#im posting old doodles cause I can’t come up with any new ones at the moment JDBFBFFH
cryptid-moose · 11 months
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Juliet tries to make Carlton know it’s safe to come out to her but it backfired horribly lol
Also here’s a panel I find funny from a part of the comic that was too boring to leave in:
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Transcript under cut cause dear lord i need to go back to writing in those practice-your-handwriting kindergarten books (Im deffo using the word transcript wrong)
Image 1: Juliet: Hey Carlton? Carlton: Mhm? Juliet: I just want you to know that if you were gay I'd support you Image 3: Carlton: WHAT MADE YOU THINK I WAS GAY??? Image 4: Juliet: No No No! I don't actually think you're gay!! Juliet: ...Ok no thats a lie.. Image 5: Carlton: Oh my god... Juliet: Are you mad at me? Carlton: O'Hara i had a WIFE! Juliet: Well that didn't exactly work out- Image 6: Juliet: Carlton I am so sorry... Carlton: I don't want to have this conversation w/ you Juliet: right ok
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not-fitz · 5 years
1 year
So... A year huh...
365 days
I made this account with the intention of making friends from all over, I was sick of going online and not being able to text anyone because my irl friends never use their phones, so I made this
A little bit after, about 4 days, I get a notif that a post was trending in the gbg tag (just set up btw), it was a Discord invitation posted by an old friend of mine
I joined the server and was immediately met with people who I had never heard before. It was hard for me at first to make friends because I wasn't good at meeting new people and how to react to it
But eventually I made a friend, his name was Parker, I don't talk to him anymore and I would love to, tbh I don't know why we stopped talking but we did
Smit is an incredible friend , I love her so fucking much, she is hilarious and kind and so so innocent lmao
John is amazing, they are an amazing artist and I love their memes, they're such an amazing person (they don't really use Tumblr anymore)
Terr is my best friend, they helped me when I was depressed and felt like I didnt want to do anything anymore, they taught me to love life and to accept any opportunity that comes my way and I am deeply grateful for that
Chels, we haven't spoken in so long! I miss you so much, I was so sad when you left to go to college, I can't wait to text you again!
Will is one of the best people I ever met, we went through hard times but I still love them so much, their art is amazing and they are an incredible person
Cammy, I met you so long ago when you freaked out when I followed you, I introduced you to smit and terr and to see you now is incredible, to see how much you have grown as a person, you'd swear I feel like a parent lmao
Bandit, I love you so much darling, I'm sorry I wasn't there as much as I could have been, I love you
I want to shoutout the people I met along the way also that helped me become a better person:
Thank you all so much!
And to you, my followers
To those who have been here since day 1 or just followed me 2 seconds ago
Thank you
I wouldn't still be doing this without you and honestly I don't think I would be here
But im glad to say I am
I wouldn't be here without the people that got me here and to them I am so grateful
I love you all
(I won't be tagging anyone cause I don't want to bother them with my heartfelt ramble)
((created the 10th June 2019))
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franeridart · 6 years
Aw thank you !!!!! It’s really just thanks to the past couple of days of cooler weather tho, ngl hahaha the earth has been indulgent to me, this past week!
Anon said:I really liked that wgole bakushima gem thing! What would bakugou do if kirishima somehow got corrupted and couldnt reverse it? (Without the other diamonds)
Thank you for liking it!!!! And I guess he’d just go ask the other diamonds? Well, he would never let it get to that, but if it were the only option it’s not like he’d leave Kiri like that!
Anon said:Quick, someone put a flashlight on diamond!Kiri
He’d be shinier than Aoyama and Hagakure using her special move put together !!!!!!! v pretty~
Anon said:your kiribaku gem AU inspired me so much that i’m finally watching steven universe just so i can understand it better because what i did understand was that i loved it
OH MAN I hope you’ll enjoy it!!!! It’s a bit silly and all over the place through the first season, but try to give it time !!
Anon said:Hi! I went and checked out your fan art for Kuroko no Basket and I absolutely adore AoKaga! Your AoKaga works make me so happy! I love them all!
Ohhhhh man thank you so much !!!!!!!!!! it’s super old stuff tho how did you even find it hhhhh haha
Anon said:Hello hello! here w bad news a instagram page posted your art and i know you dont like repost so im informing you. The page is kags.fujoshi and it was posted july 23
Yeh I know, I’ve been trying to report it and the other one I’ve been being told about but instagram won’t let me submit the thing so I guess this is how things are and I’ll just die mad about it since instagram likes to make things as hard and impossible to me as it can
Anon said:Bless your art
Thank you ;;;;;
Anon said:Omg literally your kiribaku Steven universe crossover is so fucking perfect thank you for blessing us with it; I’d love to see more if you have anything or feel like ever doing more about it but I don’t want to pressure you or anything, do what you want to do and what makes you happy :) Take care!
Ahhhhhh thank you so much!!!!! I’m super glad you liked it this much!!!!!!!
Anon said:✨Gentle reminder to take care of yourself today ✨
You too, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Everytime I see you upload new art I end up looking through and loving your entire BNHA Art tag. It’s so wonderful
gAH thank you so SO much!!!!!!!!!! don’t waste so much time on my blog, tho hahaha
Anon said:heya! I was just wondering if u had any short bakukiri one-shot fic recommendations. i prefer to read short things bc i have some learning difficulties and i was hoping u might know some good simple reads. Thanks! (
Aw man sorry but I really don’t have the time to make a rec list rn ;; if you’re fine with it this is the tag on AO3 filtered so that it shows only complete content with a max word count of 5000 starting from the one with most kudos going down, the first ones showing are all super good fics - in case you’re not okay with explicit content you can filter that too (if youre not okay with mature either just check that out as well) and to go further this is the tag excluding the fics tagged as tddk  cause that’s not what you’re looking for and the tddk and krbk fandom sure like to put each other in the listed relationships even if the fic isn’t about them (it excludes some krbk fics too but what can we do about that)
Anon said:ASDFGHKRNOFNE your last doodle killed me!!!! soft todoroki
AHHHHH I’m super glad you liked them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;;
Anon said:I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of your art, you beautiful gift you
Thank you smmmmm ;;;
Anon said:I am taking the SU story down for now. Please, let me know if I have your permission to post it, or if you don’t want me to. // And just to clarify - I’m not deleting the story out of spite or anything. I wrote it as a “get-well-soon” gift, but since you make it very clear you want to know how your art is used and that you must give your approval, I began to fear it would become a source of annoyance to you rather than something nice. I can put it back up if you want me to.
I don’t mind you writing the story or posting it, so if you wanna upload it again go for it! For future reference tho, if you’re in a rush to get an answer out of me (referring to the message where you asked if it was okay) your best bet is to go off-anon since those I always answer privately and as soon as I can. It can take me up to over a week to answer anon asks here, which I’d guess is sort of obvious? so seriously next time you’re in a rush to get an answer it’s better if you don’t go through the anon option!!
Anon said:How long does it take t draw one artwork for you?
Some things ten minutes, some things three days of work, it really depends on what I’m drawing? If it’s bw or colored, if it has a bg, if it’s a bust or a full body, if it’s one person or five, one drawing or a full comic, how used I am to drawing the character vs how new it is, how easy the clothes are and how many details there are on them - if you sent me an example I could specifically tell you how long it took me!
Anon said:is bakugo ticklish? what do u think?
Bakugou is ticklish but the immediate aftermath of tickling Bakugou is to be blasted into kingdom come so maybe better not to tickle him unless you’re Kiri and can protect yourself
Anon said:Bakukirikami is some good stuff my dude
It sure as heck is! Lately my old stuff for them is getting a bunch of new notes, I’m assuming people are getting into it thanks to the anime haha the magic of the license exam my doods
Anon said:hey I hope I don’t sound creepy but, I just want to say that your art really makes me happy and that you’re one of my favorite artist out there. So even if somtimes you feel like your art sucks I want you to know that I think it’s beautiful! Hope you’re doing well!
You don’t sound creepy at all!!!!! thank you SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:i live for ur kamisero art just saying
I haven’t drawn much of that, have I? I’m glad you like it tho!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Mako and Tai ♥️♥️
Anon said:This isn’t an ask, just that I love your art style and it reminds me of a beautiful and cute point and click adventure, “Harvey’s new eyes ” and “Ednas break out” Its very cute and pretty just like your art style and I love both ^^
Oh man thank you!!!
Anon said:Q U O R K
I honestly can’t even remember if this is just a random ask or if it was referring to something specific, ngl (if it’s the second, sorry about my memory being like this orz)
Anon said:Gah I keep missing preorders! I’ve only ever really wanted 2, and each time, don’t have any money, til after they’re done 😢 oh well, I guess. Hope you’re doing well!
If you’re referring to the takemyhand zine, preorders are still going tho!!! and thank you!!!!
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bannanaswishes · 7 years
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Small vent piece....kinda vent???? IDK :V my feelings be under the cut to save y’all who don’t wanna read it from having to.
Had a horrible week and a super stressful day at work last night (we had 5020 customers...thanks black friday...) And nothing seemed to relax me, not even a hot shower and coffee. So I was scrolling through my flashdrive looking at my old art to see if laughing at my shitty old art from like 2012 would cheer me up. and I stumbled on old chibi art of the old Booksharp trio.
And back in the day drawing those three book worms really made me happy when I was in the dumps. While I couldn't fully draw the third member of this old trio, because I’m not allowed to, because ya boi’s a heathen for having them honest feelings.
Recently I haven't stopped thinking about the old trio. The third member especially as I’ve heard around that he seems to have been shafted/ignored a bit. which makes me feel bad that he doesn't get the attention I feel he deserves (he was my favorite back in the day. He was the inspiration that lead me to make Gigit /attempt drawing my fav pokemon, Bisharp. Because of all those years I watched the character grow and interacted with him, I really to worry and hope he’s not just getting left on a shelf to gather dust. it breaks my heart when that happens to any character. More so if i actually loved the character.). And some of my friends have told me to let him die off and pretend he and his owner never existed. I’m not that kind of person. Now I am not mad or even upset at his owner, despite some people thinking I should be. Some people think I should scorn her to the ends of the earth. I’ve had to tell several people who got a bit aggressive towards my old friend that it doesn't matter that she wasn’t my friend, I was still hers, because i really don't like people saying extreamly hurtful things about her. She made bad choices, and so did I for not speaking up sooner in that situation. I don’t see her a monster for a misunderstanding, even though i feel the punishment was a bit excessive. But that’s just me. I’ve long move passed how hurt i was over that drama when Gigit’s design was fucked with. I truly hold no ill will or resentment towards that person.
But I can’t bring myself to up and forget them. I have a lot of good memories, and the art i made with this trio especially really boosted my spirits and got me through stressful situations in high school. I cant tell you how many anxiety attacks I curbed thanks to notebook doodles of this bucket butts. The missing characters owner may hate me, but I never would wish harm or even back luck on that person, because i was her friend. To an extent I still am, I would forgive that person, I would start new and hold no ill will, I wouldn't even hold passed issues against them. Because i am not a hateful person, I dont want to let something some kid did to me effect how i see others over miscommunications and misunderstandings.
Regardless even though I could only faintly draw the silhouette of this character (who I spent years drawing around 60-70 images of) It really made me feel better. I mean I cried a lil bit, only while typing this, not because I’m super sad, I mean yes I am sad, but because I did feel better drawing this. I know the Booksharp’s will never be the same, they went from a trio to a duo, and I couldn't bring myself to replace the third member. No-one can replace him. But IDK why this made me feel better and relax after this hectic week. But it did. Maybe its just because I’ve finally climbed out of that massive pit of depression loosing someone I cared about because of how I felt when my character was being treated poorly, of course that whole became a canyon over the course of that issue from the first seconds of when gigit was recolored, to the last seconds when I was bitch slapped with a labels and rumors that weren't true about me because i was wrong in trusting some kid with helping me handle my feelings because i was too scared to tell my friend how i was feeling because people put thoughts in my head that shed just attack me, while my fears came true because she got only half the story and by then i deleted proof of my side because i was told no one would listen to me. Regardless, it took me almost 2 years to finally stop crying from how much it hurt. Maybe drawing this helped me feel better because it was my favorite character, and all the pain i used to feel thinking about him or his owner has gone away, so i guess i am able to enjoy the good times i used to have. and move on with having that book finally close.
While i forgive the owner of this character, I will never forgive the other person. I trusted them when they offered me help and turned around and posted half the story to people leading to rumors and stigma against me. I may never forgive that person. But i wont hate someone I happily called my friend for the actions and miscommunication caused between me and a different person.
even typing this, makes me feel better. I know I would willingly give this person another chance, despite me knowing full well she would probably rnever share the sentiment. Yes i feel the punishment was excessive for something that was effecting me more than her, and i wish i could tell her how i felt, and how it effected me, but i know she’s put up an iron wall. I’m ok with that. My door will always be open though. I want to try and be an optimist that maybe we could clear the bad air just so its clear, even if we never speak again after.
this simple doodle really made me feel better. Its a shame i couldn't draw all three bookworms the way i really wanted to. but this really made me feel better.
sorry for rambling it really come up as word vomit when im upset or stressed.
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s99crystal · 7 years
Answer these 88
Tagged by @alicat-doodles (thanks ali youre sweet)
I tag @aenjin, @jhopetaekmyhearteu, @cinnamonsugas
the last:
1. DRINK: Mountain Dew
2. PHONE CALL: My mom
3. TEXT MESSAGE: my friend melissa, shes the best :D
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: listening to Lost Stars by Jungkook, it kills me and makes me so emotional 
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: basically cried yesterday night seeing @hystherics new art post god dang she’s good
have you:
6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: not even once aha
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: have not kissed eiiitherr
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: cant be cheated on if you dont take the test you feel me i dont date if you didnt catch me
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: not clinically
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: never drank!
top 3 favorite colors
12. light pink
13. light blue
14. pasteeells
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: mm the coolest people aka @aenjin and @jhopetaekmyhearteu
16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: only out of TV shows cause i dont keep up haha
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: way too much haha!
19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: my friends inspire me everyday, but i dont know if ive met someone whos drastically changed me.
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: dont got facebook dont got a kiss in my history or my future LOL
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: I don’t got facebook, so imma follow @alicat-doodles ‘s footsteps and say tumblr friends: three i guess?
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: I spent the day hanging with one of my close friends, we got boba, visited our old elementary/middle school and just had a lot of fun listening to KPOP in the car!
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: 11AM haha ooops
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: uhhhh in the car coming back home from a family party i think?
28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: bangtan to rest god bless
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: prob ten minutes ago
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: I wish I could be less anxious and know things are going to turn out okay. Also the lack of bangtan merch could change pls and thank you
32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: Thomas, but not Tom, no…
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: My family members touching my hair / when my cousins get careless ahaaaa…
lost questions
34. MOLE(S): I don’t think so, oH on my neck I think I have one!
35. MARK(S): None I think (?)
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: Teacher and I pretended doctor was also a dream for my parents haha, but really just teacher.
37. HAIR COLOR: black
38. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: medium right now cause i got a haircut recently haha
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: besides bangtan nope
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I can cheer myself up easily.
41. PIERCINGS: just on my ears
42. BLOODTYPE: uhhhh why you ask O.O
43. NICKNAME(S): Crystal, Mahans, Mahogany…
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single lets goooo
45. ZODIAC: Leo
46. PRONOUNS: She/Her
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: don’t get me started omg TV is my life. 
K-Drama = Descendants of the Sun, American Drama: Arrow, American Comedy: Modern Family, Childhood: Full House / Drake & Josh doN’T TEST ME ON TV ILL GETCHU HAHA
48. TATTOOS: None
50. SURGERY: no surgery!
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: I wouldn’t do it, but i love the idea of pink hair and side note namjoon with purple dyed hair gives me life while killing me goodbye
52. SPORT: Dancing & Swimming
53. VACATION: Hawaii / Japan with my friend
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: what you mean like exercise i dont got a trainer oH SHOES uhhhhhhhh
55. EATING: watermelon hopefully soon
56. DRINKING: i want some orange juice
57. I’M ABOUT TO: text friends and lie around haha
58. WAITING FOR: BTS to rest still bless up
59. WANT: Go to a BTS fan meet one day / send them fan letters ^-^
60. GET MARRIED: its definitely something i want!
61. CAREER: software engineering!
62. HUGS OR KISSES: hugs!
63. LIPS OR EYES: eyes definitely
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: im short but i like taller guys (which aint that hard cause im short hahaha)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: middle child of family, youngest of most of my friend groups
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: both lets goooo
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship definitely but i aint gon have neither rn haha
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: Hesitant all the way. Im hella nervous 24/7 << honestly aint gon change your answer ali, its same with me hahaha
have you ever:
70. KISSED A STRANGER: aha i havent kissed anyone so no
71. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: if by liquor you mean straight Mountain Dew and Sprite heck yeah. but if you mean alcohol then nah
73. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: Only random people at Chipotle and stuff LOL aint nobody else ask me hahaha
74. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: not uh not personally…
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: yeeepp… but not by any romantical peoples haha
77. BEEN ARRESTED: for my bad jokes heck yeah, for felonies nope
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: Nope… but I do love and care about them :D
do you believe in:
81. MIRACLES: Yup!
82. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: Only if you combo it with commitment!
83. SANTA CLAUS: I’ve never uhm celebrated Christmas, so not really…but I think the magic surrounding it is really cool!
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: This is like a whole other universe what is a date uhh
85. ANGELS: Mhmm
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): No best friends, but just close friends :D Melissa, Ashley, BRIITTTTANNNYY (trust me i call her that with all the extra letters), Angie, Elliot, Mishkah..
87. EYECOLOR: Brown
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: 3 Idiots pls watch itll change your life it changed mine
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metalpiratequeen · 7 years
Godformers Chat
Currently writing up a whole bunch of "meet the godformer" memes. Just got to Lazarette and I'm not sure whether to go with mermaid persona
Entirely made out of water
or giant ass woman
they're all so pretty and perfect ;-;
OMGG SDJKFJKDSFHJKI agree with Katie. ;-; They all look good!
Calypso reminding me of Eris from Sinbad
Part of me is a little tempted to take part, but I also know that I wouldn't do anything with it so there's no point asdfghjk
gently nudges gives us the war/liberator god and blue sky goddess
Could always do what I'm doing? I just made it its separate verse for anytime
stop tempting meeeee
that could also work ;-;
I'm making them seperate verses because I want to keep these going.
maybe I'll doodle a couple things when I get home uwu
sdkjhsdfhjk oh god ;-;
-excited for both-
I've been practicing muscular males lately so Megatron can be one of my guinea pigs xD
Muscled warlord u-u good, good stuff
yeah im probs gonna make this a seperate verse also cause i love god formers
Sweet. Has everyone made a godformer then?
shake head no
Julius says he might make Tetta into a tiny fairy that accompanies Gravitas. (We otherwise are abstaining from Cyclonus, Galvatron, and Scourge having godforms. For Cyclonus, he already has two 'god' verses, and he's from a god in our targetmaster verse. I'm pretty much maxed out with Cyclonus and his herald-self xD)
Cyclonus-deity whore
But tiny fairy Tetta sounds so cute ;3;
Or an imp. Lazarette sees her as a mischievous I'mp. :p
Fae folk are not nice8'D
Fae folk kill people for fun, no need for imps
Grimmjow muse was also very interested in Gravitas' godformers bio, btw uwu
I've no idea if she's a killer. I just know that she puts new flowers in his hair and sleeps in some of the larger blooms strung up on his antlers. She might be nice to him, but for all I know, she could absolutely be this evil thing to everyone else.
omg, was he?? -grins- Come give him a bowl of berries at one of his shrines/alters, and he'll come out to associate with you~
Tetta using Gravitas's antlers to nestle sounds adorable asf
He's a greedy fuck. You leave him an offering, he's there
But I am too cautious about actual medieval fairies to try to approach if it were rl xD
when you start thinking of your OC in godformers AU but end up accidentally dragging another two of your OCs into it alongside her ;-;
I started with goddess of wind and rain and now I've ended up with god of thunder and goddess of lightning too
Loool, ikr
Weather deities!
be nice to them or they will flood your village, or start a fire. whatever they feel like
I want to do godformer bug but I’m procrastinating
It took me, like, four days to complete the "meet the godformer" thing, so don't feel bad u-u
What does my Godformer wear? ....nothing
Instantly the most popular among their peers
I'm thinking Electron's Godformer can't/doesn't ever touch the ground, instead hovering on a breeze
I haven't decided yet that when Gravitas takes human form, if he bothers 'magicking' clothes onto himself. He feels like the sort of uncivilized guy to walk around, naked and proud. "Your cultural's obsession with the need to hide the beauty of one's body is not welcome in my presence. I will not humour it."
omg, Katie
Maybe Electron is a breeze. Like a literal wind with a human outline.You could see a whirlwind inside her. Or a hurricane
I was going to go for super flowy clothes but that sounds so beautiful too ;-;
(Also be warned. LS is a demigod going around demanding quests from gods, Hercules style, so she may obtain godhood and finally meet her father, the god of time. While Lazarette is a vengeful god who hates humans for occupying her domain and rarely ever joins in on deity affairs and politics. Haven't quite decided where the bros stand. Might make Oil Slick a satyr.
Megatron sits around, counting down the days until the next war when he's suddenly needed again xD
God of war gets a lot if holidays xD
I have two big questions: 1. How buff do I make him and 2. How much of it do I actually bother to cover with armour
Gravitas actually enjoys humans, preferring to be in the forest, watching them/helping them/revealing himself to them than hanging around the Ethereal Realm (Olympus/Heaven/whatever LOL)), so he pretty much skimps out on most festivities and politics. But fuck, LS. ;-; I love that take you did. It gives her such a good reason to interact with any god she comes across. Fuck, I can't wait to see, man xD
LOL, Katie. Conan arms!
Go the opposite route and give Megs as little armour as possible. Hell, how about an old collesium match where he battles butt naked!
lmao, I actually agree about the naked part. If you gotta go to war naked to startle the enemy, then more reason to!
all these naked gods, how scandalous <3
They're gods. All they do is fight and have sex anyway.
...you have a very good pointwhy not do both at once and save time?
(Normal verse: Gravitas and Lazarette have a ton of sex. Godformer au: Gravitas and Lazarette have a ton of sex. Only now with bestiality)
Horse cock
Well, not really. Maybe I should still give him his double-cock. Sounds like a god-thing. So fertile he's got two
yes, give him the double dick
Well, fish don't really have holes, so they're kinda at a crossroad here. Unless she can also have human legs.
My poor girl. Gravitas could only frack her valve as a robot, but now he can actually double penetrate her xD
Already married.
Omfg xD
Everyone hears the argument and just rolls their eyes. Another day as all-powerful gods; another fight between two vastly proud deities, refusing to change form for the other as they try to figure out a solution to have sex
-Megatron sits and waits for it to turn into a war-
So he can come charging it, naked and swords drawn (not just two in this case)
His third sword, this time
-pictures Gravitas, mad at Lazarette, exiting a forest to the beach line, and just stomps his hooves and splashes and kicks at the water, knowing it's her domain-
"Fish pee in you- all day! So... hmph"
Thanks Moana
- for God!Gravitas
Electron is friends with all birds, but her animal form would be a peregrine falcon <3
Aaaahh beautiful forest ;v;
that's awesomeI can even see her in the design of that bird (had to google that xD)
Beautiful sky goddess ;_;
LS is gonna pester her for a quest. (Or at the very least a free ride)
It's an unintentional likeness but I run with it xD
please do <3
Welp now I wanna godformer too
(Lazarette brings s tidal wave down on Gravitas)
Good!Please join us!
Oh my god 8'D
What do I have to do, I mean I’m not really gonna do anything with it for the event but maybe to keep it as au
Clearcut should be the god/protector of orphaned or abandoned kids. Since he has that in his history, poor baby
He's more of a knight than insect, so maybe god of honor instead. God of honor AND insects maybe xD
True LOL
honor would do, he is all about the honor
He should take after traits of herbivore insects that fight each other for mates
Aka rhino and stag beetles, and earwigs. Maybe something else
In any case bugs known to 'duel for honor' :'D
*huge grin
// lmao.. Lazarette. Coughing, sputtering stagtaur, hair all over his face as he curses her name(edited)
Lol, just this huge rhino beetle with earwig cerci, gilded in gold and jewels. Maybe give him a humanoid face but otherwise he's just a massive damn beetle pursuing evildoers....kind of like khepri from smite, actually
sounds gorgeous
-gets home in an hour- -really wants to draw her godformers- ;-;
Just add browns to that and earwig cerci, and pretty close
I love how the gods could so easily be interconnected and know one another (or know about one another)? CC and his insects in Gravitas' forests; the forest lining against Lazarette's oceans; Electron the air they breathe, the wind that carries in the rain from Lazaratte's seas to Gravitas' forests, to give nourishment for the insects (both as water and healthy foliage to eat) CC's insects are what keep the ecosystem of the forests thriving and healthy
They also feed Electron's bird friends <3
Everything is connected. Hence why most gods are related. It would be nice that each one keeps an eye on the other. Like Electron flying over Lazarette’s domain, keeping watch. Or communicating which each domain’s animals just to hear what is going on
-grins- Always getting into disputes with one another, too. Domain rivalries
*throws tiny fairy Tettares around Gravitas' antlersthere's my contribution
“Your ocean is submerging my land!”
“Well, the ice is stealing my water!”
“Well, the ice is killing my insects!”
Omg yes, if she flooded the forest or her trine mate set fire to it with her lightning ;-;
Omg yes. Theres so much capacity for interaction and strife
oh my god, I'm sure CC and Gravitas would be so angry if a forest caught fire 'cause of a lightening strike.
And then they'd be snarling at Electron, "IT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU HAD BROUGHT MORE RAIN FROM THE SEAS" Then they're off courting their Champions to then go to war and 'win' against the champions of the Electron and her trine mates. That's how they ultimately settle disputes. Bringing in mortals'cause they're immortal so nothing gets settled. In comes LS
Megatron rubbing his hands in the distance. Yes good, he's been waiting for a good war
Oh man, that would awesome. When they all fucked up when they wake up the God of War
I'm pretty sure all Olympus meetings are just awkward family reunions where the father and mother god tell their kids to grow up...and as an opportunity to show off their new Demi-god offspring. "Look it's a nominator!” “Well, mine’s a Cyclops.” “Mine are daemon.” “Mines a kraken.”
Gives help to whoever gives him the best offerings
(Now I can't stop imagining LS wielding a giant axe and running into batlle. "I will vanquish the evil naked war god and finally shed my human shell!!!”
Galvatron is proud. *hands her his axe* "You can borrow this for now but give it back or Cyclonus will be cross."// or cyclonus will gives me sucha frown
gladly accepts the battle axe..and instantly collapses under its weight.
Cyclonus of Tetrahex-Today at 5:47 PM
// Make me think of the comment I made a while back, now that it's so relevant to all this god stuff; Galvatron a war god, Scourge and Cyclonus his Valkyries
lmao Charl
This fantastic demigod everyone wants her as their champion. They see that fire in her
Galvatron winces and picks her up, "There, there, you will endure."
Meanwhile Maccadam, her deadbeat dad is seeing every possible future and drinking himself plastered. "Daughter. Please, stop."
I think Gravitas' trial to become his champion ultimate leads to them to hunt /him/; 'cause I wanted that in his bio. That he welcomes the bravest hunter coming to take his antlers as the trophy
*Intrigued mortal noises.*
No sweetie. No. There are easier trials.
lmaoI haven't decided if he would use his magic or not (like those who cheat often in the greek lore, making the trials /so/ much harder). I like to think he would put away his signalling horn and broadsword. He /makes/ himself the prey. But he keeps his dagger
LS gets her offering list out. "Alright then. Skinned fur from a successful hunt? Check. Vanilla scented candles. Check. Bowl or berries mixed with chunks of red meat from successful hunt? Check. Night if untamed passion and dominance?...where's auntie Lazarette when you need her?"
LMAO I can already hear her balking at the request. Not wanting to lie down with a flea-bitten, dirty man-deer
Well, not twice in one week. XD
-tries to shut him up- He's just smirking and crossing his arms, a hoof pawing idly at the ground. "Back for more already?"
*throws a squid at him*
She loves him really.
-grins- That feeling is absolutely mutual
Oil Slick is gonna be a god of decay. :3 wearing his goat skull and cloaks. A satyr, and loving all things that rot and grow fungus.
Holy shit. All of the fantastic aestheticism I can already picture ;-; He's easily going to be the prettiest god to me
I was just gonna say, well Oil Slick hits all my spots, so I'm sold
Normal verse Oil Slick would greatly disapprove of his nonchalant to hygiene. His flower symbol is a mushroom (and he also might delve in hallucinations and acid trips xD) He's gonna love a potential war. So many bodies dropping to the floor. So much disease and death
If he enjoys everything decay, maybe one of his offerings could be the Corpse Flower xDLure that god down with the beautiful smell of nasty(edited)
Pup reminds me of baby Gravitasalso when I look at that puppy I think "cute" and then I think "pain in my ass"
LOL.. when he tries to roar for the first time in his beastmode?
he prolly has a lot of vocalizations though I believe his twin wins out on that. voidmonster who somehow is translated into fairy god.
-grins-His little fairy sister ;-;
God of nagging
LOLGravitas scowling and waving his hand at her, like she's a fly when she's nagging him
"Hey, listen. Hey, listen. Hey, listen."
Tiny glowing ball trying to talk to Lazarette, fish jumps out of water and eats her thinking she's a glowbug. Gravitas standing on the shore, all color leaves his face, "GAH!"
OH godGravitas, eyes wide, galloping frantically into the water. "Veritas!"
Explodes on Lazarette when he manages to capture the fish and free her; cuddling her close as he barks, "CONTROL YOUR BLOODTHIRSTY FAUNA!"
"Where does she live?" 
"On my head, pretty much."
Currently on the other side of the world, Lazarette projects a watery image of her head rising out from the ocean, "Get off my lawn."
God she seriously could live on his head, he could hang a small lantern-style object from an antler like jewerly, when he has to do anything serious, takes her tiny house from him and hangs it on a tree, comes back for her later.
.. omgThat's perfect!
she's pretty much the forest gossip queen, collects all the dirt and going-ons, then brings all the chatter back to him
Oh my god
He already has all kinds of other things thrown across his antlers. That would be /perfect/ ;-;"Who is talking shit about me today, sister? Whose people shall I starve today as punishment?"
xD I love it
has a mental image of somebody putting festive flags or christmas tree-esque ornaments all over his antlers. There is even a star over his skull. Bloody murder is screamed. It's a bad time to be a mortal in the forest.
that would be hilarious
Entire nearby village endures the god's wrath
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