#im suposed to be good at english
conanssummerchild · 4 months
fuuuuuuck im going to get a bad grade on my english gcse jesus christ they should cancel the stupid transactional part i hate it so much like "write an article about-" KILL YOURSEKF but like this is just making me think like if i cant handle ONE exam how the fuck am i suposed to pass the rest of my gcses next year, ive studied nowhere near enough for english and im exhausted how the fuck am i going to study for more than 8 other exams and pass
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pancake-bun · 10 months
got tagged by my good buddy @skeletood and its been a hella long time since ive done one of these so here we go!
1. Are you named after anyone?
nope! dont think so anyway :V
2. Last time you cried?
last time i cried was uuhhhh like a few weeks ago. very uh sad day :'I
3. Do you want kids?
hell nah
4. Sports?
when i was a kid, my mom made me do tennis because she really wanted me to do SOME kind of sport like she did. yeah that didnt last very long
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. First thing you notice about people?
the face! idk its just usually where my eyes go to i supose
7. Eye color?
ive got hazel eyes c:
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
ideally both but there really hasnt been a good scary movie in a long time (imo) so happy endings are always great (if theyre written well)
9. Any talents?
just drawing really lmao. ive dabbled in other things but like....im not good at anything else tbh
10. Hobbies?
drawing, gaming, and sometimes baking!
11. Do you have any pets?
i had dogs when i still lived with my parents but they obviously couldnt come with me when i flew out. i miss them lots tho
12. Favorite school subject
surprisingly enough my fave subject in school was english! i even liked it better than art classes but thats mostly cause all my art teachers were ass
13. Dream job?
id love to work in character design one day! maybe! idk!!!!!
thanks for the tag skele!! ♥ this was fun :D
i never tag anyone in these so if anyone wants to give it a go then feel free! c:
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j1998v · 1 year
i spent my entire life saying i hate kids but bro. the moment i saw her youtube watch history abt some birth things i was so excited
i'll be a good older sister !!!! i'll teach them our native language, english and national language very early so they dont struggle later in life like me
and i'll raise them like how i wished i was raised
my older sister never took proper care of me so idk how to do that shit to my younger sister even when i knew she needed help bc im mad and hurt abt my older sister
but them omg. im so excited just thinking abt it. AAAAFRRGRHRHGRHHFF
hang in there baby i'll protect you and make sure you have an awesome childhood, i fucking promise. you wont go through what i did and you will not have childhood trauma !!! you will be cheerful and i'll teach you very early that all body types are beautiful, and teach you about emotions and even though i dont like physical touch i'll hug n kiss and show u lots of love so ur not touch and love deprived (like SOMEONE.)
i'll teach you early abt feelings and that we arent suposed to be happy all the time and to talk to me n communicate!!!
i'll raise them like how i wish i was raised
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spr1g4t1t0 · 5 months
i think i just made a breakthrough with my ocs
so i have these two ocs, who origianally had nothing in common (inka and skyler, ill have to di a whole essay about those two because its complicated) and i figured out theyre origins. inka was a characyer i had to make for an english project on villians, and skyler was originally an oc x canon girly. these two get their names and designs changed to fit whatever universe im shoving them into, whether its pjo or pokemon!! im planning on writing a book and these two r in it just under dif names (Melantha and Amarantha (WHY ARE THE NAMES SO SIMILAR HUH)) and as i explained it once "its like pjo, but lesbin, british, more angsty, and kind of ran like the hunger games in some aspects" (idk if i plan on ever publishing but like...)
mels godly parent is poseidon, and amaras is aphrodite. heres the thing, theyre personalitlieies and actions in this book are extremely different to theior og designs.
inka is harsh, and cold, she doesnt care what pther people think and is sick of being the golden child, she lashes out and is the oldest of 16 kids. shes cursed, and alone but she doesnt care. she just pushes herself until she starts pushing others
skyler is an absolute harlot, she has a severe aversion to all substances, smoking and alcohol but is the personification of a racoon, she stays up all night, and her house is always trashed. she had an extremely rough childhood, and lives off energy drinks. shes insecure, but other people like her so she has to put herself out there to be able to make a living.
amara has experienced much grief, shes a child of aphrodite so she has many siblings who love her, and support her but none can quite sympathise with her greif and how she feels after loosing one of her best friends. shes the opposite of what youd expect from an aphrodite kid, with choppy hair, and punk clothes that are often torn to shreds, she has scars and shes not afraid to let them be seen.
melantha has experienced loss, she has been bullied, but she can pull through, shes optimistic, she sees light at the end of the tunnel even if shes a loner now (her siblings got killed :p) she tries and succeeds at help amara with her greif. shes complex, and doesn't really understand herself, but thats what she likes about herself., shes her own person and shes unique, her experiences tell her story.
i think very different characters overall as you can tell, but i think their og godly parents would be different if they were demigods aswell!! inka/amara would be a child of hades, and skyler/melantha would be a child of aphrodite that also needs explaining hold on
inka was suposed to have powers coming from a generational curse, she travelled in the shadows and spoke to ghosts. her powers were dark and would hurt, i feel like that speaks for itself
skyler could practically charmspeak, and half the country was attracted to her. she was good at makeup, and had a strong sense of fashion.
i feel like that explains some things, but their character designs have come a long way from the beggining which is why its so drastic!!
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ghxstlypuppet · 2 years
This was suposed to be just a comfort fic thing because i've been having a Matt brainrot lately and idk why ,but things got out of hand as they usually do for me so oopsie-
I wasn't going to post but depending on the feedback on this one i might write more.
Comfort fic • Eddsworld
Genre : kinda angst and fluff
Gender neutral reader
Warnings : a few cuss words nothing much tho
Word count : i have no idea it was like 8 or 9 pages of my phone notes
You got home after a very stressful day at work, life has not been treating you well lately and you just feel drained extremely exhausted not having time to do the things you like or even to talk with your friends, you were staying at your friends house for the weekend you thought that being there with them could make you feel better , after all they always knew a way to cheer you up, when you got there tho you were greeted with nothing but silence , the boys, Edd, Tom, Matt amd Tord had all gone out to buy snacks and food even drinks for that weekend they wanted it to be special for you, you sighed after knocking on the door a few times and getting no answear so you texted them in the little group you guys had, they quickly answeared and Matt said he was going to meet you there while the others kept buying the snacks, you agreed and waited even tho you were exhausted and feeling overwhelmed, some customers had treated you terribly today and you felt that it wouldn't take much more for you to break down at any moment, you were strong and often tried not to show much of your emotions but sometimes everything was too much and you had to take it all off, you didn't noticed you were zooning out until you felt a few taps on your shoulder, you slightly jumped being caught by surprised but sighed
- Hey Matt
- Hey y/n! ...ahm..are you alright?
The tall ginger asked, he could tell something was off but he never liked to push you into talking unlike Tord he was very patient even Tom was more patient than Tord but all of them always tried to help somehow
- Uh yeah i'm fine , just tired had a lot of work..
You said forcing a smile not even noticing your eyes tearing up  a little just with Matt's simple question
- Well, alrighty then let's head inside the others will be back soon, they are just buying a lot , believe me, a lot of stuff ,edd wants to make sure that the cola will be enoughz Tom's buying doritos and smirnoff of course but he's also buying some of your favorite snacks, and even Tord was talking about buying the gummy worms that you like
- He remembered that?
- It's all he kept talking about to be honest
You asked kinda surprised , of all of them Tord was the one you talked less it was hard to get close to him for some reason. You and Matt got inside the house and you took a seat on the sofa sighing once more , Matt looked at you for a moment his expression changing to one of worry, he then approached you and sat beside you on the sofa , one of his hands patting your back gently as he spoke
- You know you can talk to me right? I worry and i care about you, me , edd, tom even tord, i know you guys aren't that close but still, you seemed a bit off since i saw you outside, it's not good to keep things inside for too long y/n..
And that was it... His gentle voice full of worry, his soft pats on your back, that was what made you start sobbing without even noticing , you grabbed the fabric of your hoodie looking down while the tears started to fall , Matt got even more worried thinking it was something he said
- H-Hey i'm sorry i didn't mea-
Before he could finish you turned around looking at him and almost jumping on the ginger for a hug , you couldn't say nothing the sobbing made your words sound like nonsense , Matt hugged you back ,a tight yet soft hug
- It's okay... i'm here and soon the others will be here too... it's gonna be alright
He said patting your back, your tears were soaking his shoulder he could feel the warmth but he just wanted to comfort you now
- I-I'm s-sorry i'm kinda soaking your coat...
You said managing to let out a giggle trying to dry your tears, you could hear Matt chuckling while he hugged you slightly more thight now, after what feel like eternity your sobs were calming down you let go of the hug
- Sorry about that...
- You say sorry waay too much you know?
- Oh.. s- I mean yeah i guess..
Matt giggled patting your hair and using the sleeves of his hoodie to dry up your face
- Are you feeling better now? Wanna talk about what happened?
- Yeah... i'm good, thank you Matt, uh i.. i don't know i'm just exhausted ,guess i can say that life had been being a bitch with me, work has been killing me , im not having time to myself, i thought i would have to cancel this weekend with you guys...
As you were talking you heard a comotion outside it was the others comming back, shit, your face was puffed you looked terrible at the same time you didn't wanted them to see you like that you also couldn't care less at that moment, you and Matt watched as the door handle turned and the door opened, you tried your best to give the boys a smile and waved at them but they were more than quick to drop everything (carefully) on the floor and the sofa and run at your directionn, Edd was the first to talk to you
-What happened? Were you crying? Why??
You laughed a bit , nodding but reassuring him that you were okay now
- It was just exhaustion but Matt helped me a lot...
You said grabbing Matt's hand and rubbing it sofly smiling at him before letting go, he blushed  bit but smiled at you , Tom was sitting on the sofa's arm beside you and he messed with your hair before saying
- Been keeping stuff for yourself again huh? You know that it's not good to do that
- Oh i wonder with who i learned to do it...
You said starring at him, you knew the boys for a few years now and ended up picking some habits from all of them, you kept starring at Tom until he said something that you couldnt make out what it was before getting up and getting some of the groceries going to the kitchen, you laughed at that before you "accidentally" crossed eyes with Tord
- What?
He said looking at you, he was never the best person to give advice or comfort but he sighed
- Don't be like this Tord
Matt said looking at Tord that sighed rolling his eyes
- Remember when you lost that bet with me and you had to go to wallmart wearing a-
Before he could finish you threw a pillow at his face, you couldn't even remember now that a few moments ago you were bawling your eyes out, he cussed you and threw the pillow back making you get up and run after him
- I bet 20 bucks that y/n can best the shit out of him
Said Tom with a amused look just observing you and Tord running around
- This is not something to bet o-
Said Edd also amused by all of that chaos, they both stared at Matt , Matt looked confused for a bit , all he could focus on was on seeing you feeling better now, you were laughing -almost breaking the entire house- but you were having fun
- I am not going to participate on this...
Matt said, both Edd and Tom kept staring at him they could here a crash upstairs following by you and Tord screaming at each other
Matt looked at Tom and Edd with a smug look
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arabella111 · 3 years
hi arabella,
so i have this problem with manifesting.. those past years i have been so depressed that i lost my idenity and idk what i like and who i am, and it makes it harder for me to manifesting since idk what i want exactly. i feel if i had this big realization/existental crisis when i found abt the law i would get my shit together or realize what i want but literally nothing has changed like idk how to benefit from knowing the law. i have tried commanding my sub for answers but i never get one.
also ive turned 17, 2 weeks ago and everyone keeps telling me that this is the last year im a kid and i shouod mature and all that and it hurts me bc i feel like i didnt enjoy my teenage years enough and i dont even have friends now and idk what to do, should i manifest friends and live the life that i wanted now in a year or slow down time like im so confused.
i also feel weird abt wanting to manifest specific things like stuff i was suposed to already have for example when i was younger i could speak russian but now i forgot and i used to be a dancer and now i cant dance and its like i wish i didnt have to worry abt manifesting it and just mentaining it yk? and the other thing js that i feel weird manifesting being pretty like yes ik i can do that but when i was little id get conpliments abt my looks and my body but now nothing and it makes me think that id get all those conpliments just bc i was little but even i was its like i lost it just the other things i mentioned earlier.. i just wish i was born pretty like the other pretty girls without having to manifest it yk?
i hope i made some sense english isnt my first language , i hope i didnt annoy u i just rlly need help rn bc im in a rlly bad place and confused🥺🥺💕💕
i get you, baby. don't worry <33
so first, i want you to sit down and open up a note/notepad, physically or digitally, doesn't really matter. and then write everything that's bothering you. you don't have to describe it, just write it down in two-three words. and then, beside it write down the things you would want instead of it. write down the favourable for the unfavourable.
next, start working on your self concept. i have a post on it. you don't have to invest a week or two for your sc, a single day is enough.
thirdly, whenever you ask your subconscious for an answer, trust and assume it'll give you the answer no matter what. you don't get answers because you assume you won't. self concept will come in handy here as well.
also, if you feel like you missed your teenage years. you can either revise it or just manifest going back in time. do something that'll actually make you happy.
now, you manifest literally everything. the good, the bad. everything. it's either consciously or subconsciously. the world around you is your creation. you're not a good dancer? it's because you assume so (consciously or subconsciously). you think everyone is pretty but not you? why? because you assume so. you put yourself last that's why you're last. you are what you assume. i advice you to work on your self concept, it'll really help you build yourself and give you the boost of confidence you need. and, also you can use some of these.
1. sats (i have a post on this)
2. void (post on this as well)
3. placebos
or just create your own method. and please go through each and every post in my pinned. don't give up, you can do this, you're literally god! all the best, mwah <33
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taylorxlover · 3 years
heeeey, i wanted to do my personal top of the songs of lover because it is the second anniversary and it is a masterpiece that should be more apprecisted. Also lover came out at a moment where I was very happy so it reminds me to a lot of happy moments of my life.
Also, i would have loved this era to be longer and had its tour and everything because all we has until the pandemic was cheff kiss and she looked so happy but at least we have folklore and evermore during what was suposed to be the loverfest.
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⚠️⚠️ disclaimer⚠️⚠️ this top could be and probably is different to the top 20 songs I did a few time ago because it is constantly changing and you know, im not the same person i was yesterday.
Also, I want to highlight it is just my personal opinion and I belive this album only have good songs and everything about it is perfect. Another masterpiece of miss swift.
After this, we can get this top started 💖
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18. Soon you'll get better. I feel really bad to put this song in the last place but it is really painful for me to hear for personal reasons. And plus taylor's story it is too much. It is a really cute and beautiful song but to be fair, it is the least listened for me so it has to go the least.
17. Me! I believed this song is overhated. I mean, it is not the song I would choose to be the lead single or one of her best songs but it is a really fun song and it has incredible vibes.
16. You need to calm down. I used to love this song like crazy but i overplay it every pride month since came out and now im in a phase where I wont listen to it for a time. It is a jam though.
15. Its nice to have a friend. This song is cute. It is not as good for me as the other songs but is so relaxing. I also think it is over hated.
14. I forgot that you existed. Omg what a bop to start the album. I also think is a good way to change from reputation to lover. It is a really good song.
13. The man. What an athem is this song. I think she made the perfect song to adress the idea she wanted to express. She only spoke facts.
12. London boy. This song makes me so happy. I want to go london again so bad to feel the complete the experience. And i agree with her, god i love the english.
11. I think he knows. She made a straight fact in this song, she is an architect. This song is so fun and it is a perfect pop song.
10. False good. Omg this song is an experience when you listen to it. The instruments are so on point and the lyrics are so sexy. Cheff kiss blondie.
9. Afterglow. I feel this one is underrated too. Or at least it has been for me until now. The lyrics, the bridge, the instrument are so cool. And also she is adressed another dimenssion of love not as usual.
8. Cornelia street. The feeling this song trasmits is so special. I mean you can feel the sadness, nostalgic and everything she wants you to feel with this song.
7. The archer. This song is criminally underrated. This is so vulnerable and makes me wanna cry because i relate to some lyrics. It is a perfect track 5 as always.
6. Miss americana and the heartbreak prince. This song is a really cool methapore. I think is so clever the high school idea with the politics behind, which is also a thing i like during this era. I love to screem the background vocals everytime I listen to it.
5. Paper rings. This song makes me the happiest person. I love when she writes happy songs. This song is the funniest thing ever.
4. Cruel summer. I cant explain how this song makes me feel. I became a different person when the bridge start playing. I would never get over the fact this song was going to be a single but covid ruined it :(
3. Lover. She invented love when she wrote this one. I want to be in love so much when I listen this song. My hopeless romantic side feels this song is the best thing that ever happened to me.
2. Daylight. This song is the perfect way to end this masterpiece. All the meaning this song has and all the spoken part is the reason im alive. Perfect song.
1. Death by a thousand cuts. Im obessed with this song at this moment. I hope they gave her the title of architect after writting that bridge because shit that is one of the best things ever. My favourite song of the album right now clearly.
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Anyway, thanks taylor for inventing love and do one of my favourites albums. i love you mom 💖.
And if you are reading thank you very much and you are welcome to share your opinions 💖✨
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Exchange student modern au jon pertwee x reader: Studying abroad
Notes: reader is a student from the netherlands she's 20 years old (jon is 24) and goes to england to studdy. She goes to frensham heights school and meets there jon pertwee as her asigned student for the year. It may not all be acurate but please enjoy reading jon lives in rowledge (this is an au and probably not completly acurate)
Words : 2488
Warnings : bullying, cursing
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Y/n was working on her degree in (prefred feeld). Her year of studying concidered also of studying one year abroad, she was extremly exited about it
"Do you have everything dear?"
"I think i do don't worry mom everything will be alright"
"Alright just wanted to make sure, here is your ticket for the train"
"Thanks mom" She hugged her " once i arive i'll call alright
"Alright, take care my dear "
"Take care mom" y/n ran to the train while waving "bye!"
"Bye sweetheart!!"
The wissel went off and a few seconds later the train started to move she kept waving at her mom, once she was out sight y/n sat down it was going to be a long ride.
She had to get from the netherlands to belgium to France and then to London england but she had brought some stuff to sketch a bit the ride was about 7 u 47 min.
Y/n drew the landscape around her sketching with difrent kind of colors
Finaly after almost 8 hours the train had finaly arived, packing everything back up y/n grabed all her things and got out
She had to wait for an other train to frensham cause there was the school she had to go to
Once the train had arived to bring her to frensham y/n sat down again it was going to be about an other 2 hours oh wel she thought its better than biking everywhere.
Late that afternoon y/n finaly arived at frensham heights school the princable greated her " Ah you must be y/n y/l/n" he shook her hand
"Yes thats me" she smiled
"I hope the ride went wel here"
"Oh yes it did everything went alright and the trains were on time"
"Good, you will be staying at a room for one night and tomorow you wil go back home with one of the students he has already been informed of your stay"
"Alright great" she picked up her suit case "please show me the way" about 30 minuts later y/n was seteled in the room, she wasn't going to pack out everything also because of tomorow. She grabed her phone and dialed her mothers number
"Hey mom"
"Hey sweetheart have you arived?"
"Yes i got here about 30 minuts ago and im now in my room where i stay for the night"
"Oh for the night? I thought you would stay there for the whole year"
"I do but they informed me that i would stay with a student for the year"
"Do you know who it is?"
"Not yet they will tell me tomorow"
"Alright wel i don't have to worry about you your 20 years old dear"
"I know mom its fine really, Anyway i should be going i have class at 9 tomorow"
"Alright sweetheart sleep wel"
"Night mom" She hang up And placed the phone on the bedsite table "wel Its time to sleep" she grabed her pyjama out her lugage and put it on, then she went under the blankets and went to sleep
*time skip to 8 o'clock next morning*
Y/n got out of bed and started to dress her self breakfast was waiting then she left her room to eat
"Good morning sir"
"Ah good morning y/n did you sleep wel?"
"Oh yes i did "
"Good im glad to hear that, breakfast is waiting for you it might be difrent from what you normaly eat"
"Oh thats alright im not making a big hassle out of it as long as it is bread its fine"
"Alright then once school starts you will be inform who you wil stay with"
"Thank you, see you later sir"
*skip to 9 o'clock*
Everyone had sit down for class and y/n walked in with the teacher
"Good morning everyone we got a new class mate she is an Exchange student from the netherlands please introduce yourself" the teacher stept aside
"Hi im y/n y/l/n and i hope we will have a Nice year with echoter im really looking forward to it"
"Good miss y/l/n do you know yet who you are going to stay with this year?
"not yet im suposed to get the info today"
"Alright the student you wil be paired with is mr pertwee" the teacher pointed at a guy with big grayish blue eyes dark brown wavy hair and he was wearing a school uniform "you can sit right next to him "
"Alright thank you sir" y/n sat next to mr pertwee
"Hi my name is jon its Nice to meet you y/n "
"Like wise"
"Please grab your english books and turn to page 45"
The day went by fast
"Oh now i don't know who im going to stay with this whole year"
"Y/n You are staying with us"
"Oh... we i guese that we should get my stuff then "
"Good idea, please lead the way" jon grined
"Here is everything"
"Three suitcases and a bag i have seen girls who brought more"
"Oh wel that doesn't really mater i only brought things that i would need, and i got my school uniform today"
"Ah i see, we should go i bet my aunt is waiting for us"
"Alright lets go" They grabed everything and went out
Once they arived home they went up the stairs jon opend the door
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"This will be your room for the upcoming year"
"Oh its absolutly wonderfull" she looked around on the otherside of the room stood a desk and a big closet
"The bathroom is down the hall first door on the left, i leave you be so that you can settle your stuff"
"Alright thanks jon i'll be down in an hour"
Finaly an hour later y/n was done with packing out and placing everything in the right place , then there was a knok at the door
"Hey y/n I just came to tell you that dinner is ready "
"Oh thanks jon im coming with you" she stood up and followed him
Y/n sat next to him at the table "jon i have a question, um where are your parents? "
"They devorced and they don't want anything to do with me anymore so i moved in with my aunt"
"Im so sorry jon i din't know"
"Its fine y/n don't worry" he smiled softly
"Hello everybody!" Came a voice from the front door
"Hi bill, y/n This is bill my cousin"
"Nice to meet you" she shook his hand
"Like whise"
After dinner Everyone went to bed early to get a good night of sleep, the next day was going to be a long day
*time skip to four months later because im to lazy *
"What lessons do we have today ?"
"Um english, biolgy, art , music, history and french
" and Tomorow ?"
Mathematics, science, sport and geography
"Alright noted"
Once they arived at school they went to their class room
"You go in jon i need to check something"
"Well wel wel if it isnt the Exchange student" y/n turned around and looked at a girl and there where two more behind her , y/n knew her of course she had been there already for four months
"what do you want erica" (Im sorry if it is your name you can change it if you want)
"Oh don't try to be all smart and stuff you know what i want and don't think you get a chance with jon, he's one of the best looking boys in the school and he will be mine"
"Honestly i don't mind i only stay at his place, in 6 months i'll be going back home"
"Good because he wil never like a whore like you, now bye" she fliped her long blond hair over her shoulder and walked away while her friends followed while snikering
Y/n signed and looked down "he's just a Friend Anyway" she mumbled while walking back to class
Once she was back in class she sat down next to him "what took you so long" he wispered
"Sorry i could't find my book" it was a lie of course, y/n doesn't want to talk about the struggels she's having with erica, and stuppid enough she's in the same class as her so she always has to look at that dumb face
Y/n Her thought were stoped by what the teacher was saying "as we all know we have a ball at the end of the year and because its you guys last year here you get to decided the theme of the party"
Erica raised her hand "Oh what about a party with lots of alcohol" she grined
"No erica alcohol will not be tolareated" said the teacher
"Whats the fun then if there is no alcohol tsjk" she scold
"Sir what about an all decade event everybody can dress up from the 40s thill now, difrent food will be served and all kinds of music will be played"
"Thats a Nice idea miss y/l/n" People around the room agreed with her idea
"Tsk sounds boring" erica said and her friends agreed
Y/n got angry but calmed her self down "wel if you think its boring please come with a better idea im curious to hear it" she said with a smile, erica went quiet and turned away
"Alright then its setteled this will be the theme of our ball it will be held 6 months from now"
*skip to the end of the day*
*sigh* "im glad this day is over" y/n sat down on the coutch
"Me to" there was a pauze between them "you know y/n Im really proud of you how you handeld yourself in class
"Thanks jon"
"Are you ok?"
"Oh yes i am, im just tired" she stood up
"What Are you going to do? "
"I have to call my mom to sent some of my stuff over for the party"
"Alright im going to make dinner"
Y/n went upstairs and called her mom "hi mom"
"Hi sweetheart Hows everything going ?"
"Everything is fine ..... mom i was wondering if you could sent some stuff over here"
"Sure thing what do you need?"
Could you pack my hair curler some of my make up, my black evening dress with glitters, my 1930s evening coat, the silver high heels i bought with the dress a and the ear rings and necklace i got from grandma ?"
"Sure thing i will sent it in a big box anything ells?"
"Oh yes my trolley i have to take my stuff back home as wel so thats the best idea i guese"
"Alright i noted it i will look everything up And sent it to you"
"Thanks mom love you got to go now"
"Love you to sweetheart speek to you later"
"Bye" she hang up And went back downstairs to eat.
About a month later everything had arived that she would need to dress up
*time skip to 4 months and 20 days later*
The bulying got worse and worse, y/n had been atacked, spit on and called names but never had she imagined that jon would go to the dance with erica.
She had done her hair but stoped with everything els it just wasn't worth it she would rather stay here at home, jon already left a bit sad by the news y/n don't want to atend
*knok knok* the door opend "hey y/n?"
"Oh hi bill"
"Whats wrong"
"Jon has gone out with somone wich i din't expect him to go with"
"That stuppid bitch Erica"
"Really with her? Goodness i expected better from him"
"Me to" she sniffed
"Hey don't give up now there is still a chance come on get dressed chop chop"
"Are you sure I mean..."
"Yes 100% sure you are way more pretty than her come on "
"Alright if you say so.... but how am i going to get there?"
"I have a car"
"Alright give me 30 minuts" y/n started to get dressed put on her necklace, ear rings and shoes she then did her make up, she grabed her long coat and walked out.
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She opend the door and heared a car horn
"Hey y/n over here" it was bill he sat in a old black vintage car "here is your ride my lady"
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"Why thank you kind sir, lets go" she steped in and sat down
Bill started the car up And drove away
"Thank you so mutch for the help i really need that"
"Its nothig everything for a friend, now come on lets go i also have a date"
Everything was nicely decorated and music was playing, people were dressed up in all Difrent kind of dresses and suits, a table stood against the wall where there wer all Difrent kinds of food it looked all So good
"Look there is jon"
"Alright thanks bill" she hugged him and walked to jon who was dancing with erica, people looked at her as she walked acros the dance floor she tapped his shoulder "hey jon"
He turned around " hey y/n I thought you were going to stay home "
"Bill convinced me to go anyway so here i am" the was caught of guard by a cough from behind her
"Im sorry but jon is my date so shove it you whore"
"Excuse me what did you say?"
"You heared me"
"You know what fuck you its a wonder jon would even want to dance with you, do you even know how miserabel you made me feel this past year, you are also 19 years old you really should be more mature" She was caught of guard when erica shoved her " I get it now you are jelouse of me for staying with jon get a grip, come on jon lets dance" she took his hand and walked to a chair and placed her coat on it, then her beautyfull evening gown got revealed
People stared at her "y/n you look absolutly gorgeous"
"Thank you" she blushed
"May i have this dance "
"Of course jon"
Jon leaded y/n to the dance floor and they both started to do the walz
"Y/n i have to tell you something"
"Tell me jon what is it"
"Well i really enjoyed this year with you staying and i wish you could stay longer, but y/n Im really realy in love with you and i wish i had told you ealyer "
"I love you to jon i really do"
"May i give you a kiss?"
"Sure" she smiled softly at him, He leaned in and gave her a kiss
"Perhaps i can stay a little longer but i need to inform my parents first"
"Thats all fine with me"
"Lets hope they don't mind"
"So do i" he said smiling
And both danced the night away
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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clownsnake · 4 years
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genuinely going insane at this article im suposed to annotate for english. i was doing good for a bit then I got to that last paragraph & my brain broke! fun!
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swellwriting · 4 years
tagged by @kabeswaters​ and @fortisfiliae​ love u both sm <3 <3
1. on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? it fluctuates but right now -1 
2. describe yourself in a hashtag? #anxious
3. if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? JAKE MOTHERFUCKING GYLLENHAAL 
4. if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? i dont know what that is hah
5. what’s one thing people don’t know about you? i guess some people don’t know i’m type one diabetic??
6. what’s your wake up ritual? uh phone, animal crossing, fruit loops, weed
7. what’s your go to bed ritual? I watch asmr videos cuz im usually high as fuck and they knock me out lol, or i watch tiktok or pillow talk with my bf nick.
8. what’s your favorite time of day? like 9 pm?
9. your go to for having a good laugh? my boyfriend always makes me laugh no matter how angry or upset i am so i’d talk to him uwu
10. dream country to visit? FRANCe specifically Paris oui oui with my french candian bullshit
11. what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? when they announced 5sos was touring with one direction and i had tickets, never screamed so loud in my LIFE
12. heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers duh
13. vintage or new? vintage babey
14. who do you want to write your obituary? ME from the great beyond, the only other person who knows me well enouhg is nick and i love him but he is very stupid.
15. style icon? uh harry styles, devon lee carlson, halsey, bella hadid, tyler the creator some normal people whos style i LOVE  from insta are rebeccaramsdale , kehllie , kikalateefff , yourgirlneens , lilxmg !
16. what are three things you cannot live without? phone, insulin, art, music
17. what’s one ingredient you put in everything? probs vanilla or hotsauce, the only two flavours.
18. what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? my dead brother DJ, kurt cobain andddd ryan dunn from jackass what a weird mix.
19. what’s your biggest fear in life? loosing my senses, loosing control, the fear that i am not actually real and ... oh spiders.
20. window or aisle seat? window 
21. what’s your current tv obsession? think its gonna be adventure time again
22. favorite app? instagram or discord so i can talk to my friends uwu
23. secret talent? i can speak french and giberish
24. most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? camping i guess?
25. how would you define yourself in three words? anxious, empathetic, creative
26. favorite piece of clothing you own? my vintage star wars shirt
27. a must have clothing item that everyone should have? blank tees, good quality blank tees!!! white black grey mhmhmh
28. a superpower you would want? i’d wanna be spidergirl
29. what’s inspiring you in life right now? nothing at all :(
30. best piece of advice you’ve received? my grade six teacher telling me that i was very empathetic as i was sitting at the back of the class crying because of the movie we were watching, she told me not everyone is empathetic like i am but its okay to be soft. but not to expect that from everyone else.
31. best advice you’d give your teenage self? teenage me was a mess but not messy enough that i’d change anything. i’d just say, things get better but im currently back in the state teenage me was in so...i’d be lying. maybe that wanting to kill yourself does not count as a personality trait - and start reading comics earlier cuz u really like them.
32. a book everyone should read? i read wack books, everyone on tumblr should read fangirl tho
33. what would you like to be remembered for? something i created
34. how do you define beauty? self expression and individuality 
35. what do you love most about your body? wait people love their bodies? not everyone was severly damaged by online diet culture and thigh gap era tumblr? weird ok
36. best way to take a rest/decompress? weed or bath or a movie
37. favorite place to view art? there is an art gallery in saskatchewan that i love, i was suposed to go there this summer before corona took over :(((
38. if your life was a song, what would the title be? either something short like “mellow” or fob style like “im so anxiuos all the time and nothing ever feels real and i dont know what im doing but somehow im doing pretty good while feeling prety bad and laughing through my tears lol.” or i’d steal “teen idle” by marina and the diamonds.
39. if you could master one instrument, what would it be? guitar or piano because im lame at both.
40. if you had a tattoo, where would it be? i want two moths above my knees rn
41 dolphins or koalas? neither
42. what’s an animal that represents you? im more of a pokemon, i think id be jigglypuff
43. best gift you’ve ever received? whenever nick buys me clothes from stussy or maybe infinity on high on vinyl.
44. best gift you’ve given? i bought nick the entire sin city comic series in one giant book.
45. what’s your favorite board game? monopoly
46. what’s your favorite color? yellow
47. least favorite color? that weird pinky purple
48. diamond or pearls? pearls
49. drugstore makeup or designer? colour pop and fenty
50. pilates or yoga? yoga
51. coffee or tea? tea
52. what’s the weirdest word in the english language? pumpernickle is my fav one.
53. dark chocolate or milk chocolate? MILK
54. stairs or elevators? stairs
55. summer or winter? summer, canadian winters are brutal.
56. you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? ur asking someone who has very specific comfort foods so i already do this - cheese bagel toasted with cream cheese and then toasted again to melt cheddar cheese on top. with a diet coke thats very important.
57. a dessert you don’t like? cheesecake 
58. a skill you’re working on mastering? im crazy so this is a lot but - writing , drawing and painting, polymer clay, sewing, resin art and pottery.
59. best thing to happen to you today? nothing
60. worst thing to happen to you today? the line at starbucks was too long and i had to get wendys instead, and a few other things i won’t mention.
61. best compliment you’ve ever received? whenever my mom says i remind her of my brother dj, when people say anything nice about my art or writing style. when people ask about my clothes. when my friend jess called me a “known softie” uwu
62. favorite smell? lavender
63. hugs or kisses? hugs
64. if you made a documentary, what would it be about? i’d talk about star wars for hours on end 
65. last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? of mice and men made me ball my fucking eyes out
66. lipstick or lipgloss? chapstickk
67. sweet or savory? sweet
68. girl crush? Zendaya
69. how do you know you’re in love? idk ive just always been in love with nick (since i was 15) before i even really knew what love was, i guess if the other person feels like home, you know ur doing something right.
70. a song you can listen to on repeat? nine in the afternoon by p!atd or a match into water by peirce the veil, over my head by fleetwood mac
71. if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? harry styles that mysterious fucker
72. what are you most excited for/about this time in your life? currently not looking forward to anything becase my life is super uncertain right now ha.. maybe the release of the chaos walking movie whenever that decides to happen.
tagging: i assume yall have been tagged in this already but just incase @beskarjedi @woakiees @bluemadcnna @carolinesbookworld  @theseuscmander and anyone else who wants to do this consider urself tagged.
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Okay, I found this blog and I found her request which I relate to so much constantly so I wanted to do it. Warnings, cussing, lots and lots of cussing and screaming and tears, maybe hint of really dark talk if you are triggered by that; I'm not sure how to describe it unless you actually read, reader has been mentally abused manipulated and taken advantage of her whole life and it takes tole, stress and exhaustion, mentally breaking, loathing life and your job, bitterness and hatred of people, a kind person growing tired and angry. Tom and reader's relationship is open for the reader to decide and please keep in mind whereas this has some realistic topics it is FANFICTION, not meant to offend or disrespect anyone
Can someone write me a fic, where the main character comes home pissed off at a coworker, stressed out. She's ready to beat her down and Tom Hiddleston calms her down @traceyaudette
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You had gotten off of work well over an hour ago after getting off nearly two hours late. When you first got off you were fuming, still talking at 20 miles a minute and Tom could barely understand every third word that passed through your lips. He had tried to speak with you but that seemed like it wasn't going to happen so now he sat and let you blow off some steam and stress from work. At this point you had calmed down a bit, sort of, he could understand you now at least. What you were saying now sounded like English anyway. This was actually a normal thing, almost daily. He hated it for you to say the least.
"I am just so tired of being screamed at! Im tired! I am so so tired of everyone yelling at me! They won't stop yelling! I'm a fuck up, I get that but damn it I am trying so fucking hard and I am doing my best! I'm sorry I am not perfect! Im trying! Im trying! I know I'm not good enough because Im co stantly told, I always have been! Daddy told me! Teachers! Momma! Teachers! Principals! Friends! Boyfriends! Girlfriends! Now my managers and coworkers! I try my fucking damdest to be nice but sometimes I think I am too nice! The only person who ever thought I was good enough was my aunt and I know I have let her down by now! The bad part is I didn't know I was tired and fucked up until a few years ago! And now I cant stop it! I know I am being mistreated and manipulated now and I can't stop it because Im scared! I am only allowed to smile, grit my teeth, apologize and bare it! He will never put more on you than you can take?! Bullshit! Look at me! I'm fucked up and fucked in the head! I am suposed to be grown and-Im so tired! When I do try to defend myself I either get in trouble or don't get taken seriously and Im always told I have a choice but I don't! As soon as I make the wrong choice it bites me in the ass! With the situation now what I don't understand is that if I am so horrible then get someone else! Oh wait, they cant because noone else will take what I do and it is a job noone else wants to do and that is what I am there for! I just want to go to school so I can get out! I want to be happy!! I don't want to quit anymore, I just want to die!" You scream while sobbing and your pain and anguish are obvious. Often times when you got off like this you and Tom would argue and most of the time the worst bits of your breakdowns occured coincedsntally when he was awaya nd you were alone. He knew it was bad but he never imagined this and it broke his heart.
"One day! One day mark my fucking words, I'm gonna get pissed and Ill make somebody listen to me!" You declare and he pushes himself off of his seat, walking over to you. He takes your face in his hands and tries to wipe some of the tears as away. You choke on a lump in your throat causing a sputtered cough and you sniffle all while trying to catch your breath.
"Everybody expects me to smile and bare it and that's all I am able to do but one day Ima' get mad. I will burn it all down. I am about to press faces to fryers."
"Breathe," he coaxes you sensing you begin to start hyperventalating at the verge of an anxiety attack. You swallow again trying to stop crying and it is silent for several moments as he waits for you to try and pull yourself together the best that you can. He uses his thumb to dry your face. "I don't have any tissues handy," he smiles a little, trying to urge you to laugh and it works, "thats it, breathe," he coaches you.
When you are finally only sniffleing and wiping your own face he kisses your head and pulls it to his chest, holding it there with his arms around you. "Alright, here is what is going to happen. Do you need to have a appoinment to be put on your meds again, perhaps a higher dosage?" You shake your head no. "Alright, then do you want therapy?" You shrug honestly, part of you did but the part of you didn't want to be basically called crazy again. "Okay, then I will help you go to school and do all we need to do to get you out of that job," he kisses the top of your head. "Just hang on a bit longer," he rubs your back. You nod against his chest, his heartbeat soothing you as well as the embrace and the words.
"For the moment, you are off for the evening and there is only me and you. You don't have to deal with customers, or managers, or coworkers any more this evening so let's try to relax and you can enjoy yourself and then get some rest. I will get you a nice hot bath, and then we can curl up on the sofa and watch a film, and then I will take you to sleep when I see you are ready to go to bed. How does that sound?"
"Perfect," you smile and hug his waist.
He smiles and walks to draw the bath for you then walks you to the bathroom as he rubs your shoulders, "I'll make snacks and choose a movie," he leaves you to have alone time but leaves the door open. You soak for a bit and when you come out after slipping into some soft comfy warm clothes including your cat sweater and some pajama pants you come out to the kitchen with the sleeves pulled over your hand and your hand by your mouth feeling like a tired and exhasted child with blood shot eyes blown large and innocent.
He smiles at you and walks to the sofa with you, he sits with a arm over you, bringing your head to his lap. He had snacks set out on the table and he turned the movie on. You fall asleep about halfway through the movie and he carries you to bed, kissing your forehead goodnight
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magicalgirlmafu · 5 years
Got tagged by @evoniusreilupeli (Eyyy whaddup perkele <3 :D)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Muffin, Lindu, Lihu, Lindsu, horo/homo. (My dad is the only one who can call me Lintu ((bird)))
Last movie I saw: We just had a movie night with my mom, we watched “My friend Dahmer”. it was.. well, dark. :’)
Favorite artists: Dont really have any specific ones, but Ive always loved Ririadoll. <3
Song stuck in my head: GUY.exe by Superfruit  ((its a good gay jam otz))
Do I get asks?: Not anymore, I used to since I drew requests. My inbox is still full of some old old ones Im supose to finish one day haha. ο(´・ω・`o)
Other blogs?: Nope nopety nope nah.
Following: People. :D
Lucky number: 7
What I’m wearing: A gray sport bra and panties. _(┐「ε:)_❤
Dream job: Can traveling around the world trying to find happiness be called a job?
Favorite Food: Sushi. God I love sushi. Also mozzarella sticks.
Dream trip: Hopping on a random train with a backpack during a hot Summer day, walking across fields and tiny lakes, stargazing and good music. (◕▿◕✿)
Play any instruments: Sadly no, I tried to learn violin, piano, and guitar when I was younger but.. here I we are lol.
Languages: Finnish, English, TEENY TINY SHITTY BIT OF Spanish, weeb Japanese and a little bit of Tagalog.
Favorite song:  ELECTRIC FEEL!!! MGMT is my life and soul, but Ill always be in love with also When you were young but also my jam Dangerous ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ <3 <3 <33
Random fact: I have a really bad Thanatophobia but Im also suicidal. Im a very confused young adult. ミ☆( *uωu人)+゚.
Aesthetic things: TNBH songs, seeing the dust dance inside a ray of light, quiet thunderstorms, anything pastel, abandoned houses, The entire world after the rain??, vintage clocks, MIST!!! MISTY GRAVEYARDS!!!, pillow fortress with christmas lights inside,also girls. Just.. girls.
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
You know how you write the sincerely three au with the soul mate thing for a reader insert? You mentioned that you actually ship them as a triad and I would genuinely love to see headcanons or something for the same type of au but the boys in love
heck ye i love writing about these boys
im assuming ur talking about the writing au thing btw? :0
(lemme know if not tho!)
evan and jared def found out first
jared writes on himself a lot (like, out of boredom mostly. he has dumb scribbles on his arm) so he probs saw that evan had the same exact markings
honestly they probs noticed while they were preteens or something and jared was like ‘lol stop copying me u fukn nerd’
‘i-im not???’
o shit
connor, on the other hand, is like… eternally wearing long sleeves bc i like to imagine the boy gets cold easily
so 99% of the time, jared drawing on his forearm and connor wouldnt notice
esp bc by the time connor gets home and like, showers or anything, jareds probably already washed it off before his parents get upset bc “ink poisoning!!!!” 
evan will write notes to himself and jared just makes stupid comments or calls him a nerd sometimes
one day connors like
in english 
(and so are ev n jared) 
and he draws his sleeve back and writes own the pages he’s suposed to read and runs off before jared or evan can say anything bc
they now have page numbers on their arms
how to approach connor murphy bc ur apparently soulmates and he probs wouldn’t believe that bc that’s afucking joke right???
- probably their thoughts
jared 100% was like “didnt you hav a crush on zoe?” and u just get evan like ‘NO I DIDNT SHUT UP’
the problem: jared is an asshole. evan is anxious. this is not a good combo to tell connor murphy hey uh, surprsie, we’re all soulmates!!!!
it ends up kind of coming out when evans talking to connor
by accident
connor doesnt believe him at first but jared would just appear and draw a dick or something on his arm and bam
theres a dick on connors arm
and evans but cast
well this is nice
uhhhh more general stuff now:
connor wants a tattoo. evan would be kind of ok depending on what it was and jareds like “ehhh”
they 100% had a talk where the three of them were just talking about it
and connor kept pitching ideas
eventually they’d probs settle on someting small like
maybe a small quote or all of their initials or something
there has been at least once incident where jared drew a dick on his face
he ran.
evan will sometimes draw on himself and sometimes connor and jared get distracted by the lines appearing on their arms
u know whats better than evan drawing on himself????
evan drawing on his bfs
thats all i got nonny but i love them.
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This is why we can't have nice things Gabby. Please read if you have time, just sharing my thoughts a little.
Got assaulted by my sister over a pair of leggins, if she had just let it go i could have looked tomorrow but she had to punch me when i asked her to leave. And i did find a pair of leggins i can't remember if they're mine. So i did the only thing someone salty af would do, marked them with my initials, shoved them in her face and told her they were mine. But as my sister is the biggest failure in humanity i know she still believed they were hers. But it looks like i won for now, She acts as she owns everything in our house including the house itself, she owns 95% in our shared bathroom because she places her million of things on every available space there is and i have one tiny shelf, there's like no reason for me to have anything nice because she will take it. i'm so enclosed and store everything in my own room because sooner or later that shit will disappear. She's disgusting, annoying and the litteral worst type of person there is. So utterly selfish, stuck up, can't think for her self kind of person. And me as her sister is only good for serving her, there's so much fucking wrong and fucked up things with me because i'm not living up to her standards in what a little sister should be. Because apparantly i'm suposed to humor her and agree with everything she says...is she fucking insane? Just because i like sitting around in my underwear and play videogames and my room is "boy-ish" and i only care about essential hygene products and clothes rather then lots of lots of makeup and being a godamn fahsionista i'm not "normal". She calls herself a feminist but shoves that gender role bullshit down my fucking throat. Like different opinions doesn't even exsist in her dictionary, she is correct, she has the only will. Ofc she will think that because she only values her own opinion and can't respect anyone elses. She's like an obstinate fucking toddler and idk how to deal with this. So this scenario when mom bought her some soda, like a 2 L bottle. The one mom bought me today is 1.5 L. I would not say anything because maybe the store only had that soda, or maybe mom just grabbed one, or she didn't remember what she bought and is really tired from work and i'm just glad she didn't forget to pick that soda up from the store. But oh boy, my sister though, she would have screamed bloody murder at mom then start a fucking civil war with me because she wants half of what i have then. I'll still come out with less because she thinks she deserves more. Because it's unfair, well newsflash asshole, life aint fair. It annoys me to death how unacceptable she is of someone having more or better then her..... I don't fucking understand how she thinks, shes so stupid and overdramatic.... She has no fucking shame or compassion or humanity and it's honestly so sad that it is this way. My family is litterly the weirdest collection of selfish, racist, homophobic, biggoted cheating assholes i know and all i can say is thank fucking god i became nothing of that, thank god i don't drink, smoke, do drugs or is a garbage piece of human shit. I have a bad example of pretty much all bad there is in my closest family. I mean, i became a ball of anxiety and depression but hey thats waaaaay better then some fucking redneck biggoted asshole. My family is like a bunch of hardcore christians in a way except it's for the swedish lineage. YOU CAN ONLY BE SWEDISH IN THIS HOUSE. is basicly what my parents say aka i'm banned for speaking another language or things they don't understand or want to hear. I love my dads argument that only retarded fucking toddlers speak english. I would call that a gifted toddler u piece of shit. AHHH MAN, they hate me for being so "cultural" just because i can speak like 3 languages and some fucking latin, because i'm not interested in swedish culture. Because i'm different. Like i said different and different opinions is a bad thing here. And i'm not suprised parents don't understand anything whats going on the times and this world. Stuck in their little rutine and safe bubble of their work and home. Ofc they wont think anything different because they dont get involved with something else. As someone who invests in a lot of time on social media and see a lot of whats going on the world and different cultures and opinions, ofc i would have a broader perspective and way of seeing things. Thats not gonna change. I'm not gonna force any parents to see my way because thats a shitty thing to do. But i just wish, if someone bothered to read all this shit. No matter what, why can't parents be supportive, you don't need to understand it, you don't need be a part of it. Why can't u just tell ur own child like "ohh u wanna do that thing, well good on u! And have fun" is that too much too ask? Supportive parents could change childrens lifes, because no matter what happens you know mom and dad got ur back. So why is it that people like my parents cant even talk to their own kid unless its to relay information about something they have planned, or when they want me to do somethint. They dont ask about me, how im doing or what im thinking. It's probably been 10 years since i last trusted my mom to tell her anything i felt. And ive never talked to my dad that way unless its to defend myself for some bullshit. They cant even remember the names of my friends ive had for the past 7 years. They honestly couldnt give 2 shits about me as a person and it breaks my fucking heart having to deal with this shit. In like 90% of my conversations with my parents its either an argument or im lying trough my teeth to make it seem like im fine, that everything is fine. Because i can't trust the bastards with even my life, which why i fear for my godamn life everyday that they will get tired of me. Which is hella unfair seeming as my sister is barely employed and works like 3 months a year the last 3-4 years. For now i'm being forced to get a drivers license so i can get a job. But when i do get a job and make a decent wage im gonna move into town which litterly makes my cars useless as monthly bus card is probably cheaper then maintaining a car and paying for a parking spot and i would have to look for an apartment with a garage....no thanks..and everyday....just a parking spot at work would be like 1/3 of my salary. Because thise things aint foe free. But i guess i'm gonna be glad once i have a drivers license, even if i dont use it. But i am petty as hell that theyre gonna force it on me and not my sister. If you actually read this you deserve a godamn gold star. Or like an entire cake.
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My thoughts on Voltron season 2
Man i have a lot to say about Voltron season 2.... but i'll hold most of it off because i thought up an entire 10 page essay in my head and im to lazy to fill it all out. Despite my thoughts in the stuff i reblogged it was a good season, i mean the comedy was great, and only felt forced around Lance sadly. But it felt off? Like super weirdly paced and when they started going back to gather material for the whatever name that gravity ring thing was it felt so final. Like this was the end of Voltron, and then you realized you're on the last episode and you never got the things dreamworks promised. I took the things they said lightly because i'm used to being disapointed but i felt like there was such missed oppertunities, like when that alien machinery thing came to life again on Balmera. Wouldn't it have be better if they introduced Alluras magic there and she kicked it's ass by herself instead of being a damsel in distress? But also Keith, oh Keith man, i'm so disapointed we got all that shit with Keith, he was so desperate and fought for what he wanted to know only for Keith to be like "shit boi i don't need my past cause i'm a great paladin and this is my family now" i'm okay with how it turned out that he threw it away but i'm super sad we didn't get more, like just a bit more info would have suficed. The things surrounding Shiro, Pidge, Allura and Hunk i'm suprisingly okay with, also bless Gordon Ramsey Hunk. When i think about everything, let it sink in, it was decent, weirdly paced but decent. Only wished for more character and more actual bonding with eachother. I get that they have a very important task at hand and have to do that and not "bond" but... the times they were waiting for something or was doing something else why not slap in some characters discussing or interacting. It felt like it was just about the fight itself, and not the characters this time. AND MY BIGGEST PROBLEM is Lance....oh Lance....barely no screen time at all, and when he did he was being flirty or fucking around, like a goof, like he was a joke. That all he did in this season was being comic relief. And his only conflict being that he feels left out because he feels that his not good enough which is important by the way, but got played off as he got one comment from Shiro that he did good. Also remember how i sad that comedy involving Lance felt forced? It was super cringey tbh, like it didn't fit in, like Lance explaining the plan, it was goofy af, i felt like it could have been a better option that Lance recited it perfectly in detail and that they would be impressed with him instead. And he could have had a snarky comment on how he actually listens sometimes. He also bothered to learn the Altean clock and kinda proudly told them for them to blow it off as nothing important.... just.... he deserves more. What was suposed to be fun, flirty and quirky Lance just felt so off, either like he was completely dumb and cant read a situation or that his a stranger trying to fit into a group. It was just weird for me, overall good season, a lot of main goal plot, character wise it sucked though. Im just disapointed and salty about a lot of things, hopefully season 3 will fix it. Notice how i didn't bring up any ships? Cause yeah newsflash assholes, your personal opinion on a ship being the reason the series is bad is not real fucking critique. I'm as upset as any Klance shipper and i'm honestly happy for the sheith fandom but you guys need to chill, Klance shippers need to stop attacking with the brother line because that can mean fucking anything tbh and nothing is clear. And Sheith shippers need to get off their high horse and claiming shit is canon when litterly nothing fucking happen. Also its not a coincidence keith thought up that hologram of Shiro since he knew Shiro was the only one there with him that knew. It wouldnt make any sense for him to imagine someone else. Shit i wrote alot anyways....i fucked up but i had too. Can't get it out of my head, my friend hasn't watched it yet, but i did cause bless netflix. It also kept starting the episodes with swedish language since i'm fucking swedish and i almost puked every episode cause the dub was horrible, i had to slam pause and change to english as soon as the episode started cause i almost threw up.
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