#im not trying to accuse this person of being an outright terf
hellhoundlair · 1 year
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gastromancer · 1 year
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@sad--fem (re: this post) look like.. im not rlly in ur head so i can’t puzzle out from here what distinctions you personally make between “trans people” and “mainstream trans ideology”, but like.. terfs specifically treat them as the same thing (i.e.: “the trans cult”, “genderists”, “gender cult”, “trans activists”/“TRAs”) and this specific move to frame transgender people as a “cult” that employs all this social/political power they somehow have to “maintain their dogma” is like a pretty notable & defining part of terf rhetoric/argumentation as a whole, and you make similar implications in yr post (“your very existence is a threat to trans ideology, so you are punished accordingly for it”.)
i’m not trying to deny or dismiss any negative experiences you had with trans people mistreating you— i think the lack of dialogue & support (and even outright enmity!) for de-transers is bad. but it is notable how bad experiences with trans ppl get framed as trans people “penalizing” detransers for “going against gender ideology” while radfems who make “female only spaces” that are maintained by encouraging everyone to “clock males” (based on bioessentialist logic of how “the sexes always look”) & regularizing shaming “TIMs” for their “ugly and ‘male’ appearance”… are not framed as having inherently harmful ideology on gender lol.
transphobia is very real it’s just not in my opinion a part of feminism the same way …
i’m not even sure where to start with this but like.. to put it blithely this is a bad take that entirely flattens & erases the dynamics of gendered oppression, & why and how gendered class domination of women exists at all (it can’t exist without a simultaneous oppression or hegemonizing of gayness and transness). this is why it’s important to know your stuff on materialist feminisms (monique wittig!) who look at women’s oppression for what it is, a system of domination that is based in maintaining class dynamics & relations of production, in which one class (men) exploits the other’s (women’s) sexual, reproductive and domestic labour.
not understanding the basic structure that produces gendered oppression means you’ll have bad takes like this (“homophobia & transphobia are not related to misogyny, they can overlap sometimes, but they’re not ‘a part of feminism’”).
patriarchy operates on prescribing relations btwn men and women; that it is ‘natural & necessary’ that men & women form heterosexual unions in which women’s “role” is to provide sexual, domestic & reproductive services to build Family and thereby Build the Nation. patriarchy operates based on mandating cisness & heterosexuality, and so patriarchy’s system of relations can only exist through marginalizing gayness & transness! and so any radical fight against patriarchy would necessarily have to center as well on the struggle against homo/transphobic violence (especially how that violence affects gay women & trans women). homo/transphobia is as central to feminist discourse as misogyny is.
and like specifically in regard to transmisogyny! in yr post you were literally like, complaining about how the absolutely virulent hatred toward trans women in radfem circles makes it that any “too masculine” woman that is accused of being a trans woman gets treated like garbage & pushed from women’s spaces. not once in yr post did you identify radfems’ tendencies to marginalize & exclude trans women as the problem though; the problem was that it affected you wrongfully, not that trans women being excluded is an issue in of itself.
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