#im sooo excited to get to the kero zero episodes i need to eat up whatever scraps of backstory i can get
boypussydilf · 1 year
thank you for the lore dump!! theses frogs and their planet drive me crazy. especially since I just watched the jirara ep and, GAH, he would choose to (fake) die to get out of the military goes to show how bad it is on keron!! like being an assassin had to be the very depths of dororos depression.
YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH GOD that reminded me of these tags courtesy of @/geroyu, public thank-you to my like 2 keroro followers who keep leaving excellent commentary on all my posts
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i actually wanted to find a screenshot of the part of the manga that goes over “if a platoon fails they can be forced to never see or interact with each other ever again” but i couldn’t find where it is but i Do remember that happening. so far ive just thought of garuru blatantly allowing the keroro platoon to win and succeed and keep their jobs despite not being good at their jobs as just, being nice to giroro, his little brother wants this station so he’ll help him keep it, but this made me think Oh it would probably be SO MUCH WORSE. for All of them. if garuru did not opt to Greatly Exaggerate The Keroro Platoon’s Skills. They almost definitely could not officially quit their jobs even if they Wanted to because one way or another it would not. go well. Fail? Get permanently separated from your lifelong friends, at least. Quit and stay? Keron will just send in a new invasion team. (The good thing is, the Keroro Platoon consists of comic idiots who I’m not sure have all even fully realized they don’t want to invade, so they’re probably safe.)
Congratulations, you have been born on Keron! This is the complete list of options for what you can do with your life:
Join the military and continue to believe/convince yourself that it’s super great and the best thing ever and Keron is good forever
Join the military and realize the open secret that it sucks immensely but you’re literally stuck here now. Forever!
Join the military and then leave. You know, because you got unethically experimented on, or something else really fucked up like that. Become a hitman or fake your death or something.
Don’t join the military. No one knows what happens if you pick this option.
It’s just crazy fucked up. *shaking all the writers* i know this is most of the time a light hearted comedy jokes series and i like it that way i like the jokes but also come back here for a second. Explain yourselves. Is anyone going to elaborate on the disastrous state of Keron society or do i have to do it MYSELF
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