#im super passionate about roman being sokka lol
rrandomtthings · 4 years
Sander Sides as Avatar: The last Airbender characters:
Okay so,, I’m sure that this has been done before. But, since ATLA is currently having a renaissance and is currently one of my obsessions, I decided to combine Sander Sides and ATLA :00
Spoiler warning for Avatar: The last Airbender as well as Sander Sides
Aang = C!Thomas:
Idk I feel like this one is kind of self explanatory. C!thomas and Aang are both main characters and fit each other pretty well. They both like to goof around but also know when to be serious.
Katara = Patton
Katara is the mother character of the series. Patton is the father character of the series. They parent all the others around them. Both are light hearted and super sweet. When it comes to people they don’t like at first (Katara being Zuko and Patton being Janus) they go against everything they say. However, after getting to know them and understanding where they are coming from they become friends. Once again, I feel like this one is also kind of self explanatory.
Sokka = Roman
Okay, this may sound insane. But hear me out for a second. Sokka is the one who makes the jokes in the group, as is Roman. Both are super insecure and feel like they are less than everyone. They feel like they aren’t needed because, in Sokka’s case he’s not a bender and in Romans case he has someone who could easily replace him. They feel like things that aren’t their fault, indeed is. Roman, feeling responsible for holding Thomas back and Sokka feeling it was his fault that his dad got captured. However, they both also have crazy big egos and will jump to lengths to keep up their egos.
Toph = Virgil
Okay, so this one is interesting. I think that while, yes, Virgil isn’t as confident and outgoing and Toph they both share similar personality traits. They are both strong witted and were both babied at one point, which (I really want to emphasize this) they hated. They both hated feeling like they had to hide who they really were in order to make others around them happy.
Zuko = Janus
Okay, so not gonna lie, I was debating whether to put Zuko as Janus or Virgil. However, once I realized that Zuko has a scar on his face and Janus has scales I legit gasped. So this one may also be kind of self explatory. Both are the misunderstood villains of their series and both have scars on their faces. After recieving their redemption, they are loved by everyone.
Azula = Remus
I hate villainzing Remus a lot,, but this fits really well. Azula and Remus are both, for a lack of a better word, the insane characters. However, even though they are both bat shit crazy, they are also misunderstood. Azula has a rocky past with her family as well as Remus (aka his relationship with Roman) which is why they are the way they are. Azula, similarly to Remus, wasn’t loved. They were both looked down upon which led them to become what they were.
Uncle Iroh = Logan
Aaaa how I love Uncle Iroh and Logan, the two who actually have a brain cell in their respective series. I think that should explain enough, lol. Anyway, they are both the smart and wise ones. They know what decision is the proper decision, but don’t force it onto anyone. They suggest things, some of which is ignored (AKA Zuko ignoring Iroh and the sides + C!Thomas ignoring Logan), but overall they’re so, so helpful to the group.
Like I said, I’m sure that this has been done before, but I just wanted to add in my take onto this AU. I currently love both shows, so to mix them together was something I felt obligated to do lmaooo
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