#im surviving on memes and long sappy headcanons
televisionforwhales · 4 years
EXTREMELY ready for the 41st timeline Magicians fic wherein they all remember but get to do it again with much less trauma:
-opens of course with Eliot lounging sluttily on the Brakebills sign and he shakily says his "Quentin Coldwater?" because they don't know if the time-travel perfume they spritzed on that bit of Q's soul preserved his memories but he's like "I....died? Um. Hello, hi. what?" Quentin gets reuinions with every one of them where they are properly upset about his death!
-Fogg doesn't have a goddamn clue how the timeline reset but they're handling the Beast way more efficiently this time and he didn't get his eyes yanked out, so, whatever. He'll toast to that. 
-Q feels a bit guilty about being in love with two people and asks for space, sure, but mostly he gets time to figure out how to be a person again and BREATHE
-when they get the god-killing knife they all push Margo to the front and hey, turns out she was qualified to be High King all along so she rules Fillory with her wife-and-eventual-girlfriend Fen. There is plenty of real Eliot&Margo (and marqueliot) bonding that we've been denied. She gets everything she wants.
-Julia and Kady jump right in to making those Hedgewitch connections and fixing the whole damn thing. Best Bitches Fall in Love along the way. They have a triad with Penny40. (Eventual demigoddess Julia??)
-Penny40 remembers the Underworld and there could be a The Good Place-esque afterlife overhaul, maybe. Mostly I care about Penny catching a fucking break!! And he has two girlfriends to dote on like the big softie he really is. 
-I honestly have trouble seeing qualice lasting in the long term, but I'm open to other interpretations (we know our boy is open to polyamory). More than anything I'm invested in them having a friendship. Like...being actual friends who enjoy each other's company without everything being so fraught constantly
-ALSO invested in the Librarian Alice content that was set up and got no follow thru. And since every Magicians woman is a WLW in my heart and she'd be building coalitions with the Hedgewitches AND Fillory... there's plenty of girlfriend material in addition to amazing plot material, just saying!!
-Eliot pointedly asks Kady to hangout on Tuesdays between 1:30-3 and she knows he knows that's when she has her Magicians Anonymous meetings so they make it a weekly thing and he always treats her to lunch and they never talk about recovery outside of that hour and a half meeting but they bond over being completely ride-or-die for their little super nerds
-I'm a simple creature, yes, Queliot will happen. I love the idea of a slow burn between two people who are already in love but have shit to work out first! And Q would be rightfully insecure over being rejected so Mr. Eliot "Acts of Service" Waugh gets to fucking full-out wine and dine him, just, like, woo the boy proper. It's ridiculous.
-Things aren't perfect but they're pretty great sometimes!
-I've already written about their lunches with Ted Coldwater. He isn't the Giles to their Scooby Gang so much as he listens in confusion and pats them all on the shoulder and calls them champ.
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