#im stuck between this being really good and me just trying to be an edgelord
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RIPTIDE (2020) dir. emdrabbles
She couldn’t leave the cabin fast enough. As the door swung closed, Lyra heard the sheets shift and Morgan roll over, whispering gently to himself. Her stomach pitched with the ship.
He had cut himself open for her time and time again and all she could do in return was watch him bleed.
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chaolavry · 5 years
sooo this is chaol like kale, and im harley like the motorcycle *finger guns* and i’d love to plot with all of you this is dumb long so i apologize !
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『DANIEL SHARMAN ❙ CISMALE』 ⟿ looks like CHAOL AVERY is here for HIS SENIOR year as a BIOLOGY student. HE is 24 years old & known to be IDEALIST, BRAVE, DETACHED & OVERCRITICAL. They’re living in MORIS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ OOC HARLEY. 23. CST. SHE/HER.
random bits.
pinterest board.
before college.
chaol was born into a family where the parents should probably have skipped being parents, they were detached, aggressive and infrequent their love was built on weekend long drug binges and screaming matches all day.
the kids were a shock, they were a beacon of the idea of change and as soon as they were born things would look up before crashing down just as fast, and eventually they would be shipped off to distant family members.
chaol was the last born and by the time he came along they had given up on the idea of change and hope, so as a young kid chaol witnessed everything that they would throw at one another figuratively and literally.
when chaol was around ten his parents were fighting one night and it was pretty standard yelling, blaming him, his father blaming his mother, anger i think you get the point. eventually his dad got a bit too aggressive.
( tw violence, abuse ) his anger was pointed towards chaol and that led to him hurting his son and while his mom wasn’t mother of the year she stepped between them.
in the morning once his dad was passed out drunk, chaol woke up to being left at his aunt and uncles. 
did they want to raise him nope, did they for a while yes - chaol was an angry child he was always getting into things he shouldn’t have been, always skipping class - staying out late, sneaking out the older he got the more things he did which just caused a bigger headache for his aunt and uncle.
as the years progressed and his anger at the world controlled him his aunt and uncle would eventually lose chaol to group homes but they didn’t really care it was a weight lifted. 
the group homes would lead to a foster home where he found discipline and someone that really believed in him and help calm him down
he was encouraged to try and apply for college, his grades were good he was smart but he never showed it, he was fine everyone seeing him as a grumpy boy.
he enrolled with no idea what he wanted to study he eventually landed on biology and was graced with a scholarship which is a shock he hasn’t fucked up
still kinda angry a lot currently also works part time as a barista and hates it, honestly is stupid and edgy because ‘feelings get you hurt blah blah’
chaol isn’t like as bad as he claims to be if you can push the dumb shit aside he has a good heart and really just wants to find a place to belong.
also does the occasional tutoring session for a little extra cash but i think he just does whatever he can to stay busy so he doesnt overthink
his birth mom recently has come back into his life and he feels like he owes her something so he ends up giving the money he makes from his job to her only saving a little for himself.
spend a lot of time high, talking nonsense or like skating around campus probably doing some tagging here and there
has a giant stuffed alien in his room, and probably only wears black, likes parties but acts as if he is tooooo coool *edgelord*
a set of bad parents let chaol to develop an anger that would follow him into his childhood and teen years causing him to lash out. eventually he would land himself in group homes and eventually a permanent foster home. now he is here in college finishing his senior year as a biology major tryin to not be so trash
plots. these are just some ideas but im open to whatever ~
family he lived with - so basically the cousins whose parents raised him he was either little asshole to them or they had broke those walls down and got the nicer chaol
group home/foster home - probably the closest to family i guess all the misfit toys in one island ya know
exes good term - ya know a shockingly ex that turned out good maybe they just both felt like hey this isn’t working and we are better off as friends
exes on bad terms- we crashed and burned and now we’re both just angry
good influence - someone who is positive and all that jazz
bad influence - lets party and get drunk spring break vibes but also lets just do shit we shouldnt
tutor - he can tutor them ~
roommates - like roomies in moris 
ex friends - I mean i get it
we were in a threesome together and now its awkward - okay hear me out threesomes happen and ya know it was probably a drunk thing but now no one ever talks about it just like hey i saw your “insert here” and now its weird because maybe they were friends at one point
childhood friends that drifted - people grow up and apart and thats what happened here, maybe they can rekindle it but maybe the damage has been done
ride or die besties for life - probably have been attached at the hip forever also probably had some fights here and there but always stuck together
friends with benefits - nothing more nothing less
smoking buddy - lets get high and convince ourselves that the lady who runs the dry cleaners and go is an alien
friends - all you need is friends
exes mixed terms -  is it bad or is it good one moment we are electric the next we are strangers
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im absolutely obsessed with the most bizarre headcanon ever-
i just headcanon that young sniper just used to be this feral thing ? whatever the fuck this is. (& at night he changes to the even more horrifying neon sniper)
why ? well uh. you see. people dont give spiels abt Professionnalism™ and shit with that much... whatever the fuck it is that sniper has, unless it’s *personal*
so yeah im saying that. young sniper likely was a HUGE BITCH. like. A GIGANTIC BITCH. probably cussed at people and like here he looks sweet bc i was uh i dont fuckin know havin some real brainrot moment but really just please imagine him flipping the bird to someone instead idfk
he probably killed more than one one night stands & shouted shit like “ILL FCKING KILL YOU” like a big edgelord at people that even remotely looked wrong at him, & didnt hesitate to yell he was crazy & dangerous- and probably had a very “fuck me or fuck off” attitude, and probably was very showoff in a way that could get risky. though he already had a plan to kill everyone he met back then.
it started when his parents got debts due to incidents probably- i don’t know, but either way he took to sniping as a way to help because he was good at shooting animals so why not people, everyone’s always been god awful towards him- & that led him to uh, suddenly have a crap ton of money & because his parents got, well, uh, mad at him for getting dirty money, he decided to pretty much do whatever he wants as long as it upsets them. including dressing up in ways they Definitely would not approve of. he also imo blasted a crap ton of it in shit like cars (hey, know forza horizons 3 ? for me the simple explanation for why in heck is australia Like That in the game is “oh its just set in the tf2 universe australia”) & thats where he got his custom van. & also where he got familiar w rave culture and so on and had that big crisis where he walked around with pink hair and the pure unbridled rage usually found only in chihuahuas
it stopped when he got recruited in RED & got absolutely infatuated with soldier’s weirdass personality, mostly due to a good dose of compliments towards his sniping skills & what he perceived to be “professionnalism”, only for the situation between them to simply. not develop. as sniper grew desperate for more bc who the fuck wouldn’t want more, it’s literally the first time he’s given positive attention by someone that wasn’t his parents or trying to fuck him- anyway. so the anxiety generated by simply. not figuring that out ? why soldier won’t move beyond “you do well your job !” ? it made him lose all of that anger that caused him to act like a huge cunt & the motivation to be this daring about everything, & he also just tried. being different. to see if solly would react. he didn’t because solly can’t get a clue but anyway he just slowly shrank back into just being awkward & sheltered. but with a good unhealthy dose of shame about how he’d behaved in terms of aesthetics and attitude, and a pretty guilty conscience about having killed way more people than what was necessary, and most importantly a lot of regrets about his now broken relationship w his parents. so that made the spiel stick despite its ineffectiveness at seducing the bf. & the whole “sniping is a good job” deal probably is just him trying to convince himself he’s fine & that the life he’s basically stuck having Can’t Be That Bad.
this is a weird headcanon. i often joked to my friends that eventually, neon sniper would be like emergence/metamorphosis for sniper. let’s just say that this joke no longer is funny now that it’s the case-
there’s more to this headcanon but this is already an insanely long post so. welp
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tumblunni · 6 years
seriously ive like Always wanted to do tabletop games as a hobby, but i was never socially confident enough and also Warhammer In Particular Requires Money
But i just Took A Risk And Dived Into The Store and then the cashier was really helpful AND also it turns out the series has changed a lot since i was a kid! Now there's multiple scenarios including a fantasy one, instead of just the grungey edgelord sci fi! Sure its grungey edgelord fantasy too but fantasy is better cos fantasy can have GHOSTS!!! man i wanna learn more about the rules cos yo can you mix and match stuff? Could i have ghosts AND zombies AND vampires??? Do i really have to restrict my monster wuv...?
Oh and also NO BIGOTRY ANYMORE which is always a plus! There was only one female faction in the space thing back then, and they were creepy bondage sexy ladies who stab themselves and use their orgasm power to fuel their magic or something. Like it just said "magic fueled by suffering" but uhh..when theyre all skimpily dressed and doing O-faces it uhh..DOESNT SEEM LIKE THIS IS PUNISHMENT TO THEM. I cant believe people reccommeded that to me as a 12 year old just cos it was the only "girl one".like i mean i know the definition of the gane is gonna be violent and Dark but like you should still categorize some stuff as maybe Even Darker And Perhaps Not Sell To Smol Childe. Having green blood on your axe is a bit tamer than goddamn fifty shades in space! So yeah glad that's not the only option now and i can have a wonderfully ghoulish lady ghost who's like a bedsheet spoop but a wedding veil and then there's a skeleton underneath it. Mmmyeah thats quality monster! TRULY WHAT ALL WOMEN ASPIRE TO BE
Oh and yeah the ghosts just look SO GOOD! they have a great design aesthetic of floaty smokeyness but also skeletal zombieness. And the smoke colours are very Aesthetic to make up for the fact you cant actually have translucent plastic. And they all have super dynamic poses swinging all.sorts of cool.weapons on chains and sticks just so they had an excuse to spice up an otherwise ordinary figure. And then MAN when there's the ones that are dynamically posed AND also have a really unusual design?? God my heart just explodes. I looooove these spoops~
And man i hope i can work up the courage to go back and ask the cashier more questions next time! I wanna know the specifics of the rules and how creative im allowed to get with them. How different can i paint them? How am i allowed to mod my figures? Can you mix and match figures from each faction? Do you just have to rp as the plain army description for each faction or can you make up your own division of the ghost dudes who are Not Tormented and Not Ruled With An Iron Fist and instead have a Nice Boss Who Takes Them Out For Milkshakes? Also can i put little top hats on them?
And maaaaan seriously i already have so many ideas for alternate plotlines for these guys!! Its SUCH A WASTE! the short summary mentions that you become a ghost if you're "not good enough for [warhammer equivelant of heaven] and evil enough for [warhammer equivelant of hell]". But then ALL OF THEM ARE JUST EVIL ANYWAY. "Not evil enough" but still every single unit description is "he was an executioner/hunter/serial killer/world's worst criminal ever/he has so style he has no grace t t this stabman stabs u in th face." Like seriously where are my actual morally gray dudes who did bad stuff for good reasons or good stuff for sinful reasons or straddled the line between redemption and temptation or like MAN THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS OF PURGATORY PERSON! Like why not bring up all the completely good people who might get unfairly sentenced here if this world's angel faction has as many corrupt priests as the real world? Ghosts of unwed mothers, unbaptised children, lgbt and other minorities the church is bigoted against, people falsely accused of crimes by corrupt pastors, peope whose mental illness is blamed as 'demon possession', teenage brides who didnt accept their 'holy' arranged mariage to a man twice their age, poor people who just didnt donate enough to the church caddy, etc. Or even just plain normal people? Like if you don't believe that humans are inherantly good you might damn Ol George Farmerson for "not doing anything with his life". Norse mythology had a "bad place" like that, everyone went to Helheim even if they werent evil, just for not "dying a warrior's death". And a lot of the worst child abusing christians twist the scripture to claim that all children are born sinful and have to work off this goddamn debt they gained through no fault of their own.
So yeah i was thinking of having a Nighthaunt faction division where i replace all their weapons with stuff like gardening tools and etc. Farmer of doom! Librarian of death! Single mother of pain! Kindly grandpa neighbour of ultimate power! Just all the lost souls of people who weren't super evil dudes. Maybe even theme it like theyre all from the same village? Maybe the entire place was damned for the sins of one man. Just generally criticize the hell out of the way all these dumbass gods organize their damn afterlife.
And then i could have a warden/general character who's Actually Nice and Actually Tries To Help These Ghosts Work Off Their Sentence. Kindly support worker type person. Treats it like voluntary work and extracurricular classes for people recovering from illness. Does all this paperwork and arranges little art classes and weekly walks around the park for all the grandmas. "Let's do the five-point recovery star to help plan our goals for the future!" Support ghost is here to help u accept ur new damned existance, and help progress up the employment ladder of hell~!
And then i was also thinking SHAMELESS CHARON CROSSOVER! i mean itd be so cool to have a ghost dude who's been damned for being a corrupt tax collector or something. And if he was all hunched over and grumply with some claw hands. And if he was this physically weak type due to his crimes not really being of the fighty sort. And if he was a grandpa. And small. I AM ABSOLUTELY JUSTIFIED IN SAYING CHARON WOULD FIT PERFECTLY INTO THIS WORLD!! Also it woukd actually be cool if i could mix and match units and i just had one single holy creature in this army of doom. Like a lil pixie type thing like rotom! An innocent barely-sentient angel glowybab, who's inexplicably latched onto this motley crew of spoops and seems to see a spark of goodness in them. Like the whole "youre a punished ghost cos you suck but you did One Good Thing so here's a small chance to escape your fate" myth thats common to a lot of cultures. And the dude usually ruins his one chance by being greedy again, blablabla. That would really fit Charon! So like i dunno maybe this rotom-equivelant lil celestial fairy could be the soul of a baby or a cat or something that he saved when he was alive? Like i dunno his final heist went catatrophically wrong and he accidentally knocked over a lantern and set the place on fire. And he could have been able to escape if he'd just been as selfish as usual, but he heard a kid crying from inside the burning building and he ran back inside to try and save them. And uhh.. He still failed. They both died. And now he's stuck on afterlife death row but this lil angel still comes to visit and cheers him on. And a bunch of other redeemable and/or falsely accused non evil ghosts all ended up becoming his buddies too and now they're all fighting together to find a better future~! (Charon: I'VE NEVER HAD SO MANY FRIENDS! :'D ...what is their resale value)
SO YEAH IN SUMMARY I LOVV GHOST AND ADDING GHOST MAKES ALL UR GAMES MUCH MORE BETTER now plz let me be nice to ghost, srsly it sucks that their whole deal is "theyre all being tortured constantly and not even their boss gives a shit about them". I dont wanna play as a ghost torturer!! I BOUGHT THIS GHOSTE BECOS I LOVV THIS GHOSTE
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