#im started seeking out insanity to touch those rocks and see what pops up
dollfat · 1 year
was hesitant to use atrophy since it sounded like fish would never spawn there again but its perfect for finding aberrations of already rare fish. somehow missed using my eyeglass this entire game and those alters that give you unique fishing tools, good to know for next game i guess.
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jinned · 5 years
proditione | jimin + namjoon | m
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snippet: jimin was eager to become the apprentice to a famous warlock. but he meets someone and now has a choice to make...
pairing: Namjoon x jimin ft. warlock seokjin
genre: angst, smut
au: demon Namjoon, human jimin,
rating: explicit
word count: 9.1k
warnings: !!major character death!!, demon summoning, mentions of smoke, jimin is really naïve, deception, use of the latin language, use of magic, very dark themes- please read at your own discretion. it’s humorous and playful at first but gets dark, detailed descriptions of character death
sexual warnings: voyerism, male masturbation, dirty talk, they don’t actually touch each other, dom/sub dynamics, precum licking? (idk how to word it. jimin licks off his own precum), praise kink, edging, orgasm denial, commands, 
a/n: hey everyone! just wanted to pop in and say that if you’ve read mea culpa, some of the stuff in this story might seem very familiar....there’s some easter eggs relating both stories to one another :)
a/n 2: i’m lowkey really nervous about posting this. member x member work is out of my comfort zone so I hope it’s alright! im also nervous about posting something with character death in it. I honestly write a lot of angst that i’m afraid to post because of how people will perceive it. this is my own way of coping. if any of the warnings make you uncomfortable please do not read! i will not be offended if you choose to not read this fic but read my other works. with that being said, to those who do read, I hope you enjoy it! let me know what you think!
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Jimin had only arrived in the foreign town of Daemur the night before with a spare change of clothes and his head filled with hope. He had wasted no time in renting a home in the heart of the town, unsure of where the warlock he was searching for might possibly reside. At least by being in the middle of the town, Jimin was close no matter what direction the magical being lived.
Barely able to sleep, Jimin tossed and turned in his new bed, watching as the sun rose quickly into the new day. Jimin put on his trousers and shirt, the extra one he had carried with him, and sat back down on his bed, grabbing his notebook off the end table. Gingerly leafing through his notebook, he traced careful fingers over his life’s work, his chest filling with confidence with each intake of breath.
Today was the day.
He stood up proudly, tucking his notebook under the crook of his arm and left the house.
Even though the sun had just greeted the earth, people were already bustling about the streets. Women and children carried woven baskets in their arms, fruits and vegetables pooling out of the tops. Men carried about wood, tools, and other heavy objects such as hay bales and buckets of water.
Everyone appeared happy, at peace. Like nothing could disturb their day.
Jimin’s heart swelled as he walked into the streets, people passing by him. Their chatter of crops and gossip made Jimin feel right at home. Although his home town wasn’t nearly this small, he was glad to be surrounded by lively people after a long journey alone.
As he walked further down the road, wooden carts lined the sides of the street in front of their perspective houses. Merchants shouted deals of trades for their goods. Some offered services such as home repairs and chore duties in exchange for food items. Jimin couldn’t help but laugh when he heard one man shout about trading fruit for chairs. What an odd trade!
The people of Daemur seemed simple, Jimin decided. They dressed in airy clothing, bonnets and caps strapped tightly to their heads to block them from the heating rays of the sun above. Jimin wondered if he had anything worth trading to get a cap of his own. He particularly liked one gentleman’s brown and white hide cap with a crow feather tucked proudly on the side. Unfortunately, he only brought the bare necessities in his travels. Perhaps he could learn how to make his own, or come forth with something worth trading...such as magical favors. The thought alone made Jimin straighten his back, his walk prouder and more determined.
Jimin was just about to start inquiring about the warlock that lived in town when he spotted a man who towered higher above the regular person. His black wavy hair flowed gently in the breeze, his broad shoulders holding a beautiful robe unlike any article of clothing Jimin had ever seen. The colors appeared, at least from that distance, to have been splashed on, something no seamstress could ever dream of stitching. Arrays of blues and oranges blended together into breathtaking swirls that could make someone dizzy. As Jimin continued to observe this man, he noticed that those around him couldn’t help but stare as well. Women fanned themselves and whispered together and giggled as they walked past. Men also looked fondly upon the tall creature before scowling as they walked away.
Then suddenly, this man with the beautiful robe held out a piece of fruit in his hand from one of the merchant carts. His other hand spun around it without touching it. Within the blink of an eye, the fruit was there no longer. In the man’s hand now was a small brown feathered chicken. The black haired man smiled as he handed it over to the merchant who made a sweeping motion with his hand over the fruits before him, appearing to offer him whatever selection he may desire.
It was him. It had to be.
“You! Warlock!” Jimin pointed and yelled, pausing before chasing after the tall figure walking through the markets. He stopped at a cart filled with empty glass bottles, each one sculpted into unique shapes with the bottoms greatly rounded with skinny tops to those with twisted necks and fancy loops.
The warlock’s shoulders rose and fell, taking in a deep breath before he leaned forward to rub his fist deeply into his eyes as he looked over the bottles. Jimin excitedly tapped on the warlock’s back, practically jumping up and down and shivering with excitement.
“I require your assistance.” Jimin beamed brightly, his cheeks beginning to sore. For a moment, he thought the creature hadn’t heard him, so he just kept tapping on his back. But then the warlock finally turned to face Jimin with a groan.
“Look, human, I know it might be confusing but I am not at this cart to sell my services. I’m here to trade products just like everybody else. Now, I appreciate the sentiment and on any other day I would have autographed whatever you pleased but-” he sighed and placed his hands on his hips, looking out past Jimin before looking back into the eager human’s eyes. “-I’m just really not in the mood, okay? Now, unless you offer therapy services I’d really suggest you scurry along and bug some other creature before you’re stuck listening to my life’s tragedy.” The warlock threw his hands up dramatically in the air, sighing loudly before turning his back to Jimin and moving one cart over and picked up a pear. “Oh sweet, tender fruit, perhaps you could hear out my sorrows.”
Jimin stared at the warlock and slowly blinked. He swallowed hard, unsure of how to proceed. So, he did the only thing he could think to do: smile and pretend he didn’t hear a thing.
“‘Kay...anyways, so I traveled from a town pretty far away from here. Wequsun. Not sure if you’ve heard of it or not. Anyways. My parents told me all these stories about a warlock like you who lived in the town of Daemur, this one, a legend really, who could perform these wondrous miracles! I’ve been obsessed ever since and I traveled all this way to request to be taken in as your apprentice! I’ve been studying magic my whole life and I’m pretty well informed if I do say so myself! I just haven’t gotten the hang of the actual...well...magic performing part...really I just get puffs of smoke. Maybe I’m just trying the wrong spells but then again I don’t know the difference between the right and wrong types of spells so to say and I just figured the best way to get past that blockage was to seek you out and demand you become my teacher! So, here I am! I have this notebook, you see, it’s full of all the magic I’ve studied and-”
“Oh my god please silence yourself.” The warlock groaned and snapped his fingers quickly. Jimin continued to move his mouth but no words came forth. Confused and slightly panicked, Jimin reached for his throat and tried to yell. Nothing but air escaped. The warlock shook his head quickly back and forth, as if shaking off Jimin’s energy from his body.
“This is insane,” bewilderment was thick in the warlock’s tone. “It’s like I can’t go outside anymore without someone demanding to learn magic! Look, human-” Pointing a finger at Jimin, the warlock furrowed his brows and continued to talk in a staccato like manor. “There. is. a. reason. why. only. warlocks. can. do. magic. Ever think of that? I don’t have time to take you under my wing and become best pals!” He hugged his shoulders mockingly and playfully shook himself from side to side. His smile dropped and the seriousness came back. “You ever stop to think ‘hmm? This warlock might have other things going on? Maybe he would enjoy me treating him to a nice hot meal before bombarding him with crazy demands?’ Newsflash, your life might suck but so does mine and you don’t see me running up to humans and demanding they teach me how to be one, now do you?” The warlock thrusted his eyebrows forward and waited for Jimin’s response.
Jimin swallowed hard and tried to respond, but his voice was still vacant from his throat.
“Oh, right,” the warlock laughed. “How rude of me to demand a response when I’ve captured your voice.” He snapped his fingers and Jimin coughed harshly, doubling over to relieve his chest from what felt like a giant rock making its way up his throat.
“You,” Jimin gasped, “are definitely not what I was expecting.”
“Thank you,” the warlock sighed wistfully. “I do pride myself on originality.”
People bustled past the two as Jimin straightened himself, meeting the warlock’s gaze.
“I will do anything to prove myself worthy to be your apprentice. Please. Consider me.”
The warlock’s lips formed a white line, his cheeks puffed out slightly. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and Jimin was afraid the warlock might take his voice for good this time.
“Summon a demon then we’ll talk.”
“What?” Jimin’s eyes widened and the floor beneath him suddenly felt uneven.
“If you’ve been studying magic for as long as you’ve said, then I assume you’ll have a summoning spell in that...encyclopedia of yours.” The warlock’s eyes darted to the notebook tucked under Jimin’s arm.
“Oh! Yes! I have one!” Jimin proudly brought forth his notebook to present it, but the warlock quickly brushed it aside.
“No need to look it over. If I’m going to take on an apprentice then I must trust them faithfully. Better hope your spell is correct.” The warlock leaned forward and booped Jimin’s nose with one finger.
Turning the other direction and walking away quickly, the warlock tossed his pear into the air. Right as the pear was about to hit the top of his head, it stopped midair, floating above the warlock. Jimin’s mouth dropped open in awe as he watched the warlock flit around the crowd of people, the pear bobbing above him as he went on ignoring the several persons who approached him with hopeful requests.
“How will I find you?” Jimin shouted after him.
“You’ll figure it out!” The warlock called back and waved his hand, his back still facing Jimin. “Oh! And don’t forget the tarp! Trust me!” The warlock shouted once more before disappearing in the crowd.
Summon a demon, Jimin thought. Easy! That’s one of the basic things warlocks do! And if anyone knew magic, it was Jimin.
He hugged his notebook to his chest, fleeing the market and heading back to his home with a wide smile on his face.
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Jimin drew his first pentagram as if he was clipping a newborn’s nails. He dipped his paintbrush into the black paint slowly, excitement brewing as he watched the paint clung to the hairs of the brush. This had to be the most thrilling part up till the actual summoning. Not a line could be out of place and Jimin was more than patient.
When the pentagram was finished, Jimin stood and marveled at his work. No one could have done it any better. No warlock could have done it any better.
Jimin looked around the room and everything seemed to be in place, a sense of pride swelling deep within his chest. All the candles were lit, white tarps set against the walls (to protect them from demon juices, of course he understood what the warlock meant), and the summoning book rested high on a podium by the entrance of the basement.
It was time.
Jimin rested his palms on either side of his notebook. A surge of power came forth from the parchmented pages. The tips of his fingers tingled as he subconsciously inched his fingers back and forth against page, feeling the years of hard worked brushing against the small groves in his skin. He closed his eyes and willed the power of magic to entrust him as a viable host and conductor.
Suddenly, the hairs on the back of Jimin’s neck and on his arms stood straight up. His eyes shot open and he gasped desperately for breath, the pressure of what felt like fifty pounds weighted upon his chest.
“Venio tibi omnino nudi. Neque subsidium exspectans si in te et vocavi vos autem videtis me dignus. Nunc oriri. surge.”
I come to you, completely vulnerable. I summon thee in hopes that you will see me as worthy. Now rise. Rise.
The words left Jimin’s mouth almost on their own accord, like a bubble forming in the pit of his stomach, rising out of his mouth and popping. Jimin had expected the wind to pick up, that the elements would start to form into one as he did what no regular human should be able to do. But there was not even a flicker from the wick of the candle. The room remained silent.
Jimin thought about doing the chant again. Maybe his pronunciation wasn’t correct? Or maybe he read the wrong summoning spell? No. It says it right there on the page.
But then...oh but then. The tiniest bit of smoke billowed up from the center of the pentagram causing Jimin to take a tentative step backwards away from the spellbook. Grays and blues swam together from a tiny wisp into a full blown eruption. Some of the candles went out, the force of the smoke being too strong. Jimin began to cough and soon couldn’t see through the thickness. The smoke completely enveloped him and it was all he can taste, smell, and feel. Jimin felt like he was about to suffocate on the smoke when it cleared with a whooshing sound, the pentagram suddenly in view.
A strong gurgling sound came from the pentagram and a putrid smell of a pig pen and rotten onions came with it. Jimin, in the midst of his coughing, gagged and struggled to keep himself from throwing up. Globs of essence splattered against the tarps as a figure in the pentagram began to take form. The squishy splashing sound as the essence of demon made contact with the tarps was enough to make any human feel faint.
Something rose up in the smoke, a form quickly ascending and becoming more and more detailed.
It was a lot smaller than Jimin was expecting...and more...human like?
“Phew!” The demon coughed and waved his arms around to clear more of the smoke. “They always said it would be a weird experience, being summoned, but geez. Not what I was expecting at all!” As the smoke parted further, Jimin finally saw him. The demon was taller than himself by a fair amount of inches. The demon was broader too and so human like Jimin thought he had made a mistake. Or that the warlock was playing a trick on him.
Unexpectedly, Jimin screamed, dropping his summoning spell in the midst of doing so.
“Ut éxeas ab hoc loco!” Jimin blurted the dismission spell without even thinking.
“Wait!-” It was too late. The demon was gone, a poof of blueish grey smoke being the only indication that he was even there at all.
Blinking, Jimin tried to collect himself. He summoned a demon! An actual demon! A rather...cute demon?
Jimin dropped to his knees, scrambling for his spellbook. Flipping to the right page, he began his chant once again.
“Venio tibi omnino nudi! Neque subsidium exspectans si in te et vocavi vos autem videtis me dignus! Nunc oriri! Surge!”
The same reaction happened in the pentagram as with the first summoning spell. Jimin was fearful he would get a completely other demon, one not as easy on the eyes as the first one was. After the smoke started to clear once again, much to Jimin’s delight, standing in the center of Jimin’s pentagram was the same beautiful monster.
The demon’s sandy hair had tiny droplets of goo still attached at the ends. With the demon’s soft facial features, Jimin was almost enamored to come forward and wipe the goo from its hair.
“Hi,” Jimin said softly. “My name is Jimin.” He walked closer to the edge of the pentagram to get a better look.
“Hey, Jimin. I’m Namjoon. Please don’t scream again.” Namjoon coughed again and continued to try to get the smoke to clear out. “Do you have a fan? Or a window you can open?”
Jimin laughed, completely bewildered, and shook his head. “Sorry. There aren’t any windows down here. We’ll have to suffer through it. And don’t worry,” he shyly kicked his feet against the ground, “I won’t scream again.” There was a tickle in the back of Jimin’s throat, but he did his best to keep it at bay. The smoke was definitely bad and he could taste the sulfur underneath his tongue.
“No worries.” Namjoon jumped up and down, stretching his arms over his head. “Sorry, this is the first time I’ve been summoned. Kinda cool.”
“It’s my first time summoning. Kinda cool.” Jimin and Namjoon smiled at each other. Jimin felt the beating of his heart increase, almost like a hammer slamming against his rib cage. He moved his fingers against his palm to try to wipe up the clamminess pooling up.
“Gotta be honest,” Jimin boldly says, “I thought demons were supposed to be...well...I don’t know…”
“Ugly? Gross? Hideous?” Namjoon chuckled and sat down in the pentagram.
“Yeah.” Jimin laughed a little too loudly, his stomach still bubbling with nerves.
Namjoon picked at something on the floor and sighed. “Back home they say I’m the ugliest of them all.”
Jimin stopped laughing and, in the heat of the moment, rushed towards the pentagram and dropped to his knees. “No. You are not ugly at all. You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Why...you could be an angel!”
Namjoon looked over his shoulder, trying to hide his smile. “Back home they tell me I’m the most hideous of all the offspring. So, thank you. You’re very kind. And...if I may be so forward, the most beautiful human I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
Jimin felt his heart swell for a mere two seconds before his eyebrows furrowed and a crushing feeling appeared in his chest.
“What’s with the face?” Namjoon cackled and rolled back on his tailbone, his hands gripped his knees like a little kid.
“I’m the only human you’ve ever seen. You told me already. This is your first time being summoned.” Jimin couldn’t fight the pout pushing to become present on his face. His bottom lip jutted forward, his shoulders sinking downward as he crossed his arms.
“A small detail.” Namjoon shrugged. Then, slowly opening his eyes, he stared deep into Jimin; his gaze had a flicker of fire behind them and Jimin had only noticed how blue Namjoon’s eyes really were. As the fire continued to burn into Jimin, the only feeling he felt was ice cold. “You’re the only one that matters now.”
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Namjoon and Jimin sat on the basement floor for hours that day. Jimin taking the opportunity to ask Namjoon any mythical related questions he had; Namjoon answered politely and tried to match Jimin’s infectious excitement. Once there were no more questions on Jimin’s list, he was afraid Namjoon would want to return home. To his surprise, and delight, Namjoon asked where Jimin was from.
“I’m from Wequsun. It’s pretty far from here, actually.” Jimin, who was leaning back and resting his body weight on his hands, wistfully looked around the room. He had to swallow down the rest of his words. Talking about his hometown was one of his favorite things to do and he could go on and on until someone had to tell him to change the subject.
Namjoon leaned forward, resting an elbow on one of his crossed legs, right by the knee. Chin resting on his hand, his eyes sparkled as he licked his lips, watching Jimin closely.
“Please,” he said charmingly. “Tell me more about where you’re from, your family, all of it! I want to know everything.”
“Well,” Jimin said gently, turning his head to the side to try to hide his excited smile. “Wequsun is all I’ve ever known…”
And that was the start of an even longer conversation than the previous one of magic. Jimin described his immense love for his parents and how hard it was to say goodbye to them when he left for Daemur and how he couldn’t bare to write to them until he was successful in attaining his apprenticeship with the warlock. Namjoon’s eyes furrowed at the mention of the town’s warlock and when Jimin inquired about the reaction, Namjoon shrugged it off, stating he was only curious.
The room grew darker and dustier as Jimin joyfully retold old memories of his parents reading him stories of magic and how real people amongst them had magic wielding powers.
“That’s why I can’t go back until I’m successful,” Jimin said gently. “They’ve constructed this beautiful world for me to believe in and even though I miss them terribly, I can’t go back. This is where I belong,” with you, he wanted to add but held his tongue.
“It must have been so difficult to leave them. I can only imagine what that kind of pain must feel like. You’re so brave.” Namjoon leaned forward as if to touch Jimin, but stopped right before the end of the pentagram. The almost invisible wall shivered at the nearness of Namjoon’s skin.
Jimin looked up at Namjoon and smiled, his fingers digging into his skin on his calf. He wanted more than anything to be able to reach forward and lace his fingers with Namjoon's, to be able to feel his skin against the demon's. Would Namjoon's skin be cold? Warm? Would there be any feeling to it at all? Would his skin even feel like human skin? All of these questions came tumbling down into Jimin's head as he stared at his new companion's hands.
"When are you going to tell that warlock that you were successful?" Namjoon's lips moved slowly as he spoke.
Jimin awoke from his depressed trance and thought for a moment. "I should probably go to him as soon as possible, let him know that it didn't take me very long. Perhaps that will impress him. Are you okay to meet him?"
The corners of Namjoon's mouth twitched for a second before he pulled the left side of his bottom lip between his teeth, worrying at it before speaking. "If it's important to you then I will meet him. To be honest, warlocks don't have the greatest reputation where I come from."
Jimin smirked, "I think they could say the same about demons."
Chuckling under his breath, Namjoon nodded his head and let himself smile. "You're right, you're right. Leaving all prejudices behind, I'll meet your warlock. And I'll make sure to boast about how impressive your novice magic skills are." He winked, making Jimin's skin twitch in excitement, undertones of pink blooming across his cheeks.
Noticing the reaction, Namjoon raised an eyebrow, looking delighted by the humans reaction.
"Before you go," Namjoon said breathlessly. "There's something I wanted to try. If you’re okay with it...of course." Already standing with his back to the demon, Jimin stopped, afraid to face Namjoon.
"Oh? Try what?" Jimin's heart thumped loudly in his chest and he hoped that demons didn't have super hearing.
"Are you a..." Namjoon's chest rose and fell with the dramatic intake of breath he took, "a good boy?"
Jimin's body froze as if cement was poured over his joints.
"I see how you look at me. Your eyes carelessly roaming about my body. You're not very good at hiding your inner feelings, you know. Not nearly as good as you probably hope you do."
Jimin looked back to see Namjoon's tongue poked out of his mouth to take a slow swipe at his top lip.
Swallowing hard, Jimin pivoted the rest of his body to face the demon sitting in the pentagram, trying to remind himself that that was all he was. A demon. In a pentagram. He's in there for a reason.
"Don't be shy now," Namjoon encouraged. "That's it," he said as Jimin slowly stepped forward back into the light. "Oh...my." Namjoon gasped as he saw the not so subtle tent in Jimin's pants. "A good boy indeed."
Jimin was trembling, clenching his fists firmly to keep from trying to cover himself.
"Look at you," Namjoon purred, "so brave. Those pants must be awfully uncomfortable." He paused for a moment. Realizing he wanted a response, Jimin slowly nodded his head, trying to keep his breathing even as the situation before him became even clearer.
"Why don't you take them off then? Let me see you."
Jimin exhaled slowly and unclenched his fists. Moving them slowly to the button of his pants, he tried to be as seductive as he could by wiping his thumb over the tiny brown button. Jimin groaned as his own hand brushed the tip of his erection, his eyes closing as he refrained from touching himself more.
"No. Keep doing that," muttering, Namjoon moved to his knees, his hands gripping the fabric of his own pants as he watching Jimin closely. "Touch yourself again, Jimin."
Before complying, Jimin unhooked the button from his pants finally and let the fabric fall down to his ankles. The coolness of the basement brushed against his skin, making the small hairs on the inside of his thighs tremble. Tentatively, Jimin reached for his cock and squeezed the tip in his hand. His stomach lurched with the sudden intensity of pleasure and with his eyes still closed he imagined it was Namjoon's hand wrapped around his throbbing member.
"Does that feel good? Do you like touching yourself while someone else watches? Do you like being told what to do?" Namjoon's tone was steady and confident as he spoke. Barely comprehending the words Namjoon was speaking, Jimin continued to stroke his length.
"Stop stroking yourself." Commanded Namjoon.
Jimin whimpered as his hand stopped at the base of his cock, his eyes opening to look at Namjoon for further instructions.
"Good boy. From now on when I ask you a question, I need you to answer. Okay?" Standing up, Namjoon paced inside the pentagram once again before stopping to slowly look at Jimin. Shuddering, Jimin nodded his head, muttering a quiet okay as he tried to refrain from breaking Namjoon's gaze.
"W-what do you want me to do?" Jimin's voice quivered from both anxiousness and excitement. He couldn't help but feel stunned. Never would he have ever guessed he would be standing here in front of a demon he had summoned, pants down, and aroused. And even though the situation was overwhelming and unreal, he felt, more than anything else, truly happy.
Namjoon smirked and walked with a slow swagger, getting as close to the edge of the pentagram as he could. "Take off all your clothes," he said simply.
Jimin wasted no time obliging to the demon's request. He kicked his pants away from his ankles and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it swiftly over his head. Instinctively, Jimin rolled his chest forward as he took off his shirt, flexing his abdominal muscles as he did so. The shirt was tossed carelessly on the basement floor. Jimin shook his hair then quickly combed his fingers through it as he stood confidently before Namjoon.
All Namjoon could do was take a sharp breath as he marveled over the human's body.
"You...are beautiful. Beautiful indeed." Licking his lips, Namjoon doesn't take his eyes off of Jimin's body.
Trying to remain confident, Jimin straightens his shoulders. His hands felt weird resting on his side, they instinctively itched to cover up his private parts.
"Fuck! I wish I could touch you!" Namjoon yelled and turned his back quickly. Jimin jumped at the sudden noise, flinching a few steps away from Namjoon in the process. Suddenly, Namjoon's body straightened and he spun around quickly to face Jimin once more. One of his hands was resting on his chin, his pointer finger brushing over his lips as he gathered his words. A gleam in his eyes caught Jimin's attention. No longer looking at Jimin with arousal, Namjoon sunk to his knees and pleaded, "Let me out, my love. Break this pentagram so that we can be together. Let me show you what it's like to be loved."
Jimin remained unmoving. Which did not go unnoticed.
Namjoon stood up and brushed the dust off of his pants. Clearing his throat, that hunter like look reappeared in his eyes. "Jimin," his voice was smoother than freshly churned butter. "Baby. Let me out. Do you know how well I can fuck you? Hmm? I can make you cum harder than any human could ever dream of doing."
Jimin felt his cock twitch. Both him and Namjoon look at the erect member. Licking his lips and closing his eyes, Namjoon groaned the most sinful groan man had ever heard. Jimin's hips bucked forward and he gasped for breath. His blood felt fiery hot in his veins and it took every ounce of willpower within himself to remain grounded and present.
"I can't let you out, Namjoon. Not yet." Learning Latin was easier than saying those words.
"Why not? Are you afraid of how good this will feel? Are you afraid of being with a demon of hell? I promise you it's not as bad as you think. Well...unless you want it to be bad. I can make you come seven times without even touching you. I'd rather touch you. But if it'll earn your trust I'll remain in here."
Jimin had a hard time concentrating when all he wanted to do was to release the demon and be the best little fuck toy he could possibly be. But the logical voice in the back of his head pulled him out of the fog of arousal long enough to remind himself that he can't trust Namjoon. Not yet at least.
And yet...what if he could?
Jimin stopped pleasuring himself for a moment, unable to think straight when this whirlwind of confusing thoughts bombarding his mind. If he let Namjoon go, he could have the best relationship of his life. And, to be honest, the best fuck of his life. But there’s still that nagging voice in the back of his brain trying to remind himself of every book he had ever studied and how they all said the same thing: demons could not be trusted.
“Jimin,” Namjoon said softly, pulling Jimin out of his inner trance.
All Jimin could do was shake his head and groan as his thumb slides over his slit, picking up a perfect dew of precum coating his thumb. He removed his hand from his cock and rubs the precum between his fingers, looking into Namjoon's eyes before deciding, completely on a whim, to insert his fingers slowly into his own mouth one by one.
Namjoon licked his lips hungrily, watching Jimin's mouth intently. The yearning in his eyes were more wishful than anything he'd ever seen before. That's the look Jimin was hoping for. That was the look that said Namjoon was in for more than just a release from the pentagram.
Namjoon sucked in a deep breath, his bottom lip catching between his teeth as he tried desperately to restrain himself. Jimin was honestly shocked that the demon didn't have an erection yet and he's not sure if he should be unsettled by this realization or more turned on.
"That's it," Namjoon encouraged. "Just like that. Such a good boy, Jimin."
Jimin could feel a bead of sweat growing on his hairline, on the verge of running down his temple. The coolness of the concrete floor was a nice distraction from the radiating heat from his body. Namjoon's words sunk deeper and deeper into his subconscious, driving his arousal even further.
"You like when I talk to you like that? Huh? You like being praised?"
"Y-yes." Jimin panted, his hand stroking his length with vigor. Squeezing the tip of his cock, he couldn't stifle his moans as he thought of Namjoon's hand wrapped around his length. And then, his mind started to wander further as he tried to keep himself from coming too soon. He tried to think of sentences to practice in Latin, but all he could think of was Namjoon stepping out of that pentagram and railing him into an oblivion.
"Your eyes are closing. What are you thinking about?" The demon's tone is slow, his words coming deep from the back of his throat. There's almost a hint of a growl in the undertone's of his voice and that only brought Jimin closer to the edge.
"Ugh!" Jimin cried out and slowed down his pace, his hips bucking into his hand at the sudden change of pace. "I'm-fuck. I'm thinking about you." It was already hard to look Namjoon in the eyes as he sat on the ground butt ass naked, fully exposed in front of the demon. But now? Dirty talk wasn't something Jimin was necessarily turned off to. It just wasn't something he thought he would be particularly good at.
"What about me?" Namjoon purred.
Jimin bit his bottom lip, concentrating hard on the way his fingers slid over his shaft. The veins in his cock were popping out so much that when his fingers ran over them he could feel every slight groove.
"I was thinking about you...fucking me," he admitted.
"Oh." Namjoon leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "Perhaps you're not such a good boy after all."
"I'm a good boy!" Jimin whined and tugged harder on himself.
"Eh, eh! Slow down!" Namjoon commanded. Jimin's eyes widened, pleading with Namjoon to let him continue his actions. "Only good boys are allowed to come. And I think you need to prove to me that you're truly a good boy."
Losing all of his self control, Jimin disobeys Namjoon's orders and continued to stroke himself, but more slowly this time.
Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed, instantly noticing Jimin's disobedience. "Jimin. I thought I told you to stop."
"Well maybe I don't want to." Feeling brave, Jimin looked straight into Namjoon's eyes and held the demon's gaze as he quickened his pace.
“Bad boys get punished,” Namjoon warned.
“Then punish me.” The smirk on Jimin’s face sealed the deal. He had never felt so in control and vulnerable at the same time before. It was terrifyingly thrilling.
Jimin continued to  quicken the pace of his stroking, not even caring of the way his face contorted in sheer pleasure. Mouth opening into s small ‘O’ shape, he let out an arousal spurring whine. His hips bucked into his hand one last time before spurts of come released onto his stomach. Letting out a shocked, choked cry, Jimin let himself enjoy his orgasm fully, slowly moving his hand up and down his shaft to milk out every last drop that he had left in him.
“You selfish little-” Namjoon takes in a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking back at Jimin. “Human’s truly are the most selfish creatures in existence. Release me so I can show you what happens when good boys decide they don’t want to listen anymore.”
The growling undertones of Namjoon’s voice makes Jimin stop and hesitate from getting up, seed still resting on his abdomen. There’s a wave of fear that hits Jimin’s mind and he can’t help but feel that he made a mistake.
“Go,” Namjoon turned his back to Jimin and crossed his arms. “Clean yourself up and go to your warlock. I’ll be waiting here.”
Wordlessly, Jimin stood up and ascended the stairs, not caring that his own come was dripping down his legs.
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Jimin rushed out of his home, his shirt barely even over his head as he stumbled into the street. His neighbors stopped and stared at the barely clothed man running like a lunatic. But Jimin didn't care. All he was thinking was that he needed to find the warlock. And fast.
After literally coming just moments before, he couldn't stand waiting any longer. He, a human, had successfully summoned a demon without any help from another magical creature. And even in his novice studies, Jimin knew that was not a fate many could say they had witnessed...or survived.
As Jimin ran and continued to dress himself, he remembered what the warlock said about being able to find him. Not knowing exactly where he was going, Jimin followed his instincts and headed towards the outskirts of town, towards a burgeoning tree in the distance.
'This is right,' Jimin thought. 'This is where he lives.'
Trusting his gut, Jimin picked up his pace and rushed past more confused looking passerby's, not even giving them a second glance. As he got closer, the leaves from the tree started to shimmer, like a dance that beckoned him.
"Well hello there tiny human. What brings you here-" "I summoned a demon!" Jimin panted, his hand resting on the door frame. "I did it."
The warlock stared at Jimin, his eyebrows furrowed together tightly. He set down the bowl he was scrubbing and walked closer to the human. "Summoning a demon shouldn't make you this flushed, or out of breath."
Embarrassed, Jimin stood up straight and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "I just ran to find you. That's why I'm flushed."
"Mhmm. Okay." The warlock turned, clearly not buying his story. "Well, no matter what you had to...do to summon the demon. I don't quite believe you. Humans can't summon demons without ending up dead on the floor five minutes later."
"I don't think you've met a demon such as this, sir. He's kind and funny and looks like a human!"
"Firstly, let's drop this 'sir' and 'warlock' nonsense. My name is Seokjin. Secondly, there is no such thing as a kind demon. They can be funny depending on your sense of humor I guess." He paused to laugh, remembering something. "Okay there was this one time- wait. Not the point." Seokjin turned to Jimin with one arm crossing his chest, the other pointing right at Jimin's nose. "Demons will do everything they can to try to confuse you. Do not believe a thing this demon tells you. What...has he told you exactly?"
"Can I sit down? I'm in need of some water." Jimin clutched his side and invited himself in anyways.
"Oh sure welcome to hotel de warlock. Please make yourself comfortable." Seokjin rolled his eyes and entered his kitchen to fetch some water. Jimin sat down on a plump white couch in the living room, sighing as his back molded in with the cushion.
Setting down the glass of water in front of him, Seokjin waited until the human drank every last drop before pestering him again. "You're very impolite, you know."
Jimin coughed, some remnants of water still stuck in his throat. "What?"
"You demand I teach you magic, invite yourself into my home, and when I tell you my name you don't even think to tell me yours." Seokjin crossed his arms in front of his chest once more, turning away from Jimin in a childlike pout.
"I'm sorry," Jimin said sincerely. "I didn't really think about that." He set down the now empty glass on the wooden table in front of him.
"Just because I'm a magical being who's lived for hundreds of years doesn't mean I've lost all of my feelings and emotions you know." Seokjin slowly turned to take a peak at Jimin who was staring at the ground by his feet.
"My name is Jimin. I didn't mean to intrude on your home, I just really needed to sit down. I've lost a lot of energy and I'm honestly exhausted...from summoning the demon you know." His cheeks felt flushed once more as he partially lied, knowing very well that he was exhausted from his intense orgasm not even twenty minutes earlier. Jimin coughed abruptly, his throat aching from the force and it almost made bile escape from his stomach.
"I see." Seokjin nodded. "That’s quite the cough you got there. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” Jimin whispered, his throat delicate.
“Alright. Well let's hear about this demon. I want to see what you have to say before I go and see it for myself." The warlock picked up the empty glass Jimin had used and began walking towards the kitchen to clean it.
"Do you think..." Jimin started slowly. "That demons can feel love?"
Seokjin paused, almost dropping the glass. His lips formed a straight line and made a popping sound as he released them. Forgetting the glass, he left it suspended in mid air as he returned to Jimin.
Seokjin sat down next to Jimin and put a hand on top of the human's thigh. "Demons cannot feel love," he said carefully. Jimin looked up at him with startled eyes. "I know it's really exciting to summon a demon. I remember my first one too. But they are not good. They are demons for a reason. They live in hell for a reason."
Jimin turned away from Seokjin and stared at his hands clasped in his lap.
"You're very new to this world. And no- don't interrupt," Seokjin scolded as Jimin had opened his mouth to say something. "It does not matter how long you have studied something. Living it is different. This demon does not care for you. Every demon has an agenda and they do not leave without getting something in return. Every time I summon a demon it is because I need something and accept that I must exchange a favor for their cooperation. It is not an easy task and there is a reason so many die after their first summoning. Humans and warlocks alike." Seokjin pats Jimin's thigh once more before standing up again. "Dismiss the demon. Do not summon him again until you've received further training."
Confused, Jimin remained seated, looking up at the warlock with hopeful eyes.
"Yes, I will take you on as my apprentice." Seokjin smiled. "But only if you send that ugly thing back where it came from. I didn't expect you to be able to summon one in the first place. But, now that you have, it's up to you to do what's right."
Joy erupted throughout Jimin's whole body as the warlock disappeared back into his kitchen.
"Wait," Jimin said cautiously. "I thought you said you wanted to see him. To prove I did it."
From the kitchen, the warlock called, "Nope! No need! I believe you. Just get rid of him and never summon it again. Now go. Do it quickly. We'll start training right away."
As Jimin walked home his sense of joy was being eaten by deep sadness. He didn't want to send Namjoon away, but his whole life he dreamed of becoming an apprentice to a warlock.
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"So I have to choose. You or the apprenticeship." Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends slightly. The pull on his scalp oddly made him feel centered, like he could physically pull all of the negative energy from his brain and out of his body. As soon as he let go, the throbbing headache of decisions remained.
"That's," Namjoon puffed out his cheeks as he exhaled. "Yeah. That's a big one." He nodded his head and set his hands knuckle down on his hips.
"I've dreamt of this my whole life," Jimin started jubilantly. Turning away from Namjoon, Jimin was able to picture the life he dreamed of ever since he was a little boy. The picture perfect career displayed before him like the characters of a book coming to life. He could see perfectly Seokjin the warlock praising Jimin for his astounding advice and for always offering up his vast knowledge of magic. The warlock would confide in Jimin for everything. They would become best friends and partners in life. "But," he continued, turning back towards Namjoon, "how could I ignore these feelings I have for you? This immediate chemistry and excruciating passion I feel towards you...I can't dismiss that. It's like I was meant to summon you. We were meant to meet." Jimin clenched his fists in front of his body, as if holding some invisible bars between his hands.
Namjoon looked at him fondly and Jimin had never felt so heard and cared for. He knew he was babbling on and not making much sense, and yet, Namjoon listened patiently, waiting until he was sure Jimin was finished talking before giving his own input.
"From what you've told me about this warlock..." Namjoon said slowly, chewing on the skin by his thumb nail between words. Taking a deep breath, Namjoon dropped his hand away from his face and looked at Jimin boldly. "I don't think he cares for you at all."
Shocked, Jimin tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean?"
"I mean...he out right told you he didn't believe you would be able to summon a demon. And then he went on to say that most people die when trying to summon a demon for the first time. Uh? In my mind that sounds like he was okay with you possibly dying in an attempt to impress him. Doesn't that seem odd to you?"
Remaining silent, Jimin found it hard to meet Namjoon's eyes.
"If I may continue to be so bold," Jimin could still feel Namjoon's fiery gaze upon him as he spoke, "If I were a warlock and a devoted human came to me, telling me of how far he traveled just to request to assist me, to work beside me? I would at least have the decency to interview such a man. Jimin, my love, you told me he barely even looked at you." Pain was dripping in the demon’s voice, a tone that was completely new to Jimin's ears. He complied and turned to face his companion.
"It might just be his particular character. I don't know of the hardships he has had to face in his life so I cannot assume his actions went without a purpose. Yes, he reacted childishly towards me, but not once did I feel he did not care for me or that he did not admire my pursuing of him. I think he thought of me to be quite bold. And that's why he gave me such a dangerous task. If he knows how unlikely it is for a human to summon a demon and live...why give it to me nonchalantly? I have passed the first test in his book." As Jimin spoke the words, the more he felt sure that the warlock did not think negatively of Jimin or Jimin’s persistence.
"Jimin, you are not listening. Why would you want to work for someone who was so ready to accept your demise?"
Jimin thought delicately for a moment before answering. "To be a part of this world is all I have ever wanted. To go home now and abandon this world knowing now that it truly does exist...how could I do that?"
"Stay with me. Be with me." Namjoon's voice rose with passion. "You don't have to be a warlock's apprentice. I can teach you! Please. Not only can you have a mentor who truly cares for you, but you can have me as a life partner as well. Just release me from this pentagram. Let's start our journey together. We can travel the world and discover new magic together!"
The warlock's warning disrupted Jimin's appreciation for Namjoon's proposal. The thought exits as quickly as it arrived as he began to cough, but the overall question still remained in his brain.
"May I...rest on it?" Slowly Jimin backed away from the pentagram, heading backwards towards the stairs.
"Yes. Take all the time you need." Namjoon clasped his hands together loudly, but smiled as he watched Jimin nod his head before ascending upstairs. "But please!" He called after the human. "think of it!"
Jimin closed the door to the basement softly, his hand lingering against the wooden frame.
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Jimin woke the next morning with a clear cut answer in his head. He thought about what Namjoon had proposed the night before and now Jimin can’t help but smile, his chest abandoned of nerves and second guesses. He was going to accept Namjoon’s request despite what the warlock had warned him. Jimin nodded his head confidently as he got dressed, silently confirming his thoughts. He picked out his best shirt and pants, taking his time to pat away the dust mites. The warlock didn't even know what he was talking about, Jimin reassured himself. He was just jealous that he wasn't able to make a deep connection like he and Namjoon had.
Jimin dipped his hands in his pale of water, splashing the cool water onto his face. Feeling as refreshed as he ever could, he shook his head to rid himself of the leftover droplets, ready to begin his life with the demon he loved.
Jimin descended the stairs down to the basement where a certain demon was pacing in circles, snapping and clapping his hands in boredom.
Stopping on the third to the last stare, Jimin took the moment to admire his lover. Although looking increasingly bored, Namjoon had this natural allure that Jimin just couldn't get enough of; the way Namjoon stood tall with his shoulders broad as he continued to pace, the natural purse of his lips, almost as if he was trying to whistle, and the way his eyes looked so distant and yet so focused as he remained lost in thought. Jimin wanted nothing more than to walk up behind the demon and embrace him, to feel his small arms wrap around Namjoon's powerful and sturdy body.
He wouldn't have to wait much longer, he smiled at the thought and resumed his descent into the basement.
"Hey," Jimin tried to say casually. Namjoon stopped pacing and turned toward him with a smile.
"Well, hey."
"I've thought about what you said." Jimin approached the pentagram slowly, clearing his throat before placing his hands clasped firmly behind his back.
"You have?" Namjoon rushed closer, stopping just before the wall. "What have you decided? Please tell me I can't wait another second!" Namjoon reached a hand up as if to stroke Jimin's cheek. Jimin instinctively moved his head to where Namjoon's hand would have been, imagining that he could feel the warmth of his palm against his own cheek.
"I'm going to free you. So we can be together." Jimin's eyes filled with tears of joy. "You'll never have to return to that awful demon realm ever again. You can live with me! We can have the perfect life together. We can live wherever we want! Oh! But you must meet my parents! I can't wait to tell them all about how we met and how amazing you are. I'm sure they will love all of your stories!" Reaching forward, almost forgetting the pentagram, Jimin let the tips of his fingers skim the barrier of the pentagram. It felt like trying to push his fingers through gummy mud, thinking maybe if he pushed harder he would break through, but knowing deep down that wasn't true.
"You are absolutely adorable," Namjoon said gently. "I cannot wait to travel with you and to be free with you."
They shared a small moment where they looked into each others eyes, simply smiling at one another. Jimin's chest swelled with an overwhelming amount of love and adoration for Namjoon. He truly did not care where he ended up in this world. He would leave his apprenticeship behind if it meant a lifetime with the one he loved.
"Do the spell already I can't wait another moment of not holding you in my arms." Namjoon beamed.
"Okay! Okay," Jimin chuckled and took a step back towards his podium. The spell book remained open on the summoning page Jimin used when he first met Namjoon. Now, flipping forward a few pages, it rested with a spell to release a pentagram.
Jimin stared at the pages for a moment, quickly skimming over the words, before looking back at Namjoon. How can one even begin to describe the immense joy and happiness that one person such as Jimin could feel towards another? There simply isn't.
Carefully, Jimin traced his pointer finger over the words as he read from the book. An electric bolt of energy surged through his body coming up from his spine and erupting into all of his veins like river water gushing through a nearly dried up stream. Jimin felt his hair begin to lift from his head, standing up in all sorts of erratic positions. Then, he started to burn. The blood in his veins began to bubble to a boil, his eyelashes dropping faster than autumn leaves. Panic set deeply in Jimin's chest, but he could not stop himself from speaking the latin words. As he neared the end of the spell, Jimin knew he had been foolish to not trust the warlock. Evil rushed into Jimin's chest, taking homage inside his ribcage and choking him from the inside out. Some of his ribs cracked, his spine bending in unnatural ways as the last word left his lips: libertas.
As soon as Jimin broke the pentagram, a release of bluish gray smoke erupted into the room, and with claw like hands the smoke went straight for Jimin. The smoke tangled around the poor human’s body, wrapping him until he was practically cocooned. The smoke shot up into Jimin’s nostrils and tightened around his throat until the boy’s heart ceased to beat. When Jimin’s body thumped to the floor, Namjoon let out a small cough, using his hand to blow the smoke away from his face.
The demon stretched his neck, moving it from side to side and letting the bones crack deliciously.
“Too easy,” apathetically, Namjoon chuckled as he stepped over the lifeless body on the floor, exiting the basement without looking back.
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© do not copy, modify, translate, or repost. Jinitude 12/07/19
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