#im on a roll with my art today haha it wont last long
nobieka · 1 month
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Asher is explaining the fnaf lore to them
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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thelemoncollection · 4 years
Today is the 28th of April, but it's nearly 30 minutes past midnight. So the day was Monday the 27th, and I'm realizing I last wrote about a week ago? Feels like a month.
211,663 people have died from the virus. We're still quarantined but there's talk of opening up the economy in the next few weeks. Lots of businesses will be opened by May. So many more deaths to come. And sooner at that, given the politics of it all. This blood is on Trump's and the GOP's hands. Emma described it today as global trauma.
I find myself struggling to articulate well lately. I notice it best when I'm on video chat with Syd, or trying to explain something I learned about vet med to Mik. I find myself grasping for vocabulary and getting lost mid sentence. Like I'm drunk but there's no buzz. Like I'm tired, but all I do is sleep. I spent the night yesterday with Mik and I woke up spooning her tightly. The feeling of her soft hips at my fingers, or when she rolls over, the stiff fringe of her bangs brushing against my lips, her breath on my neck. I could die there. It's been hot outside lately, she voiced that she remembers how shitty it is when the summer gets warm. Dewy sunshine is priceless, but the heat of the night... I understand why people "cuff" in the wintertime. Last summer I slept with a lot of women, and honestly the heat was a lovely excuse to get naked. So maybe it wont be that bad. But nothing beats snuggling up to Mik on a cold night, to lap at the warmth of her, or to share my heat against her pale porcelain skin like a bird nesting against the cool surface of her egg. Here I am rambling on again. I'm quite tired tonight. I started my period this morning, an hour after waking up with cramps. I put on my jeans to leave Mik's place and felt myself get wet with blood again the seamline. She leant me a pair of sweatpants and brought me my backpack. She gave me coffee and kissed me with a caffeinated tongue. She tastes so good even in the morning. The night before, Sunday night, we made love. I'd been thirsting hard for her the past few days, feeling like a goddamn cat in heat. I told her a few days prior to Sunday how much I wanted sex, but I was tired that day. She was tired that day. She attributed it to work being stressful. Which I have no doubt it is. But frequent headaches... work stress.... school stress. For some reason, even though I now know we had sex on th 15th, which was a little over a week from when we had sex again... it felt like forever? All I do is talk about sex on here. But how can a girl who has the privilege to date a girl that sexy not think about sex all the time.... shit, I find myself staring at her lips and wishing I could suffocate on them. She's so fucking beautiful I can't stand it sometimes. I just collapse into myself. Here i am yowling again like an intact alleycat. I can't help myself. She makes me so wet just looking at her. Last night she let me go down on her and she rode my face hard. To feel her deep on my finger while her lips rock against mine, is ecstasy. Hearing her moan as she get close to climax nearly makes me cum from just listening. She likes using the big blue cock, she suggested to fuck me from behind. I ask her if it turns her on, but she gave me an answer like "it's really fun" and that wasn't convincing enough for me. I'd rather do her sitting up and watch her make faces while she watches me ride her. Gives me better assurance that she's having a good time. I was nervous about having sex since my foul remark I made last time, in the shower. Nervous she'd be scared of me. Or hesitate. I made sure to love on her long enough before asking to go down on her last night. I hope it helped. When I asked if she was ok with me making my way south she gave an enthusiastic yes so that's a good thing. The day or so before hand when we were talking about sex, we shared a long discussion about initiation and consent. I shared my concerns about getting confident consent from her while still being the pursuer. She always hears me so well. Such an excellent listener. I love when she tells me she loves me first. I love making her laugh. I just want to give her endless pleasure. I drink it in like I'd been deprived of her laugh my whole life. So thirsty for her joy and satisfaction.
Syd says she's gonna beak up with Susan. She's been saying it for nearly 2 weeks now, though, and I don't believe her. I want her to see that she deserves so much better. It's a goddamn gift to be gay. A fucking privilege to know the love for women. I want her to feel the pride, the bliss, the power, the strength to love yourself enough to ask for more as a gay woman. To ask for outness, to demand respect. The "big dyke energy" hah. But sincerely.
I wish we weren't on quarantine and that life could go back to normal soon. I miss parading Mikayla around on the crook of my elbow, downtown. I'm gonna take her to buy Mary's mountain cookies when this is over. We'll eat them in the square. People will be drinking and walking around without masks. I'll take her hand and kiss the back of it hard. I'll wear a nice outfit and we'll be each other's arm candy.
I'm mourning the loss of this June's pride. You bet your ass I'm gonna craft so much rainbow shit this summer. Read all the queer literature, watch all the gay films. Maybe I'll put something together for the vet gays.
I stayed at my place tonight, Emma and I ordered Chinese and watched a cute little documentary about an old gay couple that run a dog rescue in South Carolina. We always have such a great time hanging out together, I need to remember to do it more often. I'm really glad I asked the day prior. We talk about art and sex and rechargeable vibrators, and Greek mythology. I lent her new batteries for her poor little lavender vibe she calls... Bumpy Betty? Something like that. She let me her copy of the Blue is the Warmest Color comic. I read half of it tonight after she went to bed. I grew nostalgic for baby gay love. The giddiness of fresh queerdom! So scary but SO extraordinary. And exciting. Now I'm thinking of Rangely again. I sometimes forget that I've taken 5 (is it 5?) lovers since her. She changed my life. I hope she's well. Im always fighting the urge to contact her.
5 isn't even that many. I try to count again. Evan, Jes, Lee, Alyssa (I often forget Alyssa's name and feel guilty for it. She really liked me. It was hard to break things off with her.) Mikayla makes five. I'm grateful for my escapades honestly. I got a better understanding for what I wanted in a lover. Clearly had to subtract men from the picture first haha. But holy shit. I feel really lucky to have found Mik when she was also looking. We might have never met if her friend didn't buy her Tinder Premium. She wouldn't have seen that I swiped right on her. I wouldn't have been able to message her. We would have never known the other lived here. So close, but in totally different worlds. It feels amazing that we seem to fit so well into each other's lives. I think she feels it too. I want to bring her home to my family. I want her to spend more time with my brother. I want her to meet my mom in person. I have so much to look forward to even though it's fucking terrifying. But I want Mik close to me, and I want to make a life with her. The prospect of that is electric in my blood.
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