#im still not 100 percent on the design though
noctlas332 · 3 months
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i just invented girls youre welcome
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someone please try to guess waht the background is from please i was giggling like stupid getting it
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
Okay well I guess I'm not uploading the referenc eof thorax today :/ if you want to see it and you have an art fight account my user is Cat-tastrophe he's one of the first characters on my page
Also that's just his look as a human I still need to design his current appearance ahshdhdh
Anyways infoduno under the cut about he I was gonna do just the basics but yeah
He's like a demigod basically, when people die he "decides" their fate, though really he's just going off what the goddess of life, Rosa, tells him to do. If they have a specific mark basically it means the gods really liked this guy and decided they want to keep them if they don't then they just get reincarnated . I haven't designed him as a demigod yet though
Basically when he was alive back in like. The Persian empire or something. he was a prophet and the messenger for the goddess Rosa. The gods don't normally do this kinda stuff but Rosa basically just decided to fuck around and find out. Rosa would often appear to him and he would pass on anything she said. Sometimes Rosa would outright possess him.
One day Rosa possessed Honeycrumbs and kind of did a big oopsie and screwed him over and everyone got mad at him and executed him. Im not 100 percent sure what I want the execution to be but I'm thinking either something to do with bees or the schapism thing (don't look it up if you get grossed out easily) but I thinks chapism would take to long
Anyways when he died Rosa basically told him "go judgewhp gets to go to the afterlife or whatever rim tired of doing it" and now he just does whatever Rosa wants though. Sometimes he talks to the other gods, specifically Mala, but he's not particularly close to any god.
I feel like that was too much information about him but whatevet
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powerwordcum · 2 years
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#i feel like u keep your loose change in a quirky container that looks fun like it has a dragon on it
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Just got a job???
4 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 22:32:26 GMT
I want to preface this by saying I love rwby. I love the characters, I love the premise, the kid in me thinks it’s the coolest shit i’ve ever seen and it will always have a special place in my heart. Heck, some of the character design I do is still inspired by it! It’s fun to watch and I’m definitely going to continue keeping up with it. However. I have some major issues with the show itself and with the fandom around it.
I’m a trans, queer, mixed filipino man.
I take issue with the representation in the show.
I take issue with the writing in the show as well, but I’m mostly pissed about the representation, and how the fndm keeps harping on about how it’s the crowning jewel of rep and it’s really not.
there are videos that can explain this better than I can so I’ll link them here,
and here
the first video is the hbomberguy one (YEAH IT WAS A GOOD VIDEO. ACKNOWLEDGE THE SHOW HAS PROBLEMS) the second is by Thomas Vaccaro and talks more about all the racism problems.
if anybody has any other videos like those two, please link them! I want them!
Now to get to the Meat of the issue
It’s really frustrating how the fndm keeps swooning over the One gay couple in rwby and the Implied Maybe Bumblebee. Also shut up about Bumblebee. Love the ship, it’s great. It’s also Not fucking canon yet and it could have already been canon.
( i do love May as trans rep though, they didn’t fuck up with that one. May is great I don’t have complaints about her <3 I am also not a trans woman though, so listen to them!)
I’m mad that there’s no mlm rep and no trans men rep even though we could have had this for years. This show has no network restrictions! Do better!
The poc rep is horrendous. Already linked the videos and I’m Tired.
The worst part is that you guys (fndm) refuse to listen to poc and other queer people when they take issue with rwby! If anyone so much as breathes wrong in the direction of this show, you fall all over yourselves trying to come up with excuses for it! It’s bullshit! I’m so fed up with the fndm at this point, I was thinking about leaving the show for awhile.
basically, the point is to LISTEN when the minorities being badly represented say things! Just listen! You can still like the show, parts of it go really hard! I love the soundtrack, and some of the writing is actually decent! The monsters are cool and the weapons are cool. You know what’s not cool? RACISM.
anyways don’t talk to me if you’re gonna defend the writing of the fucking white fang.
- Charles
4 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 00:19:38 GMT
I got in Dorian Electras 0.1 percent of listeners this year and im really proud i deserve a kiss from them??? 🥺😳💕✨🥰
7 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 23:11:36 GMT
I hate this place i found out the zodiac killee thing from THE FUCKING DESTIEL MEME AAAAAA AAAA
8 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 23:03:14 GMT
Why is undertale so much harder than deltarune i keep dying
11 notes • Posted 2021-12-12 00:40:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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didyouknowmagic · 5 years
Value Engineering: Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge
Well Galaxy’s edge is out! And so far the consensus has been pretty strong when it comes to the land and it’s offerings and that’s only with one of it’s attractions operating! Still that being said a LOT that was promised, and hell even intended to be apart of the land didn’t make it in during the last minute. So what is missing from Galaxy’s edge? Glad you asked! It’s the part of the land that made Imagineers so excited and gave them the courage to claim this would redefine theme park lands and was even their code name for the entire area. Project Delos, the name being inspired by the show West World which features a theme park that is basically where you go to live out your fantasy with highly interactive robots that act as if they are apart of the world you are visiting!  Essentially Interactivity, live actors, and role playing elements! The LARP area of every star wars fans dream.
Where to begin with this one, well all the way back to it’s inception even before it was known as Galaxy’s edge Disney kept touting that this land would set itself apart by it’s inhabitants. 
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As seen in the concept art there are a LOT of characters here, aliens, bounty hunters, and yes droids. So was this piece of early concept art an embellishment? Yes and no. Yes in that the layout of the land is not like this, and no in that everything else shown in the image was 100 percent meant to be the reality of the land.
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Let’s take a look at one of the more final pieces of concept art to see what I am talking about. This was one of the initial concept art pieces for what Oga’s Cantina is supposed to be. A watering hole for Bounty Hunters, aliens, rebel spies, and storm troopers alike. You are meant to have the feeling of being transported into the films and seeing these seedy characters all interact with you and the other guests that’s what the big appeal to this bar was meant to be! Because in the films that is what these places are strand despots for all sorts of creatures to interact and be amused by. 
Now let’s take a look at that Lizard looking guy in the yellow and red armor next to the Jawa. That is one of the most pivotal pieces of how this whole bar was meant to be an interactive experience, and his name is Harkos!
Wiki article about him below
Back in 2017′s D23 he was announced to be a PIVOTAL part of the land and would reside here at the Cantina. Where he would find guests and either commend or even berate them based on their performance on smugglers run which he would have access too thanks to the Play Disney Parks app. They were so sure of this they created lore around the guy and included him in several pieces of art. It’s this very energy that is missing from Oga’s cantina, it’s a seedy wateringhole without anyone seedy visiting, unless you count tourists as seedy and even then mileage there varies depending on whose there that day.
Let’s move onto to more missing Kinetic energy for the land
Here is a video from Star Wars Celebrations in 2017, showcasing what was meant to be a stunt show featuring ray against several storm troopers that was intended to take place in the walkways that are above guests which are littered throughout the land. While this element wasn’t entirely cut as there is still a small show (Though with little to no stunts and some flares) it was left albeit more minimal that it was intended to be. 
Another feature that is likely on the back burner but was still cut from the land was the sit down table service and show. 
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Think hoop de doo revue meets star wars and it’s variety of alien musicians and performers and you have a general idea of what the restaurant was intended to be. As far as I can see this one among the first round of cuts from the land as it wasn’t mentioned as far as I can look up at the 2017 conference but was shown in the initial pitches for the land. This is where you would have gotten your fix for the aliens and the Cantina style band. This is one of the bigger mistakes in my opinion regarding cuts as the land while it does offer 2 quick services is in dire need of a table service environment, anything that can help take the load off of Oga’s which is brimming at capacity every day. Yet this was cut too, in favor of having the area it’s currently in being used as the overflow queue for Smugglers run. 
The last thing im gonna touch on and this is one of the more obvious cuts is the lack of roaming droids! 
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Back in 2017 Disneyland and I think Disney world as well were both testing out droid units to which they basically said were indeed going to be part of the magic of galaxy’s edge. 
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And as seen in the concept art several units were supposed to be littered throughout the land. They would have been controlled by cast members and would have added yet another touch to making galaxy’s edge feel truly unique. Yet about 6 months prior to opening news that these and most of the aliens in the land had been cut.
SO, What happened? Well there are two stories going around. If rumors are to be believe Bob Chapek viewed these additional entertainment options are WAY to pricey and instead of paying for equity performers (Bounty hunters, stunt show personnel, and aliens) and puppeteers (droid performers) he canned the whole thing. Basically saying let the land speak for itself these embellishments aren’t necessary. Which if true is disappointing and very wrong given that the land was clearly designed for this interactivity. Money has already been spent on infrastructure for all of these features (minus the restaurant) which is sitting there literally unused for guests just to save a quick buck. 
The other story is that Ops fearing that Galaxy's Edge would be packed to capacity knew that they wouldn’t be able to implement these interactive pieces at the start. Bounty Hunters would be mugged by every guests for photos, droids would be unable to move in large crowds, and the wandering aliens and jawas would be swamped by guests for photos as well. While there is no definitive answer to which of these is true at the moment my money is probably on a mixture of the two. Cuts and fear of crowds. 
To Summarize I think Galaxy’s Edge is still a heavily creative piece of work and the care and appreciation that went it is obvious. But if I’m being honest it’s missing it’s soul a little bit, part of the appeal of going into the star wars films is the denizens that make up that universe. Without them it leaves land a little bare. Thankfully this is an issue that is the easiest to fix and hopefully somewhere down the line all of these things listed will make their way back in one form or another! Until next time Bright Moons everyone! 
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jackrackhams · 5 years
twdg take us back thoughts (forgive me if any of this is out of order, i’m doing this from memory)
-the game took 10 minutes to download and those were a wild ten minutes i’ll tell you that -right off the bat i was worried clem was gonna get bit -i tried to shoot lilly at first, then i saw it didn’t work and wished her well. that’s just my s1 lilly fan’s final breaths of air right there -LOUIS SAVED MY LIFE THANK YOU I’M SORRY ABOUT YOUR TONGUE -god louis’s little smile though oOF -VI I LOVE YOU -THE OTHER KIDS ARE ALIVE -vIOLET INITIATED KISS!!!! (adding a read more bc this got LONG)
-uhhhh i’m pretty sure i’m not the only one who was left with some post-ep3 lilly vibes with minnie. like fuck u for expecting some kinda redemption arc with any character we are going to make them go Batshit the next episode -like i really thought we’d be able to help her or something when she was fighting off those walkers. i mean i get she was totally brainwashed but c’mon man. she’s a kid. but fuk that ig -walker james man. i sorta justified not going back and killing lilly last ep by saying this was what james would’ve wanted (also it’s my playthrough i do what i want), and now that i know what happens if you do save him uhhhhhhh.... i’m glad i made the choices i did tbh! it’s what james would’ve wanted. -i spent so long in that cave looking for “something to light on fire” -i decided to trust aj. i figured a) that could possibly save my life (it didn’t lol), b) it would make him feel good about himself, and c) i’ve taught him pretty well up to now so i trust him. -MEETING UP WITH VIOLET AND OUR LITTLE FAMILY HUG WOW CAN I JUST SAY THAT SHIT’S THE GOOD SHIT -i low key wish i’d named the school castle violet, but i figured it was more important to give her the choice. texas two squad, gang gang -fighting minnie on the bridge i was thinking ‘ok minnie’s gonna get a lot of shit for this lol’ -speaking of Bridge Scene, that shit was INTENSE if nothing else -like SHIT -when minnie cut me, i thought ‘oh fuuck, something’s gonna bite that’ -i also thought ‘hey clem’s gonna have a big leg scar to match her big arm scar’ but i was wrong about that lmao -i’ve never been more stressed that someone was gonna bite me than in this ep lmao -i also thought the scene from the trailer where you try to grab aj’s hand was gonna be here on the bridge, not on the rocks -oof when tenn died i was upset, but i feel more secure in that than if it were violet who died. only because that was tenn’s choice, and tenn was another person, like james, who had seemed to make peace with the walkers in a way. plus he died with his sister, which seemed to be what they both wanted at the time. that’s not so say that i wish i could’ve saved him without killing vi (or louis), but i do feel satisfied with what i got here (rip tennessee, you were a cool kid) -and then vi jumps over a fence ok bye violet -climbing up the rocks, i knew this was when it was gonna happen. but still. i cried lol -when i uncovered the bite, i was reminded of the s2 game mechanics. oof -as soon as she was bitten i said ‘you have an axe! cut it off now! do it!’ and when they didn’t i died -the next bit was reminiscent of lee making his way to the marsh house in s1 -actually, clem’s limp reminded me of a new day when lee got into that car crash lol -and when clem and aj were closing the doors to the barn and clem said to get something to block the door, i was expecting her to continue and say something like ‘something strong and sturdy’ like lee said when they were blocking off the pharmacy in s1 bc that scene gave me strong pharmacy vibes -and then strong jewelry shop vibes bc why tf not -playing as aj. that was rough. he’s FAST tho oml -that was when i went ‘ok so clem is dying for real’ and cried a lil bit more cuz you know me -switching between clem and aj. DUDE that got me so emotional -also aj using clem’s trick (that used to be jane’s trick). GO KIDDO -seeing clem looking more and more dead fuckt me up (like how did she get from that to the end of the ep i don’t get it. like even if it was because she waited shorter to cut it off or because it was her leg rather than her arm or what. it doesn’t matter because by the time lee looked like THAT his arm was (determinantly) long gone. but hey, not gonna analyze it too much lol i’m just glad my girl clem’s alive) -okay when clem was talking to aj that also got me crying -and when i told aj to leave clem, i was thinking ‘okay, maybe she’ll link up with james. or tenn, but like hopefully not minnie at this point. and lEE maybe she’ll find lee. or luke. or her parents-’ -and then he picks up that ax and i was like ‘woa ok did you just kill her??’ -and then the flashback. lemme be real and say i thought that was the afterlife or something, and that those floaty specks were Afterlife Dust -but then i remembered ‘oh right the ranch’ -lemme just say i didn’t think the ranch was gonna look like that lol -not 100 percent on what was going on at the ranch tbh -like who were those people and why did we kill all of them? one would assume that clem would first try to get aj back peacefully -oh wait they were at war right -also i really liked the design of like all of those people -and the LAVA GUY HOLY SHIT -obviously i mercy killed him -also wait, was clem with the people they were fighting? i couldn’t tell -ALSO also, was. was that eddie? from 400 days? checking the wiki real quick -yea i think that was him. rip eddie you didn’t deserve That. i mean i was happy he was back nd then we were just forced to kill him oof sorry man -felt bad about killing that woman also, but hey, she had aj in a tiny locker, so i didn’t feel super bad about it after finding him -also lemme just say -little kid aj?? -SUPER CUTE OML -he’s like the perfect mix of anf aj’s face and tfs aj’s face. kudos to whoever designed little aj -also when clem was talking with him in the car. i felt like it was sort of unrealistic little kid talk, but not so much that it distracted from anything going on -never go alone god rule number one had me crying -and then we’re aj fishing! -i didn’t catch any fish as aj lol -also i LOVE how they changed the dialogue options for aj to be a lot more childlike if that makes sense? like fuck yeah that was a really nice call -ROSIE IM SO GLAD YOU’RE OK -i didn’t scratch out the v+m heart because it’s history, and it’s not mine to scratch out. same reason i didn’t make clem spit on marlon’s grave -CLEM’S HAT GET IT -GET IT GET IT -OH GOOD GIRL ROSIE YOU’RE A GOD -oh a walker -oH THAT’S A TENN WALKER SHIT -well i’m not gonna kill him Again -also i don’t want the other kids to have to see him -i was so glad when i got the option to throw the rock -he learned from james what a good boy -RUBY HI -god ruby’s the best lmao -my thoughts when they’re talking about the hat ‘...aj hasn’t put it on... they haven’t talked about clem in the past tense.... is she.... possibly.... not dead?’ -lmao and when the next scene started, the trees + sky reminded me of the st john’s dairy and i wondered if we had another lee dream or afterlife or something but nope -is this take us back?? -hOLY SHIT IT’S TAKE US BACK!!! -okay and walking home, seeing everyone. god i was so sjfsakjfa there -like when i saw aasim run up to ruby i was all !!! and when they held hands i was all !!!!!!!!! yknow?? and then when i saw omar and WILLY and then on the gate there was VIOLET (i was so glad she was ok lmao the last thing i wanted for my girl was an offscreen death) god that was so good with the music i was crying a little again -need to make another bullet to stress how happy i am for ruby and aasim. like i would’ve been happy either way but they were portrayed as such a cute couple in the few seconds we got of them, so like. consider me a fan now i guess -i was worried for louis at first cuz i didn’t see him -i thought maybe this was the end of the game because we closed the gate and stuff and i was thinking ‘oh, like closing the story’ but NOPE -sup omar. up and cooking again i see -lmao my sleep-deprived brain found it hilarious that we just put the empty bucket down next to him -uhh what came next the graves or clem?? i forget -WAIT IT WAS THE GRAVES BECAUSE THE TIRE SWING WHICH IS SO CUTE AHH -well tenn’s grave made me :( but then CLEM -so glad my hunch that she was alive was right lmao -but also i thought that was determinant it was a lot less satisfying when you realize that no matter what she lives -i mean i get why they did it like that, they didn’t want anyone feeling left with the “bad ending”, their thing is that their games are tailored to how you play and there IS no bad ending but still. a little variation on that front would’ve made it a lil more satisfying -also where did they get those crutches -i love talking as aj. so much. -he’s just a funky lil guy! -that convo with clem on the steps, when she asked if she did a good job... like FUCK YEAH you did a good job, I’M YOU, you think i’m not happy with how i raised me?? -aj saying ‘are you crazy’ when clem asked that made me smile -okay i know ppl have been saying this. but. siblings aasim and willy rule. -and then the meal!! -i was super hoping for a card game but what we good was good. not great, but good. also, card game as aj would probably not be quite as fun. or it’d be very fun. honestly, it’d probably just be a different kind of fun. -when we panned over the table i saw a flash of louis and i went all ‘louis!!’ in my head -louis’s little note sadfasf that was so cute -and honestly everything about louis in this scene i love you louis -actually, just this whole scene was cute. willy and omar were adorable, and then ruby, and willy asking for seconds, and everyone just being Soft in general like. yall deserve this happiness -vi and clem talking Strategy dude sign me up -i love how clem trusts aj now. and i trust aj too tbh, a lot more than i did initially. i think i taught him pretty well. -violet and aj duo let’s go -slightly worried abt that caravan that was mentioned, but hey. the game left off on a high note, so NOTHING BAD CAN HAPPEN TO THEM EVER. YOU HEAR THAT?? -vIOLET INITIATED KISS PART TWO!!!!!! CHEEK KISS EDITION!!!!!!!! IM SOFT!!!!!!!!!! -okay that hallway with the snb team’s names all over the walls?? dude oof. they worked so hard it made me so happy to see their mark on texas two -haha texas two -ANYWAY -obviously i looked at all the collectibles i had, AND pet rosie, because i knew that when i ran out of things to do, the game would be over, and who wants that? -aj: *places human skull* *looks at animal skull* wow clem really likes skulls -kiddo i hate to break it to you but -seems like you’re taking after her in that regard -good girl rosie -lmao aj and his magic powers -it’s like louis in a box -hanging up james’ walker mask made me :(( -he is watching over you aj. and he would like that -ok guys i am BEGGING you. if you haven’t already, PLEASE repeatedly click disco broccoli until you can’t anymore. it’s great. -and then i finally had to put down the hat -”thank you for playing” GOD THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME -I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS SERIES IS OVER -I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M SAYING GOODBYE TO CLEM -i mean i still have my louis route BUT IT’S NOT THE SAME AS A FRESH EPISODE YKNOW?? OKAY FINAL THOUGHTS: -FIRST OFF I JUST FOUND OUT VI CAN GO BLIND -honestly im in favor of that i rly like blind violet au and now it’s not au -rip her eye honestly -new tag to match my rip louis’ tongue -also i left violet feeling loved FUCK yea i did i love violet -OKAY ACTUAL THOUGHTS -looking at this episode afterwards, is it just me or is it a little... lacking? like, a little off? i mean obviously it’s good in the moment, super intense, but there were just a few things that make me feel like it’s the weakest of the season -also lmao i guess fuck minnie james and lilly, their storylines all felt kinda like a middle finger to their fans if that makes sense -but holy shit was that minnie stuff haunting. like HOLY SHIT -also, for a game that’s been focused a lot around clem’s interactions with the other characters, there was a lot... less of that in this episode. no card game, barely any interaction with anyone other than louis/violet, tenn, minnie, aj, and james. and two of those people are fighting you. one of them is even determinant. i was just expecting a little more on that front, because this season’s been really good with that sorta thing -also i would’ve loved a little more time with violet/louis. but that’s just a personal thing and not necessarily a problem lol -again, i feel like it would’ve been a little more satisfying for clem to survive if there were an option where she didn’t. but again again, i totally get why they didn’t go that route -in that vein, i’d really enjoy a little more time with the person who wasn’t on the bridge with you. i miss my boy louis :( -idk there’s just something a little off about this episode. -that’s not to say i didn’t love it (because i TOTALLY did just look at all that stuff above haha) -like i know i didn’t love the minnie part, but like i said, that shit was INTENSE -i can sorta see why they went that route -and i can’t speak for living!james but walker!james was oddly peaceful to see. like, there was a feeling of ‘this is what he would’ve wanted’ -and okay i loved the violet initiated kisses. so much. -also ruby and aasim that was pretty cute -and obviously im happy clem isn’t dead that’s always great -OH and i loved the scene with the snb team’s names on the walls. like that was so good. -finally, the end scene was so satisfying. it ended the series the right way. with clem’s hat :p
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aliceparsons22-blog · 5 years
How to Design a Million Dollars Playing Video Poker
Ill level bearing in mind you  if I knew some ordinary method for making a million dollars on video poker, I wouldnt be blogging right now. Id be in the Alaskan wilderness catching salmon or just sitting on my urge on porch cracking gain access to a beer.
So how can you become a video poker millionaire? The unchangeable is, there is no one unnamed method scr888 malaysia that will slant you into a video poker millionaire. Im suspicious of get-rich quick ideas of any variety. As a general rule, the less do its stuff something requires, the less full of life it is.
I can think of a few outside-the-box ways to put two commas in your bank account playing video poker:
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You could win a million dollars playing higher video poker. Of course, youd have to win an unlikely number of future jackpots to sum $1,000,000  video poker later jackpots are considerably smaller than slot machines, resetting to with $500 and $1,500, and rarely paying off more than two or three time the reset amount. Dont forget how scarce difficult video poker games are  you wont find a single cutting edge video poker game on the Vegas Strip or anywhere in Atlantic City. You could sit on putting child maintenance in the machine until you hit an uncanny streak of luck. Lets say youre betting max, $5 per tab and $25 credits per hand. If you could string together sufficient $30 payouts in a row, youd eventually win a million bucks. It would endure 200,000 straight 6-credit wins (to offset the coast of each rounds maximum bet), and would totally lift some eyebrows at the IRS, but I suppose its technically (given plenty decimal places) possible. You could have a essentially gnarly slip-and-fall accident though playing a video poker machine. If its found that the casino was negligent in inspecting and maintaining their property, youll be entitled to compensation, damages, and (in rare cases) a punitive praise expected to tutor the casino a lesson they wont easily forget. Its within the realm of possibility that you could win a million-dollar settlement. Of course, this is abuse of the system, and it would make you a horrible human being. It may backfire too  the court may toss the warfare out, especially if there is no evidence of negligence. Those three ideas are beautiful far outdoor the realm of possibility. otherwise of slipping in a spilled drink, waiting for a mathematical miracle, or losing your shirt chasing progressives, I recommend a more level-headed approach.
The Three Basic Tenets of the Video Poker Millionaire The three tenets listed under arent exactly secret. Theyre freely-available every over the Internet. I can vouch for this fact, as Ive written dozens of blog posts upon these topics beyond the years.
Once youve moot how to function video poker, every you need to realize to (one day) create a million bucks playing the game is follow these three easy rules:
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Learn Basic Strategy If you desire to have fun in Vegas and dont mind eventually giving your entire $100 bankroll to the casino, you dont habit to badly affect roughly strategy.
If your plan is to earn a million dollars from video poker, you have to become a graduate student of gambling. It helps if you have a fine library near your home, past some of the books youll desire to get into arent all that genial online. In fact, if you rouse close a own up the academy next a decent research library, youre a step ahead.
While youre at it, subscribe to some gaming magazines. If youre mostly going to gamble in Vegas, subscribe to some Vegas content, too. belong to a couple of forums. Depending upon where you live, you may be accomplished to find seminars in your area teaching legitimate video poker and additional game strategies. By the way, this isnt something you can attain when or twice a year for a couple of years and be curtains as soon as it. subsequently new games arrive extra strategies, and past additional casinos arrive new opportunities for advantage gambling. Youll essentially obsession to become a lifelong student of gambling and game strategy.
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t-shirtclassic · 3 years
Im Blunt Because God Rolled Me That Way shirt
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Last September Im Blunt Because God Rolled Me That Way shirt . transgender models occupied a record 91 runway spots across New York, London, and Paris Fashion Weeks, The Fashion Spot noted in its seasonal diversity report. That breaks down to 83 openly trans and eight non-binary models who walked in 52 shows, compared to 45 and 4, respectively, in 47 shows just a year earlier. Impressive as that 100 percent increase may be, it doesn’t mean problem solved, representation complete. Trans models now have a place on (certain) runways, but they still do not receive the same treatment, job opportunities, and exposure as their cisgender peers. As a trans woman, model Maxim Magnus never anticipated becoming one of the faces of an industry known for its exclusivity and homogeneity. “Modeling was never something I thought I could pursue," she tells InStyle. "And even today I have doubts about my career, even when Iʼm doing really well," she says. "I never thought it would be a realistic goal for me to obtain, so I chose to work behind the scenes, which is why I studied fashion.” Indeed it was a professor at the Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design, where Magnus was getting her Bachelor’s degree, who encouraged her to start modeling. Now, the 20-year-old is on her way to becoming one of fashion’s most in-demand names — and one of its most outspoken critics. Im Blunt Because God Rolled Me That Way shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt Though she’s seen success — she’s walked London and Paris fashion weeks, landed a Gucci campaign, and been featured in i-D and Wonderland — she’ll be the first to admit how difficult navigating the industry as a trans woman can be Im Blunt Because God Rolled Me That Way shirt . Getting passed over for jobs, learning how to handle rejection … it’s part of what makes Magnus’s rise so impressive, and how she’s become a necessary advocate and role model for trans women within and beyond the fashion industry. It hasn’t come easy, and she’s the first to admit the struggle can get her down. Sometimes she feels like she’s “hanging on by a thread,” she says. You Can See More Product: https://tshirtclassic.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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snkpolls · 7 years
SnK Chapter 98 Poll Results
The chapter 98 poll closed with a record 1,771 responses. Thank you to everyone for participating. 
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If you disliked this chapter, you were very much in the minority. Only 1% of respondents rated it poorly. Satisfaction with recent Marley chapters have been generally positive, but this is the highest rating since we started the poll.
This chapter was so fire I had to call 911 after I read it
Goddamned life ruining basements.
Sadly, SNK is eventually going to end, and having taken the time to properly explain its unique universe and its characters will that day leave to this world the completed masterpiece it has the potential to be
I gasped during the "I'm Dr. Yeagar'" scene, but I almost threw my phone from excitement from the "Hey, it's been 4 years huh Reiner." I was one of the people that thought I wouldn't care for the young Warriors, but damn, this chapter won me over. Especially Falco. The awesome character building scenes, the mystery behind Tybur & Magath, the attitude's of the vet Warriors, and Eren's new shred of awesomeness made this one of my favorite chapters.
Magath is still making me wet with his humanity, Willy needs a hug and some Hellos D, I can't believe the East Sea Clan is actually a thing (eeeek) and if Falco gets hurt I will die. Also where's Annie.
I think the entire chapter could be my favorite moment.
Willy and Magath vs Levi for clean house?
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Because of our own intense fangirling after reading this chapter, we had to lead off the poll with something fun. Thankfully most didn’t mind and agreed with us that this chapter was packed with supreme cuteness.
Remember when attack on titan was dark? Now it's all rainbows and unicorns. Jk, I loved this chapter.
   ON THE BEST DAD SCALE OF 420-10 HOW GREAT WAS REINER??? (1,721 Responses)
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It’s also nice to see that 84% of us agree that Papa Reiner was just awesome! 275 people disagreed, including one commenter below.
Reiner accompanying the kids at the festival was SOOO DAMN CUTE
Reigner is my favourite moment every chapter.
This chapter was great. Seeing daddy Reiner was one of the sweetest moments in SNK
This may be an unpopular opinion but Reigner honestly feels like the least interesting character in the whole arc. We have all these shiny new characters that are in desperate need of character development and all we keep getting is more and more Reigner. Reigner this, Reigner that, Isayama is starting to sound like a bunch of Bertholdts. Where is the love for Colt, Porco, Ms Exactly Right, Theo and more? Grim Reminder 2.0 also needs to happen fast.
this one salty anon saying reiner is the least interesting character of marley are you in your right mind or are your standards simply just low
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I love how difficult it was for people to choose a best moment. “Reiner as Marley’s Best Dad and ATM” eked out the number one slot by just 1 vote. “All of the above” was second and Falco’s near confession was a distant third.
Reiner awkwardly avoiding eye contact with Galliard.
Eren spending one month undercover by disguising himself as Sad Keanu
Porco being low-key supportive of Falco and the parallels it draws with his own life/relationship with Reiner.
Falco's proud face when he guides Reiner to the basement.
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Basement Reveal 2.0 was our favorite moment. Twenty-four percent of the fandom couldn’t pick just one, making “All of the above” the number two selection. Eren meeting his grandfather and the mysterious Asian women round out the third and fourth pick.
When Reiner Meets Eren
The asian woman is about on par with basement 2 electric boogaloo but i could only pick one so im cheating a bit pls dont be angry
While you've mentioned all the moments that stood out most to me, I can say I definitely appreciated the variety of races drawn as they were distinct, reasonable designs. All in all, these are all awesome moments, it's hard to pick favorites in this chapter.
You can sense the excitement for a chapter when 237 people take the time to gush in the comments section. If you want to read them all, you’ll need to visit the full poll results but here are a few.
Zeke's three-level comment about being a big brother (works for Colt, Porco and Zeke himself), also Zeke playing catch with Colt and Eren playing with Zeke's ball.
Eren basically slamming that baseball right in his gorgeous face is kinda one of the best moments!?!?
Gabi waking up. Those panels were so detailed on her face, I'm worried that little Gabi is waving her death flags. I almost had a heart attack because I thought for a second she was Mikasa when I first read through.
Gabi's relationship with Udo and Zofia and the "devil" line
Cory in the house finally meeting the fresh prince of bel-air
black people being not so stereotypical. they just looked like people, not over-cheerful big lipped afro hair stereotype or anything like that
The attitude and mystery of that old asian woman
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Eren’s “Good to see you made it back home” was declared the  sassiest line by a significant majority. Sassmaster Pieck was second with her slam about entrusting the Paradis operation to four kids. My personal favorite was Porco’s hugely sarcastic “We have some awfully bright officials leading us”, but only 5% agreed with me.
While “Good to see you made it back home” was the winner, it wasn’t without controversy. I saw several comments on Reddit and Tumblr from people who thought that Eren wasn’t being sassy when he said them. It’s possible I suppose, but unless a lot of has changed in the last four years, I find it hard to believe he was being sincere.
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Perfect little bean Falco wins by a landslide! Was there every any doubt? Gabi is far more polarizing but has maintained a loyal fanbase. She came in second with 16.9%. Zophia received 133 votes (7.8%). Colt received 98 votes (5.8%). The wine-spilling, multi-lingual, “not from around here” Udo received the fewest votes with 76 (4.5%).
Falco's smile, I just want to hug him as if he were my little brother/cousin ^^
Falco cemented his status as a cinammon roll. I'd hate for him to get toasted in the next chapter, considering what's about to go down in the basement!
Gabi's ego is charming.
Udo is the most precious kid and I love him a lot and if he dies, I die. (I keep saying this about all my faves but it's true.)
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Isayama deserves mad props for introducing a brand new cast and gradually making us care about them. More than 65% of us now have strong feelings for the Warriors and candidate kiddos .
Pieck. Just Pieck.
I can't believe I got sucked into Marley. This chapter just solidified my new found affection for 90% of the Marley characters, and even though I do miss the main cast I'm totally fine with more Marley chapters! Gabi went from hate to fave in a heartbeat. I must be sick? Not to mention all the pokkopikku moments... Honestly I'm in love with SNK all over again. RIP Me.
I used to not be very fond of the warrior cadets, but this chapter just filled me with love for those kids. My only problem is that I KNOW Isayama is trying to get me to sympathize with them before ultimately crushing my soul and having something terrible happen  :(
I still hate all the kids, but Reiner has got some brownie points with me now.
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Our single answer to Willy’s single answer is that we are all over the place with ideas. A slim majority believe that Willy is going to propose a genocide starting in Liberio, but there were almost 100 write ins with other options. Here are a few.
Definitely the elimination of Paradis
I think he found a way to turn even non-Eldians into titans and he will try to create some sort of balance of terror.
I think he'll give a long winded speech, and just when he's about to lay it all out, *loud boom* *lightning* Grim Reminder part 2
A possible solution for all of this is Eren eating all shifters and sealing himself in a crystal, like Annie, forever. We still haven't seen if Annie has aged inside the crystal or not though. I wonder if this is Willy's solution.
Someone will kill him before he tells the answer
High School Eldian Musical
I dunno.  But it sure as hell ain't anything good, that's for sure.  Just what are you up to, you slippery snake?
I have no idea but I'm 300% convinced that the Tiber family was in contact with the Reiss one the whole time (remember the "Armored - Braun" vial Rod Reiss had? That was Reiner's spinal fluid and how the frick frack it ended inside the Walls??). I think that will play a big role in whatever Willy Billy is planning to do.
I'd say gather Loki and the Avengers to obtain the nine titan powers, using it to control the the Eldians who'll win over foreign leaders and defeat Marley, then proceed to turn on said ambassadors as well as the Eldians they're controlling.
Destroy all perceptions that Eldians are the only ones who can turn titans and use the ambassadors as an example, bringing chaos
Dunno how plausible this is but...maybe he knows how to get rid of the Eldians's capacity to turn into titans, and that's his single answer ?
Either kill all non-Eldians or gain the coordinate and somehow mindwipe all Eldian and non-Eldians alike somehow. Or something idk. I just feel like mindwiping will come into play. Either that or unite Marley and Eldia and ally with the Asians and fight against literally the rest of the world.
Final solution, Willy Hitler
"We will allow the Paradisians to live in peace if they can win a game of baseball against our best team: The Warriors."
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“Willy or wont he” be the big bad of the series? Gray morality wins. But whatever Willy has planned is making a large number of us uncomfortable.
This chapter made me feel really uneasy. Willy Tyber is throwing me off, and I'm really nervous for whatever he has planned next chapter. I feel like this was almost too good, too sweet, too happy. Something big is about to happen, I can feel it, and I know Tyber's gonna be at the center of it. I don't trust him, and I love that this chapter made me feel something this strongly. 
I feel like Willy's "If only the titans didn't exist" was a giveaway. Willy will try to remove all titan powers, either by killing all Eldians (he should know that's gonna be hard to accomplish), or by collecting all titan powers and locking it up idk how. But genocide is not out of the question. He might do it, but even if he does, I don't think I'll really see him as your typical "villain."
Well, damn guys... What if Willy's not even the bad guy, huh? He has shady plans of his own, no doubt... But to just say he's seeking genocide is too far fetched, in my honest opinion. Yes, I don't have a clue as to what he's going to do, but I'm not ready to label him a murderer yet. Maybe I just got charmed by that "Thor-like" haircut, but to me it seemed like he genuinely felt bad for closing his eyes on the treatment of Eldians, and wanted to change that. Of course, Paradis could be the scapegoat, but I don't know about that either. Oh well... We have to wait and see, I guess...
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Eren, Pieck, P A T H S and Colt received the most write-in votes (in that order), but the majority believe we haven’t met the person spying on the inside for Magath.
I didn't understand what they meant by this when I first read it, and I barely still know after reading it again after reading this question.
I wanted to say the SC being spies, but I really think it's either other countries' spies or just mean other countries' leaders/elites had arrived.
It would be interesting character-wise for Magath if he discovered Zeke was legitimately (I have my doubts) conspiring with Eren/Paradis. Magath could be more grey, should he prosecute Zeke, keep it to himself, or join in.
Probably some competent high-ranking Marleyan soldier but the ultimate plot-twist would be Pieck (imagine Zeke being the one snitched out by his most trusted warrior)
Zeke. If Zeke's working with Eren (and not just talking to him but actually helping him), then I think it's possible that Zeke's sort of double-crossing Magath. He could act like he's interested in cleansing Marley by ridding it of the "mice," or he's simply acting interested in Magath and Willy's plan so as to get inside info on what they're up to.
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The baseball glove was proof positive for 86.1% of the fandom.
I wonder if Zeke realizes that it's Eren with whom he's communicating? He only saw Eren once, when his glasses were off, so even if they met in person, I'm not sure he'd recognize Eren.  Eren could be hiding his true identity from Zeke to avoid being stabbed in the back for the coordinate.
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The majority say yes!
We should ask Pieck if Zeke is working with Eren... Because Pieck is exactly right.
Zeke has no side. He is with Eren but he will also rat him out to Magath.
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Zeke looked at his watch and gave Falco permission to escort Reiner to the basement despite it being almost time for the program to begin. That, plus the baseball glove, is enough to convince 72.5% of us that Zeke was in on the Reiner/Eren reunion.
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We were a little more divided here. Most are convinced Zeke and Eren are working together but they are less confident that Reiner will join them.
He doesn't forgive but does work with reigner and zeke.
I can see Eren working together with Zeke or actually manipulating and using him, while Zeke thinks he's his pure cinnamon roll brother. But I don't think a Reiner/Eren alliance will work. Like why would Reiner want to help Eren? Why would Isayama want to fucking ruin Bertolt's life after his dead even more?
I hope Reiner and Eren will be good boys and won't fight. I also hope November will come quickly.
I'm dying to know WHY Eren gave away his presence to Reiner. like WHY take such a risk omg. I gotta read the next chapter asap!!!!
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My personal feeling are in the #2 red zone here. More than half the fandom feels that Eren’s appearance in Marley is fully sanctioned by the Survey Corps.
If Eren really had gone rogue & left Paradis, that means Paradis are one 1 shifter less so more reason for them to recruit Annie as Eren's replacement
Why would they send Eren of all people to Marley? Eren is very well known as a person who can't easily control his emotions, and someone who isn't very good at acting. Just look how bad he did in the Stohess Arc. If he was the only person who could regenarate limbs, I'd understand. But why not send Armin? He has shown to be much better than Eren in both acting and manipulating people. He was also shown to have some slight understanding of Reiner's feelings, so why not him? How could they trust the most emotional person on the team? Has Eren really changed that much?
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This poll result surprised me. On the far extremes, 253 people think Eren is a cinnamon roll while 52 individuals categorize him as essentially scum of the earth. The majority seem to be taking a “wait and see attitude” about his intentions.
"Eren is the same old cinnamon roll"  .......Since when has Eren "I will destroy all titans/murder these rabid dogs masquerading as humans/make sure your death is the most painful possible" Yeager been a cinnamon roll?  Sin-amon roll, maybe.  But even that's kinda a stretch.
I think he: is older and wiser, has a better understanding of the world (and how cruel and unfair it is, I think he's kind of emo) and the memories are affecting him somewhat.
war changes a man
This kid has seen some shit. I don't doubt he's haunted as hell. And that's pretty haunted.
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Close to 60% of respondents believe the influence of Kruger and Grisha’s memories have made Eren a changed man. Basic maturity was the second pick with 30%. In third place, 6.6% of respondents think he hasn’t changed and believe that Eren’s cold demeanor is only an act.
A lot of things have changed Eren, starting from him losing his family and friends, seeing the titans,fighting them and discovering the truth about them, his father and his half-brother. Also seeing the state the Marleys and Eldians are now. So a lot of things have changed Eren and turned him into who he is now.
All except 'he hasn't changed' but I do think the memories had the most affect. Hell after he got those memories he didn't even care about the ocean anymore. I think he realized that there was no freedom inside the walls or outside of them. Which basically made his original goal to 'break humanity out of its cage and eliminate all the titans' meaningless. Really sad honesty.  
All of the coordinate boys get chill eventually
Blurrier moral realization combined with his dwindling lifespan
If we remember the kind if shit he went through it's only natural to assume that he changed. Just like Reiner, all his childhood dreams and goals were shattered to pieces when he saw the bigger picture.
Revenge against the people who genocides our folks generally do that to you.
depression's a bitch
He's coming more dickhead than before that's all
Marley pizza. That shit is life-changing. Reiner can testify.
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I suppose the bottom line here is that the fandom likes the new kids, but they like Eren better. This is war and people get hurt. A slim majority will not hold it against Eren if his actions hurt the warriors or warrior candidates.
If Eren manipulated Falco and doesn't care about him, I will cry.
Can we discuss that all the Jaegers are probably ruining the lives of the Grice family? Grisha with the original, Zeke playing Colt, Eren adopting Falco... Poor kiddos.
No matter how much we enjoy the current chapters, these poll numbers barely change. A significant portion of the fandom remains desperate to see the main cast.
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Although a few fans are impatient to see the SC, I enjoy to see that Isayama is taking is time and is not rushing this part.
I still want the series to bring back the Paradis cast while staying in Marley. I have the feeling things are about to kick into overdrive next chapter, with the landmark chapter 100 incoming, and I'd love it if the finale remained in Marley while having the whole cast there. Have Paradis left for flashbacks/explanations and the epilogue, the mainland's a perfect staging ground for the end of this.
I swear to Ymir if we leave Marley in this cliffhanger there will be riots
I want the 104th back.
With the reveal of the Asian clan symbol (FINALLY), I strongly feel as though Mikasa and the rest of the Survey Corps are going to show up really soon. I expect them to finally return on issue #100, but on next month's issue would be even better!
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RIP my beloved Vets :(
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Hajime Isayama blowing my mind
With tgis new infomation its more liekly that the marleyans have sour cream
He [Willy] will tell the real story of how the titans came into existence, and by fusing all nine titan powers together you get the same powers as the original Ymir Fritz had so you can do some voodoo shit and "cure" all Eldians of their curse. Everyone gets to live happily ever after, oh, and Levi opens up his tea shop.
I really liked the scene with Eren playing with the baseball. He looked so calm
I really enjoyed the entire chapter. It felt like a break but it revealed a ton. I am so eager to keep reading.
Reiner looks so handsome in his uniform >.>
RIP Reiner's wallet
The Asian woman I need to know more
I appreciated the worldbuilding in this chapter. The festival scene in particular showed how big the scale was compared to Paradis. Leaning Eldians lived in other parts of the world and not only Marley, puts things into perspective about their goals. If Paradis is submitted, other Eldians would melt in the population slowly but surely. The REZ alliance or whatever its' called, is completely bull: Zeke isn't going to team up with someone going against his plans. Also Eren didn't mature. He still shares the same goal, but he became way more cunning about it thanks to Kruger and Grisha's memories. He inherited their democratic skills and would gladly use them against Reiner. He never forgave Reiner and isn't going to forgive him. Since Bert died and Shiganshina was rebuild, that alleviated his rage, but he feels like he has to take Reiner down.
It's not so much this chapter sucked, it's just that I'm so sick ok Marley, so I couldn't enjoy it that much
On a serious note, finding out that Grandad Yeager is also a trauma patient at the hospital was heart-breaking. But it makes sense: both of his children are dead and his grandson Zeke is due to "pass on his powers" (die) soon too. I wonder what he'll do if he finds out that Eren is his grandson too, is also a Titan AND has the Founding Titan power? Uh oh! Also worth happy screeching about: That symbol on the back of the Asian lady's kimono. That had to be a deliberate reveal? Is that the symbol of the East Sea Clan from whom Mikasa is descended from and will she reveal that symbol on her wrist?! Last but not least, Reiner gets his own basement reveal and Eren is in there!
The cult of reigner has affected the typesetters i must now retire to the forest where i will live as a hermit with the treefolk only coming out once a month to read the mangastream translation this is my vow so help me god and may the lord be my witness
I know I say this every month, but man is next chapter gonna be a doozy! Eren and Reiner finally meeting is going to stir up some feelings and arguments.
Is Willy going to let the cat out of the bag about the Tyburs being the power behind the leaders of Marley? Will the play be the true history of what happened after the Titan War?
With the reveal of the Asian clan symbol (FINALLY), I strongly feel as though Mikasa and the rest of the Survey Corps are going to show up really soon. I expect them to finally return on issue #100, but on next month's issue would be even better!
I think Willy is actually plotting to overthrow the Marleys and bring power to the Eldians Maybe he's joined forces with Eren and Zeke and we still don't know. I think he wants to restore the Eldian race.
I hope we get to know more about the actual history of "The Subjects of Ymir", perhaps in the form of a theatrical play on that stage. Where do people get this genocide thing from, only from the Nazi parallels? If Willy were planning it, then why did he talk about how the whole world wants exactly that to happen and how he thought up a solution to this problem? Really sounds like he's got something entirely DIFFERENT up his sleeve, and I guess it's got something to do with how Ymir created titans in the first place.
Is Willy going to let the cat out of the bag about the Tyburs being the power behind the leaders of Marley? Will the play be the true history of what happened after the Titan War?
Pieck and Porco are ALWAYS together what's up with that and also we never see Zeke's eyes in this chapter
Zhophia is a Annie relative, Udo is Naruto's son too (Boruto's brother).
Eren meeting Reiner has me so FUCKING HYPED for the next chapter that I so anxious for November. Isayama you damn torturer!!!!
Zeke is a majestic beast leaping for that ball.
Eren meeting Reiner has me so FUCKING HYPED for the next chapter that I so anxious for November. Isayama you damn torturer!!!!
99/100 hype is real
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kingteeshops · 4 years
Kiss Me Im Polish St Patricks Day Irish Poland shirt
Last September Kiss Me Im Polish St Patricks Day Irish Poland shirt . transgender models occupied a record 91 runway spots across New York, London, and Paris Fashion Weeks, The Fashion Spot noted in its seasonal diversity report. That breaks down to 83 openly trans and eight non-binary models who walked in 52 shows, compared to 45 and 4, respectively, in 47 shows just a year earlier. Impressive as that 100 percent increase may be, it doesn’t mean problem solved, representation complete. Trans models now have a place on (certain) runways, but they still do not receive the same treatment, job opportunities, and exposure as their cisgender peers. As a trans woman, model Maxim Magnus never anticipated becoming one of the faces of an industry known for its exclusivity and homogeneity. “Modeling was never something I thought I could pursue," she tells InStyle. "And even today I have doubts about my career, even when Iʼm doing really well," she says. "I never thought it would be a realistic goal for me to obtain, so I chose to work behind the scenes, which is why I studied fashion.” Indeed it was a professor at the Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design, where Magnus was getting her Bachelor’s degree, who encouraged her to start modeling. Now, the 20-year-old is on her way to becoming one of fashion’s most in-demand names — and one of its most outspoken critics. Kiss Me Im Polish St Patricks Day Irish Poland shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Unisex Though she’s seen success — she’s walked London and Paris fashion weeks, landed a Gucci campaign, and been featured in i-D and Wonderland — she’ll be the first to admit how difficult navigating the industry as a trans woman can be Kiss Me Im Polish St Patricks Day Irish Poland shirt . Getting passed over for jobs, learning how to handle rejection … it’s part of what makes Magnus’s rise so impressive, and how she’s become a necessary advocate and role model for trans women within and beyond the fashion industry. It hasn’t come easy, and she’s the first to admit the struggle can get her down. Sometimes she feels like she’s “hanging on by a thread,” she says. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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Chandelier dresses aside I Just Took A Dna Test Turns Out Im 100 Percent That WitchPremium TShirt . Katy Perry's night at the Met Gala. wouldn’t have been complete without an epic after-party look. After a five-star dinner and fancy dress ball, Perry and Moschino designer, Jeremy Scott were ready to indulge in a little fast food via a hamburger dress worthy of a McDonald’s commercial. For Perry, the foray into treats felt natural—after all, she has dressed up as a giant Cheeto for Halloween and famously worn cupcake bras—though Scott took things one step further for Gala night with two jaw-dropping outfits. “I was thinking about how at the end of the ball everyone is ready to kick off their heels I Just Took A Dna Test Turns Out Im 100 Percent That WitchPremium TShirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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I Just Took A Dna Test Turns Out Im 100 Percent That WitchPremium TShirt Unisex Toss off their corsets and eat some junk food,” he says I Just Took A Dna Test Turns Out Im 100 Percent That WitchPremium TShirt . “I thought what could be cuter than Katy wearing a sequined burger cape with a tiny little ruched lettuce dress underneath!” The result: outlandish campy moments that looked good enough to eat. As the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton’s style is constantly evolving; these days, the royal mostly veers toward classic pieces with a British sensibility. (Think lots of great outerwear and clean, tailored silhouettes.) But today, she switched things up and strayed from her usual fashion aesthetic. On hand to launch the King’s Cup Regatta at the Cutty Sark ship in Greenwich, London, Middleton put down her trusty coat-dresses and, instead, embraced the art of understated French girl style.Opting for a slight nautical vibe—which was appropriate given the setting—the Duchess wore a black and white striped sweater (very Breton-like) with high-waisted trousers by one of her most-worn labels, L.K. Bennett. She styled the neutral look with a pop of red via her clutch—that black, white, and red color combo recalling the many effortless looks seen on the streets of Paris. Meanwhile, a pair of block heeled pumps gave the whole ensemble a more modern touch. With many global tours under Middleton’s belt, perhaps the many cities she’s visited in the past are starting to subtly influence her style. But, as always, that signature polish is still ever present. You Can See More Product: https://shirttrending.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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sabrerine911 · 7 years
Little Darksiders 3 “fandom”long rant (sorry for the shitty grammar but its 4am here)
Goddamit its so depressing and infuriating to see the comments regarding Darksiders 3 posts,you can see people cheering or getting hyped,but it looks like the majority of the comments are assholes that have nothing better than to complain and insult the devs on how they are killing the franchise  People bitching about fucking feminism(that isnt there),everyone that ACTUALLY fucking played the game and cared about the lore enough to not skip cutscenes knows she has been a horseman since the begining People bitching that they think Fury sucks and they should bring Back either War or Death cause they are cooler.(cause fuck the devs vision am i right!?) people bitching about fury’s (Ingame not cg trailer)face giving all sorts of insults on how ugly or how “too cartoony” it is(FUCKING REALLY? ). People bitching about boob armor or heels(darksiders chicks had boob armor and heels in both the previous games and nobody was bitchin about it back then,hell,war had freaking pectoral armor that made no sense whatsoever!And it was fucking FINE cause its a standard fantasy comic style game,never meant to be something progressive for political corectness or realistic armor praticality ) People bitching about the gameplay expecting it to be crazy fast like the second game and judging the pre alpha with more than just well though critics,alot of people say that the game is gonna be garbage,aparently people forgot the slower gameplay of the first one that got better and better the more upgrades we got,plus she will probably have tons of spells and secondary weapons People bitching about the devs ACTUALLY FOLLOWING THEIR VISION(doing a game for each horseman) cause they want to get to the fucking final chapter for the sake of story linearity.Do you have any idea how much lore we wouldnt have if that sitty decision was taken back in 2010?Do you have any idea how bad it would be to play a game with the 4 horsemen and have only one of them fully developed?We had fucking 20 hours to get invested in Wars character,and what the other’s best shot would be to impress us with looks and dialogue,im sorry but that would be just as bad as Wolverine was the main character in the X-men movies.And lets not get into how the mechanics wouldnt be advanced enough to give a game like that justice. People bitching that without Joe Mad the game is doomed!Labeling every artistic direction in the game “bad” and “uninspired” cause it didnt come out of Joe mad.People fucking bitched about Fury’s fucking redesign like it wasnt designed by Joe Mad himself!NOOO we dont have time to get informed,its better to complain about it,saves fucking time right? Let me be clear on this,Joe Mad is my favorite artist(along with Humberto Ramos) HE is one of the reasons I decided to become a comic book artist myself,HE is the reason I got into the Darksiders series.I litterally found it by googleing “joe madureira game” back in the day cause I heard he worked on a game.But saying that without his full involvment the game is gonna be garbage is UTTER BULLSHIT. First of all the game was made by the WHOLE team,not only him I remember a certain  Avery Coleman(look him up) that was involved in the concept arts of the second with Joe. Secondly he not only approved the continuation of the game but he also gave his full support even by redesigning Fury himself and doing some general action concept arts from her,you hear that?FULL SUPPORT. The team wanted to make this game,to finish the story,that they LOVED,this is not a fucking cash grab,and they are not rushing it without considering the old games’ quality levels.It is gonna be different sure.War was slow and took down many enemies,Death was fast as hell and he took on armies,Fury will have a speed between the two and she will take down less enemies at once but Im sure she will still be a badass and considering that she will be taking down the Sins that had to be taken down by all 4 of the horsemen she will definetly prove her power. I understand the concern of people that it may not live up to expectations,but lets give it some time,there is still plenty of development to show.I personally am just happy that they sticked with their original vision,that they finally gave a game for fury,that they are doing their best with what they have. And I will support them 100 percent,so that they can conclude the series,so we can have a Strife game and a final chapter game with all 4 of them. To all the people that support this game I want to thank you for excisiting and letting your voice be heard on this awesome franchise.Have a good one everyone.
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simplemlmsponsoring · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://simplemlmsponsoring.com/attraction-marketing-formula/social-media-marketing/social-media-automation-is-bad-and-other-marketing-lies/
Social Media Automation Is Bad, and Other Marketing Lies
When it comes to social media and marketing automation, there are ways to win big. However, there have also been some runaway dumpster fires.
Remember AT&T’s super-spammy debacle called the “Ticket Chasers” program? It was a chance for people to win free NCAA tickets. They outsourced the campaign to a contractor, who then outsourced the Tweets to a robot, who then spammed the crap out of thousands of Twitter users.
The problem was that many of the recipients didn’t even follow @ATT or have any interest in NCAA.
Or, more recently, take @McDonaldsCorp’s unfortunate tweet.
There’s not a lot of substance there, but @Wendys sure loved it.
Even the best of us make mistakes, and public ones at that. But some point to these instances as proof-positive that social media automation is bad marketing—that it undermines the purpose of social media altogether: community engagement and meaningful conversations.
After all, you’d never automate messages to your friends and family, would you? Then how can you (gasp) automate messages to your beloved audience?
The truth is, these accusations miss the point entirely. Social media automation done well is both brilliant and has a positive return. The difference is using what I call “smart-o-mation” rather than “spam-o-mation.”
I don’t like spam. Nobody likes spam. But social automation doesn’t have to be spam.
‘It’s Only Time’
Once upon a time, my company, CoSchedule, ran a test around the perfect recipe for social promotion. We wanted to know how many times we should promote a single piece of content. Which networks work best?
We dug into our own data packed with millions of messages from tens of thousands of users. We also crunched the numbers from over twenty industry-recognized studies on the best times to schedule social media messages on every network.
I’m talking time of day, day of the week, every detail down to the hour. Then, we published our findings.
Recently, I met a marketer who was absolutely raving about this article. That was pretty fun to hear. In fact, he found so much value in it, he had it bookmarked and followed it religiously every time he scheduled a social media messages for his brand’s many accounts.
“For every message?” I asked him.
“That’s right, every message.”
“Doesn’t that take you a ton of time?” I asked.
“Nah, it’s not that bad. Just a few hours per week.”
He was an awesome guy, and we talked for a while longer. Eventually, though, I gave him some good news that I could get him the same results—perfectly scheduled messages—in one percent of the time with some of our automation features.
Surprisingly, he pushed back. It took some time for me to convince him that he should give up the intensive manual labor of scheduling things by hand. He kept saying, “It’s only time—it doesn’t cost me anything!” However, that’s where he, and many other marketers I’ve met, are wrong.
Dollarize Your Time
A few quick questions helped me calculate that his time was worth about $100 per hour. In his mind, he was saving money by not dropping $60 per month on an automation tool. By the end of our conversation, it was pretty apparent that while he was “saving” $60, he was actually spending $1,200 in time to accomplish the same function.
He was stuck in the “it’s only time” trap. He was grossly undervaluing his time. And we constantly see this in marketing teams.
Too many marketers think their time is free. But they don’t realize that it’s actually more valuable than their money.
The purpose of promotion is to get the right people to the right place at the right time—all with the goal of driving profitable customer action. The mechanics of promotion are about ruthlessly outsourcing tasks that can be performed just as well, if not better, by automated processes. When you don’t, you’re stuck in an unscalable pattern.
My marketing friend, like each of us, has 168 hours per week. Let’s generously say he only works 40 hours per week. (He probably works much more, like a lot of you reading this!) That means the three “free” hours he spends each week on perfectly timing his social messages equals 7.5 percent of his time.
Now, I’ll ask you the same question I asked him: “How would it feel to put in fewer hours and get better results?”
It’s possible because that same time previously sunk into menial tasks is now available for high-return pursuits—the stuff you absolutely cannot delegate to another person or tool.
It’s time to embrace smart-o-mation to get bigger results in less time.
Smart-o-mation versus Spam-o-mation
Smart-o-mation is a way to 10x your social media results while saving time and money. In fact, I believe in its power so much, it’s actually a part of my content marketing formula.
However, when people hear me talk about automation, some think I’m advocating for “Ticket Chasers”-style spamming, where you simply spew the same tweets, posts, and pics ad nauseam. This is spam-o-mation, a virtual recipe for alienating your audience in a public way. It’s also the form of automation people actually have a problem with.
Rethink Your Publishing Schedule
Harnessing the power of smart-o-mation is dead simple. It’s all about rethinking your publishing schedule.
Spoiler alert: It’s time to get aggressive.
In my experience, under-sharing on social media is a marketing epidemic. It looks like this: You publish a fresh blog post, then share a link on Facebook, Twitter, or maybe LinkedIn. Hopefully, it picks up some traction and nabs some likes, comments, and shares.
But within a few hours, your post evaporates from people’s feeds. In fact, some studies indicate a tweet’s shelf life is five minutes or less before it evaporates for good.
Now, couple that shelf life with the staggering amount of noise on social. Every single second, there are:
814 images published on Instagram 2,644,941 emails sent 7,844 messages tweeted
This is further compounded by the dismal reality of that post’s reach. According to a report by Social@Ogilvy, brands may experience as little as two percent organic reach.
If you’ve got 10,000 followers, a cool 200 of them will see the post as they breeze through their feeds over the course of two hours.
From our own data, we know that 77 percent of our users share their content on social media less than three times. 37 percent share content on social media just once after it’s published.
Here’s the deal. If you’re sharing a piece of content just once, you’re absolutely wasting your content. You’re leaving tons of engagement and traffic on the table—and this means revenue!
We know this for a fact because when we ramped up our posting schedule, our blog posts got 31.5 times more click-throughs—that’s a 3,150 percent increase in one week. And all because of our frequency.
We more than quadrupled our traffic with essentially no more effort.
Our first tweet attracted only two link clicks. A measly two people visited our content.
If we’d stopped there, this channel would have been a nothing burger. Fortunately, we kept talking about it. We tweeted about this piece of content eight more times, attracting 63 additional click-throughs.
You can take a deeper dive into exactly how we did it with a webinar Jay Baer and Nathan Ellering tag teamed.
How To Quadruple Traffic With A Social Media Calendar
One of my favorite quotes from Jay here was, “The goal isn’t to be good at social media. The goal is to be good at business because of social media.”
That’s exactly what a more robust posting schedule helps you do.
If you’re sharing a piece of content just once, you’re absolutely wasting your content.Click To Tweet Smart-O-Mate Your New Posting Schedule
Over time and with constant testing, we settled on a social media promotion schedule that’s about 40 days long for blog posts alone. But, since we publish so much content, manually keeping up with so much social media posting legwork would cost an incredible amount in dollarized time. It would also be a huge opportunity cost.
While our marketing team would be doing excellent social media work by posting at the best times on the optimal days, their time to actually create more content and engage with our followers on social media would be seriously undercut.
That’s why we define our cross-platform promotion schedule and then automate every message with just a few clicks.
We still custom design graphics. We still write valuable copy for every social message. We’re doing far more than shooting out a title and link for 40 days.
But the point to embrace is that intelligent automation will save you time, and therefore increase your ability to drive business value with social media.
Get yourself unstuck from the “It’s only time” trap, get aggressive with your promotion schedule, and capitalize on social automation tools to do the time-consuming tasks for you.
In fact, Convince & Convert saves north of 10 hours each month via the same process. But remember, be smart, not spammy. Add value to your audience at every turn. This will allow automation to supercharge your results rather than sour them.
The post Social Media Automation Is Bad, and Other Marketing Lies appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
Read more: convinceandconvert.com
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avasilvugh · 7 years
super-sensate-seestras replied to your post
“Who do u think the superbabies will date?? :D (also since stella looks...”
I would love to hear more about Stella and Beth's relationship drama cause I absolutely love all of these breakdowns about the superbabies
WELL FRIEND there’s other drama too but this is the Major drama that hinders their relationship for a long time
so stella know she has a crush on beth, has been like aggressively ignoring said crush and tryin to Live Her Life and its been a year since stella came out, came to terms and she’s just started her nighttime shenanigans as a vigilante, just started trying to help the way kara does, the way maia does and its going ok???  until she.  you know.  gets stabbed (LIGHTLY STABBED) and is like hmmm i feel as though i should reassess maybe
and then beth’s back in national city after graduating early with like three bachelors (xenobiology, nanotechnology, and engineering) and at least one masters and a corresponding doctorate (in something sciencey, listen im barely an english major), working at l-corp bc she’s a Documented Genius and stella wants to step up her vigilante game, especially since she recently was lightly stabbed and doesnt rlly want that to happen again, and beth’s always been rlly calm and steady, very logical and she keeps all of maia’s secrets, so stella approaches her a little reluctantly to see if she’s willing to help and beth gives her this long, searching look and finally agrees, designs and builds her a new suit with a shitton of gadgets, is the main reason stella starts getting called mechagirl by the press but only helps with stella’s promise that beth can then help with actual missions bc like??  beth cares about her a lot too, doesnt want to see her die ya know??
and it’s weird??  bc now she’s friends with beth in her own right???  works alongside her a lot and beth serves as her tech person, finds her jobs she can do that supergirl or birdy (maia’s superhero alter ego) haven’t gotten to yet and national city gains a new superhero pretty much bc of beth.  and then its a late night of saving ppl and stella comes back to her apartment/headquarters and beth’s still there, wrapping up some end of night reports (she insists on keeping detailed logs in order to avoid any issues with the cops later on) and she’s ordered stella’s favorite takeout, put it in the oven to warm for her and stella’s so grateful and also pretty tired??  rlly tired and beth basically lives with her and sometimes the proximity blurs lines in stella’s mind and so she just leans down to kiss beth, murmurs thank you sleepily and goes into her room to change.  and beth’s just sitting there??  like oh my god, the girl i’ve been in love with for months just kissed me and she doesn’t even realize it but then stella REALIZES IT and runs back out like shit im so sorry beth, that was so inappropriate of me but beths like??  wait do you not like me and stella’s like WAIT DO YOU LIKE ME???? 
surprise!!  this is how stella finds out beth’s an alien and also how beth finds out stella’s an alien lmao.  like.  beth’s species has mental shields, similar to martians??  so stella’s never been able to read her or see in her mind but she never rlly tried to or even questioned it??  or even noticed bc she’s rlly empathetic anyway, reads body language rlly well, so she’s never known that beth likes her the way stella likes beth
like, later in their relationship, stella suddenly can read beth??  like rlly well and she’s like um what the hell and beth’s like oh, yeah, i stopped putting up the block and stella’s just like starry eyed like holy shit you trust me that much???  
beth’s like uh yeah but dont let it go to your head you nerd
but are they smart abt this and admit their v deep feelings for one another then??  no.  they just hookup and then keep hooking up, pretending like nothings changed, pretending like theyre not basically living together or doing all the shit Couples do but just refusing to tell anyone or acknowledge it at all.  and it’s ok for a while??  its solid
but then stella’s suit malfunctions, gives her a nasty burn down her side and she begs beth to not tell anyone that she’s in the hospital, that she’s been hurt and beth’s like shit, stella, i can’t keep doing this bc they’re working with a budget of about eleven dollars, a starburst, and stella’s bus pass, building with shit from the scrap yard and old electronics from secondhand stores and beth wants stella to just tell her family she’s the new vigilante bc then they’d have access to better resources, then beth wouldn’t be so scared every time stella runs out to go save a family from a burning car or stop a bank robbery, but stella refuses, knows that it would be a battle to be accepted like this.  
its a fight they’ve had for months before and then stella’s armor fucks up and beth just calls it.  tells her that she comes clean or beth won’t help her keep almost dying, so stella tells her that she doesn’t need her and beth moves all her shit out of stella’s apartment and its all rlly quiet, subdued and its so fucking sad
she takes the job offer she has at wayne security in charm city (wink wink) and doesnt tell stella, stella finds out when she goes over to her moms and finds beth there, with maia and her moms and finn, all laughing and grinning and maia tells her that beth is getting her own department at wayne security, that she’s moving on friday and stella fakes a smile, congratulates beth before she leaves and that’s the end of it, she never sees beth again
but then stella wrecks her motorcycle.  i think i mentioned once that stella is a little bit of an adrenaline junkie??  well she’s a huge adrenaline junkie and she was testing the limits of her newly redesigned bike, pushing it past 90, 120, 150 and then she just??  loses control of the motorcycle.  it just spins out and stella tries to stop it, turns into the spin and pumps the brakes which slows it down enough that she doesnt just fucking die, but not so much that she’s not close to dying
beth is still her emergency contact.  so beth gets the call, middle of the night, that stella danvers was in a wreck, is on the way to the hospital and that she should get here as soon as possible.  but beth is a ten hour drive away and can’t possibly know that she’d get there soon enough, be there if....if it came down to stella not being alone.  and.  well.  its not her place, never was.  so she calls lena, tells her the emts called the last number stella called bc its so much easier that way, kinder to everyone she thinks
she still drives through the night to national city.  gets there just a little after maia does, her eyes red and puffy from sobbing on the freeway, hands shaking a little.  thank god no one asks why she’s there or why she’s this panicked, bc she’d probably tell them and she knows that’s the last thing stella would want (or, well.  she thinks that at least).  maia just sobs out that beth is the best friend for coming, holds onto her in this desperate, damp sort of hug and beth just stays quiet
beth doesnt stay after she finds out stella woke up, is going to be okay.  she can’t right??  she shouldnt be here in the first place right??
so maia stays in national city to help stella in her recovery bc stella’s being stubborn and refuses to move back in with their moms, and maia figures most of her moping is to do with the fact she’s not allowed anywhere near her motorcycle anymore, but then she finds this one shirt that she knows is beth’s, knows beth has had since high school and its tucked under stella’s pillow and she puts it together pretty quickly.  the way they were friends and then all of a sudden they werent, the way beth came running back to nc the second stella got hurt, that weird pulse of anger, hurt she felt when stella found out beth was moving to charm city.  and like???  she doesnt know what to do with that information, she’s not sure what to feel or how to think about this so she just files it away for a later time, tucks the shirt back under stella’s pillow without saying anything
so eventually stella gets convinced to move back home, bc maia’s like hey.  i dont mind living with you and i dont mind helping you, but the neighbors are starting to think its weird that i carry you up the three flights of stairs to your apartment every day so finally stella moves home and maia comes with her bc they’re finally in a good place again??  they finally worked things out between them from when they were kids and maia’s not about to leave stella, not when stella’s like finally started seeing her as another Certified Safe Place.  so they’re back in their childhood bedrooms and then lena finds out about stella’s vigilantism.  mostly by accident??  stella’s still p much out of commission until her body’s at a 100 percent again but lena finds the mask and its a whole Thing between them, the first time stella’s ever really fought with lena and then by natural extension, kara finds out and then maia clues in and then the whole family has an opinion on it and stella’s just like MCFUCK OFF
and maia??  is like desperately scared for her sister, and she’s angry and she’s hurt that she didn’t tell her, didnt think that she would do anything to help her, but she also knows how isolated stella feels, how helpless she must be feeling, how stuck she is, so she calls beth
and when beth is beating around the bush with it, playing dumb like idk why you’d call me??  stella and i really aren’t that close, maia just calls her out on it like.  elizabeth, i know for a fact you were sleeping with my sister
yeah, oh.  i have some words to share with you at a later date, but right now stella needs someone in her corner and that can’t be me 
and beth doesnt like.  doesnt even hesitate.  she drives her shitty beat up jetta the ten hours it takes to get from charm city to national city and gets a shitty hotel and is so, so nervous??  bc what if stella doesnt want her here??  what if she never wants to see beth again???  but then maia’s texting, saying that the house is empty if she wants to talk to stella and she does, she really does, like?  she didnt realize how big of a part of her life stella was until she was gone, until she had moved to a new city and met new people like she’s completely in love with stella, so she goes
stella opens the door and just stares for a second before she says that maia’s out for a while but beth just keeps looking at her and finally says it outright, says i’m here to see you, stella like its the most obvious thing in the world and stella’s so tired, she’s starting to close the door and she’s saying i dont need another lecture, i’ve had enough of those for a lifetime and beth lets her close it, knows her well enough to know she wont walk away from the door before beth does, so she calls through and says im not here to lecture you, stell.  i just.  i wanted to see you
the door opens
and its incredibly uncomfortable for a while, incredibly tense and when beth tries to ask her what’s going on, stella just hisses what, like you care?  and beth like??  normally would fire back with something, normally would let this blow up into a fight but she’s thought about it, she really has, and she knows that any time she can have with stella is better than no time at all.  that she’d rather take stella as she is, thrill seeking and too good for words and hard headed in the extreme, take the risks that come with her than have anything else.  so beth nods.  yeah.  i care.  i care a lot about you stella, and i shouldnt have forced you to make a decision like i did.  but its scary when the girl you love doesnt see the same value in her life that you do and it was terrifying watching you leave every night and not being sure if i would wake up to your face on the news
and stella’s like??  shit.  shIT, didn’t account for this at all.  but beth is very steady, is giving her this even-keeled look, keeping her eyes on stella but not forcing eye contact and she finally stands, gets ready to leave 
and she tells stella i love you.  and believe me when i say that transcends boundaries like platonic and romantic.  i love you, stella danvers, and i will always be here for you, in whatever way you want me to be and then she’s leaving 
and stella has a choice to make, two paths she can take and she stands a little unsteadily and grabs beth’s hand and pulls her back 
and she’s like im still pretty stupid, you’re aware of that, right?  and beth laughs, refutes the statement as she rests her forehead against stella’s.  you’re not stupid, stella, never stupid.  a little dense sometimes...  and stella laughs too before she admits, finally, i love you too, genius.  and i dont think i can keep doing this without you?  and she tries to backpedal, bc she’s worried she’s being manipulative or something but beth just shakes her head, says im going to kiss you now, ok?  and stella’s nodding fast, tears finally starting to fall when it all hits her and then they’re kissing for the first time in six months and theyre maybe still kissing when everyone comes home and maia groans bc like i texted you specifically so i could avoid seeing this ugh you guuuyyysssss
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omgcuthestuff · 4 years
Past Pain: Dissolving The Pain-Body
As long as you are unable to access the power of the Now, every emotional pain that you experience (nếm trải/ trải nghiệm) leaves behind a residue of pain that lives on in you. 
It merges with the pain from the past, which was already there, and becomes lodged (cư trú, nằm, trọ) in your mind and body. 
This, of course, includes the pain you suffered as a child, caused by the unconsciousness of the world into which you were born.
This accumulated pain (nỗi đau tích tụ, chất chứa) is a negative energy field that occupies (chiếm đóng) your body and mind. 
If you look on it as an invisible entity - thực thể vô hình in its own right - như bản chất nó là, đúng nghĩa, you are getting quite close to the truth.
Its the emotional pain-body. It has two modes of being - 2 phg thức hiện hữu: dormant- ngủ vùi, nằm im k hoạt động, tiềm tàng, ngấm ngầm and active. A pain-body may be dormant 90 percent of the time; in a deeply unhappy person, though, it may be active up to 100 percent of the time. 
Some people live almost entirely through their pain-body, while others may experience it only in certain situations, such as intimate relationships, or situations linked with past loss or abandonment, physical or emotional hurt, and so on. 
Anything can trigger it, particularly if it resonates- cộng hưởng, đồng cảm with a pain pattern from your past. 
When it is ready to awaken from its dormant stage, even a thought or an innocent remark - 1 nhận xét vô tình k cố ý made by someone close to you can activate - làm hoạt động it.
Some pain-bodies are obnoxious - rất đáng ghét, khó chịu, ghê tởm but relatively harmless, for example like a child who won' t stop whining - rên la, than vãn, khóc k dừng. 
Others are vicious and destructive monsters - quái thú hoang dã, nguy hiểm, mang tính phá hoại, true demons. 
Some are physically violent; many more are emotionally violent. Some will attack people around you or close to you, while others may attack you, their host- chủ nhân, chủ nhà. 
Thoughts and feelings you have about your life then become deeply negative and self-destructive.
Illnesses and accidents are often created in this way. Some pain-bodies drive their hosts to suicide.
When you thought you knew a person and then you are suddenly confronted with this alien, nasty creature - tạo vật xa lạ, ghê tởm for the first time, you are in for quite a shock - trong tình trạng choáng váng. 
However, it's more important to observe it in yourself than in someone else. Watch out - đề phòng for any sign of unhappiness in yourself, in whatever form - it may be the awakening pain-body. 
This can take the form of irritation- bứt rứt, dễ nổi nóng, impatience, a somber mood - tâm  trạng sầu thảm, a desire to hurt, anger, rage - thịnh nộ, depression, a need to have some drama in your relationship, and so on. 
Catch it the moment it awakens from its dormant state. The pain-body wants to survive, just like every other entity in existence, and it can only survive if it gets you to unconsciously identify with it. 
It can then rise up, take you over, "become you," and live through you. It needs to get its "food" through you.
It will feed on- nuôi dưỡng bởi any experience that resonates- cộng hg, đồng cảm with its own kind of energy, anything that creates further pain in whatever form: anger, destructiveness, hatred, grief - sầu não, emotional drama - bi lụy, violence, and even illness. 
So the pain-body, when it has taken you over, will create a situation in your life that reflects back its own energy frequency for it to feed on. Pain can only feed on pain. Pain cannot feed on joy. It finds it quite indigestible - k thể hòa lẫn, k thể lĩnh hội.
Once the pain-body has taken you over, you want more pain. You become a victim or a perpetrator- thủ phạm. 
You want to inflict- gây ra (vết thương) pain, or you want to suffer pain, or both. 
There isn't really much difference between the two. You are not conscious of this, of course, and will vehemently claim- quả quyết cho rằng that you do not want pain. 
But look closely and you will find that your thinking and behavior are designed to keep the pain going, for yourself and others. If youweretruly conscious of it, the pattern would dissolve- giải trừ, for- bởi vì to want more pain is insanity, and nobody is consciously insane.
The pain-body, which is the dark shadow cast by the ego, is actually afraid of the light of your consciousness. It is afraid of being found out. Its survival depends on your unconscious identification with it, as well as on your unconscious fear of facing the pain that lives in you. But if you don't face it, if you don' t bring the light of your consciousness into the pain, you will be forced to relive- hồi sinh it again and again. 
The painbody may seem to you like a dangerous monster that you cannot bear- dám to look at, but I assure you that it is an insubstantial phantom - bóng ma k có thật that cannot prevail against - thắng, đánh bại lại the power of your presence.
Some spiritual teachings state that all pain is ultimately an illusion, and this is true. The question is: Is it true for you? A mere belief doesn't make it true. Do you want to experience pain for the rest of your life and keep saying that it is an illusion? Does that free you from the pain? What we are concerned with here is how you can realize this truth - that is, make it real in your own experience.
So the pain-body doesn't want you to observe it directly and see it for what it is. The moment you observe it, feel its energy field within you, and take your attention into it, the identification is broken. 
A higher dimension of consciousness has come in. 
I call it presence. You are now the witness or the watcher of the pain-body. This means that it cannot use you anymore by pretending to be you, and it can no longer replenish - làm đầy, bổ sung itself through you. You have found your own innermost strength. You have accessed the power of Now.
What happens to the pain-body when we become conscious enough to break our identification with it?
Unconsciousness creates it; consciousness transmutes - chuyển đổi thành 1 vật khác it into itself. 
St. Paul expressed this universal principle - nguyên tắc thế giới/ vũ trụ beautifully: "Everything is shown up- để lộ ra by being exposed- được lộ sáng to the light, and whatever is exposed to the light itself becomes light." 
Just as you cannot fight the darkness, you cannot fight the pain-body. Trying to do so would create inner conflict and thus further pain. Watching it is enough. Watching it implies accepting it as part of what is at that moment.
The pain-body consists of trapped life-energy that has split off from your total energy
field and has temporarily become autonomous through the unnatural process of mind identification. It has turned in on itself and become anti-life, like an animal trying to 29 devour its own tail. Why do you think our civilization has become so life-destructive? But even the life-destructive forces are still life-energy. When you start to disidentify and become the watcher, the painbody will continue to operate for a while and will try to trick you into identifying with it again. Although you are no longer energizing it through your identification, it has a certain momentum, just like a spinning wheel that will keep turning for a while even when it is no longer being propelled. At this stage, it may also create physical aches and pains in different parts of the body, but they won't last. Stay present, stay conscious. Be the ever-alert guardian of your inner space. You need to be present enough to be able to watch the pain-body directly and feel its energy. It then cannot control your thinking. The moment your thinking is aligned with the energy field of the painbody, you are identified with it and again feeding it with your thoughts. For example, if anger is the predominant energy vibration of the pain-body and you think angry thoughts, dwelling on what someone did to you or what you are going to do to him or her, then you have become unconscious, and the pain-body has become "you." Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath. Or when a dark mood comes upon you and you start getting into a negative mind-pattern and thinking how dreadful your life is, your thinking has become aligned with the pain-body, and you have become unconscious and vulnerable to the pain-body's attack. "Unconscious," the way that I use the word here, means to be identified with some mental or emotional pattern. It implies a complete absence of the watcher. Sustained conscious attention severs the link between the painbody and your thought processes and brings about the process of transmutation. It is as if the pain becomes fuel for the flame of your consciousness, which then burns more brightly as a result. This is the esoteric meaning of the ancient art of alchemy. the transmutation of base metal into gold, of suffering into consciousness. The split within is healed, and you become whole again. Your responsibility then is not to create further pain. Let me summarize the process. Focus attention on the feeling inside you. Know that it is the pain-body. Accept that it is there. Don't think about it - don't let the feeling turn into thinking. Don't judge or analyze. Don't make an identity for yourself out of it. Stay present, and continue to be the observer of what is happening inside you. Become aware not only of the emotional pain but also of "the one who observes," the silent watcher. This is the power of the Now, the power of your own conscious presence. Then see what happens. For many women, the pain-body awakens particularly at the time preceding the menstrual flow. I will talk about this and the reason for it in more detail later. Right now, let me just say this: If you are able to stay alert and present at that time and 30 watch whatever you feel within, rather than be taken over by it, it affords an opportunity for the most powerful spiritual practice, and a rapid transmutation of all past pain becomes possible.
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tshirtfashiontrend · 4 years
Im Sorry I Dont Take Orders I Barely Take Suggestions shirt
Last September Im Sorry I Dont Take Orders I Barely Take Suggestions shirt . transgender models occupied a record 91 runway spots across New York, London, and Paris Fashion Weeks, The Fashion Spot noted in its seasonal diversity report. That breaks down to 83 openly trans and eight non-binary models who walked in 52 shows, compared to 45 and 4, respectively, in 47 shows just a year earlier. Impressive as that 100 percent increase may be, it doesn’t mean problem solved, representation complete. Trans models now have a place on (certain) runways, but they still do not receive the same treatment, job opportunities, and exposure as their cisgender peers. As a trans woman, model Maxim Magnus never anticipated becoming one of the faces of an industry known for its exclusivity and homogeneity. “Modeling was never something I thought I could pursue," she tells InStyle. "And even today I have doubts about my career, even when Iʼm doing really well," she says. "I never thought it would be a realistic goal for me to obtain, so I chose to work behind the scenes, which is why I studied fashion.” Indeed it was a professor at the Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design, where Magnus was getting her Bachelor’s degree, who encouraged her to start modeling. Now, the 20-year-old is on her way to becoming one of fashion’s most in-demand names — and one of its most outspoken critics. Im Sorry I Dont Take Orders I Barely Take Suggestions shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex Though she’s seen success — she’s walked London and Paris fashion weeks, landed a Gucci campaign, and been featured in i-D and Wonderland — she’ll be the first to admit how difficult navigating the industry as a trans woman can be Im Sorry I Dont Take Orders I Barely Take Suggestions shirt . Getting passed over for jobs, learning how to handle rejection … it’s part of what makes Magnus’s rise so impressive, and how she’s become a necessary advocate and role model for trans women within and beyond the fashion industry. It hasn’t come easy, and she’s the first to admit the struggle can get her down. Sometimes she feels like she’s “hanging on by a thread,” she says. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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kingteeshops · 4 years
Im Sorry I Dont Take Orders I Barely Take Suggestions shirt
Last September Im Sorry I Dont Take Orders I Barely Take Suggestions shirt . transgender models occupied a record 91 runway spots across New York, London, and Paris Fashion Weeks, The Fashion Spot noted in its seasonal diversity report. That breaks down to 83 openly trans and eight non-binary models who walked in 52 shows, compared to 45 and 4, respectively, in 47 shows just a year earlier. Impressive as that 100 percent increase may be, it doesn’t mean problem solved, representation complete. Trans models now have a place on (certain) runways, but they still do not receive the same treatment, job opportunities, and exposure as their cisgender peers. As a trans woman, model Maxim Magnus never anticipated becoming one of the faces of an industry known for its exclusivity and homogeneity. “Modeling was never something I thought I could pursue," she tells InStyle. "And even today I have doubts about my career, even when Iʼm doing really well," she says. "I never thought it would be a realistic goal for me to obtain, so I chose to work behind the scenes, which is why I studied fashion.” Indeed it was a professor at the Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design, where Magnus was getting her Bachelor’s degree, who encouraged her to start modeling. Now, the 20-year-old is on her way to becoming one of fashion’s most in-demand names — and one of its most outspoken critics. Im Sorry I Dont Take Orders I Barely Take Suggestions shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex Though she’s seen success — she’s walked London and Paris fashion weeks, landed a Gucci campaign, and been featured in i-D and Wonderland — she’ll be the first to admit how difficult navigating the industry as a trans woman can be Im Sorry I Dont Take Orders I Barely Take Suggestions shirt . Getting passed over for jobs, learning how to handle rejection … it’s part of what makes Magnus’s rise so impressive, and how she’s become a necessary advocate and role model for trans women within and beyond the fashion industry. It hasn’t come easy, and she’s the first to admit the struggle can get her down. Sometimes she feels like she’s “hanging on by a thread,” she says. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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