (and ultimate failures) to save the doomed.
but throughout all of that he still-- still-- does his best to find a way out without pete having to die again. he wants her to be able to succeed, wants to prove that someone can be saved in these scenarios. it really makes his "just this once, everybody lives" so much more impactful because at that point they're in the middle of an air raid in the middle of a world war, and by all time logic none of those people should have lived. but they did.
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homosuckmale · 4 years
Important Stuff
Dave fictive (traumagenic professionally diagnosed DID. anti-endo.)
Body age 28, but i id as 19, sometimes i age slide lower but the point is my body is over 18, do what u will w that info
Big gross nasty boy stridercest shipper. die mad abt it. very proship regardless of whatever qualifiers some think u need
asks/messenger always open, message me to talk or whatever, abt anything but esspecially abt stridercest or just talking to other hs fictives or hs kin is cool too
i write on ao3 also under homosuckmale, i only write brodave and im always open for requests! and pls leave me some kudos!
also this is a sideblog, i follow/message from transkeiichi
Cuz i know i get some followers who probably DONT wanna see the shipping stuff even tho thats like 98% of this blog, for ur convenience:
"stridercest” is for anything that is 100% undeniably shippy
“striders” is for anything that is just 2 or more striders in a platonic/brotherly fanart
“fanxxx” is what youre gonna wanna blacklist if you dont mind the fluffy stuff but dont want any dicks on ur dash
if i reblog ur post, and you dislike either the tags i put on it or it being on this blog at all, ill be happy to either retag it or delete it, whatever you want. i try to check original tags and respect artist wishes. feel free to block me to prevent me from seeing your art if you feel there is a chance i may misinterpret it in the future. if youre rude about it i will just delete it and block you.
note i do not use more than one of the above tags at a time, so if u blacklist stridercest WITHOUT also blacklisting fanxxx, u will still still see stridercest content from me - it will just only be the dick filled posts. so if u absolutely do not want any stridercest on ur dash when following me u should blacklist both the fanxxx tag and the stridercest tag
if any tags change ill update this post! 
--updated 4/3/24 cuz i keep getting pro-endo followers and its annouing--
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amadeyus · 7 years
a lil update from ur local animator
(what semi hiatus? more like active? hdskl;dgz ok but i will use my browser blocking extension to make me more productive bc now my client is like WHERE DE LOGO AT 👀and i’ve been so unproductive :))) ;_;)
i’m starting my super slow blog revamp/big to do list - this is mostly for my own reference but you can also read this if you feel like killing more time
theme will change to another one that has an updates bar (bc i have no lyfe and like to update peeps on the internet re: what projects i’m working on shhhh it gives me a false sense of importance lemme have this) - TBD
tags (for non-creation stuffs) will get a revamp too; in the past i’ve always used normal tags (but bc i LOVE dedicating brainpower to things that are not important) im gonna use silly tags for basically 80% of what i’ll post/reblog (i.e. connie’s tag is corny springs) - WIP
tags for creations may not go through as drastic of a change but there’ll probs be some re-organization and a few new tags - TBD
i have no idea how frequently i’ll post original content (i looked back and found that i did 8-14 posts per month but it varies). if all goes to plan and i stop wasting time scrolling on tumblo then i suppose the number of OG content can increase yayy (i actually have a lot of ideas for animation stuffs im just real indecisive and have procrastination tendencies sakldjgks;jg) - also i’m slowly moving away from static stuff bc i love animation
requests: i have one request to do the old SC uniform meta by anon and to do a tutorial for transparent edits (which i keep putting off sahkl;dgkg) by iva - i have no idea when i can get to these either but hopefully before season 3 of snk airs (i want to believeeee™) - TBD; but if there’s other stuffs you want to request (i have the most free time now, before i go to uni, so feel free to request stuff if you want)
design resources: i have some ideas of icons/phone backgrounds/textures i wanna make but my goblin brain being indecisive and unproductive as usual, it’ll probs take a while - TBD
fave ships/chars list: i starting making a list of my faves (bc cello was curious and also it’s good to have it as a reference i feel) - so if there’s any characters or ships you don’t like, you can blacklist accordingly - WIP
most of my creations are snk but i hope that’ll change so i can also make content for other fandoms i like and am invested in (i.e. atla/lok, fmab, bnha, psycho-pass, and a few others i can’t remember)
i’m co-organizing/modding a few fandom events with some great peeps - there’ll be periodic updates from those blogs and i’ll spread the word in the next few months
i’ll also be changing my about page - i’ll have a short version (which will be like “what this blog contains/read before you follow” kinda thing and a long version for a proper bio) - TBD
i’m considering making a separate tumblo account for my portfolio for non fandom work (to help me get in the habit of posting my work online) but i have no idea if that’s a good idea (like what if i mix up accounts/forget the password) and whether i should stick to behance (think emoji)
now my posts for original content will probs include a short rationale/my thots when i made the thing and since that’ll make the post longer, i’ll put it under a read more as to not spam u with words
THATS IT! if u read this unnecessarily long list of bullet points thank u for ur time i hope you have a rad day
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