#im so tired but this show was dhdhhdhed
onesingulartheaterkid · 7 months
I just saw Beetlejuice on tour. And it was AMAZING. It was funny and heartwarming and I actually was going to cry at one point.
It was absolutely so amazing. I’m kinda biased because that show was the first musical I ever got really into. It’s what got me into listening to show tunes and the OBC Recording was the first piece of music I ever bought myself. 
Beetlejuice stole every scene he was in. He had so much charisma and impeccable comedic timing. Every joke landed and he even got my younger sibling (who doesn’t like musicals) to laugh. He had my favorite line: “I thought that only happened to books who turned kids gaaayyyyYyYyyYy 😩”(during the “puppet show”. Iykyk) 
Lydia was so talented. Like her belts???? I’m jealous. AND IT WAS HER PROFESSIONAL DEBUT!!!! She just graduated high school and she had THAT much talent. It was insane. 
Barbara and Adam were so cute and had such great chemistry. With each other and with Beetlejuice. They bounced off each other well and they were the perfect Adorable Maitlands I love from the movie ❤️. 
Charles had me tearing up when he has that talk with Lydia in the Netherworld. Like sir I was gonna CRY. And Delia had such great physicality and put a really cool spin on Delia. 
Honestly I loved every minute of it. I’m so blessed to have finally been able to see the show that made me love theater so much. 
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