#im on moon 21 on the game and i forgot how nice things were
gray-thistleclan · 7 months
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edit: sparrowkit was actually 2 moons oopsie daisy
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yumikoflare · 7 years
wowie this is a loooong meme - thanks for the tag @wildricebear more like wild loser bear...........
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people. (putting it under the cut bc it’s 100+ questions!)
1. What is your nickname? i go by yumi! my rl nickname has the same amount of letters 🤔
2. What is your zodiac sign? aqua sun / scorp moon
3. What is your favorite book series? not gonna lie i havent read any book series in a looong time but my fav manga series is fukigen na mononokean!
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? ofc, i believe in both!
5. Who is your favorite author? errr i honestly don’t have one ahaha but sunrisesongs has some reaaaally nice poetry if that counts
6. What is your current favorite song? rn i’m a huuuge fan of kenshi yonezu’s suna no wakusei, namely the soramafu cover!
7. What is your favorite word? uhh don’t have one.. but the word ‘warmth’ has always struck a chord in me?
8. What was the last song you listened to? i think it was ra ra rasputin b/c someone at band was playing it on his phone LOL
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? i don’t watch tv oops  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can’t think of anime recs either smhhh
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i don’t watch movies if i’m feeling down but i remember enjoying the intern?
11. Do you play video games? mmm a little bit.. i play overwatch and sometimes osu and ive played a couple of mmorpgs here and there 
12. What is your biggest fear? losing my purpose and passion
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i’m a good friend! i think that counts
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my lack of patience and intolerance to trials
15. What is your favorite season? winter!!!!!!
16. Are you in a relationship? nah
17. What is something you miss from your childhood? honestly? i don’t miss much in particular from my childhood other than that Sweet Naive Bliss™ because things have been getting better in my life since then so
18. Who is your best friend? nizh, swirl, mari, gil, noah, sam, laura, kayla come to mind
19. What is your eye color? dark brown
20. What is your hair color? dark brown
21. Who is someone you love? all my friends...........
22. Who is someone you trust? the friends i listed earlier!!!
23. Who is someone you think about often? honestly as of recently myself bc im working on bettering myself LOL but other than that, i think of noah kinda often?
24. Are you currently excited about/for something? uuuuhhhh not particularly
25. What is your biggest obsession? currently overwatch
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child? probably spongebob aldsakdsla
27. Do you have any unusual phobias? mmmmmm not sure but my anxiety makes a lot of small things scary so
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? both!!!!
29. What is your favorite hobby? honestly not sure... i like writing but recently i’ve been very into photo and video editing so!!!
30. What was the last book you read? probably the hiding place
31. What was the last movie you watched? goosebumps i think? watched it at home w/ my mom bc she hadnt seen it before
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any? [[[the sound of me, panicked, aggressively slamming my mallets into a timpani can be heard in the distance]]]
33. What is your favorite animal? dogs.... i love dogs
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? hm i rly like yamiiino, kaiami, tofuvi, star-plasma, and zandraart!
35. What superpower do you wish you had? healing factor!!!
36. When and where do you feel most at peace? idk, whenever really, surrounded in my closest friends; either that or doing something i love alone
37. What makes you smile? my friends...... also getting praised......
38. What sports do you play, if any? FUNNY JOKE i cant sports
39. What is your favorite drink? hell....... i love lots of different types of teas (black, green, jasmine, honey, etc) and im also a sucker for matcha... and i also like ice blended drinks... and (virgin bc im underage) mojitos.... and smoothies.......... fdgkjkdf i love drinks a lot ok
40. Are you afraid of heights? yes 10000%
41. What is your biggest pet peeve? close-mindedness and intolerance to other ppl/ideas/etc + having to waste resources
42. Have you ever been to a concert? only one! was a mayday parade concert earlier this year
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? like everything LOL a singer and an author were prob my biggest ones tho
44. What fictional world would you like to live in? HONESTLY the fukigen na mononokean world would be cool to live in... 
45. What is something you worry about? i simultaneously really like and dread band asdlsakdas
46. Are you scared of the dark? yup orz
47. Do you like to sing? heck yea!!!! singing is so good.....
48. Have you ever skipped school? no bc im a goody two-shoes™ 
49. What is your favorite place on the planet? i dunno! i don’t have one! the world’s so big there’s so many places i still have yet to go!!!
50. Where would you like to live? honestly idk i’m happy with where i am now LOL
51. Do you have any pets? i wish......... i want a doggo so bad but my sister and i are allergic
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? i don’t feel like either but i’m closer to a night owl
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? both..... the sky is a goddess and im in love with her.....
54. Do you know how to drive? i’m an anxious minor who is too afraid to get near the wheel LOL
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones bc earbuds always fall outta my ears and its a Pain
56. Have you ever had braces? nope B)
57. What is your favorite genre of music? ummmmm i don’t have a fav bc i’m kinda flexible but i like alt rock? and j-rock/j-pop?
58. Who is your hero? to be completely honest idk if i have one LOL im my own hero™ B))))
59. Do you read comic books? nah
60. What makes you the most angry? probably the same as #41 as well as like myself?? bc i get frustrated with myself v often and that concept makes me angry asdsa;ldas
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? nizh wrote “i like real books but i’m so lazy that i’m more likely to read digital” and i am in agreement
62. What is your favorite subject in school? errrrrrrrr i suppose la? but i’m abt to enter some new classes and learn under totally new teachers so idk it’s bound to change!
63. Do you have any siblings? ye, one older sister
64. What was the last thing you bought? a flowy cardigan from yesterday!!!! im lov it.... i might post a pic of it
65. How tall are you? 5′1′’ and 3/8 sdfkjsdijeiwjeje
66. Can you cook? yo i wish..................
67. What are three things that you love? my friends, music, food/drinks LOL
68. What are three things that you hate? same as #41 and a third thing would prob be conflict?? idk
69. What is your sexual orientation? as far as i know i experience no sexual attraction (asexual) and i experience romantic attraction to anyone and everyone (panromantic) so!
70. Where do you currently live? socal
71. Who was the last person you texted? probably nizh
72. When was the last time you cried? mmmm maybe a week or two ago... i cant recall exactly when so thats good
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber? oooohhh.. im super mainstream but i love arikadou LOL also zylbrad, seagull, and etika
74. Do you like to take selfies? i do! i usually only take selfies like every once in awhile when im feeling cute and when i do i take A Lot
75. What is your favorite app? i lov line camera?? also google photos makes things mucho convenient
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? tbh i find my relationship with my parents to be closer than a lot of my friends’ so :0
77. What is your favorite foreign accent? i dunno! french accents are pretty cool
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? japan! also the philippines
79. What is your favorite number? idk but i like 5 and 8
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? both freak me out but the ocean is pretty interesting
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not in the slightest LOLOL
82. Are you allergic to anything? intolerant to eggs, pretty allergic to any type of nuts so that sucks, n i got those Seasonal Allergies
83. Can you wiggle your ears? NO I HAVENT READ HARRY POTTER
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? umm idk how often LOL whenever i think im wrong..?? which is somewhat frequently?
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forests are lovely
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? honestly idk......... i remember my dad said smth about how you don’t always have to forgive everyone and by saying ‘it’s okay’ permits the other person to repeat the same action, so i choose my words rly carefully now bc of that :o
87. Are you a good liar? kinda half n half... depends on what i’m lying abt
88. What is your Hogwarts House? iiiiii forgot but it was either ravenclaw or hufflepuff... mightve been the former
89. Do you talk to yourself? YEAH especially when i’m practicing music or video editing
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
91. Do you keep a journal/diary? as of very recently yes bc my therapist recommended me to do so :0
92. Do you believe in second chances? usually in most circumstances
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change? oh yeah definitely, anyone is capable of change, it just depends on their attitude towards it
94. Are you ticklish? yes i hate it
95. Have you ever been on a plane? yep, to san francisco and sacramento and i guess once to texas but that was before i could remember so
96. Do you have any piercings? nope and i don’t rly want any tbh
97. What fictional character do you wish was real? i have nooo idea there’s a lot of thought i’d have to put into this question LOL
98. Do you have any tattoos? nah but if i did they’d be veeeery simplistic
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? probably when i decided 1-2 years ago that i wanted to get my life back on track so i could become a person i could love and ive been making progress little by little ever since then
100. Do you believe in karma? mmmmm not reaaallyyyy..... like maybe a little bit but
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts? its ya girl almost legally blind and wearing contacts
102. Do you want children? not sure yet but probably
103. Who is the smartest person you know? no clue omg there are lots of smart ppl in this world
104. What is your most embarrassing memory? sometime in grade school i was sitting at the edge of a playground slide pleading for my friend not to push me down bc i rly had to pee but she did and i literally just pissed all over the slide and we just stared at each other for a long time and that was just........ Very Bad - I HAVE ANOTHER BAD MEMORY THOUGH it wasnt even long ago kill me??? i was at my friend’s house for dinner and her parents asked what my sister was studying and my sister just recently got into college and i had a veeeeeeeery vague grasp on what she was studying so i literally said ‘food and tectonics’ and i wanNA MCDIE BC I MEANT DIETETICS NOT T E C T O N I C S
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? mmm not a real one.. most ive done is stayed up til 6amish with nizh before goin to sleep  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like i’m definitely capable of doing it i just don’t want to
106. What color are most of your clothes? dunno? i have a fairly colorful wardrobe but i almost always wear something w/ black if i’m not going for an all light outfit
107. Do you like adventures? depends on where to bc im very cautious LOL
108. Have you ever been on TV? nope
109. How old are you? how old is ur moM!! dab dab haha xd
110. What is your favorite quote? one of my favs is “there are no happy endings, endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle and a very happy start” by shel silverstein; i have a few others but thats the first that comes to mind
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory tbhhhh
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you? umm not badly but ive been mildly disappointed by a few LOL
113. What is your favorite scent? that clean/fresh linen smell?? and also lavender and then light stuff like eucalyptus mint
114. Random fact you know? the duck-billed platypus can’t keep its eyes open underwater, so it finds its prey by using sensors in its bill that detect electrical impulses n then they strike! theyre pretty cool animals..
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships? nizh said “hard. just, really hard. not sure if it’s worth it” and i also agree
IT IS OVER wow ok 20 ppl is kind of a lot and this is a loooot of questions so im only gonna tag a tiny bit of ppl (dont have to do it if u dont wanna!): @dunmerhealer | @aftertaste-of-memes | @inspiringnokias yeah that’s it LOL this is just Hella Long so idk how many ppl would be up for doin this so ye  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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internetdetectives · 5 years
11/13/19 - Chat with BUP
mfgreth 9:53 PM: "A glitch e day”
BUP 9:58 PM: "BUP”
BUP 9:58 PM: "Was i pinged”
Xenquility 9:59 PM: "Probably not”
BUP 9:59 PM: "Ok then”
BUP 9:59 PM: "Xenquility”
Xenquility 10:00 PM: "?”
BUP 10:01 PM: "Its a nice moon out”
BUP 10:01 PM: "What is your season?”
Xenquility 10:01 PM: "Winter?”
BUP 10:01 PM: "You were born in winter?”
Xenquility 10:01 PM: "Indeed”
BUP 10:01 PM: "Ah hah”
BUP 10:01 PM: "Interesting”
Xenquility 10:02 PM: "Why is that interesting?”
BUP 10:02 PM: "Depends on what you believe in I guess”
Xenquility 10:03 PM: "How so”
BUP 10:03 PM: "Just making small talk”
BUP 10:03 PM: "Ancient beliefs would dictate that your strongest positive aura is in winter”
BUP 10:03 PM: "and your strongest negative energy is in summer”
Wolfcat 10:05 PM: "whose this guy”
otherLiam 10:05 PM: "actually you were pinged”
otherLiam 10:05 PM: "i pinged you”
otherLiam 10:05 PM: "hi”
Xenquility 10:05 PM: "This guy took over babel”
Wolfcat 10:05 PM: "oh nvm”
otherLiam 10:05 PM: "I was asking about your game proposal.”
Wolfcat 10:06 PM: "sup bup”
Xenquility 10:06 PM: "Auras? Sounds like something a certain celestial body of fire was talking about”
BUP 10:06 PM: "Okay well I legit dont know what you mean”
BUP 10:06 PM: "Anyways if you care about that sort of thing it means you would gain most beneficially from acts of kindness in winter and acts of self interest in summer”
Xenquility 10:07 PM: "What season were you born in?”
BUP 10:07 PM: "Spring”
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "you wanted to do some kinda speedrun challenge or something, and if we won we get information. but w/e if it wasn't serious”
Xenquility 10:07 PM: "Spring?”
Xenquility 10:07 PM: "Ah. So acts of self interest in the fall”
BUP 10:08 PM: "Oh the right the game”
BUP 10:08 PM: "If you can even manage to pull it together.”
BUP 10:08 PM: "I wasnt TOO worried about that”
BUP 10:08 PM: "I thought it would be fun :wink:”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "I mean, we like knowing shit.”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "We know so little shit.”
BUP 10:10 PM: "You know a lot of shit”
BUP 10:10 PM: "But not all the shit”
otherLiam 10:10 PM: "We know enough to get ourselves in trouble, I guess.”
BUP 10:10 PM: "I know all the shit”
otherLiam 10:11 PM: "And the way to know your shit is to... speedrun Breath of the Wild? or are there other options?”
BUP 10:11 PM: "Didn't have to be that”
BUP 10:11 PM: "What shit again specifically? I don't remember.”
BUP 10:11 PM: "Like i said i know it all”
BUP 10:11 PM: "Well almost.”
Xenquility 10:12 PM: "Stuff bout ghosty”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:13 PM: "the way bup talks is awfully familiar”
otherLiam 10:13 PM: "What you said before was you'd spill all of GhostBabel's dirt, although if you really know everything there's probably some things we'd rather know.”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:13 PM: "is it? “
BUP 10:14 PM: "Is it”
BUP 10:14 PM: "???”
otherLiam 10:15 PM: "I wouldn't know.”
BUP 10:16 PM: "Lost in his theories”
BUP 10:16 PM: "Last accusation was that I was SKM”
Xenquility 10:17 PM: "He's actually simple fucking flips”
BUP 10:17 PM: "Squaddie Kids Meals”
BUP 10:17 PM: "SKM true lore unlocked confirmed”
BUP 10:17 PM: "Just kidding”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "Why "BUP"?”
BUP 10:19 PM: "Its funny”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:19 PM: ":BUP:”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:19 PM: "bup”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "Man I'm gonna be sad if SimpleFlips is a cultist.”
BUP 10:19 PM: "But im a jevil”
BUP 10:19 PM: "Apparently”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:20 PM: ":Jefault:”
Xenquility 10:20 PM: "Jumbo Jevil”
BUP 10:20 PM: "I mean honestly its not a bad analysis based on how im handling this antagonist role”
otherLiam 10:21 PM: "I mean thus far you aren't much of an antagonist. You locked us out of talking to GhostBabel, whose been dark for months anyway.”
BUP 10:21 PM: "Wait i forgot the creepy meme line”
BUP 10:21 PM: "I'm a bad guy :wink:”
BUP 10:21 PM: "Ok ocd fixed”
BUP 10:21 PM: "I mean thats true”
BUP 10:21 PM: "Then maybe i should threaten something more drastic”
otherLiam 10:21 PM: "Sounds fun.”
Xenquility 10:21 PM: "Not really”
otherLiam 10:21 PM: "But then to keep your jevil status”
otherLiam 10:21 PM: "you have to offer a larger reward, too.”
BUP 10:22 PM: "Do i?”
Xenquility 10:22 PM: "That's a terrible idea”
otherLiam 10:22 PM: "Gotta keep your game fair and balanced.”
Xenquility 10:22 PM: "We dont need a bigger threat”
otherLiam 10:22 PM: "See, Xen's freaking out already.”
BUP 10:22 PM: "Or wouldn't it be more evil to just”
BUP 10:22 PM: "Alter the deal”
otherLiam 10:22 PM: "pray i do not alter it further” 
ADULT_LINK△ 10:22 PM: "jevils whole thing is that he's like. aware of reality on a layer higher than the player characters”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:22 PM: "and he's chaotic”
BUP 10:22 PM: "I mean”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:22 PM: "not neccicerrily evil”
BUP 10:22 PM: "Thats accurate”
Xenquility 10:23 PM: "Bupgm”
otherLiam 10:23 PM: "nah if you really want antagonist status you gotta be like Jigsaw or some shit”
BUP 10:23 PM: "Okay then”
Xenquility 10:23 PM: "No you don't”
otherLiam 10:23 PM: "otherwise you're just like any of these other clowns we gotta roll our eyes at”
Xenquility 10:23 PM: "Liam shut the hell up”
otherLiam 10:24 PM: "Jigsaw's classy, he's got rules and clear rewards and consequences”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:24 PM: "caliborn was based off shitty jigsaw memer from mspaint forums”
otherLiam 10:24 PM: "he's so good his franchise is still living off his rep despite his canon death”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:24 PM: "i say bup seems more gamzee-like, pretty chill so far but likely to go apeshit later on”
BUP 10:25 PM: "I'm only here because someone has been swatting the chessboard”
BUP 10:25 PM: "And it's pissing off the other pieces”
otherLiam 10:26 PM: "Who's that?”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:26 PM: ":hylotl_eyes:”
Xenquility 10:26 PM: "Some guy named wolf maybe”
Xenquility 10:26 PM: "Or ghost”
Xenquility 10:26 PM: "Someone messing up others plans”
BUP 10:26 PM: "Gost is smalltiem”
BUP 10:26 PM: "This is big brain hours”
Xenquility 10:27 PM: "Ay bup I got a question”
BUP 10:27 PM: "I have answer but i might not share”
BUP 10:27 PM: ":wink:”
Xenquility 10:27 PM: "Are you actually working with the bad guys, or are you just  messing with us for fun?”
otherLiam 10:27 PM: "lol which bad guys”
Wolfcat 10:27 PM: "Hey guys”
Wolfcat 10:27 PM: "Whoa, lotta new people”
Wolfcat 10:27 PM: "Why aren't we on Skype again?”
otherLiam 10:28 PM: "...”
otherLiam 10:28 PM: "shut up, wolf.”
Xenquility 10:28 PM: "Fighting words”
BUP 10:28 PM: "@otherLiam correct”
BUP 10:28 PM: "Or i mean”
BUP 10:28 PM: "That is the right question”
Wolfcat 10:28 PM: "OI”
otherLiam 10:28 PM: "Any way I can get a straight answer?”
Xenquility 10:28 PM: "Alright, which bad guys?”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:28 PM: "im just shitpostin lmao”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:29 PM: "unless....?”
BUP 10:29 PM: "Well the answer is both”
BUP 10:29 PM: "I am bad and also trolling”
BUP 10:29 PM: "But only cause i want to be”
BUP 10:29 PM: "This is an active decision I'm making”
otherLiam 10:29 PM: "I meant, a straight answer to "Which bad guys are you with"?”
BUP 10:30 PM: "The ones i assembled”
Xenquility 10:30 PM: "Which ones did you assemble?”
otherLiam 10:30 PM: "Oh man, we got a leader.”
otherLiam 10:30 PM: "This really is big brain hours.”
BUP 10:31 PM: ".img big brain hours”
BUP 10:32 PM: "Ok well”
BUP 10:32 PM: "I wont tell you because that spoils my whole game”
BUP 10:32 PM: "Not the little ones right now i mean the like big shebang”
Xenquility 10:32 PM: "Do you plan on ending the world?”
BUP 10:33 PM: "No”
otherLiam 10:33 PM: "Wow what a question.”
Xenquility 10:33 PM: "Cool”
Xenquility 10:33 PM: "So no Luna bullshit?”
BUP 10:33 PM: "Of course there is”
Xenquility 10:33 PM: "Damnit”
BUP 10:33 PM: "Its just not my personal goal”
otherLiam 10:33 PM: "Man that's refreshing, a villain with a plan beyond "Im gonna drop the moon".”
Xenquility 10:33 PM: "I know. I love this guy”
otherLiam 10:34 PM: "Can we fight you forever?”
BUP 10:34 PM: "You already have”
BUP 10:34 PM: "So to speak”
BUP 10:34 PM: "Well not 'forever'”
BUP 10:34 PM: "Ok well”
otherLiam 10:35 PM: "What you're saying is we've met before.”
BUP 10:35 PM: "I'll give you this then”
Wolfcat 10:35 PM: "Why why why why I don't fight you a lot forever?”
Xenquility 10:35 PM: "Sounds tenebris-esque”
BUP 10:35 PM: "I killed Yuuki”
BUP 10:35 PM: "Not directly”
BUP 10:35 PM: "I mean I didn't strangle her myself”
BUP 10:35 PM: "But i mqde the decision that led to it happening”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "Oh my”
BUP 10:36 PM: "*made”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:36 PM: "haha oof”
otherLiam 10:36 PM: "Well that does narrow it down.”
BUP 10:36 PM: "Does it?”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:36 PM: "does it?”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "Why did you decide to kill her?”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "Kinda. Puts you in one of the two universes.”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:37 PM: "*four”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "circle pizz off”
BUP 10:37 PM: "Now you're questioning where and who i am based upon a timeline theory”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:37 PM: ":angerymista:”
Wolfcat 10:37 PM: "She won't die.”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "This guy could transcend timelines for all we know”
Wolfcat 10:37 PM: "Not if I can stop it.”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "Wolf she's already dead.”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "Bad news.”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "We didn't stop it.”
BUP 10:38 PM: "@Wolfcat cry more”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:38 PM: "this is the wolfcat from the alternate universe where he has alzheimer's”
Xenquility 10:38 PM: "LMAO”
Wolfcat 10:38 PM: "You'll be the one crying at the end of this”
BUP 10:38 PM: "Good luck”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "There's no need to be rude to BUP.”
Xenquility 10:38 PM: "Wolf don't be sad you still have Erika”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "Just because he's our enemy doesn't mean we can't be friends.”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:38 PM: "would explain the skype avatar and asking why we arent on skype”
BUP 10:38 PM: "Hooe it goes better than last time wolf”
BUP 10:38 PM: "Hope*”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "he's just wolfposting”
BUP 10:38 PM: "Man i am a typomaniac”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:38 PM: ":ZoomEyes:”
Wolfcat 10:39 PM: "I am preparing a place for her”
Xenquility 10:39 PM: "Can we stop trying to fit each person into a damn timeline and just accept we hardly have any clue if any of our theories are correct”
Wolfcat 10:39 PM: "A nice little home for us to live in”
Wolfcat 10:39 PM: "Forever”
BUP 10:39 PM: "Gross”
BUP 10:39 PM: "Hey wolf”
Wolfcat 10:39 PM: "Me, me, him, and her”
Wolfcat 10:39 PM: "yea”
otherLiam 10:39 PM: "yikes.”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:40 PM: "literally how do you think i wasn't shitposting last night”
Xenquility 10:40 PM: "I've lost so much faith in humanity I can't tell the difference anymore”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:40 PM: "i have lost the ability to tell who's being serious and who's fucking around in this server”
Xenquility 10:40 PM: "^”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "I’m always serious.”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: ":wink:”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "Oh wait”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "“Cus I’m a good guy :wink: “”
Xenquility 10:41 PM: "i vote song of time lets go save yuuki guys hurray hurrah”
Xenquility 10:41 PM: ":BUP:”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:42 PM: ":BUP:”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:42 PM: "when the fuck did emojis get so big”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:42 PM: "why is my bup emoji so scuffed”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:42 PM: "one of the recent updates”
Xenquility 10:42 PM: "my bup can beat your bup”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:42 PM: "the update i got today broke my bandadged betterdiscord :c”
Xenquility 10:42 PM: "You got your bup on my bup!”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:42 PM: "i dont have any of my plugins”
Xenquility 10:42 PM: "No, you got your bup on my bup!”
Xenquility 10:42 PM: "Buput bupper bups”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:43 PM: "where did you get your bup”
Xenquility 10:43 PM: ":BUP: me baby”
Xenquility 10:43 PM: "hey @BUP do you own the M channel now?”
BUP 10:44 PM: "no”
Xenquility 10:44 PM: "cool”
BUP 10:45 PM: "Hey wolf”
Wolfcat 10:45 PM: "yes”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "△”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "-BUP”
Wolfcat 10:45 PM: "I'm already here”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "Hey Greth posted that in the premiere chat”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:45 PM: "?”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "Greth posted △ in the premiere chat for The End”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:46 PM: "ready for an outlandish alternate timeline theory that i wholeheartedly believe?”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "(The Start Life video)”
BUP 10:46 PM: "I'm ready”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:46 PM: "bup is AO helper”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "of course”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "genius”
BUP 10:46 PM: "god you wish”
Wolfcat 10:46 PM: "wholefartedly”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:46 PM: "lmao”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "wholefeetedly”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:46 PM: "except he's not helpful at all”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:46 PM: "and is evil”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:46 PM: "but like”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:46 PM: "otherwise literally the same person”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "bup is au luna”
BUP 10:46 PM: "oh!”
Xenquility 10:47 PM: "Wait”
BUP 10:47 PM: "guess what!”
BUP 10:47 PM: "that's super wrong”
Xenquility 10:47 PM: "https://images.homedepot-static.com/productImages/930c2484-4b61-4b34-9e86-d8d4858cf565/svn/backyard-x-scapes-fake-rocks-hdd-rof-rocsb-64_1000.jpg”
Xenquility 10:47 PM: “die fool”
Xenquility 10:47 PM: “bup is au Alex Hall”
Wolfcat 10:47 PM: "Helper is an ancient primordial being”
Xenquility 10:47 PM: "His master plan of evil was stealing our money”
Xenquility 10:47 PM: "Digital Fireside is his way of kidnapping celebrities to rule the world”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:47 PM: "bup is actually alex hall shitposting in ID and tyler is going to be very angery”
BUP 10:48 PM: "Tyler is angry anyways”
Xenquility 10:48 PM: "BUP is actually au BEN”
Xenquility 10:48 PM: "My evidence?”
Xenquility 10:48 PM: "Bup is three letters”
Xenquility 10:48 PM: "Ben is three letters”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:48 PM: "clearly bup is me but evil”
Wolfcat 10:48 PM: "BUP Soteetos”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:48 PM: "and uses capitals”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:48 PM: "the face from soteetos needs to be an emoji”
BUP 10:48 PM: "Wow i love how this entire dialogue is just speculating on who i am
and nothing that could actually hold my interest”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:49 PM: "bup is literally a toad”
BUP 10:49 PM: "you all are shart”
Wolfcat 10:49 PM: "They always ask who you are”
Wolfcat 10:49 PM: "But not how you are”
Xenquility 10:49 PM: "Specishiting”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:49 PM: "im not actuallu speculating i'm just fucking around”
Wolfcat 10:49 PM: "How are you tonight Bup”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:49 PM: "they always ask who you are”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:49 PM: "but never why you are”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:49 PM: "why are you bup?”
BUP 10:49 PM: "that's like asking for all the answers at once”
BUP 10:49 PM: "and you dont even know it”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:49 PM: ":sBup:”
Wolfcat 10:50 PM: "When are you Bup?”
BUP 10:50 PM: "now”
Xenquility 10:50 PM: "Do you want us dead?”
BUP 10:50 PM: "no”
Xenquility 10:50 PM: "Do you want Tyler dead?”
BUP 10:50 PM: "me personally?”
BUP 10:50 PM: "no”
BUP 10:50 PM: "actually not at all even”
BUP 10:50 PM: "well kinda but not really”
BUP 10:50 PM: "this is difficult to explain”
Xenquility 10:51 PM: "Are you worried about the fact the lc/ao people could very well end the world and all the fun in it if they succeed in calling down Luna?”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:51 PM: "this conversation is the ID equivalent of the extended version of that scene where weasel tells deadpool what his face looks like”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:51 PM: "lmao circo”
BUP 10:51 PM: "how many layers are you even on bro”
otherLiam 10:52 PM: "bro i leave to eat and suddenly yall are just throwin weird shit”
otherLiam 10:52 PM: "what does hold your interest, BUP?”
BUP 10:52 PM: "because that could all happen and me and my squad would go”
BUP 10:52 PM: "'ok well that was one way of our game ending'”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:52 PM: ":heckasmug:”
BUP 10:52 PM: "well game is putting it lightly”
Xenquility 10:52 PM: "Other than you, have we previously encountered anyone in your Squad?”
otherLiam 10:53 PM: "squaaaaaad”
BUP 10:53 PM: "literally everyone you've ever met”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:53 PM: "are you from the other ID”
BUP 10:53 PM: "is part of someone's squad”
BUP 10:53 PM: "and you dont even know it”
otherLiam 10:53 PM: "calling on the power of an ancient moon goddess #squadgoals”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:53 PM: "squadfam”
Xenquility 10:53 PM: "Is that eoeoeoeoeo guy affiliated with you?”
BUP 10:53 PM: "no”
Wolfcat 10:53 PM: "low leveled layer fools”
Xenquility 10:54 PM: "Oooo”
ARGDov 10:54 PM: "oof wow ok I missed some shit”
otherLiam 10:54 PM: "we’re just chattin with bup”
BUP 10:54 PM: "i mean there's the main squad”
BUP 10:54 PM: "and the we each separately have our own squaddies”
BUP 10:54 PM: "to play our games”
ARGDov 10:55 PM: "huh”
ARGDov 10:55 PM: "whats the main squad?”
BUP 10:55 PM: "i am using analogy”
ARGDov 10:55 PM: "well, ok”
BUP 10:55 PM: "because i have to be mysterious”
ARGDov 10:55 PM: "what squaddy are you a part of?”
ARGDov 10:55 PM: "pfff”
otherLiam 10:55 PM: ":ghost: spooky”
Xenquility 10:55 PM: "Why does everyone have to be mysterious”
BUP 10:55 PM: "i am the master of my game”
Xenquility 10:55 PM: "No matter how it's presented the schtick gets a bit old”
otherLiam 10:55 PM: "one day we’ll meet someone that gives us a straight answer”
ARGDov 10:55 PM: "because the other way is no fun”
otherLiam 10:55 PM: "i have faith”
ARGDov 10:55 PM: "for them”
ARGDov 10:55 PM: "@BUP what game?”
Xenquility 10:56 PM: "(I'm kidding if that wasn't implied)”
BUP 10:56 PM: "okay do you remember kingdom hearts”
ARGDov 10:56 PM: "yes”
BUP 10:56 PM: "how those two idiot kids played chess”
Wolfcat 10:56 PM: "yes”
otherLiam 10:56 PM: "Oh no.”
ARGDov 10:56 PM: "I dont remember that but whatever”
otherLiam 10:56 PM: "It’s in the latest one.”
BUP 10:56 PM: "and then they xanatos gambited half the universe into simple and cleaning their way into death”
Wolfcat 10:56 PM: "xehanort and eraqus”
otherLiam 10:57 PM: "Yes.”
BUP 10:57 PM: "okay i am one of those guys in this situation but there are more kids with bad haircuts playing chess”
Xenquility 10:57 PM: "lmao any chance we could win the game?”
BUP 10:57 PM: "and its not actually like kingdom hearts at all”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:57 PM: "i dont know kingdom hearts”
otherLiam 10:58 PM: "I get the feeling we’re losing so badly at this point that it’s like in Mario Party when you’re in 4th but can steal a star to decide who wins.”
BUP 10:58 PM: "not really”
BUP 10:58 PM: "you saw how things are going in general”
BUP 10:58 PM: "at some point when lines blur”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:58 PM: "we just gotta hope BUP isnt Hard DK”
BUP 10:58 PM: "fun things sneak in”
Xenquility 10:59 PM: "Any chance you could tell us who eoeoeoeoeo is and/or if we've previously encountered him?”
BUP 10:59 PM: "you know fuck mario party honestly”
Xenquility 10:59 PM: "Mario party is awesome how dare you”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:59 PM: "wait you never answered”
ADULT_LINK△ 10:59 PM: "are you from the other ID”
ARGDov 10:59 PM: "wait when lines blur”
ARGDov 10:59 PM: "what do you mean lines blur”
Xenquility 10:59 PM: "Lines are pretty blurry right now and BUP is pretty fun”
ARGDov 10:59 PM: "and I thought he said he wasnt?”
BUP 10:59 PM: "i am from every ID”
Xenquility 10:59 PM: "Hey yugi”
ARGDov 10:59 PM: "EVERY ID?”
BUP 10:59 PM: "ye”
ARGDov 11:00 PM: "wait do you mean from every one of us as individuals”
BUP 11:00 PM: "no”
ARGDov 11:00 PM: "or every iteration of the group across the dimensions”
BUP 11:00 PM: "lmao”
BUP 11:00 PM: "kind of”
BUP 11:00 PM: "think broader”
BUP 11:00 PM: "but dont actually”
BUP 11:00 PM: "ive said too much”
ARGDov 11:00 PM: "ok”
BUP 11:00 PM: "my spider sense is tingling”
Xenquility 11:00 PM: "No you haven't”
ARGDov 11:00 PM: "headache forming”
ARGDov 11:00 PM: "and why is it tingling?”
Wolfcat 11:01 PM: "damn you spoiled the end of jid”
Xenquility 11:01 PM: "no jk”
ARGDov 11:01 PM: "lets not”
ARGDov 11:01 PM: "I guess hes gone?”
ARGDov 11:01 PM: "....ok then”
Xenquility 11:01 PM: "how did he spoil the end of jid exactly?”
BUP 11:01 PM: "what”
Wolfcat 11:01 PM: "i was talking about the roblox pic”
ARGDov 11:01 PM: "oh no you're still here”
ARGDov 11:01 PM: "shows what I know”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:01 PM: "we must become powerful”
otherLiam 11:01 PM: "wut”
ARGDov 11:01 PM: "@BUP why are your spidey senses tingling”
Wolfcat 11:01 PM: "damn”
BUP 11:01 PM: "from saying too much on that topic”
ARGDov 11:02 PM: "oh damn”
ARGDov 11:02 PM: "anyways hmm”
Xenquility 11:02 PM: "Think you could tell us about eoeoeoeoeo?”
BUP 11:02 PM: "i cant”
ARGDov 11:02 PM: "also- why are you here?”
BUP 11:02 PM: "because i dont know”
Xenquility 11:02 PM: "fuck”
Xenquility 11:02 PM: "oh”
BUP 11:02 PM: "not my purview fucko”
Wolfcat 11:02 PM: "more like purrview”
BUP 11:02 PM: "shut up furry”
Xenquility 11:02 PM: "more like purrvore”
BUP 11:03 PM: "okay goodbye”
ARGDov 11:03 PM: "still not answering my question”
Wolfcat 11:03 PM: "this guy knows whats up”
ARGDov 11:03 PM: "why are you here?”
Xenquility 11:03 PM: "something about he likes fun and games and shit”
Xenquility 11:03 PM: "Because every evil being likes to fuck with us”
Wolfcat 11:03 PM: "isnt that why we're all here?”
Xenquility 11:03 PM: "Can't blame them we're the epitome of retardation”
Wolfcat 11:04 PM: "we are homo ludens”
otherLiam 11:04 PM: "yall you gotta banter with bup”
ARGDov 11:04 PM: "we have been”
Wolfcat 11:04 PM: "no”
otherLiam 11:04 PM: "else they get bored”
Wolfcat 11:05 PM: "answer my question”
Wolfcat 11:05 PM: "answer my question now”
ARGDov 11:05 PM: "we'll Im trying to anyways”
Wolfcat 11:05 PM: "youre not answering my question”
otherLiam 11:05 PM: "no youve been interviewing him”
ARGDov 11:05 PM: "I cant just force banter”
Xenquility 11:05 PM: "Cool mr let's get bup to raise the stakes”
BUP 11:05 PM: "like CHILDREN”
BUP 11:05 PM: "ok what”
BUP 11:05 PM: "what is it”
BUP 11:05 PM: "god”
Xenquility 11:05 PM: "interviews are fun”
ARGDov 11:05 PM: "lol we are like children its true”
Wolfcat 11:05 PM: "@BUP”
Wolfcat 11:05 PM: "hi bup”
ARGDov 11:05 PM: "interviews are only fun when they're with vampires who may rip your head off if you arent careful”
otherLiam 11:05 PM: "wut”
BUP 11:06 PM: "that's true”
Xenquility 11:06 PM: "Are you assuming he's not a vampire?”
BUP 11:06 PM: "that gives me an idea for a game”
BUP 11:06 PM: "how about you interview me and if i don't like the question”
BUP 11:06 PM: "someone dies”
Wolfcat 11:06 PM: "sounds reasonable”
Xenquility 11:06 PM: "How about no?”
otherLiam 11:06 PM: "will it be someone important”
BUP 11:06 PM: "maybe”
BUP 11:06 PM: "maybe not”
otherLiam 11:06 PM: "can i call first dibs on dying”
BUP 11:06 PM: "no”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:06 PM: "can i die”
BUP 11:06 PM: "i have someone in mind”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:07 PM: "oh damn dibs got called”
Xenquility 11:07 PM: “That's ominous”
Wolfcat 11:07 PM: "damn”
Wolfcat 11:07 PM: "im starting to realize”
otherLiam 11:07 PM: "I mean I’d be down if you set rules for what you “don’t like”.”
otherLiam 11:07 PM: "Otherwise you could just say you don’t like every question.”
BUP 11:07 PM: "okay then”
BUP 11:07 PM: "1. yes and no / true false questions”
BUP 11:07 PM: "- none of these, i don't like em”
BUP 11:07 PM: "2. stop asking my identity”
BUP 11:07 PM: "3. No asking about Tyler”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:09 PM: "wait fuck thats a yes/no sorta”
Xenquility 11:09 PM: "Not really”
Xenquility 11:09 PM: "I thought it was good”
otherLiam 11:10 PM: "(please for the love of god submit these elsewhere for approval)”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:10 PM: "i mean he could literally answr with "yes" or "no" and refuse to elaborate”
otherLiam 11:10 PM: "(he’ll kill someone)”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:10 PM: "man, not asking a question that could be asnwered with a yes/no is hard”
ARGDov 11:11 PM: "ok fine, better questions than”
ARGDov 11:11 PM: "@BUP can you tell us what SKM and his brother have been up to?”
BUP 11:12 PM: "working with a group of hackers”
ARGDov 11:12 PM: "what on?”
BUP 11:12 PM: "computers”
otherLiam 11:12 PM: "pfft”
Wolfcat 11:12 PM: ":hmmm:”
ARGDov 11:12 PM: "hahhaha”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:12 PM: "do you have any suggestions for getting dried blood off a nintendo switch”
ARGDov 11:12 PM: "What are the hackers doing o nthe computers?”
otherLiam 11:12 PM: "soap and water thorin”
otherLiam 11:12 PM: "it’s hard plastic, not a fucking couch”
BUP 11:13 PM: "nail polish remover”
BUP 11:13 PM: "be careful”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:13 PM: "hm”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:13 PM: "aiight, thanks man”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:13 PM: "i'll look into getting some nail polish remover i guess”
Xenquility 11:14 PM: "What are Nocta and crew currently working on?”
BUP 11:14 PM: "try regular isopropyl rubbing alcohol first”
BUP 11:14 PM: "nail polish remover can sometime strip color from plastic”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:14 PM: "oh yikes, yeah i'll try rubbing alcohol first for sure then”
ARGDov 11:15 PM: "lmao we've lost track of the questions again”
ARGDov 11:15 PM: "that was fast”
otherLiam 11:15 PM: "I mean here’s an obvious question. Why are johnisdead.com and lunarchildren.com locked down?”
BUP 11:15 PM: "@Xenquility nocta is hiding”
ARGDov 11:15 PM: "why is he hiding?”
BUP 11:15 PM: "@ARGDov”
BUP 11:15 PM: "because of you all”
ARGDov 11:15 PM: "wait what did we do to scare him?”
otherLiam 11:15 PM: "Ooo we got him running scared.”
otherLiam 11:15 PM: "I mean we played a buncha magic songs at him and are actively trying to dig into his secret safe space”
Xenquility 11:16 PM: "What's going on with archives guy?”
ARGDov 11:16 PM: "eh, Im hoping for specifics”
BUP 11:17 PM: "archives guy is lost”
BUP 11:17 PM: "lost to me anyway”
BUP 11:17 PM: "i'm damn near omniscient but he went deep”
ARGDov 11:17 PM: "daaamn”
ARGDov 11:17 PM: "so hes still around”
ARGDov 11:17 PM: "good to know I guess”
BUP 11:17 PM: "somewhere”
ARGDov 11:18 PM: "Im still wondering what we did to scare off nocta”
BUP 11:18 PM: "well”
BUP 11:18 PM: "you didnt scare him off”
BUP 11:18 PM: "what you caused scared him off”
ARGDov 11:18 PM: "meaning....?”
Xenquility 11:18 PM: "Elegy”
BUP 11:18 PM: "that's part of it”
ARGDov 11:18 PM: "maybe let him answer before guessing lol”
ARGDov 11:18 PM: "ok, well, whats the rest of it?”
BUP 11:19 PM: "hmm”
otherLiam 11:19 PM: "If we did that, you’d be the only person asking questions.”
Xenquility 11:19 PM: "Posting the song of time or whatever on their forums probably didnt help either”
BUP 11:19 PM: "not sure that's safe to talk about here”
BUP 11:19 PM: "even for me”
ARGDov 11:19 PM: "well then y'all should ask some good ones too lol”
BUP 11:19 PM: "not that i'm scared”
ARGDov 11:19 PM: "ok,well, noted”
otherLiam 11:19 PM: "What exactly did the Elegy do?”
Xenquility 11:19 PM: "What keeps preventing people from talking about the stuff we need to know about?”
BUP 11:19 PM: "release an entity into that realm”
BUP 11:19 PM: "dont ask me what because i dont know”
BUP 11:19 PM: "rather, i dont care”
ARGDov 11:20 PM: "fair I suppose”
BUP 11:20 PM: "you can blame slinky”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:20 PM: "do you have any suggestions for our next move?”
Xenquility 11:20 PM: "Why are our two greth's in the past?”
BUP 11:21 PM: "@ADULT_LINK△ no”
BUP 11:21 PM: "@Xenquility because i thought it'd be useful”
BUP 11:21 PM: "and it was”
ARGDov 11:22 PM: "wait”
ARGDov 11:22 PM: "you did that”
Xenquility 11:22 PM: "For you, or for us?”
ARGDov 11:22 PM: "damn your powerful”
BUP 11:22 PM: "you know”
BUP 11:22 PM: "i am, and i'm really not”
ARGDov 11:23 PM: "ok, other question- should we be afraid of you?”
BUP 11:23 PM: "if only you could truly understand”
Xenquility 11:23 PM: "uh”
Xenquility 11:23 PM: "dov”
BUP 11:23 PM: "i think you should be afraid of any stranger willing to tell you what you want to hear”
ARGDov 11:23 PM: "thats true but I suppose wasnt my point lol”
BUP 11:23 PM: "it is.”
ARGDov 11:24 PM: "either way Im sure the point is moot”
ARGDov 11:24 PM: "hmmm ok other questions”
ARGDov 11:24 PM: "where is Tyler now? our universes tyler”
BUP 11:24 PM: "ding ding ding”
Xenquility 11:24 PM: ".....”
Wolfcat 11:24 PM: "welp”
Xenquility 11:24 PM: "DOV”
Xenquility 11:24 PM: "BOMB PLANS 3.0”
ARGDov 11:24 PM: "?”
Xenquility 11:25 PM: "3. No asking about Tyler”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:25 PM: "dov you dunce”
ARGDov 11:25 PM: "shit”
ARGDov 11:25 PM: "my bad sorry”
Wolfcat 11:25 PM: ":turboass:”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:25 PM: "welp you just killed someone”
ARGDov 11:25 PM: "what no I didnt”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:25 PM: ":rip:”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:25 PM: "yeah”
Xenquility 11:25 PM: "The punishment for asking a question he didn't like was someone dying”
ARGDov 11:25 PM: "FUCK”
ARGDov 11:25 PM: "IM SORRU”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:25 PM: "https://gyazo.com/a1beaf63b6873604c4424185a1835051”
Xenquility 11:25 PM: "Kill? yes”
otherLiam 11:26 PM: "Are you”
otherLiam 11:26 PM: "fucking”
ARGDov 11:26 PM: "@BUP sorry please dont kill someone :c”
otherLiam 11:26 PM: "serious.”
ARGDov 11:26 PM: "I FORGOT”
ARGDov 11:26 PM: "SORRY”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:26 PM: "dov you're like”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:26 PM: "a huge murderer now”
Wolfcat 11:26 PM: "kill dov in their place”
otherLiam 11:26 PM: "It’s THREE RULES.”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:26 PM: "you nearly killed people with bomb plans, you voted yes instantly on the kill vote, and now this”
Wolfcat 11:27 PM: ":hmmm:”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:27 PM: "oh shit is there more?”
ARGDov 11:27 PM: "no”
ARGDov 11:27 PM: "the runes didnt get anyone KILLED”
ARGDov 11:27 PM: "ok fine”
ARGDov 11:27 PM: "Im out of questions”
ARGDov 11:27 PM: "you fuckers think of something”
otherLiam 11:27 PM: "YOU THINK?!”
BUP 11:27 PM: "desperation makes me smile”
BUP 11:27 PM: "tbh”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:27 PM: "the bear jew strikes again”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:27 PM: "i uh. think the questions are over”
Xenquility 11:27 PM: "Who just died?”
Xenquility 11:27 PM: "lmao”
Wolfcat 11:27 PM: "you're out of questions”
Wolfcat 11:27 PM: "im out of time”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:27 PM: "unless we get to kill more people”
ARGDov 11:27 PM: "Im an otter actually.”
otherLiam 11:28 PM: "I have questions but I’m pretty sure you just game over’d us by spamming them.”
ARGDov 11:28 PM: "too skinny to be a bear”
BUP 11:28 PM: "I'll give you a choice”
BUP 11:28 PM: "how about this”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:28 PM: "you see, this is a reference to both the homosexual male lifestyle and the 2005 quentin tarantino film "inglourious basterds"”
BUP 11:28 PM: “I could kill someone you love, but is of little consequence to you now”
ARGDov 11:28 PM: "clearly you dont know your gay body types well circle”
BUP 11:28 PM: "Or i could kill someone you hate, but it would set you back far”
ARGDov 11:28 PM: "shit”
ARGDov 11:28 PM: "you mean to us as a group”
Xenquility 11:28 PM: "Alright who do we love?”
ARGDov 11:29 PM: "Im not picking this”
Xenquility 11:29 PM: "We love Tyler”
Xenquility 11:29 PM: "Moonman”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:29 PM: "the only person from the group that i like. hate”
Xenquility 11:29 PM: "Greth”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:29 PM: "kill mugen”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:29 PM: "woul dbe mugen”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:29 PM: "i swear to fuck if mugen is neccecarry”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:29 PM: "WHOM”
otherLiam 11:29 PM: "Who the fuck is this now”
Xenquility 11:29 PM: "Let's balance our options”
Xenquility 11:29 PM: "List off people we love”
otherLiam 11:29 PM: "look the choice is obvious here”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:29 PM: "whom'st dide”
Wolfcat 11:29 PM: "oh please give him some ideas”
otherLiam 11:29 PM: "we can’t afford any more setbacks.”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "I know who we should pick”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:30 PM: "i was joking please do not kill mugen”
otherLiam 11:30 PM: "We already have tons.”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "yeah we need to be calculating”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:30 PM: "hehe dide sounds like died”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "actually yes”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "next time someone asks a bad question”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "kill mugen”
otherLiam 11:30 PM: "Fuck our loved ones, necessary sacrifices.”
Xenquility 11:30 PM: "I concur”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "im inclined to agree with Liam”
Wolfcat 11:30 PM: "kill someone we love”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "although Im worried”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "bloods gonna be on my hands now :c”
Xenquility 11:30 PM: "If we get set back anymore, we're fucked and all our loved ones die”
otherLiam 11:30 PM: "YEAH NO SHIT”
ARGDov 11:30 PM: "oh fuck off Liam”
BUP 11:30 PM: "well it's done”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:31 PM: "dov this is like the eighth death you're responsible for”
ARGDov 11:31 PM: "someone else wouldve fucked it up if I hadnt”
ARGDov 11:31 PM: "....”
ARGDov 11:31 PM: "name the other ones”
otherLiam 11:31 PM: "Do we get to know who’s dead?”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:31 PM: "are you sure about that”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:31 PM: "technically maybe more”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:31 PM: "i'd like to know who we just killed as well” 
ARGDov 11:31 PM: "same”
otherLiam 11:31 PM: "Yeah but like, which loved one”
BUP 11:31 PM: "you see it's funny when you can play with the rules”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:31 PM: "hold on, someone's knocking at m”
ARGDov 11:31 PM: "if its greth Im going to be extremely upset”
ARGDov 11:31 PM: "NO”
BUP 11:32 PM: "because to you”
BUP 11:32 PM: "theyre already dead”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:32 PM: "lmao fuck off circle”
ARGDov 11:32 PM: "......oh SHIT”
ARGDov 11:32 PM: "PARADOX”
Xenquility 11:32 PM: "uh”
otherLiam 11:32 PM: "Oh ffs we just killed Yuuki.”
ARGDov 11:32 PM: "YUKI”
Xenquility 11:32 PM: "LMAO”
otherLiam 11:32 PM: "In the past.”
BUP 11:32 PM: "i told you before”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:32 PM: "that would explain earlier lmao”
otherLiam 11:32 PM: "@Wolfcat dov killed your waifu”
Xenquility 11:32 PM: "Well that was better than I expected”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:32 PM: "wait have we done this before”
ARGDov 11:32 PM: "SHHH LIAM”
ARGDov 11:32 PM: "SHUT UP]”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:32 PM: "jesus christ that was a masterful setup”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:32 PM: "is this some time loop shenannigans”
ARGDov 11:32 PM: "so wait”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:32 PM: "also hot damn that was really good”
otherLiam 11:33 PM: "DOV”
otherLiam 11:33 PM: "FFS”
Xenquility 11:33 PM: "(lmao what if it was john)”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:33 PM: "did bup talk about anyone we disliked earlier?”
Xenquility 11:33 PM: "The interview is over”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:33 PM: "JOHN HOLY FUCK”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:33 PM: "thats not a question for but thats for the room”
ARGDov 11:33 PM: "what are you talking about theres nothing there”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:33 PM: "DOV KILLED JOHN”
Xenquility 11:33 PM: "big brain”
otherLiam 11:33 PM: "jesus god”
Wolfcat 11:33 PM: "god fucking damn it dov”
ARGDov 11:33 PM: "ok so fuck it”
Wolfcat 11:33 PM: "She'll △lways live”
ARGDov 11:33 PM: "we killed Yuki”
ARGDov 11:33 PM: "and thats it”
BUP 11:34 PM: "I killed Yuuki”
BUP 11:34 PM: "Not directly”
BUP 11:34 PM: "I mean I didn't strangle her myself”
BUP 11:34 PM: "But i made the decision that led to it happening”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:34 PM: "dov is the whole ass reason we're in this mess”
ARGDov 11:34 PM: "no one else”
ARGDov 11:34 PM: "no one asked any other bad questions”
ARGDov 11:34 PM: "shhhhh”
otherLiam 11:34 PM: "Alright so uh”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:34 PM: "someone shittily photoshop dovs face onto this”
otherLiam 11:34 PM: "do we get to keep asking questions?”
ARGDov 11:34 PM: "LIAM”
BUP 11:34 PM: "you're lucky i didn't stomp on the mouse instead”
Xenquility 11:35 PM: "Doug?”
otherLiam 11:35 PM: "That’s not to him.”
otherLiam 11:35 PM: "Chill.”
BUP 11:35 PM: "that wouldve caused real problems waaaaay back”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:35 PM: "mouse?”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:35 PM: "wait”
Xenquility 11:35 PM: "Mouse = doug”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:35 PM: "PLEASE LEAVE HIM ALONE”
Xenquility 11:35 PM: "maybe”
ARGDov 11:35 PM: "letschasethemouse”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:35 PM: "CURSOR IS A GOOD BOI”
otherLiam 11:35 PM: "I didn’t do anything silly like ping him.”
Wolfcat 11:35 PM: "He's being a bitchass”
Xenquility 11:35 PM: "Holy shit cursor”
BUP 11:35 PM: "@Wolfcat”
BUP 11:35 PM: "gunna cry?”
ARGDov 11:35 PM: "...”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:35 PM: "i think dov could have just murdered instead of bomb plans
maybe cum a little?”
otherLiam 11:35 PM: "@BUP How can we get the login creds to johnisdead.com or lunarchildren.com?”
otherLiam 11:35 PM: "There’s a question.”
Xenquility 11:36 PM: "(I'm not asking Bup this) Does that mean that Doug will be immediately useful to us?”
otherLiam 11:36 PM: "Get this back on track.”
Xenquility 11:36 PM: "(To clarify I'm asking the group that)”
ARGDov 11:36 PM: "not necesarily”
ARGDov 11:36 PM: "he couldve picked him”
ARGDov 11:36 PM: "which means hes not useful to us atm either”
Xenquility 11:36 PM: "We don't love doug”
Xenquility 11:36 PM: "nescessarily”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:36 PM: "bup seems to not be linear in time”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:36 PM: "doug a bitch”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:36 PM: "since dov just killed yuuki in the past”
BUP 11:36 PM: "well she was ascended”
BUP 11:36 PM: "but i told them to do that”
BUP 11:36 PM: "i needed an excuse for our game”
otherLiam 11:37 PM: "REMEMBER THE RULES”
BUP 11:37 PM: "oh you think we're still playing?”
BUP 11:37 PM: "you want to risk more people?”
BUP 11:37 PM: "lmao”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:37 PM: "nah not really”
Xenquility 11:37 PM: "P sure it's over”
BUP 11:37 PM: "bloodthirsty”
otherLiam 11:37 PM: "I’ll risk it.”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:37 PM: "i figured dov murdering someone was the end”
otherLiam 11:37 PM: "It’s not a risk if you just think before sending.”
ARGDov 11:37 PM: "pffff”
Wolfcat 11:37 PM: "You're risking your own chess pieces”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:37 PM: "do we really want to risk killing another person when we've asked so many fuckin yes/no's”
ARGDov 11:37 PM: "no we dont”
otherLiam 11:38 PM: "who the fuck is we”
BUP 11:38 PM: "my army is larger”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:38 PM: "the group as a whole, duh”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:38 PM: "the hell you think i mean by we”
ARGDov 11:38 PM: "whod have thought that someone with a toad avatar would be so twisted”
Xenquility 11:38 PM: "I vote we fuck this game and go back to the No-Rule Questions But Bup Probably Won't Answer system”
otherLiam 11:38 PM: "Cus i aint asked any dumbass questions”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:39 PM: "you've asked like 2 or 3 yes/no's since dov killed yuuki”
ARGDov 11:39 PM: "lol yup”
BUP 11:39 PM: "this is fun”
otherLiam 11:39 PM: "I asked one to the group.”
BUP 11:39 PM: "i can make a simple game”
Xenquility 11:39 PM: "Can we all shut up and stop arguing?”
BUP 11:39 PM: "and turn this place into a battle royale”
BUP 11:39 PM: "you all turn on each other easily”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:39 PM: "me lmao”
Xenquility 11:39 PM: "Bup is obviously enjoying this”
otherLiam 11:39 PM: "Fuck these guys I’d like to still play.”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:39 PM: "we playin realm royale now?”
Xenquility 11:39 PM: "We fought over Erika and now we're fighting over a mistake”
Wolfcat 11:39 PM: ":jack_o_lantern:”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:39 PM: "where we droppin bois”
BUP 11:40 PM: "Erika was a mistake”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "why?”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "why was she a mistake?”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "where is she now anyways?”
BUP 11:40 PM: "im kidding”
BUP 11:40 PM: "i dont care”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "fuck”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "I just realized we couldve asked him about her”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "oh well”
otherLiam 11:40 PM: "We could’ve asked about a lot of things.”
otherLiam 11:40 PM: "Erika was on my list.”
otherLiam 11:40 PM: "But I was waiting for you to be done.”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "pfff”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "well”
ARGDov 11:40 PM: "Im done now”
otherLiam 11:41 PM: "We’re ALL done now.”
Xenquility 11:41 PM: "Dwelling on the past won't help us in the future. Dov screwed up, we all realise that, and he's been made fun of. If we keep arguing, we get nowhere”
otherLiam 11:41 PM: "That’s why I want to keep playing his game.”
ARGDov 11:41 PM: "ugh ok”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:41 PM: "aiight i'm gonna be back in a few minutes, i gotta piss and getting around with crutches sucks ass”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:41 PM: "kill dov next”
ARGDov 11:41 PM: "lets hope SKM can be a bit more clear whenever he gets in contact with us”
otherLiam 11:41 PM: "Cus all we got were the answers to your followups.”
ARGDov 11:41 PM: "in fairness we got some info”
ARGDov 11:41 PM: "and Yuki was destined to die anyways”
ARGDov 11:41 PM: "so it couldve been worse”
BUP 11:42 PM: "was she?”
otherLiam 11:42 PM: "@BUP Is continuing to play still an option?”
ARGDov 11:42 PM: "I mean in our timeline, she'd already gotten killed”
otherLiam 11:42 PM: "And yeah I know, but we aren’t playing rn.”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:42 PM: "one thing we've learned is that bup does not seem to play linearly in time”
ARGDov 11:42 PM: "well, not in our timeline”
ARGDov 11:42 PM: "but anyways”
ARGDov 11:42 PM: "shed already died for us”
ARGDov 11:42 PM: "so really”
ARGDov 11:42 PM: "me askign the wrong question was destined”
BUP 11:42 PM: "gee”
ARGDov 11:42 PM: "and out of my control”
BUP 11:42 PM: "i wonder where you had heard”
BUP 11:42 PM: "of something like that before”
ARGDov 11:43 PM: "like what?”
otherLiam 11:43 PM: “Dov has a doctorate in rationalization.”
ARGDov 11:43 PM: "Im Jewish”
ARGDov 11:43 PM: "we are trained to argue”
Xenquility 11:43 PM: "Did Bup go back in time and take over Yuuki's account or something”
ARGDov 11:43 PM: "and I have just argued my way out of blame for death”
ARGDov 11:43 PM: "so yeah”
ARGDov 11:43 PM: "Im good”
otherLiam 11:43 PM: "not really no”
Xenquility 11:43 PM: "To say the whole "This is inevitable" thing”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:43 PM: "nah you still killed her”
otherLiam 11:43 PM: "we’re just ignoring you in favor of bup”
ARGDov 11:44 PM: "ok but I had no choice in it”
ARGDov 11:44 PM: "it was destiny”
ARGDov 11:44 PM: "but anyways”
ARGDov 11:44 PM: "MOVING ON”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:44 PM: "i mean”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:44 PM: "you did”
otherLiam 11:44 PM: "okay murderer”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:44 PM: "dov could have decided not to ask but that would have caused problems temporally”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:44 PM: "it coulda been any of us idiots who did it”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:44 PM: "but you ended up bein the one who did”
ARGDov 11:44 PM: "exactly,circle”
ARGDov 11:44 PM: "not my fault”
Wolfcat 11:44 PM: "You're giving bup too much credit”
Wolfcat 11:44 PM: "assuming he actually planned this from the start”
otherLiam 11:44 PM: "Hey BUP. How can we play your game again?”
BUP 11:45 PM: "honestly you all got me laughin”
BUP 11:45 PM: "plus someone died”
BUP 11:45 PM: "all in all good night”
ARGDov 11:45 PM: "so yes”
ARGDov 11:45 PM: "we should be scared of you”
ARGDov 11:45 PM: "great.”
Wolfcat 11:45 PM: "he doesnt have power over time, he has power over coincidence”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:45 PM: "since from our perspective she was already dead, it doesent really matter when we ended up getting her killed”
BUP 11:45 PM: "nah im just gonna give link a reward”
BUP 11:45 PM: "for thinkin with portals”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:45 PM: "o shit really?”
BUP 11:45 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI_fltggv6E”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:45 PM: "literally why does anyone think it's a good idea to continue?”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:45 PM: ":o”
ARGDov 11:45 PM: "lmao”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:45 PM: "oh my fuck”
ARGDov 11:45 PM: "Liams the only one who thinks so”
otherLiam 11:46 PM: "I’m less pissed about Yuuki getting killed and more about the game being over and not getting any more info.”
Xenquility 11:46 PM: "bup is kaiden”
Xenquility 11:46 PM: "confirmed”
BUP 11:46 PM: "nah”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:46 PM: "imagine for a second”
BUP 11:46 PM: "kaiden was the other option”
BUP 11:46 PM: "actually you guys like him now”
ARGDov 11:47 PM: "ahahahhaha”
BUP 11:47 PM: "but you didnt then”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:47 PM: "bup being mugen”
BUP 11:47 PM: "weird how that works”
ARGDov 11:47 PM: "why do we like him”
Xenquility 11:47 PM: "We like Kaiden?”
ARGDov 11:47 PM: "we havent spoken to him much really”
otherLiam 11:47 PM: "Kaiden’s adorable”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:47 PM: "cursed idea, circle”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:47 PM: "cursed”
BUP 11:47 PM: "but i told you who i was”
BUP 11:47 PM: "just now”
BUP 11:47 PM: "sort of”
otherLiam 11:47 PM: "I don’t think he likes me very much tho”
ARGDov 11:47 PM: ".....wait”
BUP 11:47 PM: "it doesnt reveal much but”
Xenquility 11:47 PM: "are you”
Xenquility 11:47 PM: "IIII”
BUP 11:47 PM: "it also does”
BUP 11:47 PM: "no”
ARGDov 11:48 PM: "are you kaiden”
BUP 11:48 PM: "no”
Xenquility 11:48 PM: "You the dark lord from the rp or whatever?”
ARGDov 11:48 PM: "I was kidding so thats a relief”
otherLiam 11:48 PM: "man it’s a good thing we aren’t playing anymore”
BUP 11:48 PM: "”You the dark lord from the rp or whatever?””
BUP 11:48 PM: "kind of!”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:48 PM: "i know who you are and i am incredibly uncomfortable”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:48 PM: "i'm gonna go now”
otherLiam 11:48 PM: "wait wut”
ARGDov 11:48 PM: "what the hell”
ARGDov 11:48 PM: "@/Mr. Circle\ WHO IS HE”
Xenquility 11:49 PM: "The one Kaiden teamed up with or the one they were against?”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:49 PM: "he's me”
BUP 11:49 PM: "oh”
BUP 11:49 PM: "you wish”
BUP 11:49 PM: "nice try”
ARGDov 11:49 PM: ".......”
Xenquility 11:49 PM: "denied lmao”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:49 PM: "damn i tried tho”
Wolfcat 11:49 PM: "I'm you”
ARGDov 11:49 PM: "Ive got a feeling he's not someone we know”
BUP 11:49 PM: "oh”
BUP 11:49 PM: "i am”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:49 PM: "the baby is he”
BUP 11:49 PM: "again sort of”
ARGDov 11:49 PM: "....of course sort of”
ARGDov 11:49 PM: "inb4 this is the alternate universe version of me”
ARGDov 11:49 PM: "No tha would be stupid”
BUP 11:50 PM: "god you all just want”
BUP 11:50 PM: "to be me”
BUP 11:50 PM: "so bad”
ARGDov 11:50 PM: "Im kidding”
ARGDov 11:50 PM: "Id hate it if I were you tbh”
ARGDov 11:50 PM: "Id be disgusted with myself”
Xenquility 11:50 PM: "wow”
Xenquility 11:50 PM: "rude”
ARGDov 11:50 PM: "shame on me”
Wolfcat 11:50 PM: "oof”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:50 PM: "i mean”
Wolfcat 11:50 PM: "cutting deep”
ARGDov 11:50 PM: "Id want to slit my own wrists”
Xenquility 11:50 PM: "I mean it makes sense if you're slightly him”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:50 PM: ":THINKING:”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:50 PM: "your jevil and bup stuff is on brand for me”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:50 PM: "so”
Xenquility 11:50 PM: "jk”
ARGDov 11:50 PM: "and by my own wrists I mean your wrists that is lol”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:50 PM: "wouldnt be too bad of a thing if you were a me”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:50 PM: "or if i were a you”
Wolfcat 11:51 PM: "dov is just obsessed with killing”
/Mr. Circle\ 11:51 PM: "dov wants to murder you”
BUP 11:51 PM: "the funny thing is”
ARGDov 11:51 PM: "I AM HERE”
ARGDov 11:51 PM: "AND HE IS ME”
BUP 11:51 PM: "i straight up”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:51 PM: "idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
BUP 11:51 PM: "gave you the answer to my identity”
otherLiam 11:51 PM: "Dov’s just mad he fucked up and killed Yuuki, don’t mind him.”
Xenquility 11:51 PM: "So if Bupman IA or the "Okay soul contract time" guy”
BUP 11:51 PM: "i honest to god 100% did”
Xenquility 11:51 PM: "*is”
ARGDov 11:51 PM: "I AM HE AND HE IS ME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6Uf4sjX8RE”
BUP 11:51 PM: "you just cant connect the dots”
ADULT_LINK△ 11:51 PM: ""didnt like him then, but do now"”
Wolfcat 11:51 PM: "3?”
ARGDov 11:51 PM: "nope”
Wolfcat 11:51 PM: "△”
0 notes
aliensaucers · 7 years
92 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @ghoulpunks (heck eeeyeah thanks friendo)
1. Drink: think it was water (but i rlly want some orange juice rn)
2. Phone call: my boyfriend bc we havent been able to talk in school
3. Text message: i usually use skype to message but my last text was to my friend gillian
4.Song you listened to: i’m listening to take her to the moon by waterparks rn
5.Time you cried: i think it was because the cover from my light on my ceiling fell on my face the other day??
Have you ever:
6. Dated someone twice: nope im still in my first relationship so thats kinda impossible rn
7.Kissed someone and regretted it: never had a legit kiss yo
8.Been cheated on: nope
9.Lost someone special: heck yeah, a lot of times
10.Been depressed: absolutely
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12.13.14.List three Favourite colours: blue, red, and yellow
In the last year have you :
15.Made new friends: yeah!!!
16.Fallen out of love: nahh
17.Laughed until you cried: i’m pretty sure??
18.Found out someone was talking about you: no i don’t think so
19.Met someone who changed you: yeah
20.Found out who your friends are: absolutely
21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: see number 7. (answer is no)
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them??? (i dont use facebook, my mom manages it pretty much)
23. Do you have any pets: yes!!!!! I have a dog named Chito and i love him very much
24. Do you want to change your name: i used to, but now im comfortable with it
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i cant remember? I think i went to church that day?
26. What time did you wake up: 5:30am (i slept in)
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: bitch i was asleep for once
28. Name something you can’t wait for: the school year to be over (i know it just started like a month ago but shhh)
29. When was the last time you saw your mum: like an hour ago?? idk
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my mental stability i guess??
31. What are you listening to right now: waterparks
32. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah my grandfather
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: idk im pretty chill atm. Maybe the fact that an old friend lied to me the other day like .. multiple times even tho i knew the truth anyway
34. Most visited websites: tumblr i guess? And rabb.it
35. Elementary school: ye??? Idk what this is asking
36. High school: i am currently in high school yes
37. University: yeah im gonna go to that one day
38. Hair colour: blonde
39 . Long or short hair: mine is rlly short but still a longer than it was the last time i posted selfies on here
40. Do you have a crush on someone: idk how to answer this question?? Not really i guess??
41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes, hair and my ability to help others i guess?
42. Piercings: nope
43. Blood type: lol i forgot oops
44. Nickname: ughhh okay. Amy, ames, millie, mill, macklemore, chihuahua, egg, etc.
45. Relationship status: taken
46. Zodiac sign: scorpio (i think????)
47. Pronouns: she/her but i dont really care so y’all can call me whatever
48. Favorite TV show: idk?? I cant remember when i last watched tv
49. Tattoos: uhhh no i dont want one
50. Right or left hand: left
51. Surgery: nope
52. Hair dyed: no
53. Sport: t-ball lol
54. Vacation: florida
55. Pair of trainers: they prolly had dora the explorer on them or smth idk

More general
56. Eating: nothing but i had a boiled egg this morning
57. Drinking: nothing rn
58. I’m about to: take a nap bc im Sick
59. Waiting for: the weekend so i can take a break
60. Want: idk?
61. Get married: wait what’s this asking? I wanna have just a chill marriage ig???
62. Career: idk, im thinking psychologist maybe
63. Favorite artist: waterparks and those who dream
64. Place you want to travel: New York
65. Favorite subject: art or english i guess? im not in pe rn but thats pretty alright at my school usually
Which is better
66. Hugs or kisses: depends on the situation
67. Lips or eyes: eyes i guess?? certain lips are Good tho
68. Shorter or taller: it doesnt matter to me; no preference
69. Older or younger: once again no preference
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: hhhh,,,, arms
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hookup or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: both? I guess??
Have you ever
74. Kissed a stranger: nno
75. Drank hard liquor: nope never gonna do it either
76. Lost glasses/ contact lenses: i lost my glasses a couple times throughout middle school i think??
77. Turned someone down: uhhh a couple times??? but more often i notice where the conversation is going and shut it down somehow before it gets awkward
78. Sex on the first date: no, thank you very much
79. Broken someone’s heart: dont think so
80. Had your heart broken: i guess not?
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: for sure
83. Fallen for a friend: ….yeah…..
Do you believe in
84. Yourself: sure i guess… to some extent
85. Miracles: yes
86. Love at first sight: i have an unusual opinion on this. i feel like you can see someone and think “that person is special” and find out later on that y’all are perfect for each other, but thats it
87. Santa Claus: uhhhhhhh no
88. Kiss on first date: uhhhh it depends on how well you know the person before the date imo
89. Angels: yes
90. Current best friend’s name: carolyn my dude my buddy my pal my friend (also blake !!)
91. Eye colour: a confusing mess (they’re hazel)
92. Favorite movie: Sing Street is a 2016 musical coming-of-age comedy-drama film co-written, co-produced and directed by John Carney. Starring Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, Lucy Boynton, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Aiden Gillen, Jack Reynor, and Kelly Thornton, the story revolves around a boy starting a band to impress a girl in 1980s Ireland. It is an international co-production from Ireland, the United States, and United Kingdom.
im sorry i dont feel like tagging anyone so if you wanna do it, go wild pals
0 notes