#im sorry its so self indulgence me and my boyfriend used to joke we were raj and wayne before we got tg
apleijuic · 6 months
ok i post a little bit of stuff ive done between this project im working on herrmm. redesigns!!!!
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primordialwhale · 5 years
top 5!! favorite plot/backstory/etc things u have for ocs! talk 2 me abt yr ocs gimme some stuff yr proud of!
gOD so much of my OC stuff is just self indulgent garbage that its so ??? different to be lookin at it from a “hm what am i PROUD of” lens but!! Im gonna try!!! or at least just fucking info dump about ocs a lot!!!
 ok this is so homebrewed bc fuck canon D&D lore but: the Backstory for my PC Ki’ae is that they WERE a part of vecnas cult via familial ties (their mother was a Thought of Vecna which is kinda like a high priest) and was a part of an attack on the Raven Queen’s domain.
 When they were slain by the RQ’s army She revived them and put their soul into the body of a Shadar-Kai and let them live again if they would devote their life to atoning for what they’ve done and become one of the people who fight against anyone who uses magic and necromancy magic for evil like Vecna. 
 Uh my OC aaron was in, and got kicked out of a band when he was younger and that’s always a really fun dynamic to play with fjgkjhjdlfkg. he’s also my biggest like “bitch u were shitty and mentally ill and now u gONNA GET BETTER MOTHERFUCKER” oc so thats ALSO really fun to play with. Recovery btich!!! hell yeah!!!!
idk if proud is the word for it but one oc I had literally started as a joke. 
ok so there’s a lot of world backstory bc uhhh my partner and I literally just fckIN made an entire universe (that started out as the rwby universe and then our own ideas took over and basically the only similar things are uhhh names for stuff)
 but anyway basically there’s this fucking world wide crime ring (fucking everyone is criminals and its great) and in each kingdom there’s like a group of like 3-5 crime bosses that have territory split up in each kingdom 
but like we made this system b4 we made enough characters to fill in the gaps so we’d just fucking give some fucker a name and some shitty personality whenever they’d come up and this motherfucker started off as like a peridot from SU rip off 
and then a couple months later this bitch has a whole backstory of basically being “hired” by an evil crime boss as a teenager and being turned into evil crime bosses like secret special task force with a couple other kids. ended up as said crime boss’s second in command at some point. ended up being a boss himself. Bitch has a BOYFRIEND at some point is TRANS AS FUCK and MANY SIBLINGS. and I LOVE HIM. 
oh another one where things didn’t turn out as originally planned (this happens a lot) I made an oc, nila, to just kinda be a bg chara for my partner’s crime boss character 
and he was gonna be a bit of a dick and like hated everything and his job, but then we started doin rps with them and now he’s a big buff bi softy who is lowkey highkey in love with his boss and will literally die for her and almost does a few times 
and he had a boyfriend in the past and shit went tits up bc said boyfriend worked for the evil boss mentioned in the last number and like everything got messed up and they don’t talk for years bc Nila thinks Star (boyfriend) is dead after Star broke up with him but they kinda end up meeting back up in the future and dealing with their shit and they don’t get back together or anything but they’re best friends again. 
He’s actually another good like Recovery Is Great character bc after shit went down with Star he like uhhhhh got real fucked up but gets help and gets better and is a better person again and yknow life aint perfect and neither is he but its better and he can deal with thins better and its awesome.
He also used to be an assassin so thats neat. Now he’s just a second and a body guard for a crime boss he ends up smooching. 
Ok so like one of the first “started as a rwby oc and then whoops oh god things got out of hand” oc was Alizarin and i love her so much
so she ALSO started out as a character that was gonna be a lot like bitchier and meaner than she ended up. She’s the leader of team ABRN (and i’m still so mad that there’s a canon team ABRN now bc bitch I did it first) but anyway
she lived in a faunus only village outside of one of the kingdoms and then when she was 11 they kept getting suspicions and reports that their village was gonna get attacked and was asking for help from the military but they didn’t get it and the village was destroyed and she only got out by playing dead and then running. And she was living on the streets of the kingdom b4 this guy (fenris one of my partners ocs) kinda took her in and was her mentor for a while but then he disappeared and she was back on the streets 
but then she got saved and picked up by this older girl named ciel (and here’s where some trauma projecting comes in hewwo) but she was like fucking terrible and forced Al to become like big bag mercenaries with her and they’d manipulate and kill people and had like a Reputation™ (codenames Blackfoot and Kitsune) 
But she took a job one day that was getting info from a new boss that had popped up in another kingdom and that job actually went tits up but said boss was looking into her to like track her down and ended up finding out that yknow everything wasn’t really her idea she’s just following that fucker blackfoot so the boss, dym, gives her an option to leave blackfoot and join her and so she does and like after a long time of uhhhh learning to trust each other, Al, Dym and Dym’s second, mosquito (mo for short) end up being like Big Found Family.
And Al ends up going to school to be a huntress and she makes FRIENDS with her TEAM and she gets a GIRLFRIEND who’s actually ANOTHER crime boss and they’re HAPPY and CUTE and its GREAT. And she also finds out that her sister and kind of adopted brother are still alive and THATS great and i love it. 
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