#im watching a hnk video and i remembered watanabe getting harrased by trigun/hnk fans cuz orange is working on beastars
weirdcat1213 · 10 months
honestly every fucking studio in the world should follow what orange does. Do they take +5 years on making a 12 episode anime? GOOD! cuz they fucking deliver and not only animation-wise. Their writing and directing team have time to actually get attached and care about the story, to think every scene by the millimeter. They take their time to let musicians compose what they think is the best score for their animes.
and most fucking importantly THEY DONT OVERWORK THEM TO DEATH
Animation is fucking hard but if every studio took the time and care like orange the industry would be so much better
"but they take too long" I hear you, houseki no kuni fan, and as a fellow fan, I can tell you QUALITY OVER QUANTITY!
capitalism has destroyed the industry so much because we rather have a long ass catalog of stuff we probably will never watch rather than wait for every fucking piece to be the best version of itself. I need you guys to open your eyes and think about our artistic legacy and how capitalism is making us leave a trail of corpses behind instead of completed pieces.
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