#im sorry what did europe had to say about football coming home? i cant hear you all accross from our huge dicks
sudaca-swag · 2 years
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the golden trifecta of South America
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richneds-blog · 7 years
a little reddie for u all
-when they were about 16 richie and eddie had both decided they wanted to move out of derry, together… they just hadn’t talked to each other about it.
-they had been best friends for fucking ages. eddie sort of fell for Richie when he was 14, and richie did the same.
-days turned into months, which turned into years of Richie tease-flirting with eddie, and the two of them being overly affectionate with each other, not thinking of them being anything more than ‘best friends’
-it wasn’t until bev said anything to Richie that he realised he’d fallen head over heels in love with his best friend.
-they were having a smoke together when she nonchalantly asked ‘so have you kissed him yet?’
-‘sorry, who is it that i’m kissing marsh?’
-‘um, eddie?’
-Richie’s breath hitched mid drag, causing him to start coughing on his cigarette
-‘what the fuck’ *cough* ‘huh?’
-after that Richie paid extra attention to eddie,
-he can’t believe he hadn’t noticed he liked eddie sooner himself. if everyone else had figured it out then maybe eddie had too
-when they were 16, Richie decided that he had enough. he was gonna tell eddie how he felt
-so he had it all planned out. he knew exactly what he was gonna say and how. organised&confident!richie
-you know on one of those nights, (obviously… it cant be reddie w/o Richie climbing thru eddie’s window at one in the morning) Richie carefully climbed through the unlocked window to eddie’s room, trying to be quiet to not wake mrs kaspbrak down the hall
-which of course involved Richie awkwardly pulling himself over the window-sill, tripping over his own feet and making a clatter before carefully pushing himself back up off the floor and sweeping his long curls off his face
-eddie was sitting on his bed shirtless reading a book, his beside lamp turned on, illuminating his face in the most flattering ways
-cue panicking&nervous!richie
-he took one look at eddie and everything he had planned went straight out the window he came in
-rich didn’t even give eddie time to say hello before he just
-“eddie i think im fucking in love with you”
-and eddie was shocked
-obviously not shocked at what he said but at the pure abruptness of it all
-well he was a little bit shocked because jesus Christ Richie likes me back wtfffff wtf wtf WTF
-so he did what any normal human being would do in the middle of an awkward situation
-he just started quietly, kinda psychotically, chuckling to himself
-like quick laughs in between really short breaths
-tbh Richie thought eddie was having an asthma attack
-“ohhhh shit oh shit okay fuck um its okay you don’t need to say anything i knew you wouldn’t feel the same i knew you couldn’t me back its fine, just can we please pretend this never happened ohhhhh fuck why did i do this, it was a bad idea from the beginning, fuck you marsh oh my g”
-eddie was just staring at Richie now, this huge blabbering mess like… what the fuck is going on.
-but Richie wouldn’t stop talking so eddie made his way over and off the bed, walked over to Richie and just put his hand over his mouth so he’d stop talking
-“jesus chee, shut the fuck up would you?”
-and Richie just mumbles an almost incoherent ‘okay’ from underneath eddie’s hand
-“calm down, its fine because i… love you as well”
-and Richie shoulders just un tense x1000 and hes like oh fuck i just embarrassed myself but its okay because eDDIE LIKES ME BACK FUCK YES MOTHERFUCKERS THANK YOU MARSH
-*still mumbling against eddie’s hand* “you do?”
-“yeah, I love you Richie”
-“cool… can i kiss you”
-“sorry what? I couldn’t hear that”
-“can I kiss you?”
-“sorry, hold on” (and just takes his hand off richie’s mouth)
-and as he does Richie just fuckin grabs eddies waist and pulls him into him and just, kisses him.
-and its sweet and its passionate and its everything they both hoped it would be
-and they just melted into each other
-and were both so fucking happy
-when they started dating none of the losers were even surprised, and they all knew every detail of what happened because eddie wouldn’t stop talking about it for the first MONTH
-“and he just went so fucking red and he looked so embarrassed but it was okay because he didn’t know what i knew which was that”
-“you loved him back, yeah we fucking get it eddie. tbh NONE of us are surprised. its been a fucking month now”
-but now fast forward to them STILL dating and they’re just about leaving school, and they both know they wanna get the fuck out of derry
-and when they talk to each other about it they decide they want to move to New York
-they got this cute little apartment in the city  
-and it’s absolutely gorgeous
-the night of moving day, they’re just sitting on a bunch of pillows arranged in the living room, Richie has his arm around eddie’s shoulders and they’re just sitting on the floor. just looking around at all the unpacked boxes around them
-there isn’t any furniture because Richie fucked up the dates they were moving with the moving guys
-“rich are you sure you want to organise the movers for us?”
-“yes eds, i’m sure i can do that. don’t you trust me?”
-there’s this big ass window in their living room/kitchen that looks over the city streets and all the lights from outside are flashing and they’re just cuddling on the floor feeling so content
-and they pull out heaps of pillows and blankets and just create a makeshift bed on the floor, and fall asleep in each others arms, feeling so fucking happy
-over the next few days, they finish unpacking, they have the furniture set up and they begin to decorate here and there
-and everything just feels so… right
-like they’re so happy to have moved out of the hellhole they lived in and just are feeling pure bliss because they can barely believe they managed to end up here living together
-Richie wants to get a ping pong table and put it in the kitchen
-but eddie doesn’t agree with that
-“look eds there’s SOOO much space”
-“Richie we aren’t having a ping pong table in our fucking kitchen”
-one morning when eddie wakes up, he realises that Richie isn’t in bed with him
-he sits up, feeling very confused, until he pulls himself out of bed
-he smells something really delicious and hes just like
-and walks out to the kitchen to see Richie shirtless, cooking breakfast, softly singing along to a song that’s playing over the radio
-and eddie just smiles to himself because look at my boyfriend, he’s gorgeous
-they’re build pillow forts in the living room and curl up watching movies when it’s raining outside
-“you can never be too old for a pillow fort babe”
-and sometimes Richie falls asleep on eddie’s lap while eddie plays with his hair
-Richie still plays guitar
-sometimes when eddie comes home from uni or work, Richie is already home and he’s sitting in the living room playing and singing
-sometimes he writes songs about eddie which makes eddie absolutely melt
-and when either of them has a bad day, they do whatever they can to make the other relaxed
-like cooking a nice dinner, running them a bath
-when eddie’s stressed or angry, Richie knows he doesn’t want to talk so he’ll give eddie gentle hugs and forehead kisses
-and he’ll play his guitar
-and when richie’s upset or having a bad day, eddie will sit down with him and talk. just talk. about nothing and everything all at once
-and eddie will play with richie’s hair which they both love
-like cute candle lit dinners with homemade food
-and even though they’ve been best friends since they were 13, and they know absolutely everything there is to know about each other, they still stay up all night talking about things
-they talk about themselves, or whats happening, how they’re feeling, they talk about deep shit like their fears and what they want for breakfast tomorrow morning
-and sometimes they’ll climb up the fire escape and sit on the roof
-they still see the losers regularly, switching between their place and bill & stan’s
-bev ended up with ben and they decided they wanted to live in Europe, because its gorgeous there. plus bev has never been to paris,
-mike got a football scholarship at college and is living on campus
-so they don’t see them as much as they see bill and stan
-but all the losers get together in the holidays for thanksgiving, Christmas and new years and it’s just a big fucking party
-because u know what they say,,,,, friends who have shared trauma, stay together!!11!!!1!!
-reddie always orders a shit tonne of take out food because sometimes they’re too tired to cook
-“Richie we can’t have thai for the third night in a row, if i even smell it i reckon i’ll throw up, and i’ll throw up all over your new shirt”
-they have a joint closet in their room and eddie always steals richie’s sweaters because he likes how they’re too big for him, plus they smell of Richie
-and overall they’re just largely in love and they’re happy
-and fuck off IT never returns, stan never takes a bath, eddie never dies and RICHIE AND BILL ARE THE BEST MANS AT EACH OTHER’S WEDDING AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER
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