#im side-eyeing ao3 atm but making no moves either way
Hey, I was just wondering - do you have an AO3? I see you referencing some fics/aus but I don't see a link or anything on your page lol. Love the art btw!! I'm living for the fantasy au rn.
Yes! but its all DC at the moment </3
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plueschpony · 7 years
Aaand I got tagged again by @blueeyeschina :))
The rules: you must answer these 83 statements and tag 20 people. (I probably won’t tag 20 people, but since I got time I hunted down the statements @blueeyeschina deleted and I’m going to answer them as well I think ^^)
1. drink? green tea (or Mai Tai if you meant alcoholic) 2. phone call? a very good friend of mine 3. text message? message to another friend 4. song you listened to?  Ariana Grande - Side To Side ft. Nicki Minaj (I got YouTube on autoplay ^^) 5. time you cried? probably sometime last week or sth...
Have you ever…
6. dated someone twice? no 7. kissed someone and regretted it? no 8. been cheated on? no 9. lost someone special? sort of... 10. been depressed? yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up? nope ^^
Favourite colours:
12. black 13. (dark) green 14. blue
In the last year, have you…
15. made new friends? quite a lot actually! 16. fallen out of love? no... 17. laughed until you cried? absolutely ^^ 18. found out someone was talking about you? not really, no... 19. met someone who changed you? no... or maybe a little 20. found out who your friends are? nope, had that one sort of ages ago ^^ 21. kissed someone on your facebook list? nope ^^
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? seriously? I’m too lazy to count/look it up right now, but I’d say apart from 2-3 people I know all of them irl 23. do you have any pets? a horse! <3 24. do you want to change your name? my first name? Idk, I don’t really like it, but I got used to it, so I think I’m just gonna keep it... (for now ^^) 25. what did you do for your last birthday? Nothing *lol* I got cake, went to work, went to see the horse and nothing else xD 26. what time did you wake up? first time at around 8:30, the next time around a quarter to noon ^^ 27. what were you doing at midnight last night? went to get drinks with friends, then watch “Spiderman - Homecoming” then finally sleeeeep ^^ 28. name something you can’t wait for: that’s a lot of things really xD But I guess, finally managing to fully implement my daily exercise plan without having to postpone it because of vet appointments, putting on new bandages on the horse or anything else disrupting my daily plans -.-’ (ohhhh and finally getting a new camera and lens!!) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom? around 1.5 hours ago... 30. what are you listening to right now? just switched to “The Chainsmokers - Closer ft. Halsey” 31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom? I think so... 32. something that is getting on your nerves? atm? Nothing pressing, but in general lots and lots of things ^^ e.g. people giving “advice” although you never asked them for some (and they know nothing about the topic), people stopping right after getting of the escalator, Trump, (unnecessary) violence, people contradicting themselves when berating you etc etc. 33. most visited website? ao3 ^^ although no, it’s probably google, jisho and wadoku, but ao3, youtube and tumblr are up there as well ^^ 34. hair colour? light brown 35. long or short hair? medium I’d say? Like I know people with longer hair but also with shorter hair... 36. do you have a crush on someone? idk tbh... it’s... idk, it’s complicated xD 37. what do you like about yourself? hah... good question ^^ I guess physically I like my hair and my eyes, and in personalty things maybe that I’m not someone to quit sth easily? And I pick up new things quite fast and seem to have a talent for languages? Idk... sometimes I feel like I should be proud of those and sometimes I’m just like “arg, I like nothing about me” ^^ 38. piercings: do earrings count? 39. blood type: AB I think... 40. nickname: Caro 41. relationship status: single 42. zodiac: libra 43. pronouns: she/her 44. favourite tv show: hm... atm probably GoT, but Shadowhunters, Outlander and Criminal Minds are great as well! 45. tattoos: none 46. right or left handed: right 47. surgery: Not that I can remember ^^
48. sport: I try to do some form of exercise daily and I’d love to start running/jogging again, but my stamina is currently non-existent, so it might take some time before I feel fit again to start running ^^ but I do go on walks with the horse (when she’s not injured that is -.-)
49. vacation: last or next or dream vacation? last vacation I can’t actually remember, unless you count my trip to visit a friend in Dortmund. Next one will be to Greece at the end of the month and my dream vacation is still New Zealand, Iceland or Scotland!
50. pair of trainers: what? Idk, but I’m a huge Puma fan ^^
More General:
51. eating: last thing was veggies with rice 52. drinking: didn’t we do that already? 53. im about to: stop messing around on tumblr and start studying (or editing some pictures ^^) 54. waiting for?: right now or in general? in general probably for the horse to finally get well again... 55. want?: lots and lots of things, move out, successfully finish my degree, get a good job etc etc. (oh, and the Canon 5D III if I can find it somewhere ^^) 56. get married?: not really? I mean, I would do it if my partner really wanted to I guess, but otherwise idk... 57. career?: honestly? I’d like to work with languages in some way but I’m “shallow” enough to say that as long as the pay is good, the colleagues are nice and I can get a decent work-life-balance I’m up for almost anything...
Which is Better
58. hugs or kisses?: that’s just mean! I can’t decide!! ^^ 59. lips or eyes?: eyes! 60. shorter or taller?: depends on the situation, though I would willingly give up about 4cm or sth ^^ 61. older or younger?: again... depends on the actual person, age is just a number after all I think ^^ 62. nice arms or nice stomach?: idk ^^ 63. hook up or relationship?: depends on the other person I’d say 64. troublemaker or hesitant?: since I’m very hesitant maybe a troublemaker wouldn’t be too bad - but maybe with a hint of hesitancy sometimes?
Have You Ever
65. kissed a stranger: yes 66. drank hard liquor: also yes 67. lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t need to wear them, luckily (although I lost my sunglasses somewhere on a parking area once and either me or my friend drove over it with the car because it was dark and it had fallen somewhere between our cars -.- ^^) 68. turned someone down: nope... 69. had sex on the first date: well... it wasn’t technically a date I think? (Not sure if that makes it better or worse xDD) 70. broken someones heart: if I ever did (hah, so unbelievable) I don’t know it... 71. had your heart broken: yep.... 72. been arrested: nope 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: nope...
Do You Believe In:
75. yourself? on very rare occasions ^^ 76. miracles? let’s say I want to! 77. love at first sight? not love, but”something at first sight/first encounter” definitely 78. santa claus? no ^^ 79. kiss on the first date? yeah 80. angels? Again: I’d like to believe...
81. current best friend’s name? I don’t really thing I have someone I’d call my one best friend tbh... 82. eye colour: green 83. favourite movie: I could write you a list, but it’d be a very, very long list and it’s known to change depending on my mood and stuff, so I’m going with: don’t really have a favorite movie ^^
Puhh... that was a lot xD Tagging @puck-kate-connolly, @clickerpunk, @flammenmeer, @matthewbane if you want to do it - and of course anyone else who wants to do it! ;)
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