#im so used to drawing her with white iris on black that whenever i tried to draw her eyes based on canon. it doesnt feel right to me XD
jadequarze · 7 months
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Un(willing) puppet
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blughblu · 5 years
Okay i know i said tomorrow but
So, the family is Yash (son), Elraz (dad), and Adney (mom). Im currently working on a family portrait of them all, when Yash was younger and Elraz was still around.
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General info:
Gender: male, he/him pronouns
Age: human equivalent of early twenties
Race: cambion
Height: 6'5
Sexuality: pan rights babey
(I don't have a colored picture of her quite yet)
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General info:
Gender: female, she/her pronouns
Age: mid forties
Race: human
Height: 5'9
Sexuality: bisexual
(No need for another drawing)
General info:
Gender: male, he/him pronouns
Age: human equivalent of mid forties
Race: incubus
Height: 8'4
Sexuality: also pan rights babey!!
Elraz came up to the surface to do demon-ly business, and disguised himself as an elf. He travelled around, doing pretty much whatever he wanted (within the law-ish). Finally, he stumbled upon a large temple, where he found Adney. Adney was a nun there at the time, and when she saw Elraz (or Evindal, in his elven form). For a few months, Adney would sneak out to talk to "Evindal" and slowly they grew fond of each other. Adney was debating whether or not to leave the temple and run away with "Evindal", and Elraz suddenly realized he had a much harder choice to face. Whether he should tell the truth, and undisguise himself, or remain hidden and leave her. After weeks of back and forth debating, weighing the pros and cons, and a lot of yelling at himself, he finally decided to tell Adney the truth. He was scared she woukd hate him, yell at him, report him to the authorities. Or, she would be frightened, and would run away. Neither of those happened. When he dropped his disguise, and revealed what he truly looked like, Adney just shrugged, chuckled softly, and said "i had a suspicion you werent an elf."
Cut to several months into their relationship, theyre dating, and Adney is trying (and succeeding) to hide it from the temple. At this point, Elraz has shown that hes just a huge softy, and Adney has shown that she wouldnt be afraid to shoot someone in the head as a warning. So whenever they, *cough cough* not gonna say it, but Adney is the one to make them take chances, go into different places, etc.
Eventually, the risk taken while, doin the nastey, doesnt pay off, and they get caught by one of the head nuns. Adney gets kicked out from the temple, and Elraz is threatened with banishment from that plain of existence. They both leave very quickly.
A few years later, Adney gives birth to their own little demon spawn, Yash. As he grows up, parts of his father's blood pokes through, as well as his mother's. As a child, his eyes are white with a red-orange iris, instead of the black he has later in life. His tusks are only barely there, and are easy to softly file down or hide by not smiling too big. The biggest thing that could tip someone off to his demonic heritage is his pupils, which are slits likes his father's. But unlike Elraz, Yash's pupils dont do the cat thing, and get super big when they see smthn they like.
As Yash gets older, Adney takes notice of his tendencies to lean towards strong negative emotions, like lashing out over small things (his eyes went black when he got extremely angry). So, she sent him to her old temple to work on becoming able to control his anger more. He grew up, and trained to be a padin.
Just before Yash got sent to the temple, Elraz received a visit from an unexpected, and unwanted visitor. A messenger from Hell came to tell Elraz that he was required to return. Elraz refused, and the messenger said that either, he would go by choice, or he would go by force. Elraz stayed. A week later, Elraz was gone. Dragged out of his home by Hell guards, while all Adney could do was sit and watch in horror as her husband was dragged out of her life. So far, neither Adney nor Yash had ever seen him again.
After Elraz had been taken away, Yash trained hard to become a worthy paladin. He didnt want to be bad, so he studied hard, and trained hard, harder than any of the other people working beside him. He still had time to play, though. Which led to an unfortunate accident. While playing, Yash and a little boy got into a play fight. The little boy wrestled like any child would, and Yash thought he was wrestling normally too but...Yash wrestled too hard and the little boy ended up dead on the ground, neck broken. Yash cried and pleaded. "I didnt mean to do it! I didnt mean to hurt you!" Eventually it got dark, and Yash ran home. He never told anyone. He had nightmares for weeks.
Yash trained for years to become a proper paladin. He was very close to achieving the goal he had set years prior. But, life happens, and something went wrong. Terribly wrong. The head nun who had previously caught Adney and Elraz, told another nun a hideous lie about Yash and Adney. Yash overheard the comment, and went into a rage. When the rage dissipated, and Yash could finally think straight, he realized what he had done. Most, if not all, of the people in the temple were dead, or severely injured. So he ran. He ran to Adney, and cried. He sobbed and told her everything he had done. Adney rubbed his head, and told him he needed to leave, and that she would help him pack. He left the city that night, and didnt return until years later.
Yash used to be soft, and gentle, but now hes a huge @$$hole and hes super sarcastic. He now has a bf named Jarren (air genasi), and theyre very pleased with life. Yash visits his mother every so often, and is working on finding a way to see his father. He lives with Jarren, and he and his bf's friend, Vlasial (drow). Theyre all bastards. The bastard trio. Vlasial and Yash "fight" a lot, but everyone gets along great.
Adney lives alone, and runs an herb shop that doubles as a weed dispensary. Adney is definitely a stoner, but she mainly uses it as a way to cope with her emotions. She hasnt dated or remarried since Elraz. She keeps in touch with Yash about the situation with finding Elraz in Hell.
Elraz is trapped in a prison cell, for falling in love with and having a child with a human, and then staying with them for years. He hasnt been out since he got locked in there years previous, but everyday he still holds onto the hope that Adney and/or Yash are trying to find him. He has tried escaping in the past, but that only resulted in torture.
Misc. doodles:
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@musingsofa2yearold this is so long i apologize sdfhhsfhsf
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