#im the devil on his shoulder whispering ‘dont u wanna go crazy? dont u wanna go batshit insane?’
sipsteainanxiety · 1 year
confession: before i was a bkg stan i was a deku stan /eyes masterlist/ shocking, i know
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lee-minhc · 5 years
//Unlikely Friends\\ 3
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-a lonely,abused teen calls upon the devil himself for protection against anyone who harms her,and makes an u likely friend along the way
i pull my blazer over my shoulders, and smooth my skirt down as i walk out of my room.i stop at the door to grab my backpack,before walking into the livingroom.
"ready for school?"i hear chan ask everyone.they all groan,as i stay silent.minho looks over to me and sees the stretched out collar.
he stands up and walks up to me,inspecting the collar."that boy did this too,huh?"he asks.i nod my head as i look up into his eyes.
minho waves his hand over my colar and it fixes itself."woah!"i say excitedly as i pull off my blazer and hold it in front of me.
"thats crazy!"i say with a bright smile.i hear the boys chuckle and i smile softly up at minho."thank you"
we all walk into school,everyone immediately staring at the ten of us.i slow down to walk along side minho,slightly grabbing onto his sleeve.
we walk into my class,the boys standing around my desk in the back.the teacher raises an eyebrow.
"and who might you all be?"she asks as she crosses her arms."we are jisoo's cousins.we dont want her going anywhere alone,with what happened to her father"jisung says,keeping a straight face.
the teacher gasps."oh my god.jisoo,that was your father?sweetheart im so sorry"she says softly.i look down,shifting uncomfortably.
"its not like her father actually cared about her.did you see the bruises sticking out of her blazer?"hoseok shouts.
i flinch at his voice,and minho sits next to me,grabbing my hand.in the middle of class,i see minho make a small movement with his hand.
i glance up at him,and immediately i hear a choking sound.i hear a girl scream,then the classroom fills with screams as everyone runs for the door.
minho picks me up,holding my head against his shoulder as he walks out of the room with the rest of the boys.
"what happened"i whisper as i clutch onto minho,not daring to look up,even after he takes his hand off my head.
"his punishment"minho says casually as he sits down in front of the school.i sense the rest of the boys sitting down around us,and start shaking slightly.
minho rubs my back softly,letting me calm down.the paramedics show up and i hear them rushing inside the school.
"will he live?or-"i cut myself off,knowing minho knows exactly what i mean."depends on how good the paramedics are"minho says and i nod my head.
"the police are questioning everyone in the class.just letting you know,little bunny"minho says as he pulls my hair off my neck,and into a loose ponytail,using the hair tie from my wrist.
i hear my name get called with seungmin,and we both head over to the officers.
"what did you see before this all happened?"the officer asks.
"i saw nothing personally,sir.i was too busy keeping an eye on my cousin.she has been very stressed since her father was killed.getting her to sleep or even eat is a chore and a half within and of itself"seungmin lies straight through his teeth.
"oh sweetheart.you all can go home.take all the time you need to recover from all this,okay jisoo?"the principal says softly.i nod my head and walk back to the boys with seungmin.
as we are walking back,they wheel out a covered gurny,and i widen my eyes."seungmin-"i say weakly as i grab his wrist.he turns me away from it,and pulls me against him.
"dont pay any attention to that.you are okay"he whispers."but-"i start."no buts.lets go home"seungmin says as the rest of the boys walk up to us.
we all pile into a bus.i lean against seungmin the whole ride.
when we finally get home,we all go to our rooms to change into pajamas.im the first one finished changing,and decide to go sit out on the balcony.
"little bunny.are you okay?"i hear minho ask."define okay"i mutter as i look down at my hands.
"uh.yeah.im fine.thanks for asking"i answer after a minute of silence."little bunny"he calls and i look up.
"youre okay"he says as he grabs my hands.i nod my head and look back down."im sorry.im just being dramatic about this all.i shouldnt really care anymore anyway.i only have a couple more months till my payment is due"i say not looking up.
i hear minho sigh out and feel him pick me up.i gasp and latch onto him as he walks into the apartment."what movie,guys?"chan asks.
they all look to me and i shrug."i will watch whatever,you guys can choose"i say softly.
hyunjin picks up the remote,and turns on a disney movie.half way through the movie,i decide to start making dinner.
chan gets up to help,but i push him back down."no i wanna do it myself"i say with a smile.
he chuckles and nods his head.i walk into the kitchen and get started,softly singing along to the songs in the movie.
"turn it down a little"i faintly hear jeongin say.i shrug it off,and continue singing,not noticing how i get louder.
once i do notice,i decide it isnt worth being embarrased over,and sing along passionately to the start of so this is love.
i hear someone walk in,and turn to see woojin.i smile softly at him and turn back to the food.
woojin takes the steaks,and slides them into the oven,setting the timer for me.i wipe my hands on the apron,and then pull it off of my body.
i go to walk back into the livingroom,but woojin grabs my hand and spins me back to him,grabbing my other hand.
we start dancing,just like the prince and cinderella,making our way to the livingroom slowly.
i laugh out as he dips me down when the song ends."woojin!"i screech out as he holds me like that.he pulls me back up with a bright smile.
"youre a very good dancer,woojin"i say warmly."thank you!ive had a long,long time to learn,and practice"he says with a wink.
"i bet"i say playfully as i slap his shoulder lightly.i walk to the couch,and sink into the back of it,fixing my eyes on the screen.
i feel a weight on my lap and look down,seeing hyunjin looking at the tv.i run my fingers through his hair,and smile softly as he leans into my touch.
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