#im so bad at photographing food to look as nice as it actually is smh
cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
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ok this is the one isnt she beautiful...i was listening to this really beautiful lecture while i made her and i feel like it shows i think this is a loaf who knows things about philosophy
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azucanela · 4 years
Hi i really loved your first date HC❤❤👌 i dont know if your requests are open but if they are could you maybe do the same thing with baby boi kiri ??
[ft. denki kaminari, kirishima ejirou]
bakugo, todoroki, shinsou version
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SUMMARY: how did they ask you out? And how’d the date go? Well... 
WARNINGS: kissing, pretty pg, corny pick up lines
A/N: im glad you liked it! hope you don’t mind that i added denki bc i wanted to do more than one person lol. also im sorry it took so long!!! i lacked inspiration akjsdlksjkldj
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so panicked when asking you out like he almost gets bakugo in on it
kirishima suggests super manly stuff like buying you roses but he ends up writing you a little note that says “will you go out with me? check yes or yes.” he’s kinda freaking out lol
he’s genuinely worried you will say no be careful with his heart
anyways he has it passed through the classroom and is highkey worried the note will be intercepted by aizawa but its fine it fine
and then mina gets it 
in all honesty, you probably thought the note was for mina, and if it did involve getting asked out, it was definitely for her
but then mina passes the note to you with a SMIRK
looks like someone couldn’t READ THE R O O M
anyways, when he turns over to face you in the middle of class, basically sweating bullets, you’re kinda like ??? bc what is this mans doing
you look at the note and realize your name is on it like OH, he probably need homework answer lol
then you open it and it says “will you go out with me? check yes or yes.” 
even though he’s a really flirty person, he likes you alot so that persona kinda fades with you since he respects you 
and it also makes him really nervous around you
you’re kinda like :o
and he’s like :,)
so then you laugh a little in your seat and he begins to panic, and then you look over to him and with a lil grin, and after class you come up to him, “how about a study date, im honestly worried about your grades.”
then you kiss him on the cheek
hes dead you killed him, nearly passes out
and thats how denki got his first study date! because his crush who liked him back thought he was dumb!
poor bb
the actual study date would probably be in a café or a library
denki probably prefers the library since it would be easier to just make out with you in the isolated and quiet space BUT
you want food so café it is ugh, you don’t know what you’re missing out on.
he gets there first, and he actually brings his textbooks and homework, he’s invested and he wants to impress you so he is going to try his hardest okay
kaminari is internally panicking when he sees you, you do a lil wave and he swears his heart explodes with uwus and WOW you look SO good, he really wants to see you in street clothes more often.
he learns more that day than during his entire time in the hero course at UA. 
naturally, since you two live in the same dorm, he walks you back to your room
and then he comes inside
and then-
anyways he really really really want to kiss you on the first date and totally will if you allow it
you make him drink respect women juice at that café and he leaves a changed man
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Denki’s knee was bouncing rapidly as he sat in the café. He’d taken the time this morning to pick out an outfit, and pack his textbooks, along with pens, highlighters, anything you could imagine really. If Y/N wanted a study date, he would try his hardest to make it the best study date possible, though he wasn’t really the best at studying, she’d been right when she’d pointed out his poor grades.
But hey, those grades got him a date, so they weren’t all that bad. 
He’s beginning to regret drinking caffeine as his hand taps against the table anxiously, despite his flirtatious personality, Denki had been on few dates. And he’d been stood up before, that was never fun. Also, it was Y/N, the girl who tried to help him pass all his classes, and shared food with him, and reminded him to do his work. This was important.
He’s about to pull out his phone and text her when the bell at the door of the café rings, his head snapping upwards at the sound to see if its Y/N. Relief floods him when he realizes it is her, a nervous smile finding it’s way onto his face as he waves at her. 
Y/N’s face lights up at the sight of him, and she makes her way over to him with ease, taking a seat across from him as she places her backpack on the floor. Y/N raises a brow, “some came prepared.”
“Yeah well, I’m excited to study.” His eyes meet hers, “with you.”
A small laugh escapes her, and Y/N tilts her head at him curiously, “I’m glad you’re excited.” Her eyes fall on the empty line in the café, “you want something?” 
Denki shakes his head, “no. I’m fine.” 
Y/N hums in response, sitting up to go buy a drink. Before heading over to the cashier, she leans over to him, grinning as she speaks, “calm down, Denki. It’s just a study date.”
“A study date with you.” Comes his response, earning him a flick to the head.
He decides then that Y/N looks very pretty in street clothes, it’s something he wished he’d seen sooner. Her outfit is fairly simple, but she looked beautiful in Denki’s eyes nonetheless. His eyes were trained on hers as she paid the barista, coming back to sit while she waited for her drink. 
Y/N rests her head in her hands, “so. You ready for a crash course in calculus?”
Denki hated school, he wouldn’t deny it. But learning alongside Y/N was far more bearable, and it gave him a sense of normalcy that he craved, seeing as he was incredibly nervous. Though Denki managed to loosen up over time, and now that they were walking back to the dorms, he found himself flirting like normal, “I’m not a photographer, but I could picture you and I together.”
She’s been laughing at the corny pick up lines he’s been using the entire walk home, “really now?” Y/N asks, grinning at him as they walk along the path.
“Yeah, really!” He replies, leaning closer to her, “now. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?”
There’s a pause, and Denki wonders if he passed an invisible boundary as he turns to Y/N, only for her to yank him by the collar, bringing his lips to hers. Y/N’s other hand comes to his arm, and Denki is temporarily frozen, though he soon realizes he needs to reciprocate if he wants to keep kissing her.
He really wants to keep kissing her.
Bringing his hands to her waist, Denki pulls her closer, smiling when they pull away and she says, “you were wrong.”
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it’s literally just so much chivalry like kirishima single handedly revived it
chivalry is NOT dead, kirishima just has ALL OF IT
asks you out with the help of our boy baku, gets him to good a meal and puts it in some tupperware,
lol convincing bakugo was the funniest part, and he agreed only because he was like, “what you think my cooking couldn’t get you a date? just you watch!” 
genuinely sees his cooking as a means of bribery
kirishima is grateful because he cannot cook so i hope you can
buys you roses, and approaches you, obviously nervous but keeping his cool
you think he’s gonna ask out bakugo HADHJGDSJHGD
you nudge baku and he gives you a look and is all like, “what the hell, that is all clearly for you.”
lol kirishima is really sheepish about it he’s all like, “so would you be interested in... i dunno maybe going to dinner or something, as a date?”
embarrased bb
you accept the roses and the food and smile at him like, “sure!”
kirishima is relieved™
your first date is probably just like to the mall, you two get food and shop its nice
tries to pay for everything but he is not todoroki
he is your sugar baby congrats
he likes to watch you shop because you get really excited over really simple things and he does too and its just really adorable
definitely wants a fashion show with you
you’ll probably be like, “i don’t wanna waste your time.”
and then you turn around and kirishima is already holding seven different outfits like, “FASHION SHOW!” because hes manly
he also thinks you look REALLY pretty in all these different outfits like wow
he also has a fashion show and he has no right looking that GOOD in these CLOTHES 
y’all probably have your first kiss here, like you’re trying on clothes and he is hyping you up and you get all soft and he gets off soft and he’s like can i kiss you? and you are like HELL YEHA
opens doors for you, pulls out your chair, gives you his jacket, the KING of being a gentleman 10/10 treats you right
would ask to kiss you and will respect whatever you say when he walks you back to the dorms too
assuming he gets a kiss he’s throwing a party lol
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Kirishima smiles as he watches Y/N stare at a skirt, squinting at it as she examines it. It’s cute, she’s cute, and he was ecstatic when she’d agreed to go out with him. The date was simple, just a trip to the mall and lunch in the food court, they’d already eaten, so now Y/N was leading him around the mall as they looked at all the stores.
“Do you think this would look good on me?” She asks, bringing a skirt to her lower half to inspect the look.
He simply takes the skirt and throws it over his arm, which is already holding several other articles of clothing, not that he minds, “I think everything here is gonna look good on you.” Kirishima raises his arm up to gesture towards all the clothing he is carrying as he smiles at her. 
Y/N can’t help it when her cheeks warm and she looks away, “C’mon let’s go to the dressing rooms.” She mumbles, eyes falling on hi, “you sure you don’t want help carrying those?”
Kirishima puffs his chest out a bit at this comment, “I wouldn’t be a very manly boyfriend if I didn’t.” Came his response.
This earns him a raised brow from Y/N as she guides the two of them to the dressing rooms, “boyfriend huh?”
His cheeks flush as red as his hair, “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t-”
“I like it.” Y/N winks as she takes the clothes from his arms and heads into the dressing room, shutting the door behind her and leaving Kirishima in shock.
He had plopped down onto the bench outside the dressing room, earning sympathetic smiles from those who pass by him, though he really doesn’t mind. If he was honest, he liked this. Y/N got excited over the smallest of things and that got him pretty excited as well, her joy was contagious almost. Kirishima was shocked he’d even scored a date with Y/N in the first place, she was in the top of their class, and had a ridiculous amount of friends, and even more admirers it seemed. 
She’d been trying on clothes for quite some time now, exiting only to show him the outfits, not that responses to these outfits ever changed, since she looked beautiful every time. 
Resting his head in his hand, he hears Y/N call out, “you sure you aren’t bored yet?” She’s slipping on a different outfit, a small smirk on her face as she wonders what his reaction could be. 
“No, not at all.” Kirishima replied, shifting in his seat. 
And then Y/N came out of the dressing room, she had chosen the skirt she’d previously show him along with a low cut top that he had not seen her pick.
Oh god.
Kirishima felt his mouth go dry as it gaped open in shock, “how do I look?” Though she clearly knew what he thought, given his reaction, Kirishima couldn’t help but remind himself that it wasn’t manly to stare. 
“Pretty.” Kirishima replies, “really pretty.” He straighten in his seat, offering her a nervous smile as she watches her spin in a circle. “How is someone so beautiful, literally?
Y/N is beaming at him, a small laugh escaping her as she comes to stand in front of him and replies, “I could say the same about you.” Kirishima's face breaks out into a smile and she brings her hands to his shoulders, “thanks for taking me out Kiri.”
He tilts his head curiously at her actions, “thanks for agreeing to got out with me.”
She hums in response, hands coming to his cheeks as she stood between his legs, locking eyes with Kirishima Y/N gives him a small smile, “can I kiss you, Kiri?”
His eyes widen a fraction and he nods rapidly, “definitely.” He mumbles in reply, eyes closing as their lips met. Kirishima allowed his hands to come waist, squeezing her hips as they kissed.
Yeah, he liked this.
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A/N: i have zero inspiration and i feel like kirishima is out of character i am sorry akjdhkjshdkjahs 🙃 anyways kirishima looks respectfully
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BNHA: @shawkneecaps​
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