#would you guys still love me if i ship rayne
apleijuic · 6 months
ok i post a little bit of stuff ive done between this project im working on herrmm. redesigns!!!!
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cloverlink · 5 months
/chin on hands I would like to hear about Jak X and why it's your favorite! If you're up for it/don't mind.
sO I played this game when I was like 8-9-10 y/o. I met the saga through The Lost Frontier lmao but my English was very bad so I couldn't play much of the game and sent my dad to change it. iirc, the game he came back with was Jak X, if not then I got it another time I went to the store and said "surprise me".
since I had tried googling about TLF to help me pass the game, I got familiarized with the rest of the games as well. I had a (very) vague idea of the story through amvs and fanmade content. so then I got to play the game, the story was much shorter cuz it was only one game, and the playing mechanics were basically Mario kart (which I had played a lot previously) so I had a way easier time understanding things. I guess that made me closer to this game in particular. Also I asked the store for the main trilogy but they could never get them.
Plus I actually replayed it a dozen times cause of the fucking save file corruption bug, it was years of frustration cause I could never reach the end of the game without losing my progress. I eventually got a second memory card and tried again, this time with a strategy of cloning the save on each card. But by that time I had already watched the cutscenes on YouTube cause I genuinely thought I could never do it on my own. Still, getting to finish the game was like a life goal being achieved
Tldr years long frustration + learning to like bad guys lmao
NOW since I was a small kid I haTED Mizo's crew with a passion cause they were evil bad guys and that was all I could see. I had a special hate spot for Razer and UR-86. And the fact that I couldn't beat the game felt like they were winning against me and I was failing to save Jak's team from the poison. But then puberty hit and I admitted to myself that I had a crush on Razer LMAO and I became Mizo's crew #1 fanboy. Before I realized I was thinking of backstories, headcanons, ships, self inserting myself on the team or as their rival who ends up warming up to them
I got to play the other games when I was 15 (it was around this time that I got to beat Jak x too) and that made me appreciate X even more because they really didn't need to go THAT HARD yet they did!!! and I'm so glad!!!! It gave us more time with Jak + a different side to him, a lot of depth in world building, character development for Keira (I had very protective parents so I feel her) AND THEY FINALLY KISSED OMG TOOK YOU BOTH DUMMIES LONG ENOUGH + that plot wist with GT and then the Rayn one at the very end holy shit
now a lil on my love for the baddies: we get literally zero stuff from them except for Mizo's daddy issues and Razer's sassyness so this part is mostly me going full delulu. Most of my attention at first was on Razer obviously and I always love/hated him, I feel like I wouldn't stand him but God he's so cool. Then one day I randomly started adoring Shiv?? I just thought he'd be such a chill guy and started picturing us as besties??? Edge I feel would be Shiv's kinda close friend, we see them together most of the time they have in X after all. And then Cutter's the most reserved one, I picture him being actually really sweet but you Have To Get There.
Now I need to draw my self insert so bad omgggg
Also I can recite the Spanish version of the opening scene by heart
OK THAT GOT LONG ENOUGH thank you so much for asking I loved writing all this and would love to hear your thoughts on the game (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
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nouru-vi · 4 years
Headcanons for my AFK Arena gang buckle the f up
Disclaimer: I take canon lore/relationships and throw out what I don’t like thank you have a nice day
Starter pack: Estrilda, Mirael and Nemora
Nemora is sent by the Wilders to help out Ranhorn City and these three stick together going forward
Estrilda and Mirael are in idiot lesbians with each other. They constantly try to impress the other and Nemora is in the bg facepalming but she also ships them hard secretly
The gang is sent to hunt down Lucretia who is rampaging indiscriminately through the countryside and they manage to subdue and capture her. As they’re bringing her back to Ranhorn, Nemora keeps drawing info out of her through treating her kindly, and learns her story. Then they’re attacked by a large group of Maulers or sg, and Lucy demands that they unchain her if they want to live (lbr she has to be chained and not tied), adding that she also refuses to die tied up. Nemora chooses to trust her and she helps them make it out alive. Then they’re like “okay this Zaphrael dude sounds like a complete dick and we’ll help you confront him when we find him and also you can stay with us, we won’t bring you to Ranhorn to be imprisoned/executed. No more rampaging tho” and that’s how Lucy becomes the local goth mom
Silvina is sent to assassinate Estrilda, to finish off the job of destroying the Raynes, but when she sees her, memories come back to her from before her death, when she saw the young Estrilda as the girl she never got to be. She is like “fuck this I’m not doing this” and realises it’s time to stand up to Vedan’s exploitation of her and Isabella, if not for her own sake but her sister’s. She confronts Estrilda and pleads her to help remove Isabella from Vedan’s clutches. Her and the team go to do that and Isabella doesn’t really understand at first but when Vedan hurts Silvina she’s like “Back off. I made you what you are, don’t think I can’t unmake you just the same.” Now outclassed, Vedan is forced to let them go, and the sisters join the gang. Lucretia is immediately like “I’m your mom now”
Bonus: months later Vedan shows up to be like “Please forgive me. I never knew what I had until I lost it, I treated you two like crap even though you were the closest thing to family I had! Pls come back to me T_T” and although they don’t do that they agree to let him visit sometimes, so he becomes their weird weekend dad. Lucy watches him like a hawk every single time but he tries his best (I added this HC as an afterthought because the official comics with Vedan and the girls are just too fucking funny to be non-canon)
Wu Kong helps out the team on and off and Lucy hates him because he’s a FILTHY CELESTIAL while he’s just like, lady im am just leetl monky. I’m new to being a Celestial actually and don’t even know this Zaphirel or whatshisface. I’m just here to punch bad guys and have a good time. But he also annoys her for fun because he’s just like that
Lyca joins the team as a somewhat more competent co-leader to Mirael. To Nemora’s relief, because she’s the only other person so far who is not a mess or dumb or both. Silvina develops a mega gay crush on her because she’s the bouncy nerd prep to her emo jock goth. It probably takes a very long time for this to come to the surface because she is a Disgusting Graveborn and Lyca is a Beautiful and Ethereal Wilder, according to Silvina, that is. Her concerns turn out to be baseless, of course, and then they’re cute and gay, The End
Solise joins to swell the ranks of people who are both dumb and a mess. She’s powerful though and a great alchemist, and adorable and everyone else is sapphic so go figure
Flora also shows up often to help the group and Lucy is like HISS GRRR CELESTIAL HRRR GRRR at her too, while she’s just like, lady. It’s gonna be alright. You will find justice one day. Calm down. Here’s a flower bigger than your head. Have a nice day :) ~flies off on her gay little flower broom into the sunset gayly~
Certain groups catch wind of Lucretia travelling with the group and as a result, Cecilia is sent after them. Since Lucy is family by this point, they’re forced to fight and subdue Cecilia. She gets injured and they’re unwilling to leave her to her fate, so they bring her along as she recovers. For a long time, she keeps going on about heretics cavorting with Hypogean filth and whatnot, but what’s this? Lucy is around, and although Cecilia can’t see her, her voice is inexplicably pleasant to hear, and she’s just so nice to those two girls! But surely that is the insidious deception of a treacherous Hypogean, seeking to corrupt every innocent soul, right? Surely she is not a loving mother, nor a valiant woman who will do anything for the sake of justice? Right??? (yeah spoiler they end up in gays and the sisters now have two mothers and a dad. They deserve all the parents)
One day the gang stumbles upon Torne and they collectively adopt them immediately. They’re big and smad and in need of hugs and therapy so the group is happy to provide.
Nara joins from time to time, apparently because she just enjoys carnage, regardless of the target. She’s a gross and unhinged gremlin who’s somehow still hot, and her idea of humour is “bet I can kick a dead baby further than any of you”, but she’s pretty upbeat and more or less tolerated by the others. Things become awkward when the group finds out she used to be a crime boss and would-be slaver in life. She says something like “well, am I not allowed to make a new start?”, but she does have the decency to look embarrassed at least. Someone says “maybe she just wanted friends for once” and Nara throws them the most maybe so look of the century
There are some other heroes that I have yet to figure out how to work into the group dynamics and story, like Grezhul for example, as he’s one of my most used heroes now, or Oden, who has also become one of my faves. I do know Oden absolutely makes dad jokes, for a start.
That’s it so far, notice how all of these are wholesome and mostly gay? Yea that is how I roll. The AFK heroes have suffered enough in canon, only positive vibes around here and also I’m queer as shit bye
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ambersky0319 · 5 years
Dumb idea from a tired Rayne: Logan, who doesn't want to date Roman, keeps telling him "___ and then maybe I'll date you" so later you have Roman looking practically like a fucking clown as he tries to recite Shakespeare in full garbwhile also trying to speak in a perfect accents with the mind palace looking like a galaxy, only for Roman to find out after while he was practicing his brother and Deceit asked Logan out and he said yes, and he tried to tell Roman but he refused to listen.
This doesn’t have a happy ending, but it’s also not a bad ending?
Ships : One-sided Logince, Platonic Logince, Romantic Intruloceit
Warnings : Leading people on, miscommunication, let me know if there's anything else that I should add!
It wasn't that Logan didn't like Roman. He did, in complete honesty, Logan loved spending time with Roman, he loved being Roman's friend. But that's where it ended.
Being Roman's friend.
So when Roman confessed that he had feelings for Logan, he didn't know what to do. How do you reject someone, and then say it's because he just got into a relationship with said someone's brother and his partner?
But that's the thing. Logan tried to say that. But every time he got near the answer 'no' Roman would fall into another round of rambling that lasted anywhere between five to twenty minutes. It got to the point that Logan just... Gave up on trying to outright reject him.
Instead, he started giving Roman impossible tasks to do.
He didn't expect it to backfire so terribly on him though.
Logan sighed loudly as he collapsed onto the couch within the dark commons, right by Deceit who set his book down to console his annoyed boyfriend. Remus was nowhere to be found, probably in the Imagination. Logan just wished he could cuddle them both right now, that would surely cheer him up.
Deceit gently pulled him into his arms, pressing soft kisses to his temple as he started to massage Logan, slowly drawing circles on his back. Logan made a soft, strangled noise as he curled closer to Deceit.
"What's happened now?" Deceit hummed. He and Remus knew of Logan's predicament, and both knowing how well Roman took rejection, weren't able to give Logan any ideas on how to tell Roman that he wasn't interested, not without letting their own relationship slip.
"He- He actually learned Latin and performed not five, but ten original poems! And! He actually changed his sash to that awful gray that he hates!" Logan let his head fall into Deceit's neck, huffing and shaking his head.
"I told him that he needs to perform an entire Shakespeare play all by himself looking like Pennywise using time-accurate accents and in garb and that the entire mind palace must look like a galaxy."
Deceit began threading his fingers through Logan's hair. "What are you going to do if he actually succeeds in this one?"
"Honestly?" Deceit hummed in confirmation. "I have no fucking clue."
Silence filled the dark commons for a long while. Logan was far less tense now but refused to move out of Deceit's lap. Not that Deceit minded. But then Deceit broke the comforting quiet.
"Remus and I were talking earlier, about maybe to put a stop to this we just... All come out."
Logan shifted only slightly, frowning against Deceit's neck. "I thought that's what we were trying to avoid?"
"Well, we've been dating for what, four months now? And Roman has been doing this for about three. No matter how the others react, we'll stay together, and Roman can work on moving on and accepting that you aren't interested." Deceit continued to run his fingers through Logan's hair, no knots remained but he knew it was helping Logan relax. "We're ready to come out. If you aren't though, that's fine, and Remus and I can always help you come up with something-"
Before Deceit could finish, there was a crash as the Imagination door slammed open, and Remus came stumbling down the stairs cursing up a storm.
"Remus?" Logan asked hesitantly when Remus started to tug at his hair and pace. Remus barely glanced at them.
"I fucked up, guys I fucked up royally- Roman's pissed, he's so incredibly pissed oh my god, guys-"
"Hey, hey, Remus," Logan shifted out of Deceit's arms a bit for the first time in quite a while. "Come sit down, and maybe explain what happened?"
Remus did, settling down on Deceit's other side and welcoming the embrace from both Logan and Deceit. He then went on to explain how Roman had unconsciously wandered into Remus's part of the Imagination, where Remus had been talking with Hope about Deceit and Logan, getting suggestions from Hope on how to handle the situation if Logan didn't want to tell anyone yet. He described how Roman now knew that they were all together, and how he looked so incredibly heartbroken but also so pissed, and Remus wasn't able to tell if it was at Remus and Deceit, or Logan.
Once he was done, Logan groaned loudly, head falling back to hide in Deceit's shoulder. He said something, but it was muffled by Deceit's shirt. Remus clung to Logan, burrowing his face in Logan's hair. "Maybe we can just give Roman amnesia, y'know, and no one will know!"
"I don't think giving your brother a concussion is a good idea, Remus."
"At least it's an idea!"
Logan shook his head, taking a deep breath. "No, I'm going to have to talk with him. But... but I think I'll talk to Roman tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be willing to listen, I doubt he will be right now."
"You sure, Lo?"
Logan nodded, moving so he could press a light kiss to Remus's cheek. "I just really want to spend time with you both. And maybe this'll be safer."
The next morning, Logan rose up in front of Roman's room. It was too early for Patton or Virgil to be awake, but Roman often got up around the same time as Logan. He knocked lightly on the door, and it took a minute and Logan was just about to knock again when he heard a lock click and the door slowly opened. Logan bit his lip as he felt his heart figuratively break at the sight before him, Roman with irritated eyes and hair so tangled one brush would never be able to help tame it. He looked so pale, too, and he wobbled slightly in place as he processed just who was at his door.
When it finally caught up to him that it was Logan, Roman attempted to shut the door. But Logan stuck his foot out to stop it. "We really need to talk-"
"I don't want to see you, Logan."
"Please, Roman?"
". . ."
"I just want to explain things. You don't need to actually respond, but you need to hear me out. And then, if you no longer want to be friends, then I'll just leave you alone from now on. I won't even take long, I just need five minutes."
Roman hesitated, before sighing in defeat and he sulked back into his room, letting Logan enter. He sat on the bed and just stared at Logan. "Five minutes. Go."
Logan took a deep breath. "First, I wanted to apologize. It was wrong of me to lead you on like I did, getting your hopes up that I might reciprocate your feelings when in fact I wasn't only not interested, but was seeing other sides.
"Next, the only reason why I kept doing that is because any time I tried to tell you no, or that I wasn't interested, you would cut me off, or refuse to listen. I tried each and every time to get you to listen and I failed, so I gave you more and more ridiculous tasks thinking you would eventually give up. And then you didn't. And I just had no idea what to do, because I still wanted to be frends, I love being friends with you, but I don't like you how you like me and I just- I'm um, I'm just really sorry, Roman."
Logan held his breath as he watched Roman for any reaction, holding Roman's gaze. Roman took in a shuddering breath, before glancing to the side, frown tugging at his lips.
"And you were with my brother and Deceit the entire time...?"
"... Yes."
Roman closed his eyes for a moment, processing everything that Logan had said. When it seemed that he finally did, he exhaled slowly, still not looking at Logan.
"I'm still mad, Logan, I'm still hurt. But... But I don't want to not have you in my life. I still want you around. It wouldn't be the same with you gone- and I- fuck, Logan, I'm sorry for not listening... I should have, this all could've been avoided." Roman held his head in his hands. "Just... can, can we come back to this in a few days?"
Logan nodded hastily. Roman glanced at him for a moment before looking back down at the floor. "I'll see you later, Logan."
Logan hugged himself as he left Roman's room, summoning a water bottle for him before he left. God, this wasn't how he wanted things to turn out...
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eddiesasspbrak · 5 years
Carnival Games
Eddie sneaks out to attend the annual carnival with his friends and meets someone he hadn't been expecting.
A request from @caleigh-rayne hope this is what you were looking for!
Requests currently open for most IT ships
Read on AO3
4k+ words
Throughout Eddie’s life, he’d been denied the enjoyment of many things. He’d never been to a classmate’s birthday party. He’d ridden a bike once and when he fell off one time his mom sold it. He’d never been roller skating, skateboarding, ice skating or climbed a tree. He’d had chances to do many things in secret, but his mother’s warnings were drilled so far into his brain that her voice would come out every time he even thought about it. One thing he was definitely not allowed to do, was attend the annual fair.
He’d always wanted to go. They’d drive by it every year and he’d see the rides, the games and the food that smelled sinfully delicious when he’d roll his window down just a bit. He’d see the other kids running around, playing and lining up with their friends, excitement on their faces and practically vibrating off of them. Every year he asked his mom to let him go, and every year it was, “no son of mine will associate with carnies.” Or, “those rides are dangerous and the people who run them don’t care if they’re up to safety regulations.” Or his personal favorite, “they skewer dead rats on a stick, dunk them in batter and then deep fry them and sell them as food. Is that what you want Eddie? To eat a rat?”
Eddie knew it was all bullshit. His friends went every year, and nothing ever happened to them. Other than a stomachache from eating too much or Ben puking after riding a roller coaster. Eddie would love to experience it all - the good and the bad. Bev would always bring back a stuffed toy she’d won for him and Mike would sneak him a soft pretzel when they’d stop by afterward to check on him.
The summer of their seventeenth year, when the heat was at its peak and the haze of summer was setting in, the fair came the town once more. Eddie sat on his porch with his three friends, watching families with young children go by headed to the fair when it was more child friendly. All the kids he saw were excited, bouncing along holding their parents’ hands and smiling brighter than the sun. It just made Eddie sad.
“Come on, Eddie. Sneak out and come with this year.” Bev was saying in a hushed voice in case his mother was close by. The windows that lined the front porch sat open to let any gentle breeze pass through the sweltering house.
“I can’t. If she finds my bed empty, she’ll call the police. She’s done it before, and I was just in the bathroom.”
“Slip her a sleeping pill.”
“I’m not going to drug my mother so I can go to a fair.”
Bev shrugged and instinctively reached for her pocket, stopping herself when she remembered where she was and wiping her hand down over her denim jeans instead. All of her friends knew she smoked, but if Sonia got even a whiff of smoke, she’d ban Eddie from seeing his friends ever again and would search every inch of his room for cigarettes. The one time Bev had shown up smelling of smoke she’d had to quickly come up with a lie about a group of unruly teens that she’d had to walk by. Sonia hated them all and looked for any excuse to banish them, but she’d bought it anyway.
“Can’t you say your staying at my place tonight?” Ben asked, his eyes leaving Bev for the first time in ten minutes.
“She’ll suspect something. She knows the fair is in town.” Eddie sighed.
“What about mine? The farm is far enough away from the fair that it should be ok, right?” Mike asked.
“Nah, she’ll just come up with a reason to keep me away from farm animals. It’s useless guys. One more year until I’m free and then I can go to as many fairs as I want.”
All of his friends could practically see into the future, his rebellious phase an inevitable as soon as he was out from under Sonia’s constant supervision. They often wondered if Eddie would continue to talk to his mother at all when he was eighteen and away from home. He’d learned long ago that she didn’t have his best interest at heart. She just wanted to control him, keep him from enjoying life and getting a taste of what life could be without her. It was going to happen, and that day was approaching fast, so her hold got even tighter.
Eddie’s friends left when Sonia called him inside to help with dinner. He waved goodbye and watched them head down the street. They’d go to Ben’s and wait for it to get dark before heading to the fair. He wished with all of his being to go with them. Inside, his mother was in the kitchen, listening to the radio and cutting up vegetables for a stir-fry. Eddie joined her, stirring the bit of chicken in the pan on the stove. The rice cooker sat on the countertop, steam coming from the lid and making the air just a little bit hotter.
As soon as the food was done, Sonia made her way to the living room with her plate, where she liked to eat in front of the TV. Sometimes Eddie joined her, but he didn’t much want to be in her presence at the moment. If it weren’t for her, he’d be going to have fun with his friends. The sun was just barely beginning to dip in the sky, casting purple across the clouds. They wouldn’t have left yet.
“Eddiebear, will you fetch me a scoop of ice cream?” Sonia called from the living room when she’d finished her meal.
Reluctantly, Eddie mumbled back a “sure” and dumped his plate in the sink on his way to the freezer. The blast of cold from inside was enough to cool Eddie down for a second. He reached up into a cabinet to grab a bowl and his eyes fell to the cabinet door beside him. The cabinet that held all of their combined medication, fake and real. “Slip her a sleeping pill.” Bev’s voice echoed in his head.
It wouldn’t be so bad, right? She took sleeping pills all the time. Just one wouldn’t hurt her. Peeking over his shoulder, into the living room, he could see her slipper covered feet dangling off the recliner but knew she couldn’t see him. Slowly as he could, careful to not make any sound, he opened the cabinet and pulled down the little orange bottle. He shook out one, putting the bottle back in its place exactly as he’d found it. He went about scooping the ice cream like normal, topping it with the sprinkles she liked to mask any grittiness. Using the back of the spoon, he pressed on the pill until it broke in half. The sound of the TV masked the little click it made as it broke. From there he kept pressing it with the spoon into smaller and smaller pieces.
When it resembled a powder, Eddie scrapped it off the counter and into the spoon, sprinkling it on top and then mixing it and the sprinkles into the cold dessert. For a final touch, he added whipped cream and a single maraschino cherry. He quickly cleaned the counter, wiping away any evidence, and put everything back where it belonged.
She smiled at him as he carried the bowl in. “Oh, Eddiebear you spoil me!” She gushed.
He forced a smile and made up an excuse about it being too hot and wanting to go to bed early. He said goodnight and ran to his room, shutting the door behind him. He changed his clothes into something more fair appropriate. Denim shorts that went halfway down his thigh, a t-shirt with blue and white stripes and a small breast pocket, a pair of tennis shoes and a sweatshirt tied around his waist incase it got cold. He waited anxiously for forty minutes. Enough time for her to finish her dessert and the pills to make her tired.
As quietly as he possibly could, he snuck down the stairs and peeked into the living room. Sonia was still in her chair, the TV playing but she was fast asleep. He knew they worked quick on her, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. But the sun was rapidly setting, and his friends would head out soon. Making sure he had his keys and wallet he locked the door behind him and dashed down the street. The air was hot, but the wind going past his face as he ran felt like freedom. He wasn’t supposed to run because of his supposed asthma, but he could run fast and for long distances and never have a problem. Besides, he was breaking the rules tonight.
When he arrived at Ben’s house, he could see the retreating shapes of his friends just a little ways away. Smile on his face, he called out to them, earning a startled reaction.
“Eddie, what the hell are you doing here?” Mike asked.
“I’m going to the fair with you guys.” He said between heavy breathing, catching his breath from the run.
“No fucking way!” Bev beamed. “We finally get to pop your carnival cherry. How did you get your mom to agree?”
“She didn’t…exactly…”
“Oh Eddie, you didn’t.” Ben frowned.
“I wasn’t thinking and before I knew it, she was eating ice cream with a sleeping pill in it.” He confessed.
“Ignore him. I’m proud of you.” Bev said, nudging Bens’ side with her elbow.
“She’ll be ok, right?” Eddie asked nervously.
“How many did you give her?”
“One. The dosage on the prescription she has is one and she hadn’t taken any before that.”
“Then she’ll be fine.” Bev reassured, grabbing his hand and then Ben’s. “Come on, let’s go.”
Being dragged along, Eddie reached out and grabbed hold of Mike’s hand as well, grounding himself to reality, his friends like a tether tied to his wrists. Everything would be ok. He just had to keep walking. Tonight, he was free.
It wasn’t a long walk to the fairgrounds given how small the town was. By the time they got there, the sun was all but gone beyond the horizon, orange and yellow painting the sky at the edges. Soon it would be dark. They passed by the fence around the edge of the grounds and immediately they were engulfed in the festivities.
Eddie felt a bit overwhelmed by the lights, sounds and smells but the excitement was buzzing off of him in waves. Bev’s hand is his seemed to keep him calm as she dragged him through the crowd and toward the ticket booth. Every year they saved up for months so they could go on the rides as often as they wanted, eat as much fried food as their stomachs could fit and play enough games to go home with at least one cheap, useless bobble.
With enough tickets to satisfy their adrenaline cravings, they set off to a slow ride to ease Eddie into it. He’d never been on a Ferris wheel and it was the slowest ride they offered, aside from the rides meant for small children. The line was short and mostly full of couples. Eddie offered to ride alone with Mike so Beverly and Ben could ride together, but they insisted they wanted to be there for his first ride. When it was their turn, all four crammed into the seat, the bar coming down over their laps. Eddie sat in the middle with Bev, Mike on his other side. Mike mentioned to the operator that it was his first ride and the guy winked at him. Eddie looked at Mike, wondering what kind of exchange he’d just witnessed.
As the ride started up, Eddie’s stomach did a little flip. He wouldn’t get sick. He wouldn’t freak out or be afraid. He was going to enjoy this if it was the last thing he did. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his mother’s voice from his head and looked out at the world in front of him as they began to rise into the air. Beverly reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing his fingers.
Eddie’s eyes were fixed on the view in front of him. Everything looked so small below him and he could see all the way to the edge of the town, or at least close to it. When they reached the top, the ride came to a stop, their seat rocking back and forth. His friends all looked at his face, smiling expectantly.
“What do you think?” Ben asked, looking across Bev to see him.
“The town looks so small from up here.” He said.
“The town is small.” Bev reminded him.
“Yea but I mean…even smaller than that. It’s pretty though. All the lights.”
“This is just the beginning.” Mike grinned, putting an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and squeezing.
After the Ferris wheel, they took him on the bumper cars and then the spinning apples. Every ride getting faster and preparing him for the rollercoaster. He was nervous in line, staring up at the little cars speeding over the tracks, but as soon as they were seated and things started moving, he was all excitement. Cheering and whooping loudly, laughing and throwing his hands in the air alongside Bev. All these years, this is what he’d been missing. He really did feel free.
After a few more rides, they took a break for food. Fried Oreos were disgusting and amazing at the same time. Eddie had never had a hotdog that tasted so good, covered in ketchup, mustard and onions. The elephant ear was sweet enough to rot his teeth and he loved it. He never knew before that cotton candy actually melted on your tongue. Full of food and needing a break before tackling anymore rides, they dragged him to the games. Balloon pop, basketball, shooting cans with a toy rifle, spraying water into a plastic clown’s mouth to fill the balloon on top of its head. Eddie was terrible at all of them, but he was having fun trying. Bev told him they were rigged anyway, making them hard to win.
Mike and Ben had separated to find a bathroom, leaving Bev and Eddie to walk arm in arm around the fairgrounds that used to be a church parking lot. They avoided classmates they recognized, watched others play the games and talked about the potential danger he was in for drugging his mom. As long as she didn’t realize he’d done it and gone to the fair, it would be ok. Bev was preparing to break him out if he was caught and locked in his room indefinitely.
They were joking about hiding him in the clubhouse Ben built when they were younger, when a ruckus over by one of the games caught their attention. A boy who they both recognized from school was sat up on the seat above the water in swim trunks and shirtless. A boy they knew from the soccer team, Chet, was lined up in front of the target, a baseball in his hand. He seemed to be concentrating and wound up to throw only for the boy above the tank to call you “Oh yea, look at that form!” When the ball left his fingers, he flinched, missing the target entirely.
“Better luck next time Chet, my boy! I guess this is why you’re on the soccer team and not the baseball team!” He yelled as Chet angrily walked away, flipping him off.
Bev and Eddie would know that smart mouth anywhere. Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier was known in the school for his fantastic academics but his horrible ability to keep his mouth shut. He’d gotten in trouble for talking in class and making jokes more than anyone else in the history of the school. They didn’t know him personally, but it was hard not to know who he was.
The next guy stepped up, Nicholas Monroe, most popular boy in school and number one Richie Tozier anti-fan. His girlfriend, Missy Jones, was on his arm and both were smiling and looking confident. Everyone watching could tell that he was determined to sink Richie. To sink the Trashmouth and use it as material to make fun of him for weeks, maybe months.
“If it isn’t Nick.” Richie grinned. “Come to show off your skills at handling balls?”
“Shut the fuck up Tozier.” He said, winding up with the first ball and throwing it as hard as he could. It smacked the tarp hanging behind it, missing the target by a few inches.
“Oh, nice try Nicky but you need to hit that big red circle over there.”
“I said shut up, Trashmouth!” He angrily threw the second, missing again.
“Getting a little feisty there aren’t we. Bet that’s why you like him, huh Missy?”
She giggled, her cheeks coloring pink, but stopped as soon as Nick looked at her angrily, a shy smile still lingering. With the last ball he’d paid for in hand, he gripped it tight and squinted his eyes as if trying to focus his sight only on the target. Once more, he threw the ball, this one coming the closest but still hitting above the target instead of on it. He cursed, balling his hands into fists.
“Sorry Nick, you can’t make me wet. You’re just not my type.” Richie winked.
“I’m gonna kick your ass the next time I see you, Trashmouth.” Nick put his arm around Missy and dragged her away, though she looked over his shoulder at Richie as they left.
Eddie and Bev were laughing, enjoying the way Richie made these boys feel stupid with just a few words. Of course, he was likely to pay for it later. He wasn’t a stranger to being beat up for saying the wrong things. He still had the remnants of a healing black eye behind his glasses. It didn’t help that every girl in school seemed to be attracted to him, taken or not. Except maybe Bev who only had eyes for Ben.
Eddie could understand why. He’d had his sexual awakening years ago and Richie was definitely a part of realizing his sexuality. He’d always been too afraid to talk to him. Bev kind of knew him because he was a smoker as well and hung around the bleachers by the field between classes. He’d wanted to ask Bev to take him with her on a smoke break so he could at least stare at him for a bit, but he never did.
With the line momentarily empty, Richie looked around at the crowd, hoping to goad someone else into trying to sink him. His eyes landed on Bev and Eddie, whispering to one another and laughing and his face lit up with a smile.
“Well, well, Ms. Marsh I see you’ve dumped Benny boy for a new piece of arm candy. This one isn’t as buff but definitely cuter.” Richie called out to them.
Eddie felt warmth wash over him but wasn’t sure if it was from the hot summer air or Richie’s words. With their arms still linked, Bev dragged Eddie close to the dunk tank so she could talk to Richie.
“Hey there, Trashmouth. Didn’t know you were working here.” Bev greeted him, leaning against the top of the tank.
“Picking up some extra summer cash. It’s an easy gig and only a few people actually manage to hit the target. I’m starting to wish they would. It's hot as hell out here.”
“Seems you're enjoying yourself. We’ve been watching for a while. Aren’t you worried you’ll get your ass kicked?”
Richie shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time.” He looked from Bev to Eddie, who had been looking up at him since they walked over. “Gonna introduce me to your friend?”
Bev pulled her arm from Eddie’s and placed her hand on top of his head. “This cutie pie is Eddie Kaspbrak. Eddie, Richie.” She introduced them.
“Hey Eddie. Wanna take a chance at getting me wet?” Richie asked, tilting his chin up.
If Eddie wasn’t already blushing, he was now. “I don’t think I’ll be any good.” He said in a small voice, hoping Richie could still hear him.
“You sure? You’re small but I bet you’ve got power in those arms.”
“I...I don’t know.”
“Come on, Eddie. Give it a go.” Bev nudged him. “It’s only a dollar a ball.”
Eddie chewed his bottom lip. He wanted to try but he also didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of Richie. Leaning down, Richie put his elbow on his knee and lowered his voice.
“Tell you what, we’ll make it interesting. If you win, I’ll do one thing just for you. Anything you want.”
“And if I lose?”
“You have to give me your number.”
“What? W-why would you want my number?” Eddie stuttered, his heart pounding in his chest.
“I’ll tell you if you win.” He winked.
Feeling like his skin was abuzz, Eddie paid the three dollars and took the baseballs from the attendant. He could feel Richie’s eyes burning into him as he stepped up to the line. His hands were sweating, and he tried not to drop the ball before even throwing it. His first throw missed, hitting too low.
“Oh, so close Eds. Two more to go!” Richie called.
Eddie’s breath hitched at the nickname, making him throw the second ball too far to the right. Bev patted him on the shoulder, giving him some encouragement. Taking a deep breath, he rolled the last ball between his hands. He kept his eyes on the target as he threw it, hitting the target right in the center. The seat beneath Richie collapsed, dropping him into the cold water below. Water splashed out over the edge and Bev whooped and hollered, wrapping her arms around Eddie’s shoulders. The attendant handed him a small purple bunny.
Turning back to the tank, they saw Richie coming up from under the water at the edge closest to them, his glasses in his hand. He ran his other hand over his face to remove the water, before pushing his hair back out of his face. Eddie thought his heart might burst out of his chest at the sight of his long, curly tendrils hanging in his face and dripping water down his neck. His mouth was suddenly full of saliva and he swallowed it down, hoping no one else noticed.
“Guess you win.” Richie said, putting his arms over the edge of the tank, letting water drip from his fingers. “That means I’ve got to grant you one wish.”
Eddie stared up at him, his mouth now going bone dry. He’d agreed to the terms but didn’t actually expect to win. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to ask of him. Before he got the chance to properly think it over, Mike and Ben were calling out to them, Stan and Bill in tow.
“Hey, look who we found!” Mike said, his arm around Stan’s shoulders.
Stan’s face was flushed, a happy little smile on his lips.
“Bill wants to ride the roller coaster. You guys up for another go?” Ben asked.
“Hell yea.” Bev grinned, grabbing Eddie’s hand and pulling him to follow the others.
Eddie looked back over his shoulder at Richie in time to see him waving goodbye. More rides on the rollercoaster, a few rides on the tilt-a-whirl, and another round of bumper cars with all six of them and they were beat. Bev wanted to get another snack before the fair closed down for the night and Mike wanted to play a few games with Bill and Stan. Eddie stuck with them while B3 went to satisfy Bev’s cravings.
He watched Stan and Mike at the basketball hoops, each attempting to outdo the other. It was obvious to everyone except Mike that Stan was crazy about him and would do anything to get his attention. Eddie couldn’t help laughing at their back and forth, neither one making a single basket. He and his friends were known for being the most athletic. Except perhaps Ben.
When a hand gentle came to rest on his shoulder, Eddie just about jumped out of his skin. His first thought was Beverly, Ben or Bill coming to join them, but when he turned, he found Richie standing there. He was smiling, apologetic for startling him.
“Hey, it’s Eddie, right?” Richie asked.
Eddie nodded his head, suddenly feeling nervous because wow he was ever cuter up close. He was fully clothed now in long cargo shorts, a graphic t-shirt covered by a hideous short sleeve button up and sneakers. His hair was still wet, slicked back and out of his face. Eddie felt a shiver go through him despite the heat.
“Glad I found you. I still owe you one wish for winning earlier.”
Eddie help up the little purple rabbit for him to see. “I already won this from it.”
“Yes, but the rabbit wasn’t a part of the deal. I said I’d do anything you want. So, name your price. Can’t have unfulfilled debts lingering over me now, can I?” His smile was crooked and so charming it made Eddie want to melt.
He searched his brain for anything he could make Richie do. Maybe buy him a soda or a pretzel. But his mind was sinful and suddenly he knew what he wanted; he just couldn’t ask for it. More than anything, he wanted to be kissed by a beautiful boy and Richie was ideal. He’d been kissed before during games of truth or dare and by Jenna Newman in the 6th grade. But he’d never been kissed and at that moment, that was precisely what he wanted.
Feeling brave, the rush of adrenaline that had been pumping through him all night taking over he muttered a “follow me” and took off. Mike and Stan didn’t notice the two boys leaving them, headed toward the edge of the fairgrounds where things were beginning to shut down for the night. It was nearly deserted, only a few people walking by on their way to leave or get one last ride in. Eddie lead Richie behind a stand that had already closed down, leaving the area around it dark.
Cast in shadow, Richie looked down at Eddie curiously, the smile never fully leaving his face.
“What are we doing back here?” He asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Instead of answering with words, Eddie took a step closer, placing his hands on Richie’s chest and looking up at him with half lidded eyes. Richie breathed out a single “Oh” before Eddie was standing on his toes and pressing his lips to Richie’s. Leaning down to meet him halfway, Richie pulled his hands back out from his pocket and cradled the back of Eddie’s head with one, the other trailing down the bac of his neck to his back. Eddie shivered, tilting his head back for a better angle and parting his lips. He didn’t fully know what he was doing, but he knew what he wanted when he licked at Richie’s bottom lip.
Richie opened his mouth slightly, sucking Eddie’s bottom lip between his teeth before diving his tongue into the wet heat of his mouth. Eddie’s head was spinning, the feel of Richie’s tongue, teeth and hands sending him out of his body. He was vaguely aware of the little moans coming from deep in his throat, but he was too far gone to be embarrassed. If he’d known just kissing someone, he was attracted to felt this good, he would have done it a long time ago. Did every kiss feel this good, or was it because it was Richie?
When Richie pulled away, sliding his hand to gently cup Eddie’s cheek, his eyes were shining behind his thick glasses. For the first time, Eddie wondered if maybe he did have asthma as he struggled to catch his breath. Deep down, he somehow knew it was because of Richie.
“I wasn’t expecting that, but I think we both won.” Richie said in a low voice.
“Still want my number?” Eddie asked.
When Eddie and Richie rejoined his friends, who had been looking for him, he apologized for disappearing. He made up a lie about going to get a soda with Richie and sitting to chat for a bit. All six left the fair together, walking home and splitting off one by one. Mike was staying at Stan’s, too tired to drive back to the farm. Richie walked Eddie all the way to his doorstep and said goodnight with a chaste kiss and ruffle of his hair. Eddie watched him leave, leaning against the door and feeling dreamy.
When he snuck back in, his mom was still fast asleep in her chair. Eddie tiptoed up the stairs and kicked off his shoes before collapsing on his best, hugging the little purple bunny close to his chest. He’d gone out wanting freedom and found so much more on the tongue of a Trashmouth.
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Buffy: Season 2
I took a slight break from my BtVS rewatch because some new seasons to shows dropped that I didn’t want to put off until after I finish the rewatch. But now I’m back on it and I just finished season 2!
1. Favorite character of this season?
Cordelia! She has come so far already since the airheaded, self-centered cheerleader, to see her integrate into the Scoobies, her relationship with Xander but also the way her dynamic with Buffy and Willow changes is amazing.
2. Outstanding minor character (positive or negative)?
Oz. Considering he is in less than half the episodes this season, I would count him as a minor character at this point. And I just love Oz so much, he is such a sweet, gentle weirdo. Him becoming a werewolf, getting put in the know, his relationship with Willow. He's so adorable and fun.
3. Favorite character dynamic?
The Angelus-Spike-Drusilla dynamic is amazing. For one, I love Spike/Drusilla so much but I also truly love the way their dynamic flips this season. Season 1 was all about Spike taking care of Drusilla during her time of need, season 2 is all about Drusilla taking care of Spike.
Only that this season also adds Angelus into the mix and it is so fascinating to watch. I love the bickering between Angelus and Spike, I love the love-triangle they have going on. Seeing Angelus as just this pure raw bad guy and the contrast to Angel, as well as getting to experience this dynamic of ¾ of the Fang Gang is so great.
4. Favorite canon romantic ship?
Tough choice this season, because there are both Xander/Cordelia as well as Oz/Willow, which are both two of my favorite ships. Xander and Cordy are one of the very few straight couples where the bantering and bitching actually works for me, I love the growth they shared together.
And yes, as a lesbian, I am loving lesbian!Willow very, very much, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the Oz/Will in the time-period it happens, not to mention... I can really make that work, even with lesbian!Willow, because Oz is literally the safest guy to fall for, honestly. First he is the most cliche guy to fall for because guitarist in a band, but then we get to know him and he is just so kind and accepting and soft and sweet. If you're a lesbian in deep denial about your own sexuality yet, that's the kind of guy you can easily pick to look straight.
5. Least favorite canon romantic ship?
Mh... tough one this time. I love Spike/Drusilla, Oz/Willow and Xander/Cordelia and I don't dislike the Giles/Jenny either, it works while it works. If I'd have to go least favorite, which doesn't mean dislike, it'd then be Giles/Jenny. Mainly because of the lying. Everything could have been avoided if Jenny had been upfront about this after learning who Giles and Buffy really were. Because then the rules would have been clear too – no sex for Angel – and thus... this entire season could have been avoided. Instead, she kept her heritage and reason for being there to herself, no one made the rules clear so they could be broken and chaos could ensue, breaking Giles' heart in the process. Also... not a fan of the fridging, though unsure if it'd really count as fridging because while her death was used for the sake of Giles' man-pain, that wasn't the reason for her death – she did die for valid reasons. Like, the bad guy killing the one person who gets close to stopping their plans? Makes sense.
6. Favorite episode?
It's a tie between two two-parters, actually. If that is too much cheating, I would take the conclusions of each two-parter and say those tie. But it remains a tie.
The two-parter episodes 09 and 10 “What's My Line?”. Kendra! Seeing those two slayers team up. The personal contemplation Buffy has to consider about her possible future, or lack thereof. Also really loving Drusilla/Spike as villains.
And the finale, episodes 21 and 22, “Becoming”. It was such a good conclusion of everything this season had been working toward. Yes, I am still very salty about Kendra's death and I hate that she only returned just to be killed off, but the rest of it and the conclusion where Angel's soul had been restored but Buffy still needed to sacrifice him and it just breaks your heart.
7. Least favorite episode?
Harder, because there were three duds in this season for me. Episode 5 “Reptile Boy”, because just... college boys preying on high school girls to sacrifice them to a reptile demon...? Really?
Episode 12 “Bad Eggs” was just... bland. There's always a bland one, one so boring that I kind of forget about it. Season one's was “Never Kill a Boy on the First Date” and this season it's this.
And the third in the set was episode 20 “Go Fish” which is just so weird and also cringey in a way, because the coach sacrificing Buffy to become the fish monsters' sex-toy was... yikes? And the body-horror of skin splitting open and fish-people emerging from them? Just, everything about this episode aside from the Xander/Cordelia was real bad.
8. Favorite Monster Of The Week?
Harder, because this season didn't have a lot of those, actually. Most episodes came with obstacles that the vamp trio put into their ways. I guess Ethan Rayne? I loved how he brought another layer to Giles' story and character, I also generally love the Halloween episode.
9. Least favorite Monster Of The Week?
When “sudden child-death” was turned into a German monster in episode 18 “Killed by Death” and Buffy literally got to fight Death in a hospital? That was just... strange. Like, even with the episodes I disliked, the villains were kinda “meh” or at least reasonable, but this one was off.
10. Rate the overarching villain!
Amazing. Honestly, I truly love Angelus and the contrast this paints considering we have seen kind, loving, good Angel in season 1. Also, major props to David for his acting. Angel and Angelus are so distinctively different yet still share enough characteristics because they are the same character. I also love the moral dilemma this puts Buffy in, to go up against her former lover.
Bonus: Other thoughts?
It was already annoying last season that they just... don't tell Joyce the truth, but this season, it becomes simply ridiculous. If Buffy's secret was something she would be guarding close to her heart, yes, okay – but between Giles, Willow, Xander, Cordelia, Oz and Jenny, she honestly just tells it to everyone who is even remotely close to her.
And last season, Darla already went into the house and seriously injured Joyce, could have easily killed her. A thing that would have been avoidable if they had looped Joyce in and she'd know not to invite strangers she never saw before into her house. For me, that episode will forever be the one where they should have told Joyce. But now we're one more season and many more dangers in.
And there really isn't any valid reason not to tell Joyce, because we tell literally everyone else.
Sure, she then learns the truth in the finale, but not because she is being told, rather because she witnesses the dusting and Buffy's hand is forced, which just sucks.
Aside from the Joyce-thing, I really did enjoy this season, there were a lot of episodes I really liked, even beyond the four that tied for my favorites – honorable mentions go to Oz becoming a werewolf in “Phases”, naturally “Halloween”, Giles-centric content in “The Dark Age”.
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avengcrwanda · 7 years
The Last Jedi Secrets Explained: Transcript
So I watched the video shared by @sleemo​ on the secrets of The Last Jedi as discussed by the Lucasfilm story group. I made a transcript of the interesting tidbits (at least, for me) and am sharing in case you guys want to read. I have interpretations also in between so let me know what you think!
(For the Reylo force bond one, I referenced the transcript of @felixazrael​ - you and @sleemo​ are awesome!)
I’m just halfway through the video so please forgive me. Will add when I watch the rest. :)
Topics I covered are:
Kyber crystal necklace of Luke
Resistance access to First Order blueprints
Millennium Falcon dice
Porgs and their colors
Holdo Hero Silence Scene
Rey and Kylo force bond
1) Kyber Crystal Necklace of Luke
Andi: I was asking you about the kyber crystal necklace... Pablo: That's right. Andi: And it's just something that he has? Pablo: It's just an interesting prop to suggest he's been out  in the galaxy collecting clues and doing research about the history of the Jedi. So I mentioned that it was just a captured trophy from a Jedi crusader from ages past. What I'm hoping to is to just be evocative enough to pick up that thread and say, "Hey you know what, I bet you that's what this story is." And we definitely have the avenues and the channels to tell those kinds of stories.
Potential Knights of the Old Republic storyline? Revan? I just remembered all the fake leaks saying it was Darth Vader’s kyber crystal LOL. This was a case of reading too much into things.
2) On the Resistance having the layout of the First Order's ships
Matt: There's one more good Battlefront Connection. In the Resurrection DLC...(laugh on spoilers) Iden and her daughet Zay and Triv (?) actually find plans to the Dreadnought, which are then... They transfer it to the Resistance and that is what kind of helps with Poe's attack. They wouldn't have known where to plant those bombs if it wasn't for Iden and her squad. Andi: That's cool. Pablo: It's not only the Dreadnought but also more information about the First Order military and fleet. We'd like to think that's partially where the map that Rose has that she projects in order to explain what the plan is to get to the Mega Destroyer.
This explains a lot to me. I just found it so weird the Poe knew where all the canons were and that Rose suddenly had the layout of the First Order’s ships.
3) Millennium Falcon Dice
Andi: We have to talk about the dice: legendary Millenium Falcon prop. And we finally get to see it up close here. Leland: We were gonna put it in The Force Awakens and then they ended up changing it. Matt: I think they're technically there, you just don't actually see it in a shot. Leland: There was a shot where Han was gonna put the dice up. Pablo: JJ shot a scene where Han hangs them up and Rian saw that and that's why he made such a - you know - a meal out of the dice in The Last Jedi. But then JJ cut the dice appearance in The Force Awakens. So as a result, what Rian ends up referencing, is not so much The Force Awakens but A New Hope because that's the clearest thing - Andi: Right. Thats just something that people who've been fans for a long time - they just know it's there even if they haven't really seen it. Pablo: But even if they don't, the shot establishes that Luke goes onto the Falcon and reaches up so you understand that's something that's remained on the Falcon - Andi: Something sentimental. And that might be something that pops back up. Matt: *hinting voice* Maybe. Wink wink.
I’m pretty sure Luke never gave the dice back so maybe Matt’s “wink wink” doesn’t mean anything. Unless Rey is coming back to Ach-to to retrieve Luke’s stuff. Or Kylo/Ben might get it back one day? I’m not sure.
4) DJ
Andi: Speaking of DJ...who wants to tell the story of DJ? Rayne: When Rian was developing the story, he had this idea of this politically agnostic character that would be of service to them. So I feel like in the story group conversations we just called him DJ for don't join because that was his ideology - don't join. And I don't know when did we decide that that is actually gonna be his name. Andi: Instead of Ezra Bridger. *laughs* Pablo: That's what his hat says - I'm Ezra. Rayne: But that was a placeholder name that ended up working out really really well. Pablo: And it's a reference to Elvis Costello. Matt: Yeah, an Elvis Costello poster - really great kind of punk rock Elvis Costello poster. Pablo: And yeah, his hat does say "Don't Join." Leland: Which was on the action figure so that was actually revealed before the movie came out.
I’m putting links for both Ezra and Elvis in case you guys don’t know them. LOL. This tidbit we basically confirmed (as mentioned by Leland) before the movie came out. I just feel we need more DJ content. Hahaha.
5) Porgs and Their Colors
Andi: Has it been confirmed that Porgs look different based on their sex? Rayne: The male Porgs have the orange around the eyes. Pablo: Yeah, they're the more colorful ones. So Chewie's little sidekick Porg is a boy Porg. Andi: Does Chewie's Porg have a name? Pablo: No, but that's something that we could get Star Wars to hashtag. Matt: I feel that Chewie would have named it and we wouldn't have been able to pronounce it. Pablo: What if he named it Han? All: Awwwww.
I’m a fan of Porgs so this was really interesting. I noticed that the colors were different but didn’t think of attributing it to sex. And I don’t have a copy of the Visual Dictionary and Art Book (sadly, not available in my country yet) so I am putting this here.
6) Holdo Hero Silence Scene
Andi: One of my new favorite moments in Star Wars is that moment of silence. Rayne: Holdo the hero. Andi: Is there any specific inspiration that went into that, or what was the process of creating that moment? Because that was astounding. Pablo: All I know is that Rian - he had it in the story pretty early on. Rayne: We called it the Holdo the Hero Scene. Pablo: He was asking about the dynamics and the physics - Star Wars physics - could a ship do this? What does it mean? Does this upset anything? And we were like, well, the fact that the Resistance cruiser and the Mega Destroyer are so close in size - I mean obviously one's still much bigger - that kind of what allows you to have this Titanic explosion that happens. If you flew an X-wing into a ship at light speed, you're not gonna get that. You're only gonna get that if something is big as Holdo's ship, that's what it does. But in terms of how it was staged, I think we were all caught by surprise at how we did it because it was really beautiful. Matt: Especially the sound. I didn't l know that they were gonna cut the sound until the film. First time I saw the final cut - Andi: It's brilliant. Matt: It's amazing. And it's cool 'cause as an audience member it allows you to hear what everybody else says.
One of my favorite scenes - it was done really nicely. I think the silence really drives the impact home.
7) Reylo Force Bond (!!!)
Rayne: The little subtleties when you have the Rey and Kylo force connection moments, how the sound from each of their environments kind of seeps into the other's and just that simple way of telegraphing that they're connected. Pablo: And that's something Rian had in his idea from the very start - that we would use a very low tech - basically in-camera cinematic trick to understand that those two are communicating. You could have done a version where there was all sorts of wizardry shaping the screen but no. It's just the oldest cinematic trick in the book. Rayne: Eye lines and - Pablo: Yeah, and it works. Matt: Yeah, and it completely - just the eye line itself completely sells it. Leland: Plus there's some dialogue in there that Kylo Ren says: "Can you see me? I can't see you." Andi: That's why he was shirtless the next time. *laughs* Pablo: You never know. Working on his guns - Andi: *counting, exercising* Pablo: Oh, I didn't see you there. Andi: Oh, hey. Matt: He actually spent a lot of time walking completely shirtless hoping for that connection to kick in. Oh, sorry. Andi: So good, so good. Rayne: It kinda goes back to something that Larry Kasdan used to talk about when we were doing The Force Awakens. It's not in the script but when he peers into her mind, there's something profound that happens between them and the way that Larry used to describe it was there's this *emphasis* ENERGY between them like this kind of almost - and I don't want to say it - but something a little more than you expect and I think it's fun to see it play out in the story as well. Pablo: It feels like there's definitely a door opened between the two of them in The Force Awakens, where they pull from each other in terms of skills and memories. And then that is the more poignant at the end [of The Last Jedi] when that door essentially closes, it's sort of - it's The Godfather shot of the door closing between Michael and Kay. And that's like *door closing actions* Millenium Falcon door separates them. Andi: And actually the connection between Rey and Kylo made me think about the connection between Ezra and Maul that we see in Rebels. Something happens with them in the Force that links them. That's something that we've seen before. Pablo: Yeah. I think Rian and Dave share a lot of ideas and commonalities and interesting themes. The crystal foxes are an example of nature coming to the aid of those on the Light. And that's definitely part of something in Ezra's story line.
Reylos are right! Force bond in the interrogation scene! Rey pulled skills from Kylo/Ben! (although Pablo hinted at this before) 
On The Godfather reference - I've linked The Godfather ending scene above in the transcript. I don't think they mean it's the same literally. It was just shot similarly and they both show two love interests who are separated by their ideals. I haven't watched any of The Godfather movies but I read the summaries and Michael and Kay reconciled in the end. There were still some tragedies but it's important to note that the two films/trilogies are very different. Star Wars won't follow The Godfather route.
Also, I don’t think that Pablo means the force bond is gone. It’s just that they’re separated at that moment - physically and on their ideals. I feel that it’s a waste of story potential to do away with the force bond. Everyone I know found it cool.
So there ya have it! I’ll watch the rest of the vid when I get home.
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talvikielo · 7 years
Finally made it to the chapter 3 (split time!) and here’s my pointless ramble so far…
(Spoilers alert, but honestly not so much because I’m only talking about the common route)
1. I hate Erwin’s meow with my whole heart. No, really. It sounds so fake and dumb like someone, some person just trying to meow and did a horrible job at it.
2. My thumb demands the auto-play button! Or am I just dumb and missed it somehow because I swear I couldn’t see that option anywhere??
3. Eren is cute. 
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what a tsundere but still cute!
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also this scene is supposed to be Jet’s intro, but I admit I mostly grinning over the fact about how Eren has actually requested (yes, requested not ordered!) Jet to protect Ange while he’s absence.
Oh, and that part on Eren´s first extra scenario where everyone else talking about how obvious his crush for Ange (despite Eren probably still hasn’t realized it himself, or would just plainly deny it) was also cute and cheesy,
4. Hyuga still makes me squealing internally like an idiot??
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5. Rene is cute! CUTE! Also surprisingly pretty serious and actually quite calm and mature??
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6. Camille is cute! CUTE! Honestly, he is kinda annoying and bratty sometimes, but still cute! Also his interaction with Hyuga (with Camille mostly teasing/acting spoiled) is probably my new favorite thing?? I also like his big bro-lil bro interaction with J.D. 
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wtf son  (◔_◔)
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wtf was happening to this kid and who the hell he actually is to make Erwin hates him from the first sight? that 「生きている」という感じがしなかった part is especially picking my interest.
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He also mentions that he shares hometown with Hyuga (which would explain his rather oriental outfits?), but Hyuga’s…suspicion? over how Camille explains his own part of Kirise (like Camille was surprised over electricity and auto-mobile) kinda make me get an idea that he’s probably coming from the past somehow? Maybe he’s Ange’s ancestor rather than being her copy from another dimension or something along that? Camille also made weird comment again regarding riding horse wagon and long trip, despite that it shouldn’t have been his first time doing that.
7. I love that the other characters aside of the 4 Aube Hunters get their own theme song now! Jet’s theme song is probably my most favorite right now, followed by Ange’s, Eren’s and Rene’s. But I haven’t heard Mathias’ and Roche’s theme, so it might change later. Also, for some reasons, the regal feeling of Rene’s theme kinda feeds my HC that he’s probably the bearer of Light Sacria, while Eren’s theme gives me the Earth Sacria feeling (aside of the whole earth=knowledge theme) and Bernard’s reminds me a lot to Hihara Kazuki Wodon’s theme while having.the Wind Sacria vibe on it? Eh idek. I just kinda want to think about the other guys’ sacria type after learning about the Aube Hunters’ sacria type, I guess.
8. Why on earth Rayne and Roche already get a shippy scene and CG during the supposedly common/general route, while the other guys only get the intro-like CG during the common route?? That’s kinda unfair…
also is it only me or does this game try to make us ship Ange and Rayne again because he sure have some more shippy moments than anyone else?
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9. I had always believed that Tempura is fried food (on fried pan) because crunchy, but when I tried to fried the fish (with pan) to make fish tempura for Nyx, I ended up making fish meuniere instead lmao. Apparently the fried pan is used for grilling instead?
10. And finally, on the serious side, there’s actually nothing much happened during the common route aside of what we already know so far: population explosion in Arcadia, people migrating from another cosmos with monsters following them and two options to handle that matter separating people into two factions. You also get some glimpse on Camille’s mysterious behaviors. Still, despite that simple concept, I actually can think about how difficult it must have been for Ange and everyone else around her to choose between those 2 options; close the rift to keep Arcadia safe from the monsters or let it open so people from another cosmos can find safety on Arcadia,while taking the monsters with them too. Especially for Ange, considering that she’s the Queen’s Egg and one scene at the later part of the chapter 2 (before split) actually put her on a situation where the civilians (who already starts to fight among themselves because of that 2 options they are faced with) suddenly presses her for her opinion. As the Queen’s Egg of Arcadia, she must have felt a heavy responsibility to keep her own home cosmos safe, especially when the monsters start attacking places that matters to her like the Melrose Academy. But at the same time, it would probably leave her in a very deep feelings of guilt to know that they would leave the people from other cosmos to live in constant fear and get attacked by the alien monsters, if they choose to close the rift.
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In the end though, I chose to go for the Open route for my first playthrough, simply because I still wanna go for either Rene or Nyx route first…But it really wasn’t as easy as I had thought…because Hyuga kinda tempted me to go for the Closed route lmao and also because I’m sad J.D. will leave too, but hey I will just try the other route later as soon as I am finished with this first playthrough!
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chudsuckerproxy · 8 years
So this is the third time I’ve tried to answer this buffyverse ask meme that @scienceofficer-willowrosenberg and @willowsrosenbergs tagged me in but Tumblr crashes everytime I try to upload so wish me luck top fifteen characters? I can’t put these in order because I love all of my children equally so- Faith Lehane, Andrew Wells, Tara Maclay, Fred Burkle, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Charles Gunn, Willow Rosenberg, Buffy Summers, Lorne, Harmony Kendall, Angel, Spike, Illyria, Dawn Summers, Rupert Giles favorite minor characters?  Clem, Ethan Rayne, would Jenny Calendar count as a minor character? Idk, she belongs on one of the lists ranking of favorite seasons of both shows? btvs: 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 7, 1 ats: 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 top ten episodes of both shows? btvs: The Body, Once More With Feeling, Band Candy, Restless, Selfless, The Gift, Hush, Intervention, Storyteller, The Wish ats: Not Fade Away, Smile Time, Lullaby, Waiting in the Wings, Disharmony, Sanctuary, Five By Five, Orpheus, Spin the Bottle, The Shroud of Rhamon ats or btvs? I’m torn. I think just btvs. Whenever I think of my favourite things about the franchise I always use examples and characters from ats, but I just have a deeper attachment to buffy. least favorite main character? I was gonna put S4 Connor here, but then I remembered Riley Finn is a thing that happened. You guys remember him? I sure didn’t top ten ships? Faith/Buffy, Willow/Tara, Fred/Gunn, Fred/Willow, Fred/Faith, Angel/Spike, Angel/Cordelia, Anya/Willow, Buffy/Spike, Wesley/Lilah do you write fanfic? Pretty much the minutes the credits rolled on Not Fade Away I started writing a follow up season without any of that Twilight nonsense. Basically it has the Scoobies and some Slayers holed up in the Hyperion since not long after Angel took of WR&H. After Not Fade Away, they find Gunn hurt bad in the alley, patch him up, and together they start hunting down a wacky Mark Hamill type and his cult dedicated to one of the Old Ones. I’m putting a lot of work into mimicking the show’s style, down to episode structure, so it all really feels like a new season. I haven’t published any of it yet, but I’ll drop a link when the time comes. what fanfic do you read?       I’ve been devouring Bravery by the very talented @dreadfulcalendarwoman over the last few weeks, but other than that mostly one shots about faith/buffy or anya when did you start watching? About two years ago, my family were all big fans so I gave it a go. It never really grabbed me but I kept up with it sporadically until last July, when I hit S5 and very suddenly became obsessed show recommendations for buffyverse fans? Marvel’s Agent Carter is the closest I’ve seen any show come to matching Buffy in terms of characters, dialogue, plotlines, etc. It’s a really fun, zany, forties sci-fi series that I think is really worth a watch. do you own/collect anything related to the shows? I have a Dingoes Ate My Baby hoodie and a Sunnydale Razorbacks shirt I bought on Redbubble. My favourite thing is Giles’ ‘Kiss the Librarian’ mug, complete with blood stains how often will you watch an episode? not often enough. Around all of the other shows I’ve got on my plate, I just don’t have the time to go back to my favourites. how many times have you watched either show all the way through? Just the once, but I started it again recently with a friend I’ve started to drag down with me. five unpopular opinions? 1. I’m glad Jonathan died instead of Andrew. Don’t get me wrong, I like Jonathan and think his redemption would have been more meaningful, but S7 really needed a strong comic relief and I think Andrew suited that role more. 2. I really like Adam as an antagonist. He was hindered by being introduced more than halfway through the season, not getting used enough once he finally did show up, and being tied so strongly to the Initiative. Had he been used properly, Adam could have been a truly compelling foe 3. S4 of Angel had a lot of really good ideas in the mix, Jasmine especially. Had it not been for it’s awful treatment of Cordelia, clear lack of direction for Connor and a forced love triangle around Fred, it could have been a truly great season 4. I still think Ripper could have been a really great show, and hope somebody is still pushing for it to be made. 5. I’m glad Kate Lockley was written out. I didn’t like the more antagonistic direction the show was taking her in, especially the plans for her to become Holtz’ apprentice that never came to fruition. least favorite thing about the fandom? I don’t really have any complaints, I’ve surrounded myself with a really great and welcoming corner of the fandom.   Thanks again for tagging me, hopefully this time this works because I’m not writing this whole thing a fourth time. I tag anyone who stuck around until the end. done it already? don’t care. tag. you’re it.
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androidincubus · 7 years
Wait wait forget that last one! All letters for Anakin and Rayne! Because I have heard very little on your headcanons about her
Okay so Rayne and Anakin.. here you goI feel by I got to Anakin I was rather tired and I didn't get to write as well as I could have maybe ill come back and add to his later.  but I'm proud of Rayne’s
               RayneA = Aftercare (What the are like after sex):Depends on who she is with. If Rayne was to hook up with someone she didnt have a emotional connection with it would be quick and dirty. she would be. dry and sarcastic with them and ultimately leave them quickly after sex. Likely she wouldnt have even given the other person her name. Rayne in my opinion though sensual isnt overly sexual however because of mother being a rape victim. So there is a bit of a stigma there.  I dont feel she would be prone wo giving much after care to those she slept with if she didnt feel much for them. However IF she had a emotional connection with them I feel things would be entirely different. I feel her feelings about the other persons experiences would be paramount. She would want to make sure her lover was satiated by the encounter. Say she is with Mynce. Who to me is who I wish was her endgame ship. (alas)  Id say after sex, it would be intense between the dhampires . I think Rayne would be for once herself satiated. Lazy and calm, Probably finding some sort of resting state after the act. Especially if it was rather rough sex Which isnt unlikely as the two women have a rather sparring based relationship..ive been ranting but I hope I answered this somewhat okayB = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners) I think Raynes favorite body part?.Her breasts.. I mean they are pretty great in that latex top and they did get her into that issue of playboy. Sorry I had to make that joke. ..but no .   But in her true appreciation of herself? her natural eyes before the eye of beliar incident when one turned red When her eyes both green/her one green eye.  She loves her eye color.  It makes her think of her humanity and there is just something she likes about that, it makes her think of her mother and what she could have been like.What does Rayne like a lot about Mynce im going with Mynce okay) Rayne loves Mynce’s legs. there is something about seeing them in those thigh leather boots. Rayne always loved the way they looked on herC = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically im a disgusting person)Oh man, this question.. what do I say.. I feel like people wont like my Rayne headcanon on this for MY Rayne  everyone makes her hypersexual in fic and art . but I have never seen her that way as the daughter of a act of rape ..I see her as very traumatized ..yes I will keep bringing this up  so as I saidso eh, this question. Rayne doesnt like the taste of it. if we are talking about male cum She would definitely be a spitter I feel. sorry guys. (I just trashed all your dreams male followers)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)Rayne is a secret gun/knife play fetishist .  but is the much of a secret. She does carry quite the arsenal with her everywhere. Rayne also in the past has made extra cash on the side as a online dominatrix. Its all too easy for her to be mean to people online. after all she holds pretty much everyone in contemptE = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?)Rayne is moderately experienced, people like to act like she has been more then around the block because of her good looks but she has her reserved nature in her own way because of her past. Still she isnt a virgin eitherF = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual). Rayne likes to be on top and in control if she is being penetrated by someone. (I word this this way because , strap ons are a thing. it dosnt have to be a guy . I mean it can be but you know ) if she is ˜giving Rayne is literally and figuratively pretty flexible and willing to adapt to most positions but she likes seeing the other persons face if she loves them and dosnt want to see the other persons face at all if she dosnt.G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)Rayne has a sarcastic dry wit that follows her into the bedroom, she is sly and seductive but if you can crack her seductive charm you might find a slightly awkward goofy girl who is just trying to push everyone else away with her snark. few people can ˜cure her of her dry wit. maybe a good orgasm from her true love would do that hahaH = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Ah the important question. is it crimson red? is there any?  Rayne isnt bushy down there but she trims it, she likes the crimson color that matches her hair. its too striking a color to shave all off.I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect) Rayne is not usually openly romantic, but for someone very special? she would make sure her appreciation was known.  Actually I feel if she was feeling romantic she would be awkward. possibly blushy for a undead and shifty eyed. she probably would struggle to speak up he feelings .. maybe she would snuggle up to her lover while trying to get her wishes across.J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) I think Rayne is prone to getting off rather often, her job is stressful. she needs the outlet. and needs something other then murder for release. not that murder isnt a release for her. lets be honest. is it. but She goes ˜home throws her blades down and slides her latex off.  Slides back on her bed and goes to town. Rayne also likes fingering herself a lot but she has to be careful.. them fingernails.K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) besides what I said? well clearly latex and I think dirty talk.. Rayne can have a mouth on her. also blood? blood should be obviousL = Location (Favourite places to do the do) On the battlefield dosnt count? In a enemy bunker has been a thing once when Mynce was undercover as a Nazi officer and Rayne had just been reunited with her M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) A sexy voice, a good fitting uniform. a sharp blade and a lovers touchN = NO (Something they wouldnt do, turn offs) rape play, EVER submit to someone she didnt absolutely didnt love and trust O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) I think she is quite skilled. I like to think vampires would tend to be, but I tell you Rayne is a messy eater in general. she is bound to make a mess in this too. and she loved both giving and receiving again if she likes the other person, if not its all receiving P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)I think she is a mix of both honestly. she can start teasingly slow and sensual and build up to fast and rough. perhaps ending with a slow soothing aftercareQ = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)Its a quickie usually, but with Mynce, she will make time for the proper deal.R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.).. I think she is more of a risk taker but at the same time she has her boundaries.S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last) many rounds if she wants, she has vampiric reflexes after all. so yeah , much stamina.T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) all the toys now a days, in WWII not as much  but now , she has a whole kinky closetful, has to pass time some how.  She likes to show them to her partners and see their shocked faces. “What’ you expect baby? you saw the latex”U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Oh it’ all teasing with Rayne. she loves a good teasesV = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make). Rayne “oozes” out sound. she moans , not screams .W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) Rayne has quite the lingerie collection. she has been given a lot of it be would be suitors or for weird infiltration missions. Rayne wears them around the house actually. Just for kicks.X = X-Ray (Lets see whats going on in those pants, picture or words) Well I dont have a picture for you, but she certainly doesnt look bad? its hard for me to describe it to you . I feel this is more geared to male characters.. ehY = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) Moderate to rather high , I feelZ = ZZZ ( how quickly they fall asleep afterwards. Rayne falls asleep quickly after sex if she is with Mynce, if she is with someone else she is too busy getting herself home or kicking the other person out of her house.and on to the next one .Anakin 
A = Aftercare (What theyre like after sex) content cuddly, holds the other person after sex                                                                                
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners) His favorite part of his body his chest, he would like to think he looks alright. as for his partner. he likes his partners stomach ¦its very soft and smooth lol
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically im a disgusting person) Well when he does, there is a lot of it. that midichlorian count lol he makes a messD = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Anakin is into that asphyxia you guys, like real bad you guys. I mean have you seen Vader?E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they are  doing?) Not super experienced, but makes up for it in earnest with a desire to please. F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)  Any position where he can look into his lovers eyes, see their face. speak to them. perhaps holding them up if the’ll let himG = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) I think it depends.  Prefall. humorous.”Vaderkin” serious H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Its the weird tawny blonde brown and no its not shavedI = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect) Oh he is actuall sap machine, the most overly lovey romantic and tries to make the bond known between the two of you .. depending on who is love is .. but lets go with Padme in this situation .. so yeah.. actual  awkward sap machine.J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) he has to use his left hand because his right hand is his durasteel/gloved hand. and it would chafe or be cold and unfeeling robot arm lol. so yeah he would rather use the flesh hand and pretend it is someone elseK = Kink (One or more of their kinks) praise kink, breath play, power playL = Location (Favourite places to do the do) oddly enough in public. he really wanted to do it in that meadow on naboo with Padme. just to claim her and have the world know they belonged to each other.M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) Passion, intensity, sparring both in battle and in wit N = NO (Something they wouldnt do, turn offs) Anything that would actively harm or demean someone he loved in a way they didnt want.O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Loves receiving and giving , skill? not super skilled as far as how many partners he has been with but makes up for the fact that he is dedicated to making his lover feel good. P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.). He likes slow and sensual and tries for it but he cant always control himself and falls into his natural pace which is fast and rough.Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.). he likes quickies. I think he finds them fun. though proper sex is preferred he is used to quickies what with missions and senate meetings.R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) take risks all the way. he is that way in normal life , I feel though hed be a bit nervous about it in sex .. he would still take risks in this as wellS = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last) He actually has a lot stamina, Jedi abilities and all , he could probabaly go more rounds then the average guy if he really tried. T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) sadly no, lacking them possessionsU = Unfair (how much they like to tease) As much as he would say other wise he is all teasing and chiding.V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) he is actually quite audible. Id say he almost makes a sound akin to a whine at times and I HATE using that term because its ANAKIN and we cant say that aaaagh WHINY AND ANAKIN ..OMG NO I DONT EVEN WANT TO RELATE ITW = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)X = X-Ray (Lets see whats going on in those pants, picture or words) I dont want to be cliche but I honestly dontt headcanon him as âs˜small  then again ive seen a certain fanart and he isnt that large as that either, its realistically largeY = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) Moderate-high. he has trained himself not to be too distracted by such things but still the distract him often enoughZ = ZZZ ( how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) It takes some time for him to fall asleep. He spends his time, thinking about what just transpired, looking at his lover. Finding a reprieve from his negative thoughts. he “pets” them, running a hand through their hair, slowly letting himself drift to sleep
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