#im soooooo anxious about it i wish i could be normal for once
sunuism · 2 years
feeling fucking awful about leaving in 3 days… like i genuinely don’t want to suddenly
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survivornavarino · 7 years
Episode #7: I Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb -Tyler
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I didn't look at my phone for 10 minutes and I'm on a different beach 
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I am back with Tyler, who sees me as a threat, and Shoib, who left me out of the vote. However I have Julia with me, who I love, and Mo and Ben who were on my swap tribe. Hopefully I will be able to get through this round or get Tyler out this round. either way seems fine with me.
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Hey everyone, karma got its kiss for me. So the thing is, I'm a little concerned about the original Preciado tribe, especially if we all make it to the final 9 (R.I.P Jacob) mainly because I'm afraid that I'm not really close to some of my OG tribe like Eddie and Drew. One of my many talents is jumping to conclusions so I could be dead wrong on the fact that it'll be about relationships when it comes to the final 9, but if I am right I need to find a way to take out some of the stronger players. So my dumbass is gonna try some shit and probably fail miserably.
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I've never been more humiliated, 420 ruined my game.
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What ass backwards flu is goin around First i'm on a tribe of all winners and then suddenly we start losing everything. Is it because we lost Drew? what the fuck That challenge was fun but I'm sad we lost by a point. And then Ben volunteers both of us to do it when we weren't in sync! like boi I do not TAN on vacation I SLEEP. So we gotta vote someone out. And Ben and Mo and I have made a Woolliance so we can coordinte votes and junk and it seems like they wanna vote Tyler, which I don't... like but hey it's not my ass I hope merge is soon because I really can't risk having to vote out someone else because my next priority would be Julia and I just feel like that would be a problem. ALSO I can't target Heather because people love her too much like... goddamnit
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Im pretty sure I’ve been swap fucked. My entire alliance is on the other tribe. I was put on a tribe with a bunch of people I don’t know, and someone I have bad blood with. The only people I’ve played with previously are mitch who I never really spoke to and shoib who I trust but isn’t very active. I have tried to talk to people but a lot of them are difficult to engage with. They don’t really make conversation, don’t ask me questions back, and don’t seem interested in talking to me. It feels like they know I’d be an easy vote because I’m a fan and I’m from the other tribe. I stick out like a sore thumb. Furthermore, the comp players were randomized and I ended up not even getting to participate and help the tribe. I will try to create better relationships today but I don’t know how well that is going to work. I have my advantage, but again I’m not sure if it will be enough. Hopefully today I can get myself clued into the vote and hopefully it won’t be me.
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We won! Yay! And I'm like medium happy with the tribe swap, I just wish I had mitch on my tribe like dad come back. Anyway since we won not a lot is happening so instead please enjoy this twitter video I found this morning it's pure gold watch until the end YAY 
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So another tribal and I feel safe, my name hasn't come u at all and I really want Ben gone because I BARELY talk to him and think he is a good social player would be a  threat come merge, he is also a fave and like I need the fans to stay or we could be in deep shit. I think rn I will vote Tyler or Benjamin, Tyler wants to vote Julia but I trust Julia and DO NOT want that to happen. ________________________________________________________________ Ok so like now the vote is changing to Tyler, many people feel as though he is playing way TOO HARD, he trusts me but like if that is what people want I have to go along with it
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Oh honey, oh hoooooooooneeeeeeey. Tyler honey? Coming after me honey? I think the fuck not, I didn't get to beat my record of 8th place, I'm not ready to go.
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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SKw5ZbzanU8 ________________________________________________________________ So we currently are like just an hour and 18 mins from tribal and i'm extremely anxious. Idk how i can not be worried. Like this is a dangerous and big vote tonight let me tell you. But if this works out in my favor, than i've seriously been playing the game smart. Because I have so many people coming to me at the moment it's not even funny. And if I get to merge, I don't even know if I have to worry at the beginning. I have a shoib, julia, trixie f3 going on, a julia, matt, and rebecka f3, an autumn & julia f2, and a heather & julia f2(?). I also think I am in the good graces of Mo atm for exposing Tyler to him. So HOPEFULLY all my hard work pays off tonight and Tyler leaves. The funny thing about that situation is how once Shoib said he mentioned my name, I went all in. My goal is to know everything that is said in this game. And the moment someone mentions me and I find out, they are my no.1 target. Because honestly, in survivor you shouldnt give out second chances. Ok im rambeling at this point but yeah. Im def anxious. 
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WE SWAPPED! I'M HOME! WE WON! It's like everything is back to normal, but with Jake and Trixie to add to the funderfulness. We just made F13, I feel okay, just a little worried for Tyler. Shoib should be mostly okay but Ty is gonna need some assistance. I'm worried for his ass but I'm really hopeful that I can make merge with this group.
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ALSO I TOTALLY NEVER MENTIONED THIS. I ended up actually TELLING HEATHER ABOUT TRIXIES IDOL. I know you must think i'm dumb, and i'm questioning my decision too, but I think it's a good decision? My entire point was to bring Heather in closer so that she can trust me more. And I do believe it worked SOOOO, with that said, I think I will be gucci. 
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Don't write your confessional last minute challenge. I'm sorry hosts for always writing last minute confessionals that don't really give much of an in depth view into my strategy cause I don't have time to articulate it since I always fill it out last minute before tribal. But anyway, what was happened since the last tribal? a damn swap. I stayed with Autumn, I stayed with Jake, and I stayed with Drew. Staying with Autumn and Jake is soooooo iconique but I hate that Drew is on this tribe because I feel like they will target one another and I will have to pick a side, which is confirmed to be Autumn's side. IDk,,,, love that girl whew. So yea, if that happens and I can't do anything to make it better I will be standing behind Autumn. Drew and I don't even really talk any game and Autumn and I have like lonnnnngg game talk calls. My gut tells me to stick with her, so I'll follow my gut. I have had such a trash social game since we swapped. Catch me literally not having a conversation with anyone except jake and rebecca. Short ones at that. I need to step it up and winning these people over. I definitely plan on sticking with our alliance from our old tribe. Jake and Autumn are probably the people I feel the most comfortable with on this tribe. I think Rebecca wants to work with me and I think she also wants to work with Autumn so it would make sense that we would be able to get her to vote with us. Drew would vote with us too if he didn't decide to just target Autumn. I need to say hey to matt summers now that I'm thinking about it. I haven't talked about anything with him and he was someone who I was hoping to work with on the other tribe. Yikes... I hate myself. That's all I really can think of talking about and I can't type anymore.
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