#im willing to engage with people asking good faith questions but dont come in here trying to change my mind or whatever
deslizada · 7 months
I will repeat myself: if you are campaigning for biden now, before he has called for a ceasefire, you are giving not only him but the entire democratic party a blank check to murder Palestinians. this is unequivocally what you are doing. if you do every reasonable thing you can to pressure him (including voting uncommitted in the primary!) and you're still stuck choosing between him and trump in November, that's one thing, but actively campaigning for him now? you are underwriting the genocide in the name of self-preservation.
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amourete-blog1 · 8 years
(( in which felide is a catalyst for this hell we call a relationship to actually work
tagging: @trolljacksparrow @hereticalsym69ls @roseredmutant
aberrantcadenza I'm trying to assume good faith here, so bear with me, but... did you ever have any intention of actually tolerating Lil?
trolljacksparrow i did/do my post wwasnt a judgment of him on a...it wwas not meant to imply that he is a bad person, because i dont think that, it wwas meant to state that he cant argue to savve his life arguing/debating wwith him is pointless because his analogies vverge into the barely-connected and ridiculous, not only the limeblood/tyfora thing but that time he compared pale assault to howw the signless tried to change alternia and he argues only about things he is emotional about, and hes got 10 vvioletbloods wworth of temper, wwhich just turns the arguement into yelling until he is physically separated from his devvice like nothing wwill get done???? its pointless, it wwill just bring stress to evveryone invvolvved and make evveryone upset??? givve people loww moodswwings?? wwhats the point im not dragging him to you - like, im not saying im any better wwhatsoevver lmao try havving an arguement wwith me about slavvery and see wwhere that wwill get you - i am saying wwhy i said wwhat i said. and i stand by it. sparks shouldnt havve engaged him because he sees evvery question as a deliberate antagonism instead of a misunderstanding/asking for clarification. wwas my remark timed badly? probably yes. could i havve done better? also yes. did i say it /solely/ because i disagree wwith him? no. thats wwhy i didnt just say 'ok ill stop' to xanthe, because he said im only doing it cause i dont like him and that wwas incorrect.
aberrantcadenza And yet everything you've said has had the same terse tone of malice? And you're here admitting that you're no better, and... making no attempt to change or help it? There are so many other ways to make the same point and I know Artifex says "Nadaya is a salt pillar," but I also know Nadaya as a kindhearted rebel who is trying his best to be the best lover he can, and for that reason I'm actually genuinely *baffled* that you would continue this, since it appears to be no accident. To outline exactly the implications of this situation: Xanthe has been sitting, totally unresponsive, for a full day and night, and yet another day. He won't speak. He won't express and he won't eat. You may not like Lil, and you're allowed that much, but if you think for one second that somehow takes precedence over your relationship with Xanthe then you and he need to have a serious talk about priorities. In a time like this I would ask you to consider how you would feel, if someone insulted one of your lovers, whether or not that insult was valid if delivered in that same tone.
trolljacksparrow wwhat the fuck is up wwith xanthe wwhat the wwhat the fresh hell caused this
aberrantcadenza Well, considering the only thing that impacted his rather good mood at the time was that entire thread of conversation... And considering, also, that like I said, he's not talking, I can only assume that's it.
trolljacksparrow really my grand total of 2 replies caused a /shutdowwn/ ivve argued wwith lil before and nothing like this happened are you sure
aberrantcadenza "Entire thread of conversation" - meaning not just you.
trolljacksparrow oh, wwhat other convversation? are you sure it isnt like....the thing the brain thing
aberrantcadenza He was with me at the time. Although Hellen did have some influence, that wasn't all that caused it. I don't think you're wholly at fault. I don't think Lil is either, nor Hellen, nor Artifex. I *do* think that your general attitude of apathy towards a rather important matter and your insistence to continue to make passes at Lil even after you've said you were trying to make peace is a relevant issue, even if it's not the sole cause of his shutdown. Which I never said it was, only that it had an impact.
trolljacksparrow to clarify - terse tone of malice wwas uninentonal, i wwas a bit  tired that he said i only spoke up because i dont like lil no i dont think it takes precedence lmao wwhat evven??? i /am/ trying to get better though, i dont usually engage things i knoww wwill make me mad, and i knoww howw to control my anger far better than he does - i only mentioned it so you wwouldnt think im acting holier-than-thou
aberrantcadenza Okay. That helps.
trolljacksparrow ......hellen????????
aberrantcadenza ... Fuck.
trolljacksparrow ???
aberrantcadenza *The brain thing.
trolljacksparrow OH ...i can check if its hellen, and removve ..her? influence, if i see him
aberrantcadenza You can do that?
trolljacksparrow yes rogue of hope i did it before im basically a buff/debuff support but for people's wwills
aberrantcadenza Although that title has no meaning to me, I recognize at least the um. Rogue? part as a "god" title(???) ... But if you can do that, yes. I think you should, and I'll invite you here to do it. We're on Alternia right now and no one can come here without explicit invitation* (*Or else their insides melt) But. When I mentioned "dislike of Lil taking precedence over your relationship with Xanthe," what I mean is that you'd rather hold onto that dislike in a kind of petty way than let it go in favor of letting Xanthe have longer than a week of peace. I know now that you said what you did because you were tired, but please... As your friend and as your metamour, I am *begging* you to think just a little bit more about this, to consider what you want and what you're willing to give for it. If this is how you get when you're tired, *please* clarify that. Where miscommunications happen and people are hurt there is still time to make amends and try to right unintentional harm done. If you want to write a message to Lil explaining that, I will ensure he gets it. I will go to the ends of this multiverse to make sure this relationship works because I care about you. All of you. ... Buff?
trolljacksparrow ...wwhats a metamour?
aberrantcadenza We have mutual lover. So, through Xanthe, you are my metamour, and vice-versa.
trolljacksparrow .......thats adorable okay that wwas a vvideogame metaphor basically i can sense people's wwill/hope and either take it or imbue it
aberrantcadenza :00 Damn.
trolljacksparrow alright howwevver, wwhat am i supposed to do wwhen The Shit happens again, as it inevvitably wwill? also - you think that getting him to unblock me just to read a message dressing him dowwn for his arguement skills is a good idea? really?
aberrantcadenza The point of this hypothetical message isn't to dress him down. It's to explain what you meant vs what may have been perceived, because whether or not you intended for it to be worded harshly, it came across that way. Disengage. If you see things start to go south, disengage. If you feel it's appropriate to do so, apologize and step back. If you don't trust yourself but things still need to be resolved, get me or Xanthe.
trolljacksparrow i mean...you knoww thats howw hell percievve it, especially coming from me "hey i didnt mean to be petty i just meant you suck at arguing"
aberrantcadenza As I said: I will go to the ends of this multiverse to make sure this relationship works. If clarification is needed, I will provide it. I'll help you edit your message to be seamless. I will ensure Lil doesn't take it the wrong way. I would vouch for both of you until the day I cease existing.
trolljacksparrow thats some serious determination oh, are you gonna invvite me or?
aberrantcadenza :??
trolljacksparrow to the alternia
aberrantcadenza Yeah. ... Just think about what I said, please?
trolljacksparrow yeah?
aberrantcadenza It doesn't have to be now.
trolljacksparrow i wwill i should probably send that message wwhen im /not/ solar-flare furious at him for upsetting my belovved though
aberrantcadenza I cordially invite you to come visit us, etc. etc. I don't think these invitations need a set format, but if they do, you're invited. -- [althivecoords.txt] --
trolljacksparrow aight omww
aberrantcadenza Lmao, *you're* furious? Keep your anger to a minimum. Do what you need to do to make that happen. We're doing this for Xanthe.
trolljacksparrow wwhy do you think im not engaging???????
aberrantcadenza Just making sure we're hardened-sediment clear.
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