#im still obsessed with their romantic dynamic at qsmp
nonobarks · 6 months
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dyketubbo · 1 year
take this w/ a grain of salt bc I'm a pretty romance neutral/positive aroace but man the qjaiden discourse is so ??? On like, both sides. because yes, you can ship qjaiden, she's aroace, some aroace people can and enjoy being in relationships, and yes, cc!jaiden is aroace and as far as we know she has no interest in romantic relationships at all. but the way people have been repeating, constantly, "aroace people CAN be in relationships!" It just feels so much like, "how dare you want the aroace character to be completely uninvolved with romance. that's a horrible stereotype" and it's like no??? some people are completely averse to having any romantic relationship at all. why is it bad people are headcanoning q!jaiden like that? Why are people saying "characters can be shipped outside of their cc sexualities" like? Yes??? and I know a lot of people have been assuming about her preferences which is the real problem. if jaiden wants to rp a romantic relationship then she can, because she knows what she's comfortable with. if she doesn't, that's great too. Acting like not wanting to ship her with anyone is somehow arophobic, or misogynist, or whatever is just?? and then the cop-out of "ok but qpr" in this fandom esp is like. with the exception of parrotduo, I think this fandom is really... weird about qprs? Like, ship what you want but some ppl treat qprs as "romantic relationship... LITE" like qpps can act romantic but some don't? and qprs aren't just a "not shipping" thing either. like "I'm not shipping them, it's a qpr" and like technically? but if someone just doesn't want anyone to have a romantic relationship or a QPR with someone then it's like "but soulmates/everyone feels love/everyone's family" like it's so determined to put a label on every relationship. like THIS is romantic, THIS is queerplatonic, THIS is familial, and just a weird obsession with relationship dynamics. obviously my examples aren't EVERYONE, I've seen people who are great with this and I can't see every opinion but I think people just need to be more normal about people who are apathetic/averse to relationships as a whole in media
anon please know every word you said here is literally what ive been saying this whole time and its fucking CRAZY how few people get it. its about how people need to fucking justify being aroace and especially being aromantic. so many people both in and out of our community expect us to defend ourselves, to defend the ways so many of us refuse to engage in what is expected of people. we must still want some sort of intimacy, and sometimes it still isnt enough. even when qjaiden already has someone she considers a partner in a nontraditional matter with roier still you get people who just wont settle with letting aroace people and characters just.. not engage with amatonormativity. even aroallo people are told theyre disgusting and weird BY OTHER ASPEC PEOPLE for experiencing sexual attraction without the romance and its awful!!
and like i said at some point it stops even really being about the characters because im fully aware that qsmp is a media thats very focused on defined relationships. its one big family and theres a whole web of people in romantic and sexual and queerplatonic and simply platonic relationships alike and i wont fault the ccs for having fun because uh. its their characters. theyre not at fault for people being weird about them
but never are people allowed to just Be. i get judged for wanting qprs to be tagged as shipping, to still not want to see characters making out or being intimate just because it isnt romantic. actively harassed for it, even! because people didnt want to acknowledge such, because people got so hung up on the fact that i mentioned cc boundaries and wanting people to recognize kristin that they tunneled in on all that and completely left any genuine discussion in the dust, even actively smearing my name for it to the point where i saw people who were agreeing with me thinking that they were dissenting and they were right while i was wrong as if we werent on the same side
at that point.. its not actually about the characters, really, is it? and its not actually about the characters or boundaries here either. because even when i tried to come up with defenses so i wouldnt be mocked and not taken seriously for simply saying "this still touches on repulsion. i wish people saw qprs as shipping especially when theyre actively depicting them as intimate. i wish people recognized that queerplatonic and platonic are two different things. (isnt it weird, how it had to be marriage, how two friends couldnt care about each other more than nearly anyone else and still simply be friends, nothing else? isnt it weird how it just replaces amatonormative romance with something else, because you arent allowed to be close unless youre something other than "just friends"?)"....
people still got upset. people still were awful about it. to me, to those who stood by me, to the subject as a whole. and i wouldnt be surprised if theres people out there who are like how i was, feeling like they have to justify being uncomfortable. feeling like they have to justify being unapologetically aromantic and romance repulsed and nonpartnering and whatever else. feeling like they have to justify wanting qjaiden's aroaceness to be recognized as a reason to just let her be, no romance required.
at some point the constant chant of "aroace people can still love! aro people can still get into relationships!" stops being validation and starts going from "can" into "do" into "must". and then we're back at the beginning, and all the naughty naughty aspecs who still deviate from the norm fall right back into the cracks. because never, never, are you allowed to just exist if it isnt in a way that all the people on all these sites that still prattle on about how "love is what makes us human!" can approve of
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