#im sobbing im gonna have to spray the bastards again
magioffire · 2 years
Me trying to save a katydid from a spider web and a giant ball of wasps fall out of their (supposed to be dead cuz I sprayed them) nest in my roof and I've never been more traumatized
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Red Eyes
A celebrity is someone famous, not only for their blessings of beauty and knowledge, but for the hard path they have chosen to waik upon, However it can also be a double edged sword,for as one mishap of a wrong doing can end up being attacked by their followers, 
Thus the role of being a celebrity is somewhat both an incredible achievement and a poise you have to maintained.Thus you have to bottle your emotions,for as you have the role of being a major role model for everyone. Anger, Sadness, Jelousy, and even kindness, people will always interpret it,,,, as another..
{Shinjuku Academy}   
It is nightime Shinjuku, Thus, every student is safely inside their assigned dorm rooms, patroling the area out incase someone violates curfew, two teachers are assigned to patrol around the school, 
However two unsuspecting figures managed to escape their rooms and quietly make their way towards Shinjuku  Academy, What could they be doing at night that will cause them punishment?, And why at night specificly? 
Student 1: Did you bring it? 
A tall figure in a black jacket and pants quietly asked their accomplice, as they brought out a can of spray paint. 
Student 2:Yeah,here. 
Student 1: Awesome!, now then,,,Take this Harumo! 
Student 2: Hahaha! 
Furiosly spraying the wall,as if it was a canvas, the duo sprayed all around the wall as they write down letters that will cause a certain someone trouble 
As they humbly sleep peacefully in their dorm room, dreaming peacefully and softly smiling as if they are having a wonderful time in their mind space. 
Student 2: Dude,We better hurry before the teachers hear us! 
Student 1: Hold on, I have to put that bastard’s name on it! 
The second figure peaks to the side to check if they are nearby,
Student 1: Alright done!, Lets go!,...
Student 2: I can’t wait to see the look on that idiot’s dumb face when they get framed!
Student 1: Haha!, Yeah! 
{Narrator}:What awaits your tomorrow Dear Harumo? 
{Next Day}
{Shinjuku Academy} 
You and your guildmates have just passed the entrance of the school, When Shiro noticed something strange.
Shiro: I wonder whats going on over there? 
Looking upon the crowd of shocked students as they look upon wall, as the teachers are trying to get things around. 
Kengo: Hey!, what the heck is going on here!?
Kengo asked a neaby student and said: Harumo spray painted the wall.
Shiro and Kengo: WHAT! 
Harumo: Me!?,,
Ryota: Guys!, hah...hah...someone spray painted the wall, and...Harumo’s name is on it! 
Harumo: What!, but i ! 
Kengo: What the hell are they taiking about! 
Shiro: Its ludicrious for them think that! 
Ryota: I don’t believe its Harumo either,but they are making sound as if you did it! 
Harumo: Who?
Student 1: Hey look guys its the culprit who spraypainted on it! 
Student 2: Why did you vandalised our school like that!? 
All turn to gase you as they await your explanation. 
Harumo: It wasn’t me! 
Student 1: Yeah, tell that when your name is on it! 
Kengo: Time to beat the shit outta him!   
Shiro: Kengo stop, you’ll only make it worse! 
Kengo: This assholes need a beating if they whats coming for them! 
Harumo: For the last time!, I DID NOT DO IT! 
Student 1: Yeah,yeah, criminals always lie whenever they did something wrong! 
Student 2: Criminal! .Criminal!.
Ryota: Hey! Stop calling Harumo a criminal!, They will never do something like that! 
Student 1: Then explain the grafiti then! 
Ryota: Grrr..
Student 1: Yeah just like i thought!, Nothing!,Hey criminal! hu...
Harumo: FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Like a thunderbolt you violently rushed towards the cocky bastard pushing them against the grafitied wall and gripped they’re neck tightly  as you look at them furiosly in the eye,staring as if you’re gase is like someone had been bottling up they’re pent up aggresion, and only now you are able to release it like nuclear bomb. as the color of eyes changed into a crimson,glare, almost as if a predator is about to bare his fangs on their prey. As you growled, fist clenched and hand on them tight as a rope, 
Student 2: Hey! what the heck let him go...!
Student 2: Graagghh,,Le...meee....gooo!
Harumo: GRAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!!,, 
Ryota: Harumo, stop! 
Kengo: Partner!, you’re gonna kill them! 
Shiro: Kengo! help me, loosen his grip! 
Ryota embraced you from behind as the two try to loosen your grip on them, slowly the two about to drown students are about to run of oxygen,as you blocked they’re airways with your tight grip. 
Ryota: Harumo...Please stop!...Please...
Kengo: Harumo...thats enough or you’ll end up killin them! 
Toji: Forgive me later Harumo...
Ryota: Toji?
{Toji knocked the anger filled student cold} 
Toji: Get Harumo to the clinic, I’ll deal with this two..
Kengo: Shiro,Ryota, take care of Harumo for now,{ Clicks his neck} 
Toji: Takabushi, I trust you’ll only knock them out..
Shiro: Kengo, don’t be an idiot!, you’ll only get in trouble, worse you might even get expelled! 
Kengo: I couldn’t care less!, IM MAD! 
Shiro: Kengo think about this! if you do this, you’ll never see Harumo again! 
Eyes widening in realisation, as his gritted expression turn to an expression as if he’s gotta comeback to finish you two off. 
Kengo: Dammit...Fine..Toji im leaving them to you! 
Toji: All of you get out now!, Now. i have some questions needed to be filled! 
Kengo: I gotcha Harumo..
Ryota: ....Harumo.....
{Shennong’s Clinic} 
Cold air from the ac,fills the room,you’re cooped up in, as you make out what appears to be clinic, 
Harumo: What ...happened?
You rub your head as you feel your head spinning almost as the blood on your head going everywhere, 
Harumo: Wait.....
{Remembers the incident} 
Harumo: I...i almost...
Hands shaking from fear, you took a moment to get your bearings in order.        
{Door opens} 
Shennong: You’re awake..
Harumo: Shennong what happened? 
Shennong: You passed out, probably from the stress, your friends brought you here, Fortunately, the students you strangled are fine.   
Harumo: I...almost killed them......
Shennong: .....
Mr Mononobe: Harumo..Thank goodness you’re awake..
Harumo: {Hugs Mr Mononobe} 
The moment you come into contact, you let it all out..as tears flow and drip on Mr Mononobe’s polo. buried in his abs, as you can feel the rockyness of it as you hurt yourself a little from the impact.. 
Mr Mononobe: There..there..Harumo..
Shennong:I’ll let the other teachers know.. 
Mr Mononobe: Thank you Mr Shennong keep up the good work!
Mr Mononobe: Shhhh...Don’t taik now..I’ll take you to your room,
Harumo: But i..
Mr Mononobe: The other students have already spread rumors about your recent outburst lately, and...it could affect you..
Harumo: Oh..okay...Thank you Mr Mononobe.
Mr Mononobe: Its only natural i care for my students.
.Harumo: Im sure everyone thinks im a monster now..
Mr Mononobe:...I don’t think you are..
Harumo: I nearly killed them!,
Mr Mononobe: But you didn’t.. 
Harumo: Thats because i blacked out! .
Mr Mononobe: And? 
Harumo: And??..
Mr Mononobe: If you truly call yourself a monster,then those wouldn’t be in the office right now.
Mr Mononobe: “A monster is being whom only exist to bring destruction”.
Mr Mononobe: You need time to cool off and think rationally. I’ll inform Shiro that i brought you to your dorm. So don’t worry about them.. 
Harumo:..Okay...Thanks again Mr Mononobe,
Mr Mononobe: Just doing my job..
{Dorm room} 
“A monster is a being whom only exist to brin destruction”
Laying on your bed,facing the sceiling. while recalling your outburst on the two students.. the very thought of it,makes you jump out in shocked as you stare at both of your rugged hands,probably from the tightness you were gripping caused it. 
{Knock Knock} 
???: Harumo,are you there? can i come in? 
Harumo: That voice...
{Door opens} 
Ryota: Harumo!..You’re okay.. 
Harumo: Ryota, why are you here?
Ryota: Hehe. i sneaked out, preteding i was going to the bathroom, 
Harumo: Ryota{ Hugs Ryota} 
Ryota: sHHH..its  Okay..im here for you Harumo...
Harumo:*sobbing on Ryota’s shoulders* 
Ryota: Lets sit down Harumo..
Ryota: Are you feeling okay now? 
Harumo: A ...little...
Both of you sat to next to each other on the bed, as Ryota gave his bottle of juice to the crying young man.. 
Ryota: ...Good news!,Toji caught the culprits who tried to framed you, 
Harumo: Really?!, who was it? 
Ryota: It was those two.
Harumo: ..Okay..
Registering the goodnews. you can’t help but remember the way you strangle them without mercy as you are lost in your own train of thought, from it, Silence fills the room as you sip from the straw. Ryota breaks the silence.  
Ryota: I’ve never seen you act like that Harumo...
Harumo: .....Yeah....me too...
Ryota: Do you....want to taik about it? 
Ryota: Harumo..you know im always here for you, so does Shiro, Kengo, Moritaka,and Toji, We’re all here for you..If you want to taik I’ll listen to every word.so please don’t ..hold it in .
Harumo: Am i a monster?..
Ryota: Off course not! why would you think of that!
Harumo:” A monster only exists to bring destruction” thats what Mr Mononobe said, But the more i think about it, the more its ...its actually true..
Ryota: You are not a monster Harumo.. You’ve never been one, ever since we’ve met on the park, 
Ryota: Do you remember,what i said about you could have saved yourself if you just abandoned me..
Ryota: You didn’t abandoned me,and you saved me, even though we were strangers that time, if you really are a monster then i wouldn’t be here taiking to you, i would have been in Oni’s stomach by now..
Harumo: But i....
Ryota: You didn’t killed them,, and thats whats important right now... 
Harumo: {Stares at his shaking hands} 
Ryota: Harumo...
The orange chubby places a gentle hand, to ease your quivering palms, you can feel the warmness in them as you feel the soft touch of his skin coming into contact with your rugged hands. and places it on his cheek. 
Your quivering expression turns to shocked as you stare upon Ryota directly into his peach colored eyes. But you look as if you’re staring directly to his warm soul, that it almost made you tear up..And as you do, 
 Harumo: Ryota....!  
You embraced the chubby cinnamon roll slightly tight, as you cry on his shoulders on the other one, While Ryota gently strokes your fluffy greyish hair, and closes his eyes as you let it all out, 
Embraced in a warming matter, the hallway echoes your emotions,for as the sun rays down on an warming atmosphere, making it much more ....peaceful... 
.         .     .  
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