#im procrastinatign cleaning up the mess i made lmao
sininensalo-a · 7 years
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a .  age:   22 b .  birthplace:   poland c .  current  time:   00:05 d .  drink  you  had  last:   coke e .  easiest  person(s)  to  talk  to:   my squad irl f .  favorite  song(s):   man i have like 10 playlists on spotify h .  horror  yes  or  horror  no:   yell heah i .  in  love ?:   in what again j .  jealous  of  people:  sometimes i guess k .  killed  someone:  what kind of question is that l .  love  at  first  sight  or  should  i  walk  by  again ?:  pls walk away m .  middle  name:  none n .  number  of  siblings:  0 o .  one  wish:  i just want to be fluent in like 7 languages q .  question  you’re  always  asked:   *says surname* OMG ARE YOU ROYALTY ?? ARE YOU OF ROYAL DESCENT?? OOOO: r .  reason(s)  to  smile:  uhhhhhhh s .  song  you  sang  last:  i can’t say that publicly t .  top  3  fictional  characters:  quicksilver, edward elric, geralt the witcher u .  underwear  &  color:  b&w v .  vacation:  canada trip w @liachtaschta  and @vaikusjavalgus also not really vacation but finland soon (hopefully) with @mr-puffinwhisperer and @removethewallinourhearts  w .  when’s  your  birthday:   oct 22nd x .  x - rays:  mostly stomach and right leg, broken rl badly like years ago y .  your  favorite  food:  edible stuff lol z .  zodiac  sign:  libra/scorpio cusp
* TAGGED BY:  i robbed feli *  TAGGING:  you
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