#im so glad that charlie remains to be a role he loves doing
lunyunyuny · 2 years
shoutout to charlie cox for completely understanding daredevil's character and emphasizing how integral being a fucking whore is to him
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malelavellan · 7 years
im trying to mingle ossia’s timeline together with charlie’s since she’s the inq who comes after her
ossia isn’t in kirkwall very long but she does meet the crew... she doesn’t meet bethany, who isn’t in ferelden, but she meets the rest of them. i imagine she meets bethany later when bethany comes to join the inq along with her brother and they get along famously, all things considered
ossia and charlie’s banter bc they’ve known each other will be Lots o Fun... they mesh well, they think each other is cute, they’re both gay, they love their elf girlfriends. lots to talk about there. also part of the reason she can’t bring herself to leave her old friend in the fade
she doesn’t get on with carver, at first. she can’t understand his bitterness. caro is happy their sister is a mage. buuuuut she can also kind of understand it, i think after a while of working they get over it. when he joins the inq later, as a military advisor with bethany’s arcane advisor, she plays a role in their reconciliation.
she adores seb she downright adores him even if she can’t hear him talk abt the chantry for too long... she’s devout in her ways and she respects his and he respects hers. when he contacts her later for help aiding kirkwall she’s stoked... she also drags him to the Winter Palace so she has A Contact(tm) on the inside
100% definitely thinks brone is great, but thinks he’s a little too sour and wonders if that’s why he’s so taken with seb... he needs something golden in his life, to combat the weight of what he’s been through wrt fighting the blight, the schism between bethany and charlie and carver, and the one between charlie and carver themselves. shes glad he’s got a good thing. still thinks he’s a bit too involved in his religion, but, eh.
not impressed with fenris’ attitude towards her sister. after a fashion they come to some neutral ground but there’s DEFINITELY a lot of hostility, in the beginning, that slowly becomes a mutual respect. i think by inq they’re not good friends but are on much friendlier terms
merrill.... loves merrill. don’t think they see eye to eye on merrill’s True Dalish ways, but if charlie and merrill weren’t together ossia would’ve been with her
i don’t know that she gets on with anders all that well but i think she’s amused with/appreciates the boom. she tries really hard to be sympathetic to seb (she succeeds better when she focuses on comforting him over his loss of structure/ people he cared about rather than the building). a step above “that’s rough, buddy”. she makes up for it by being a good friend n helping him with kirkwall
god her and varric are gonna be disasters when she moves the remains of her clan to kirkwall to settle there at the estate she’s given (canonically by him, in this canon by sebastian tho at varric’s suggestion)
i still don’t know how she handles aveline. i think there’s a respect there, but she’s afraid of (and kinda turned on by?) her. she and merrill exchange letters a lot, i think, and eventually she gets to know aveline through those, post act 2 business w/ the qunari converts. she and aveline do get along when ossia moves there post Inq, for a while.
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