#im still omitting Life Details but i have to fucking post this
rontra · 9 months
isn’t Helena Wayne CTDE edition from a different universe. Which of the dc canon Helena Waynes are from another universe. is it only #3? Is it all of them?
HREHBGFBH okay so i omitted the actual like Lore Details about her in the other post bc it was mostly about the Out-Of-Universe Timeline but YEAH THAT TENDS TO HAPPEN ... its like... god
THE ANSWER IS YES!!! AT LEAST 2 OF THE 3 ARE FROM A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE SOMEHOW including the one CTDE Helena is taking from. god you know the drill by now. the rest of the post is optional details (+ your other abhorrent ask)(❤)
ok just to do this Quick And Dirty (And Don't Fact Check Me On This) style. do NOT @ me im already fighting for my life as it is. and some of this is probably wrong . but
Helena Wayne I - back in the day dc was like "(eyebrow raising emoji) our ww2 veteran guys are getting kinda...Old...." so they more or less split the Ye Olde versions of the characters out into their own earth so A) they could continue having their lives and times in the retirement home dimension while DC could have Newer Fresher stuff to play with in the "main" universe--and B) it'd explain how the legacy guys could still exist and show up in current stuff alongside newer incarnations of the same ideas. the DC Classics realm (home of the golden age) and the DC New Shit realm (home of the silver age) if you will
over in the DC Classics Realm (not its actual name) (it's "Earth Two" actually) lots of the old heroes have like children or proteges of some description, since they're Older And All That. some of us are trying to retire! so in the Earth Two dimension after catwoman serves jail time for her crimes (LOL) she and batman get married and retire and raise helena wayne-
so helena wayne I is indeed from "Earth Two" and she's besties with power girl who also lives there. characters could pretty freely visit each other across the realms using like a teleporter device thingy so it wasn't really a big deal at this time. the Old Guard and Current Guys would team up all the time. it was chill
(Catwoman Dying is the incident that makes her pick up the Huntress Thing and later on Old Batdad Dies As Well, so helena wayne I is officially ORPHANED🗣 and when she's visiting the DC New Shit realm she calls the other (younger) batman "uncle bruce" and that's very cute to me.)
then a building falls on her and the entire multiverse collapses as we mentioned before
Helena Wayne II - keep in mind its been 25 years realtime and we're in a completely new arrangement of the entire dc multiverse at this point, but helena II and power girl are from an "Earth 2" where all the guys are older, uhm,
CRUCIALLY HOWEVER Earth 2 is under siege by planet fucking apokolips and you can't just freely hop between the realms from any ol teleporter. so when helena II and her government assigned kara get thrown out of their home earth they can't just go back. in this version they're stuck on the other earth together as the only two bitches from their earth. and navigating that + figuring out how the fuck to get back to "Earth 2" (which last they saw was on fire and exploding due to apocalypse war) occupies the bulk of their initial run. their storyline gets way less good once they figure it out and go home but that's how these things tend to go isnt it
anyway in this incarnation, she's Robin first! then catwoman dies (doomed to go first i guess) and a bit later batman explodes during the apocalypse war thing. once she gets stranded helena II picks up the Huntress Thing. so she is also OFFICIALLY ORPHANED 🗣
she calls the other (younger) batman "not-dad" which is a little less cute but she also off-hand mentions that superman was her godfather which raised a few questions for me personally. did clark kent present you at baptism or is he just like your Secular Godfather
as you can see this is overtly the version CTDE Helena is borrowing material from (trapped in a realm with helena wayne!!) but technically yes both I and II are from a "different" earth, just, one has free travel and is chill while the other one doesnt and is exploding, MDSHJBGFS
Helena Wayne III - time traveler. as far as i know she's probably from the same earth, just the future? i'm gonna be real i'm not as versed in her material (and there isn't a lot of it atm either). but the future she comes from doesn't exist anymore due to her actions, so she IS stranded / doesn't have a place to go back to. she IS a continuity anomaly who "shouldn't exist" but i THINK she only traveled through time and not dimensions. MAYBE. i DONT KNOW IF THATS TRUE
anyway her batman got murdered before she left. i think catwoman was still alive im not actually sure? but anyway this helena's future ceased to exist, so is that technically being orphaned? shes Existentially Orphaned. the Timeline That Created Her is dead. anyway she calls batman "dad" :)
to address your other question,
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but yeah ❤ well her not-dad but i doubt that helps. hope this answers your questionHBJFDF
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winged-eggers · 3 years
May we please have Marx's Bio?
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YELLS in horror holy shit. You Will Now Get Marx’s Bio Under The Cut
Marx is an escaped demon beast notorious mainly throughout the Mr.Bright system. He’s had an ever increasing bounty on his head from both HNC and various regular governments and organizations due to both having the potential to be extremely dangerous and actively being a mild nuisance (that happens to have the ability to be dangerous). Marx himself isn’t actually very aggressive but his history of alternately being ostracized by everyone and being actively hunted down has caused him to develop somewhat of a bitter/cynical streak - but that’s just the tip of the Marx Iceberg. He contains multitudes. The more time he spends in Dreamland the more he shows the rest of himself. He’s not a bad kid! Fuck!
When he initially showed up to Dreamland he did Not Trust Like That; people trying to be nice to him and “acting” like they wanted to see him freaked him out, and he was more or less actively hostile to anyone trying to figure out where he was staying. If he was in a good mood he’d show up to screw around, maybe even talk to people, but if people were too nice to him he tended to knock something over for good measure and get the fuck out of there. There’s a reason he lives in a nondescript hole in the middle of Whispy’s Woods and refuses to tell people where it is. Once he got used to the idea that people actually WERE okay with him being around he started to relax and show more of his real personality. 
Most people would probably describe him as massively temperamental. On a good time he tends to be bright and curious, relatively glad to do some light socializing and stick his nose into anything that looks interesting (and possibly get into trouble). On a bad time he tends to be quiet and moody, quick to snap at attempts to interact with him. It’s more common to see him in a good mood nowadays, but it’s not hard to quickly sour his mood if you’re not used to him... He also tends to bounce back just as quickly these days, though, so it’s no surprise he’s gotten a reputation for having “unpredictable” mood swings by people that don’t know him too well. Some people actually like him better when he’s moody because he’s very unlikely to cause trouble when he’s in a bad mood. That’s mean though.
He’s not used to being in a community and he doesn’t really try to make himself fit anyone else’s schedule. It’s not rare for him to straight up disappear for days or sometimes weeks on end, and then suddenly show up at someone’s house looking for Interaction at 3 in the morning. [Magolor and The Lor’s decision to stay permanently has been a massive relief to the rest of Dreamland, since now he won’t drop in on anyone else in the middle of the night.] He IS often considered a nuisance even now but not by much more than any of the other kids. He’s just a weird kid-thing. Kids are gonna be nuisances. Honestly most Dreamlanders hardly ever remember Marx is a demon beast, he’s just an annoying kid that lives in the woods
Magicwise! He is a very specialized battlemage. He casts high-end offensive Light elemental magic with ease, and although he has slightly more difficulty with it he also has absolutely devastating Void elemental spells up his sleeve. His skill in using these two volatile and opposing elements in offensive spells alone makes him quite the dangerous mage. As a tradeoff, he has a very limited repertoire outside of explicitly offensive magic; even though he’s quite well-versed in the theories he has extreme difficulty actually pulling other things off. The best non-offensive magic skill he has is small scale spatial manipulation, and everything else is stuck at small party trick levels. Sad. Another unfortunate side effect to his whole deal is that his general magical situation is super precariously balanced… Light and Void magic Do Not play nicely with each other, and if he doesn’t monitor his own magic carefully he’ll easily hurt himself. Oof!
Minor unstructured facts bc I no longer know how to organize this:
hobbies include: reading. he does like Physical Activities but his favorite thing is actually just reading. don’t be fooled this is a massive nerd
the Nondescript Hole that he lives in is just one out of the massive network of old lava tubes that riddle the place. It’s actually the second one he’s picked out, since his first pick happened to at high flooding risk during the wet season :( . He does have a little bed and a rug for himself in there though. Fuck yeah
he likes apples... Whispy’s Wood is PRIME fucking real estate for a kid who loves apples
ironically he can’t actually taste sugar too much? he still likes fruits, probably because of Textures and other non-sugar parts of their flavor profile but he doesn’t like candy. They don’t taste like much to him.
The AU has roots in the Anime. I don’t draw things out often bc I’m still shy abt it but other than the other mage kids he’s also pretty ok friends with Fumu aka one of the few nerds in this godamn country, especially before the other mage kids showed up
I still don’t know exactly how he showed up in Dreamland it changes every time I try to think about it. Dont ask. One day ill figure it out permanently
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vminvisiblestring · 4 years
The Boys Origins: Lamplighter
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i made a post about lamplighter a while ago but i wanted to make another one ahead of his appearance in episode six in a few hours. previous lamplighter post spoiler free (i think) here: https://stranger-galstiel.tumblr.com/post/627916014119682048/lamplighter-you-guys-dont-know-how-excited-i
tw //  9/11  ,  death  ,  disturbing image  ,  murder  ,  zombie-like state
i mentioned this in my first lamplighter post but there is almost no information known about lamplighter from the comics because he only appears in a few scenes in flashback so if there seem to be big details left out, know its because there isnt much to work on from the comics. so if you hit the keep reading mark, lets continue. 
 the lamplighter iteration above is the revamp he was given for the show but in the comics his look is more, well this:
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his power is derived from the staff he carries which can be used as a kind of blowtorch and can omit a blinding light. but other than the usual hes strong and he can fly, thats pretty much all we know about him. 
my theory for the show is that the lighter he was flipping during his call to stormfront is the staff
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okay im going to keep the events as linear as i can, numbered, because it can get confusing, here we go:
1: we know in the show, mallory (gender-swapped for the show, retains the name from the comics) blames butcher for the death of her granchildren but i cant remember if they talk about whether it was lamplighter or not (more on that in a minute).
2: now we backtrack to 9/11. in the comics, the seven are sent to save one of the hijacked planes and they fail miserably (this is the mirror in season 1 when homelander and maeve arent able to save the plane, i cover that in my queen maeve post here: https://stranger-galstiel.tumblr.com/post/628324444982657024/tw-plane-crash-spoilers-for-the-boys )
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lamplighter was there but he left after getting hit by the wing of the plane and breaking multiple bones.
3: unlike in the show, in the comics homelander is well aware of the boys and knows that they are known for blackmailing supes to keep them in check (we saw a first glimpse of that in the last episode when billy blackmailed edgar saying he had pictures of ryan, and just as a side note, expect more blackmailing from the boys its their specialty). when the boys find out about what really happened they threaten vought with exposing what the supes did (and primarily homelander since he was the reason the plane went down into the hudson in the first place due to his violent streak) to the plane and the people. lamplighter isnt happy with this and leaves the team.
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4: back to one - i spoke briefly about how mallory blamed butcher for the death of her grandkids but in the comics lamplighter actually follows mallory to his grandkids and when they are alone he burns them alive. mallory blames butcher in the comics as well, but the difference with the show is that the boys are coming together for the first time as opposed to already being a team in the comics so the only one who knows about any of this is butcher.
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5: the seven and the boys meet in an air force base for a ceasefire and when the boys get there they find the hangar covered in blood (the seven killed an entire platoon) and are told by the seven thats what will happen to them if they dont agree to mutually stop (the seven would stay out of national matters and the boys wouldnt release their blackmail). the seven also give the boys the lamplighter and after beating him, mallory shoots him in the head and throws him out of an airplane, presumably killing him.
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6: we know that lamplighter “retired” at the beginning of the boys series; thats how starlight was able to join the team. this is the same in the comics HOWEVER its revealed years later that lamplighter did not die when he was shot in the head and thrown out a plane (since hes still a supe and all that). so vought brought him back to life and kept him hidden away in the basements of the tower, since he can no longer be a superhero in his zombified state. these zombie supes are “displayed” in certain circumstances but are not meant to have a life anymore. this is so vought can maintain a facade that their heroes are “indestructible”
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okay in 6 i talked about how vought brought the lamplighter back to life but hes in a zombie state so hes not fit to be a functioning member of society. the original run of the comics is set between 2006-8 and we know we’ve advanced in the field of medicine quite a lot since that time so what if vought was able to advance medicine so much they made lamplighter fully functioning and that place the boys are going to visit in the this episode is where they keep them and lamplighter is there guarding voughts secret and the boys are about to discover it and hes helping them to stop them.
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but my theory only works if lamplighter had died in the show which as of now we know he probably hasnt unless vought killed him to prove a point and then brought him back for whatever reason. i just dont know whats happening its making me so nervous
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