#im so sorry hfdks i suddenly got into an oc high....
kenmaiii · 6 years
self-care really is just wholeheartedly not giving a fuck about drawing and loving your ocs and absolutely gushing over them like huh....no one really talks about how hard it is to consistently post about your own characters? (whether youre an original artist or a fanartist or in between?) well i mean they do but no one dives into it like... if you arent popular or at a decent popularity level it can be hard to get your ocs out there, whether you draw them all the time and only have a few people who follow and care about your characters, or if you get intimidated all the time posting about your ocs, or revert back to drawing fanart because you know itll get more attention than people liking your characters but heY
theres just something so healing about finally saying to yourself ‘hey i love my characters, i designed these idiots; skill level be damned, and im gonna draw abt em,  post about em and talk abt em as much as i want cause it makes me happy and its fun as hell!’ and shit! once you realize that mentality youre absolutely fucking right! youre a god! the shackles of overcaring and being discouraged are OVER
not to mention the raw power of artists that make merch of their own characters and even if no one buys it they still get it for themselves!!! thats how i wanna be!!! your characters on cute little charms and stickers??? wellcrafted cute little plushies?? im gonna slap that shit all over my notebooks and my laptop you better believe it! and if someone asks about them? even bettER FOR ME. (i personally have this thing where i get nervous talking about my own characters? like a dumbass? i need to be more confident in my ideas and overshare to hell! if youre an observant person youll know if you say too much but the person youre talking to will atleast see your love for your craft fhdks) confidence and art kinda go hand in hand and tbh...its a hassle
also canon popular stories are just peoples ocs that really kicked off and blew up anyway! maybe people will get hyped about your characters the more you post! people might even start to ask about them....aint that the dream..
all your favorite animes and mangas....sure the authors made them hoping for popularity but in the beginning they made those stories because they wanted to!!! when they started working on those first chapters you bet your ass they didnt know theyd be getting their own shows, millions of fans, being able to see merchandise of their characters, people d r a w i n g their characters and making their own sub aus, people being casted to V OICE ACT their characters, seeing people COSPLAY THEM?, people being exited to MEET the authors themselves!!!!!! ALL BECAUSE THEY DID WHAT THEY WANTED and thats fucking wild!!!!!!!!
draw aus for your ocs! draw them interacting with canon characters! draw them hanging out with yourself! draw your favorite oc otps if it makes you happy and whole cause by god i feel blessed in this oc chilis 2nite and ill give them the content they desperately deserve
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